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01x08 - Not So Together

Posted: 03/09/15 01:27
by bunniefuu
You did not finish eating on purpose.

It's starting.

( Alex babbling )

There's so much salad.

( chattering )

Okay, okay. Don't quit your day job, okay?



Okay. I don't have a day job.

A toast.

Not anymore.




...Tina's last night...


Yay! an East-sider.

Come on.

You need help with that?

You mean, now that I'm finished?

All right. I'm out of here.

Thank you for your couch.

You're welcome.

Don't be a stranger.

You... don't be a stranger.

( Door opens, closes )

What are you thinking?

I've been thinking about Detroit again.

Teaching Grammar school or working at-- you know, working at the restaurant with the fam.

I could see that.

Really? You'd be okay with that?

What the f*ck do I know about what's gonna make anybody happy at this point?

Wait. Um, is it just you and David going on this thing, tomorrow?

Oh no. No, no, no.

It's, like, a whole, like, team of people.

Why would it matter?

Trust me, it matters. ( chuckles )

Tina, can you not, like, diminish the charter school thing?

I'm not diminishing the school.

You do all this, like, sexual innuendo stuff every time David comes up, and... it just makes it really hard.

That's what she said.

I'm so sorry. I can't control my--

You can't help yourself, I guess.

No, I'm-- I... I think it's really cool what you're doing.


It's about time.

Thank you.

I love you.

Hey. ( groaning )

I'm gonna go now.


Drive safe.



I'll see you guys tomorrow night.




( Phone ringing )

( beeps )


Alex, it's for you!


Telephone, Alex!

Thank you, Sophie.



Wait, Gavin, is this you?

Don't f*ck with me right now. I'm seriously not in the mood.

Sophie! Do you have your shoes on?

If I come in there, and your shoes are not on, there's gonna be big trouble, okay?

Dude, put your arms in the air.

Alex, I don't have time for this right now.

I'm in the S-H-I-T with the kids.

( Slowly ) Put your arms in the air right now.

Ugh! Dude, what are you doing? ( laughing merrily )

What is going on? What? What?

I got the part.

What part?

The Vlad part in Larry's movie.

They're flying me to New Orleans for a month.

I'm third billing.



You're, like, the lead in a movie?

Yes, man!

What is going on? How did it happen?

It was casting. They knew I read for a different part, the director saw it, he said that I "blew him away."

Come on!

That's incredible, dude, I'm so proud of you!

Oh my god. Oh my god.

All right, I am unemployed.

We're gonna go celebrate.

Sophie: I hate these shoes!

Sophie, don't say "hate," okay?

I gotta drop the little shit off at school, and we're going.


♪ ♪

Hey, it's me.


( chuckles )

You probably already know this, but I got the part on Larry's movie, and, uh...

Look, I need to see you, 'cause there's something I have to say to you face-to-face, and, uh...

I'm leaving tonight, so...

Please call me back as soon as you can.

Okay. Bye.

Alex: Hey, how's it going?

Truman: At 3:00, we're gonna do the hearing at the State Board of Education.

You have to convince them that we're going to deliver way higher scores than Townsend Elementary.

And I think, with Anita's track record, we got a shot.

But be careful. They're gonna try to poke holes in your case.

Truman, I got this.

Sounds stressful.

Oh, well, I mean, you, Michelle, really don't have to do or say anything.

You just being there as a supportive mom is more than enough.



All right, burning question here: Can I plug into your sound system?

Sure, yeah. It's just-- It's right down there.

Road karaoke!

David: Oh, geez. This again?

There's such a thing as that?

I am Korean, and I love karaoke, okay? Get over it.

All right, don't act like you don't know this one.

( Pop music playing )

( David laughing )


All right.

♪ I'm coming up ♪
♪ So you better get this party started ♪

( Children shouting )

( school bell rings )

Teacher: No running!

Brett: All right, let's--

Why are you not wearing your shoes?

I hate my shoes!

You picked these shoes out!

No. Hey, we do not say "hate," okay?

( Crying ) Brett: And no kicking!

No, I know. I know, Frankie, I'm sorry.

You're going to school, and I need to get your socks on.

I don't wanna go to school!

Stop! Do not kick me because--


( Crying continues )

All right.

Okay, Frankie, okay.

( Mumbles )

( crying stops )

Why are you so upset right now?

I don't want to go to school.

You don't?

No. I already told you that.


Why don't you want to go to school?

'Cause I wanna stay with you and Frankie.

You do?


What would you like to do instead?

I wanna go to the beach.

You wanna skip school... and go to the beach?


What makes you think that I would let you skip school and go to the beach?

I don't know.

Tom Sawyer, this is Limelight.

You, me, Frank, and Sophie are going to the beach. Let's go. Get your swim trunks.

Alex: Wait, you're willingly going to the beach?

The man who once complained about the beach because it had too much sand?

I'm a beach guy now. Things are shifting over here.

As much as I'd love to, I don't think I can go.

There's something I got to take care of first.

Brett: Okay.

I definitely want to see you before you get on that plane, though.

All right, man.

Brett: Okay. Godspeed.

Guys, thanks again for giving me a ride.

It's mighty Greek of you to have my back like this.

Wait, pull over right here. Please, please, right here.


( speaking Greek )



( Phone rings )


Hi, Mr. Successful Actor who's being paid and flown around the country to do his acting.

Thank you so much. Look, do you know where Tina is?

I really need to talk to her.

Um, I think she said they were going to a hotel, maybe.

Oh, okay. Uh, do you know which one?

Any chance you guys can give me a ride to Santa Monica?


Come on, catch a taxi, bro.

I don't have any money.


♪ ♪

( People chattering )

( people chattering )

Come on, Dad, let's go!

All right.

David: It's valuable to all our families, who are eager to stay in Eagle Rock.

They just need a good reason.

This school is that reason.

Thank you.

Thank you, Mr. Garcia. That was well done.


But I am compelled to ask you, are you planning to run for city council next year?

As a matter of fact, I am.

Well, pardon my language, how in the hell are you going to run a charter school while you run for and probably become a city councilman?

Actually, we have a team of people who are going to be handling this thing with me.

I'm always going to be involved.

I'm just not the number one guy.

Then who, may I ask, is your number one guy?

Well... uh... we are currently... uh...

Because it's in flux right now, we have to sift through the factors, um, 'cause it is such an important position.

And we want to be able to present this number one guy to you with--

I am.

Oh, hello. And you are?

I am Michelle Pierson.

Well, seeing as you're the head of the project, we'd like to hear from you.

I-- I don't really have anything prepared.

I guess, I should start by telling you I, um-- I studied social work at Berkeley, and I worked in non-profit throughout my 20s, but I put it all on hold to concentrate on having my kids, which has been great.

You know, I find it really hard to accept the fact that of the 1100 charter schools in the state, not one of them is in my district, when we need it more than most.

I want to stick in and fight for my community, I do.

But if we don't get a good school, then we are going to be forced to move, like so many of our friends have.

My kids... need this school... our community really needs this school, and I need this school.

And I can promise you, if you give me this opportunity, I will not let you down.

David: And then he said, "Good job. See you soon."

"See you soon"? "See you soon."

Oh no, that's so...

And hey, cheers to Michelle...


...our number one guy.

Thanks, you guys. That's nice.
♪ ♪

( laughing, chattering )

Truman: Oh yeah.

One more.

♪ ♪



Hey! Hey! Hey.

You have to!

( Mimicking ) I hate those shoes!

You have to! No, I don't wanna wear them!

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

♪ ♪

( Chattering )

♪ ♪

Will you keep an eye on this for me, please?

( laughing )

I'm sorry, sir. They're not answering.

Um, excuse me?

Oh my god, finally!

Hey, Larry.

What are you doing?

Hey, man, I'm really sorry. I know this is super weird, but can I just speak to Tina privately?

We're paying by the hour here, man.

It'll just take a minute. I promise.

Can I get you anything else?

A bottle of water? Some manners, maybe?

Larry: Come on, Sally. Let's go for a walk.

What are you doing?

I just want to thank you for believing in me, for forcing me out of my comfort zone, for getting me the audition.

You're welcome.

I mean, look at me! This is because of you.

No, because you did it on your own. It's all good.

I'm happy for you. It's what friends do for each other, right?

Yeah, okay. So...

When I was on my way over here, I was thinking about a lot of the stuff you said, like that you needed a break, that you needed someone to take care of you.

And, as it turns out... Yes, and I finally found that. With Larry.

...I'm gonna have a hotel in New Orleans for a month.

No, no, no, no, no.

Come with me.

You're not listening to me.

You can do whatever you want in New Orleans. - No.

I don't go to New Orleans!

This is where I'm meant to be.

This what I'm meant to be doing.

No, no, no, no, no.

You're not meant to be here.

I'm with Larry.

How many ways can I say it?

I know you're with Larry, but you don't love Larry.

Will you f*cking lower your f*cking voice?

So what are-- What are you-- What are you gonna do?

Retire, swim in Larry's pool and walk his dog for the rest of your life?

You just say it like that, 'cause you're jealous, so you're making it sound so bad.

I am not jealous of Larry.

And obviously, it's not bad.

I don't wanna be Larry.

What are you doing here, then?

I wanna be me with you.

( Crying, mumbles )



f*cking stop!

Get the f*ck out of here!

( Crying ) Just f*cking get out of here.

It's better this way. Don't you understand?

It's better this way!

Trust me.

What we have is so awesome.

Tina, come with me. For god's sake, please.

( Sniffles )

Everybody okay here?


Have a good flight.

Uh, I'm sorry I-- I'm sorry I interrupted.

♪ ♪

( Phone chimes )

Need a hug?

Look to your left.

I mean, you wouldn't think that he would drink so much.

I don't know. He had like nine sh*ts and then he still wanted to go do karaoke again, so...

Okay, number one guy. Okay.

Thanks for saving the day.

( laughs )

I talked for, like, one minute at the end.

And that's why we're getting the charter school, I hope.

If we get the charter school, it's because of you, Truman and Anita.

And me a tiny bit.

A tiny bit.

Look, um...

I've been trying to figure out if I should say something, but I think I need to.



It's been really inspiring just being around you.

Like, your spirit is infectious.


And I just like being around you.

( Whispers ) A lot.

But... I respect your marriage... and I respect the working relationship that we have.


But this... energy... is strong.

I just felt like I needed to say something, because I'm starting to go a little crazy... with it.


You know?


Yeah, yeah. Um...

First of all, everything you said was so amazing and so nice to hear.

'Cause I feel those things, and it's nice...

And, um...

The energy is...

Yeah, I feel it, too.

There's just so much wrapped up in this for me, so it's kind of hard to figure it out.

It's just like a-- It's a little overwhelming.

I totally hear you. Okay.

( laughs )

I just wanted to get it out in the open.

Yeah. Clear the air a little.

It's better.


Good night.

Good night.

( laughs )

All right, my little munchkin, I'll see you next month.

Keep doing those deep squats, okay?

Deep squats.

( laughs ) I love you, Soph.

Love you, Frank.

You don't have any bags.

I got nothing.

It's crazy.

I'll send your "It's a Wonderful Life" DVD case if you need it.

I do.

Yeah. ( laughs )

You all right?

Why does this feel like goodbye, right now?

Because you had a horrific day, got your heart broken, and you're a very--

This feels very permanent for some reason. Why does this feel permanent?

I'm not going anywhere, okay?

I'm gonna pick you up, literally, at this airport in a month when you're done with the movie.

And... it's fine, okay?

Wait, I didn't even ask you about your day.

How was the beach?

I f*cking k*lled the beach.

That's great.

It was incredible.

We rolled around in the sand, the kids were amazing, I had no agenda, other than just playing.

And I was like you, basically, how you are with them.

That's amazing, man!

It was-- It was incredible.

I had that excited feeling, like when you're going off to college, and your life can be anything again.

And I felt it for the first time in, like, 15 f*cking years--

Excited about Michelle, excited about the kids, excited about my life.

Listen, brother, I have a thought.

I think you need to tell Michelle what you just told me.

I love you, but you can be a dark dude sometimes.

( laughing )

I think you need to direct some of this positivity towards Michelle.

She needs to see you like this.

She needs to feel it coming from you. You know?


You're right.

Thank you.

Are you kidding me? Thank you.

♪ ♪


I love you.

I love you too.


Brett: All right, there she is.

Slumber party at Peggy's!

I don't have a bag for Sophie, but Frank's got everything in here.

No worries.

I love you. I'll see you soon.

Bye! Say, "Bye, Dad"!

Thank you so much.

Peggy: Anytime.

Sophie: Bye!

You ready to have a slumber party?

Sophie: Yes!

Peggy: Let's do it!

♪ ♪

Woman: Can I get you anything else?

♪ I don't know about my dreams ♪

Woman #2: Yeah, I think so.

♪ I don't know about my dreaming anymore ♪
♪ All that I know is ♪
♪ I'm falling, falling, falling, falling ♪
♪ Might as well fall in ♪
♪ I don't know about my love ♪

( man talking on TV )

♪ I don't know about my loving anymore ♪
♪ All that I know is ♪
♪ I'm falling, falling, falling, falling ♪
♪ I don't know about my dreams ♪
♪ I don't know about my dreaming anymore ♪
♪ All that I know is ♪
♪ I'm falling, falling, falling, falling ♪
♪ Falling ♪
♪ I don't know about my love ♪
♪ I don't know about my loving anymore ♪
♪ All that I know is ♪
♪ I'm loving, loving, loving, loving ♪
♪ Might as well love you ♪
♪ I don't know about my love ♪
♪ I don't know about my loving anymore ♪
♪ All that I know is ♪
♪ I'm turning, turning, turning, turning ♪
♪ Might as well turn in ♪
♪ I don't know about my dreams ♪
♪ I don't know about my dreaming anymore ♪
♪ All that I know is ♪
♪ I'm falling, falling, falling, falling ♪
♪ Might as well fall in ♪
♪ I don't know about my love ♪
♪ I don't know about my loving anymore ♪
♪ All that I know is ♪
♪ I'm falling, falling, falling, falling ♪
♪ Might as well fall in ♪
♪ I don't know about my dreams ♪
♪ I don't know about my dreaming anymore ♪
♪ All that I know is ♪

( door opens )

♪ I'm falling, falling, falling, falling ♪
♪ Falling ♪
♪ I don't know about my love ♪
♪ I don't know about my loving anymore ♪
♪ All that I know is ♪
♪ I'm loving, loving, loving, loving ♪
♪ Might as well love you ♪
♪ I don't know about my dreams ♪
♪ I don't know about my dreaming anymore ♪
♪ All that I know is ♪
♪ I'm falling, falling, falling, falling ♪
♪ Might as well fall in ♪

( Music stops )