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04x10 - There is My Heart

Posted: 03/11/15 04:14
by bunniefuu
Previously on Switched at Birth...


I can't believe you have the nerve to show your face.

I know these people.

And they don't like you.

I can win them back.


Does Julian know you have a boyfriend?

I want you to move in with me.

I have feelings for someone else.


I did the math. To get above a "C" in the class...

You'd have to ace everything else.

Do you think I should drop the class?

If the rest of the songs are that good, you've got a massive hit on your hands.

How do you feel about this having its world premiere at the Cracked Mug?

Congratulations! You're making a movie.

You and Emmett... that's the relationship you should be fighting for.

Hey, dad, do you think that you could find someone to fill in for me?

You need to get back to that art project?

No, I'm going to L.A.

Okay, how do you say "ocean"?

Okay, so water and then the waves.

Nice. How do you say "kiss"?


So this time, at the end, look into each other's eyes for a beat.




Take five, everyone.


Look at this place. It's amazing.

Well, you posted where you were on Instagram.

This is okay, right?

I hated not talking.

I needed to see you in person so we could just get over whatever it is that happened between us and move on.

Totally get it.

Just do your thing!

Okay, how do you say "ocean"?

Is that supposed to be me and you?

Wow, that's cool.

Hey, Em? We should really do it again if you want to finish everything up.


Hey, nice to meet you.

You too.

Of course. I will just be sitting over there watching you work from afar.

Don't worry about me.

Look at me. I'm in L.A.!

(Theme music playing)

Ah, yes! Puts me in the lead.

Are you sure you've never played frisbee golf before?

Oh, beginner's luck.

Well, don't get too cocky.

(Laughs) This is nice.

The semester is done and my chemistry test is over.

For the first time in four months, I don't have to do anything except have fun.

So you mean I'm not on the clock here?

(Phone beeping)

Oh, sweet.


It's Vimla. She got an "A-" in chemistry.

Wait, grades are out?

Yeah, I guess so.

An "A-"? She must be thrilled.

Oh, here they are.

I just don't understand how you got a "D."

I mean, you brought your midterm grade up to a "C."

I must have bombed the final.

There's no way I'm getting into med school with a "D" in chemistry.

Probably not.

Oh, god, Bay.

Your sister?

She did something for me so that I could be a doctor.

Something big.

I just can't believe that it all boils down to one class.

So what are you going to do?

What can I do?

Just accept it and move on.

Thanks again for everything.

I'll see you around.

We kiss pretty good for a couple that's never been on a real date before.

Well, hey, are you ready for this?

What exactly should I be ready for?

I was thinking that we'd organize the stock room and do some inventory.

Okay, don't even joke with me.



We're going horseback riding?

Yes, Ma'am. You said when you were little, you wish you'd lived on a farm, so...

(Both laughing)

This is amazing. I love you.


Don't be. It's... it's nice to hear.

Well, we should get going.


Of course, I'll call you right after.



Honey, that was Lydia.

She pitched Batter Up to this big producer.

She has a bunch of obies and three of her shows have gone to Broadway.

Uh- huh.

Yeah, she loved the world and the fact that we're a mother-and-son team, and she's flying out to see the showcase.



Imagine if we got this thing funded.

I think you're getting a little ahead of yourself.

I know, I know, I'm just... I'm so excited.


Aren't you?

Yeah, I am.

This could be awesome. And, uh, it's exactly what I need right now.

So is it always this nice out?

Pretty much.

How do you know what month it is?

Well, we have calendars.

I was kidding.


I think this is so awesome, what you guys are doing. I'm seriously impressed.

Well, it's all Emmett. He's k*lling it at school.

He's the only freshman this year to get his own short made.

Yeah, he is pretty amazing.

He doesn't let being deaf hold him back.

I mean, it's challenging at first, but...

But then everyone adjusts, and then it becomes really not a big deal at all.


I think he's going to be working here for a really long time.

And I guess you'll be here too.


Hey! You know what? I have some stuff to do.

Is it okay if I just meet you back at your dorm room later?

Oh. Right.

Me too.

Bye, Skye.

See you later.


She's awesome.

That's what Professor Epstein loved about it.

I don't even think you can change it at this point.

Professor Epstein approved this script.

Don't freak out. Just keep Bay away from set later today.

You haven't said anything in 20 minutes.

You okay?

I... I'm fine.

It's great. It's so beautiful.

So I got a call yesterday.

Somebody wants to buy the coffeehouse.

Wait, what? Who?

A guy who owns a few places around the city, looking to expand to East Riverside.

It's a good offer too... 200 grand, cash.

You told him no, right?

Actually, I'm thinking about it.

Are you serious?

We can't just jump ship. We put so much in.

It's an opportunity that could be lucrative for both of us.

So that whole "everyone should have their own mug" thing?

"I want a place where everyone feels at home"?

Yeah, I meant that. And I'm proud of what we've made.

But I gotta be practical.

Look, just think about it.

We don't have to give him an answer until the end of this week.

(Clicks tongue)

Hey, I got a surprise for you.

Is it the right color?

I wasn't sure if it mattered.

Um, I was looking at apartments, and I thought, Emmett needs a chair with his name on it.

Yeah, if you're gonna be here, then I'm gonna be here.

We've been planning this for months.

And we hit a bump, or two. But no more bumps.

Are you all right?

Oh, can I help? I could test you or something.

Well, I could be your assistant.

Can I get you anything else, Mr. Director?

Not for me.

Oh. Totally.

Um, okay.

Yeah, I'll just... I'll go to the getty, or the tar pits, or one of the many other amazing Los Angeles sights that are listed in my trusty guidebook.


Permission to come aboard?

S... sure.

Did something happen?

We got an offer to buy the Cracked Mug.

Oh, hey, that's great, right?

But you don't want to sell.

I mean, if he is so quick to bail on something that we just spent months building together, how do I know that he is not just going to up and bail on me?

At first I thought it was because I was trying to get over Angelo, dive into something new.

But it's not. It's real.

Sounds like you're in love.


And I actually told him that for the first time today.

And he didn't say it back.


Look, those are big words for a guy, you know.

But it's not a good sign, right?

I hate to say it, but no.

Probably not.


(Phone vibrating)

(Knock at door)



Wow, you seem happy.

I am. I've decided that guy has got nothing on me.

Guess who's got a Broadway producer coming to listen to his music tonight?

You do?

Yep, this guy.

I'm really excited for you.

But I don't think I should come.

Why not?

I want you there.

I just don't want to distract you.

You need to focus, and I think I just need some time to figure this out.

Hey, I may not wear tweed jackets every day and have nine degrees like deaf Colin Firth or whatever, but I got stuff going on.

I know.

I just still feel a bit... confused, I know.

But that's why I'm here, to unconfuse you.

Honestly, the whole thing just snuck up on me.

I swear, it wasn't even something I fully realized until Kathryn said something.

Wait, what?

Your mom, she...

My mom?

Oh god, I assumed she told you.

Told me what?

Well, that she saw me on campus with him and sensed something... I don't know... and asked me what was going on.

My mom talked to you about us?

She said that I owed it to you to...



Eric: You think 40 is enough?

Yeah, should be.

Look, um, I know you're upset about the offer.

And about what you said.

When I said, "I love you," and you looked at me like I was crazy.

You're not crazy.

This isn't easy for me either.

I know it's hard to move on.

But I felt like we were getting closer and...

Regina, I care about you.

But Will comes first. If we sell this place, that money is for college. I have to think about our future.

I wanted to be part of that future.

It's complicated.

Then you're right. We should sell the place.

Okay, and these are the Silverlake apartments?

Sounds good. I just need to grab a pen, one second.

Uh, hmm...


Double bingo.

(Chattering, music playing)


Oh, there you are. Thank god you're here.

Did you talk to my girlfriend about me and that other guy?

I just thought that if she was having conflicting feelings, she owed it to you to tell you the truth.

Why didn't you talk to me about it?

Okay, I should have.

It's just after Nikki, I can't bear to see you get your heart broken again.

Mom, I am a grown-up. I don't need you to protect me from my girlfriend.

Okay, okay.

I'm sorry. I am. I'm sorry.

You've made this 100 times worse. You realize that?

I didn't make Lily have feelings for someone else.

You pushed her into talking about it and thinking this is some huge deal.

Maybe it would've just blown over.

I think you're being a little unfair, Toby.

I'm not really interested in singing about baseball right now.

Wait, wait, you're leaving?

Hold on.

If you want to be treated like a grown-up, then you have to act like a grown-up.

Even if you're mad at me, you are the composer of a musical that is going on in three minutes.

Think about the woman that flew across the country to hear us.

Think about all these people who came here to see a show.

You can't just walk out.

Guys, guys, she's here.
You ready?

No, it wasn't like that. I'm trying to explain.

I need to talk to you now.

Uh, cut, cut. Take five, everyone.

You wrote about me and t*nk?

You had no right to put this in front of all of these people without asking my permission.

This is my life that you're drawing from.

You have had all this time to think, and you still feel like I cheated on you? Really?

Um, hey, guys?

Okay, back off!

I'm talking to my boyfriend here.


You still think that I cheated on you with t*nk?

That's what you think?


Toby, that's the producer in the front row.

You ready?

Hi. Thank you so much for coming out tonight.

We are so excited to have you here.

And without further ado, Batter Up: The Musical.

(Piano playing)

♪ Each one of us must step up to the plate ♪
♪ let the odds decide our fate ♪
♪ even if our luck is broken ♪
♪ broken ♪
♪ believe again, life throws you for a curve ♪
♪ strike out swinging, you might learn ♪
♪ there'll be another game tomorrow ♪
♪ tomorrow ♪

Both: ♪ hold on, it ain't over ♪
♪ till it's over ♪
♪ though we gave it everything we had ♪
♪ move on ♪
♪ forget what you lost ♪
♪ forget what it cost ♪
♪ but don't forget ♪
♪ the dream ♪
♪ don't forget ♪
♪ the dream ♪

(Music playing, excited chattering)

Yeah! Red! Red!

Hey, you came!

Please tell me you brought something to torch.


Oh, come on.

There's a little pyro in everyone. It's fun.

I got somewhere to be for my family.

I'm late.

You sure?

Yeah, but have a good time.

Yeah, I'll do my best.

"Once more into the breach, dear friends!"

"Once more!"

(All cheering)

m1ngo, did you hear? There was an accident off-campus, in front of the pizza place.

A couple of deaf kids got mowed down by a drunk driver.


Daphne? Some kids from your hall just got hit by a car in front of Barone's. Did you hear anything?

What? I gotta go.

I'll drive you.

(Music playing)

Will? You okay?

I can't find my gusto.

Mmm, let me see.

Little blue guy about this big?

Cloud wrangler in the thunderclap kingdom?

You know him?

Regina: You told me about him once or twice.

Hi, I'm Kathryn.

Hi, Kathryn.


Thank you so much for coming all this way.

Oh, it was just a few blocks.

I am not even a baseball person, but the songs were so moving.

Thank you. Toby and I are so excited at the prospect of working with you.

Working with me? Do you need my services?

Uh, I'm sorry. Maybe I'm confused.

I work for the Jackson county appraisers' office.

Oh, I apologize.

I thought you were someone else.

But thank you so much for coming, thank you.

It was just terrific. Congratulations.

Thank you.

(Phone buzzing)

Toby: So what did she think?

She loved it.

That's great.

But she's not the producer.


My editor just texted.

Apparently the producer thought it was flimsy and she doesn't see how it could make a musical, so she passes.


This whole thing was just silly. I don't know what I was thinking.

Your book is not silly.

And this is a musical.

She's wrong.

And so is Lily if she doesn't pick you.

No, actually, two failed relationships in a row, I think it's pretty clear there is something wrong with me.

That's not true. I like Lily.

She's just... she's going through something, honey.

Look at us... a couple of winners.

Eh, it's okay.

(Sighs) You know what they say?

It ain't over...

Both: Till it's over.

(Both laughing)

That is what they say.

(Machine beeping)

Who are you? Who are you?

I'm her friend.

If you're not family, you can't be back here.

Why haven't you told her what's going on?

She's completely confused.

She's deaf. She needs an interpreter.

Can you do it?


Tell her she has a possible fractured pelvis and she needs an MRI.

Her back hurts. She's a seven on the pain scale.

Okay. Tell her I'll give her a painkiller.

She's allergic to Dilaudid.

Good to know.

What's going on? Why isn't there an interpreter here?

We're working on it.

Excuse me.

You need to face me, please.

We don't have a contract with an interpreter service on the weekends.

So deaf people shouldn't get hurt on the weekends?

It's not my policy.

What about a video phone? You're supposed to have one of those.

We do. We're trying to track it down.

So you just left her completely in the dark about what's going on?

We're doing the best that we can.

Well, obviously it's not good enough.

I mean, what if you had given her Dilaudid?

Look, this doesn't happen very often.

It's happening now.

There are no doctors or nurses here that know sign language.

All right?

Well, there should be.

You're still here.

Of course.

Are they okay?

I'm still trying to process what happened with t*nk, and I know that's hard on you too, but we're going to get through this.

What's happening here?

Emmett, I flew all the way out here to make it work.

You have been begging me for months to come out here and now I can.

What are you saying? That we've lost our window?

You just want to blame Daphne for... for everything.

And you know what? I'm tired of it.

If you don't want me to move out here, then you need to say it.

I'll get a job. I'll make friends.

And I'm gonna stop you?

It's because of that girl, isn't it? It's because of Skye.

I waited for you to come back to me to talk through what had happened with t*nk, and... and I give you space.

And then you just... you disconnected without telling me.

You moved on!

What happened to "I'll always come find you"?

What happened to every single thing that you have ever said to me?

No! No, you can't mean them and then not mean them.


No, you get this straight.

You do this now...

It's done.

It's forever.

I guess you're going to have to redo the end of our timeline.

You know, I'm actually kind of jealous of you.

You know what you want to do and you're doing it, and you're really good at it.

I failed my chemistry class.

Like, failed failed?

Well, technically, I got a "D," but you can't go to med school with a "D" in chem. I won't get in.


That whole "me being a doctor" thing... not happening.

Well, hold on. I don't know about that.

I want to be this, like, shining star for my community.

Make everyone proud.

But I can't tell if I failed because of me...

Or my deafness, or what.

Did you know that there's deaf singers?

Like, really good ones.

You can't sing if you're deaf.

It's like the one thing you can't do.


My mom sent me this article about a girl who was 18.

She was in a music school and she lost her hearing.

She cried about it for, like, a year, and then she realized that her brain and her vocal chords still remembered the notes.

She finds the tempo by, like, feeling the vibrations in the floor.

She works through it, or whatever.

Your mom randomly sent you an article about a deaf girl?

Uh, she knows that...

You talked to your mom about me?

It came up.


Look, the p... the point... the point is that you can take that chemistry class again.

You know that, right?

It wouldn't matter. I'd still have a "D" on my record.

So what?

If I were a med school, and everybody who took that class got an "A," and then I saw one girl who retook that class and took it and took it until she kicked that class's ass, I'd want that girl to go to my school.

That girl has character.

That class was hell.

I'd be insane to take it again.

Correction... it would be very hard to take it again.

It would be very frustrating to take it again.

But if you really want to be a doctor, you're going to take that class again.

Oh my god.


I'm taking that class again.

♪ When I turn the pages of my book ♪
♪ across the world, the author cooks ♪

Juanita, hi.

Coffee's pretty good.

The beans are roasted locally.

I'm glad you like it.

It's nice, what you've done here.

Thanks. It means a lot.

♪ Roots beneath my family tree ♪
♪ deeper than the eyes can see ♪

Regina? Hey.

We need to talk.

Yes, we do. I'm buying you out.


I can put my old design studio, K&D, up for sale.

I've wanted to do that for a while now.

And I still have some leftover from my husband's life insurance.

Now hold up.

I will pay you what you would have made on the sale.

I don't want to give this place up.

I don't want to either.

But I thought...

I don't want this to end.

Any of it.

What about Will?

I've been spending so much energy worrying about what he needs... but what he needs most is you.

What I need is you.

Don't play with my heart, because I am stupid in love with you, and if you're not too, just say it now.

I am, Regina.

I am stupid in love with you too.

♪ Yeah and here we are still grains of sand ♪
♪ oh connected, oh oh ♪
♪ connected oh oh ♪
♪ connected oh oh ♪

You found him.

He fell behind the cash register.

He was probably just protecting the money.

You want some hot chocolate?


Coming right up.

I really like you.

I really like you too.

But I want you to know that I would never try to replace your mom.

You will always have her, no matter what.

She's not dead.


My mom.

She's still alive.

♪ This heart laid down ♪
♪ on the ground ♪
♪ faint glimmer ♪

(Knock at door)

♪ Where are you now? ♪
♪ Can someone tell me how to feel? ♪
♪ Can someone tell me what is real ♪

I still don't really understand.

Is it because of t*nk or distance?

Is it that girl?

It's because he's weak.

He is weak, and he's a liar, and he's not who I thought he was.

If I had any part in this... the fact that you took the blame for me and couldn't go out there...

That's ridiculous. This is not because of you, not in any way.

I don't know what's been going on with him.

But I do know that he's going to regret this.

What are you doing with all this?

I can't have it around.

But I can't throw it out either.

♪ Falling down ♪

We're gonna get through this.

♪ This heart laid down ♪
♪ on the ground ♪