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02x06 - Bad Blonde

Posted: 04/11/14 20:29
by bunniefuu
[Dance music thumping]

Here you are.

Thank you. Keep the change.

Thank you!

Dude, she's into you.

Ha. She's a little out of my league, man.

Trey, you're the kind of man-candy that could make me switch teams.

I'm just not into the casual hook-up thing, man.

Yeah. Relationships are like motorcycles.

Eventually, they all crash.

What did Sheri do to you?

Speaking of crash...

Mr. Groper's back.

Trey: Yeah.

Woman: Get your hands off me!

I got it.

Thanks, buddy.

You know, you'd be a lot more attractive if you tied your hair up.

Woman: You'd be way more human if you stopped breathing through your mouth.

Remember Trent?

Yeah, the guy that interviewed you for the transmedia blog?

That's him.

So we're texting last night and I am my usual charming self, and his profile photo looks like Ryan Gosling, so we decide to meet for a coffee.

Fast-forward to the coffee shop.

I get there. No Trent.

I give him 15 minutes.

15 minutes later, nothing.

And tell me you're leaving?

Oh! But before I do, this comic book nerd walks over, calls me a "Lying bitch," and then marches out!

Comic book nerd is Trent.

Oh, but he is no Ryan Gosling.

So I chase him down.

Yeah, because when any creep lures you somewhere under false pretenses, you should totally confront him.

He hates my haircut. My new haircut.

Which looks great.

Took you long enough to notice.

Top drawer.

[Slaps letter-opener down]

"Very cute hair."


Why can't I meet a guy like you?

[Cell phone ringing]


Gordon, it's me.

It's Heather.

I need your help.

I'm in trouble.

It's 4:00 AM.

If that's Heather, I'll k*ll her.


Where are you?


I'm over here.

Don't be mad at me, Gordon.

Gordon, you've got to help me.

I didn't have any choice.

So what makes you think this is a homicide?


So these look like cast-off patterns.

I'm thinking some kind of blade.

The attack probably started here.

And then s*ab, s*ab... s*ab, s*ab, s*ab.

Then the victim bled out here.

Yeah, that's a lot of blood.

Yeah, at least two liters.

I mean, it's hard to survive that kind of loss.

If this it's one person's blood, yes.

I didn't think of that.

Let's get forensics here, ASAP.


Okay. Thank you.

So what do you think?


I think someone walked over here...

Vega: Mm-hmm.


And they picked up... Looks like a piece of jewelry?

Vega: Well, that could be a mugging.

Broken jewelry. An as*ault?

Yeah. Well, until we find more information, it could be anything.

Except an accident.


Oh, this is bad. This is bad. This is bad. This is bad.

I set out some towels for you.

Are we making a mistake?

What kind of mistake?

Heather, you k*lled Jake!

I mean, Jeez, we should probably call the police.


Heather, if it was self-defense, this is fine.

Don't you believe me?

Yes! I believe you.

If my best friend doesn't believe me, how do we Heather! I believe you. expect the police to...

Okay? I believe you. I do.

Okay, I gotta get this blood off me.

To offensive web communications... the country's fastest-growing web agency.

And number three on the media now magazine's top-ten digital companies.

We should be number one.

Next year, number one.

Either way, it's pretty cool.

[Thumps glass down]

I love this song!

Let's dance!

I'm good.

Maybe the next one.

Lame! Lamer!

We should be celebrating.


Why? Because Heather's being obnoxious again, or because she h*jacked our date night again?

Listen, she's not obnoxious, she's just, you know...


Dr. Mackie says we need to be making time for ourselves.

Well, this is gonna be good for us, and it's gonna be great for business.

Okay? I'll make it up to you, okay? Promise.

Hey. Come here.

Vega: Okay, so the blood is from a single source.

Our victim is "O-positive" and diabetic.

All right. Officer Sung checked the hospitals.

No s*ab wounds admitted. No missing patients.


You guys know there's no body in there, right?

Yeah, we just figured we need your expert opinion.

About what? How to remove stubborn blood stains?

No. Whether or not our victim could still be alive or dead.

Ah. Well, see...

Blood is like paint, and about a liter of paint can cover 200 square feet.

I see. Well, we had an estimate of about two liters.

Is that right?

I'd agree with that.

Which means our victim could still be alive?


So how much time do we got?

Uh, if they lose another liter of blood without medical attention, they're done for.


So, what, we just dump him in the bushes, and go, right?

According to this website, you just dump it somewhere no one will see it and let nature take its course.

Do you have to use my phone for that?

My battery's dead.


This is not going to work.

[Sighs heavily]

Detectives! We have a trail of blood from the change room that ends here.

Then here... we've got fresh tire tracks in the soil, so I'm thinking our assailant backed his or her vehicle and loaded up the body.

Also... we may have a witness.

Excuse me, sir.

I'm Detective Flynn. This is Detective Vega.

What's your name?


Hey, Alex.

Got some questions for you.

Were you down here last night?


Did you hear anything or see anything, sir?


Hey, can I go?

First united only serves breakfast until 9:00.

Flynn: Mm-hmm.

You down in the change rooms this morning, Alex?

Alex: Huh? - Hey, hey, hey. What are you doing? Hey, man. Hey.

Hands out of the pockets, sir.

Take your hands out slowly.


What do you got there?

I was only gonna sell it.


Medical alert says the bracelet is registered to a one Jake Daly.

"O-positive", diabetic.

Well, that matches the blood found in the change room.

Thanks for making that call.

Medical alert wouldn't issue this information to me without a warrant.

Which, under normal circumstances, I would agree.

Yeah, but these aren't normal circumstances.

I think we should bury him.

That'll take even longer.

Well, then you think of something.

I've never done this before!

I've only ever seen it done on TV.

We could dismember it and dump it out to sea.

How are we gonna do that?

Where are we going to do that?

Are your parents still away?

Yes. No! No.


Our lives are this close to perfect.

Everything that we have ever wanted for ourselves and the company is in our reach.

We get caught?

All of that disappears.

[Cell phone rings]


You answer that, Kim is gonna want to know what's going on.

If I don't, she's going to keep calling.


Hi, honey.

Hey. What's going on?


Remember that call last night? That was the alarm company.

The office alarm was activated.

Someone tried to break in?


I had to come down and deal with it, so as soon as I was done with the alarm company and the police, I-I decided to just crash on the couch.

When are you coming home?

Well, I-I just gotta wait for the locksmith.


So remember, we have Dr. Mackie this afternoon.

Dr. Mackie. Yeah, I remember.

I love you.

Me too.

Come on. Let's go.


My parents' house.

I just got to stop home and get the keys.

You don't have the keys?

No, I wasn't expecting to stop by there today.

You know, you'd be a lot more attractive if you tied your hair up.

You'd be way more human if you stopped breathing through your mouth.

All right, pal. Time to leave.

Get lost!


Oh! I am so sorry.

Are you okay?

I'm fine.


Thank you... [Chuckles] for defending my honor.

Pretty thing like you? Least I could do.



Jake? Are you home?

The police are here.

We're coming in.

Wait, sir. It'd just be best if you let us check first.

Thank you.

I got the bathroom.

[Switch clicks]

Yeah, we're clear here.

Bathroom's clear.

[Vega sighs]

You can come in now, sir. Thank you.

My wife and I appreciate your concern, Officers, but this isn't the first time Jake's lost his bracelet.

Well, according to our records, Jake is a bartender at a Caprice Nightclub.

Is that right, sir?

That's right.

How long has he worked there for?

Five years.

He took the job to help pay for his school and then he quit school.

Mm. Jake ever mention any trouble at work?


He's a bartender.

So what's going on?

Well, we're just concerned for his safety.

Does, uh, does he have a girlfriend?

Not that I know of.

But we don't talk much about that anymore.

What about his last relationship?

That would be Sheri. Sheri Anderson.

It didn't end well?

She left him at the altar.

Okay. But no one since then?

No one serious.

You're not telling me something.

I can tell.

Right now, sir, we know as much as you do.

We found Jake's medical bracelet and we're concerned for his safety.

We'll find your son, sir. Don't worry.

I'm just saying we can't assume that he's dead.

I agree, but I'd hate to give Jake's family any false hope.

Yeah, and I guess I'm hoping that it's not false hope that I gave.

I know. Lucas?

Back here.

What do you got?

Jake's car.

Someone used a brick to smash the windshield.

No prints.

Vega: Any blood?

Not yet.

Could be a coincidence. Failed break-and-enter?

When's the last time you saw a B-and-E go through the front windshield, my friend?

Whatever happened to Jake Daly started here.

How'd it go?

Good. I don't think she saw me.

Did you get the keys?

Yeah, I got the keys.

Do you even care this could ruin my marriage?

You two have been having trouble for a long time.

Oh, seriously? You're judging my relationship?

Because I know you can do better.

[Sighs] Look, go take care of Kim.

I can handle this on my own...

I said I would help. Okay? I'll help.

Thank you.

[Car starts]

[Both panting]

Heather: Wow.

And to think...

I was one more blind date away from becoming a nun.



It really is a nightmare out there, isn't it?

All of my relationships have been a train-wreck.

Sounds like we have a lot in common.

Look, if all you want to do is have some fun...

That's fine, I like fun.

Just don't let me think this is something more.

This is something more.

Jake was pissed when he saw the windshield.

What time was that?

About 3:00 AM.

We were the last two out.

Jake suspect anyone in particular?

Yeah, but he wouldn't say who.

I offered to give him a ride home.

He decided to get a cab.

He have any girlfriends?

There was this Heather girl.

Heather have a last name?

He was keeping the details pretty close to his chest.

Said he didn't want to jinx it.

[Dance music throbbing]

So, Heather tells me you guys have known each other since college?

You know, I can't...

You and Heather!

You've been friends for a long time?

Oh, yeah! Yeah.

I met all her boyfriends.

There was a lot of them.

Oops! Uh... It's a work thing.

Whatcha doing, buddy?

I'm just looking out for you.

I can take care of myself.

Oh, yeah? You remember Steve?

After six weeks, you were sure he was the one?

Didn't he steal all of your furniture?

Yes, I remember Steve. Why do you remember Steve?

Because I'm the one who has to watch you go through hell every time one of these losers breaks your heart.

Well, Jake is different.

Yeah, that's what you said about Steve.

I know...

And Toby!

And all the others.

I know what I said.

And Jake is not like the others.

He's... sweet.

And thoughtful.

And employed.

And he reminds me of you.

Look, all I'm saying is slow things down.

Don't be so impulsive.

All I'm saying is just try and make an effort. Okay?


Heather: We got it all worked out.

We're good.

Thank goodness, because I do not want to deal with work right now.

Vega: Lucas, what do we got?

Forensics matched the tire tread to a brand sold standard on several years of accords.

Alright, so, uh, yellow cab had a call-out to the Caprice for Jake at 3:05 AM.

When he arrived, 3:15, he was gone.

What about his cell phone records?

Uh, we're still waiting on the lauds.

Alright, well, we know that he had a girlfriend, but we only know her first name, and it's Heather.

He's got to have some kind of online profile, right?

Well, let's check that out.

[Keys clacking]

That's funny.


He has two profiles on the same website.

This one says that he's in a relationship with Heather Williamson.

Vega: So who's this girl in the second profile?

So we've got one Jake, one website and two profiles.

[Tarp rustling]

How do you think you'll do it?


Someone has to!

This was your idea.

[Phone rings]


Hi, this is Detective Angie Flynn.

Am I speaking with Heather Williamson?


Hi, Heather. I'm looking for some information on Jake Daly.

Do you know him?


Ask away.

Actually, it would be better if we did this in person, so why don't you, uh, tell me where you are, and I'll come meet you.

I'm already out.

How about I come to you? Um...

Half an hour okay?

Uh, good. I'm at the central station.

[Huffs anxiously]

I need a ride to the police station.

Oh, this is bad.

This is bad.

You... You need to stop saying that.

There is nothing that we can't do when we work together.

We started the company in your living room.

Now we have a staff of 20.

I'm gonna tell 'em it was my idea to move the body.

Damn it, Gordon!

Can't you just man-up for once?

What are you going to tell them?

As little as possible.

Well, you want me to wait?


I think that you should go back to your parents' place and take care of our problem.

Quietly: Oh, my God.

[Cell phone ringing]

[Ringing stops]


Hi. Heather Williamson?


Detective Angie Flynn.

Thanks for coming in.

Is Jake okay?

Yeah, his parents can't get ahold of him, and, um, with his medical condition, they're obviously a little worried.

This is Detective Vega.


But they told me to come up to homicide.

Well, situations like this, everyone lends a hand.

Right this way.

And then in here.

Have a seat. [Clears throat]

So when was the last time you talked to Jake?

Last night.

Uh, around a quarter after 3:00

I'm a bit of night-owl, which works well, since he's a bartender.

Well, what'd you guys talk about?

I wanted him to come by, but his car had been broken into, so he said he was going to deal with that, and then head home and crash.


I, uh... stayed up for about another hour and then went to bed.

And what do you do?

I have my own company.

Offensive web communications.

We do website design, online advertising.

You've probably heard of us.

Oh, thank you.

Sorry. Force of habit. [Chuckles]

So when was the last time you actually saw Jake?

It's been a few days at least.

I have this crazy deadline at work.

We've got three major projects finishing up at the same time.

But things between the two of you in general are...?


Should I be worried?


No. But if Jake does contact you, please have him call us.
♪ ♪

[Cell phone rings]


I'm done.

I thought you said your cell phone battery was dead.

I said it was dying.

Focus, Gordon.

What did you tell them?

That Jake and I are still together.

Did they believe you?

Why wouldn't they?

You want me to come pick you up?

No. I have got to get home and clean up any evidence that could tie us to Jake.

Yeah, well, I am staring at the most incriminating evidence.

Well, there is also our bloody clothes, the towels, the tub.

What do you mean, you're staring at it?

Haven't you done it yet?

Look, it's taking longer than I thought.

God, Gordon! How hard could it be?

It's pretty damn hard, actually.


You said that I could trust you.

Look, you can trust me.

[Exhales deeply]


Not hungry.

You're always hungry.


It's double peppers.

Okay, give me that. Thank you so much.

Alright. What's the status?

Oh, well, we tracked down the girlfriend.

Heather Williamson.

She called him at, uh, 3:15.

He called off a Booty call and then he called a cab.

You know why?

We think he's got something else on the side.




Jake's LUDs.

[Keys clack]

Check out the call to the cab at 3:05 AM.

Then Heather, then a call to a Gordon White at 4:00 AM.

Gordon White?


Gordon White...



Alright. Here it is.

Gordon White. 27.

Married to Kim White.

Owns offensive web communications.

That's Heather Williamson's company.

Gordon White drive an accord?


Yes, he does.

We got to talk to this guy.

Alright, let's go.

No, I'm... I'm good. Thanks.

You're the one who tells me I need to learn about homicide investigation, right?

No, I don't say that.

You say that with your eyes.

I'm driving.

Hope she was worth it, you pig.


[Shards crunching]

Cross: You know, he's probably dead already.

Flynn: Until I see a body, I'm not making any assumptions.

[Doors thudding]

Kim White?

Hi. I'm Detective Flynn. This is Sergeant Cross.

We're looking for your husband, Gordon?

Oh. He's at work.

Is this about the break-in?

Yeah. That's right.

Is there anything you can tell us about it?

Not as much as Gordon. The alarm company called.

He went in to deal with it.

And what time was that?

Around 4:00 AM?

It woke me up.

And, uh, Gordon's at the office now?

Actually, I hope he's on his way to Dr. Mackie's.

I can get him to give you a call after the appointment, but I've got to go.

I've got to meet him there. He's got our car.

Uh, where are you heading?

Maybe we can give you a ride.

That'd be great. Broadway and Oak?


I really appreciate this.

Oh, yeah, of course. It's our pleasure.

Hop in.

Vega: Thank you for coming in, sir.

Do you recognize this woman?

Yes, that's Sheri.

Vega: Right, so that would be Jake's ex-fiancee?

This photo, along with several others of a more intimate nature, were posted on Jake's "Myface" profile yesterday afternoon.

Did Jake mention Sheri recently?

He hasn't talked about her since they broke up.

Maybe they were trying a reconciliation?

[Exhales] I wouldn't put it past him.

When it comes to women, my son is the master of the bad decision.

I can't believe she waited the entire hour for her husband to show.

How long would you have waited?

Depends on who I'm waiting for.


Okay, so what do you got?

We got, uh, Sheri Anderson, Jake's former fiancee.

Jake's father didn't like the idea that Sheri and Jake were seeing each other again.

She have an alibi for last night?

Well, we're still trying to track her down.

What do you guys got?

Gordon White, Heather's business partner, is the last person Jake called.

Yeah, we think Gordon vandalized Jake's car.

Jake called him to confront him.

Yeah, Gordon lied to his wife, Kim, after he got the call from Jake.

Told her his office had been broken into, and he drives a car consistent with the tire tracks found at the scene.

He also stood his wife up at a doctor's appointment.

Okay, so we've got two people of interest here...

Sheri Anderson and Gordon White.

I think Gordon White.

He's our priority.

Cross: I agree.

Vega: Okay.

Cross: Yeah.

If you thought I was making a bad call, you'd tell me, right?

Of course I would.

Because if you think that Sheri Anderson's a better lead, we should go with her.

Angie, we're good.

But listen, in the interest of full disclosure, I should tell you that I've been working with another detective as well.

Aw, get in the car!

And we've solved many, many murders together.

Yeah. Yeah.

Many! I'm jut saying.

Yeah. Many, many murders.


Gordon lied to me?

Why would he do that?

That's what we're trying to find out.

The call he got this morning was from a Jake Daly. Do you know him?

Jake's dating Heather, Gordon's partner.

His business partner.

Do, uh, Jake and Gordon get along?

Gordon tends to hate Heather's boyfriends.

Oh? And why is that?

Oh. Because they're not Gordon.

Gordon's always denied it, but...

I can tell.

We're working it out.

Okay, what did you and Gordon do last night?

We hung out at home.

We ate dinner, watched a movie and went to bed.

Did he go out at all before 4:00 AM?

No. He was at home until he got that phone call.

Sung: Okay, I'm outside Heather Williamson's townhouse.

So if you see Gordon White, just let me know.

Sung: Okay. Thank you. I'm so excited.

This is my first stakeout.

Yeah, well, don't thank me yet.

They can get pretty boring.

I mean, I fell asleep during my first one.

Oh, I can have fun anywhere.

Even a parked car.

[Laughs] I believe it!

Okay. I am going to hang up.

Yeah, me too.

[Horn honks]


[Dog barking]

Sounds like Gordon had quite a crush on his partner.

Yeah, but Gordon was home with his wife until 4:00 AM, so who smashed Jake's windshield?

Maybe it was a random act of v*olence, but Jake blamed Gordon?

Okay, so they had a confrontation, and Gordon stabbed Jake?

Hey, Lucas. What go you got?

Hold on, hold on.

I've run Gordon White's financials, and he just bought

20 sheets of plastic, five rolls of duct tape, protective gear, and a hacksaw from a hardware store.

Well, that sounds like a do-it-yourself body-disposal kit to me.

When did he make the purchase?

Just over an hour ago.


He's going to need to set up shop.

Someplace he feels safe.

[Cell phone begins ringing]

Hey, Kim. What's up?

Have you seen Gordon?


I've been home all day, cleaning.

The police have been here looking for him twice, and this time, they asked all these questions about Jake.

What is going on?

I don't know what to tell you, Kim.

I've got to go.



[Cell phone rings]

I'm almost done.

Okay. I just, uh...

I just wanted to say thank you.

I know today has been difficult for you, and, uh...

I don't know what I would do without you.

Hey, listen, I would do anything for you.

And I appreciate it.

Listen, Gordon, you're my best friend, and...

I love you.

I love you, too.



Operator: 911. State the nature of your emergency.

My boyfriend, Jake Daly...

He's been reported missing.

I think a friend of mine may be involved.

[Door rumbling]

[Officers shouting]

Officer: We got him. We got him.

[Faint exchange in interview room]

Hey. We found the victim's cell phone, the receipt from the hardware store and the m*rder w*apon in the garage.

Purple knife... odd choice, don't you think?

Yeah, you probably want to watch the interviews.

Heather: After I talked to you, I went home, and then I, uh, called Gordon a couple of hours later.


I needed to talk to him about one of our clients.

Take your time.

[Sniffs] He sounded funny.


I asked him if everything was all right, and he told me, "I have taken care of it for you."

Taken care of what?

That's what I asked him.

But he just repeated those words.

And then he told me that he loved me.

And I knew...

I just knew that he was talking about Jake.


[Door opens]

Well, Gordon...

You've been a busy boy. [Clears throat]

You broke Jake's windshield.

Then you stabbed him.

Then there's this.

Want to tell me why you m*rder*d Jake Daly?

I didn't.

Gordon, stop it!

You visited a website on your cell phone about disposing dead bodies!

It wasn't me, that was...

That wasn't you? So who was that, then?

I want a lawyer.



Heather? Heather!

Heather! Heather!

Dr. Rogers: 10 s*ab wounds in total.

Defensive wounds on the forearms and hands.

Five of the s*ab wounds were postmortem.


I prefer the term "Passionate."

It's less depressing.

Time of death?

Yeah, somewhere between "There's nothing you could have done" and "Don't beat yourself up about it."

Well, I-I appreciate that, but I'm going to need something a little more specific.


3:00 AM and 5:00 AM.

3:00 AM?

And 5:00 AM.

But the science of time-of-death is not exact.


It's not.

Bets puts the time of death between 3:00 AM and 5:00 AM.

That means that Jake could've been dead before 4:00 AM, and that would discount Gordon as a suspect.

Well, it also means that Jake could've been alive at 4:00 AM, and Gordon is the k*ller.


[Takes a big breath]

Does he look like a k*ller to you?

Yeah! That's exactly what he looks like.

We found him in his parents' garage with a corpse, Angie.

Yes, I know, it sounds crazy, but Gordon's been in Heather's friend-zone for years.

Why would he snap now?

Why Jake?

You know, up until a few hours ago, Gordon White was your prime suspect.

No! No. - Yeah. - I said he was a priority.

[Vega chuckles dryly]

It's... Just hear me out.

The smashed window, the multiple s*ab wounds, and the postmortem injuries, that all feels very... chaotic and passionate to me.

Okay. Well...

Gordon's disposal site is organized, it's clinical.

Maybe Gordon's got a split personality.

Or maybe he's helping someone who is passionate.

Someone who knows Gordon.

Someone who knows they can trust him.

Someone who used Jake's cell phone to call him.

Heather Williamson.

Maybe she was mad at him.

Okay, if she was, what would make her so passionate?

Photos of her boyfriend with another woman.

[Taps board]

Oh, God...

This was, like... Almost a year ago.

So it's not a recent photo?


I couldn't get Jake to talk to me, let alone take a photo together.

What happened between you two?

I panicked, and did something stupid, and Jake wouldn't forgive me.

When's the last time you did talk with Jake?

I haven't.

When Jake closes a door, it stays closed.


Well, we found, uh, some photos of a more intimate nature.

We're wondering if you made those for him.

Oh, my God!

[Photos rustle]

No. Uh...

I took these photos last week.

These are from my phone.

I've been hacked.

Okay, so Heather finds the profile page...

Which we know is fake.

Full of stolen photos from the ex-fiancee's phone.


And she freaks out.

Well, it wasn't hard to find, was it?

No. It wasn't.

[Keys clacking]

This profile page is only a week old.

Vega: Sheri took those photos a week ago.

It was meant to be found.

Hi. Thanks for coming in again on such short notice.

Your message said it was urgent.

Well, it is.

Our investigation has hit a wall, and we need your help.

Of course. Anything I can do.

How's Gordon?

I'm surprised you'd ask after everything he's done to you.

Well, he's still my best friend.

I can't just turn that off.

Yeah. I can't imagine how hard this must be for you.

You knew how enamored Gordon was with you, didn't you?

I knew he had a bit of a crush, Flynn: Hmm. - but I never thought that he was so obsessed.

Yeah. He's obsessed. Obsessed is definitely the word.

Flynn: Mm-hmm.

So, how can I help?

The night Jake was m*rder*d, you talked to him at 3:17, and he told you about the damage to his car.


Did you, uh, do you think that he suspected anyone?


So why was his next call to your business partner?

I guess he blamed Gordon.

Actually, we think he blamed you, Heather.

Jake: Oh, really mature, Heather.

You know how much it's gonna cost me to fix this windshield?

Well, you should have thought about that before you lied to me.

I didn't lie to you.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

You know, I thought that you were different, Jake, but you're just like all of the rest of them.

Where are you?

Why do you even care?

Because, clearly, we need to talk.

Flynn: You thought that Jake was cheating on you.

But that's Jake's fiancee from a year ago.

I'm guessing if you'd known that photo was a year old, Jake might still be alive.

Jake: Heather! Will you just talk to me?

Heather: There's nothing to talk about!

I saw those photos of your skank.

What photos?

What... What are you talking about?

The ones posted to your profile.

[Heather sobbing]

What? You just didn't think that I would see them?

There aren't any photos.

Ohh! God! Everyone saw them!

[Sobbing] My friends saw them!

My clients saw them!

You made a joke out of me.

Okay, know what?

Forget this. I'm done.

Psycho bitch.

[Jake gasping]

[Breath slowing]

[Crying out]

You dragged me down here to listen to this nonsense?


Gordon k*lled him, because he was jealous.

No, you're right. Gordon was very jealous.

We traced the computer that set up Jake's false profile.

It was Gordon's computer.

Vega: No, he made you think that Jake was cheating on you so that you would dump him.

Flynn: But he never imagined that you'd react like this.

Vega: Which is why he helped you get rid of the body.

He was guilty.

He tricked you.


Made a fool of you.


Gordon could never make a fool out of me.

Gordon couldn't exist without me.

Everything that he has, everything he is, is because I made him.

He would do anything for you?


Clean up your mess?


Heather Williamson, you're under arrest for the m*rder of Jake Daly.

Stand up, please.

[Exhaling deeply]

Well, you guys closed this case in less than 36 hours.

Now, if that doesn't deserve a little Irish, I don't know what does.

Well, thank you, sir. Maybe next time?

You got it.

I'm buying.

I'm game.

Uh... I'm gonna take a rain-check.


Does make you wonder, doesn't it?

Who would you call if you had a dead body on your hands?

Oh, the police.

So, me?