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01x13 - The One Who Got Away

Posted: 05/18/13 01:01
by bunniefuu
You should totally call her.

I'm not gonna call her.

She hung up on me.

She's testing you.

[Laughs] To hell with that.

I'm not into playing games.

How are they biting?

Nothing yet!

Yeah, I caught a couple of nice Coho last week.


I hope you left some for us!

Yeah, just catch and release.



I got one!


[Club music pounding]

Whoa, hold on.

Come on, man.

Look, my buddies just got in.

I was-I was parking the car.

You got a driver's license?

Yeah, sure.

[Laughs] You got robbed.

Doesn't even look like you.


Back of the line.

Come on, man, just let me slide just this once.

Come back when you don't need a note from your mommy.


You got a problem?


Hey, sorry I'm late.

I know. I'm sorry.

That's all right.

Good morning. Hi.

I'm not in the mood to argue, though.

[Chuckles] I didn't say anything.

[Sighs heavily]

Would you like to talk about it?


Uh, would you like to talk about Manny?

I don't want to talk about it.

I'm not ready.

Okay, we're not going to talk about it.

No, no. I'm not... ready.

It's just been the two of us for so long, you know, just me and my boy...

Besides, are youth hostels that safe anyway?

You've been to Europe. You tell me. Don't lie to me.

I don't know, I guess it depends on the youths who are hosteling there.

All right, listen, it's going to be all right.

It's going to be fine.

I'm a total idiot.

Why did I agree to this? Am I an idiot?

No, no, listen, he's a smart kid.

You trust him.

Everybody should see Paris at least once, Ange.

I've never been to Paris.

I'm serious.

[Chuckling] Okay.

And this has nothing to do with Manny stopping by to see his dad on the way?

Or the fact that his dad is helping to finance this trip?



Where's Lucas?

He's talking to a neighborhood resident.

Who found the body.

Morning, Angie.

Back at ya. What do we got?

Victim was found by an older gentleman out walking his dog.

Dog ran off, starts barking.

Seems Fido was digging up our victim here.

[Sighing] Aw, that's a kid.

Where the hell you been?

Yeah, Dave, sorry.

I... I slept in, and then the truck broke down.

Yeah, right.

You never were a good liar, even as a boy.

No, honest! I...


It won't happen again.

[Music blasting through earbuds]

Motive 01x13
The One Who Got Away
Original Air Date May 16, 2013


The ground's cold.

Rigor's not a dependable gauge of T.O.D.

Well, do you want to wing it?

Come on, live a little.

Wouldn't do either of us any good.

Ah, you're no fun.

Oh, yes, I am.

Victim has post-mortem scratches on his wrist and his hand.

From the dog trying to dig him up?


He also has a deep abdominal s*ab wound.

I'm guessing he died from blood loss, but I don't see any blood here.


Well, not enough to be consistent with the wound.

Sexual as*ault?

I'll know more later.

Yeah, no clothes were found.

No I.D.

Someone's trying to hide his identity.


Let's get this kid printed.

Some parent just lost a child.

[Woman's laughter from inside]

Is someone picking you up?

Yeah, my mom.

Okay, great.

We'll see you next week, Nathan.


Cam, I'll be with you shortly.



Sounded like you were having fun in there.

Yeah, she seems pretty cool...

You know, for a shrink.

You just start now?

Yeah, but only because I have to.

Parents, huh?



Me too.

Of course, that was a lot of years ago.

Probably the same age as you when I started.

And you're still coming?

I like it.

It makes me feel better.

Okay, so not enough blood for this to be the k*ll site.

And why haul a dead body into a public park to bury it?

I mean, there's hundreds of possible witnesses.

Well, they need enough time to bury the body, right, so let's say it's last night, it's dark.

Maybe he had a bit of coverage.

Yeah, but why would you do it here?

Why not out in the country? In a river? Anywhere else?

Well, maybe we're dealing with someone who's willing to take risks?

Gets off on it even?

Maybe someone who lives nearby.

[Metal crunching and creaking]

[Roars, knife stabs]

[Breathing hard]


[Gasping in anguish]

Therapist: Cam, you seem a little excited today.

Is something going on?


Nothing I can think of.

Cam, I know you too well.

Everything's fine.

I mean, my uncle's still ragging on me at work, but what else is new?

Well, we've talked about your feelings toward Dave before.

I know, but, man, I'll be glad when I can afford a place of my own.

I see that guy at home, at work.

You know he's doing the best he can.

But I'm not a boy anymore.

I'm a man.

Yes, indeed.

A young man who's made amazing progress.

But we still need people in our lives that we can rely on.

People we can trust.

So, I'll call missing persons?


I have a possible witness coming in.

To the m*rder?

The k*ller, perhaps.

Do tell.

I have an Amanda Holmes, who said she saw someone acting suspicious around the park about midnight.

Okay, go get a statement.

Copy that.

Therapist: Are you listening to me?

You know how depressed you get when you fixate on negative emotions.

How do you feel when you lose control?

Do you write down everything I say?

No, Nathan, not everything.

Just notes about how well I think you're doing.

But if you find it distracting, I could start recording our sessions.

Would that be okay?

I guess so.

Do you tell my parents anything we talk about in here?


Everything you tell me is private.

Strictly between you and me.

Yeah. I just wanted to check.

Nathan, I would never betray your trust.


I noticed you and Cam talking the other day.

Yeah, he's actually going to pick me up today.

He seems like a pretty cool guy.

Cam is a young man with issues of his own.

I'm not sure he would be a good influence.

Got an ident on our victim.

Nathan Conroy, 17.

His prints were in the system?

He was arrested for possession of a deadly w*apon four months ago.

Angie sighing: Okay...

Can I drive?



[Engine rumbling]

How does a kid with this kind of a head start even have an arrest record?

Do you know what, why don't I take point this time?

Yeah, okay.

Father, shakily: I can't...

I'm sorry, I know this is hard.

Did Nathan seem upset about anything recently?

He's a teenager.

They're all upset about something.

A couple of months ago, Nathan was arrested for pulling a knife on another boy in his class.

Yeah, but Nathan wouldn't have done anything.

He was just trying to show off.

He just wanted to be like one of the big boys.

Always trying to grow up too fast.

Did the other boy ever thr*aten Nathan in return?


In fact, he went back to Australia.

Foreign exchange.

All kids go through rough patches.

Yeah, they do.

It looked like he was turning a corner.

Nathan seemed happier lately.

The psychologist really seemed to be helping.

The court-appointed one.

Do you have that doctor's name?


Hmm, years ago, before I joined the force, I got jury duty.

There's a fun fact.


This doctor, Dr. Kate Robbins.

I think she was the doctor that testified on the stand.

Really? That's a good memory.

Yeah, or a guilty conscience.

It's a long story.

Check out her address.

2140 West 7th.

Wait a minute, isn't that...


It's, like, a block away from where Nathan's body was found.



Thanks for squeezing us into your schedule.

Of course.

Can you tell me what this is about?

Sure, um...

That park.

Yeah, I noticed the police there.

Is that why you're here?

One of your patients was found m*rder*d there.

I beg your pardon?

Nathan Conroy was found buried in that park.

Oh, dear Lord.


How are his parents?

Uh, as well as can be expected.

According to them, Nathan didn't talk too much at home.

What teenager does, right?

Mm. But he did talk to you?

You're aware of the doctor/patient confidentiality ethic?

We're aware, but we're also aware that the "patient" part of this equation is now dead, so it's really up to your discretion.

We're trying to catch his k*ller.

Anything you tell us will help.

Nathan had what we call an antisocial personality disorder.

People with APD have trouble with authority, they often lack empathy, they often commit impulsive acts of aggression or v*olence.

He was making remarkable progress.

Really opening up, beginning to acknowledge his emotions.

Did he ever tell you if he was afraid of anyone?

No, not that I recall.

Did you have an appointment with him yesterday?


We weren't scheduled until...



If you think of anything else.

Thanks very much.

Thanks for your time.

Nathan: At first, it looks like fog, like a dark cloud trying to smother me.

It's all around me, and I can't breathe.

And I know there's something in the fog with me, and it wants to hurt me, maybe even k*ll me.

Are you afraid of something, Cam?

I'm afraid of losing...



You and I have always managed to work through whatever comes up, haven't we?

I will always be here for you for as long as you need me.

I think that's all that we have time for, for today.

[Sighs heavily]

[Call ringing]

[Cell phone ringing]

Hey, it's Cam. You know what to do.


Dr. Robbins: Cam, you seemed a little bit shaken after our last session.

I'm just checking in to make sure everything's okay.

I'm a little worried about you.

Call me. Please.

Witness: I didn't see his face.

He was wearing a black hoodie.

Then how do you know that it was a man?

I know a man's body when I see one.

Is there anything else, Ms. Holmes?

Yeah, he ran over to a pickup truck, and then he drove off.

What color was the truck?


The driver's door was blue.

The rest of the truck was burgundy, and there were these different colored splotches all over it, like it had been sanded down.

I didn't get the license plate.


And I can confirm that there was no sexual as*ault.

Well, thank God for that.

But when I opened up his lungs...


I found pollen.

Like from a flower?

Yeah, just like that.

The lab is analyzing it now.

How deep was the s*ab wound?

Six inches, with an upward thrust of 23 degrees.

Oh, and look at this, microscopic traces of rust around the entrance moving out.

First, I was thinking a knife or a sword.

Yeah, but pollen, and rust...

Mm-hmm, and the blade shape would be consistent with long shears.

You think garden shears?

Or hedge clippers, but, yeah, exactly.

Does that help?

Well, I'm sure it does.

I just wish I knew how.

I don't get it.

Where's the party?

It starts here.

I don't keep it at home.

If my uncle ever found out?


You don't live with your parents?

No, they're dead.

Car accident.

Crap. I'm sorry, dude. I didn't...

[Chuckles] Yeah. Thanks.

Hey, you know, back in the doctor's office, when you asked me why I was still seeing her.


I lied.

What do you mean?

I mean, yeah, it helps to have someone to talk to, but truth is, I think she's hot.

[Chuckles] Yeah?

You don't think so?

Okay, sure.

Just between you and me, I'm planning on getting me a little piece of that.


[Clicks lighter]

Got a ping on the truck.


A foot patrol radioed it in, he spotted a similar vehicle driving downtown.

Tell me we got a plate.

We did.

Truck is registered to a Cameron Radcliffe.

We put out an A.P.B.

He was previously tried as a juvenile...

Yeah, for manslaughter I know.

What do you mean, you know this guy?

Well, that jury I sat on?

This was the kid who was on trial.

We found him innocent.

Lucas: You were a bus dispatcher?

Lynn: Yeah. Now.

I was a lot of things before I was a badge.

So back then, you would've been...


Manny had just started school, and I didn't like taking time off work to sit on a jury, but once it started, I kind of liked it.

And here you are.

And here I is.

So Cameron Radcliffe was arrested for manslaughter, but then later acquitted.

Yeah. We were deadlocked for five days.

How many holdouts?

Let me guess.

Just, the thing that seemed weird to me is, when he sat at the defense table, he was definitely nervous.

He was drumming his fingers, his knees were always going.

Then when he took the stand, he was calm, collected, and he was even charming.

Wait, you thought he was acting?

I didn't know, it just seemed off.

So Cameron managed to fool the psychologist expert?

Well, that's what the foreman's argument was, too.

And Dr. Robbins did make a very intelligent, heartfelt plea on Cam's behalf.

So, you know, after five days of arguing, I did change my mind.

Wow, I'm surprised anybody could get you to change your mind.

That never worked for me.

Yeah, uh-huh.

I was a little different back then, that's all.

The point is, Cam got off, and every now and again, I do wonder if I made the right decision.
This is Dr. Robbins. I'm either out of the office or with a patient right now. Leave your name and number and I'll get back to you.

He's not at home and his uncle says he didn't show up for work.

Do you know where he might be?

I'm sorry, I have no idea.

You know, coincidentally, I was one of the jurors on Cam's trial.

Small world.

So, you saw the same potential that I saw in Cam.

Well, I remember you made a very convincing argument, saying that you didn't think he was capable of the crime.

I didn't think so then.

But now?

Well, given recent tragedy, I have to be honest, I'm a little in shock.

You must be having second thoughts as well.

You've treated Cam for over a decade now.

Is that...



Different patients have different needs.



I feel guilty for even saying this out loud, but recently, I've been thinking that it's time for Cam to see another psychologist.

And why is that?

Well, Cam's a young man now, with a young man's needs and desires.

So you're saying he wanted to take your relationship beyond doctor-patient?

I'm afraid he began to misconstrue clinical concern for physical attraction.

Did he ever try to...

No, no.

Nothing physical.

Which is why I wanted to end our sessions before things became...



Ange: Is Mark meeting you at the airport?

I guess. I don't know.

Maybe he'll have one of those signs, you know?

"Here's the father you never knew you had."

So, I-I want to drive you to the airport, I think.

That's okay. You've got to go to work.

Besides, the shuttle will be here any second.

Yeah, I know, but...


I'm going to miss you.

I'm not going to the moon.

I know. I know...

And one day, you're going to move out, and you're going to have your own family.

And you're going to be a grandma?

Shut your dirty mouth.


[Car honks outside]

Okay. Okay.

Uh, listen, I want you to call me when you clear ticketing, and then after security.

Then maybe one more time after you've boarded, okay?

Yeah, yeah.

Um, is there anything you want me to tell mark?

Uh... tell him hi, I guess.

I'll be fine.

With everything.

Yeah, I know.

I know.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

You travel safe, okay?

I will.


Dr. Rogers?

In here!

Oh, uh, excuse me.

Relax, you missed the best part.

Your message said the report came back from the lab on the pollen?


Would you mind?

Oh... kay.

Thanks, detective.

I'm running late already, and I don't think my date's going to appreciate being kept waiting by a bowel dissection.

Okay, the pollen is from an exotic species of plant, called the Fuchsia Magellanica Aurea.


Yes, it's native to South America.

The pollen from this flower was found in our victim's lungs?

Mm-hmm, it looks like fine yellow powder.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

Have fun.

I always do.


[Police radio crackles]

[Siren chirps]

[Groaning in pain]


[Tires squealing]

Okay, people, listen up.

We've got an officer down, critically injured.

I need all hands on deck.

Suspect is one Cameron Radcliffe, and he's on the run.

Any questions, Flynn and Vega will take point for homicide.

We'll dispatch a tactical team to his home and workplace, sir.

Let's haul some ass.

Where would Cameron go?

Original m*rder site?

Lucas? Result?

Called Nathan's parents.

They don't have any flowers in their house, so he didn't get the pollen from there.


None in the area stock it, it's too fragile.

It needs a special kind of environment.

Like a greenhouse?

I'm already on it.

[Brakes screech]

You went to the police?

Are you following me?

What did you tell them?

They asked me to come in.

They're worried about you.

So am I.

What did you tell them?


They were asking about Nathan.


Did you hurt Nathan?

It was a mistake to put him in the park.


Oh, Cam...

You k*lled him?


Why did you put him so close to my office?

Are you trying to punish me for something?

I've packed a bag.

[Cell phone chimes]

We can go away together.

Someplace they'll never find us.

[Cell phone chimes]

It's the police.


[Cell phone chimes]

I won't say anything.


Detective Flynn?

I'm sorry to hear about the police officer, but, no, I haven't seen Cam.

Yes, of course, if I see him, I'll call you, right away.


I don't want to go to the police.

They'll lock me up, put me on trial.

All those eyes, looking at me like I'm pathetic.

I won't go through that again.

It won't happen.

I won't let it.

You k*lled a young man once before, and I protected you, didn't I?


Okay, then.

It's not too late to make this right.

Get down. Down!

You're looking for Cam.


He hit me, he took off.

Stay here, don't move.

You got it.

Flynn, Vega, somebody here you need to talk to.

Do you know where he is?

No, he just grabbed a bag and he took off in my SUV.

What's going on?

What's Cam done?

We're investigating a homicide, sir.

We believe your nephew's involved.

Stupid idiot.

Has he struck you before?


I mean, he gets moody sometimes, he throws things, but, you know, I know how to deal with him.

I just, I ignore him.

Did Cam tell you where he was headed?

No, he just said he needed new wheels.

I said no... [Smacks fist] He hit me.

It's very important we find him as soon as possible.

Where would he go?

[Sighs] He keeps mainly to himself.

I mean, the only person he talks to is that shrink of his, and that's a damn waste of dollars if you ask me.

Does Cam like fishing?


He, uh, likes to go to the mouth of the Cap.

Under the Lion's Gate?

Sometimes, he goes down there, the fish aren't even running.

Cameron Radcliffe!

Come out of the vehicle.

Keep your hands where we can see them Angie, tail pipe.

Oh, no.


Hey! Hey!

There's no pulse.

He's dead.

Rogers: Interesting.

See here?

Flynn: What?

Dried tears.

Oh, God, he was crying?

Yeah, body's still warm.

He's only been gone a short while, maybe just minutes before you found him.

No bruising that I can see.

No cranial contusions.

No blood anywhere.

So it is a su1c1de?

Well, I've got to run a tox screen, but it doesn't look like he was restrained, and that, combined with the tears, it's looking fairly legit.

No note?


But look at this, why would he shove an oily rag from the outside?

And why use this window?

He puts the hose in here, and then he's got to go around the car, climb over the passenger seat to get in the driver's seat?

Is there any oil on his hands?


Clean as a whistle.

I think somebody helped him k*ll himself.

I promised the media a quick resolution and less than an hour later you deliver the suspect.

Yeah, dead.

Nevertheless, case closed. Great work, detectives.

You as well, sir.

Well, it's a team effort, but, you know, something's not right.

What's not to be sure of?

He k*lled Nathan Conroy, and after his attack on the officer, he knew it was over and ended it.

Yeah, that's what it looks like, but why?

And then there's that oily rag, but...

Hey, whoa, whoa, stop, stop, stop...

This is the face of a happy man.

Well, I'm glad.

I'm just going to hang around, finish up a few loose ends, and, you know, it will be good.


Remember that you're happy.


Forensics found pollen on Cam's jacket that was identical to the pollen in Nathan's lungs.

Well, that would make sense if the boys were in close proximity and they're fighting.

But what are they fighting about, huh?

What do most guys fight about, love or money?


Didn't Dr. Robbins did say that Cam was becoming sexually interested in her?

She was pretty open about Cam's therapy.

Yeah, maybe too open.

I remember during Cam's trial, her testimony was very convincing.

She said that he lacked an authority figure and that she could help him.

He'd probably be an easy kid to influence, right?

But don't you think she'd know where he'd go to be alone?

Why would she hold back on that?


An expert witness would be in the system, right?

Let's look her up.

Oh, Cam...

You stupid son of a bitch.


Vega: Dr. Robbins.

43, never married.

She graduated out east, entered private practice 15 years ago.

One speeding ticket.

Owns a condo in Kerrisdale, also a house in Delta.


Looks like more like a farm.

What's that back there?

Well, lookie-lookie, it's a greenhouse.

Where there's a greenhouse, there's pollen.

Ident found this stuff under the backseat of the SUV.

Hey, what's up?

We found ourselves a greenhouse.

Give us a call if you find anything.

One greenhouse, check.

No one seems to be around.


Want to check it out?



You smell something burning?

Back here.


Oh, yeah.

We should get a warrant.

Yeah, I'll call Boyd.

[Recording plays back]

Dr. Robbins: Okay, Cam, are you ready?

So, Cam, we've only been together for...

I like greenhouses.


Yeah, I love the smell.

[Inhaling deeply] Nice...


Spade, rake, trowel, big space.

And that'd be a good place for garden shears, right?

Excuse me.

Oh, hi.

What are you doing here?

Well, we have a warrant.

Right here.

These are beautiful flowers.

That's the Fuchsia Magellanica Aurea?

You know your tropicals.

That one, I do, yeah.

We noticed you were burning something out back.

Yeah, just some old leaves.

Any clothes?

I'm sorry, but why are you here?

We have forensic evidence that suggests both Nathan and Cam were here before they died.

That... no, that doesn't seem likely.

Everything else is ash, but I'm pretty sure there's enough DNA left on this piece of denim to match the wearer.

You're not actually accusing me of...


I see what's happening here.

You do?

Detective Flynn, remorse is a powerful motivator, but it can also cloud our judgment.

You can't deal with the fact that you made the wrong call at Cam's trial and now you blame me.

[Cell phone rings]

Well, I appreciate your free consultation, doctor.


Angie, I found an audio session that Dr. Robbins made with Cam.


Well, that would be very helpful.


How long was it going on?

You and Cam.

So, Cam, we've only been together for a short time, but I think we've made excellent strides.

Thanks, doctor.

Do you think you're ready to take it to the next level?

Sure, I guess.


Because those people in the court, on that jury, they didn't see you for who you really are.

Only I see that.

And I see great potential in you.

How does that make you feel?

I find your accusation deeply offensive.

Not as offensive as m*rder.

I'm guessing this is where you did it, huh?

Can't take the chance at your condo or your practice because people might catch on, but out here in the country, it's very private.

Detective, have you ever considered that you may be projecting your own feelings of guilt onto me?

Strangely, no.

You had the chance to put Cam away once before, and you didn't.

Because I believed your testimony.

But you know what I think?

I think you knew Cam was guilty back then, and that's how you gained control of him, and that's how you kept control of him for over a decade.

You're welcome to whatever fantasy helps you sleep at night, detective.

You played me once before, doctor.

I'm not going to let it happen again.

Nathan was another troubled, vulnerable young boy who came to you, about the same age as Cam when he started seeing you, wasn't he?

Hmm. That makes me wonder.

Cam: I mean, yeah, it helps to have someone to talk to, but truth is, I think she's hot.

[Chuckles] Yeah?

You don't think so?

Okay, sure.

Between you and me, I plan on getting me a little piece of that.


[Flicks lighter]

I knew you wanted her, too.

You gonna light that, or...

She's mine, you know.

Whatever, man.

You're not listening.

She's mine.

I heard the way she talks to you.

I've been listening at the door.

You what?

That's how she used to talk to me in the beginning.

What is your problem?

I love her.

Get off me, you freak.

[Roaring, shears s*ab]

When you learned of Nathan's death, and that Cam had buried the body in plain view of your office window, well, he became a loose cannon.

Probably realized you were grooming Nathan to be his replacement.

If he got caught, then your relationship would be exposed, and your career would be over.

So once again, you took advantage of Cam's vulnerability.

You should have known that no one could take your place.

I do now.

But it's too late.

You've ruined everything.

Everything we had is gone.

I'm so sorry.

But I love you.

Then you want to do what's best for me, right?

You don't want to go back to court, all those people looking at you, calling you a monster.

Spending your life in jail, is that what you want?

No, doctor.

I can fix it.

Let me make this right.

Okay, Cam.

Here's your chance to make me proud of you again.

Here's your chance to prove your love for me.

[Engine roars to life]


All these years of doubt, insecurity, torturing yourself, how it must have preyed on you, detective.

Yes, it did, but it just makes this moment all the more sweet.

Kate Robbins, you are under arrest.

Turn around and put hands behind your back.

[Sprinklers hissing]

Really? She's running?

Lucas is sending back-up.

Check the house. I'll take the perimeter.

[Breathing hard]

[Footsteps upstairs]

[g*nsh*t blasts]


Repeat, 10-24. Suspect is armed and dangerous.

Thank God, you're okay.

We should wait for back-up.

Yeah, we should.



Kate, I know you're here.

Get out!

I need you to listen to me, Kate.

I want to come in and talk to you, but I need you to put your g*n down.

Then leave me alone!

I didn't hurt them.

They loved me.

I want you to drop your w*apon, and I need you to show me your hands.

Show me your hands, Kate.

No! No!

Kate, listen to me, I'm not going anywhere.


I'm coming in there.

No, get out! Get out! [sh**ting wildly]

Drop your w*apon!

[Exchanging fire]