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03x14 - Romeo

Posted: 03/11/15 20:05
by bunniefuu
Daniel: What is normal behavior?

I mean, sometimes it's just a matter of common sense.

If you wash your hands before dinner, you have good hygiene.

You wash them 12 times in a row after touching a doorknob...

That's obsessive compulsive disorder.

[Scattered laughter]

Of course, it's not always so easy to tell the difference.

[Engine revving]

Hey, watch it! What the hell is wrong with you?!

Are you trying to k*ll somebody?!

Come on, Lil. Hop on.

Oh, my God, Jesse, what are you doing?

Remember? Up on the roof of Tressler?

When we said we loved each other and talked about hitting the road, not stopping till Baja, just camping on the beach at the sea of Cortez. Today is that day!

Okay, Romeo, you've made your grand romantic gesture.

[Engine revs] Come on, baby.

I love you, and you love me. This is our moment.

[Class chanting "do it! Do it!"]

All right, all right.

[Chanting continues]

Off the bike, kid. Right now!

Last chance, Lily. Come on.

I'm sorry, Jesse. I can't.

[Engine revs, tires screech] Hey! Hey, hey!

Hey! Get back here! Hey, you! Come on!

That is not normal behavior.

Hey. What's the big ruckus with campus security?

Just a sophomore being sophomoric. What are you doing here?

I came to see if you'd reconsidered.

You don't need my testimony to get Rosenthal ex*cuted.

You have the families of the m*rder victims.

Yeah, and I want you up there, too.

Talking about your sense of betrayal by your own shrink, how he targeted the most vulnerable mentally ill people.

Don't you have Tasha Ogden?

Yes, but I still...

But what?

The woman was abducted by a vicious serial k*ller.

Her testimony isn't powerful enough to convince a jury to stick a needle in his arm?

I hope so, but you were amazing at trial. The jury loved you.

You would make this thing a slam dunk.

Donnie, I respect that you're doing your job, but I will not participate in the process of state-sponsored execution.

Josiah Rosenthal m*rder*d 13 people that we know of.

It doesn't change the fact that the death penalty is immoral, not to mention racially and socioeconomically biased.

Rosenthal is a rich, white assh*le!

And if anyone ever deserved the death penalty, it's him, but I will not let my personal feelings compromise my principles.

Fine. I give up.

Do you want a ride to the courthouse?

Why would I want a ride?

Come on, Daniel.

Don't tell me you're not curious to see how this all plays out.

Ever since the night he abducted me, I can't sleep.

I'm scared to leave the house alone.

I can't work.

So I had to go on disability for post traumatic stress disorder.

And to be clear, you attribute this PTSD to the actions of the defendant, Josiah Rosenthal.


[Voice breaking] When he pushed me out of the van and I heard the cars com... Coming toward me...


I thought I was going to die.

[Breathing shallowly]

It's okay, Tasha. You're safe now.

I'll never feel safe.

Not as long as he's still alive.

Thank you very much, Ms. Ogden.


Can I say something?

Go ahead.

I have a message for you.

I thought my life was over that night in your van, but now I realize it's not over.

I have a future.

I have plans.

I'm gonna be happy and have love in my life.

And no one is gonna stop me from getting what I want.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Ohh, no, no, no, no. Thank you, Tasha.

Your courage really inspired the jury to vote for the death penalty.

I know this is a little forward of me, but can I buy you a drink?

Uh... [Chuckles]

Tasha, I'm... I'm... I'm very flattered, but, uh, I'm engaged to be married.

Oh! [Laughing] Oh!


I... I'm so happy for you.

Um, when's the wedding?

Saturday, actually.

Oh! You're...


Thank you.

Where are you having your ceremony?

Tasha, I'm not really comfortable sharing any more personal information.

I hope you understand.

Oh. Y... y... of course.

Well, that was awkward.

She's a psychologically fragile woman who experienced a major trauma.

You put her attacker away.

It's not surprising that she'd mistake gratitude for romantic attraction.

You sure it's not just his devastating good looks?

[Chuckles] Yeah. I'm pretty sure.

There you are.

We need to talk about that joyride in your classroom.

I have zero interest in the romantic misadventures of my students.

It's a little bit more serious than that.

Lily Williams told her faculty adviser she's scared of Jesse, not to mention he almost ran a kid over.

Campus security wants CPD to arrest him for reckless endangerment, and the disciplinary committee is pressing for expulsion.


You have a lot of interesting administrative challenges that have nothing to do with me.


Jesse's a good kid, but there may be a mental-health issue.

If he needs treatment, refer him to health services.

Campus security tried. Uh, he refused.

So I thought maybe you'd convince him to get help.

Paul, I don't know this kid.

Well, maybe you know him a little bit better than you think.

Remember our senior year, there was a certain incident involving public nudity and the fountain on north quad?

Come on, Daniel.

If there's anyone who can get through to this kid, it's you.

Jesse: Sorry for messing up your lecture, but I had to do it.

Daniel: Can you tell me why?

It's written in the stars, dude.

Venus and Saturn are aligned in a convergence that only happens once in 1,000 years. It's a sign that Lily is my one great love.

So don't you see? I had to get her back.

Well, it seems like Lily's not that interested in resuming the relationship.

No, you see, you're wrong. I think someone's messing with her head, telling her lies about me.

Who do you think is doing that?

I'm not sure, but I think she might be sleeping with a professor.

And he is probably jealous of me, so he's trying to destroy me.

That's why I had to go big.

I had to do something epic to make her realize that I'm the one, you know?

Jesse, these thoughts you're having, the impulsiveness...

They could be symptoms of mental illness.

You think I'm crazy, too.

I struggled with something similar when I was your age, and it took a very public crisis for me to get help.

Maybe if you spoke to someone now, it wouldn't have to go that far.

You're against me like everyone else.

Get the hell out of my room, man.


He's engaging in risky behavior, obviously.

He's grandiose, paranoid, thinks everyone's against him, and he thinks that Lily's sleeping with a professor who's sabotaging the relationship.

It could be the manic phase of bipolar disorder, or it could be schizophrenia.

But medication will help, right?

If he doesn't even think he has a problem, he's not gonna agree to meds.

So what do I do?

Well, you could let the disciplinary committee expel him or CPD arrest him.

Please tell me there's an "or" coming.

Or... You could give it time and hope he comes around.

Do you think he's dangerous?

I can't say that for sure, and I can't tell you what to do, but I do know that if I had been arrested or expelled when I first got sick, I might not be here today.

Kevin: You want to know why I'm so upset?

Because the ice sculpture looks like a flying penis, Keith!

Is a simple swan so difficult?!

Excuse me.

Keith, I will call you later!

Hi, your assistant told me I could wait. I'm Kevin, Kate's wedding planner.

And that concerns me why?

Well, she would probably be ticked at me for being here, but since it is my job to make sure that her wedding is perfect, I have to tell you that she's... Concerned about what it is you'll be wearing on her big... Day.

And to be honest, I don't blame her.

My grandpa called, and he wants his cardigan back.

I'm not wearing this to the wedding, you idiot!

Well, whatever you wear, I certainly hope you'll shave.

And we need to talk about your toast.

My... my toast?

For the rehearsal dinner. [Stammers]

No? [Scoffs]

Kate told me she was going to ask you, but I guess she forgot.

Bridal brain. But it is right here on the "shedule."

"8:47 to 8:52... Dr. Pierce remarks."

Now, you will need exactly five minutes of material, preferably humorous.

Preferably not.

Now, please, take your "shedule" and your fashion tips and get the hell out of my office.

[Cellphone ringing]



You know, if you have a problem with... with my clothes, or you want me to give a toast at your dinner thingy, just say so.

Daniel, if you want to make a toast, that would be great.

I mean, I know that social events aren't really your cup of tea, so I wasn't gonna ask.

So you sicced your wedding planner on me to do your dirty work?!

I don't have a wedding planner.


Damn it.

Look, I know that weddings are, um, stressful.

I mean, I'm freaking out about whether I'm gonna trip down the aisle.

Don't worry, okay? Wear what you want.

Do what you want. It's all good.

Th... okay. Thanks. Uh, uh, sorry to bother you.

But if you did want to make a toast...

No, no, I... I... I don't want to do that.

Okay, Daniel, that's fine, too.

I... I... I got to go.

Donnie: What was that all about?

I think Daniel's a little stressed about our wedding.

Why is he stressed about our wedding?

I think the real question here is how are you as cool as a cucumber?

Personally, I will not be relaxed until I am drinking at our reception.

We will be drinking at our reception.

Hey, you want me to make a run to goodwill tomorrow for you, Doc?

No, I'm deciding which one I'm gonna wear to Kate's wedding.

Oh. Okay.

What, is something wrong with them?

Not if it was 1986.

Well, I'm sorry if my wardrobe is not up to your sartorial standards.

I think...

I'm screwed.

Don't worry about it, Doc. I will take care of everything.

On Saturday, you will be styling.

[Telephone ringing]

Pierce residence.

What? What's wrong?

[Sirens wailing, indistinct conversations]

Man: 30 minutes ago. Only two students here.

Paul: It's a tragedy.

Daniel: Did the cops say if they have any suspects?

Come on, Daniel.

A young man with mental-health issues gets rejected by the girl he loves, and she ends up with a b*llet in her heart.

You and I both know what probably happened here.

And I could have stopped it.

We won't know much until we get the forensics back.

But at the moment, Jesse Branson is our primary person of interest.

Look, riding a motorcycle through my classroom was stupid and reckless, but that doesn't make him a k*ller.

Maybe not, but we searched his dorm, usual haunts around campus, and his cellphone's been turned off since right after the m*rder.

If he's innocent, he's not helping himself by disappearing.

Campus security told me they wanted to have him arrested yesterday, but you told them to stand down?

At the time, it seemed like an extreme response to an ill-advised prank.

Obviously, I was wrong.

Don't beat yourself up.

Like they say, hindsight's always 20-20.

If you get any news on Jesse's whereabouts, you'll let me know?

Yes, of course.



[Door opens, closes]

I've got to call Lily's parents.

Didn't the police notify them already?

Yes, but I have to apologize and then explain to them how the university, and I in particular, failed to protect their daughter.

Then I'm going to the chancellor and offer my immediate resignation.

B... before you fall on your sword here...

If I had let campus security turn Jesse over to CPD, that girl would still be alive!

Paul, Chicago has one of the highest m*rder rates in the country.

Maybe this was a... a mugging gone wrong or... or a stray b*llet from a drive-by sh**ting.

Who knows?!

So before you go committing ritual su1c1de, let's at least find out if Jesse really is the k*ller.


Kate: I'm sad to leave this one behind, but follow up as well as you...

Hey. Where's Kate?

Donnie: Briefing the agent who's covering her cases while we're away, and then we are out of here.

Why? What's going on with you?

There's been a m*rder at the university. I need Kate to...

Oh, no, no!


We're getting married... In two days!

We got a million things to do, none of which includes Kate running around playing campus cop with you.

Let CPD handle it.

I think Kate is quite capable of making her own decisions.

No, she can't say no to you.

So this time, I'm saying it for her.

Kate: All right, I'm good to go.

Daniel, what's up?

Uh... Great news, honey. Daniel changed his mind.

He came here to tell us that he's decided to make a toast at the rehearsal dinner, after all.

Right, Daniel?


Good. You're back.

I've got a whole bunch of suits for you to try on and some k*ller ties.

No time. I need your help on the case.

Wow, really? Sweet!

I... I mean, i... it's not sweet. It's awful what happened to Lily, but, yeah, whatever you need, Doc.

Um, what's the FBI angle?

There isn't one.

Wait, you're not working with Kate?

Don't be ridiculous. She's getting married in two days.

I would never bother her.

Look, I need you to go to the registrar.

Get me anything you can on Jesse and Lily...

Their... their friends, grades, uh, roommates, classes.

O... okay, you're paranoid about privacy, and you're asking me to dig into students' personal files?

Oh, a... a... and, uh, check their, um, book-face thingies.


All right. I'm on it. [Ringing]

I'm the Tubbs to your Crockett.

[Ringing continues]

["When you wish upon a star" plays on piano]

Hey, man.

D.J., what are you doing here?

I'm, uh...

I'm serenading Natalie.


Oh, uh... She's not here.

She's in Michigan.

Got a paper due. Couldn't get away.

Total bummer, right?

I figured I'd play her a little something over the phone to cheer her up.

You're starting to have symptoms.

Look, Natalie's...

She's not real, pal. She's a hallucination.

And so are you. Why am I having this conversation?

I'm totally real, man. And so is Natalie.

I can show you the spot where I told her I loved her.

The spot where...?

Lewicki?! Get the car!


It's Dr. Pierce. Don't... Don't do anything rash.

What are you talking about?

How'd you find me?

In my classroom, you mentioned coming up here with Lily.

Making plans.

It doesn't seem real, you know?

Look, whatever the truth is, tell me, and I promise I'll help you.

I didn't do it, I swear.

Then why did you run?

I didn't run.

[Sniffles] I... I... I came up here last night to look at the stars and clear my head.

A... and then I saw all the tweets about the cops and how they're looking for me. [Breathing rapidly]

Even people who were supposed to be my friends saying how I probably shot her.

And then I saw the cop cars down there, and I... I freaked out. I turned off my phone and crashed here.

I'll get you a lawyer. You can turn yourself in and clear your name.

I can't! No, I can't... I know what the cops will do.

They'll... they'll put words in my mouth, you know, mess with my head, beat me into confessing. They do that!

Jesse, Jesse. Take a breath.

There might be a way that you don't have to talk to the cops just yet.
Hi, Jesse, I'm Dr. Newsome.


How are you feeling?


I don't know, pretty messed up.

I mean, depressed.

Have you thought about harming yourself?

Uh, y...

It's okay.

You can be honest with Dr. Newsome. Just tell her what you told me.


That's why I went to the roof... to jump.

Why don't you have a seat?

I'm gonna speak with Dr. Pierce for a moment.

You coached him, didn't you?

I most certainly did not coa...

Yes, I coached him, but he's in denial about his illness.

It was the only way he'd accept help.

I am not gonna let you use my hospital to hide a m*rder suspect from the police.

I don't know if he's a k*ller.

But if you can just get him to accept that he's ill, stabilize him with meds, then he'll get a fair shake.

If he's innocent, he'll be lucid when they question him.

And what if he did it?

Well, then he'll face the consequences, but with a mental-health diagnosis, it could be taken into account at sentencing.

Okay, Daniel. I'll admit him.

24-hour observation, but that's it.

I'm sorry, Doc, but she said it was urgent.

Campus security called, said that they spotted you leaving the campus with Jesse Branson.

Where is he?

Hubbard Memorial, psych ward.

Hmm. Where legally, I can't touch him.

You know, this morning I felt really bad for you and your buddy the Dean.

Now I think maybe you're trying to sweep a m*rder under the rug to cover your own asses.

Jesse wouldn't have been admitted if he wasn't experiencing a legitimate mental-health crisis.

You're a smart guy, but by manipulating the system so I can't talk to this kid, you're only making him look more guilty.

So ask yourself, Dr. Pierce... Are you really helping him, or are you making things worse?

[Door opens, closes]

[Knock on door]

Kate, I'm... I'm sorry. I sh... I should have called, but I... I... I need your help.

I... I... I told Haley that this mentally ill kid wasn't dangerous, and now the cops think that he k*lled a girl.

I... I... I know you're busy, so I tried to handle it on my own, but I can just talk it through with you.

Daniel. Breathe.

Start from the beginning.

Tell me everything. We'll figure this out.

Figure what out?

A m*rder at CLMU.

I'm gonna head over there with Daniel.


Aren't you supposed to be spending the day at the spa with your bridesmaids?

They're not really my bridesmaids.

They're my little cousins, who weasled their way into our wedding because they wanted to play dress-up.

Don't worry. I will be back in time for the rehearsal dinner.

[Door opens, closes]

Kate: When was the last time you saw Lily?

The night she died.

Like I told that detective, I asked her to come with me to a party, but [Sniffles] she said she had to study.

And then on my way home, around 11:00, I saw her and some girl across the quad.

Did you recognize her?

No. Sorry.

How about a description? [Sighs]

I don't know, she had red hair.

Anyway, big surprise, Lily wasn't at the library, like she said.

Why do you say, "big surprise"?

The last few months, Lily would say she was going to the library to study, but I know she wasn't.

What do you think she was doing instead?

I just figured she had some new guy.

Could it have been one of her professors?

That... Makes total sense.

How so?

Lily was acting really weird, like she had some big secret.

Last week, I walked into the room, and she was Skyping, but she slammed her computer shut, and then accused me of spying on her.

You owe me two tickets to the Bulls, by the way...

Center court.

Because that's what I had to trade to my guy at the phone company to get this girl's texts without an FBI case number or a warrant.

Let's just call it a wedding present, Fleckner.

Well, I usually don't give stuff like this to the happy couple.

It's totally NSFW.

Lily had a nasty sexting habit, complete with photos.

Who's she sending them to?

It's a pay-as-you-go cell. No way to trace it.

Any photos of the mystery man?

No, just Lily.

Mostly nudie selfies she sent to him.

Holy shit.

Right? I would totally tap that.

Not the dead girl, Fleckner!

I know where that photo was taken.

Recognize this?

It's Lily Williams.

Not the girl... The office.

It's yours.

Care to explain that?

Maybe it's photoshopped, or... or [Chuckles] maybe some kid thought it would be funny to break into my office and pose naked on my desk or...

Or maybe you were sleeping with her.

Do you really think I'd do that?!

I don't know, Paul. You're quite the Casanova.

I do not sleep with students!

I told you and only you that Jesse thought Lily was sleeping with a professor, and the next think you know, she's dead.

Wait a minute. So... so now you're saying not only did I have sex with a student, you think I m*rder*d her?

No, that's... of course not. That...

I... I'm just trying to get to the truth here, Paul.

Fine. Then pay very close attention.

I did not have sex with Lily Williams, and I sure as hell didn't m*rder her.

Look, she was in here with somebody.

Now, who, besides you, has a key?

Uh, uh, Campus Security...

Professor Gardner.

[Doorbell rings]

Hey, Dr. Pierce.

What can I do for the Neuroscience Department?

Actually, this is a criminal investigation.

Special Agent Moretti, FBI.

Can you confirm for us that you borrowed the keys to Dean Haley's office while he was out of town?

Yeah, that's right.

Um, my office was being repainted, and I needed a place to meet with students.

And by meeting with them, you mean screwing them on Haley's desk?

Lily was a legal adult. It's not a crime.

It's a serious breach of university ethics.

I didn't plan for it to happen, but she was... So beautiful... Inside and out.

Oh, God, next you're gonna tell us that she just... You couldn't resist.

It just happened. Age is just a number.

You can mock me all you like, Dr. Pierce, but you can't tell me you never had a student in class who didn't make you a little bit weak in the knees.

Where were you on Wednesday night?

The student symphony...

With my wife.

When did you learn that Lily had been k*lled?

As we were leaving the concert.

I felt terrible.

Not terrible enough to come forward and tell the police about your relationship.

She was dead.

And we all knew it was the crazy kid who k*lled her.

I didn't have anything to say to help the police.

Help the police? With what?


It's about the, uh, student who was m*rder*d.

Such a tragedy.

She wasn't much older than Cressida.

I can't stop thinking about her poor parents.

Mrs. Gardner, when did you first hear about the sh**ting?

Coming out of a concert.

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.

Daniel: His story's too convenient.

Maybe the wife's lying to cover for him.

Or maybe she k*lled Lily to save her marriage.

And then they planned out what to say if the cops showed up asking questions.


Well, I'm sure the CPD will look at all the possibilities.

Wait, wait, wait, what, what? CPD?

Daniel, this isn't my case.

I don't have jurisdiction or even a flimsy pretext to be involved.

You have to help me break Gardner's alibi.

I could tell that this case was important to you, so I spent as much time as I could helping out, but I'm getting married tomorrow.

The rehearsal dinner is in an hour, so I am sorry, but this is one case that I cannot help you solve.

Either Gardner or his wife i... is the m*rder*r.

Now, I got to try to work with CPD on this one 'cause Kate's too busy, but don't you worry, Paul.

I'm gonna exonerate you.

What do you mean exonerate me?

What... what... What I'm saying is...

You don't have to resign. At least not yet.

You know, for a minute there, I thought maybe you were going to apologize for calling me a philandering m*rder*r.

Well, I... It's... it's just... following the evidence where... where it led me.

I mean, you got to admit, it was perfectly logical for me to assume that...

That I was banging a 19-year-old.

I'm sorry, Paul. I'm sorry.

I just... I'm... I'm...

[Sighs] I'm a little stressed out because Kate's getting married tomorrow, and so I have to solve this case without her.

I know that's got to be rough.

Yeah, well, naturally, I'm a little frustrated not having the resources of the FBI at my disposal.

Or maybe you're stressed because Kate's getting married, and you're worried it's gonna change your relationship.

No, that's ridiculous.

Face the facts, Kate might not be as inclined to pal around with you once she's got that ring on her finger.


What are you doing?

Isn't it obvious?

You're catching falling stars.

Oh, cool, you can see them.

You're gonna make them into a necklace for Natalie.

Yeah. It's awesome, right?

Natalie's into jewelry. She's... Gonna love it.

She's not gonna love it, pal, because she doesn't exist.

Man, w... why do you keep saying that? She's my girlfriend.

I get it. You're in love.

But sometimes what you think is love is really just an unhealthy fixation.

Damn, you are a major buzz k*ll.

Take it from me, don't spend your whole life in love with a woman who isn't real.


You are way more messed up than I am.

You're trying to cure your hallucination of a delusion.

You know what?

You should make a necklace, too... For Kate.

Why on earth would I do that?

Because you love her... As much as I love Natalie.

Oh, okay, that is the...

Go on. You got to do it now.

The stars will be gone in the morning, and so will Kate.

[Indistinct conversations]

Joe: You know, the night before the wedding, most bridal couples are at the church rehearsing the ceremony.

But Donnie and Kate don't need any rehearsal because they've been married before.

It's not like they could screw it up any worse this time.

[Scattered groaning, laughter]

Katie, I love you.

I love you, dad.


Don't worry, honey. Second time's the charm.


And now I'd like to turn over the Mike to anyone...

Ah, ah, ah!

To Kate's mentor, friend, partner in crime, and the professor she had a crush on all through college.

Dr. Pierce is gonna say a few words of his own.



You forgot, didn't you?

Joe: Come on, Doc.

It wasn't enough you had to drag Kate all over town today when she could have been getting pampered in a spa chair, but you couldn't even take five minutes to write a toast?

Joe: Come on. I hear you give a hell of a lecture, huh?

Dazzle us with your brilliance.

[Clears throat]



["When you wish upon a star" plays]

Come on, pal. You got this.

♪ When you wish upon a star ♪
♪ Makes no difference who you are ♪
♪ Anything your heart desires ♪
♪ Will come to you ♪
♪ If your heart is in your dream ♪
♪ No request is too extreme ♪
♪ When you wish upon a star ♪
♪ Like dreamers do ♪
♪ Like a bolt out of the blue ♪
♪ Love steps in and pulls you through ♪
♪ When you wish upon a star ♪
♪ Your dreams come true ♪

Joe: Hey, that was great, Doc!

Hey! Hey! Way to go, Doc!


[Indistinct conversations]

I got to tell you, I thought that was going to be a disaster.

And I've seen my share of bridezillas, incompetent caterers, drunken priests, party crashers.

I'm not interested in your problems.

Actually, that last one is your problem.

She's not on the guest list.

Tasha? What the hell?

Better go deal with her, don't you think?

So they're not getting married at St. Stephen's?

No. The wedding's at St. Keverne's.

Didn't you read the invitation?

Sorry to interrupt. Kate was just asking about your brownie recipe.

Oh, she'll need that.

Tasha, what are you doing here?

I was in the neighborhood and felt like getting a drink.

I couldn't believe it when I saw Donnie.

And you conveniently missed the sign that said "Closed for a private party."

Oh, what's the big deal?

Donnie drew a pretty clear line, Tasha.

And you are crossing it.

I think you should leave.

All right. Okay. I'll go.

She doesn't make good decisions when it comes to men.

I mean, you can't really blame her. Her father ran off with a girl half his age, and you know how daddy issues mess a girl up.

What are you talking about... "daddy issues"?

You don't know anything about Tasha's childhood.

Oh, I'm not talking about Tasha.

I'm talking about that little redheaded girl in the quad.

You know, what's-her-name.

So bake one hour at 350?

Kate, Kate.

I... I know who k*lled Lily, but you got to come with me.

Daniel, this is really not a good time.

I know you're going on your honeymoon tomorrow, but if I'm right, we can get a confession right now.

[Sighs] Let me get my coat.

Would you give us a minute, please?

Every time I turn around, you've got something more important to do than our wedding.

And now you're gonna skip out on our rehearsal dinner?

I know. I... it's a really shitty thing to do, and I feel horrible about it, but, Donnie, a girl was m*rder*d. I can't just let it go.

I'll be back as soon as I can, all right? I promise.

Kate: You were on the quad at the university the other night... With Lily Williams.

What? N... no. Not... not me.

We talked to Lily's roommate.

She identified you from your driver's license photo.

When did you find out that your father and Lily were having an affair?

Last week, I... I stopped by his office, and she was there.

They were kissing. It was disgusting.

I was going to tell my mom, but when I got home, I just couldn't do it.

[Voice breaking] She really loves my dad.

But I couldn't just pretend like I didn't know.

So you went to see Lily.

I...Waited outside of her dorm, and I followed her.

You are wrecking my family.

You're still in high school. You don't understand what love is.

Cressida: I begged her to leave my dad alone, but she said that my dad was going to leave my mom to be with her...

That she knew it might be tough, but that she wanted us to be friends.

She's two years older than I am, and she thought, like, what, she was gonna be my new stepmom?

I had to make her take me seriously.

So that's why you brought the g*n.

My mom bought it last year when there were some break-ins in the neighborhood.

I took it from her nightstand.

Stay away from my dad, or else...

Please, put that...

Do you hear me?! [g*nsh*t]


Cressida: I didn't even know the g*n was loaded.

I just wanted to scare her.

I wanted to make her stay away from my family.

[Crying] I'm s... I'm so sorry.

What the hell are you doing here?

Daddy, I didn't mean to.

I just didn't want you to leave us. I'm so sorry.


I'm so sorry! [Sobbing]

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.


Jesse: Professor Gardner's daughter.

Man, that's deep.

Well, thank you for proving I didn't do it.

So, can I go now?

Yes, I've already signed your discharge papers.

Jesse, I was kind of hoping that you'd... You'd continue your treatment.

You can always call me if you need to talk, but I think you're gonna be just fine.

Thank you, the both of you.

I can't believe you're just letting him walk out of here.

This is an opportunity for him to get help.

No disrespect, Daniel, but I don't agree with your diagnosis.

Well, what diagnosis would you give?

A broken heart.

He was in love, Daniel.

But love isn't a mental illness.

[Organ playing]

Ooh, nice suit.

But, what, you can't afford a razor?

Would you shut up?

I didn't say anything.

Not you, Lewicki.

Did you bring her the necklace?

I didn't bring her the necklace because there is no necklace.

Are you okay?

I said shut up. I'm fine.

D.J.: You're not fine.

Come on, man.

When you were me, you had balls.

You love Kate.

You can't let her walk down the aisle and get married without telling her how you feel.

Kevin: don't listen to him.

This is Kate's big moment.

Do not mess this up for her.

Caroline was right, pal.

You think love is a mental illness, so you're fighting it.

And maybe love feels crazy and dangerous, but it's worth it.

Don't let it slip away.

Do something.

Doc, where are you going?

I got to talk to Kate.

[Organ continues]

Don't you dare, Daniel Pierce. Don't you dare!

[Organ playing]


You shouldn't be here. You know that.

I... I just wanted to give Donnie a present.


Have you been crying?

No. [Chuckles]

It... it... It's just allergies.

You're not here to give Donnie a gift.

You're here because you have feelings for him.

Isn't that right?

Donnie convicted your attacker.

It's natural to feel grateful to him, but I think you're confusing gratitude with something else, like love.

And sometimes what we think is love is really just an... Unhealthy fixation.


You're right. I shouldn't have come.


Come on, guys. Let's go.

[Bridesmaid laughs]

Kate: All right.

Go ahead. I'll... I'll be right there.


Quick. Come upstairs before someone sees the dress.

Oh, my God, those girls are making me crazy.

It's such a relief to see someone normal.

[Chuckles] Well, not normal. You know what I mean.

Oh, my God, I'll be so relieved the moment this drama is over...

The primping and the preening and the hair and the makeup.

Well, it was worth it.

You look beautiful.

Thank you, Daniel.

What were you doing out there, anyway?

Oh, uh...

I just... I just wanted to tell you something.

[Clears throat]

Daniel, are you okay?

Yeah. I... I, um...

W... what did you want to tell me?

I wanted to say...


It makes me happy to see you so... Happy.

[Clothing rack clatters]

Uh, I got to... Uh, I'll, uh...

I'll see you out there.

[Door closes]


[Pachelbel's "Canon" plays]

[Doors creak]

Katie, honey. It's time.

[Music continues]

[Wagner's "Wedding March" plays]

[Spectators murmuring]

[Music stops]

[Cellphone vibrating]