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02x11 - A b*llet for Joey

Posted: 05/16/14 01:46
by bunniefuu
Man: You are amazing.

This place is amazing.

I had the bricks sand-blasted, but not the wood or the original wrought iron.

I'm a fan of patina, you know?

Cool desk...


Very comfortable furniture.

Yeah. Chosen both to coordinate and contrast... the original decor, I mean.

And the other tenants?

There'll be units on either side, but I'm in no hurry to rent.

So... shall we sign those papers?


I think there's still a couple things we need to negotiate.

Then what are you doing... all the way over there?


Man: Oh, yeah!

[Men laughing]


Watch out! Here I come!

There it is! There it is!

No, no, no...

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. Here we go.

Here we go.

Here we go.

Keep your eye on the prize.

Come on! Come on!

Both groaning: Oh!

Suck it, Donnie! You lose again.

There's something wrong with my controller.

Something wrong with you.

Little help?



Hey, Little Sis!


What are you doing here?

Semester break.

Here, I'll grab your bags.

Can I have a hug?

A hug for the first Kovach to go to college. Come here.

Mom and dad would be so proud.

Oh. I'll help him with your stuff.

Okay. Where's Bryce?

Where do you think?

Hey, snot-face!

Hey, geek. Hi!

What's up?

How was your trip?

Ah. 10 hours on a greyhound.

Thanks for coming home.

Well, thanks for telling me.

I'm going to k*ll Brent for not saying anything.

He doesn't know that I told you, by the way.

So he doesn't know that I'm quitting yet, either.

You're not quitting, okay?

I promise.

What do you got, Lucas?

Patrol found it around 6:00 AM.

So far, there's no witnesses.

There's no one in the adjacent buildings.

I doubt you'll get much out of any canvass.

This neighborhood isn't exactly known for its love of law enforcement.

Yeah. [Laughs]

[Whistles] Now, that is a fine-looking automobile.

What's a beauty like you doing in a place like this?

Oh, I could ask you the same question, Detective!

Flattery will get you everywhere.

Betts, what do you got?

Unidentified Caucasian male, mid-30s.

g*nsh*t wound to the chest.

Close range.

I'm gonna put the time of death around 3:00 AM.

He have wallet?

No, nothing. No ID.

You run the plates? Get a name?

Yeah. Car's registered to a company...

"Regal Sun Management."

They're not open yet, so I've sent over black and white.

They'll give me a call when someone shows up.

What's going on with his shirt?

It was like that when the patrol found him.

That g*nsh*t looks square to the chest.

Ah, more or less.

It'd be a hard angle to get if someone was sitting in the driver's seat, no?

Could've been a car-jacking?

sh**t gets in, makes him drive here, robs him, sh**t him?

Flynn: Nah. There's no blood spatter in the car.

Victim was placed in the car post-mortem.

Yeah, which means we have a secondary crime scene.

So forensics will need to make sure that our victim wasn't brought here in the trunk of the car.

Have them sweep the alleyway, too.


He has something... what is that around his neck?

What is that? Gold glitter?

Yeah. Your victim was having quite the party.

Until the music stopped.



So what happens now?

Now you give me your g*n.

And we do what we've always done.

Protect our own.

Okay. Got a guy.

Shirt off. Body glitter.

Female sh**t?

Might explain this.

That's a nice earring.

Opal and gold.

Yeah. That's fancy, right?


So I told Samantha Turner no.

So you choose not to be a character witness for your boss?

Well, I told her I can't, that I hardly know the guy anymore.

Well, that's fair enough, right?

Do you think I'm making a mistake?

I think it sounds like you've made a decision.


Erin: Bryce? Breakfast is ready.

Bryce: I'm not that hungry.

Is that... blood?

Uh... yeah. I hit a dog.

Oh, my God. Poor thing.

I'm okay.

I was talking about the dog.

Go. Wash up. It's gross.


I'm happy to have you home.

It's good to be here.

Hey, Lucas, we're at Regal Sun Management now.

We got a name for you. "Joey Duncamp."

Talk soon.

[Woman sighs] This is, uh, this is absolutely terrible.

How did Joey die?

Sorry. I can't give you any details, Ms. Storey.

Please, call me Madelaine.

Can you think of anyone that might want to hurt him?

A disgruntled co-worker?

Maybe an unhappy client?

No. No, not at all.

Joey was one of our most successful agents.

Alright, so, commercial real estate?

Mostly commercial.

He also handled some of our higher-end residential properties as well.

Any of those properties located in Railtown?


Can you think of any reason he would've been there last night?

Joey would do anything to land a client.

He wasn't above providing for certain... "Appetites."

Oh. dr*gs? Prostitution?

I never pressed him for details.

I doubt he would've told me anyway.

We need access to his schedule for the last month.


There it is.

So... yesterday, back-to-back meetings until 6:00 PM.


Then there's a 9:00 PM with Sloane Enderby.

That's pretty late for a business meeting.

Well, unless Sloane Enderby is a preferred client.

That name doesn't sound familiar.

I can check our database.


Nice car.

Well, when I'm done here, maybe I could take you for a ride.

Ah, I don't know.

I heard these had a recall.

Hmm. Something about undersized nuts behind the wheel.


Yeah, whatever you're selling, we're not interested.

Oh, you must be Brent. That makes you, Donnie...


And you, Erin.

You know us. Who are you?

Uh, this is Joey Duncamp, the guy that Mitch told us about.

You mind going to the house and starting lunch, Erin?


Brent: Now, please.


It was really nice meeting you.


She's the one who wants to be a nurse?

A dental assistant.

Oh. Right.

Yeah. She thinks we're gonna pay for it through our parents' inheritance.

Except there's no inheritance.

First your mother's cancer, and then your dad's dementia... it wiped you out, and now the bank's threatening to take everything.

What else did you tell this guy?

He can help us.

That's right, I can.

You guys were just trying to do the right thing, and it didn't work out.

Let someone else do the right thing.

See, if the bank forecloses on you, then you lose everything.

But a leaseback agreement with me will protect you from the bank.

Let me grab my briefcase, walk you through it.

Why didn't you tell me about this guy?

I was going to. He just showed up.

Sloane Enderby.

26. Lives downtown. Currently unemployed.

Uh, Joey's boss says that she is not a client of Regal Sun.

If anything, Joey Duncamp is a client of Sloane Enderby's.

She's "Known to Police."

She's a pro.

[Clears throat]



We need to talk.

Uh, we're just about to head out.

We're, uh, tracking down a witness.


Yeah. Yeah, don't let us stop you.


This way.

Excuse me.

She told me she doesn't want to be questioned as a character witness.

I mean, what the hell, Mark? Why won't she testify?

I wish I knew.

You don't know, or you don't want to tell me?

You're an amazing prosecutor. You don't need her to win this.

That's not an answer.

You two were lovers as well as partners.

Ancient history.

Ancient history is what the defense wants.

It establishes credibility.

Now wait a second.

What? You don't think I'm charming?

They want to discredit you, and if she won't back you up, it makes me think there's something I don't know about.

It's her decision.

And this is my case, and it could make or break your career.

How about dinner tonight? I'll cook.

I'll be working late.

Joey Duncamp?

Yes, we've met several times before.

Mr. Duncamp's helping me out with a real estate purchase.

And when you saw him last night?

We were finalizing the paperwork.

Flynn: Uh-huh.

Can we do this some other time?

I am slammed.

What is it exactly that you do, Miss Enderby?

Something tells me you already know the answer to that question.

I notice you've got some, uh, glitter on your chest there.

Like I said, I was in a rush.

We found glitter on Joey Duncamp's body this morning.

Joey's dead?

Patrol car found him in an alley in Railtown at 6:00 AM this morning.

Flynn: We need you to come down to the station to answer a few questions.

This way, please.

Someone's got to get rid of that.

I'll do it.

It's my responsibility.



Oh, I gotta go to work this afternoon, and I have...

What was dad always telling you?

Dad's not here, Brent.

You gotta man up.


[Erin scoffs]

This is how it's going to be?

Every time I walk in a room, you guys tense up?

Are you gonna go back to school?

That's not an option, Brent.

You didn't tell them?

What? No, of course not.

You promise?


Why would I want to k*ll him?

Joey was helping me buy a place.

Hmm. Regal Sun doesn't list you as a client.

This was through one of Joey's... other companies.

It can be hard for a person in my line of work to secure a mortgage.

Oh, I understand.

So Joey was the middleman.

What did he get out of it?

20% on top of the mortgage, and if I missed a payment, the place was in his name.


His rates were a little high, but hey, no choice, right?

Well, there's always options.

Where'd you two go last night?

His new office.

The one in Railtown.

He wanted to sign papers there.

Show off the place.

Mm. And you, you were hoping to... negotiate a better rate?

That was the idea.

Oh, so you became intimate?

You're sweet.

And yes, we did.

How'd you do?



What time did you leave?

Around 1:00 AM.

I had another date.

We're gonna need a name.

We can be discreet.

Can you think of anything else?

Did Joey behave strangely?

Anything unusual?

His car alarm kept going off.

He'd silence it with his remote, but then it would go off again.

Okay. One other thing.

We found this in Joey's car. Does that belong to you?

Opal's not my style.

They're bad luck.

Wow. Look at this.


This is nice.

You know, what that means is Sloane Enderby could still be a suspect.

I don't know.

I mean, I didn't see her as the murderous type.

Oh, no?


What type is she? Is she the "Femme Fatale"?

"Damsel in Distress"?

These are nice chairs.

I know.

[Sniffs] You smell that?

Yeah. What is that? Bleach?

Check it out.

It's just here. And it's wet.

And it's even stronger over here.

I think we found our primary crime scene.

If Joey died here, then why move his body?

Why not just leave him here?

Vega: Well, they're obviously trying to distract us from something in here, right?

Lucas? What'd we find?

Lucas: Mr. Duncamp was involved in a lot of gray-market real estate dealings.

Private mortgages, leaseback plans... you name it, he was working it.

And any one of his clients could've decided that his interest rates were too high, so...

So our k*ller's name might be in this box... unless they took their contract with them.

Then why leave the laptop?

That's a good point.

Maybe our k*ller's not that smart.

Also a good point.

Box it up.

Oh, didn't expect to see you guys here.

We told you we'd get you the money.

Here it is.

It's late.

And it's not enough.

Come on, Joey. We're good for it.

I'd like to believe you, Donnie, I just don't trust you.

So you're gonna take everything we've got?

That was the deal.

No, no, no, no, no.

That was the plan. Wasn't it?

This wasn't a loan to help keep us afloat.

You lent us the money so we'd sign over the properties to you as collateral, and then when the time was right, you could repo the house and the garage, and sell them to make a profit.

I see what you're doing here!

Well, it looks like your brother is a real businessman, Brent.

And you're a thief!

I want you out at the end of the month.

[Spit hits the floor]

[g*n clatters]

Damn it, Donnie!

Hi. Found prints on the steering wheel!

They belong to Joey?

Yep. And if the k*ller wore gloves, they would've smudged the victim's prints, so only Joey touched that wheel.

Well, forensics found traces of Joey's blood on the front seat.

Nowhere else.

So how'd they move him to the alley?

[Truck rumbling]

Hey, maybe they moved it the same way we did.


Betty wants to see us.


You're so smart!

Once in a while.


Once in a while, I got a little somethin'.

Duncan, you here?

How can he just take the house?

Because he can.

Then we should go to the police.

What are they gonna do? We signed a contract!

Then we sue!

Lawyers cost money, Erin.

Money we don't have.

What happens now?


You pretend like I didn't tell you anything, and after your reading break, you go back to school.

We'll take care of it.

No. I am dropping out and I'll just get a refund on my tuition.

This is not a debate...

You're damn right, it's not.

This is my home, too.

There has gotta be a way to fix it.

Post-mortem bruising showed up on the wrists.

His hands were tied.

Something narrow.

So the k*ller might've restrained Mr. Duncamp?

Or it was part of Sloane's negotiations.

But the most curious thing I found was... you see these powder burns around the b*llet hole?

Flynn: Mm-hmm?

Then there's this... and this.

More gunpowder residue.

Concealed by the shirt.

Two other stipple patterns... that's two other sh*ts.

But with bruises, not b*llet holes.

Like the wadding from a blank?

We got two blanks and one b*llet?

What was the k*ller up to?


Do you remember that pilot project from a few years ago?

Where firearms owners were asked to voluntarily submit their g*ns for forensic fingerprinting?

I remember the union arguing that it was an inefficient use of resources.

Why don't you just tell us you got a hit from the database?


There's no fun in that.

"Paul Ward."

Okay. Let's go pick him up.

Vega: Hey.

Yeah? Yeah. I'm coming.

[Car alarm sounding]

[Car alarm turns off]

[Door opens and closes]

[Car alarm sounding]

[Car alarm turns off]

Hey, smart guy.


What the hell?

Shh, shh. Shh, shh.

Shut your mouth. I got something to say to you.

Thank you, sir.

Did Mr. Ward confess?

No. He claims he pawned the g*n three months ago.

So that would have to be under the table?

Yup! To Metro Pawnshop in Richmond.

Damn it, Donnie! I can't trust you to do anything.

Of all the times to get drunk.

I'm not drunk. I'm feeling sick, okay?

Hey, guys. What's going on?

I found this lazy slob asleep in the car.


Did you at least do the job you were supposed to do?

Yes! He took care of it.

Of course I did.

Yeah. Well, they're still expecting you at work.

If you attract any attention, if anything's off... can you even comprehend what's at stake here?

Can you at least do that?

Get out of my face, you son of a bitch!

Stop it! Stop it.

You gonna k*ll each other now?

Chill out, man!

Who died and made you mother?

Roars: Mom!

[Sighs heavily]

Come on. I'll take you to work.

I can't pawn g*ns.

That's illegal.

Yeah. I'm glad to hear you say that, because this g*n was used in a homicide.

Yeah, so, you know, if it was here, and we found it, that makes you an accessory.

Come back with a warrant.

Mr. Hawley... can I call you Duncan?

I'm gonna call you Duncan.

I pulled your record, and I know you deal in illegal g*ns.

"Dealt." I learned my lesson.

I'm sure you have.

So you either hand them over to us...

And you earn the gratitude of Metro homicide.

Or we will come back with that a warrant, we'll turn your shop inside-out.

What else are we gonna find here?

They're just down here.

If you could step away from the counter, sir.

Thank you.

[Joey panicking]

Bryce, listen, listen to me. You don't have to do this.

You don't have to do this.


I do.

Okay. Look. Look.

You keep the house. I'll keep the garage.

We'll call it even, okay?

No deal.

Okay, you keep the house and the garage, then!

Too late for that, Joey.

I'll tear up the contract! We'll wipe the slate clean!

[Sobs] Please!

It's not about the property.

[Joey sobbing]

Yeah, that's the one.

And it's been fired recently.


It never left the store.

Yeah, well, then we're gonna need a list of your employees.

Here. You do that.


Hey, Lucas, I need you to round up a couple of uniforms and come down to the Metro Pawnshop.

We got a whole stash of illegal weapons to bag.

Aw! Come on!

Oh, Duncan. You've been so, so cooperative to this point.

You should keep it that way.

Yeah. Okay. Thanks.

What kind of k*ller returns a g*n?

Ignore him. He's a bully.

We've been fighting to stick together for so long, maybe we should split up after this, when it's all over.

What would we do?

Erin's gotta go back to school.

I could leave the city.

Maybe the country, even.

No, there's no money, Bryce.

There's no more anything.


This is never gonna be over.

You're really gonna take them all.

Would you like a receipt?

For your illegal g*ns?

Detective Lucas?

We're done here.

Load it up.

You ever wonder what the stories are behind the stuff people bring here?

Like the wedding rings.

It's a little sad, isn't it?

What some people have to do for money?

Well, sometimes, it's better to get rid of a bad memory than to keep it around.

If you two want to take a look at a ring, let me know.


No. We're good.

Mutters: Damn it.

Damn it! Let's go.


Home. We gotta square up an alibi.

Cross: Why the blanks?

Vega: Well, maybe it was some kind of t*rture.

Yeah, scare him to death before you k*ll him for real.

Could've been an accident.

You know, maybe your k*ller wanted to make some noise, didn't realize there was a live round in the chamber.


Any possible suspects from the pawn shop employees?

Yep. We got one.

A "Donnie Kovach."

Works part-time at the pawn shop and has his class-three license.

Ahh. So he can drive a tow truck.

Yeah, and he and his brothers own a garage together.

Any connection to Joey Duncamp?

Well, someone's still looking.

I'm on it.

Our victim had a lot of contempt for alphabetical order.

Well, this is a first. Someone slippin' in his old age?

Maybe you should just get a coffee, 'cause this might take a minute.

No. 'Cause you know the minute we leave, you're gonna find it.



Yeah! He's back.

Okay, there is a leaseback agreement for their house... and garage.

They were paying his jacked-up loan rates.

Well, there's your connection.

I don't want you to say it.

I want you to predict it!

That's what I'm trying to do!


The police want to talk to you.



Did you just break something?

Are you kidding me?

It's a mousetrap.


Donnie Kovach. Can we ask you a few questions about Joey Duncamp?

Donnie: Okay.

Vega: Okay. So you know him?

Yeah. He brings his car for servicing.

A-and we've done some business together.

We need you to come down to the station with us please, sir.

What the hell is going on?

You don't want to know.

Come on, Brent. I am not a child!

We have to tell her.

Tell me what?

Okay, Donnie.

Never seen it before.

You sure?

It's from your place of employment.

We don't have a g*n at the garage.

It's from the Metro Pawnshop.

You work there, too, right?

See, the thing is, Donnie, this g*n was used in a m*rder, and then returned.

I didn't k*ll anyone.

I don't think you're paying attention, Donnie.

This g*n had to be used by someone from the pawnshop.

That's why you had to return it.

So your boss didn't know you took it.

I-I didn't go in today.

I've been fighting the flu.

Where were you last night?

Home, with my brothers, Brent and Bryce, and Erin, our sister.

Mm. You all live together?

Yeah, all of us, since our parents died.

You can ask them.

They'll tell you, we were together the whole night, and all day today at the garage.

Wow. You don't get out much?

We're pretty close.

Does Kovach have an alibi for last night?

Oh, yeah.

He was at home with his brothers and sister.


All of them.

Family. That's a tough one to break.

Mm. You gonna charge him?

Ahh, no.

It's a cold-blooded execution.

I'm just not feeling him for it.

Everyone's capable of m*rder at one point or another.


But I want to take a run at the rest of the family first.

There's three other suspects who are in debt to Joey.

Alright, well, if anyone can find a chink in the armor...

I'll take that as a compliment.

Yeah. That's what it was.



What do you need, Angie?

I was going to thank you.


For what?

For running interference with Samantha.

I'm sure that wasn't easy.

Well, I cannot promise you she won't take another run at you.

I'm not going to change my mind.

I'm not gonna ask you to.

I know, and that's... that's appreciated, so, thanks.


Donnie says you guys are tight-knit.

Yeah, we pretty much do everything together.



But you moved away?

Only for school.

Still, must've been nice to have your own space.

House full of boys?

I can't even imagine bringing a boyfriend home.

[Laughs] Yeah.

Yeah, tell me about it.

Yeah, any guy I did bring home, I had to run through the big brother gauntlet, so.

Uh, but, no, we are still really close. Yeah.

Pretty much like the same things.

Hmm. You're the youngest, right?

Mm-hmm. Only by a few minutes.

Bryce and I are twins.

Not identical, but same birthday, yeah.


Dad used to say he's tricky and I'm the treat.

I'm talking too much.

That's okay.

You're here to talk about Donnie?


Well, I can tell you he was here last night.

With Brent and Bryce.

And you?

Yeah. Uh, well...

I went to bed around 11:00, but I could hear them playing video games until morning.

But you wouldn't have seen him if he left?

No, but I'm a light sleeper.

And they were all here when I woke up in the morning.

Right. 'Cause they do everything together.

Mm-hmm. Three amigos.

Hey. Did you get what you wanted?


I can't decide if she told me too much information or too little.

What'd she say?

[Takes a breath] She said, uh...

Went upstairs to sleep.

Left all three of her brothers downstairs, playing video games.

"The Three Amigos."


[Tapping notebook]

Three brothers...


Three sh*ts.

One b*llet.

Two blanks.

We pulled lots of g*ns from that pawn shop, didn't we?

We did.

We assumed that all three sh*ts came from one g*n.

Because we assumed it was a single sh**t.

That's right.

Let's get ballistics to test all the g*ns and see which ones were fired recently.

You're thinking three g*ns?

I'm thinking there's three brothers.

Flynn: Thank you.

Ballistics found that two other g*ns from the pawn shop have been fired recently... both .45s.

Okay. So if all three of the Kovach brothers fired g*ns at Joey, then why the blanks?

Diffusion of responsibility.

It's a military tactic used by firing squads.

You load one of the g*ns with a blank.

So it allows the soldiers involved to believe they're not K*llers.


So why did they want Joey dead?

That's where it gets interesting.

Huh. What is this?

I did a cross-reference with the local agencies and I found this.

Eviction notice.

Joey already sold the property.

Right. So maybe it was straight-up revenge.


You're setting a place for Donnie?

Leave it.

Bryce, I-I...

It's fine.

You did good.

It doesn't feel right.

I lied to the police.

You did it for family.

So did you.

Where's Brent?

I don't know.

Isn't he at the garage?

I'll go get him.

Vega: Where was your brother, Donnie, last night?

He was with all of us, hanging out, drinking beers, at the house, all night.

Hey. What's up?

You must be Bryce Kovach?


We're Detectives Flynn and Vega.

We're just talking with your brother, Brent, here.

We wanted to confirm your brother's whereabouts.

Brent: W-why? Did Donnie say anything different?

Vega: If you don't mind, we're gonna ask the questions.

Where was Donnie the night Joey Duncamp was k*lled?

Uh, at home, playing video games with us all night.

All four of you? Erin was here too?


Exactly like I said.

Exactly like you said.

You know, we read that leaseback agreement you signed with Joey.

Man, that was some steep interest.

We knew the risks.

Anything else?

No, I think we're good.

Okay, well, if you don't mind, we'd like to close up shop.

Oh, yeah, of course. Of course.

Thank you, gentlemen.

You know, there is one thing... what time did Erin go to bed?


Erin. Your sister. She said she went to bed.

Do you remember what time that was?

Around... midnight?

Midnight. Yeah.



So Erin changed the story?

Donnie screwed up, I know it.

Why don't you just give him the benefit of the doubt for once?

Oh, like all the times he's come through for us before?

They know we're all involved.

If they knew anything, then we'd all be under arrest right now.

All we have to do is say that Donnie went out last night, alone.

You want to throw Donnie under the bus?

I want to make sure we salvage some piece of this family.

Their alibi's cooked.

Oh, yeah.

And Donnie definitely got the g*ns.

Mm-hmm. Agreed.

But I don't think they k*lled for the property.

You don't think so?

I don't.

Oh, I think Brent would.

Yeah, but not Bryce.

Donnie just does as he's told.


They k*lled him.

But they didn't k*ll for the property.



They k*lled for family.

They k*lled for her.

[Elevator dings]

Yeah, yeah.

Yeah. I'll see you soon.

Here we go.


Thanks for coming in.

Where's Donnie?

Oh, he's here. I mean, he's good.

He's in holding. Right this way, please.

Your voicemail said you were releasing him.

Uh, well, there must be a misunderstanding.

Actually, what I said is we had a few more questions for you before we could release him.

All of us?

Yeah. Won't take long.

Right in here.

Have a seat, please.

Make yourself comfortable.

Okay. Just wondering if you recognize this piece of jewelry?

It's beautiful.

That's, uh, that's an opal.

That's your birthstone.


You two are... you're October twins.


Can you tell me why we found that in Joey Duncamp's car?

We gave 'em to Joey.

Right. It was, uh, an installment payment on the loan?


Mm. See, the thing is, we can't find the other earring.

Yeah. We searched everywhere...

Joey's apartment, his two offices... nothing.

Do you know where it might be?

Why the heck would we know what Joey did with it?

Because I think you're lying.

We could always k*ll him.

Would solve all our problems.

There's another way.

[Sniffs] No.

You saw the way he looked at me.

You don't know what you're talking about.

Well... [Sighs] we got a warrant to search your house.

Yeah. We find that other earring, we're gonna know that you guys are lying.

Makes your alibi worthless.

Stop. Just leave her alone.


Brent, is there something you wanna say?

It's over, Brent.

Vega: Brent, Erin, if you wouldn't mind giving us a second, please?


So one of Joey's other clients... she told us how she traded sex for preferential treatment.

Erin went to him with a proposition.

Only he didn't keep up his end of the bargain, did he?

Well, that son of a bitch did it.

[Paper crinkles]

"Notice of Eviction."

Well, why is she so surprised?

We told her he'd do this.

Shut up, Brent.

Erin. It's okay.

Erin: I can't believe he did this.

I feel sick. I'm sorry. I should have listened to you.

I was gonna k*ll him myself.

You knew about Donnie and the g*ns?

I asked him to get me one.

He got scared and told Brent.

And Brent wanted in?

We're Kovachs. We protect our own.

He said, "We gotta do this together."

And what'd Donnie think about that?

Donnie didn't want any part of it, but Brent forced him.

'Kay. So that's when you decided to use the blanks?

Like a firing squad.

So we'd never know who actually k*lled him.

Joey: Bryce. Listen. Listen to me.

You don't have to do this.


Yeah, I do.

Look. Look.

You keep the house. I'll keep the garage.

We'll call it even, okay?

No deal.

Okay. You keep the house and the garage, then!

Too late for that, Joey.

I'll tear up the contract! We'll wipe the slate clean.

[Sobs] Please!

It's not about the property.

[Joey sobbing]


Let's get this over with!

Guys! No! No, no, no! Please, please!


Donnie, it's too late for that.

No, please. Please, don't do this.

Don't do this. Please...

[sh*ts blasting]

Flynn: So all three of you k*lled him?


I did it.

The thing is, we have three g*ns.

Only one of them had a live round in it, and only I know which one it was.

Your brothers still helped you.

I was the one who k*lled him.

That's on me.

Which g*n was used to k*ll Joey Duncamp?

That one.

Bryce Kovach, you are under arrest for the m*rder of Joey Duncamp.

We'll be charging your brothers with conspiracy.

Please stand up.

At least they'll have a chance at a life, right?

[Sighs wearily]


Wow. Three brothers.

Two accessories, one k*ller.

That Kovach blood's thick.

Tell me about it.


Uh, Detective Flynn?


You've been served.

Ah. I hate those people.

What do you got?

It's a subpoena.

From Samantha? She's playing hardball.

No, no.

It's not from the prosecution.

It's from the defense.

[Flips page]

[Exhales heavily]

They want me to be a witness.