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02x04 - Deception

Posted: 03/28/14 11:44
by bunniefuu

[Squad car radios crackling quietly]

Officer: Get him on the radio for me ASAP.

Stan: Wendy.

Sung: Morning, Doc.

Aw, Good Lord.

He fell from the crane.

Detectives are on their way.


[Cell ringing]

Damn. It's my niece.

She still doesn't realize I have a job now.

Go ahead. Take it. Take it.

They're only young once.

[Sighs heavily]

[Horn blares]

Driver barks: Come on!

Just be a moment.

Well, hurry it up!

Some people got to get to work.

Some people are at work, sir.

Hey. Hey!



Did you get his license?

Forget it.

Life's too short.

Cross: Obviously, we have no comment at this time.

It's an ongoing investigation, but as soon as I have some more information, I'll be glad to let you guys in on it. Okay?

Thank you.

Excuse me, please.

Afternoon, Detectives.

That's a nice suit, sir.

What are you doing here?

Cross: Just giving a press conference at City Hall...

Ah. Another one?

When the call came through.

Which we have answered.

It's not that we don't appreciate the interest, sir.

We got it from here.

Cross: Look, we need this thing closed clean and we need it closed fast.

Okay, I'll be clean, you be fast.

You two obviously haven't heard yet.

The vic was one of our own.

[Radios crackling]

Hey. I'm... I'm gonna stay up here.

It's Stan.

Hey, your shift started, like, 20 minutes ago.

Uh... Um...

I covered for you with Mike.

Uh, my kid. She's sick.

Can't find your key card?


[Lock beeps]


Is everything gonna be okay?

Uh, sorry?

With your kid.

Oh! Uh... Uh, sure. Yeah.

Everything's going to be fine.

Vega: So you saw him and got out of your car...

Voice shaking: There was so much blood.

Was he still alive when you found him?

Yes, barely.

When I saw him, at first, I thought it was just a homeless man.

I don't mean "Just"...

I understand.

Did you, uh, see anyone near the victim?

No. Uh...

When I was driving up the ramp, I saw a black van speeding past me on the way down.

It's okay. Take your time.

You're doing fine.

[Exhales shakily]

I called 911 and tried to stop the bleeding.

I remember hearing that if you put pressure on the wounds...

[Sighs] But there were so many.


Thank you.

Multiple s*ab wounds.

Uh, the punctures are clean and cylindrical, like from an ice pick.

Victim would've lost consciousness as he bled out.

Still warm. No rigor.

I put T-o-D roughly one half-hour ago.

Okay. Betts?

You need to stop now.

I called Dr. Allsop, and he's on his way in, okay?

The, uh, coroner from Surrey?


Stan was your friend.

[Words catch] And mentor.

So professionally, it's conflict of interest, okay?



Trajectory of the b*llet at a 38-degree angle exiting out the back, two centimeters above the scapula.

[Takes a deep breath]

Exam concluded at 2:17 PM.

[Rattling and buzzing of construction site]

Man, everything's disappearing today.


Well, first your key card, now my awl.

Haven't seen it, have you?

It's a blue handle like this. A long spike.

No. If I do...

It's easy enough to tell it's mine.

I carve my initials on all my tools.

Real small. Right up by the handle.

You do?

Better safe than sorry, right?

Yeah, right.

Diane, uh... I was wondering...

You know what? I'm really not feeling well.

I think I'm gonna clock out early.

Thank you, sir.



So he had a couple hundred dollars left in the wallet.

Not a robbery, then.

Well, with the traffic in and out of here, forensics is gonna be a nightmare.

Tell me you got good news?

Lucas: Security camera in the cashier's booth downstairs.

The black van?

But the driver's face was hidden from the sun visor.

Of course it was.

And whoever it was, they paid cash.

'Course he did. Plates?


Then I guess your job just got a little more interesting.

Dr. Rogers.

I understand the victim was a friend of yours.

I trained under Stan.

He was a great coroner.

A great guy.

I just want you to know we'll do everything we can.

Yeah, I know the spin, Sergeant.

You gonna catch the son-of-a-bitch?

Yes. We are.

That's all I need to know.

He's expecting you.

You're just gonna fight again!

I don't expect you to understand everything that's happened between you and your dad.

Why do you talk to me like that? I'm almost a teenager.

Okay, listen.

Your dad and I still care very much for each other, and nothing will ever change that.

Tamara's invited me over to play video games.

Her mom's gonna pick us up after school.

Jackie, what happened to our family is nothing to be ashamed of.

Then why don't you see your friends anymore?

Because I'm working extra shifts and I'm tired.


Sometimes at night, you think I'm asleep, but I hear you.


Just because you want to see dad doesn't mean you have to drag me along, too.

[Doors dinging]

[Doors rumble shut]

You okay?

Where are you going?

To do the part I hate the most.

Can I come with?


Maggie could use a friendly face right about now.

Maggie's voice trembles: He wasn't afraid of death.

"Just part of the job," he'd say.

No need for fear. Or sadness.

Except of course, for the ones left behind.

I'm so sorry, Maggie.

Thanks, Betty.

You know, I don't think I can take sympathy right now.

Not quite sure I've got the stamina for it.

Look, I know you have your job to do.

Just ask your questions.


Stan's wallet was still with his body.

We don't think this was a mugging.

[Exhales in shock]

Can you think of anyone who would want to hurt him?


No! Nobody we know could...

[Takes a breath, sighs] This guy at the grocery store.

What guy? When?

Yesterday morning, this guy just came up and started shouting at Stan.

What did he say?


I don't know.

I was in the produce aisle, and by the time I got there, he was already leaving.

Did Stan say what it was about?

No, he just laughed.

But I thought it was very odd.

Oh! How'd you know?

Thank you!

Um, lucky guess.


You get hold of that grocery store?

Security footage is on its way.

Okay. Great.

Uh, I'll meet you inside.


It's just the way I like it. Thanks.

[Chuckles] Here you go.

Thanks. Where's yours?

I'm cutting back.



Where'd you get that coffee?

Lucas got it for me.


Okay. So what do we know about this black van?

It's, uh, one of hundreds registered in town.

But this one had plastic obscuring the plates.

So maybe it was pulled over before?

There you go.

I'll... I'll look for traffic violations.

I still can't believe that Dr. Matthews was m*rder*d.

I know.

Okay, so Stan was at a trial downtown, and he was waiting to testify.

He left for lunch, went to his car in the parking garage, and according to Dr. Allsop, was stabbed seven times in the chest and abdomen.

By a slim, spike-shaped w*apon, like an ice pick, Betty said.

But I'm more interested in this trial he was gonna testify in.

Let's find out about that.

We can't just give up.

I have.

You should, too.

I'm putting the house up for sale.

What? Why?

To pay for the appeal.

Don't give up. We can do this!

No. That is Jackie's home.

Look, she... She wanted to be here.

She did. I...

I just thought that maybe she should hang out with her friends for a change.

She's moving on.


It's too much for her.

Maybe... Maybe...

Maybe you should move on, too.


No, John. I don't want to do that.

Both of you deserve something better.

[Bangs phone down]

Oscar, my friend, what's the good word?

Ah, the good word, sir, is that Susan, our witness who found the body, had no priors.

Well, there's always a first time.

That's true, but she says she was downtown shopping, and her purchases and store receipts bear that out.

Don't suppose there's any connection between her and the victim?

Not that we've found yet.

So you don't peg her as our k*ller?

No. It's too early to tell.

You always play things so close to the chest, Oscar?


You know, you and I should grab a drink one day after work.

I assume you've got a hell of a lot of stories to tell.

I'm sure you do as well, sir.

There were six witnesses left to call, including Stan.

I'm guessing the trial'd be over in a day or two.

This kid was four years old.


At a meth house party that got ugly.

Who's accused of the sh**ting?

Uh, Brad Hitchens.

Currently in custody.

Claims he never touched the w*apon.

Well... [Snickers] Don't they all?

Prosecution has asked me to take over for Stan.

You know, finish what he couldn't.

I think he'd like that.

Me too.


You know, if you're...


I don't know.

Be careful.

You think Stan got k*lled because of this?

Well, depends on if his findings could help put Brad Hitchens away.

Certified letter. Please sign here.


Thank you.

Thank you.

Okay. What's this?



Thank you.

Grocery store video come through?


Okay, so I had tech blow up our guy.

And this is the man that Margaret saw yelling at Stan the day before the m*rder.

Did the witness who saw the black van drive away give a description?

Nah, she had nothing.

Couldn't give a real description.


Hey, guys?

17 traffic violations for black vans.

Over the last couple of years, four of those citations have been served to one individual...

Daniel Hitchens, for driving with obscured plates.


We got a Brad Hitchens facing a m*rder rap.

Stan was set to testify at his trial.

It could be related.


Okay. Daniel Hitchens.

Couple arrests for drunk-and-disorderly.

Assaulting a police officer.

And we have a winner.

Flynn: Mm-hmm.

Where's my damn key card?

What are you looking for?

My key card. For work.

Well, probably in your purse.

No, it's not.

You know how sometimes, honey, you take a couple dollars out of my purse and you forget to tell me?

Maybe you took it by mistake?

I did not.

Look. It's... It's very important, and I need to know, and I-I won't get angry.

I didn't take it!


I'm not the criminal in this family.


Oh, baby, I'm so sorry.

Jackie, look, honey, I would never do anything to hurt you!

You just did!

[Breath trembling]

[Door slams]

You're my husband.

I know you put on a brave face, but it's gonna be years before I get out.

Not if we appeal!

I've got a lawyer.

There's a young couple that gonna come and look at the house again.

We'll get the money!

Stop. Stop!

I'm too tired to fight anymore.

Okay? It's too hard.

What happened?

Uh, shaving.


I love you.

It is my burden.

We can get through this!

Not yours, not Jackie's.

I got too much time in here to think, and I don't want to have to worry about you two.

Keep the house.

I don't want the house!

Sign the papers.

Do it for me.

Please, baby.

[Dog barking]

Well, I'm sensing Mr. Hitchens has a problem with authority.

And hygiene.

Daniel Hitchens?


Detectives Flynn and Vega.

You were seen yelling at this man the other day, sir.

Says who?

Why were you angry with him, sir?

'Cause he's part of the disease...

Dirty cops, scumbag reporters.

Everybody calling my brother Brad a "Child-k*ller."

The whole system is corrupt.

Your van was seen leaving the homer street parking garage today at 12:00 PM.


So why were you there?

I've been there every day for Brad's trial.

I park there. Is that a crime?

No, but m*rder is.

You think I did this?

No, we brought you in for your sparkling conversation.

Why would I k*ll him?

Tomorrow, there'll just be someone else to take his place.

Here's what I think.

I think you confronted and threatened Stan, and then today you followed him from the courthouse into the parkade, and you stabbed him seven times.

I didn't k*ll him.

Why should we believe you?

Because I saw who did.

That's amazing.

You actually saw the k*ller?

He saw the k*ller.

That's incredible.

Talk about burying your lead.

I was leaving the parkade when I spot this chick running out the stairwell exit.

Like, panicked.

Really? What'd she look like?

I don't know. Like a chick?

Hair color?

Dark, probably. Brown?

Height? Weight?

She wasn't my type.

You saw her face?

Nah, I only caught her from behind.

So you didn't see this mystery woman stabbing our victim, then, did you?

Like I said, I was leaving the garage.

Hey. Let me ask you something.

At what time did you realize that this was the k*ller?

When I heard on the news that this guy bit it.

Why didn't you come forward?

Now you want me to do your job for you?


Figured she'd done a public service.

There's your witness, Susan, entering.

Flynn: Mm-hmm.

And then, moments later...

Aw, yep. Here comes Mr. Personality, making his exit.

Well, the timing's right.


Still no sign of Danny's mystery woman, though.

If she went out the pedestrian exit, it'd be behind this camera here.

Yeah, so we wouldn't have seen her anyway.


Why are there two cameras pointed in the same direction?

This one's pointed at the cashier's booth, so's this.

Rewind it to before the m*rder.

Vega: I don't know what you're looking for, partner.

I do not either.

[Sighs patiently]

We'll know when we see it.

Okay. Last night.

There! What was that?

Hey, wait a minute, someone moved the camera 13 hours before Stan was k*lled.

This m*rder was premeditated.

Cross: Look, our witness saw him speeding away, and he admits to parking in the garage.

Vega: Not on the rooftop level.

And so far, forensics can't place him there.

Security footage supports that.

It's a hell of a motive.


Okay, let's have it, what's your theory?

Well, why do you think I have a theory?

You're ever in a poker game with this one, her "Tell" never changes.

It's that little twitch you get in your eye when you're excited.

I don't have a twitch.

You have a bit of a twitch.


A little bit.

So, you don't have a theory, then?


Let's... Let's just say, for argument's sake, that, uh...

Danny was telling the truth about the woman that he saw rushing out of the parkade.

We've been assuming that the k*ller drove out.

What if they walked out?


Which is why the security camera was turned.


Good call.

I don't play poker.

And if I did, I'd win.



Ahem. I thought we had an agreement.

Refresh my memory.

When you make a professional conversation personal, like with the "Twitch" comment, it undermines me in front of my team.

Point taken.

So, listen, you and Vega.

Partners for five years now, is that right?


So that's an intimate relationship.

Have you told him about us?


Not everything.




How's Manny doing?

He's good.

He's gotta be... 18 now, I guess, huh?

Yeah, he just graduated.


Tell him I said hi.


I thought we were going to school.

What're we stopping here for?

Just, uh, sit tight. I'll be a minute.

[Stan cries out as flesh rips]

Hi. Excuse me.

Do you guys have a lost-and-found?

I got a shoe box.


What'd you lose?

Um, a key card.

Got a bunch of them.

Any luck?


Thank you.

I'm sorry, can I help you?

You don't recognize me?

Sorry. I'm in a bit of a rush.

Stan was gonna testify that Brad Hitchens fired the b*llet that k*lled that child.

Could be the tipping point for a jury.


I went over Stan's notes.

He was basing his testimony on the angle of the b*llet wound.

Uh, the height of the k*ller, the distance that it was fired from...


So I also went over the original crime scene data.

Based on the evidence, there's no way that Stan's conclusions could make any sense.

Come again.

Brad Hitchens testified that there was a second child present, playing with a g*n on the floor.

The g*n accidentally went off and k*lled the other child.

And you believe him?

Rogers: It's not a question of belief.

The pathological evidence supports it.

The angle of the b*llet wound tells me that the g*n was fired from the floor, from a distance of several feet away.


Stan made a mistake?

Not on something as straightforward as this.

Betts, if this wasn't a mistake, then it's a lie.

Was Stan feeling okay lately?

Fine. Why?

Well, I'm just wondering if he seemed different at all.

[Flustered sigh]

I don't understand.

Um... Was he confused?

Or forgetful?

No. He was in perfect health, both mentally and physically.

Did he talk about his work at all with you?

Not often.


I could tell that this current case was troubling him.

And did you ask him about it?

No. The death of a child, we don't...

[Sighs heavily]

Stan and I lost our granddaughter a few years back.

Drowned in the neighbor's swimming pool.

I'm so sorry.

Lucas: So, according to the company, this booth is only staffed until 10:00 PM.

Okay, so our k*ller would've ducked under this camera, made their way over to this one... turned this camera around, and then this entire area here becomes clear, including the stairwell.

So how do they get up there?


Wait a minute.

Look at that. That's a partial footprint.

We have scuff marks.

Let's get forensics here.

Okay, so, whoever did this would put their foot there, then... grab behind here, reach out, and just turn the camera.

Yeah. Congratulations.

We'll need to get the camera printed, too.

Forensics didn't check the lower levels.

You have a thought. I can tell.


I'm sorry?

It's "Be Right Back."

Yeah, just go.

Hi. This is Detective Vega.

I need a forensics team down here.

Feeling better?

Uh, n... Uh, no.

No, not really.

Sorry to hear that.

I think I'm getting what, um, Jackie has.

Diane, I know things have been lousy for you lately.


It's none of my business, I know, but I want you to know that, uh, if you need someone to talk to...

I don't judge.


You know what? I'm...

I'm feeling a bit feverish. I should...

You should go, get some rest.

Yeah. Thanks.

Hey. So, forensics pegged the tread as likely belonging to a work boot.

Male or female?

Yes. But not Daniel Hitchens' size.

We may have to let him walk.

"Walk" is right. I had his van impounded for unpaid parking tickets.

'Course you did.


Oh, it's the report on the print from the key cards.


No hits.

We are battin' a thousand.

We are.

I checked out the security company.

Oh? Make me happy.

The card is registered to a construction site in false creek.


Oh. You happy?

Yes. I will be.

If we can go get a hot dog.

A lot of companies using key cards now.

All these condos going up, stuff gets stolen.

Copper pipes, electrical cables.

Small stuff.

Other day, I thought I lost my awl.

Your owl?

No. My awl.

Like a long, spiked tool.

Like an ice pick.

Yeah, but I don't need to... file a report or anything. Turned up again.

Any way we can find out who this card belongs to?

Uh, yeah.

I can cross-reference the employee number.


Oh, yeah.

Yeah, I remember. I had to swipe her in.

She forgot her card.

Who's that?

Diane Torrance.

Is she here today?

She went home sick.


Want me to give this to her?

No. Thanks. We'll give it to her ourselves.

And we need to take your awl for evidence.


Wow! That's another nice suit, sir.

Yeah, well, after a couple years in leathers, it's a nice change, don't you think?

So, we ran Diane Torrance through the system.

Yeah, no hits. Apparently, she's a law-abiding citizen.

Well, dig deeper.

This is Dr. Matthews we're talking about.

If we don't look out for each other, who will?

Hey, Angie.


Were you gonna tell me that you two were partners?

[Chuckles awkwardly] We were partners.

For two years.

Okay, thanks.

It's no big deal.

No. It's no big deal. I just wanted to know.

What about my school? My friends?

I remember when I was your age, and I know that it's tough now...

I don't need a new beginning!

Honey, we both do.

Just 'cause you sold our house and you're dragging me off to another city doesn't mean I'll forget everything.

I know, I know, but, you know, we're gonna...

We're gonna try.

If dad was still here, you wouldn't make us move.

He's not! And...

Softer: I'm sorry, but this is just the way it's gonna be...

I hate this.

I hate you!

Jackie, honey. Jackie! Come here!


Detectives Flynn and Vega.

Vega: Diane Torrance?


Everything okay?

Yeah. Teenagers. You know.

I do.

Hey, congrats on the sale.

It's a tough market these days.

We got lucky.

So you moving out of town?

As soon as I get these boxes packed.

Can I ask what this is about?

Yeah. This.

It's yours.

I don't know.

Oh, no. It is.

We, uh, we checked.

Well, I-I... I did lose mine.

Huh. In an alley beside a parking garage?


Well, that's... That's where we found it.


It, uh, it fell out of my purse.

I guess it could've fallen anywhere.

Someone must've picked it up.


This is a handyman's dream.

Your husband home?

No. He...

It's, uh, it's just Jackie and me now.

You're a construction site flagger?


I gotta tell you, every time I see one of you standing out in the wind, and the rain, I think, "I couldn't do that."

Don't these little things hurt your feet?

No, you get used to them. Look. I-I...

I should really go and start dinner. So...

Oh, no, we need this.

Yeah. It's evidence in a m*rder investigation.

That was found near the body.

I wanted to ask you...

Do you know Dr. Stanley Matthews?

No. Um... Who's he?

That was the gentleman that was k*lled.

In the parking garage beside the alley where your card was found.

Where were you yesterday between 11:30 AM and 12:30 PM?

I was at work.

All day?

All day. Yeah.


Okay. I think we've got everything we need.

Thanks very much.

Have a good night.

You smell that?

I did.

I wonder when she put up the house for sale.

Vega: I like that yard.

Yeah, but you see how it says "Close to transport"?

That means loud traffic.

And "Original features"? AKA "Reno nightmare."

Yeah, someone's been looking.

Yeah, I have... just in case.

You know, with Manny out of the house, my house is starting to feel a bit big.

Lot of changes.

Yeah. Maybe too many.

[Hits keys]

Has a nice kitchen, though.

Jackie's bedroom.

That's a little boy's room.

Didn't Diane say it was just her and Jackie now?

Yeah. Maybe dad got custody.

Hey. I spoke to the real estate agent.

They sent me over all the details.

House was listed six days ago.

Five days before the m*rder?

Wait a minute. Sold in less than a week?

Probably because it was undervalued by almost 100k.

Wow. Someone was anxious to get outta town.

Vega: Mm-hmm.

Lucas: Just one strange thing.

It says here that the taxes were paid by a John and Diane Robinson.

Yeah, so not Torrance?

Maybe she went back to her maiden name after she split up with her husband.

Well, let's find her.

[Keys clacking]


Last year, John and Diane's four-year-old son died.

Oh, my God...

Hey, Betts?

What do you want?

Bad time?



I'm just still a little, uh...

Of course. No worries.

I'm testifying tomorrow.

[Exhales sympathetically]


I'd like to think I was doing justice to Stan's memory.

Well, you are.

They why do I feel like I'm betraying him?

Well, you have to do what's right for the case.

And for you.

Is that a new mascot?


It was in the drawer with the boy's body.

Stan must've put it there.


I know.

Contamination of evidence. Blah, blah.

When Stan's granddaughter drowned...

What happened?

He dropped her off for a play date.

Went back a couple of hours later to pick her up, and she was face-down in the pool.

[Sighs deeply] Oh...

Man, that's tragic.

He tried to prosecute the couple later.

Said they were unfit parents even to their own children.

But he was unsuccessful?

Why all the interest?

[Takes a big breath]

Uh... Pfft.

The drowning, the Hitchens case, Stan's m*rder... I think they're all connected.


Mm-hmm. And I think the connection is Stan.

[Impatient sigh]

Hi, Diane.

We just have a few more questions.

If you don't mind.


Flynn: Great.

You'll have to excuse the mess.

You never quite know how much stuff you have.

Yeah, sure. How long have you lived here?

Since Jackie was a baby, right?

That's a lot of life to pack into boxes.

Well, that's beautiful.

Is that Jackie?

That's Brian?

Losing a child... I can't even imagine.

You had, uh, said that you didn't know Dr. Stanley Matthews, but that's not exactly true, is it?

He was the coroner who testified at your husband's trial.

In fact, it was his testimony that swung the verdict to manslaughter.

You also said that you were not in the parking garage.

Flynn: But you were. Two nights ago.


13 hours before the m*rder, you went and moved the camera.

How long had you been thinking about it?

Did Stan remember you?

Sorry. I'm in a bit of a rush.

You destroyed my family.

I gave my testimony based on the facts as I saw them.

[Sob catches]

We loved Brian.

John never laid a finger on him!

Your son died in your husband's care.

It was his fault.


He has to pay the price!


Go to hell!


Jackie and I had gone shopping for jeans for school.

John had had a beer with lunch and fallen asleep.

When he woke up, Brian wasn't breathing.

He'd... fallen and hit his head.

The autopsy report said that Brian had other bruises on him, older bruises.

John was teaching him to ride a bike.

Okay? He's... He's a boy. They fall.

That's what kids do.

He was having so much fun.

My husband did not beat our children.

And he did not deserve to go to prison.


I hear you like to hurt children.

[Gasping and groaning]

[Prison alarm buzzing]

[Alarm continues]


John! John!

We were really good parents.

We had no history of social services, and yet Dr. Matthews decides that we're abusive?

It was insane!

Who was he to judge us?

First, you lose your son, then you lost your husband.

I'm sure you thought you had every right to avenge their deaths.


Now you die the way my husband died.

My innocent husband!

I am not confessing.

Vega: You don't have to.

We'll match the print we found in the stairwell to your work boot.

We have the m*rder w*apon from your job site.

And you lied about being at work when Stan was m*rder*d.

Flynn: Your daughter will be well taken care of.

I promise.

I understand why you did what you did, but you can't take the law in your own hands.

But Dr. Matthews did.

You heading out?

I am.


Detectives! Great work. Again.

Thank you, sir.

You know Samantha Turner, our star prosecutor?

Stop it, Mark.

Oscar, Angie, good to see you, and great work.

Thank you. So you're taking over the Hitchens case?

Yeah. The judge declared a mistrial.

We're starting from scratch on Monday.

And so I guess we'll be seeing a lot more of you?

Well, that's the plan. Shall we?

Nice seeing you guys.


Have a good night.


Vega: That is a nice suit.

That's one, two, three, four, five cases in the last seven years.

Each one involving the death of a child.

Yeah, or perceived negligence or outright abuse by the parents.

This first one happened just a couple months after his granddaughter's death.

[Rogers sighing]

Stan testifies in these cases, and each time, there are contradictions between the evidence collected and his testimony.


Well, he felt the system failed him, and he went on a mission.

Didn't want it to happen again.

[Sighs] Oh...

I can't believe Stan would do something like this.

Well, sometimes, people, they aren't who you think they are.