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02x07 - Pitfall

Posted: 04/18/14 06:25
by bunniefuu
[Approaching siren blares]

Woman: That is my son underneath there!

Please! Finn!

Finn! Let me see him!


I got my whole team here, but I wanted to come see you first.

Is that okay?


My name's Stuart.

Your mom said your name's Finn. Is that right?

Is my mom here?

Yes, she is, she seems like a real nice lady.

Is she mad about my bike?

No. She said it was time to get a new one anyway.

Can you do this for me, Finn...

Can you take my hand?


Okay. I gotcha.

Everything's gonna be okay.

I promise.

Just hold on.

So, try to relax. Remember what we went over.

Don't forget to have fun.

[Thumps hull]

[Engine begins chugging]

Instructor Lee: Alright! We're over the drop zone!

Derrick! Show us how it's done.

Graeme! This is it.

[Radios crackling]

Can you get my boots?

Got 'em.

Thank you.

You do know what this says about us, don't you?

Yeah, that we'd rather be at a crime scene than a wedding reception.

Vega, laughing: That's exactly what it says!

You were the best man, too.

I know. I'm not worried about him.

My father will get married again soon, I'm sure.

I did like their vows, though.

They were nice. Simple.

Yeah. Well. Honesty, loyalty, friendship.

The basis of any good partnership, right?

Yeah. The good ones.

Did they like the gift?

Vega: We don't know. What do we have?

The victim is 41.

Graeme Jenkins. First-time skydiver.

Don't these things come with reserve chutes?

They do, and Mr. Jenkins pulled his, but it malfunctioned.

What are the odds of that?

Um, Officer Sung?

Why don't you tell Detectives Flynn and Vega what you've found?

Yes, Detective Lucas.

Uh, so it appears that his parachute cords snapped.

That can happen?

No. Current fiber technology?

It's actually virtually impossible.

So they cut it to make it look like an accident?

Yes, that's more likely.

Could he cut his own chute?

We don't know yet.

As in su1c1de?

Anything's possible.

Vega: Yeah, but there are probably easier ways to k*ll yourself.

That seems like a lot of effort.

Thank you, Officer Sung. Appreciate it.

I think it's safe to say we all noticed.

I think they're adorable.


Please tell me that this gentleman had a heart attack before he hit the ground.

I can't tell you that yet.

What can you tell us, Doctor?

That I'm a woman who's seen a lot of things, and this still tops my "Worst Fears" list.

Which is probably true for most people, right?

10,000 feet does a lot of damage to our bodies.

That's a hell of a way to die.

Flynn: [Sighs]


Can I help you?


I'm with the police.

What's happened?

There's been an accident.

Lee: Well, it's a six-hour course.

We teach them to pack their chutes and then we do some jump training on the big mats.

After lunch, we do in-air positions.

And that's it? Just like that?

After six hours, they can jump?

I've never had a problem before.

Could he have done this to himself?

No, they're individually supervised when they pack their chutes, so I would have noticed something like that.

What about the packs?

Are they left unattended at any time?

No. Not really.

At lunch, I guess.

And how long is lunch? Like half an hour?

If someone was to cut the cord on his parachute and then deactivate his reserve, they'd have to unpack and repack.

That'd take over an hour.

Graeme was never gone that long.

Randy: Two weeks off and you don't have a tan?

Stuart, welcome back.

Yeah. Thank you.

Let me guess.

Your whole perspective on life has changed and now you're at one with nature?

Yeah. Something like that.


What're you doing?

They switched my shift.

They moved all of us around a couple weeks ago when you were gone.

Doug didn't tell you?


No. But hey, that's cool.


Ally's awesome, though.

You're gonna love working with her.


You don't mind driving?

Randy said you prefer shotgun.

That's right.

He also said you have a bad sense of humor, terrible table manners, and the body odor of an old man who eats nothing but garlic.

It's a pleasure to meet you.

Yeah. Randy is a dork. Nice to meet you too.

Dispatch: Unit zero seven, we have a possible nine-echo-one at 138 Dawson.

Please respond.

Rider dispatch, this is unit zero seven, we're en route.

[Engine fires up]

[Mother shrieks]

[Door creaks open]

Stu? You okay?


Yeah, I-I'm fi... Totally, I'm... fine.

Just washing up.

You sure? You've been in there for over half-an-hour.

Yeah, absolutely. I'm... I'll be out in a minute.

Okay. Don't be too much longer.

Come to bed.

The other three jumpers all said the same thing, that Graeme Jenkins was a quiet guy, seemed excited, scared, just like the rest of them.

Okay, well, thanks for that.

Oh, Jenkins also said that his parachute was his lucky number.

What's his lucky number?


Well, not so lucky, then.

My father started this place 30 years ago, but if the family sues, that could be the end of it.

Let's just focus on the victim for now.

Of course.

Did you see anyone suspicious, someone hanging around that maybe shouldn't be here?

There are always people that show up to watch their friends and family jump.

Flynn: Anyone like that here today?

Well, there was a man standing by the back door just after lunch.

Can you describe him?


I don't know, it was from a distance.


Tall, white, middle-aged.

Vega: What made you notice him?

Well, he didn't seem to be with anyone, and he didn't come inside, which is weird.

Vega: Great. Thank you.

That's... That's helpful. Appreciate it.

You think the guy she saw's involved?

Well, if Graeme Jenkins didn't do it himself, it's possible, yeah, but it's a vague description to go on.

Yeah. "White, middle-aged, tall."

Exactly! That could be me.

[Scoffs] You're not tall.

What? I'm your partner!

You're gonna get the truth from me.

Well, I'm glad.

I hate this car. How about that truth for ya?

Ohh! Thank you for your honesty.

I am an open book.

So am I.

Yeah, well, I used to think so.

Oh. Come on!

Yes. I know.

Woman: We know this inside out.

I know, I know, but as your new safety rep, I'm obligated to go through all this.

Find an outlet for your stress.

We need to be looking out for insomnia, anxiety and hand tremors.




It's important if any of these symptoms arise, that you...?

Speak up.

Because working with PTSD makes you unpredictable, and that makes you...? Stuart?


[Station jeering and cheering]

Flynn: Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.

[Laughter and applause]

That's right!

[Applause continues]

What? You never seen a guy in a tuxedo before?

Uh, thank you.

Uh, I'm gonna go talk to Betty.

Okay. I'm grabbing a coffee.

You want one?

No, thanks.

You look nice!

Thank you.

So it was the impact that k*lled him?


But more interestingly, he had high levels of opioids in his body.

Huh. So our vic was a recreational drug user?

Nope. He had cancer.

Lung. Three months to live, max.

Well, along with other typical cancer dr*gs, he was also on lorazepam for anxiety and a garden variety of anti-depressants.

Well, I'm guessing that's fairly typical for someone with a fatal disease?


Do you think the k*ller knew he was terminal?


But if he's gonna die anyway, then why k*ll him?

Or why k*ll yourself?

We've been, uh, preparing for this since Graeme's diagnosis.

Uh, a little over a year ago, he was in a really bad car accident.

He managed to walk away with just a few scratches, but the EMS crew made him get a chest X-ray because of the airbag and that's when they saw the tumors.

"A cluster," they called it.

Can you think of anyone who would want to hurt your husband?

No. He was a good man.

A kind man.

So he wasn't thinking of su1c1de?

Graeme wouldn't do that.

And financially?

Did you two make all the arrangements?

Yeah, I can get you everything.

Our life insurance policy covered us no matter what happened.

Was skydiving a typical activity for Graeme?

[Sad chuckle] No. Uh...

He... made sort of a bucket-list.

Numbered everything, and... was meticulously crossing it off.

"Visit the Great Wall of China.

Camp the Grand Canyon. Swim with dolphins."

Mm. He sounds like a very thoughtful man.

I couldn't do all of them with him, but he would always call me right before, just to say that he loved me and our daughters.

So you spoke with him this afternoon?

[Sobs] I didn't know that it would be for the last time.

I'm sorry.

I already explained this to the officer who came and notified me.

Another officer has been here already?


Do you remember his name?

I think it was Turner?

Can you describe him?


I'm starving. Smells delicious.

The girls'll be home in half an hour.



Oh, right...

No special treatment around here, huh?


Still hiding them in your sock drawer?

[Sniffs his sweater]

No. You're imagining things.

14 years together.

I know when you're lying and when you're telling the truth, and your sweater reeks of cigarettes.


I booked a spot on the trail.

I'm gonna wait a couple weeks till the weather gets a bit warmer.

[Coughing intensely]

You see? You really think that's a good idea?

It's a lot of hiking. You're gonna be alone.

No one would hold it against you if you didn't finish everything on the list.

I'm not skipping that. I'll be fine.

I'll be fine.

If you can hike the west coast trail, then you can set the table.


Hey, so I checked out that Turner guy, he's not one of ours.

Okay, well, she's got our card, she knows to call us if he shows up again.

Uh, listen, I had this...

I had this brought up.

Is that about Graeme Jenkins?

No. It's on me and Cross.

I want you to read it.

Okay, but you know, if I wanted to read it, I could've requested it myself.

Yeah, well, I want you to understand what happened, and I want you to know that I'm still an open book.

Okay. Well, then I will look forward to reading it.

As far as I can tell, Graeme Jenkins isn't connected to any of the people that were on the plane with him.

Well, that doesn't mean they don't have motive to k*ll him.

I thought it was a possible su1c1de?

It's looking less likely, sir.

Yeah, the owner of the drop zone said she saw someone hanging around the skydive school.

Could be the same person who notified Graeme Jenkins' wife.

Alright, so what kind of k*ller goes out of his way to notify the family?

That is what we're trying to find out, sir.

Didn't you say that Graeme Jenkins' parachute was his lucky number?

That's right, number 15.

Flynn: Look at that.

The skydiving company report a missing chute?

Lucas: No.

Zero four. Huh.

Lemme. So they switched out the parachute?

How would he even know how to do that?

Well, if your k*ller knew the skydiving school's patterns, procedures, maybe an employee?

Or another jumper.

To make a m*rder look like an accident, then you don't leave anything to chance.

Well, let's start by finding out who had access to parachute number four.

I need to see you in my office later.

Honey, come to bed.

It'll all look better in the morning.

I'm not coming to bed, 'cause I can't sleep.

Well, how do you know until you try?

I have tried!


I know you're angry because you feel responsible for that boy.

You made a tough call, and I-I understand that, but you don't get to be angry at me.

Okay, who should I be angry at?

I don't know. How about the driver?

I don't want to talk about it.

Well, you have to talk to someone.

Why won't you see a therapist?

Bellows: Because I'm handling it, okay?

I'm handling it!

You need to pull yourself together and take some time off and go outside...

You know, you know...

Do something!

You have no idea what you're talking about... No idea.

No idea.

I'm sorry, I can't do this.

Softly: No...

No. Fine. I'm... I'm sorry.

I am.

No, I'm sorry.

I can't do this... anymore.

With you.

Thank you.

This just in...

Whatcha got?

The owner of the skydiving school said that the last time parachute four was used was Wednesday of this week.

Well, that's promising.

Yeah, and there were six registered jumpers in Wednesday's class.

Okay, so the k*ller could have taken a class on Wednesday and gotten to know the day's routine, then stole parachute four then.

Yeah. And he frays the cords on both chutes...

Repacks it.

Repacks it, then, uh...

Trades it out for Graeme's chute, number 15.

Yeah, so who was assigned chute number four on Wednesday?

John Turner.

Flynn: Turner?

Same name as the cop who notified Graeme's wife.

And listen to this.

All of his contact information came back as dead-ends.

Mm. Well, John Turner can't be his real name.

No, but that's our guy.

So do you remember him from your jump on Wednesday?

Yeah, I remember John.

He totally chickened out.

Didn't even get on the plane.

He didn't jump?

Just like that? No warning?

Guy rides a motorcycle.

Soon as he sees this little plane, he suddenly looks like he's going to puke.

Well, I don't know, I mean, riding a motorcycle, jumping out of a plane...

Two different things, right?

Can you describe him to us?

Uh, yeah, late-40s, blond-ish hair, maybe six feet, normal-looking.


Well, that's very helpful.

I mean, I took some photos to put up on Facebook. That's him.

In the back there.

Can we get a copy of this photo?

You bet.

So now you can look back and make sure your lines are clean, and then put your knee right here to hold it down, and start your S-bend.

And, from there, you can put the first half of the parachute into the deployment bag.

That photo you sent me of John Turner?

Yeah? Did we get a real name?

Graeme's wife said that it could be the man who went to her house, but she said that she wasn't sure.

Alright, so we look for other possibilities.

Flynn: [Clears throat]


I got a notification this morning that you had requested a file.

Yeah. So?

You want to tell me?

No. No, I just wanted to refresh my memory.

See, now I thought that we'd agreed to leave it behind us.

We have.

Should I be worried?

No. There's nothing in there that can hurt us, right?

Well, no, it's not what's in the file that I'm worried about.

Oh, you're worried about me?


[Laughs] You don't have to worry about me.

[Pats his arm]



So we, uh, we caught a break.

The fingerprints from our victim's belongings came back, and there are a set that are not his.

So whose are they?

Max Vaughn.

The owner of the skydiving school?

He's her son.

He's got a record for petty theft and he's on probation.

All right.

So what's Max Vaughn looking for in Graeme's stuff?

Gerberas. My favorite.

I know.

I was so surprised when you said you wanted to see me, I...

Yeah. I didn't want to do this on the phone.

I need to come and get the rest of my stuff.

Your stuff?


So when's the best time for you?

If we do it while you're at work, then I can just let myself in with my key.

Look, look. Things are different, now, okay?

I... I'm better now.


No, I... I can't do this again.

Stuart, I'm sorry.

Why were your fingerprints found all over our victim's belongings?

Don't do that.

Please don't make me revoke your probation.

You steal something?

Use your words, son.

He had a bottle of scotch.

How'd you know it was in there?

I saw him drink some before he went up in the plane.

What'd you do with it?

I threw it out when the police showed up.


Didn't taste good.

Plus, it knocked me on my ass.

Well, that's scotch. Isn't that the point?

No, not like this.

Really screwed me up.

Okay, so Graeme has some liquid courage, then he gets on the plane. That tracks.

There was a bottle of scotch on Graeme's bucket-list.

Was there?

Yeah, Creemore single malt.

It's good stuff, but it was the last thing on his list.

Didn't his wife say that he was working through the list in order?

Let's see if she knew about the switch-up.

Did forensics pick up the trash from the skydiving school?


Okay, I'll talk to Lucas.

I'll talk to the wife.

[Knocking at door]



He wanted it to be the last thing on his list because it was the last drink he had with his father before he passed away.

And he wouldn't have skipped ahead on his list, would he?

No, he was, uh, very particular about how he did things.

Mm. You're sure he didn't buy it already?


We wanted us to buy it and drink it together.

He insisted.

And it wasn't a gift?

Not that I know of.

Vega: Yeah. I look forward to it. Okay.

[Hangs phone up]

So the wife didn't know about it?


But he could've bought it on the way to the skydiving center, I guess.

Yeah, I guess.

Would he do that and not tell his wife?

Hmm. Did Lucas find the bottle that Max threw out?

He did.

'Cause I've been thinking.

Max said that it really screwed him up and knocked him on his ass, right?


I wanna know if there's something in it that gave it that extra kick.

You mean besides the alcohol?


So I don't get it.

If the scotch was laced, why didn't it show up in the autopsy?

It did.

Come again?

Well, the lab didn't flag it because he was already taking lorazepam.

Well, if he was already taking lorazepam, he wouldn't have to hide it with the scotch.

That rules out su1c1de.

He might not have had a heart attack, but his anxiety levels would've been very low.

Lorazepam is prescribed for panic att*cks.

So Graeme's final moments might not have been that terrifying?

What a relief, huh?

Well, it means I might have a compassionate k*ller on my hands.

A compassionate k*ller?

Yeah. They do exist, you know.

Yeah. Well, except to say that compassionate K*llers don't cut the cords on their victims' parachutes.

Listen, if your victim's high as a kite, you can do whatever you want to him.

OK. I'll tell you what I think.

We, uh, track the scotch, we find our k*ller.

What, you think the scotch-maker has an exact record of where they sold it?

I do. Because this particular scotch costs $150, not $50, a bottle, and it's sold in select smaller batches, directly from the distillery.


Thank you.

You're welcome.

So, do you want me to start looking through the DMV photos for this guy?

I don't mind, even if it does take... weeks.

That skydiver said that John Turner rode a motorcycle, didn't he?

That's right.

There's toll on the bridge on the way to the drop zone.


And the cameras take photos of the license plates so they can send you a bill.

Mm-hmm. Start looking at the toll cameras for last Wednesday.

[Siren wailing]

Come on! Come on!

Come on!

Come on!

Ally! Faster! Drive faster! Come on, damn it!


Let's go!

Ally: 32-year-old male, suffered cardiac arrest.

Unresponsive, not breathing.

Let's go. Let's go.

Come on, come on. Come on, come on.

[Gurney rattling]

[Radio crackling]

What's wrong? Did he make it?

You did everything you could.

[Zips up bag]

[Begins pounding locker]




Okay. So that was the manager at the legacy liquor store, and he said that he sold our bottle of scotch, but...

Let me guess. The k*ller paid cash?

You got it.

[Groaning sigh] Surveillance cameras?


And I sent over the photo of our "John Turner."

Nobody remembered him.

What is it with this guy that nobody remembers him?

No one remembers him.

Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.

Let's show his photos around to all the bike shops in town.

That's the only thing I can think of.

Okay. Well, we've done more with less.

[Frustrated grunt]

[Sighs heavily, foot stomps]


Ally talked to me about what happened today.

What do you mean, what happened?

Your heart-attack patient.

She said you took it really hard.

He's not the first person I've lost on the job.

Not gonna be the last.

Is this still about what happened to that kid?

'Cause you've got to let it go, man.

[Chuckles] No. I think, uh...

I think you're overreacting.

I think Ally is, too. I'm all good.

Okay. If you're all good, show me your hand.


Come on, really?

I saw it shaking, man.


Oh. Here.


Get a good look?

I'm gonna have to tell Doug.

Yeah? Go ahead.

Well, that's your "Good News" face.

Well, I, uh, found a guy named Rick at Eagleton Bikes who recognized him, but didn't remember his name.



Are you kidding me?


He did remember that he wore a uniform with a patch on his jacket, and then he drew this.

Could be a firefighter.

That would explain the badge when he notified the wife.

It's a caduceus.

A "Caduceus"?


The staff surrounded by two snakes.

Oh, yeah!

That's like a paramedic.


Hey, guys? I got 17 motorcycles went through the toll on Wednesday.

Three of those license plates came back to women, so I have 14 possible names for your John Turner.

Hey, Lucas, any of these names belong to an EMS worker?

Vega: Yeah. There's gotta be one.

[Keys clacking]

Gotta be.




Lucas: Stuart Fletcher.

A professional life-saver.

Yeah. So what made him a k*ller?

OK. So the skydiving instructor confirms from the photo that Stuart Fletcher is, in fact, one John Turner who took the class last Wednesday and chickened out before the jump.

And that's when you think he stole the parachute.


Well, he's a paramedic with access to lorazepam, which is the drug we found in Graeme's scotch.

Well, lots of people have access to lorazepam.

Yeah, but he just came off medical leave and even though his boss wasn't at liberty to share the details without a warrant, I'm guessing PTSD.

I'm still not hearing a motive, or Stuart's connection to Graeme.

Well, we don't know that yet, sir.

Stuart, uh... Stuart's a paramedic, right?


And you were saying... that Graeme's cancer diagnosis came after a serious car accident?

Yeah, their paths could've crossed that way.

Why don't you find out for sure?


Stuart? What are you doing here?

I'm sorry.

I just wanted you to know... [Voice breaks] that I'm sorry.

Stuart, we've been through this before.

It's not your fault.

I should have done more.

The driver who hit him is responsible.

You did everything you could to help him.

Can I see him?


So Jeff's at work?

Actually, he moved out.

Couldn't handle it anymore.

It's a lot to take.

And not much is gonna change.

So it's just you and Finn now?

I gave up my job so someone would always be with him.

I didn't want him to be alone.

Hey... Finn.

[Monitors beeping]

It's your buddy...


I saw your new bike. It's nice.

Your mom tells me you're doing really great lately.

I've got something of yours.

They took it off you when they cleaned you up.


I went and got it and I kept it safe.

Figured you might need it.

Sorry, buddy.

I let you down.

I let you down.

Hi there.

Detectives Flynn and Vega.

Stuart Fletcher home?

No, he isn't. Is everything alright?

You know where we can find him?

There's a good chance he's at Brown's, down the street.

You're his, uh, girlfriend?

Um... actually, we broke up a few weeks ago.

I'm just here picking up some stuff while he's out.

Uh, still, can we ask you a few questions?

What's this about?

Well, does the name Graeme Jenkins sound familiar to you?

No. It doesn't.

You're sure you never heard him mention him?

We think he might've been involved in a traffic accident that Stuart attended.

Ohh... there was one call.

He might've been involved.

Well, what happened?

A little kid got hit by a car, riding his bike.

He ended up with permanent brain damage.

It was sad and Stuart took it really, really hard.

He took it hard because it was a kid involved?

Stuart blamed himself.

He misdiagnosed internal bleeding, and the boy sleeped into a coma.

Stu needed to take some time off to get some perspective, so he took a week-long hiking trip.

I thought he'd got a handle on it, but...

Do you know the name of the driver who caused the accident?

Some woman. She was texting.

That hiking trip, do you know where he went?

Westcoast trail.

Okay. Thank you very much.

Thank you.

So it's not about revenge.

No, it wasn't, but he did hike the west coast trail.

That was on Graeme's bucket-list, too, wasn't it?

Yeah, and if they did it at the same time, that could be our connection.

I hope so.

Stuart Fletcher?

Detectives Flynn and Vega.

We're investigating the m*rder of Graeme Jenkins.

Okay. Am I supposed to know who that is?

Well, we have witnesses who put you at the edge skydiving school last Wednesday.

Does that sound right?

Uh, yeah. I don't know what I was thinking.

Didn't go through with it?

I guess I'm not as tough as I look.

But you finished the westcoast trail.

That's pretty tough.

That's right.

We think you met Graeme Jenkins there.

That, uh, trail is 75 kilometers long.

You... You meet a lot of people. Doesn't ring a bell.

Can I go?

Don't plan any camping trips any time soon.

Well, that's our "John Turner."

Should we bring him in?

We want him for m*rder, not impersonating a police officer.

Lucas: Graeme and Stuart's dates do overlap.

Graeme came home with a sprained ankle.

Didn't give her any details, but said that another hiker came to his rescue.

Oh, that could be the work of an off-duty paramedic.

She also said that, weeks leading up to his trip, that he seemed stressed, and he was recently talking about selling their house.

She just assumed that it was "The Cancer Blues."

Why would he want to sell their house?

She didn't know, but when he came back, he didn't bring it up again.

Okay, so he knew something she didn't.

And what do most people stress about?


Answering machine: Hi. You've reached Jennifer.

Leave me a message.

Stuart: Hey.

It's me.

I've made a lot of mistakes, so...

I understand why you're not here.

[Gulps and sighs]

I just want you to know I don't blame you.

This is on me.

I've always loved you.

I always will.

See here?

Their insurance policy included full coverage.

Right. So no matter what happened to Graeme, his family was taken care of.

Yeah, and all the documents that Ingrid sent us were legit, but it turns out that the insurance company sent Graeme a new notification just over a month ago.

Well, they found out Graeme lied about being a smoker.

They called it pre-existing condition.

So if he dies of lung cancer, his family gets nothing?

That's what Graeme knew that Ingrid didn't.

That's a big problem.

Yeah, and Stuart was the solution.


Come in.

You know, we're pretty confident you did know Graeme Jenkins, Stuart.

You are?

That's right. You met on a hike in the middle of nowhere.

Did something happen between the two of you out there?


[Branches snapping]

Oh, thank God. Hey!


Um, I actually need some help.

I've, um, hurt my ankle pretty bad.


Here we go.

Thanks, man.

Well, I don't know what I would have done if had you not come along.

Well, truth be told, nice to have some company for a couple miles.

[Wheezing] Yeah.

I'm dying.

Yeah? Well, maybe that's too tight. Let me, uh...

No, no, no, no. No. That's good.

That's good. I'm dying.

I got stage-four lung cancer.

I'm... That's why I'm here.

I'm crossing things off my list.

You serious?



No, no. It's okay.

I used to feel sad about it, angry, but now I figure it brought me to this incredible place, you know?

It's like I'm, uh... I'm here.

Right. Living life to the fullest.

Yeah. Yeah.


I tell my wife and my kids I love them every day.

I don't take anything for granted.

You make it seem so easy.

[Chuckles weakly]

No. [Coughs]

No. It's not easy.

He told me about his, uh, bucket-list... uh, the Grand Canyon, the skydiving, the drinking, the Creemore single malt with his wife... all of it.

You tell him about the little boy?

What's the point of saving a life if you destroy a family in the process?

I mean, that's what I did to that kid's family.

It was my fault. I misdiagnosed him.

It tore 'em apart.

Dude, you saved his life.

Doesn't stop the nightmares.


You want to know the truth?

It doesn't matter whether it was your fault or not.

Bad things happen to good people, but you still have to be able to move through it.

How do you do that?

Do something positive.

Make a difference for someone.

He told you about his insurance problems?

He, um...

He said he was worried about leaving his family with nothing.

And he asked you to make it look like an accident?

You agreed?

[Chuckles dryly]

Mm-hmm. Well, it wasn't that easy.

[Knocking at door]


Everything okay?

Uh... no.

Uh... Um...

You... [Sighs]

You can't do this.

What're you, having second thoughts?

No. It's too big of a risk.

But it's given me... purpose.

It's given me something positive to focus on.

Okay, but what about the rest of your life?

All day long, all I do is watch people suffer, and most of the time, I'm powerless to do anything about it.

But this?

What you've asked me to do?

This is my chance.

I can relieve your suffering.

I want to help you.

Okay. Are you sure?



Thank you.

And I want you to tell my wife.

I want you to be the one to tell my wife.

When he saw the scotch, that meant that, uh... everything was a go.

Uh, that was his last chance to back out, if he wanted to.

But he didn't want to.

Lee: Okay, everyone. Break's over. Suit up.

Last safety check. In 10 minutes, we're in the plane.

[Exhaling deeply]

Hey, sweetie, it's me.

Yeah, we're about go up.

Just wanted to call and tell you that I love you and the kids.

Yeah. Yeah, it's a beautiful day.

I couldn't have asked for anything more.


Okay. I love you.


[Beeps phone off]

I drugged his scotch so his last moments would be... beautiful.

Not scary.

You were trying to heal each other.

Did it work? Do you feel healed?

How're you feeling, Stuart?

Slightly groggy: What? I don't know.

What'd you take?

Did you take something?


Stuart? Did you take something?

What'd you take?


Hey. This is Detective Vega. Yeah.

I need an ambulance to 22...

[Siren wails and stops]

[Radios crackling]



He left this.

Did you read it?


"The road to hell is paved with good intentions."

[Radios crackling]

Flynn: That's tough.

So now the insurance company won't pay out.

Well, with how busy it's been around here lately, telling them is not the tops of my priority list.

Just got off the phone with the hospital, and Stuart's stabilized.

Nice work today.

Thank you, sir.

That's good news.

Yeah, that's great news.


[Slaps pen down]

Did you, uh...

Read the file?

Yeah. Yeah, I, uh, I read it.


What'd you think?

And, well, I think that you lived every rookie's nightmare.

Cross and I were...

We were so green, we weren't ready. You know?

Yeah. Well, you can prepare for that scenario.

You're never gonna be ready for your first sh**ting.

How would you have handled it?

Well, I-I... can't answer that, but you know, I do think that you and Cross acted according to procedure.



Still doesn't make what happened any easier on you.

No. But you gotta move on, right?


