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01x01 - Pilot

Posted: 03/12/15 11:05
by bunniefuu
So this chick thought being a Powers cop meant that I had powers myself.

Yeah. I'm sure you set her straight.

I might have suggested that I was bulletproof.

Check it out.

Settle down, big guy.

Iron Impact, ladies and gentlemen.

He'll be appearing here all day before his tour takes him to the Shaft for an extended residency.


No, stop. You're too kind.

Walker, Zerotron here is giving me shit on that club fire.

Yeah, give me a sec.

Stockley, your kid called.

Is everything okay?

Something about a track meet, I don't know.

Listen, call Krispin. I'll lock up this assh*le.

Don't worry about it. I got him.

You sure?

Deal with that assh*le over there.

Okay, big guy.

Zerotron-X, you've been lighting up again.

No, man.


Krisp! What's up, kid?

Dose him again, Bri.

So, tell me what happened at the club?

Stop him! Against the wall!

Stop him now!

I'm Mario Lopez.

Extra's obtained exclusive footage of the attack on a veteran detective inside the police station.

Well, in a tragic oversight, Iron Impact didn't get the right dose of sedatives which is mandated in all Powers arrests.

Now, viewers will recognize Detective Christian Walker, saving the day, but not at all like he did when he wore the mantle of Diamond.

A former icon of the Powers community, Diamond once ranked among the best.

He was not only a teammate of Olympia and Triphammer, but also Retro Girl herself.

These Heroes United once partied as hard as they fought to protect the city.

And now, the big question, can we trust this fallen hero?

Diamond was once close friends with the notorious Johnny Royalle as well as the murderous Wolfe.

And while Royalle is assumed dead, and Wolfe behind bars, there's a shadow over Diamond's reputation to this day.

That was before he lost his powers and became Detective Christian Walker of Powers Division.

But now everyone is wondering, were these deaths due to police negligence, accident or m*rder?

And whose side is Diamond, excuse me, Detective Walker truly on?

Stay tuned.

Back to you, Mike.

How does it feel, Christian?

In your heart, I mean.

How does it feel when they die and die and keep on dying?

How does it feel to be powerless?

What color mask was he wearing?

Powers Division is not what you'd call over-resourced.

Metro PD would rather not be reminded we exist, so the city gave us this building.

It was a post office in the '30s.

Half of our equipment's been seized from busts.

In the five years since I founded the division, we've never had a budget increase.

You've had enough of the Sheriff's Department?


Outer Banks Patrol Division.

What was that like?

Talking bangers and straight up criminal types?

We got the job done.

But some Power gets out of hand, policy was leave 'em the f*ck alone.

Let a hero take care of it.

Any alliances?

Sheriff is tight with Blackguard.

But can't always get him on the phone.

We don't leave them the f*ck alone here.

And we don't wait for tactical support from a hero.

Often as not, we pay a price.


Someone should that clean up.

I wanted you to see it first.

Good luck, Detective.

Thank you, sir.

Introduce yourself.

See if you can teach him something.

Detective Kutter.

Nice g*ns.

Nice chin pubes, Kutter.

I'm your new partner, Deena Pilgrim.

Big shoes.


How old is this car?

Where are we headed?

My condolences. I...

Yeah. What...



Man, you okay?

No school?

Back tomorrow.

Mom doesn't want me getting depressed.


How's the job?

Still the job.

k*ll any more Powers?

That's not the job.

Should be.

I was a Power, Krispin.

No, I...

Who is it, Krisp?

It's Walker.

Brian's desk.

Just thought you should have it.

Can I?


You were a hero, Walker.

That's different from just being a Power, you know?

Are you sure there's nothing in there that'll hurt him?

I had to turn in Brian's back up piece and all that stuff.

I mean, like, a phone with names, numbers, pictures of Brian's girls.

I took care of it.


You okay?

I tried to call.

I didn't want to talk.

But you didn't...

That's why I didn't answer the phone.

Yeah, sure, okay.

Yeah, okay.

I could eat something.

New guy drives.

I said no onions.

You hear me say no onions?

All right, I'm gonna say something.

You look different without the mask.

That was the idea.

Most of those masks.

Come on, you figured you'd make those guys right away.


You look really different.

I never got made.

My neighbors didn't look twice.

It's context.

Nobody expects to see a Power like Diamond mowing his lawn.

You mowed your own lawn?

No, I live in a condo. The lawn was a for instance.

Sure. So, for instance, where's your condo?

Tailor Heights. You?

I'm, between places.

Had a personal thing go to shit.

So, I'm staying in Cannon Flats with my dad.


Man. What is that like?

Come on. Let's go see a dead body.

Jesus, shit, Philip.

That's a really big, really naked dead body.

It's Olympia.


You've ever seen a Power f*cking?

g*dd*mn Olympia.

My dad loves this guy.

Cops on his task force in the day, they all had Olympia tattoos.

You're Waldo Pilgrim's daughter. Right?

Is she the girl?



We're thinking hero over there is good for at least statutory r*pe.

You left her in here?

I was waiting on a matron.

You okay?

I don't feel different at all.

Let's get out of here.


What the f*ck is her problem?

You're an assh*le is her problem.

Another day with you and she'll know what an assh*le really is.

I'm not going to wait forever.

He's never late.

I'm not meant to be here.

I told you we needed to expand.

He hooked Olympia up with a girl.

Got her to pass him some Sway.

Yeah, I did.

I'm fronting this and I'm getting what?

Sway could be huge. But people have to know about it.

Who's the girl?

A Wannabe.

He's got her shacked at the old Prattland rail barn.

Is that where she is now?

Call for you.

Who is it?

It's me.

What do you want?

I didn't say.


Olympia is dead.


The police have the girl.

Powers Division.

Bug, you've made things much harder for me.

Hitting the Sway?

Giving your powers a boost?

That's the idea, isn't it?

Everyone gets a boost.

Not everyone.

Just the ones who need it most.

The outcasts, the foundlings, the broken toys.

We're throwing money away giving Sway to these f*cking Powerz Kidz.

I was one of those "f*cking Powerz Kidz."

Never fear, Bug.

We are all of us merely here then gone.


You know, back when I was what I was, this girl, one time after she blew me, she flew.

Hovered, really.

It happens sometimes with an exchange of fluids.

And it's something you can try if you're a Powers wannabe.

You're talking about girls sucking off heroes to get a dose of powers?

Not just girls. Boys do it, too.

Shitbag Olympia m*therf*cker.

All right.

I have soda, juice, water,

candy, chips, Snickers.

Help yourself.

It's okay. I can talk enough for the both of us.

You know, finding a guy like Olympia dead.

That must have been really scary.

I don't know, maybe it was a relief, depending on what was going on?

You don't have to be scared now.

Whoever k*lled Olympia can't touch you here.

Olympia can't touch you either.

What do you even do here?

Powers Division is a circus.

Everyone knows that.

I don't think you're really in a...

Cops never ever catch the really big, really bad Powers.

You didn't catch Pulp or Black Mondo.

Without help from other Powers, you're f*cked.

You're kind of a...

I caught Wolfe.

You didn't catch Wolfe.

That old Power did.

It was a big deal when I was a kid.

The guy with the funny mask.

"The guy with the funny mask."

Yeah, but you lost your powers fighting Wolfe later, when he escaped.

Then you became a cop.

There's a whole Powers That Be episode about you.


Cross needs you.

It's cool that you're Diamond and shit, but it's not like you're Supershock.

Or Retro Girl.

She's only, like, a goddess.

You were a thing.

I know everything about her.

You were a thing.

My God. You hooked up with Retro Girl.

You want to see something?

This is where she hangs out.

She's a bird of prey and that's her perch.

That is badass.


How did you find out you had powers?

In high school, back in Seattle, we used to sneak out onto the docks, climb the cargo cranes, drink beer.

Do dares.

Who can go out the farthest on the gantry.

I was out there pretty far one night, and the wind gusted and I slipped.

I fell.

I was falling, and all I wanted was to miss the ground, but I was gonna hit it no matter what.

And then, I didn't.

I swooped really fast.

That's how it started for me.

I have powers.

But it's really hard, waiting to find them.

Sometimes, I forget I lost mine.

I can still feel them, you know, like a phantom limb.

You should try to do it, jump off something really tall again.

Yeah, no, it doesn't work like that.

There was a whole episode on Powers That Be about heroes that lost their powers, and then they would try to get them back...

Yeah, you don't know what the f*ck you're talking about, okay?

I want my phone.

I want to call someone.


My mom.


It's me.

I'm at the police station.

Bug isn't here.

He asked me to help you if you called.

Who is this?

Friend, if you need one.

Look around yourself.

Can you tell me where you are?

What station is this?

Midtown Central.

Did you hear that?


One of those interrogation rooms like on TV.

I'm diabetic. I can't eat any of this junk.

Do you have any nuts?

Yeah, nuts it is.

Deena, get her some nuts.

Well you took over the show, get your own f*cking props.

I stepped in there to help you. The least you could do...

She's eating out of the palm of your hand. Look at...


It takes some getting used to.

Where's Bug?

He's been helping me.

He's been helping you, how?

He's introducing me to Powers.

Like Olympia.

He said maybe I could meet more if I wanted.

He gave you Sway for Olympia.


And he took it.

And we hooked up.

I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth after, you know.

And I came back and he was dead.

Can you tell me who you talked to at Powers Division?

That cop that used to be somebody.



Yeah, nuts it is.

Deena, get her some nuts.

What was that?

Johnny Royalle.

Royalle is dead.

Yeah, but that distortion is his power signature.

We need to call the Shaft.

I called the Shaft.

All stations are secure.

Wolfe hasn't moved.

Royalle is dead.

There's no way he can teleport Wolfe out of the Shaft.

Am I the only one that sees we need a Dangerous Powers Bulletin on this girl?

We DPB her and it will be open season.

She's a Wannabe.

Have you spoken with Dr. Death?

We need to find the girl.

She'll be down on the strip with the Powerz Kidz.

Get a cause of death on Olympia before the media makes one up.

Did you tell him about Bug? About Sway?

I grew up with Walker.


He picked that name because he wanted to be thought of as hard, sharp-edged.

But he wasn't.

And that gap between who he wanted to be and who he really was cost him his powers.

It's very hard to know who we really are.

The secret to doing everything that you are capable of is to understand how little time we have.

We're all of us merely here, then gone.

I know what I am.

I'm a Power.

I just don't have my powers yet.

And Olympia was gross and old, and whatever...

I thought it would help turn my powers on.

I didn't feel anything.

Can Bug, maybe, introduce me to someone else?

So I can try again?

Bug doesn't work for me anymore.

He broke the rules.

You'll have to stay here for now.

But it's boring here.

It's not as boring as jail.

I'll find you a better place soon.

A home, if you like.

Well, I may have lost Bug, but it seems I've gained a true friend, I hope.

His heart exploded.

Like a heart attack?

Like a b*mb.


He was on a ton of shit.

Maybe there was a weird interaction that...

A weird interaction?

Sure, yeah, cocaine could have blown up his heart.

So might a bee sting or a solar flare.

He could be vulnerable to p*ssy for all I know.

All I want is for science to work right.

But the Powers f*ck that up!


I got you a triple shot, red-eye espresso.

Praise God.

Yes. Well, all that aside, there was something weird.

Whatever was in this envelope you found.

Here, it's on The Powers That Used To Be app.

Really, I thought all the Kidz were into Supershock.

I like vintage.

And you were hot.

She's a Retro Girl fan.

Into vintage like you.

You know her?

Her name's Calista.

Just a Wannabe. She hangs out sometimes.

Okay, call me if you see her?

What's your number?


Call me if you see her, yeah? Powers Division.

Thank you.

Sure, any time.

My name's Zora.


See you around if you know where to find me.

Here and Gone.

Keep those powers in your pants.

Classy, Walker.

She recognized me.

And you worked her for her number.

I worked her for a name.




That girl.

She said, "Here and gone."

Royalle, when he used his powers, he used to say, "Here and gone."

His catch phrase.

Okay, I get it.

We got one girl disappearing and another using Royalle's tag line.

Everyone says Royalle is dead.

Okay, Wolfe ate Royalle, yeah?




Walker, you okay?

Wolfe ate Royalle.


I need to talk to Wolfe.

It's half a kilometer straight down.

Your ears might pop, just so you know.

I just gotta say it's such an honor to meet you, sir.

Thank you.

I was such a fan.

I saw Diamond, saw you fight Pulp this one time.

You remember? You put this move on him.

It was so crazy. Man, I...

Yeah, I've fought Pulp a few times.

Yeah. Yeah, this way.

Through there?

So you guys here to see the show?

What? That's the only visitors he gets.

It's a real trip when they do the lobotomy.


That doesn't look good.


Wait for it.

The flowers.


It's the same thing every single time.

Give me that.

He's not a f*cking toy!

Back up.

Are you in there, old man?

He's gonna wake up.

And that spike is the only thing to shut off his brain.

We need his brain on.

Tell me about Johnny Royalle.



What happened to Royalle?

Did you k*ll him?



He was right there, in front of me.

Sir, move away from the prisoner.

One f*cking second.

Okay. He was in front of you?

And then what happened?

He was right there. And then he went away. And left me.

Over and over.

Sir, move away from the prisoner!

What do you mean he went away?


Is he alive?

Is Royalle alive?


He's waking up. Take him out.

Clear the field of fire, now!

I never should have taken it away from you.

You can have everything back.

Just get me out of here.


Last chance, sir.

It's your own fault they're all dead.

I can't...

Sir, move away from the prisoner!


Lovely one.

What the hell was that?

Unlock the car.

What did he mean?

Unlock this f*cking door.

"I never should have taken them"?

Give me those f*cking keys.

"You can have them all back?"

My powers!


He has my f*cking powers!


It's unlocked.

When Royalle and I first came here, Wolfe was our teacher.


Listen, it was different then, okay?

Wolfe was this rock-star philosopher badass.

But you put Wolfe away.

g*dd*mn right, I did.

He went crazy.

He k*lled my friends.

I caught him. Sure. f*ck.

And then Royalle broke him out.

Never proved, but no one else could have.

That was the Sky Terrace m*ssacre.

Five-hundred and sixty-seven people.

Wolfe consumed them.

I tried to stop him again, but he...

He f*cking tried to eat me.

And he...

He still has my powers.


I had a really great time, Walker. Call me again?

You know, I asked for Powers Division.

I asked to work with you.

No cop in the world knows what you know.

No one else can teach me how a Power thinks.

And I think you and I could make a really good team.

Get the f*ck out of my car.


What's up?

Nothing. Just thought I'd call.

Thought maybe you put eyes on Calista?



So, whatcha doin'?


Yeah. Where?

Powers' crib. It's on O'Dell and 7th.

Yeah, I know it. See you in five.

Great, I'll be here.

You're a bad girl.

Got my ass rousted by Powers-D 'cause of you.

It was Diamond.


That's his real name.

Diamond is his real name.

Powers, we choose our real names.

It's part of what makes us what we are.

How we're different.


You don't belong here.

Little Wannabe.

Nothing up my sleeve.


Retro Girl.




Johnny Royalle.


Rest in peace.

Olympia dying, k*lling Bug.

It's too much exposure.

We can't wait.

We'll start tonight.

I'll see the supplier. I'll make more Sway.

We should do something about the girl.


In what circumstances did we find each other?

The girl's not a risk.

She's lost. She needs a home.

What are we building here if not a home?


This is not your usual scene?

Kids have been squatting here since my day.

I carved my initials upstairs somewhere.

You wanna show me?

I know what's upstairs.


You missed the Wannabe.


She booked on out of here.


Can you wait? Diamond.

Why didn't you tell me she was here?

Because I...

What the f*ck were you thinking?

I wanted to see you.

Where did she go?

She ran away. I don't know.


But you could stay.

Or we could go to your place.

Go back inside, little girl.

Calista was right.

Your real name is Walker.

Like, as in one who walks because he can't fly anymore.


You were right.

She does hang out here.

I can feel her.


What does that feel like?


Being here...

It's like I am Retro Girl.


She's not who you think she is, you know?

None of the Powers are.

They're weak. Their powers make them weak.

They stop growing, stop trying, because they don't have to.

You don't want to be like that.

You don't understand.

You had powers.

You just fell and you found your powers.

It's not fair.

You just fell.

Yeah, but I lost my powers, Calista.

I'm just like you.

You're a normal kid, and that is okay.

It's okay.

I could be a real hero.

You think?

You think you know what that means?

You think you can always be there in the nick of time, make the right choice?

'Cause when you don't, you blame yourself.

And you live with it every day.

Come on.

Let's get out of here.

You and me.


Like everybody else.

I don't want to be like everybody else.



I got you. Hold on.

Come on!

I'm sorry. I can't, I can't.



You stupid son of a bitch.

How does it feel, Christian? How does it feel to be powerless?