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02x01 - Raw Deal

Posted: 03/07/14 22:22
by bunniefuu
Ian, stop it. I did not.

You did.

I called you Alan?


Just for the first day.

Okay, this is a very famous spot.

I don't know if you know this, but what historic event took place right here?

Uh... give me a hint.


It hasn't happened yet.

[Guitarists start playing]

I love this song!

This is our song!

Oh, my God!


Dianne? What?

Thanks, buddy.

Ben, what are you...


Will you marry me?

Well, say yes!

[Laughter and applause]

Excuse me, Robin Keaton, does she live here?

I'm Robin Keaton.

Sorry to bother you.

[Car honking]

[Tires squealing]

Hey, watch where you're going!

"I never had the courage until now."

The deceased Kevin Carpenter has been travelling for the past three years.

India, Nepal and Thailand.

He landed Saturday night, cleared customs, came here and checked in.

Do you have an evidence bag?

Yeah. Why? What is that?

Looks like a steering wheel.

This steering wheel is a dharmachakra, the Buddhist symbol for the path to enlightenment.

Well, it looks like Kevin lost his way.

He allegedly ended his life last night between 11:00 P.M., when he used his keycard to enter the room, and 8:00 A.M. this morning...

together: When the maid came to clean up.

Did she take anything or touch anything?

She said no.

Then we have got a missing glass.

Maybe Kevin had company?

Oh, he definitely had company.

Why, what do you got for us, Bets?

I have a textbook case of slashed wrists.

There are hesitation cuts before the fatal wounds.

And the fatal wounds are drawn from the thumb to the forefinger, indicating self-harm.

Right, so someone did their homework.


Luckily, they skipped a chapter.

The tendons are severed in both arms, and once you sever a tendon, the hand is useless.

So Kevin Carpenter had help.

But is it assisted su1c1de or a homicide?

Either way, it's m*rder.


Vega: Mr. Carpenter's incidentals bill.

We have several restaurant charges...

Excuse us.

Three local calls and one to directory assistance.

Sounds pretty restrained for a guy who wasn't planning on paying his bill.

The local calls might explain why we can't find a cell phone.

Mm... didn't have one.


Forensics has already found 30 discrete sets of prints in the room.

We're going to need...

Elimination prints from the hotel staff.


Reverse-lookups on these numbers?


A warrant for the directory assistance call?

There you go.

Yeah, you're just trying to rush off and get a piece of Boyd's cake.

It's lemon.

Ugh, I hate lemon.

[Cell phone chiming]

Will you save me a piece?

How did it go last night?

How did what go?

Your photo sh**t?

Uh, good. Good, actually.

I think the magazine's going to like the sh*ts I got.

Since you're up, do you think you could walk Ben to school?

Yeah, look, I'm all over it.

You... are... the... best.


You know I'd do anything for you.


I gotta go.

I gotta go.

Don't forget, Dave's coming over tonight.


Yeah, uh...

[Mumbles anxiously]

Have you told him about this?

Oh, boy.

I don't know where you get this idea Dave doesn't like you.

[Laughs] From that time when he actually told me that he didn't like me.

That was over two years ago.

He's Ben's grandfather, and he's like a father to me.


And you just said that you would do anything for me.

I know, I just...

I don't know what I'm thinking. Okay.

I thought I was clear about this.

No damn cake.

Superintendent of investigations...


How does that feel?

Like more paperwork.

Well, you know, I'm gonna miss your smiling face.

You know my door is always open, right?


You'd better be careful, though, because I'm going to take you up on that.

Hey, who got the promotion?

Was it me?

Was it me?

Is it Vega?

Your motel room victim.

Could it have been an assisted su1c1de?

Well, we haven't ruled assisted su1c1de out yet, but they tend to be poisonings, overdoses.

Something more gentle.

Kevin's wrists were slashed to the bone.

You'd have a hard time convincing anybody to do that.

No sign of a struggle, though. How'd the k*ller pull that off?

We found sleeping pills in Kevin's room.


A couple of pills would have knocked him out cold.

Yeah, after that, you could do it easily.

All right, tell me about the phone calls.

There were three.

One to a Shelley Carpenter, his sister.

A convenience store, and the other for directory assistance.

Our next stop is notifying the sister.


I need a minute.

Yes, sir.

[Whispers] So it's not me?


You didn't get the promotion?

Partner, let it go.

It's just a job.

We have a homicide to investigate.

Oh, trust me, I am thinking of homicide.

Who did get it?

I don't know. Boyd wouldn't say.

All I know is that he's from outside the department.

[Scoffs] I'm sorry.

Don't be.

Are you sure that Boyd said it was a he?

Mm-hmm. Why, have you heard something?

No, no.

Nothing concrete.

Have you got the sister's address?

I do.


Shelley Carpenter: Kevin called me Sunday morning to let me know he was home.

[Sighs wryly]

Typical Kevin.

He just didn't even bother to tell me he was coming home until he got here.

I told him to stay with me, but he said "nah."

When you spoke with him, how did he sound?


We had plans to have dinner tonight.

He said he had news.


Did he mention any other plans he'd made?

Maybe somebody he was going to see?


It was a short call.

Said he wanted to talk in person.

Did Kevin have any issues with substance abuse?

Why would you even ask that?

We found sleeping pills at the scene.

Kevin's always had trouble with insomnia.

We also found a document.

We're wondering if you have any samples of his handwriting we could maybe compare it to?

A postcard, note, that kind of thing.

Yeah, I've got a box of his notebooks in the garage.

You're welcome to go through them.

Lighter fluid?

Now you're going to have to wait for the chemicals to burn off.

It just gives us more time to talk.

So, we have some news...


[Chuckling fondly]

Thank you.

I have champagne.

Does it taste like beer?

Champagne and beer.

Coming up.

So, you finally worked up the nerve.


I did, yeah.

She'll never love you the way she loved John.

Where's my grandson?


Oh, someone else visited.

That's nice.

Can we go to the playground now?

We can go to the playground now.



Wow, this guy could draw.


We've matched six sets of prints from the hotel room to the staff.

We're running the remainder through AFIS you guys need a hand with anything?

No, no, you go home. Have a life.

I'm sure Mary's waiting for you.

Not tonight.

Everything okay?

Uh, yeah.

No, she's just taking night classes.


Well, if you don't mind running this down to forensics, it would be greatly appreciated.

On it.

Thank you, sir.

I can tell you right now Kevin Carpenter wrote that su1c1de note.

Yeah, but he did not slash his own wrists.

Maybe we are looking at assisted su1c1de.

Maybe. Maybe not.

Check this out.

Now, that is a lot of remorse.


It's the last thing in there.

Who did you hurt, Kevin Carpenter?

Directory assistance. Name and city, please.

Kevin: Robin Keaton.

Anywhere in the lower mainland.

Directory assistance: I'm showing two listings for that name.

Kevin: I'll take both.

The phone numbers and addresses...

Okay, so the question is, who's Robin Keaton?

Man: Maybe she's an ex-girlfriend with a grudge.

Mark Cross.

Angie Flynn.

It's been a long time.

Undercover has its drawbacks.

I wouldn't call it a drawback.

Same old Angie.

You must be Detective Vega, Angie's partner.

That would be me. Welcome to Homicide.

Thank you.

I'm guessing you're detective Brian Lucas, I'm hearing good things, Detective.



Boyd: Sergeant.


I see you've already started introductions.

Yes, I wanted to get a jump on the morning.

Everyone, can I have your attention, please?

I'd like to introduce you all to Sergeant Mark Cross.

He'll be taking over my position as Team Commander.

Mark cross: Uh, wow, um...

This is a bit like the first day of school for me.

Same tie and everything.

[Lucas laughs]

Look, Superintendent Boyd is handing over a well-oiled machine, and I have no plans on changing anything in the way that we operate.

Case in point, I'm sure you're all very busy, and you have much better things to do than to listen to me up here, so I'll let you get back to it.

Thank you.

[Applause and cheers]


I tried to call you.


I tried ignoring you.

He's a nice guy.

I'm mean, yeah, I'm sure he's a good cop, but he's no Vega.

Sit down.

Go sit down.

Do you know a Robin Keaton?

Robin Keaton?

It doesn't ring a bell.

Well, maybe he or she was a friend from art school?


Or a friend from high school, the fire crews...

Fire crews?

Yeah, Kevin fought forest fires in the summer.

That's how he paid his tuition.

Would you say Kevin was popular?

Yeah, people just liked him.

That's why I was so surprised when he got kicked out of art school.

How do you...

Get kicked out of art school?

He means, what was the reason for Kevin's expulsion?

Uh, something to do with incomplete assignments.

I figured he'd get an extension, but the school, they were real jerks about it.

And when was he expelled?

This was back in 2010, right when he got home from the fires.

Look, it was the only time I ever saw him really depressed.

Two days later, he left on his trip.

No, I've never seen him before.

But I'm at work all day.

Maybe Ian saw him.


Is that your son?


Oh, yeah. Ben.

He's six.

He's a cutie.

[Chuckles fondly]



Can I help you?

Detective Angelica Flynn.

We're trying to track down anybody who may have seen this man.

Kevin Carpenter?

No, I've never seen him before.

What did he do?

I'm sorry to say he died recently.

But before he died, he called directory assistance looking for a Robin Keaton.

Must be another Robin Keaton.

Yeah, that's what the other Robin Keaton said.

If you don't mind me asking, who's that?

In the picture with your son there?

Oh, um, that's his father, John.

Could I get his contact information?

Maybe Kevin was trying to reach him.

John passed away three years ago.

Oh. I'm sorry for your loss.

Here's my card.

If anything comes to mind, please call me.

Thanks very much.

Hey, Lucas?

I'm going to need you to look something up for me.

Awesome. Yeah.

Here, you grab the camera...

I'll keep this on a*t*matic... and you press that button over there.

All right?

Just point it.

Whenever you're ready.

[Shutter clicking]

There you go.


Yeah, buddy.

Why can't I call you dad?

Who, uh, said you couldn't?

Grandpa Dave.

He did?

Well, you know what, as far as I'm concerned, you can call me anything you want.

Even alligator pimple face?


Especially alligator pimple face.


Now, let's look at your pictures. Wow!

[Alert chimes]

Hey, so we checked with the art school.

Kevin wasn't expelled.

He quit.


So he lies to the sister and then he leaves town?

After asking her to sell everything that he owns.

See, that sounds like someone who's suicidal to me.

Did you get the information that I needed?

Robin Keaton's former partner was John Chissolm.

He jumped from the second narrows bridge.

su1c1de? When?

September 1st, 2010.

September 1st... wait a minute.

Yeah, Kevin quit school September 2nd.

Leaves the country September 3rd.

I mean, it could be a coincidence.

Yes, but he lied to his sister.

Coroner: I didn't do Mr. Chissolm's autopsy, so I can only tell you what I've gleaned from the files.

His injuries are consistent with vertical impact.

There's crushed rib cage, compression fractures, extensive internal organ damage...

Who's that?

Oh, that is sergeant Mark Cross.

He's the new team leader.

Hmm, delicious.

[Whispers] No, he's not.


So what injuries are inconsistent with a jumper?

Okay, well, do you see these lateral fractures in the tibia and fibula?

That would be a negative.

I do not.

Neither did I, at first, because they're hidden behind the vertical fractures.

Mr. Chissolm was involved in two accidents that night.

What caused the first injuries?

High velocity impact from the side.

You mean, like, from a car?

Could be... if it was a car.

Judging from the height of the fractures, I'd say he was hit, goes over the car, hits his head.

Okay, so now we've got two suicides that aren't suicides.



Hey, you want to tell me what you're up to?

Well, I was heading out and then you showed up.

Let me start again.

Why are you in homicide?

Come on, Angie, it was 10 years ago.

Just answer the question.

I was undercover.

My identity got burned. Chief offered me the spot.

Yeah, actually, I heard you were given a choice and you picked Homicide.

Don't worry, it's got nothing to do with you.

I've actually got my eye on another prize this time...

Well, I'm very relieved.

You can't make chief without Homicide on the résumé.

There's got to be some way that we can make this work.

There is. You can transfer out.

Or you could.

That's not gonna happen.

[Whistles] Wow. You've changed.

See, the old Angie probably would have just cracked me one just for suggesting that.

Well, the new Angie's thinking about it.

John and I had a fight that night.

He left the apartment to go for a run.

I remember it was around 9:00 P.M.

What was the fight about?

He had asked me to marry him, and I said no.

How did he react?

He wasn't suicidal, if that's what you're asking...


You want to take a break?

We're almost done here.

Did John leave a note?


How about an email or a voice message that didn't make sense at the time?

No. No, nothing like that.

Why is this even important right now?

Well, we're looking for a connection between Kevin Carpenter's death and John's death.

So we have to ask, where were you on Tuesday night?


Wait, you think Robin had something to do with this?

It's just a formality. We have to ask.

I was here with Ben, and Ian was at a photo sh**t.


I would not want to rely on my six-year-old for an alibi.

Hell, I wouldn't want to rely on my 18-year-old for an alibi.

Hey, listen, if Kevin Carpenter visited the other Robin, then he must have tried to contact this one somehow.

Yeah, let's check the phone records.

[Telephone rings]

Let the machine get it.

It might be work. Hold on.


All right, listen, I'm gonna hang up.

Kevin: You shouldn't be there.

Who is this?

[Call disconnects]

[Beeps off phone]

Uh... it was telemarketers.

I'll be right back.

[Beeping in number]
They said there was a connection.

What do you think they meant?

I wouldn't read too much into it.

This man was looking for me, and now he's dead.

You don't think that's weird?

I think it's a coincidence.

You're going out again?


The magazine needs some reshoots.

Do you have to go tonight?

Listen, baby, I'll be right back, I promise, okay?

I love you.

Angie: Of all the cops, the chief has to pick Mark Cross.

He shut down a human trafficking operation.

He's responsible for over 70 arrests.

Well, he's got...

Impulse control issues and he's lucky to be alive.

It does take a certain type of personality to excel at Undercover.


Or Homicide.

I've read the file on you and Cross.


Before I signed you up.

Are you telling me I shouldn't have given you the benefit of the doubt?

No, I'm just saying don't expect the same results from Mark Cross.

Okay, then, say this doesn't work out.

What are you willing to do?

Well, I'm not leaving Homicide.

Then tell me you can work with him.

[Sighs heavily]

I can work with him.


You almost convinced me.

Now I have to convince myself.

I gotta go.

But thank you for this.

Whoever he is, he's a lucky man.

Yeah? I wasn't sure.

Yes, you were.


[Shutter clicking]

[Engine revving]



So I went through the luds.

Kevin didn't call the Keaton residence from any of the hotel's phones.

What, so you decided to punish me with vegetarian food?

But they did receive a call from the phone in this restaurant 7:10 on Monday night.

You show his picture around inside?

They said he's been a regular for the past couple days.

Well, we need to place Kevin inside at the same time as the phone call.

Right there.

A vegetarian burrito, a beet salad and a club soda.


Yeah, check the time on the charge.

7:05 P.M., Monday.

Okay, so Kevin overpays for the dullest meal ever and then he calls Robin Keaton.

That is some fine work.

Do you want to grab a bite?


Let's get Chinese.

So, what do we know?

Uh, Kevin Carpenter called Robin Keaton.

According to the Luds, the call only lasted 12 seconds.

You can say a lot in 12 seconds.

"I'm sorry I hit your boyfriend with my car."

"I'm sorry I made it look like a su1c1de."

Why come back?


Could have made that call from anywhere.

Yeah, but the note said, "I never had the courage until now."

So assuming it's not a su1c1de...

We know it's not an apology.

Kevin said he had news, to his sister?

That he wanted to tell her something.

Hey, wait a minute, India, Thailand, Nepal.

Buddhist countries, right?

He's finding... himself... balancing the scales.

It's karma.

He was coming back to confess.

Vega: So Kevin kills John and confesses to Robin?

Angie: Then she goes to the hotel and kills Kevin?

So is Robin Keaton good for the Carpenter m*rder?

It's a theory, yeah.


Okay, well, Kevin's responsible for her former partner's death.

Revenge, all right.

So Robin kills Kevin.



Couldn't do it on her own.

Carpenter would have fought her back.

He was unconscious.

Yeah, but then she wouldn't have been able to move him by herself.

Boyd allowed us to develop the theories and then we would bring them to him.

Superintendent Boyd is a hell of a cop.

Okay, so she needs help.

Someone she can trust.

Someone who has a vested interest in seeing Kevin get his.

That's a good point.

Or she's not involved at all.


What are we talking about?

Brian, we are at an impasse.

No. No, we're not.

We're really not.

Now, we know that Kevin called Robin Keaton.

Now, if he confessed, then maybe she's our k*ller.

So, how do we prove it?

First, we need to prove that Kevin k*lled John?


Track down his old car.

I like it. Keep me updated.

Nice work.

Nice work, Lucas.

Yeah, that's good work, Lucas.

That's really good work.

Hey. Hey.

Am I hearing things?

Or did you just agree with him?

He made a good point. Robin would need help.

Yeah, that's a good point, but why aren't you mad about this?

Mad about what?

About this. About the promotion.

Well, why are you so mad about it?

Someone's got to be mad.

No, they don't.

Where were you on Monday night between 6:00 and 9:00?

I was at home all night.

Same as Tuesday.

Did you get any calls on Monday night?


What are you saying?

Did he call my house?

7:10 P.M.

I didn't speak with him.

I remember this, actually.

Uh... [clearing throat]

I figured it was a robo-call.

I hung up.

Tuesday night you were working, right?

Anyone with you?

An assistant or a model?

No, no, it wasn't that kind of sh**t.

I was sh**ting panoramas of downtown.


Can we see those photos?

Uh, yeah.

Basically... let me show you what I did.

I took a bunch of photos and stitched them together to get this panorama.

[Angie's cell phone rings]

That's fantastic.


We'll need a copy of that file.

Yeah, okay. USB okay?


Lucas found the car.

According to this, it's never been in a major accident.

If Kevin hit John, it wasn't in this car.

The body panels are all smooth.

Nothing's been hammered out here.

Let's just let forensics take a look to be on the safe side.


No, there's no misalignments.

You know, if they don't find anything, we've got nothing that connects John and Kevin.



So, where are we on the su1c1de that wasn't?


We try not to make our cases sound like Hardy Boys Mysteries.

All right, we're all alone, Angie, so go ahead.

Vega should be in that office.

Shouldn't have thrown the interview.

He didn't do that.

That's not what I heard.

[Laughs derisively] What did you hear?

[Sucks his teeth]

I think that's a conversation between you and your partner.

You still a Lions fan?

Of course.

They play on Tuesday?


They only open the stadium roof on game night, right?

So why is the stadium roof open in this picture?

That's a rhetorical question, I know why it's open.

Ian Weaver faked his alibi.



Thanks for coming in.

No sweat.

You guys are wasting a lot of time on a wrong number, though.

98% of a homicide investigation is, you know, collecting information, confirming it, reconfirming it.


Oh, yeah, we didn't tell you.

Kevin Carpenter was m*rder*d.

Do we need a lawyer?

Only if you're guilty.

So, Robin tells us you can work whenever you want to.

That must be very exciting.

Well, it's got its moments, yeah.

You guys talked to Robin without me?


Yeah, we went by her office and talked to her this morning.

That's not a problem for you, is it?

No, no, that's not a problem.

It's just... it's strange that she didn't tell me.

Maybe she doesn't think it's important.

Like I said, collect, confirm, reconfirm.

Robin said that you were out sh**ting photos on Tuesday night. Is that correct?


Okay, what was the assignment?

Okay, uh, what I told Robin, that's not entirely true.

So, you lied to your fiancée?

That's not the best way to start a marriage.

Yeah, but I had to.

It's for our wedding.

I'm putting together this book of our special places, these photographs.

Oh, that's sweet.

So, when you went again on Thursday night?

Yeah, same thing.

Listen, you know what, would it be okay if we just kept this between ourselves?


It's kind of a surprise for Robin.

Of course, we don't want to ruin your wedding.

This photo, was it shot Tuesday or Thursday?

This was Tuesday.

See, that could be any night of the week to me.

Most definitely Tuesday.

But how do you know that?

Well, I mean, you don't have to take my word for it.

The camera automatically records date and time information directly into the digital file.

The meta-data.

The meta-data.

Did you stop anywhere else that night?

A convenience store or a gas station?

Well, you guys have the photographs.

Isn't that enough?

Well, like I said, in a m*rder investigation, you can never have too much information.

No, I didn't... I didn't stop anywhere else.



Thank you.


All right, so Kevin calls Ian and Robin's house on Monday night, Tuesday night he's dead. That's a connection.

Technically, that's also a coincidence.

Except that Ian was out on Tuesday night and lied about his alibi.

For all we know, he could have been having an affair.

You know, this is where I think cross had a point, right?

If we can't connect Kevin to John's death, then we can't connect Ian to Kevin's death.

Except we have been assuming that the motive is revenge.

What if it's not?

We've got to find another connection.

They stopped by the office.

We talked for 10 minutes.

And you didn't think to tell me?

I'm telling you now.

Where's Ben?

He's with Dave.

Look, what did they want to know?

They asked about my week.

They asked about you.

What... what about me?

Ian, I don't see what the problem is.

Okay, the problem is, they're harassing us.

Honey, you're harassing me.

Okay, I'm going to go have a bath.

Different high schools.

Different colleges. Different lives.


Summer of 2010, Ian photographed the forest fires Kevin was fighting.

That puts them in the same part of the country.

It doesn't connect Ian to Kevin.

Ian faked that photo.

That doesn't connect Ian to Kevin.

Kevin called their house.

That does not connect Ian to Kevin.


We need to connect Ian to Kevin.

That's a good plan.

Okay, if I'm Kevin, I want to come home and confess to a hit and run.

So I fly home from Thailand.

You call your sister, directory assistance and a convenience store.

Yeah, why? Why does he call a convenience store?

Why call one in Surrey?

'Cause he's not calling a convenience store, he's calling the person that had that number three years ago.

Is that a four or a nine?

That's a seven.

That's a seven?

Did you write that?

I did.

All right.


Let's elope.

This weekend.

Ben can stay with Dave, we can fly down to Vegas and get married.


Do you love me?

You know that I love you.

Then let's get on with our lives.

Sweetie, I just, I can't even think about a wedding right now.

Why not?

Do I seriously have to answer that?

Look, I'm sorry that John is dead, but this investigation isn't gonna change anything, all right?

I'm the one who's here, Robin.

I'm the one that's raising Ben.

I'm not having this conversation.

We need to talk.

[Knock on door]

Guys, come on.

This isn't a good time.

Yeah, well, it's going to get worse.

You said you didn't know Kevin Carpenter.

That's right, I don't know Kevin Carpenter.



Uh, what is that?

That's your old phone number.

Yeah, okay. So?

So why was Kevin calling you from the hotel?

That's what we call a provable lie.

And it's the next best thing to a confession.

You know what, there's got to be some kind of mistake here this is...

Ian? Ian, what's going on?

You might want to step inside.

Just go inside for a second, okay, baby?

I got this.

Now, you lied to us twice.

Okay, you know what, you can take this, because this is harassment.

I'm going to get my lawyers. You can talk to them...

We know where you were on Tuesday night.

We know that you were with Kevin.




I come in peace.

I don't drink anymore.


Just let me in.

We've got a lot to talk about.

All right.

It was guilt.

I tracked her down to a su1c1de support group, and I was just going to sit in, hear how she was doing.

I thought, I don't know, I thought, maybe, you know, if she needs some money or something, I'll send some money.

I wasn't planning on talking to her.

I never expected I'd fall in love.

You wanted to make amends.


That's why I came back.

I'm going to turn myself in.


[Pills rattling]

So, what does your confession get you, man?

Peace of mind?


Buddy, we don't deserve peace of mind.

You're speaking from a place of fear.

Yeah, I'm afraid what this is going to do to Robin, because we already ruined her life once.

All your confession is going to do is ruin it again.

Don't try and rationalize this, right?

That's what got us in this mess in the first place.

Excuse me.

I'm sorry, I have to do this.

I'm sorry, too.


Honey, listen to me, all right? No.

It's... they're making this up.

All right? All they have is... it's an old number, that's it.

Actually, we have your old car.

The one you were driving the night you hit John Chissolm.

Kevin: Thanks for picking me up.

I was not looking forward to that bus ride back.

Hey, thanks for the company, man.

Thanks for the beer.

[Cracks can open]

[Breathing hard]

It's funny, I still can't understand how you can do that every single summer.

Oh, it's crazy money.

And it's the best pick-up line on earth.

"Hello, ladies. I fight forest fires.

I save Bambi."


[Brakes screeching]

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

[Gasping in horror] Oh, God...

Oh, my God.



Wake up.

I think he's dead.

[Dialing phone]

What are you doing? Are you out of your mind?

We gotta call someone...

No, no, no!

Just let me think!

Think about what?

He's dead!

Get his legs.

Get his legs!

We've got to call somebody.

We already ruined one life, man. Do you want to ruin three?

Come on, Carpenter!

Just give me a hand.

Come on!

[Straining with effort]

Three years later, we can still get forensic evidence out of your trunk.

Okay, Robin...

No, no, no, no.

Just listen to me.

No, can you just give me a second?

You are under arrest...


Get away from me!

Please just listen to me...


I love you. I never lied about that!

♪ Don't you wait on me ♪
♪ I'll sh**t you down ♪
♪ keep your eyes closed your ear to the ground... ♪


♪ ... k*ll the silence ♪
♪ I can't bear to speak... ♪
♪ Head for the heart does it break ♪
♪ words may fall the body remains ♪
♪ and every map is blank ♪
♪ when my words head for the cracks ♪
♪ will you have my back? ♪
♪ We were good children darling, let it out ♪
♪ when my words head for the cracks ♪
♪ will you have my back? ♪
♪ We were good children ♪
♪ darling, let it out... ♪

Can you imagine falling in love with your boyfriend's k*ller?

I wouldn't wish that kind of pain on anyone.


Can I ask you something?


I heard a rumour you threw that interview for the promotion.

Is that true?

Well, if I had taken it, what would you have thought?

What would I have thought?

I would have been very happy for you.

No, I know.

I know, but...

Well, no one likes it when the band breaks up.

Well, there's your answer.