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01x02 - Catch You Later

Posted: 03/13/15 17:02
by bunniefuu
Previously on Dig...

We are talking to our contact at the INP about handing over Yussef Khalid.

He's my suspect.

The breastplate, it's supposed to be worn by some high priest.

He uses it as some kind of a device to communicate with God.

We can't be too careful, so we have a young man watching her.

You've been studying all these years for a very important reason.

Why does it have to be me?

I'll be good from now on, I swear.

It's too late for that, Josh.

Who are you?

I'm Joshua.

Her body was found at Kidron Valley this morning.

Security camera caught her with this man.

Peter: I gotta go.

[knocking at door]

It's open.

Golan: Looks like you'll live.


Let's go back.

You say a car came out of nowhere, crashed the van and grabbed Yussef.

That's right.

It's the out of nowhere part that bothers me.

It should.

They knew the route, the timing, everything.

I couldn't see anybody's face, I got out of the car, I followed on foot.

And put two b*llet holes through the back window.

I said "please" when I yelled "stop," if it helps.

So, how did they get away?

I guess I missed them.

I got there, the car was empty.

You shot at an empty car?

I guess you had to be there.


Oh, did it seem odd for you too that it just happened to be in front of Emma Wilson's apartment?

Yes, but it turned out that Emma Wilson and Yussef Khalid are connected.


I went into the apartment and he was there.

Looking for something.


We didn't exactly exchange niceties.

He got the jump on me.

Got me on my knees.

Thought he was gonna k*ll me.

Why didn't he?

Why don't you ask him when we find him?

So, what exactly are we doing here?

And why did you drag me down here?

I'm just taking your statement, that's all.

Well, we could have done that in the hotel.

There's just nice lighting here.

Hey, guys.

Someone want to tell me what's going on here?

Nothing, just having a conversation.

I'm just filling in Detective Cohen here on some of the details of tonight's adventure.

Maybe you want to fill me in first.

He's free to go, right?

Of course.

Lynn: Okay, you're telling me you can't ID any of them?

I was upside down, the car was totaled.

Why didn't you call for backup?

Because it was over before it started.

They knew exactly where we were gonna be.

The Ambassador is hosting 100 people at the consulate for dinner tonight.

Somebody's gonna ask about it, what am I gonna tell her to say?

Well, unfortunately, uh, it gets a little worse.

Great. How?

The picture... the corrupted image that, uh...

Of Emma Wilson and the suspect.

I think Detective Cohen has figured out that it's me... in the picture.

What do... What do you mean?

I met her that night.

And I walked with her through the city.

Jesus Christ.

Okay, it was completely innocent.

I thought she might be connected to Yussef Khalid and I was right.

Lynn? Lynn.

Oh, my God.

Lynn, Lynn, Lynn, Lynn.

There's something going on here.

You have to trust me.

Trust you?

Personally? Professionally?

I'm onto something. You know it.

You have to tell Detective Cohen it was you in that picture.

No, no, I can't do that.

Before it goes too far.

Why not?

'Cause he's not gonna let me work either case if he thinks I'm involved.

Would you?

What are you gonna tell Cohen?

Hey, partner, ready to start doing some old fashioned leg work?


I thought we'd go to the CCTV center, see if they could pick up Khalid's trail.

Sound like a plan?

I'll get my jacket.

All right.

Pastor Billingham wants to see you.


Faye, what is going on here?

That boy, he looked just like Josh, but he wasn't him.

How is that possible?

Billingham: "There is a way that seems right to a man.

It's a sign post for us... isn't it, Debbie?

For the choices we make.

Faye tells me... that you have seen... things that you weren't supposed to see.

I don't know what I saw, and I don't know what to think about what I saw.

I know.

These things aren't easy to explain.

But first, we need to see if there is still commitment to our mission.

You see, I believe the Lord is testing both of us.

Because we both need his forgiveness.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God. What happened to him?

He would have been 13 today.

One more day.

All of this would have been avoided.

But his sojourn into the desert changed everything.

Made him impure. Soiled.

So we had to move to an alternate plan.

It is of great importance that we know now what is in your heart, Debbie.

So, I'm asking you... are you still with us?


Yes, I'm still with you.

[branches cracking] [wings flapping]

[knocking at door]

You're early.

What the hell are they doing out there unprotected?

You were supposed to watch them at all times.

60 kilometers to the nearest village.

They are fine.

An Essene will crawl 60 kilometers in the snow, naked if he has to.

You have no idea who we are dealing with.


[muttering in Hebrew]

Kids, they'll drive you crazy, right?


Hey, uh, that corrupted picture, the one you were trying to recover.

What about it?

Any luck?

Luck is overrated.

You want to catch a k*ller, you gotta be smarter than they are.

Fortunately, most of them are idiots.



CCTV Tech: We lost him when he went down that alley.

And then picked him up here crossing Nordau Street.

And then again here on the corner of Yafo and Rashi.

And then, nothing.

But, if he's still in the city in a public place we'll find him.

Really? You're that sure?

Golan: Israeli face recognition software.

State of the art.

Yeah, if I'm not mistaken, developed by the FBI.

And perfected by us.

Took us two years to fix the bugs.


CCTV Tech: Just give us a few hours to comb the files, okay?

Okay, genius, what's our next move?

Reporter on TV: The agreement was brokered by US Special Envoy, Dennis Barnett, who arrived in Jerusalem today and met with Ambassador Riddell.

Mr. Barnett's visit comes less than 24 hours after the brazen escape of Yussef Khalid.

An American citizen wanted in connection with a m*rder in Chicago.

After months of speculation, the Israeli government confirmed a major breakthrough in the peace process with the Helsinki Accords.

This historic agreement outlines a two-state solution and puts Israel...

[phone trilling]

I have to make the delivery now.

No, it can't wait a few days.

If they arrest me, we'll lose the stone forever.

It has to be tonight.


[Phone line clicks]
Billingham: Hello, Josh.

Hello, sir.

Today is a very special day.

Do you know why?

It's my birthday.

That's right.

You're 13 years old.

We're gonna celebrate your Bar Mitzvah later today.

You've been studying very hard, for a very long time.

Faye tells me you can recite your entire haftorah portion by heart.

I can.

And today you'll find out what all that work has been for.

Why you've been raised here.

Why you've never been allowed to set foot on the ground.

But first I want to tell you something, and I want you to listen to every word, carefully.

You understand?


I know you've been told that your parents are coming for you.

But they're not.

No one is.

The truth is, you don't have parents.

Or at least, not in the normal sense.

Ours is a God of miracles.

And you, son, are a miracle.

Call no man your father upon the Earth.

For you have one father, and he is in heaven.

That's right, son.

I think you're gonna be just find.


[door opens]

Faye: When you're done here, take the box to Pastor Billingham's office.

Are those tears?

I think we should go back to the dig.

Question her coworkers.

[phone rings]

[speaking Hebrew]

Vicki Connelly.


Everything all right?

Actually, something came up, we gotta go back to the precinct.

Take you back to the consulate.

All right.


Where are you going?

Oh, I was just going to get some fresh air.

Pastor Billingham says I'll be learning a very important part of the ritual tonight.

I didn't know what to expect, and just nervous I guess.

Well, you'll do fine.

You're very strong. You're very brave.

Everyone here loves you.

I was just hoping I could look at you if I get scared.

And I wouldn't miss it for the world.

[horns honking]

Stop honking.

It's just noise. Your just making noise.

That's all it is.

Calms my nerves. Give it a try.

Nobody in this country has any God damn patience.

Patience. [Speaking Hebrew]

Must be what they taught you in the seminary.

What? You think you Americans are the only ones spying on your allies?

Not that different.

I mean the priesthood, and the FBI.

Both have rules, uniforms, oaths of allegiance.

Part I don't get is three years in the seminary, days before you get your collar and boom, [whistles] you drop out.

Probably an interesting story in there somewhere.

Just drive.

Catch you later.

Can it wait?


Yes, Peter?

I think Detective Cohen is about to arrest me.

Can't make a move without informing you first.

I need you to buy me a couple of hours.

No, I told you to come clean. Tell the truth.

You're innocent, you'll be fine.

It's not about me being fine.

Peter, I want you to stand down, let Detective Cohen take the lead on this case.

It's too messy for you.

Don't patronize me, Lynn.

You think I can't think straight because the victim has red hair?

What was that course of yours I took at Quantico?


I sat in the front row and you paid absolutely no attention to me.

Believe me, I noticed you.

We all thought that the way you analyzed a case, the way you deciphered clues and signs, it was some kind of magic, parlor trick.

Well, maybe it was.


You said it was about being willing to see yourself in every crime.

Make it matter. Make it personal.

You've taken it too far, Peter.

I'm sorry to tell you, but sometimes bad things do happen to good people.

As your friend, I am asking you and begging you to snap the hell out of it.

I'm asking you to buy me some time.

You didn't hear a word I just said.

I don't want to be put in this position.

Three hours.


[speaking Hebrew]



Excuse me.


[approaching footsteps]

I know what you're thinking, but I didn't k*ll her.

Put the g*n down.


[cow moos]

Haim: Shit.

[Josh reading in Hebrew]

Praise Jesus.

All: Amen.

The first one is the hardest.

It gets easier.

[cell phone rings]

[cell phone rings]

Peter: Oh, you know this is ridiculous, right?

Okay, yes, obviously I was with her.

So you knew her?

No, I just met her that night.

Met how?

I saw her during the day when we were chasing Yussef Khalid, and I followed her.

So it wasn't because she reminded you of your daughter?


Did you sleep with her?

No, I didn't sleep with her.


She took me down to the tunnels where she worked.

She showed me, we walked around, we talked.

That's it?

Yes, that's it.

Golan: [speaks Hebrew]

Head down.


[video game chiming]

And what about Yussef Khalid?

How does he fit in?


Sh... She was at the market.

And I don't think it was a coincidence.

I think she was meant to give him something.

A st... A stone.

I think that's what he was looking for in her apartment, and he took it off me and ran.

Wait, this stone, what did it look like?

How big was it?

Uh, couple inches by an inch.

Rectangle. Red.


The breastplate.


The artifact Yussef had in his backpack.

A breastplate worn by the high priest 2,000 years ago in the temple...

[cell phone ringing]

What happened?

Tracking Yussef Khalid on CCTV.

Would you take these things off me?

Let's go find him.

Come on.

You're serious?

[siren blaring]

[fog horn blares]


That boat, where is it going?

Split, Croatia.

Golan: All right, there he is.

Is this live?

No, there's an 8-second delay to the feed.

He's heading north on Strauss.

No, he turned left.


Turned left. Coming back on this side.

On Yafo. That's five blocks from here.

Give me your phone.

What are you doing?

Hold on a sec.

[phone rings]

Say hello.



You're calling yourself?

Peter: Yeah, tell me which way to go.

Where to now?

He's rounding the next corner, heading west on Ben Yehuda.

It's a dead end.

It dead ended, I can't get through.

Okay, I see him, he's one street over to your left.

You gotta go around.

Straight ahead. Straight ahead.

Where now?

He took the northeast exit...

Really? Northeast?

You can't give me left and right?

Left. Left. 50 meters.

I see it.

Now take a left on Kfar Etsyon.

I think I got him.

Peter: That's him.


Ah, shit.

Ah, shit.

Wait. Stop.

Ah, shit.

Golan: Yeah? I lost you. Where were you?

You're not gonna believe this.

Did you get him?


But I think I know where he is.

Man: So I find myself on a private plane with Putin, just the two of us, and the whole time I'm FaceTiming with my 5-year-old.

I don't know if we made any progress with the Russians, but I did get Putin to sing "Happy Birthday" with me.


Excuse me.

[door beeps and buzzes]

I'll just be a minute.

You picked a hell of a time for this.

[safe clicks, beeps and opens]

[device crackles and beeps]

Only one more stone left to find.

The most difficult one.

Now get the hell out of here.

The same way you came in.