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02x05 - Dead End

Posted: 04/03/14 21:05
by bunniefuu
Are you absolutely sure that you know what you're doing?


Okay, 'cause I've heard this can turn your hair green.

Don't worry, you're gonna love this.

I just want to look like you.

Aw. Okay.

Put this around your neck.

I'm so excited!

Are you ready? Let's do this.

Oh, my God.


Michael: Aiden? Where'd you put the wine glasses?

Uh, never mind.

Did you find them?


Oh! Looking good!


I'm talkin' about you...

Hey! What part of "Wait" didn't you get?

Michael: Hey. There she is.


And this is for you.

Oh. Coke in a wine glass. Classy, guys.

We haven't properly acknowledged your birthday, so... Happy 18th, Em.

Happy Birthday.

Thank you.

And another thing...

Emily got offered a full ride.


Full scholarship, for cross-country.


Your parents must be so proud.

I guess. I haven't told my mom yet. So...

Well, we are proud of you.

We are so proud.

Michael: Here's to Emily and Aiden.


What are we proud of?

Janine, your head is orange.


It's "Stunning natural copper."

Like I said...


I think it looks beautiful.

Emily: It's just like mine.


Emily got into pac tech.

How could you not tell me?

I wanted to tell you right away. Sorry.

So you're definitely sticking around?


Oh, my God! I'm so excited!

I'm so excited!

[Radios crackling]

Answering machine.

Hey, Manny.

Thank you, sir.

It's your mom.

You know, the woman who... gave you life.

So maybe you could, uh, call me back?

So... Still no word?

No. I've left him six messages and three texts.

It's not like him to avoid me.

Maybe because you left six messages and three texts, right?

He just started school. He needs space.

Trust your work.

Oh. That's a long fall.


Dr. Rogers: Rigor hasn't even set in yet.

She's been dead two hours, max.

That puts the time of death at 8:30?

Any sign of sexual as*ault?

Uh, hard to say at this point.

I'll have to get her back to the lab.

So, Emily Williams...

She falls onto these rocks...

Crawls down here and dies. Is that an accident?

Unlikely. See here?

Blunt-force trauma to the back of the head.

Here, here and here.

Likely hit with a rock.

Somebody really wanted this girl dead.

They had to k*ll her twice.

[Whistle tweets]

Coach: Okay, good job. Ladies, bring it in!

Let's get those heart rates up, okay?

We have time for five sprints before the end of period.

Line up on the red line.

Let's go. Straight line.

[Blows whistle]

Here we go!

I'm sorry I'm late.


My bike got stolen.

I had to run the entire way.

It's all right. It's a stressful time, with your mom in the hospital.

It won't happen again.

Go get changed and join in.



You changed it back.


My mom likes it better like this, so...

Go ahead.


Again! Good job.

Hey, come on, I need that!

After you talk to the detectives.

Is there a problem here?

Aiden Boxton.

He found the body, called it in.

She took my phone.

Mr. Boxton was trying to make a call.

I just want to talk to my dad.

And when I asked him to desist, he ignored me, so, of course, per protocol, I confiscated the phone.

That's when I observed there was blood on it.

Okay, well, we'll take it from here.

This crime scene needs securing. Thank you very much.

If you wanna talk, you can talk to us.

I saw her on the rocks, I called out.

She didn't answer. I climbed down after her.

You didn't think to call 911?

I didn't think anything, okay? Other than to help her.

Okay? She was just... laying there.

Did you know the victim?

Yeah. She's my ex-girlfriend.

Flynn: I'm sorry.

She's your ex-girlfriend?

Yeah. We haven't spoken in a few weeks.

You see anybody else?


Aiden, where were you between 8:00 and 9:00 this morning?

I was looking for Emily.

Janine: Emily?



Aiden says you broke up with him.

What's going on?

Can we not talk about that? Not here. Please.

He says you turned down pac tech.

That you two won't be going together in the fall?

Where are you going?

I-I don't know. I've got to make some changes, okay? Sorry.

Okay. Emily!


We're still gonna hang out, right?

Yeah, that kind of looks like her.

You're not sure?

Well, pretty sure.

Um, she was turned away from me, heading back up the trail.

And what time did you see her?

Uh... Would have been 7:15.

That's specific.

Yeah, well, I'm working on... on increasing my pace, keeping track of my time.

You see anyone else with her? Was anyone else around?

Uh, no. Uh, I saw she'd left her bike.

Noticed it wasn't a trail bike.

It was a red-and-white-colored step-through, wicker basket, European maybe.

Uh, she hadn't locked it, and I slowed down, thinking I should tell her, but she was already gone.

I don't see a bike.

I know it's the suburbs, but I guess the park isn't as safe as it looks.

That's what I was going to tell her.

Probably stolen.

You've been very helpful.


Aiden: Emily left me a message this morning, at about 8:00.

We hadn't spoken since she dumped me.

What'd she want?

She said she messed up.

I was hoping she was talking about us.

Vega: What happened next?

I blew off calculus to go meet her.

Why the bluffs?

It was our spot.

It was where we'd go to...

[Vega knowingly chuckles]

We would hang out there.

Why'd you two split?

She told me she wanted to break up about a month ago.

She'd turned down pacific tech, and we wouldn't be together next year.

She said she wanted to get her head straight, maybe take a year off.

You didn't believe that was the real reason?

Not when I started hearing the rumors.

Which were?

That she was doing it with some teacher.

The police can't tell for certain if it was an accident, or something else.

They'd like to speak to you first.

So, go ahead.

Flynn: Thank you.

[Sighs] Well, first of all, I want to say I'm very sorry about your friend.

I know this is a difficult time for you.

The other reason we want to talk to you is because you were her teammates and you knew her really well, so if there's anything that you want to let us know...


Miss Greyson, may I ask you a few questions as well?

Most certainly.

Flynn, quietly: Or if there's something that you, uh...

That you didn't want your coach to know...

Emily was avoiding us.

We knew there was something up.

Em hadn't been herself lately.

She was depressed.

It started after she broke up with Aiden.

Her boyfriend?

Until, like, a month ago.

And she dropped him.

Which makes no sense, by the way.

He was Aiden and she was Emily.

They'd been together, like, forever.

Yeah, since she'd moved out here to Lions Bay.

Well, do you think there was anyone else?

Besides Aiden?

Well, there was...

Shut up.

I-It was just talk.

Except she never missed his class.

"His class"?

Mr. Bould's advanced reading group, after school Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Yeah. And sometimes on weekends.

Vega: Hey.

Flynn: Hey.

So, according to Greyson, Emily had shown a change in mood for the last month.

Yeah For the... Because of the break-up?

Yeah, but her attendance had only become erratic in the last week.

Well, the girls confirm what Aiden said, that there was one special teacher in her life.

Well, I guess the question is, how special?


[Cell phone chimes]


Janine, I-I need you at the hospital.

Is it mom?

No, mom's fine, but something's happened.

Emily's dead.

Oh, my God.

A-Aiden's at the police station.


Yeah. I-I have to go get him, but I-I... Someone needs to be here with mom.


Dad, you didn't tell mom yet, did you?


Flynn: Mr. Bould, you were Emily's English teacher.

We're just wondering if you can clear up a few rumors for us.



That you paid extra attention to Emily.

Uh, yeah, of course, I paid extra attention.

Um, she was bright, engaged, uh...

You know, most of the students here think that their good grades are complimentary with their tuition.

Thank you.

So you didn't spend time with her outside of class?

Uh, well, there is the... the reading group.

For the more advanced readers.

You know, 20th-century writers, outsider artists.

It isn't all to k*ll a mockingbird.

I see. So, stuff you couldn't teach in your regular courses?

No, not without a lot of grief from certain parents, but you know I try to only let in students who I think could handle it, and, uh, Emily could.

Emily: I think this one was my favorite.

Excellent. Well, thank you.





Uh... Janine. What are you doing in my office?

Hi, Mr. Bould.

I just had some questions about today's assignment.

You waited a long time to ask.

Yeah, well, I can see you guys are busy.

Those are from the reading group, right?


I really, really wish that I could join.

Right, but you're still too young.

Yeah. I know... "Juniors or above only."

I didn't know that you could take meetings outside the group.



We used to talk about the books ourselves!

I'm sorry. I've got to go.

Thanks again.

Everything okay?

It's fine.

So Mr. Bould was a professor.


Apparently, Professor of the Naughty.


Oh! Two charges of sexual harassment.

Yeah, from a Beth Stevenson, student at Vannoy Community College.

Charges were dropped.

Well, you can bet his wife hasn't forgotten that.

Well, Professor Bould... I wanted to like you.

Why are smart men so stupid?


Except for you.

You are smart and not-stupid.

You're smart-smart.

Thank you. No, thank you for clearing that up, that's nice. Anyways... this affair cost him his old job.

Question is: Did he k*ll to cover up another one?

You're awake.


I'm feeling a bit better.

I was really worried about you.

Shouldn't you be in school, sweetheart?

Well, I had to come see you.

Uh, dad and Aiden aren't here right now.

They had to go do something, but they should be back soon.

They're telling me I can go home today.

What? That's great!

[Relieved laugh]

You changed it back.


I like it better.

Me too.

Yeah, everything is...

Back to the way it was.

Okay, so we've got Emily Williams, an 18-year-old boarding student at queen's cross academy.

Yeah. Her parents are out of town.

The closest relationship is with one Aiden Boxton, also 18.

Her boyfriend... until one month ago.

And that trail-runner Brad Myers saw Emily leave her bike at the gate and then enter the park at a quarter-after 7:00 AM.

Wait a minute. I don't remember seeing a bike at the trailhead.

He remembered so many specific details about that bike, I started to think that maybe he was gonna steal it himself.

Uh, or he was checking out the cute girl riding it.

Hey. Don't be making everyone a suspect.

Well, I checked his alibi.

He's not good for it.

We're joking. Do you know that?

That's remarkable.

Yeah. Of course.

Okay. So let's check the local hock shops, and see if the bike was stolen.

Yeah, also online classifieds will work.

And that brings us to... To sir with love, who has now become an official person of interest.

Oh? And how'd that happen?

Um, former relationship with a student when he was a college professor.

Yeah, which he obviously has not disclosed to his current employer.

Well, he wouldn't have to, if the records were sealed.

Charges dropped, sir.

Still... he's been through it once before.

He will put up a fight and he will lawyer up.

Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. At least. Especially 'cause he's married.

Alright, well, then there's your pressure point.

thr*aten to tell the wife.

Or we could talk to him.

That's another way to handle it.

[Flynn clears her throat and sighs]


The victim's father has arrived.

Thank you, Officer Sung. I'll go grab him.

Detective Flynn?


Uh, about the cell phone?

Oh, yeah, listen.

If a suspect's gonna be stupid enough to talk in front of you, you be smart enough to listen.

Mm-hmm. Okay. Thanks.

Flynn, lightly: Hey, Lucas. What's up?

I tried to be there for her. I really tried.

Sorry, Mr. Williams. We know this is hard.

Her mom's in Texas, and since the divorce...

I'm in sales.

I got to keep on the road.

Yeah, you do what you can.

Emily ever mention any boyfriends?

Just Aiden.

They were close?

[Laughs] Yeah.

[Sighs] The Boxtons were like a second family to her.

Emily would always say, "Nah, don't worry, daddy."

And I believed her, until...

Until what, sir?

About six weeks ago, the calls started getting shorter.

She starting having doubts about college and whether she should spend more time with her mom.

When was the last time you spoke with Emily?

Last week.

Said there was something, but she couldn't tell me over the phone, that she needed me there in person.

Do you know what that was about?



I told her I couldn't come home right away, 'cause I had to stay for the closing.

She said, "Don't worry, daddy. It'll wait."

I believed her.

[Kettle whistling]


[Whistle growing louder]

Mom, you left the kettle on.



Mom! Wake up!

Oh, my God.

Bould: You talked to Beth Stevenson?

Vega: Yeah, we talked.

She doesn't say hi.

Yeah? What did she say?

Did she tell you the charges were withdrawn?

Well, she said something about a gag order.

Yeah, so let's abide by that.

Well, we still need to know where you were yesterday morning.

I was in my office, preparing for my 9:00 AM class.

Can anyone vouch for you?

[Sighing] I was alone.


I know they always assume that the teacher is the aggressor in these situations, but Beth Stevenson harassed me. Alright?

She made that story up.

Yeah, but you were seeing her.

That much, Beth could say.

It was a mistake.

But one that I learned from.

Well, let's hope so, for your sake.

Hey, you know what?

There's no way that he would've had enough time to k*ll Emily and get back here by 9:00 AM.

Unless he's waiting for her at the bluffs.

Yeah, but we haven't confirmed an affair.

But Aiden suspected that she was with someone else and jealousy is a motive I can get behind.

Doctor: She needs rest.

Michael: But... But you're saying she's okay?

Well, vitals are good. She's stable.

She's gonna pull through.

Five more minutes and she wouldn't have made it.

You saved your mother's life.

Thank you.

What happened?

Doctor says she's okay.

All we know is she collapsed.


I thought she was dead.

Okay. What we do now is we wait.

Em? It's Janine.

I know we're not talking, and you don't want to text me back, but something happened, and I need to tell you, and I'm really, really scared right now, so if you could please just call me.

Just... please?

No roommate.

Senior boarders get a room to themselves.

You want to take the bathroom?

No. No, you can do that.

Women's bathrooms are... [Inhales sharply]


I spoke with admissions.

Emily was on financial aid.

Financial aid, huh?

Well, that's something she'd definitely want to keep from the other kids.

I don't have to guess, I know.

Hey, looks like she was meeting somebody named Jordan today at 4:00 PM.

Aww. These two could be sisters.

Tsk. Aww.

This girl had a lot of love in her life.

Cross-country runner who smokes?

Why is she throwing away an unopened pack of cigarettes?

What's a pack of cigarettes go for these days?

Oh, don't pretend you don't know.

10, 12 bucks?

There you go.

That's a lot of money for someone on financial aid.

I'll see if the name "Jordan" comes up in her email.

Yeah, and see what you can find on Bould.

We're looking for something that connects them intimately.

Okay. So she is stressed with school stuff, boy stuff.

Yeah, see, but that's when you start smoking, not when you quit.

Yeah. You would know.

If I hadn't had Manny, I'd still be at it. - Mm-hmm.

I wanna check something.

You were right.

Emily was pregnant.

How long?

Six to eight weeks.

You with us?



Living on her own, without a clue.

It's like looking in a mirror.

Sometimes, though, you wish you could go back in time and just warn yourself about mistakes.

Not all the mistakes.

Yeah, well...

I'm talking about Manny.


I wonder if the k*ller knew that she was pregnant, if they would've let her live.

Or is it what got her k*lled?

You're not walking, are you?

Oh. Skytrain.

I know some officers hitch a ride sometimes, in the back of a patrol, but I believe in public transportation.


It's cool.

I can give you a ride.

I'm going that way.

My car.

[Bell dings]

Thanks, Brian.

I told you already.

Emily Williams was a student and nothing more.

Mm, well, we found some emails that suggest otherwise.

You are "Neal C," yes?

As in Neal Cassady, from Kerouac's "On the Road?"

It's on your reading list.

[Defeated sigh]

So I get the one detective who reads.

Yeah, the one.

Look... Ahem.

It seemed important to Emily that she appear sophisticated, like nothing in what we were reading could shock her.

Oh, you're saying she's a tease?

I'm saying that she welcomed the attention, but nothing happened. Nothing.

Well, you have no alibi for the morning of her m*rder.

You have a sexual past involving your students.

And now these inappropriate emails.

Anything in your sophisticated books say anything about... blaming the victim?

What do you want?

Consent to a DNA test.

Pfft. Absolutely not.

You heard my client.

He's been completely cooperative up until now, but you have nothing.

This meeting's over.

You know, I would think you'd want to get in front of this.

In front of what?

Your lawyer can protect you from our questions, but the rumors were already circulating at the academy about you and Emily.

What if these emails made their way to the administration?

Is that a threat, detective?

I would sue you.


A leak can come from anywhere.

I'm sure Emily shared those emails with her friends.

It's hard to keep anything private in the day of the Internet.

What if someone gave them to your wife?

Now hang on a sec...

Just wait.


You win.

Take him down to forensics, please.

Oh! I know what you're thinking...

I didn't say anything.

Listen, I merely pointed out to him how rumors spread when questions go unanswered. Alright?


You don't think I'm actually gonna show his wife the emails?

Well, I think we know that's not the point.

But that was impressive.

I mean, that was a good performance.

I believed you.

Well, thank you.

I'll take that as a compliment, then.

I don't know if you should.

What did you tell them?

I told them it couldn't have been mine.

I mean, even before we had broken up, we hadn't... been together in months.


Aiden, what's going on?

I let the police take a swab.

A sample of my DNA.


Because they told me Emily was pregnant.

Oh, God.

Well, it's not mine.

I mean, I know that sounds bad, but...


They can use it to clear me.

Dad, this is the truth.

They might still think you're a suspect.

You shouldn't have trusted them.

Damn it, Aiden!

Dad! You'll wake mom.

Janine, enough.

We have to tell her sometime.

I know! But not right now.

She needs rest.

We'll tell her in the morning.


Don't tell her about the pregnancy.


My brother loved you!

Janine? What are you doing?

You were my friend.

Sorry. I can't do this.

Don't walk away from me!

Stop it! Let go!

You're pregnant?

Just tell me.

Is it Aiden's?


Neither Aiden Boxton nor Warren Bould fathered Emily's child.

Mm, that's disappointing.

Yeah, but it doesn't eliminate them as suspects.

Yeah, but it does let us know there's another player in the game.

Maybe it's that Jordan she was going to meet, you know?

Yeah. Maybe we ask some more questions.

Hey, do you want to use the phone book or a bag of oranges?

Ha, ha.


Oh, Vega thinks I was a little over-the-top on a suspect who didn't want to give a DNA test.

Yeah, a little bit.

Oh! So you went a little too old-school for Vega's liking?

I didn't think so, and I'm not gonna let it bother me.

He'll get over it.

You two are like the Butch and Sundance of this place.

Wait a minute. Don't they die in the end?

I wasn't sure if I should tell you.

I didn't know if you were ready to hear that.

No, no, sweetheart, it's okay.

[Sighs heavily]

I was just...


I was just thinking I hope she didn't suffer.

Poor Emily.


No, they said it was pretty sudden.


But you're okay?

Oh, yes.


You're my good girl.

[Chuckles] Mom.

Hey, Aiden, it's me.

Um, when you get this, come meet me at our spot.

I don't know if I can explain myself, but I really need to try.



For everything.

Okay. Bye.

I knew this was where I'd find you.

This is where you go with my brother.

Janine, I'm so sorry.

My daughter was pregnant?

We think that's why she was trying to contact you last week.

Are you sure she didn't mention any new men in her life?

Anyone named Jordan?

Who's Jordan?

A name we saw written on her calendar.

No. I don't know.

I just need some time.

Of course, sir. Thank you.

Sir, is that Emily's bike?

Did she have another one?

Just the one.

Thank you, sir.

The witness at the trailhead saw Emily get off a bike, so maybe it wasn't Emily's bike.

Maybe she borrowed one.

Maybe it wasn't Emily.

Mm, so if it's not our victim's...

Maybe it was the k*ller?

Okay, so we've got a woman on a bike at the crime scene.

Who we cannot identify.

And then we have the father of Emily's baby.

Who we also cannot identify.

Well, we know it's not the boyfriend.

It's not the teacher. Then there's "Jordan."

It could be the mystery man or somebody else.

So it occurred to me that we need to re-review the phone records.

Great. Good initiative, Lucas.

The day before Emily dies, she receives four phone calls from the Boxton residence.


That's what I thought... but according to the attendance reports, he was in school.

But then... I see this.

Four days ago...

Also from the Boxton residence.

Wait a minute. Tell me about the 911 call.

According to emergency services, it was placed by a Janine Boxton, Aiden's sister.

Calling for an ambulance because her mother, Sara, collapsed.

Her mom's still in the hospital day before the m*rder, released the next day.

I have requested a warrant for a copy of the release form and also her medical chart.


So Aiden's at school, mom and dad not home.

Wonder who's making the calls to Emily.

Oh, hi. Janine?

Right? You're Aiden's sister?


Hi. I'm Detective Flynn.

This is my partner, Detective Vega.


Aiden's not here right now.

We want to ask you some questions about Emily Williams.

I still can't believe she died.

When was the last time you talked to her?

Uh, not since she broke up with my brother.

You know, we found some calls to Emily from your house when Aiden wasn't here.

We're wondering if that was you.

No. I don't think so.

Flynn: Are you sure?

In all the excitement about your mother, maybe you forgot.

How do you know about my mother?

Well, we know you called 911 four days ago.

How's she doing?

Just dehydration. She overdoes it.

Mm, that must've been scary.

You know, I think maybe I did call Emily a couple times.

Flynn: Yeah? You guys were friends?

Well, she dated my brother.

Did she ever mention anyone named Jordan?

Yeah... Um.

I remember her talking about some Australian guy that she met at a track meet or something.

I think she said he was cute.


Well, thanks.

I never heard her talk about any Australian guy.

So "Jordan"?

No idea. Sorry.

We've got to go.

There's a special chapel service.

A remembrance.

For Emily.

Just one more thing.

What about Janine Boxton? Is she... Was she close to Emily?

Aiden's sister?


Yeah, she worshipped Emily.

Can you define "Worship?"

She dyed her hair red to match Em's.

She tried to join every club she was in.

After the break-up, it got worse.

Emily said Janine was calling her all the time, showing up at her place.

Okay. Thank you. Thanks very much.

Looks like Janine took it a little harder than Aiden.

That's where I've seen Janine.

Saw a photo of her and Emily in Emily's dorm, but she had red hair.

Two redheads.

Yeah, one lying, one dead.

We're going to need a copy of that photo.

It could be either one of them. Sorry.

No, don't be sorry. You've been really helpful.

Thanks very much.


Flynn: Damn.

Vega: Well, an ID like that wouldn't hold up in court.

Flynn: We don't really need it to, though.

We just need our suspect to think we've got a witness, right?

We ever check the little sister's alibi?

You've got Janine listed as "present" for homeroom at 8:40 AM on Tuesday morning.

Janine actually came in around 11:00, a bit frazzled.

She said her bike had been stolen.

I let it slide, under the circumstances.

What circumstances?

Um, last week, her mother tried to k*ll herself.

Janine was the one that found her.

Aww, poor thing.


How's her mother?

She's okay.

Janine didn't want anyone to know anything was wrong, but you could tell.

She even dyed her hair back to her natural color, before all this happened.

It's the little things.

Kids try and hide it, but they're under so much stress.

Sighs heavily: Oh, yeah.

[Murmurs quietly]


Am I interrupting?

No. Samantha and I are just going over my case.

"Cases." Over 70 arrests.

Cross: Hmm.

I don't know if mark told you, but because of this one undercover operation of his, my office is adding five new attorneys.

He's a rock star.



We may have a possible new suspect.

Another one?

How many is that now?

Well, that's hilarious.

It's Janine Boxton, Aiden Boxton's younger sister.

Well, how young is she?


Make sure there's a parent present every time you talk to her.

Well, not if she's not an official suspect.

If Angie talks to her about another suspect, it's fine.

That's a fine line.

She can walk it. Trust me.

Flynn: Thanks for the reminder, though.

Hey, nice work with the professor, by the way.

You know, for a minute there, I thought you'd lost your edge.

[Sighs] Okay.

So we got a possible identification at the trail and she shows up late to school, saying that her bike has been stolen.

Yeah, we still need the bike to definitely tie her to the scene.

But what does any of this have to do with the pregnancy?

The Boxtons use the online personal property registration.

Oh, good. I love responsible parents.

And there's a step-through with a basket registered to Janine Boxton.

No theft report, though.

Whole point of registering a bike is to find it when it's stolen, right?

Yeah, finding a stolen bike in this city's like a needle in a haystack.

[Keys clacking]

What if it's something else?

What do you mean?

Well, what if the park patrol is just doing their job?

If I saw a bike with no owner present and no lock, I know what I would do.

Confiscate it, and wait for someone to claim it.

City lost and found?

Each bike is tagged with the location and time.

So, two days ago, 8:12 AM.

The trailhead by the point.

Well, there's our needle.


Do you have a minute?

My dad's waiting for me, actually.

That's okay, we just have a few questions.

You looking at colleges?

Yeah, I gotta start, right?

Pick the school that's got the pub closest to it.

It'll be your home away from home.

[Stops chuckling]

Or not.

So, uh, we... We couldn't find that aussie fella.

I'm sorry.

We talked to Miss Greyson, too.

Well, she wouldn't know anything about that.

Well, she knew you weren't in class last Tuesday morning.

Well, I slept in.

Things have been kind of rough for me lately.

It wasn't dehydration, with your mom, was it?

I'm very sorry.

It's okay. Everything's fine now.

First, you harass my son, now you're after my daughter?

You gonna trick her into a DNA test, too?

Just having a friendly conversation, sir.

You'll make the right choice, Janine!

Of schools, I mean.

I'm calling our lawyers tomorrow.

I'm gonna walk!

We'll see about litigation.



I found our Jordan!

And she is definitely not our mystery man.


Dr. Anne Jordan, Emily's OBGYN.

She's at a conference. I'm tracking her down.


May I?

Yeah, of course.

Okay, so we got Janine Boxton.

16 years old.

Yearbook committee, honor roll, track team.

Her bike puts her at the scene of the crime.

According to the other girls, she "worships" Emily.

Changes her hair color to look like Emily's.

Single white female.

That's classic obsessional behavior.

It can actually be quite dangerous when met with rejection.

Yeah, but what does this have to do with the pregnancy?

Maybe nothing. I don't know Janine might not have even known about it.

Still... There's no coincidences.

There "are" no coincidences.

We won't know if there's an actual connection until we find this guy.

Maybe we already have.

[Scoffs bitterly]

You guys don't let up, do you?

Look, stay inside, sweetie.

Actually, we'd like to speak with Janine.

And since this is an official police visit, we'd like a parent present, please.

Janine isn't talking to anyone without a lawyer.

Well, I can tell you, you'll be happy to know that Aiden's DNA came back negative.

I could've told you that.

Yeah, but there're things the test told us that you might not have.

We had Aiden's DNA retested, specifically a test that compares a larger spectrum of DNA markers.

Undeniable genetic association, sir.

But you just told me Aiden's not the father.

No. He's the brother.

All this time we were looking for a mystery man.

Can we not...

It was you.


Shut up.

No, no, no. Look. Listen to me.

Emily ran into me one day after work.

Is that some kind of excuse?

She asked me for a cup of coffee, and... and that was it!

Are you saying she started it?

No! She didn't start it!

It just happened.

Sweetheart. No, look, look. I know, I was so stupid.

Janine? How long have you known?

Where's dad?

Uh, went to the car, I think?

Michael: What are you doing?

You can't be here. You shouldn't have come.

Emily: I had to come. Sorry.

Michael: She almost died. She found out about us.

Emily: What?

Michael: She collapsed over it.

You understand, right?

Emily: Okay.

We have to end this.

Vega: We found your bike.

It places you at the scene.

Michael: Wait a second. What are you saying?

You know exactly what they're saying!

Just tell me.

Is it Aiden's?

Or is it my dad's?


Give me my stuff.

What are you doing?

My mother almost died!

Stay away from me!

You almost k*lled her!

Flynn: Sometimes, people do the wrong things for the right reasons.

No. This isn't happening.

Just tell 'em.

Tell them that you didn't do this.

Flynn: You found out about the pregnancy, and that was the last straw, is that how it was?

Oh, my God...


Janine snaps: What?

Emily hurt everybody!

She hurt you! She hurt mom!

Emily slept with you and mom almost died!

What was I supposed to do?

Michael: You're not supposed to...

I didn't want you to know! I didn't want you to know.


If you found out about the baby...


Nobody protected you.

Janey, I'm so sorry.

I asked you a question.

You have to tell me.

I'm sorry.

Say it!

It's your father's.

[Emily screaming]

[Emily groaning and grunting]

[Gasping and groaning]

[Skull cracking]

[Elevator dings]

Long day?

Yes. Very long.

Look, I don't need your reports till tomorrow.

Why don't you guys head home for the night?

Thank you, sir. Wouldn't be our first late night, though.

Thank you.

Samantha: Good to go? Evening, Detectives.

Hi, Samantha.

Have a good night.


Yeah, you too.

Why don't... why don't you go, enjoy the night, and I'll do the reports.

I'll tell you what.

You get started, I'll go grab us some dinner, and I'll meet you back here.

Ribs, please?

You're pushing it.

Manny? Hey!

You picked up.



Well, yeah, those college classes can be tough.


Well, I always pick up when I see that it's you.

No. Don't give me that.

'Cause you know that I want to talk to you...


Aww. I miss you, too.