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02x02 - They Made Me a Criminal

Posted: 03/14/14 15:18
by bunniefuu
That's it.


Follow through on your energy.

You're unafraid.

♪ There's a place... ♪

One, two, three, four, five...

♪ ...that I've found... ♪

Let the moment hang suspended.

Stay connected. Stay connected. Allow yourself to feel me.

Feel it.

You lost the connection right there.


I want you to extend from your heart, all right?

Just feel the energy go.

Feel that?

That feels different from when I do it with Megan.

Okay, I'll make sure she stays connected.


What are you doing here?

Can't a guy surprise his wife with a lunch date?


Hey, did you grab his soother?

No, he doesn't need one.

He's fine.

Yeah, till he's not.

He went to def con five this morning.

Fine, I'll go grab it.

Good work, class!

See you next week!

Tough workout.

I'm exhausted just watching you.

Gorgeous baby.

Looks like his daddy.

[Baby gurgles]

He likes you. Kid's got taste.

[Chuckles] Can you hear that?

Says he wants your phone number.



Victim is Dustin McEvers.

24. Resident, 472 Canal Street.

Looks pretty cut and dried.

Maybe an early night for once.

Vic's got priors.

Couple of gas station robberies, three B&E's.

He's never hit a place while the residents have been there.

Sounds like he's stepping up his game.

Yeah. Homeowner heard the victim breaking in, went into the basement to hide... blam.

Should've stuck to what he knew.

What do we got, doctor?

Yeah, chest wound's consistent with a 12-gauge fired at close range.

How close?

Well, close enough that there's massive tissue destruction within the wound, and the plastic wadding of the shell's clearly visible.

I count two shells.

Apparently, the sh**t first fired off a warning shot.

Okay, what about him?

g*n hasn't been fired.

Home invasion gone wrong?

Or right, depending on whose side you take.

What do you think, Betts?

Cadaveric spasm.


You see the way the fingers are clenched around the g*n?

When he was shot, the fingers spasmed.

So the g*n couldn't have been put there after he was dead.

What do we got?

Well, we got one in the breech.

The mag is full.

But he didn't fire, huh?


The sh**t's waiting upstairs.

Mr. Balfour?

I'm detective Angie Flynn.

This is my partner, detective Oscar Vega.


We'd like to talk to you about what happened today.

It was self-defense.

He was going to k*ll me.

[Police radios crackle]

I wanted to downsize when our son moved out last year, but my wife wouldn't budge.

If we'd moved, maybe none of this would've happened.

We know you've been through a lot today, sir, so we'll keep this quick.

Can you walk us through what happened from the beginning, please, sir?

I came home from the office.

Where's that?


I own a courier company.

I went into the kitchen to nuke some leftovers...

Whispering: Mom, I told you I was working.

It's a real homicide.

You should see the blood!

Nice neighbourhood, though.


It's like a... you'd really like their garden.

I gotta go. Okay. Love you.

Excuse me?

I'm going to have to ask you to move your car.

That's my house.

What's going on?

May I see some ID, please?

You're Mrs. Balfour?


What's happening?

I need to see my husband.

I'm afraid there's been...

Uh, your husband's fine.

I'll take you to him.

Why didn't you call 911 when you heard him breaking in?

I panicked.

I ran down to the basement to load my shotgun.

I never thought I'd have to use it.

And he actually followed you down into the basement?

I guess he heard me.

And then?

I fired a warning shot.

To let him know I was armed.

And why did he keep coming?

I don't know.

Then he pulled his g*n.

That's when I shot him.

Wife: Miles!

Miles, are you okay?

Sung: We cannot risk you contaminating evidence on the suspect.


It's just procedure.

There's nothing to worry about.

I'm detective Angie Flynn, this is detective Oscar Vega.

Are you okay?

We've had a break-in, honey.

Are you hurt?

I k*lled a man.

Oh, my God.

Mr. Balfour, I'm going to need you to come down to the station.


It was obviously self-defense.

Again, it's just procedure.

It's fine. Don't worry.

Well, I'm coming with you.

Actually, I need to ask you a few questions, and then you can join your husband down at the station.

Should I call a lawyer?

No, no.

I don't think that'll be necessary.


It'll be... It'll be fine, okay?

I'll see you down there.


I promised myself I wouldn't do this again.

Life's full of surprises.

What are you drinking?

I prefer to keep a clear head.

Come on, one drink.

You look nervous.

I'm not nervous, I'm upset.

You afraid somebody's going to see us?

The place is almost empty.

Chardonnay for the lady.

Unless you're in the mood for something harder?

Dustin, I don't think I can do this anymore.

Are you afraid your husband will find out?

Don't talk about my husband.

No problem.

There are other people I could be spending my time with right now.

No. Stay.

I really don't know how I can be of any help to you.

I just got home from work now.

And work is...?

I own a dance school.

Oh, okay.

So your husband was home alone?


Didn't he tell you that?

Does your husband do a lot of hunting?

A few years ago, some of his friends talked him into a duck hunting trip.

He got really excited, he bought all the gear, but I don't think he's touched the g*n since.


This our witness?

Yes. Detective Lucas, this is Marlisse Grauer.


That is Marlisse, with two S's.

Thank you, officer.

So, Marlisse, you live in the neighborhood?

Yeah, next door to the Balfours. That house.

Right there.

So where were you when you heard the sh*ts?

In the backyard.

Okay, and did you see anyone coming or going from the Balfours house?

How many sh*ts did you hear?



They were really loud.

I thought it was fireworks or something, but then later when I heard the squealing tires and the police sirens, I was like...

Squealing tires?

Yeah. Yeah.

Hey, cross wants an update.

I want a pony.

And you should have one.

I don't get it.

Guy breaks in through the bathroom window, moves all through the house, and then goes down to the basement, all without drawing his g*n.

And we're talking about a guy with two armed robbery priors, so he ain't shy.


I found Dustin's getaway driver from his failed 7-Eleven robbery last year.

A Chris Renway.

Looks like they were arrested together a couple times.

Let's go.


Detective Flynn...

I'm going to meet you in the car.



I hear you got your sh**t.

Well, I haven't charged him yet.

Are you going to?

It's a simple question, Angie.

You know, the type of thing you would actually tell a superior officer.

"Superior officer", mm-hmm.

Used to be we'd tell each other everything.

Well, this isn't used to be.


Why not?

Why can't it be?


There's no reason that we can't have what we had before.

And what was that exactly?


Each other's backs.

Look, I will always have your back, whether you want me to or not.

I trusted you once before and look what happened.


We're both fine.

It's nuts, mom.

It's going to mean so much to your dad that you're here.

I'm here for you, not for him.

Please, just give him a break.

Give him a break?

Just talk to him, please.

No. Mom...

I just want us to be the way we were.

I know what you said, but I don't know if I can do this anymore.

It just makes me feel so... [Front door closes]

He just came home. I have to go. Bye.


Hey. You're home early.

My meeting was canceled.

Who were you talking to?

Oh, talking to myself.

Just going over my grocery list.

Looks like we could use some of those salmon quiches you like.

I like the ones with goat cheese.

[Knock on door]

Where the hell have you...?

Chris Renway?

Oh, God.

What's he done this time?

I'm sorry...

He, uh, he said he'd be back in an hour.

Do you know where he went?


No, some errand.

I told him to get formula while he was out.

You two were arrested together a couple of times.

Were you his driver, or wheel woman?

Right, yeah, we'd just throw our baby in the car seat and go nuts.

Dustin was still in the game.


No, ever since Jonah was born, he's been clean.

Oh, you mean, like, he had a job?



I forgot the name of the place.

Well, I know from experience this stuff isn't cheap, so...

His job must've paid pretty well.

You know, maybe you'd be more comfortable answering questions down at the station?

He was turning over a new leaf, for us.

You know, just doing a bit of dealing on the side.

Oh, yeah, some "new leaf."


At least he was trying.

So, Chris, where was Dustin going?

To make a collection.

He didn't say where.

He took my car.

It's got the car seat in it.

Angie: I'm sorry.

What kinda life do you think that kid's gonna have?

Probably not great.

Makes me crazy.

I know.

Hey, Lucas, can you put out an apb on a 2007 blue civic, license AYJ 058.


His witness said that they heard squealing tires.

Maybe it was Chris's car.

Yeah, but if she wasn't driving it...


You know what else bugs me?

Yeah, if Miles points the shotgun in his face...


Dustin's a*t*matic is still in his hand.

Why didn't he pull the trigger?


It's over there.

Thank you, Officer Sung.

I was securing the crime scene, but when I heard the apb, I decided to check this block.

Oh, thanks.

Do you want me to send a forensics team over?

Yeah, that'd be great, thank you.

Right away. Right away...

Thank you.

God, I remember when I was that eager.

I don't think I've ever seen a picture of you in uniform.

Like a God.

Modest, too.

I've got a baby seat in the back.

How are you going to fit anything in there?

Home invasion, I'd use a van.

See that baby formula?


Maybe she was telling the truth.


But who was Dustin making a collection from?

So, did you, like, have your hat all...

[Magnet snaps against metal]

[Footsteps approach]

[Door opens]



So, what are you working on?

I'm thinking about a new garden shed.

Where you going?

I have to get a birthday present for mom.

I'll be back by 5:00.



What are you doing here?

This has to end.

What if I don't want it to?


Balfour's still in custody from last night?

Yeah, well, it takes a while to process.


All those little details you didn't have to deal with in UC.

We're seeking to eliminate any possible connection between him and the dead man.

And the drug angle?

Not buying it.

The Vic was a dealer.

Yeah, but Miles' blood test came back clean.

His co-workers liked him.

His finances are great.

He golfs, gardens, and occasionally jogs.

Not so much as a parking ticket.

Sounds like textbook self-defense, then.

Hmm, not really.

'Cause I don't think that Dustin broke in to rob the Balfours.

I didn't ask your opinion.

Cut him loose.



Is, uh, there anything you want to tell me?



Okay, listen...

We had a thing a long time ago.

I noticed.

It was good, and then not so good, and then very, very bad.

And now he's here.

But you're good?

Yeah. I'm... okay.

But just so you know.

[Typing busily]

Do you think they believed your statement?

Why wouldn't they?

Honey, you know, the cops gave me a number of a company that does that.

I don't mind.


It's therapeutic.

[Whispering] I'm sorry.

I didn't mean for this...

I know.

But this is kind of like a fresh start, right?

For all of us.

Including Ryan.


When I did my exam of the victim, I found some specks of plaster, and some filamentous fibers of pink, refractile material.

What is fiberglass?

I sent it to forensics.

You're welcome.

Thank you.
They said that it's microscopically consistent with the insulation found in the Balfours' basement ceiling.

Wait a minute, if you found plaster and fiberglass inside the wound, that means there had to be a wound first.

Which means Miles k*lled Dustin, then fired the warning shot into the ceiling?

Well, suddenly, our frightened homeowner is looking like a k*ller.

You were the one who was pushing for Miles' release.

Yes, and now I am saying drill down into his life.

Oh, so now you think it's a good idea, because it's your idea.

No, Angie, now it is a legitimate avenue of investigation.

Oh, so it's legitimate now.

Look, just start poking the bushes, okay?

Everyone's got something they're trying to hide.

Yeah, they do.

Oh, that's too bad, then.

Miles: Yeah, I'm still slammed here.

I probably won't be home till 10:00.

Okay, then.

I'll see you later.

See you then.

[Shot blasts]

[Doorbell rings]

Oh, sweetie... dad shot Dustin?

Ryan, come inside.

I can't believe you didn't tell me.

Sweetheart, let's just talk about this inside.

You're damn right we will.

Where is he?

What the hell were you thinking?

Ryan, please...

You're in my house, you watch your mouth.

He was my friend, dad, and I had to hear about this on the news.

He was not your friend.

He broke into our house and he att*cked me with a g*n.

That's nuts. Dustin would never do that.

He was probably high!

Oh, you don't know anything.

This conversation ends now.

But why?

It's in the hands of the police!

Do they not know about Dustin and me?


And if we keep quiet, they don't have to.

You expect to keep this secret?

You brought this down on all of us.

I didn't pull the trigger.

You might as well have.



Okay, okay...

Just blame it all on me like you always do.


Even now?

Are you sure?


You should have dinner with Mary at least once this week.

Okay. Well, that'll definitely help.

Is everything cool?


You know, just, my long hours, she's alone a lot, so...

Flowers are always nice, right?


There is a reason we're single.

So many reasons.

Hey, look at this, Miles' corporate credit card.

He spends $320 at a spy store.

What did he get, a phone bug?

Night vision goggles?

Uh-uh. GPS tracker. I wonder who he was tracking.

Well, he owns a courier company.

Maybe he's tracking one of his drivers?

No, he had it delivered to his house.

He's not gonna put it on his own car.

His wife's?

Why would Miles track Sophia?

Husband suspects wife's lying, puts the GPS in her car to find out where she's going.

What does that tell you?

An affair.

What if the connection between our k*ller and our victim is Sophia?

Hey, Chris, I was just wondering, do you recognize her?


You think Dustin might have?

Do you think that, uh, well, that Dustin maybe might've...

Cheated on me?


No. No, he liked to look, but he knew if he ever touched, I'd cut it off.

Well, if she wasn't personal, maybe she was professional.

Or maybe one of Dustin's clients?

I've got to go.

If I don't keep moving, he's not going to fall asleep.

Oh, yeah, I remember those days.

My son would only sleep if I ran the tap.

I must have ran it for hours.

He woke up every three hours last night.

Well, it gets easier eventually.

Are you sure you've never seen her?

No. Look, I didn't know all of Dustin's customers.

Maybe she was in his book.


He had a book?

Yeah, he didn't trust computers.

Do you have the book?


Okay, no problem. We'll get a warrant, we'll come back, we'll start poking around...

There's no telling what we might find.

Just keep him moving, all right?

[Humming softly]

♪ Getting sleepy... ♪

[Whispering] Oh, hey, hey...


Was Sophia's name in Dustin's client book?


Neither was Miles'.

But check the numbers in here against Sophia's studio and Miles's office.

What is that?

GPS detector.

I borrowed it from Cyber Crimes.

Let me see that.

Ooh! Ooh...

I almost dropped it.

Be careful with that.


Don't... sorry.

Oh, I'm so sorry.


Hi, Mr. Balfour.

We have just a few questions, if you have a second.

I gave you a signed statement.

Yes, but since then, something's come up.

You purchased a GPS tracking device?

Yeah. Yeah.

I thought one of our drivers was running a mileage scam.

So the device is on one of the vehicles at your office?



What's this all about?

This is a GPS detector.

Will you consent to us checking your vehicles?

Our vehicles?

I don't see why that's necessary.

Is that a no?

I don't feel comfortable with it.

Yeah, that sounds like a no.

Yeah, it does.

I'm not being difficult here.

I just would feel better if you had a warrant.


That's for you.

Do you feel better?

Lucas: This'll just take a second.


Well, Miles, it looks like we have a little more to talk about.

You found out your wife was having an affair with Dustin, caught them in the act, shot him.

No, I told you.

I thought my wife was having an affair, but I was wrong.

Home invasion, that's smart.

It makes for a great cover.

You k*lled him, you smashed your window, and then you fired the "warning shot."

The fiberglass could've lodged in the wound any time after the sh**ting.

Either charge my client, or we're going.

I was really hoping that would go differently.

Me too.

We've still got the GPS tracker.

Maybe that'll tell us what Miles won't.

They're going to figure out I shot him.

Not if we stick to our story.

But a GPS?

Miles, I would never cheat on you.

I know.

I know. I'm sorry.

I know things have been...

The fact that you had to sneak around to see your own son...

I don't know how things got so screwed up.

All I ever did was try to protect us.

Is she going to turn?


Right onto Dustin's street.

Well, that supports the jealousy motive.

Let's see where she went the day of the m*rder.

So, she leaves the studio...

Where does she go?


Sophia was there when Dustin was k*lled.

That's why Dustin didn't fire.

Sophia was holding the g*n.


Okay, so from the top, Sophia drives home from the studio before Dustin is shot, in her own car.

Then half an hour after we were there, she drove up in Miles' car.

Okay, so she takes off in her husband's car after the m*rder.


Maybe those were the squealing tires the witness heard.

We know she went to Dustin's house, so she lied about knowing the victim.

What if Dustin went to the Balfours' house to see Sophia?

That would mean that Miles got it right, Sophia was having an affair.

Things go south with Dustin, she sh**t him.

Okay, hold on, hold on.

What, you found a hole?

Why would Miles cover for his cheating wife?

Don't fade away, Megan.

Okay, just stop, stop.

Don't worry about being pretty.

Do you understand?

Just keep working.

[Sophia sighs]



Do you have a minute?


So, I've been thinking more about that GPS tracker that your husband put on your car... such a betrayal.

Well, it was just a misunderstanding.

We've put it behind us.

Good. I'm glad.

Except now, I'm a little... I'm a little more confused, because that little gadget puts you on Dustin McEvers' street the day before he was k*lled.



Where does he live?

Well, he doesn't really live anywhere anymore, but his girlfriend and their baby still live on Canal Street.

Canal Street...

Oh, I... I, uh...

I met my son.

We went for a walk at trout lake.

So you were there.

Yeah. Sorry.

Since the sh**ting, everything has been crazy.

Yeah, of course.

Now, the day of the m*rder, you said you were here teaching until 7:00 P.M..

Yes, I teach until 7:00 every Thursday.

Okay, and is there someone, a student, anybody, we can call to confirm that?

You know, I...

I, um, I might have wrapped it up a bit early that day.

Oh, around what time?

I wasn't keeping track of the time... because the GPS puts your car at your house around 6:30 P.M..

That sounds about right.

I went to go, um...

Check on a neighbor who hasn't been well.

And what's their name and address?



But she's in her 90s.

She's getting forgetful.

She may not even remember.

Aw, poor dear.

Listen, this is a beautiful sweater.

Is it cashmere?

Yeah, I really should be getting back to my dancers.

Yeah, of course.

And listen, hopefully, this'll all be over soon.

Thank you.


You run the financials?

Yeah, we have nothing on Sophia's personal bank account, but her corp account? Overdrawn.

Several withdrawals totalling over 30k over the last few months.

She doesn't look like a junkie.

What do you think, extortion? Blackmail?

Maybe Dustin tells Miles about the affair?

Sophia decides to shut him up permanently.

But Miles takes the rap? That doesn't gel.

Well, we know she lied about her whereabouts the night of the m*rder.

And thanks to the fiberglass, we know Miles lied about his "warning shot".

But all a jury might hear is a brave husband coming to his wife's defense when a drug dealer broke into their home.

They had to be in on it together.

Why put a GPS into her car?

Yeah, and she's got the big bruise on her shoulder.

Dancing injury? Maybe.

Unless... Hey, Lucas, pop quiz.

Where does a suburban housewife go to learn how to fire a shotgun?

A g*n range.

Yes. Grab Sophia's photo, flash it around the g*n range, see if anyone recognizes her.

Okay. I'll be done here in a minute.

12-gauge has got a mean kick-back, you know.

Good point.

You ready for the fun part?

Tell me you're kidding me.

You're coming.

[Knock on door]

We need you to authorize a door-to-door in Dustin's neighborhood.

That's a request, not a need.

Do we get the manpower?

What for?

We're looking for hard evidence, like a witness to connect Sophia and Dustin.

Sorry to interrupt.

Please do.

I found something.

You're always welcome, Brian. Come on in.

Thank you, sir.

I cross-referenced the numbers in Dustin's client book with the Balfours' phone records.

Angie: Mm-hmm.

Dustin never called Miles or Sophia.

So, a dead end.

He's not done yet.

Right, because what I did find was that Dustin and Sophia have both been calling the same contact.

I think we just found our hard evidence.

Open? Closed?

No, it's fine.

Thank you, Brian.

We are not charging Mr. Balfour with m*rder.

I don't want to hear manslaughter.

We're not charging him with manslaughter.

We will charge him with hindering an investigation if he doesn't tell us why he took the blame for his wife.

Sophia had nothing to do with this.

That's not true.

We found the connection between you and the victim.

Lucas: Take a look at that one for me.

Take a look at him.

It's your son, Ryan.


Ryan, I brought you some groceries!


Ryan! Wake up!

Wake up!

Wake up...

Wake up! Ryan!

[Coughing and spluttering]


Can you see me? Look at me.


Listen, the prosecution will go easier on you if you cooperate now.

If you let this go to trial, you're facing a life sentence.

Not a word.

I already told you I shot him.

What the hell more do you want?

The truth.

I had hoped Ryan...

Had finally gotten clean, for good.

You know?

'Cause he was doing so well.

But Dustin would not take his hooks out of my son.

[Shot blasts]



[Hurried footsteps approach]

Who is he?

It's Ryan's dealer.

His dealer?

He came in through the back door, he started threatening me, he demanded money.

I remembered the g*n, so I ran down here.

I thought...

He had a g*n.

I was afraid he was going to sh**t me.


Give me this. Stand back.

What are you doing?

[Shot blasts]


Go out the back.

My car's parked down the street.


Miles, what're you doing?

If they find out you knew him, it'll look suspicious.


And don't come back until the police are here.

What you allege Mr. and Mrs. Balfour did was certainly misguided, but this is still a case of self-defense.

He att*cked my wife.

I'm not so sure about that.

I remember the first time I fired a shotgun.

Got a nasty kickback.

Left an ugly bruise on my shoulder, kind of like the one you have.

Except yours isn't fresh.

It's not from sh**ting Dustin.

Yours is yellow and green, which means you've been practicing for a while.

We canvassed g*n ranges around the city.

Can you guess what we found?

This wasn't self-defense.

It was premeditated m*rder.

You planned this?

[Breathing shakily]

It was the only way.

We could've dealt with this together.

Why didn't you talk to me?

I tried.

You wouldn't listen.

I could not let that man take my son away from me.

Every time Ryan got clean, I would pay Dustin to leave him alone.

I did what I had to do.


What are you doing here?

This has to end.

What if I don't want it to?

What is it going to take for you to stay away from my son?

Hard to say.

I've got a kid to look after now.

I'll give you 25,000.

It's all I have left.

On one condition.

You stay the hell away from my son.

You have my interest.

Sophia: I invited him to the house...

And... you were waiting with a shotgun.

I wish Ryan had never met you.

Every time I get him clean, you'd show up.

I told you it had to end, I paid you to stay away, but you just wouldn't quit.

[Laughing] Whoa...

You have dragged Ryan down for the last time.

Hey, now, come on, just calm down.


Just... you...

I am calm.


It was-it was...

It was Dustin's life or Ryan's.


You know, we could arrest him for obstruction.

Yeah, we could.

You know, if people would just be honest with each other, talk things out...

You think Ryan will stay clean?

It's gonna be hard.

He just lost the only person who believed in him.

Maybe not.