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02x08 - Angels With Dirty Faces

Posted: 04/24/14 20:22
by bunniefuu
[Sirens whining]

Woman: So then boyfriend here says he can get us tickets for Saturday, but we have to fly coach.


Where is your sense of adventure?

I already said yes to Lanai. That's like the Reno of Hawaii.

I can take you anywhere you want to go, Carly.

First class.

With what?

All that money from your busy music studio, James?

It's a rehearsal space.

Besides, okay, money isn't an issue.

Uh, Mr. Dent, this card was also declined.

Do you have any other cards?

What are you talking about, Randall?

This is a $1200 bill, sir.

I took the liberty of adding the gratuity this time.

You know I'm good for it.

I know you left the keys to your Cayenne with the valet, and we'll take good care of it until you can settle your bill.

Like hell you will.

Or we could just call your mother?

Ken, smugly: How's Lanai sound to you now?


I have a delivery for Mrs. Dent.

Thank you. I'll be sure she gets them.

Here you are.

Those are beautiful.

Who are they from?


The horticultural society.

She always sends such beautiful flowers.

Never visits, but sends beautiful flowers.

Well, it's the thought, right?

Sure, I'll go with that.

It's time for your pills.

Lunch time.

Must be the reds for pain management.


The pinks for blood pressure.

You know you'd save yourself a lot of time if you just let me take them all at once.

Well, it's my time to waste.

Besides, if you take them simultaneously, it negates their effectiveness.

What would I do without you, Peter?



I could've given you a lift.

It's out of your way.

No, really.

Will you call me next time?


Do you know my cell phone number?

I have no idea.

[Sighing] What do we got?

Victim's James Dent, 23.

Found him handcuffed to a chair, a belt around his neck.

Possible strangulation?

We don't know what it is.

Paramedics have been working to stabilize him for 40 minutes.

They aren't optimistic.

All right, you go with the ambulance.

Call us if there's any change in his condition.

How do you not know my phone number?

You know mine?

No, I do not, but it's in my phone.

It's in my contacts.

Yours is in my phone.

Hey, rough night?


It looks like Mr. Dent forgot his safe word.

Pretty sure she was talking about you, sir.

Oh, no, Mary and I don't do those...

Oh, yeah, that's too much information.

When's the last time you slept?

I'm good.



All right, why don't you talk us through this?

Well, 911 received a call from James Dent's cell phone at around 11:00 PM.

It looked to the first responders like an autoerotic asphyxiation gone wrong.

Okay, well, those are usually accidents, so why are we here?

Placement of the body. Middle of the room.

Nowhere to anchor the belt, so the road inspector suspects foul play.

Ah, that's why we're here.


Okay, what do you think?

Well, the assortment of toys...

[Chuckles] Toys?

Sexual accessories?

Over PA: No, we understand, Lucas.

Well, it would suggest that this kind of activity is common for the victim.

Have photos been taken?


Okay, well, these guys don't generally put themselves in positions of danger without an escape plan.

Or so I've heard.

Like... quick-release handcuffs, which these are not.

Well, his hands and feet were cuffed to the chair.

Somebody else was here.


Where did they go?

The doors were unlocked when the paramedics arrived.

Mr. Dent's wallet sitting here on the table.

His cell phone was right near his body on the floor, and it doesn't appear that anything's been stolen.

You know what else I'm not seeing?


How about any other indications that Mr. Dent was into the BDSM lifestyle.

It's supposed to be some kind of a rehearsal space.

I mean, it's possible that he just kept those interests hidden.

Yeah, or the guest brought the toys.

Let's check out his laptop, see what else he was into.

Speaking of which, when I die, I want you to erase my search history, please, okay? Before anyone sees it?

Go on.


Okay, so, James Dent invites a guest over.

He or she shows up, ties him up...

I do not know what that is... he passes out, the guest runs out of here, panics?

[Cell phone rings]

What do you think? - Mm-hmm.


Yeah, okay.

Yeah, thanks. We gotta head to the hospital.

We'll see you later!

Do you know what that is?

I do.

James Dent.

He was declared brain dead upon arrival.

We're still trying to determine if it was a homicide or an accident.

What was the incident, exactly?

Bondage scene.


It's consistent with the bruising around his neck.

Some kind of belt.

Zero brain function on the monitor.

I'd say asphyxiation caused the brain death.

Our initial tox screen came up clean.

No dr*gs?

Or alcohol.

Depressants tend to numb the adrenaline rush one gets from being tied up.

Or so I've heard.

We think he managed to pull a hand free from the cuffs to call 911 before he passed out.

Normally, I'd say anything's possible, but that isn't.

Why not?

The cuffs were on tight enough to cause bruising, so if he tried to pull a hand out, there'd be cuts, abrasions, or missing skin.

Hmm. Maybe his guest made the call.

Those are some heavy bags.


Oh, my eyes.

Yeah. Long nights.

Long nights or sleepless ones?

Both, but you don't want to hear about it.

Oh, I don't?

[Cell phone vibrates]

I'm sorry.

I gotta head back to the station.

Yeah, uh, I gotta go, too.

I gotta canvass the neighborhood.

[PA]: Dr. Davis, telephone, please, Dr. Davis, telephone, please...

Still use your birthday for your passcode?

[Laughs] Peter!



Uh, let me guess, you use it for your debit card as well?




Yes. Shut up. How are you?

I'm good, I'm good.

What are you doing here so late?

Oh, just checking in on a patient.

You really came back for the tofu loaf in the caf, didn't you?

You don't get that in homecare nursing.

No, homecare nurses get real meatloaf.

You should come by more often. I miss you.

[Cell phone buzzes]

[Sighing] Damn.

They need me in pediatrics.

I'll call you, okay?


[Door lock buzzes open]

[Gasps, startled]

No visitors yet.

I'll come back.

Just check in with the nurses station.

They'll let you know when a good time is.

I'm headed out for the day, Olivia.

Unless you need anything?

I can't find my locket.

It's the antique one.

Have you seen it?

I'm sure it'll turn up.

What's all this?

Well, I'm just trying to get everything in one place.

The valuables, the paperwork.

Just so that it's easier when...




Remember what I told you about stress?


This can wait.

Well, that's the problem.

I'm not sure it can.

I just never thought I'd be planning my own funeral.


It's overwhelming.


Well, who said you're in it alone?

Tell you what...

Why don't we take it one step at a time?

One step is easy, right?

Well, you finished your shift.

I can't ask you to stay.

I want to help.

You know, Peter, you get me through every day.

Here's for your time.

No, no, no, please, no.



We'll call it home care plus.



What is most important to you?

My husband and I worked very hard for what we have.

I just want to make sure it goes where it should.

Let's start with your will.

Thank you.

[911 call plays]: I'm being att*cked!

I need medical help.

Please hurry.

If you att*cked someone, would you call 911 and pretend to be your victim?

You got James Dent's cell?

Voicemail message plays: What up, suckas?

Digits, deets at the beep.

What do you think? Same or different?

Well, it's hard to say, given the neck injuries sustained.


We got the mom's address.

Oh, good.

I'll have the lab compare the voices.


Hey, Mary.

It's me.

Just give me a call when you get this.

James knows a lot of people.

I'm not sure I'd call them friends.

You didn't approve of his lifestyle.

In all honesty, I don't know what his lifestyle is anymore.

How long were you estranged?

Since his father died.

When James was younger, we spoiled him.

After his father's funeral, I realized just how unequipped James was to deal with the real world.

And that's when you tried to change things.

It didn't go over very well.

But doesn't James own the rehearsal space?

I own a rehearsal space.

I thought I was making things better, but I only made them worse.

It sounds like you were just trying to help.


If you don't mind, I'd really like to go see my son now.

Of course.

Is there somebody we can call for you?

My nurse, Peter.

Olivia: James, they're beautiful!

You shouldn't have spent your money on these.

How's the studio?

You know, start-up costs, equipment rentals, it's not as cheap as I thought it would be.

That place was supposed to be a business, James.

New businesses usually take five years to turn a profit.

I hope you're not using it as a clubhouse.


Everyone has overhead.

I mean, all I need is, like, a couple thousand bucks...

No. No more. You're an adult now.

You have more than enough money...

No, James.

I won't be around forever.

You need to learn how to be self-sufficient.

What is this?

I'm just getting my things in order.

What does that even mean?

I don't have too much time.

I want to make sure everything is properly organized.

So, voice analysis of the 911 call and James Dent's cell phone came back.

Two separate people.

So James Dent was not alone last night.

Nah, but there's nothing on his computer that indicates he had a bondage fetish.

Maybe he likes his pornography the old-fashioned way.


But we didn't find any in his studio.

According to forensics, the toys have never been used.

Fake bondage.

Fake phone call.

James Dent's attacker staged the whole scene.

A staged scene makes sense.

I mean, judging from the bruising around his neck, he was strangled more than once.


You got to hold on at least...

40 seconds if you really want to strangle someone, right?

I love the way you pay attention.

Thank you.

So his attacker may not know that his heart is still beating.

That's right.

[Monitor beeping]

What just happened?


It's been doing that since he came in.

I mean, he may just have a faulty heart, or an arrhythmia.

So right now, the only thing keeping him alive are these machines?

Why auto-erotic asphyxiation?

I mean, there's other ways to stage a m*rder that are easier.


You know, even if our suspect didn't k*ll James, the staging itself has meaning.

Yeah. That's a lot of humiliation.

That's a lot of hate.

[Cell phone rings]


Sung has a lead.

Okay, trace the license plate and get us a name.



You snuck up on me there.

I know she went to our lawyer and changed the will.

She's been making a lot of changes recently... since you started taking care of her, in fact.

What are you implying?

I'm not implying anything.

I know what you're really after.

I'm her nurse.

You're a thief.

You have no idea how good you've got it.

Sure I do.

That's why your little scam isn't going to work.

My family, my money.

I'm onto you.


So, Ken, there was a report filed.

One of James' neighbors saw you in your car.

She thought you looked suspicious enough to take down your license plate number.


Yeah. Explain to us why you're not suspicious.

Because I wasn't waiting for James.


Who were you waiting for?


My girlfriend?

James left a voicemail on Carly's phone.

He invited her over.

You thought they were hooking up.

Well, that's what I wanted to find out.

I mean, she said she wasn't interested, but James can be very, very persistent, so I waited at his place for her.


Okay. How long were you there?

Until she texted me.

Um, about 10:00 PM?

She never showed up?


So, I left.

See anyone go in or out of James' place?

No. Can I go?

Take it easy.


Yeah, we need you to read... this.

Out loud.

Sarcastically: "I'm being att*cked..."

Try it again.

"I'm being att*cked! I need medical help!

Please hurry!"

Thank you for coming to get me.

Of course.

It's the least I can do.

Oh, James.

All that fighting.

I was so stupid.

Quietly: When Mrs. Dent has a moment, the doctor needs to speak with her about her son.


Voice analysis of Ken Shand and the 911 call.

No match.

How about Ken's girlfriend?

Carly Morgan?


Phone record shows that James did call her the day he was att*cked.

Oh. That confirms Ken's story about the voice message.

So why didn't she show?

Because I figured James was lying.

Lying about what?

He said someone was trying to steal his identity and he wanted my advice, but I figured it was just another one of his tedious attempts to get me alone.

Okay, so Ken had no reason to suspect that you were cheating on him.

With James?


Is it possible that James really did need your help?

I guess.

Do you have experience with identity theft?

It's happened to me, like, twice.

I leave my purse somewhere, and all of a sudden, I'm signed up for five credit cards.

Hmm, so James' credit cards got stolen?

They swiped his whole wallet.

And then he got a letter from the DMV, saying his order for a duplicate driver's license was being processed.

[Siren wailing]

Mr. Dent reported his credit cards stolen three weeks ago.

The bank declined to send replacements because of the outstanding balances.

Any attempted charges after they were reported stolen?

No, because Mr. Dent maxed out his cards a few months ago.

What about applications for new credit cards under his name?

If there were any, they would have been declined.

His credit rating is very bad.

Low 300s.

Ooh, wow.

That's not so bad.

That's pretty bad.

You know what I don't get?

Why steal his identity, then ignore the credit cards, but register for a new driver's license?

Because he's not after the money.

So what's he after?

Here's the digital copy of the duplicate drivers license.

And that duplicate was sent to James?


How was it ordered?


DMV said it was ordered by...

A "jamesdent366 @".

But here's the thing.

James Dent didn't create that email account.
What is this person up to?


Better watch out, zombies, I'm gonna run you over!

[Shouting in triumph]

[Game sounds blaring]

The doctor told me those machines are the only thing keeping him alive.

I know.

I'm sorry.

They asked me if I wanted to turn them off.


I can't k*ll my own son.


He's already gone.

Think about all the lives he could save.

A mother should never outlive her own child.

It's time for your medication.

I already took those.

No, you didn't.

Come on.

It regulates your blood pressure.


It makes you feel better...


If you'll excuse me?

I would like to be alone for a while.

Of course.

[Door lock buzzes open]

I'm being att*cked!

I need medical help.

Please hurry!

[Monitors beep]

[Laughter outside]

Nurse: .5 hydromorphone every two to four hours PRN.


[Alerts beeping]

Room 120.

[Monitors beeping in alarm]

Call the police.

I know we need to talk, that's why I called earlier.

I can talk now.

Lucas, let's go.

Uh, hon', I'm sorry, but...

What happened?

James Dent is dead.

Someone went back to finish the job.

[Elevator dings]

Thank you.

Hey, where are you taking the body?


Preparation for transplant.

With James's rare blood type, his organs are going to save a lot people.

You check the IV.

Someone spiked him.

It's the m*rder w*apon.

What am I, uh...

What am I looking for?

Bingo, right here.

I need this rushed to forensics.

I want to know what k*lled him.

I'm on it.

Uh, who has access to the ICU?

Only staff members with key codes.

What about family members and visitors, how do they get in?

I escort them in.

Who have you escorted in recently?

Just the patient's mother, Olivia Dent.


Oh, and Peter, her home care nurse.

He used to work here.

Is Peter's code still active?


Is there a record of key code entries into ICU?

Yeah. Yeah...


It's James.

I have to go upstairs.

Of course.

Here, let me.

Thank you.

I'm sorry about earlier.

Not another word.

Okay, sorted by time of day.

This is my key code, here.

Okay, let's start an hour before the m*rder.

Who are Singh and Patterson?

Mr. Dent's attending physicians.

And Alling and Mally?

Two of my floor nurses.

And that's when I admitted Mr. Dent's mother and Peter.

Well, that leaves us this last key code here.

Who's Ambreen?

It belongs to Dr. Gita Ambreen.

Is that another one of James' physicians?

Actually, no.

She's in pediatrics.

I can't think why she would need to access the ICU.

I didn't.

Well, your key code was logged in at 4:05 PM today.

And I'm saying I wasn't in the ICU today.

What's going on?

Uh, a patient was m*rder*d.

m*rder*d? You're kidding.

James Dent was the victim. Did you know him?


Now, your key code was the last one to access that unit before the m*rder.

Oh, my God, you think I did something?

Well, we want to know if you saw anything suspicious, or anyone hanging around.

But I wasn't there.

I was here in pediatrics all afternoon.

You have any witnesses who can support your statement?

At least a dozen.

Anyone else know your code?


Think about it carefully, please.

No, I'm sure.


Okay, well, if you think of anything else, please contact us.

Thanks very much.

Forensics found potassium chloride in the broken syringe.

They use that for lethal injections, don't they?

Yeah, 10 CCs of that stuff can stop a heart dead.

300 grams.

It's well within the normal weight limits.

See, what we have here is a seemingly healthy heart with no history of cardiac problems.

I sense a "But" coming.


Do you remember the arrhythmia it kept showing us in ICU?


Well, that made me curious.

So I checked his chest and I found a gel-like substance on his skin.

Hmm, personal lubricant?

Vega: Fits with the staged S&M scene.

Well, that's what I thought at first, but it's a conduction gel, for use with a defibrillator.

And there are signs that this heart has been zapped multiple times.

Did the paramedics do that?

I checked.

The paramedics did not defibrillate the patient.

So James had been strangled several times, and then defibrillated several times?

Sounds like t*rture.

Yeah, and James' attacker would have needed medical knowledge in order to zap him that many times without k*lling him.

So why keep him alive, if you're just going to k*ll him later?

Why k*ll him at all?

He was brain dead.




Oh. Hey.

Why are you here?

Oh, there was a complication with my patient's son, so...

I thought I'd wait it out down here.

Did you hear?

There was a m*rder.

Yeah, I did. It's unbelievable.

The police just questioned me.



My key code was used to access the ICU right before the m*rder.

You didn't use it, did you?

Uh... yeah.


I-I did.

My patient forgot her purse in the ICU, and there were no nurses at the station.

I was in and out.

Peter, this is serious.

I told the police no one else knows it.

I wasn't thinking.

I don't want to get into trouble.

Why would Doctor Ambreen lie about someone knowing her code?

Hmm. Because she's guilty, or protecting someone?

A colleague?

Or a civilian?

Two visitors were admitted to ICU before the m*rder.

We had Olivia Dent, the victim's mother.

Mm-hmm, and Peter Ward.

The home care nurse.

Right. He's not hospital staff, but he's got medical knowledge.


Excuse me.

Can you describe Peter Ward for us?

I can do better than that.

Okay, thanks.

I think I'm coming down with something.

You're fine.

I don't like hospitals.

I know.

Excuse me, Detective?


This is his old employee ID.

Well, look at this.

Peter Ward.

A colleague and a civilian.


Oh. Detectives.


Thanks for meeting us.

We're lucky that you're here.

Yeah, my patient is still in the hospital.

Yes, Olivia Dent.

You know that it was her son that was m*rder*d?

I heard.

Were you in the intensive care unit today?

Yes, I was, with Olivia.

She was pretty upset about her son, so I wanted to lend what support I could.


Olivia's pretty frail.

You know, first, the attack, and then this.

It's hit her pretty hard.

You take quite a personal interest in your patients.

Well, sometimes, my clients, they see me as part of the family.

Well, of course, they would.

Did you notice anyone suspicious hanging around the ICU?

No, I didn't see anything.

Oh, well, that's a shame.

You used to be a nurse here, right?


Yeah, but the shifts were crazy.

And I wanted more of a personal connection with the patients, so I went into home nursing.

While you were here, did you ever work with a Dr. Gita Ambreen?

Uh, yeah, we might have shared a few shifts, sure.

Where were you last night?

At a movie.

You have anyone who can vouch for you?

Uh, no, but I have the receipt.

Buy a movie ticket, duck out...

It's a one-man alibi with buttery popcorn.

So if the nurse is our guy, then what's his angle...


Well, Olivia Dent is a wealthy woman and she's currently in poor health.

So he cozies up to the rich patient.

The son figures out what he's doing, nurse shuts him up.

Yeah, but why go to so much trouble?

Peter is a medical professional.

I mean, he could have k*lled James earlier with the potassium chloride.


Okay, then, so Peter's with Olivia every day.

He sees the strain that the relationship with James is having on her health.

Maybe he's trying to teach him a lesson, and things go south.

The longer James holds on, the more paranoid Peter gets?

Decides he's got to silence him once and for all.

Yeah, but James is already brain dead.

The chances of him talking are minimal.

Would you take that chance, though?

I guess it depends on what he has to say.

Or it is just about the money.

Let's find out.

Flynn: Hey, Lucas?

Hey, I was just about to call you.

I want you to track down Olivia Dent and ask her some questions about her faithful nurse.

That's what I was going to call you about.

Olivia Dent's gone into surgery.

For what?

They won't say.

But do you want me to ask Peter?


Just, uh, keep eyes on him.

Olivia Dent just went into surgery.


She goes into surgery the same day her son dies?

Maybe the stress was too much for her.

What do we know about Olivia's condition?

Look, without a search warrant to check those records? Nothing.

Well then, I guess we need a search warrant to check those records.

You think Samantha will help us?

Oh, well, that was fast.

You needed a favor.

At some point, I may need one in return.

Oh, something tells me you already have one in mind.

I want to call you as a character witness for Mark Cross.

You do?

Uh, I...

I'm not the person you want for that.

Mark told me you'd say that.

Did he?


I know all about you two.

You do?

Affairs happen between colleagues, especially in our line of work.

Well, it was a long time ago.

So this shouldn't be a problem.


I have 70 separate convictions all hinging on Mark's testimony.

That's a lot of weight.

The defense will go after his character and try to discredit his testimony.

I need a counter.

I need you.

Um, just, I'm really busy, and this case is, it's a big case.

Can I get back to you on that?


Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease.

Oh, that poor woman.

How bad is it?

She's terminal, and 50% of people with this disease experience kidney failure.

And what side of the coin is Olivia on?

The wrong side.

You said her son had a rare blood type, didn't you?

Mm-hmm, he did.

Does Olivia have the same?


Where is she on the transplant list?

Well, there are several factors besides compatibility.


There are a patient's viabilities to survive the transplant, the proximity to the organ, age... severity of their condition.

Mm-hmm, Olivia Dent ticks all those boxes.

She does.

I'd put her first in line, any doctor would.

That's why Peter waited to k*ll James at the hospital.

It's all about geography.


Two driver's licenses.

They look identical.

I'm guessing they're not.

You see if you can spot the difference.

Go ahead.

Okay. Someone knows something.

He's a donor in this one.


Peter Ward. 29. Single.

Quit his job six months ago at the hospital.


He's had a couple articles published in the medical journals.

Well, that's pretty good for someone so young.

What were the articles about?

Organ transplant, from the perspective of a patient.

You're kidding me?


Peter Ward was a transplant recipient?

Yup, and, apparently, he has the same rare blood type as James and Olivia.

Whatever you guys want to talk to me about, can it wait?

Olivia's just out of surgery.

Yeah, we heard.

She's lucky.

Please take a seat, Peter.

Yeah, well, genetically speaking, her son's a perfect match, so she should be fine.

Uh-huh, not everybody gets a second chance, though, do they?

But you'd know all about that.

We learned a lot from your articles.

We know you have the same condition as Olivia.


It destroys the kidneys.

The only way to survive it is a transplant, and the disease is hereditary.

Olivia Dent's your mother.

You worked so hard to save her.

Strangling James, trying to jump-start his heart.

You were trying to cause brain death.

How long have you known she's your mother?

In all honesty, I think I knew the minute I met her.

Degenerative polycystic kidney disease?

I'm familiar with it.

I did a month in the renal ward.

And I'm AB Negative.

Here's to being special.

[Chuckles wryly]

Hey, never say never.

Stranger things have happened.

Have you had any other surgeries in the past?

A c-section?


That was with your son, James?

No, uh...

I had another.

He was given up for adoption.

I spent my whole life looking for my mother.

There she was, right in front of me, with a few months to live.

But you knew how to save her.

I would have given her one of my own kidneys if I could.

That would have solved everything.

Mm-hmm. But you couldn't.

And there was James.

Your half-brother.


[Scoffs] He wasn't my brother.


Cool place.

Can I help you?

Um... I'm Peter Ward.

Okay? So?

I'm your mother's nurse.

I just started.

What do you want?

I want to talk to you about her situation.

What about it?

Did it get worse?

Look, I know that you guys aren't on the best of terms, but she's up against some very stiff odds here.

You may be her only match.

Hey, it's a really simple operation.

It's not even life-threatening to you, but to her...

If she cuts me off, I cut her off.

She's your mother.



Not yours.

Get out.


The only thing that James and I had in common was Olivia, and he didn't want her.

Hmm. So you k*lled him?

Just to save her.

Quietly: Oh.

All right, look, I'll confess to everything, but please don't tell her.

She's going to find out eventually, Peter.

I know...

I know.

I just want to make sure she's strong enough.

It's time to go, Peter.


There's something in my pocket for her.

Make sure she gets that?

You've reached Brian and Mary Lucas.

Please leave a message after the beep...

[Turns off phone]


Heading home?

Yeah. Long day.


Yeah. The longest.

I think I could use a drink.

You in?

Brian, are you okay?

I'm just tired.

I've been sleeping on my friend's couch.

Home and work just... don't see eye-to-eye right now.

Yeah, a beer sounds great.

[Cell phone vibrates]

You should answer that.


Hey, Mary...

I'm glad that you called me back.

[Elevator dings]


Me too.

Mark! [Honks]

Get in.

So Samantha asked me to be a character witness for you.

Yeah, look, that was Samantha's call.

I told her not to ask you.


The dyer sh**ting's going to come up in cross-examination, you know that, right?

And you can walk them through it, just like we did 10 years ago.

I don't want to do that.

I've worked too hard to get to where I am now.

Look, I don't want to do this either, but I think we both understand what's at stake here.

Yeah, I know what's at stake and I don't want to lie anymore.

What choice do we have?

I'm sorry, Angie.