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02x03 - Overboard

Posted: 03/21/14 07:03
by bunniefuu
Well, partner, our gamble paid off.

Big time.

I always knew it would.

Honey... The people are waiting.

[Background chatter]


I'm so proud of you.


Today, we've gathered here to christen this amazing vessel.

To the sea, to the sailors, and to the Luckiest Lady.


[Crowd cheering]

Man: To the Luckiest Lady.

Woman: Congratulations, you two.

[Cheering erupts]

[Telephone line begins ringing]

[Beeps phone on]

Hey, mom.

Mother: Damian.

I got your flowers this morning.

You okay?

They're beautiful. So bright.

You didn't forget.

Mom, I could never forget.

It's just...

It's so hard today, that's all.

I know, but it's gonna be okay.

I promise.

Yeah, and I'm gonna be seeing you really soon.

I know, and I'm counting the days.

I love you.

I love you, mom.

See you soon.

Hey, man. - Hey.

Just got called in.

Matt's replacement? Welcome aboard.

[Bustling chatter]

It doesn't look like she's been more than that...

All right.

We know where she went in the water?

The coast guard said that the tide started to changed from high to low at 12:05 AM, so she could've been pulled out to here from the inner harbor.

So she could've gone off one of the bridges?

I'll check with 911 to see if anyone reported a jumper.

Thank you, sir.

She's not bloated.

No. She wasn't in the water that long.

About eight hours, I'd say.

She drowned?

Not that simple.

Two blows. Blunt force.

Any chance she was hit in the head by a sailing boom and went in the water?

Not impossible, but these wounds are the result of two separate blows.

So not an accident?


Judging by the severity of her injuries, I'd say she was unconscious when she hit the water, but that's all I can say.

Well, based on her dress, I know she didn't have the kind of night she was planning on.

Vega: Well, this is interesting.

What is he doing here?

Well, maybe he's lost.


Good morning.

Nice and early.

There's absolutely no reason for you to be here.


I'm here, okay?

Oscar, fill me in.

The victim went in the water overnight.

Two head wounds. No ID yet.

Missing persons is a good place to start.

Yep. We'll make sure a uniform gets on that right away.

Let's just both do our jobs.

I am trying.

Hey, you.

Hello, again.

About what happened last night...

No. Don't worry about it.

It's no big deal.

Well, it was a very big deal to me, so, at the very least, I just wanted to officially introduce myself.

Meredith Taylor.

Calvin Higgs.

Nice to officially meet you.

Um, I thought maybe you could just write your number here on the back, and maybe I could make it up to you.

You got a pen?


Excuse me, Detective Lucas?

Yes, Officer... Sung?

Hey, yeah, you got it right!


What can I do for you?

I surveyed the perimeter, starting at the shoreline.

I enacted a 10-meter grid search, but then increased it to a 20-meter...

You can just tell me what you found.

The victim's purse.


Oh, this is helpful.

And her driver's license was inside.

Alicia Barclay. 27.

This is great work.

Alright. I'll pass this on.

Thank you.

Officer Sung.

[Knocking on door]

Yeah, I guess Mr. Peter Barclay's not home.

Mm. It's a nice place.

Can I help you?

Flynn: How long have you been Alicia's personal assistant for?

Just over a year.

And how was she to work for?

It was 24/7.

Did you talk to her last night?

She was nervous about the party, so she sent me a photo to make sure she looked okay.

Vega: We'll need a copy of that.

This party last night was on a boat?

What was it for?

High Rollers' third anniversary.

They just bought the Luckiest Lady to celebrate.

It's a "platinum marine," it's very high-end.

The, uh, "High Rollers," that's the online gambling guys?

Yeah. Oh, my God...


Yeah, we've been trying to get a hold of him.

Do you have another number we can use?


I have one for his assistant.

Vega: So he didn't show up? Okay.

Thanks very much.

Okay, so Peter's assistant said that he was definitely at the party last night with Alicia, but he didn't show up for work this morning.

He answer his phone?

Nope. It went right to voice-mail.

Maybe Alicia isn't the only one that went overboard last night.

Well, we can put an APB on the car.

And you and I gotta check out that party boat.

"Party boat"?

Technically, a platinum marine is a 120-foot yacht with a cruising speed of 12 knots, worth about $15 million.

See, you act like a normal person, but you're not.

I want you to know that I'm on to you, okay?

Alicia: The DJ'll be downstairs, and the flower arrangements will be over there.

Classic. No carnations.

Which catering company?

The Lazy Gourmet. They're the best.

They're also twice our budget.

Kurt has excellent taste.

My husband can be a little too impulsive with his decisions.

Well, Kurt said to make the best choices, and he likes what I like.

Besides, we don't want people to think our husbands are cheap.

Well, cheap, no, but not excessive either.

Alicia: Meredith, it's Kurt and Peter's night to celebrate.

Our husbands deserve this.

Meredith: Now, in terms of food, have you talked about appetizers?

Hey, Alicia. It's Meredith again.

I was under the impression that you were in charge of party prep and clean-up?

Did I misunderstand you?

Could you just give me a call back, please?



These cases of champagne that weren't opened need to stay on board.

Yes, sir.

I wonder if this still works.

[Lock clacks]

How'd you do that?

My father has a lifetime membership.

See? You're not a normal person.

Flynn: Excuse me, sir?

Detectives Flynn and Vega.

We're looking for Peter Barclay.

I'm Kurt Taylor, his business partner.

Can I help you?

This your boat?

Yeah. Peter and I own it together.

You guys had a party here last night?

Peter and Alicia were here?

That's right. What's going on?

Well, Alicia Barclay was found dead this morning.


Vega: Yeah.


We are treating her death as suspicious.


I-I don't understand. What... what happened?

What time did the party end last night?


2:00 AM, I think?

When's the last time you saw Alicia?

It was at the party. I-I...

I'm not sure exactly when.

I'm sorry.

A-are you saying she was m*rder*d?

No, what we're saying is we need to find Peter Barclay, and we're wondering if you know where he is.

No, I don't, but I...

I can tell you that he didn't do this.

Forensics'll be here in five.

OK. Can we get a guest list from the party?


Vega: Thanks.

Meredith: Looks like they were having a good time.

Flynn: What about Alicia? Was she having a good time?

Meredith: Always the social butterfly.

Last night was no different.

I just hope Peter's okay.

Here's the final guest list.

Thank you.

Look, you're wasting your time.

None of our friends would hurt Alicia.

They're just asking questions, Kurt, calm down.

I'm not gonna calm down! Alicia's dead.

Do you guys need anything else?

Did you guys have an event photographer last night?


We'll need copies of those photos.


Thanks very much.

We'll be in touch.

Thank you.

Here. Give me your hand. There you go.

What do you got?

Luminol showed blood on the deck.

And they also found red fibers here on the railing.

Well, Alicia was wearing a red scarf last night to the party.

Yeah. We're gonna need statements from everyone at the party...

Guests, crews, caterers.

Marina employees?

There you go.


Oh, you did? Where?

Uniform found Peter's car.

Great. See you later.


Ahh. Here we go.



Can I help you?


Peter Barclay?


Well... at least we know why he didn't report his wife missing last night.

I had my phone turned off because I didn't want to be disturbed.

But you were at the party?

Yeah. That's where I met Andy.

Did Alicia know about Andy?

She knew I was gay, if that's what you mean.

She's always known.

Okay. Why, uh, why be married, then?

We had an arrangement.

I'm, uh, I'm catholic.

My family's catholic and my mother is catholic.

And, uh, to be honest, the world is not as accepting a place as everyone thinks it is.


Alicia understood that?

We were friends.

When was the last time you saw her?

Last night.

Exactly when, I don't remember.

What time did you leave the party?

Maybe 1:30?

I just assumed Alicia went home.

Can you think of anyone who would want to hurt Alicia?

It's unbelievable.

When you're ready, we need you to identify the body.

[Peter starts sobbing]

Those were real tears.

I know, but that doesn't mean he didn't k*ll her.

Yeah, but it sounds like she was more valuable to him alive.

Yeah, but money can only buy you so much.

I mean what if she was gonna spill the beans on him?

Alright? He was at the party, he had opportunity.

So did everybody else on that boat.

[Phone ringing]

This is Cal.

Man: Calvin Higgs?


Hi. My name is Detective Brian Lucas.

How can I help you, Detective?

Are you employed by the Lazy Gourmet catering company and did you work an event last night?

I am and, yes, I did.

We would like you to come down to the station and make a statement.

Of course.

Anything you need, Detective.

I can work any time, and I've been serving since high school, so I can absolutely do the job, no problem.

I filled the position this morning, but you'll be first on my sub list.

Hey. My band's playing the Sugar Bowl Thursday night.

It's gonna be awesome.

Matt! Get back to work!

You guys get the rest!

I'm gonna watch the gear.

You got it, Matt.


[Bone crunches]

[Muffled screaming]

It's only dislocated.

You'll be back at work soon.

[Pained sob]

Ahh! Ah...

The party was a little too flashy for my taste.

New money, no class.

But you knew Alicia and Peter well?

Ah, as well as I knew anybody else there.

"Detective Vega."

Franco's your father?

Yeah, last time I checked.

Did you think that Peter and Alicia were a happy couple?

Honestly? I always found their displays of affection to be a little over the top.

Mm. Well, thank you, sir.

[Grunts obligingly]

Appreciate that.



Tell you what I found, if you tell me what you found.

No one saw Alicia fighting with Peter, or with anyone else suspicious, last night.



Yeah, everybody thought they were the perfect couple, except for this one woman.

She had a rock on her finger the size of my fist.

Anyway, she heard Alicia was asking about, uh, about a divorce lawyer.

Really? Well, that could be something.

Yeah. Might just be a rumor.

Some good balancing there.

Thank you.

Get a 10 from the Russian judge.

[Party bustling, indistinct chatter]

Thank you. Thanks.

You're welcome.

Thanks again for coming out on such short notice.

I'm just glad that that guy couldn't do it.

Worked out for me.

[Overlapping chatter]


What was so funny?

Excuse me?

Kurt said something to you that made you laugh.


Your problem isn't with me.

It's with your husband.

Thank you for this.

Oh, you can get a copy of one of my autopsy reports anytime.



Why is he everywhere now?

Oh, he's still getting a feel for the place.

So what do we know about Alicia Barclay?

She drowned.

Blood alcohol level was 0.11.

I think she was tipsy, but I don't think she was drunk.

Defensive wounds?


All right, so poor girl never had a chance.

Yeah. Here.

The severe fractures were the result...

Come over here... Of two distinct blows.

Identical impact impressions.

Um, with both flat and round edges.

There's also a couple of punctures, and it was heavy, probably metal or stone.

It could even be a piece of sculpture.

So, you're looking for something funky.

Oh. Okay.

That really narrows it down. Thank you.

Well, I don't know what it is, but if you find it, I can match it.

What's going on with you and Cross?

What do you mean?

I've just been hearing things.

People are talking?

Just a couple. You know the grapevine.

[Flynn sighs]



We were... together.

He was married.

Oh, that's hard.

My kid really loved him.

[Sympathetic sigh]

We all make mistakes.

Yes, and, sometimes, those mistakes become your new boss.


Ah, wait. Don't tell me.

I need your permission to use the men's room.

Is that it?

About this morning.

It was early and I was inappropriate.

I get it. I get it.

You never were much of a morning person.

Don't do that.

Don't do what?

Don't act like you know anything about me anymore.

Because I'm not going to let "this" get in the way of "this."

I couldn't agree more.

And I want to be very clear with you, that there's nothing between us.

Right. Nothing.


[Footsteps receding]


I saw her on the main deck and below deck.

What was she doing down there?

I saw her fool around with this guy.

I'd just looked at my watch, so I remember it was just after 10:30.

Can you describe him?

It was dark, so I couldn't see his face, but he was white, um, around six feet, and wearing a black suit.

So, 10:29 is the time of Alicia's last appearance.

That might narrow down the time of death.


I just spoke to a witness who claims that he saw Alicia Barclay fooling around with someone on the lower deck.

Flynn: Well, that's interesting.

Yeah, maybe the rumors of her getting a divorce lawyer are true.

Who wants a divorce?

Our victim.

Vega: Alicia Barclay may have had a lover.

All right. So we find this mystery man and bring him in.

Our witness couldn't identify him.

We know he wasn't Peter, so he might know who it is.

Hey, have you heard anything?

About what?

About me and Cross.

Only what you told me.

I'm ignoring everyone else.

What are they saying?

I don't know. I'm ignoring them.

[Phone beeps]

Flynn: Since you had an arrangement with Alicia, we're hoping you know who her boyfriend is.




I don't, I'm sorry.

She kept that private.

Well, Alicia was thinking of hiring a divorce lawyer.

She keep that private as well?

There's no way that Alicia was considering divorce.

You sound pretty sure of that.

Nice trophy. Flat and round edges.

Mr. Barclay, we're gonna need you to come down to the station with us.


Because we think you k*lled your wife.

Damn it.

Damn it! Damn it!

Frustrated groan: Oh... damn it.



Hey. It's me, Damian.

Look, looks like I'm going to be here a little bit longer than I expected.

No, no, no, everything's fine.

I just have to fix something.

Look, I gotta go.

I love you.


Meredith. Hey. It's me, Cal.


Where should I meet you for that drink?

All right.

Check it out.

Ooh. Show me what you got.

Round... flat.

Very good.

Shape is consistent with her injuries, but I've got to match to her head wounds and run it through forensics.

Mm-hmm, but it could be the m*rder w*apon?

Could be.

Can I get a maybe?



Mm... [Grunts] Oh, can't come out yet.

[Flynn sighs]




This is completely outrageous.

Well, Peter, you have to see it from our side.

The m*rder w*apon was found in...

"Possible" m*rder w*apon!

Obtained without a warrant, I should add.

And do you know how many people have one of those awards?

It was in plain sight. We didn't want to risk Mr. Barclay tampering with the evidence.

If Alicia wanted to leave your relationship, then maybe she threatened to tell everyone your secret?

Alicia wouldn't do that.

And I didn't k*ll her.

We had an agreement for five years of marriage, for which she was going to be very well compensated.

Why would she divorce me now and risk losing that money?

Well, you tell me.

I want to know who k*lled her just as much as you do!

Don't say anything more.

We'll wait until we see the forensics report.

[Takes a deep breath]

Fair enough.

These are Alicia's personal effects we found on her body.

Is there anything missing?

No. Nothing's missing.

But that's not her watch.

Vega: You're sure?

Yeah. She never wore a watch.

Flynn: "She never wore a watch."

How would he know, if they were living separate lives?

Oh, I don't think we have to take his word.

A watch this expensive is registered somewhere.

Ah, for the repair warranty. Yeah.

Hey, Lucas.

Track down who bought this watch.

Hey, you know what? This could be a man's watch.

Might belong to the mystery boyfriend.


I didn't know if you'd come.

I'm glad I did.

Yeah, me too.

You okay? You seem a little nervous.

You've seen the news?

Yeah, the woman from the party.

Did you know her?

She was sleeping with my husband.

And now he's shut me out, like he always does.

It just gets very lonely.

Do the police know about their affair?

Well, I'm certainly not going to be the one to tell them.

You don't think your husband was responsible, do you?

No. No, absolutely not.

[Strains of partying nearby]

You'll do.

What do you think the deal is between Angie and Sergeant Cross?

I think that's none of our business.

I heard that they kind of had a thing...

That's none of our business.

Forensics report on the trophy.

Thank you.

Wait a minute. No blood? No nothing?

How's that possible?

I know. Well, Peter could've cleaned it.

No chemical residue was found.

But it matches her injuries.

Yeah, but that's not enough, you know that.

We have to cut Peter loose.

[Frustrated sigh]

The watch was registered.

Guess who it was registered to?

Don't make me guess.

Kurt Taylor.

Kurt said he's on his way.

Great. Thank you.

He didn't do this.

He wouldn't hurt Alicia.

Well, she was wearing his watch, right?

Was, uh...

Was Kurt having an affair with her?

That doesn't make him guilty of m*rder.

The award in this photo...

Did Kurt get one of those too?

Yeah, it's usually right there.

CSTs swept the boat.

[Siren yelps]

What're you doing?

Warrant to search.

Now you're harassing him?

We're investigating the m*rder of your wife and we think Kurt is involved.

Kurt? Are you crazy?

He didn't do this. He couldn't hurt Alicia.


Looks exactly like Peter's, doesn't it?

You... you k*lled her!

Kurt: I didn't touch her! I didn't! I didn't touch her!

I swear to you! Peter, I didn't do this!

Found that in the wheel well.

It's exactly like Peter's.

Except for all the blood.


So Kurt's girlfriend was k*lled on Kurt's boat with Kurt's award while wearing Kurt's watch.

That's a lot of circumstantial.

Yeah. Hey, Lucas.

What else do we know about this Kurt Taylor?

Married three times. First wife, Faye.

Cleaned him out after the divorce.

Second wife, April. Deceased.

And his current wife, Meredith, signed a pretty extensive pre-nup agreement.

Second wife, guess how she died?

Don't... don't make me guess, Lucas.

Drowned in a boating accident in Saint Lucia.


[Door opens]

Mr. Taylor...

[Door shuts]

You forgot to tell us that your second wife died in a boating accident.

Why would I mention April?

Were you hoping we wouldn't find out?

It's not a secret.

What's it have to do with this?

Well, you see, for us, it establishes pattern, and it makes you look really guilty.

A lot of people know about April's death.

Have you ever considered the fact that maybe the person who k*lled Alicia is trying to frame me?

Or all the evidence points against you because you're guilty.

I have an alibi.

A guest from the party sent this to my client.

The EXIF data time-stamped this video at 10:32 PM.

Kurt slurring: ...And Peter, man, you are the best partner and the best friend, man.

I-I love you. So...

...and I thank you for that from the bottom of my heart.


Kurt: Does that look like a guy who just k*lled somebody?

Well, you were obviously intoxicated.

Maybe you forgot.

I could never hurt her.


Because you were in love with her?

I've never met anybody like her.

Is that why you gave her your watch?

That's my watch, but...

I didn't give it to Alicia.

He's staying in custody.

That video doesn't prove anything.

Yeah, fine, but I want to show you something.

Watch this.

What are you showing me?


His second wife, April, died in a boating accident, right?

Meredith would've known that, so she kills the girlfriend, frames the husband.


Get out of a pre-nup?

Two birds, one stone.


Thank you.

It's not what you think.

I had suspected for a long time, but Kurt finally told me about him and Alicia.

Oh, you confronted him?

Yes, in the office, to avoid a scene.

Um, he admitted it.

We argued.

He went back upstairs.

I went to the bathroom to fix my face.

When I came upstairs, he was giving that stupid speech.

Did anyone see you?

Yes. A waiter.

Can you describe him?

I can give you his name.

Which one of these waiters is Calvin Higgs?

He was the one who saw Alicia fooling around.

[Taps note]

Meredith just named him as her alibi.

Did he mention Meredith in his statement?


It was also his first time working with that catering company.

Hey, Lucas, why don't you look into...

Calvin Higgs's employment history?

Sure, start there.

Reporter: Police are questioning the local businessman and online gaming entrepreneur Kurt Taylor in connection with the m*rder of Alicia Barclay.

Barclay's body was found in the water near kits beach in the early hours of September 14th.

Alicia Barclay's husband, Peter Barclay, co-owns High Rollers online gaming with Kurt Taylor.



Look what Lucas dug up.

Calvin Higgs?


Currently assigned to the army's Special Forces Unit, serving overseas.

Okay, but that's not our waiter.


He is.

Vega: Damian Cutter?

Flynn: Come on down.

Damian Cutter... used another soldier's ID, to get himself hired by the catering company that was working the party that night.

So what? The guy stole a wallet.

Look, all of our evidence still points to Kurt Taylor.

Mm. Cutter joined the military straight out of high school.

He's Special Ops.

Then, suddenly two years ago, something made him go AWOL.

Caught, arrested, sent to prison.

Just released 10 days ago.

First thing he does is book a plane ticket, flies here.

Meredith could've hired him for his skills.

He makes the perfect hitman.

Alicia was bludgeoned in the back of the head and then drowned.

That says "Crime of passion," not, uh, not "Black-Ops hit."

Why would Meredith need a hitman?

To frame her cheating husband and get out of her marriage.

All right. Bring Cutter in.

Thanks for coming in again, Calvin.

Is it "Cal"?

Cal's fine.

Well, Cal it will be.

You know, we really appreciate you being here.

So it was Meredith Taylor that told us about you.

She did?


About the relationship.

I don't understand.

There's no relationship.


But you do know her?

Yeah. We met a couple times.

I wouldn't call that a relationship.

I'm so sorry.

We must've misunderstood.


What's this about, anyway?

Didn't I hear you already have the guy who did this?

Well, yeah, someone really wanted us to believe that Kurt Taylor was involved, but between you and me, I don't think he did it.

Frame job.

Well, that would be something.

Wouldn't it?

We are looking for someone that we think that you might know.

Damian Cutter.

Vega: You know him?

Um... no.


Yeah. See?

I told you he didn't know him.

I know. I just lost five bucks.


We could get him on identity theft right now.

Yeah, but I want to see if he leads us to Meredith Taylor.

So if Meredith hired Damian to k*ll Alicia and frame her husband, where's the payment?

I don't know.

But if he and Meredith are in it together, then why did she give us his name?

Vouch for her, cancel each other out?


He didn't vouch for her.

So he made a mistake?


This his recent credit card history?

Yeah. Not a lot happening in his first two weeks of freedom.

We have a plane ticket, some hotel charges, and a few restaurants.

Yeah, but look at this.

We got a charge to a florist.

Let's find out where he sent those.

Yeah, you're thinking that's his connection to Meredith?

[Remote entry chirps]


Cal? What are you doing here?

You have to go back to the police and tell them about Kurt.

Tell them what?

They already know about him and Alicia.

I'm worried about you.

I know... you know what happened in Saint Lucia.

What are you talking about?

Everyone knows that was an accident.

Just tell the police.

Cal, you're scaring me.

Please. Look. It's for your own safety.

Okay, the flowers.

They were delivered to...

Damian's mother, who lives in Ladysmith.

[Sighs] So not Meredith Taylor?

Well, it was worth a shot.

Flynn: Yeah.

Lucas: Hey, wait...

The florist kept the message that went along with the flowers.

Well, what did it say?

"Dear Mom...

"April will always be alive in our hearts forever.

Love Damian."


April as in Kurt Taylor's second wife, who died on vacation in Saint Lucia?

April was Damian's sister.

This really was about Kurt after all.

Airport, please. Departures.

[Sighs deeply]

What's going on?

Well, I'm glad we caught ya.

I am sorry, Detectives, but I have a flight to catch.

Yeah, well, you're gonna have to reschedule, Damian.

Let's go.

And there he goes.

[Siren yelps]

Flynn: Yeah, there he goes.

Vega: You owe me 20.

[Siren chirping]

Officer: Hold it right there.

On your knees!

Hands behind your head!

Vega: Somebody cuff him, please?

Officer: Yes, sir.

Thank you, officer.

Thank you.

Why don't you take a seat right here, sir?

We know you were on active service stationed in Kabul when your sister met and married Kurt.

Yeah. Otherwise, Kurt would've recognized you on the yacht.

Three days after your sister's death, you went AWOL.

Hit you pretty hard, huh?

You don't know anything about it.

Well, we know that the Saint Lucia police closed the case in 12 hours.

Dismissed it as an accident.

No, they said she was intoxicated, but she didn't drink more than one glass of wine her entire life.

You think Kurt k*lled your sister?

I know he did.

She called me.


She told me that Kurt wasn't the guy that she thought he was, so I told her "leave him," but she wouldn't.

She was too scared of him.

I was too far away at the time to help her.

Then she winds up dead.

If you wanted revenge, why wouldn't you have k*lled Kurt?

Because I wanted more.

You wanted him to suffer.

Alicia said you're being rude to her again.

What the hell's going on with you?

Meredith: What the hell's going on with me?

You two are flirting in front of everyone.

It's humiliating.

We're friends, Meredith.

We're being friendly.

Are you sleeping with her?

It's much more than that.

Are you in love with her?

Don't do this.

Are you in love with her?

I'm not doing this now, Meredith.

Loud: Are you in love with her?

Loud: Yes! I'm in love with her! Yes!

[Muffled sobbing]

[Gasping sob]



Why don't you go clean yourself up before going back to the party?

Flynn: You wanted to frame Kurt, which would've been easier if you'd k*lled Meredith.

Except Kurt didn't love Meredith.

No. He loved Alicia.

So you put Kurt's watch on her wrist and you expected us to connect the dots.

Honestly, you know what I wanted?

I wanted to k*ll Kurt, but that was too good for him.

Kurt: Hey! Hey.

I know I promised I wasn't gonna give a speech, but I couldn't help myself...

Mrs. Barclay?

We've got a problem with the champagne.

Really? Are we out already?

Kurt, continuing: Peter, man, you are the best partner, the best friend...



[Kurt continuing indistinctly]

I thank you for that from the bottom of my heart.

We wouldn't be where we are today, I wouldn't be who I am today without the support of everyone here tonight.

We can't ever forget...

...remembering the people who made you what you are.


[Crowd cheering]

To my partner, guys...

[Guests cheering]

If you wanted justice, you should've gone to the police.

I wanted real justice.

For your sister?

No. For my mother.

Yeah, well...

Alicia had a mother, too.

That wasn't justice for April.


No, it wasn't.

[Elevator doors ding]


I wanted to thank you.

Oh? You did?

Yeah, well, you found the truth.

That means a lot to me.


See you soon.

Vega: Hey, let me, uh, let me tell you something else that I, uh, found out.

What's that?

Oh, the $50,000 that you paid the Saint Lucia authorities the day after April died.

Excuse me?

I guess m*rder's cheaper than divorce.

See you soon.

People are talking about us.

Well, I can wait 10 seconds, follow you out.

That'll really throw 'em off.

This doesn't bother you?

Why would it?

Because it's a distraction and we need to find a way to get them to stop.

I disagree.

You would.

Look, the details of our sordid affair give them some context for your animosity.

My animosity?

I would just prefer not to be the topic of conversation.

Well, you should've thought of that 10 years ago.

It's more than that, and you know it.

No, I don't.

Neither do you.