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01x12 - Ruthless

Posted: 05/11/13 15:23
by bunniefuu
Catch him, catch him.

I got him, I got him, I got him, I got him!

Brendan, I'm open!

That's good!

Randy "Velcro" Kitch, fresh out of retirement and returning from devastating knee surgery, puts up another two points!

Great pass, Brendan.

Go, go, go, go!

Oh, hold up! Time!


[Cell phone chimes]

Oh, you're kidding me...

Your boss man?

Of course, because why would the fact that it's Saturday mean anything to him?

He literally doesn't know what a day off means.

I guess we all have to pay our dues, right?

Yeah, which means I gotta go.

Sorry, man, but money talks.

It's cool.

See ya later, suckas!

Okay, hang on, hang on.

Watch your step.

Yeah, I got it.

Old man.




[Chuckling] You okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

You're-you're wobbly.

I am not wobbly.


Let me know when you want to take a break.

Oh, my God...

Left, left, left. No, my left.

It's stuck. It's not going to fit.

No, no problem. Here's what we're gonna do.

We'll take a deep breath, then we're going to push.

We're not having a baby.

Here we go.

[Straining] No, it's not working.

Hang on a second. I can feel it move.


I've just made it worse, Haven't I?



I think the Sex Pistols were better than The Clash.

So what?

You don't know what you're saying.

I know exactly what I'm saying.

No, no, no, you don't.

The Sex Pistols only released one studio album, and it was basically a derivative of New York Dolls.

The Clash... they changed the face of punk music!

It all sounds the same.

See, now you're just trying to irritate me.

Hey, Bets, who's number one...

The Sex Pistols or The Clash?

Ooh, tough choice, but I'm going to have to go with option "C," the Ramones.

I gotta respect that.

What happened to this guy?

This guy fell down pretty hard.

There's no signs of struggle.

I doubt there was one.

Hmm, no blood, no struggle.



Doesn't leave many choices, does it?

You sure it's a homicide?


Yup, faint burnt-almond smell, cherry-colored skin.

My money's on cyanide.

I don't see any food.

You don't have to eat it, Detective Vega.

It can be drunk, or inhaled, or even absorbed through the skin.

But I'll know more when I...

[Vega]: - Get him back to the lab.

Get him back to the lab.

I'll also have a more accurate T.O.D., but he's pretty fresh.

Last few hours?

Yeah, body temp agrees.

Okay, well, poison.

We all know what that probably means.

That the k*ller was a woman?

Double or nothing.

Ciao. Ciao.

See you later.



I mean, poison takes patience, planning.

Men are much more immediate.

They're hands-on.

All the assumptions about men...

Have you seen Lucas?



Good morning.

Sorry, they have double sinks in there.

I keep telling Mary that we should get them for our en suite, but, of course, that means less counter space, so I was just looking to see how they did it, and...

Okay, uh, victim, Brendan Kendall, 27 years old.

He's the executive assistant to the CEO at Cibrex Plastics.

Maid found his body when she came into the room.

Cibrex Plastics?

They make everything from laundry detergent to children's toys.

Was he from out of town?

No, he lives here in the city.

Cibrex offices are downtown, but all the executives were checked into rooms.

Attending some very private, very high-level meetings in the hotel conference room.

So, we could be looking at convention syndrome.

A crime of passion?

Well, what happened when he didn't show up for his morning meeting?

His colleagues called his room.

Thought it was weird that he wasn't answering the phone.

Not weird anymore.

I hope this is the right spot.

I mean, for the roots to grow.

I think so.

What do you think would happen if you just... didn't show up for work tomorrow?

I think Barb would have a fit. You know what she's like.

Yeah, but I-I mean what if you just stopped going altogether?

We could... go away.

We could fly to the other side of the world.

We could find a beach.

We could drink margaritas in the sun.

What, like our honeymoon?

You remember how great that was?

I wish.

Why can't we?

Is there something going on that I don't know about?

I'm daydreaming.

Everything's fine.

Motive 01x12
Original Air Date May 9, 2013

His bed wasn't slept in.

So, the hotel's keycards only register when a guest enters a room, so all we know is that he had one keycard, and he entered last night at 7:00... no, at 8:06 P.M.

And then re-entered this morning at 7:15 A.M.

So when did he leave, and where'd he go, hmm?


Out for a smoke?

I doubt it.

He got cited twice for smoking in his room.

They added an extra charge to his bill.

Oh, God, I remember those days when you were too lazy to go outside.

Um, detectives? This was in the safe.

I had to use the hotel's code to override the lock.

So, wait a minute, the guy leaves his wallet out on the bedside, but he locks up his phone?

That's weird. No contacts, no texts.

It's a blank phone.

What's he hiding?

So, uh, did you find out?

The Hotel Georgia.

Are you having second thoughts?

No, I'm good.


No, that kid worked so hard for me, he didn't have time to make any enemies.

He was a good kid.

He was... smart, ambitious.

He reminded me a lot of me when I was his age.

So you'd say you knew him well?


I think of Cibrex Plastics as a family.

A big family, with big-family values.

Do you know if he was concerned or worried about anything recently?

No, not that I was aware of.

Did you meet any girlfriends?

Not that I recall.

And these meetings you're having in the hotel, what were they about?

We have our year-end coming up, we're reviewing the last few months.

Strategic planning, that kind of thing.

We found a cell phone in Brendan's room safe?

Do you know anything about that?

No, I don't.

I'm sorry I can't be of more assistance.

Well, thank you for your time.

We know you're a very busy man.

Thank you.

He was funny.

We all liked him.

Did you notice anything was wrong yesterday?

Well, we were in meetings here all day.

If there was something wrong, I... I wouldn't have known.

I mean, Mr. Ramsay had him on a pretty short leash.

What time did things wrap up last night?

Around 8:00.

I think I saw him go straight to his room.

Yes, that's right, there was a game on, I think.

Not again after that?

We were all tired.

It was a long day.

I just spent the whole evening going over my notes.

Can you think of any reason he would have left the hotel, or gone anywhere?

If he did, he'd have been very quiet about it.

Maybe he snuck outside to make a call?

Why would he do that?

Those are the rules.

No phones. No wifi. No leaving. The whole time we're here.

What about the phones inside the hotel?

They arranged it so that we can only call from room to room.

That sounds strict.

Jimmy's rules.

These discussions are very delicate, you understand.

Of course.



What are you doing home?

Joel went to pick up his daughter early, so we just decided to call it a day.

I see... oh!

Hey, it's okay.

Yeah, I know. I'm just so clumsy.

Don't worry about it.

It's just water.

Yeah, I know.

So, how'd it go?

[Sighs] Good.

And nobody saw you?

No, I don't think so.


So it's actually done?

It's... it's done.

I saw the ambulance and the police cars.

It's over.

Our hotel has never had to deal with something like this before.

Mm-hmm. Can we see your security footage from this morning, please?

And the other cameras, please.

We only have them in the lobby and conference room level.

What about hallways and elevators?

I'm afraid not.

Our victim left his room sometime last night between 8:00 and 7:00 this morning.

We're trying to figure out where he went.

We try to provide our guests with as much privacy as possible.

It is one of our trademarks.

Privacy over security.

Some of our guests would argue that privacy is security.

I'm sure.

Well, perhaps someone inquired with your staff about someone on the 12th floor?

Not that I've been made aware of.

Cibrex bought out the whole floor, rented the Western conference room...

It faces the water...

And we provided full meal service.

Very standard practice for our corporate clients.


Can we have copies of the video files you do have?

Yeah, of course.

He got a text.


"Awaiting update."

It's just a bunch of numbers.

CB101, CB101.12?

CB stands for "Cibrex."

Those are stock tickers.

Let's find out who those texts are coming from.

I'm on it.

So, a secret phone locked in a safe, possibly confirming Cibrex stock prices?

Yeah, our victim was leaking information.

That's a motive.

You're going to love this...

With an ocean-front view and an infinity pool, you won't even need to leave your hotel to be in paradise.

What more could you want, really?

Actually, I am very jealous.


You go ahead and play around with it.

Excuse me.

[Gasping in horror]


[Gasping for air]


Mr. Ramsay has asked that you keep your presentations to under 30 minutes.

But don't worry, I've had his gong removed from the conference room.

[Everyone chuckles]

Hey there. Hi.

Sorry, I'm just, I'm with that group back there, and, um, I'm a little bit unclear about our breakfast situation.

Because I have some food restrictions, so...

Of course.

Now, this is the order form that you'll find in your room.

Breakfast is delivered every morning between 6:00 and 7:00.

And as you can see, we have lots of gluten-free, vegan and vegetarian options.

C.O.D. Was chemical asphyxiation.

Definitely cyanide.

Huh, that's a good way to k*ll someone.

It's easy to get a hold of.

And it leaves almost no trace.


His stomach contents.

Our boy ate before he died, and judging by his levels of digestion, I'm guessing less than 20 minutes before.

The poison was probably concealed in the food.

Acts fast.

Leaves no mess.

So what'd he have?

Scrambled eggs.


And some bacon.

Oh, my favourite.

Probably a bread item, most likely a croissant.

Did he have any coffee?

Orange juice.

So he had breakfast.

Mm. The most important meal of the day.



I got you a croissant.

Thank you.

The hotel says that the breakfasts were made custom for the Cibrex floor.

Yeah, it was a room service kind of thing.

Did everybody order breakfast?

Out of 15 of the Cibrex rooms, nine ordered the same breakfast.

But our victim didn't.

He didn't order anything.

Say what?

And he wasn't seen in the restaurant either.

I mean, I guess the k*ller could have served him food.

Or he ate someone else's food.

Yeah, but if that's the case, then...

Then he wasn't the intended target.

If he ate someone else's food, that means someone didn't get theirs.

No, no, the hotel confirms everyone got their food.

No one else got sick, so he didn't share a plate.

Hold on a second.

Wait, are you saying what I think you're saying?

The victim wasn't the target.

He didn't order any food, but he still ate the poison?

Isn't it obvious, he ate someone else's order.

Our victim was sharing confidential stock information.

What happened to that angle?

Lucas, what happened there?

It was a burner cell with its minutes topped up.

I'm still waiting for the details from the phone company about who sent the text.

Something about a warrant.

Okay, what's taking so long?

I don't know, I'll try again.

This the CEO?

Yeah, he's a pretty cooperative guy.

His name is Jimmy Ramsay.

Well, everyone at the top always makes enemies getting there.

Why don't you go back to him?


He said it's being processed, but Judge Rayner's on lunch.

While you're waiting, why don't you go talk to the hotel kitchen staff?

See how easy it is to poison someone else's food.

Did you know I used to be a prep cook at summer camp?

Lucas. Go.



[Family sobbing in grief]

I'll get you some more tea.

Thank you, dear.

Mrs. Kendall?

I just want to say that I am...

So very sorry.

How did you know my Brendan?

I, uh, we... We worked together.

He was such a good boy.

He worked so hard.

He wanted to travel.

He talked about hiking in New Zealand this summer...

He didn't deserve this.

Somebody took him away from me.

[Sobbing in grief]

I just want you to know I am so very, very sorry.

[Coworkers chatting]

Hey, Gary, is your daughter still coming to visit you later tonight?

Yeah, yeah...

[Voices fade]

[Heartbeat thudding]

[Elevator dings]

Excuse me.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Thank you.

Good night, guys.

I need to control the flow of information.

It's essential to any successful business.

So no cell phones, no wifi at all.

It makes sense, but it certainly sends a message.

That I'm a tyrant?

That you don't trust your employees.

Yeah, what happened to Cibrex's "big happy family"?

Well... trust is a complicated business.

Mr. Ramsay, there's a possibility that someone wanted to k*ll you.


Yes, sir.

Can you think of anyone who, uh, wanted to hurt you?

Have you received any threats?

I have... rivals and enemies.

I mean, that's of the job. [Cell phone rings]

But no, nothing specific.

[Cell phone rings]

Excuse me.

[Elevator dings]

[Elevator dings]

Yup, yup, yup, yup, okay.

Well, gold star for you.

[Chuckling] Lucas says that the texts are coming from a Jeremy Fields.

He's a junior stock trader at Anglo International Brokerage, and he and Brendan went to high school together.

Lucas going to talk to him?

He lives in Tokyo.

Well, someone still could have easily found out what Brendan was up to.

Or maybe Jeremy contacted someone at Cibrex.

Yeah, well, that's only relevant if Brendan was the intended victim.

We shouldn't rule it out yet.

Employee of the month three times in two years.

That is impressive, Felicia.

I like working here.

Our colleague spoke to the kitchen staff, and they told him that no one there knows which rooms the orders go to. Is that true?

Yes, I put the markers on the trays.

So, you delivered breakfast to the 12th floor this morning?


I picked them up from the kitchen.

I took them upstairs.

Did you see anybody in the room who shouldn't be there?

There were a few guests in the elevator, and a lady coming from the gym got off at the same floor.

Anything at all strike you as odd on the Cibrex floor?


Yes. Yes, one thing.

And what was that?

There were two smokers on that floor who smoked in their rooms.

You remember that?

Well, these days, we might get one per floor, but almost never two.

So, other than Brendan Kendall in room 1222, who was the other smoker?

The lady in the room across the hall from him.


Did you see her smoking?

No, but there were ashes in one of her bowls when I picked the tray up, and I told my manager.

Thank you.

Room 1221, that's Dr. Hillary Byrnes'.

Lots of doctors smoke.

Yeah, but is it possible Brendan was smoking in her room?

And she did order breakfast.

I think she was the intended victim.
We want to thank you for meeting with us again, Dr. Byrnes.

Of course, it's not a problem.

Dr. Byrnes. I'm sure you can imagine that our lives are made a lot more difficult when people lie to us.

I'm sorry?

Do you smoke?

No. Why?

Brendan Kendall wasn't in his room watching a game last night, was he?

He was with you.

I could lose my job.

That should be the least of your concerns right now.

Okay, yes, he was in my room.

We were involved.

And he stayed the night?


But we had to be careful no one else knew.

Right, so it was your food that he ate just before he died?


And when he left your room, he was feeling fine?

He kissed me, went back to his room to ch...

Wait, you're saying...

Brendan was poisoned.

And we think it was your food that was poisoned.

Oh, my God.

This was all my fault.

We can't guarantee whoever did this won't try it again, so we would like to offer you protective custody.

Now, you don't have to worry, our officers are very good at their jobs.


You'll be safe...

Thank you.

But that won't be necessary.

You know you could be in serious danger.

Listen, detectives, um, I do very delicate work for a lot of big companies.

There are always going to be people who want to harm me.

I have to accept that.

I'm not going to spend the rest of my life being followed around by police officers.

I fly out tomorrow evening.

I'll take care of this myself.

[Roar of traffic]

Did you see her watch?

A $5,000 rolex is hard to miss.

This car didn't even cost that much.

Don't you say anything.

Hey, you know, the server said she saw a woman from the gym in the elevator.

Maybe she saw something useful?

Yeah, it's worth a shot.

Flynn. Vega.

I was just telling Mr. Ramsay here that we're working very hard to catch Brendan's k*ller.

Absolutely, yeah.

I'm not used to sitting on the sidelines, that's all.

Well, these are my best detectives.

I have no doubt.

The thing is, I was just hoping you'd be so kind as to release the phone that Brendan had in his safe.

Well, the phone's still in evidence, so, no, I'm sorry, we can't release it to you.

I see.

It's just very important that I know exactly what information he was sending out into the world.

I understand, but our hands are tied.

Well, that's unfortunate.

It does put me in a rather awkward position.

We are looking into a new angle involving Dr. Hillary Byrnes.

What does she have to do with this?

That's what we want to know.

Has she worked for Cibrex long? Do you know her well?

She's our top medical consultant.

Came to us very highly recommended.

Joined us about a year ago.

And if you don't mind me asking, why does your company need a medical consultant?

Well, it's absolutely essential that our products are safe for all of our consumers.

Dr. Byrnes specializes in that kind of work.


We've checked out of the hotel, but feel free to contact me anytime.

Yeah. We will.


The "best" detectives.

We're your best detectives?

Thank you, sir. Really appreciate that.

Now get back to work.

Number one.

Wait a minute, something is confusing to you.

You're not sure what it means, but you think it's significant.

I checked into the woman who went to the gym, but no keycards from the 12th floor were used to access the gym on Wednesday morning.

All right, well, who was the woman riding the elevator in gym clothes?

Someone from another floor?

Do we still have the lobby video surveillance?

I can pull it up.

Let's find out where she came from.

What the hell happened at the hotel?

I thought you said everything was okay.

I messed up.

I didn't know about him.

I mean, how could I, right?

God, I can't believe this happened.

I k*lled an innocent person.

We did.


I did.

It's going to be okay.

Nobody knows about you, right?


So it's not over.

What are you saying?

I'm going to go find her, and I'm gonna...

No. No!

This was my idea.

So that's it?

We quit?

Just walk away?

Yes. Before anyone else gets hurt.

No way.

This is not over.

Gord, no!

All right, there she is.

Right, the lady from the gym the server noticed.

Now back it up.

Go further back?


Show me that one.

Back it up further?

She changes in the washroom.

So she wasn't staying in the hotel.

Stop it.

What's she holding?

Zoom in.

She's got a water bottle.

What entrance did she come in from?

Stop there.

That leads to the parking garage.

She must have come down afterwards.

Can we see that?

Lucas, stop.

She doesn't recycle.


Because that's where she keeps the poison.


I'll see if I can get our hands on that trash.

You are one smart girl, whoever you are.

Okay, so she finds out the doctor's at the hotel, shows up, finds the room, poisons her food, leaves.

She doesn't check in, so her name's nowhere in the computer.

Ah, but we know she came in from the parking garage.

Street parking downtown is a nightmare.

Yeah, but don't you remember, when we parked down there, we had to pay with a credit card before we could get out.

My credit card.

That's right.

Do you get the point or not?

Yes, yes. We check out all the credit cards that were used that morning.

That's how we get her name.

Thank you, Felicia.

Positive I.D.


Sonia Brauer.

Well, we've got her in the hotel.

What we don't have is enough to arrest her for m*rder.

What did Dr. Byrnes do to you, huh?


Huh, what?

They were all meeting at the hotel to discuss corporate strategy?

That's right, like one big happy family.

These are not the people you discuss corporate strategy with.

Where's the head of business affairs?

Research and development?

National and foreign investments?

When you have the CEO, three vice presidents, seven lawyers, two public relations experts, a medical consultant...

And a gag order?

You're doing damage control.


Do I get a gold star?

Oh, I think that counts for two.

[Laughs in triumph]

You just lost one.


Gord, it's me.

I'm outside your hotel.

I'm worried about you.

I'm worried about what you're going to do.

Phone me back.

Let's talk about this, please?

So, Cibrex plastics is about to be named in a major class-action lawsuit.

They could be held liable for over half a billion dollars.

And the suit claims that the toxic compound, BPA, was used in their "Baby Duck Bathtime" toy, and after repeated exposure, it led to the deaths of seven infants across the country.

So, Dr. Byrnes is Cibrex's hired g*n.

Mm-hmm, and if they lose this suit, the damages will definitely bankrupt them.

Yeah, that's why Brendan was texting his stockbroker friend in Tokyo.

He knew that the suit was coming out, and that the stock prices were going to drop.

So how does Sonia Brauer fit into the lawsuit?

That's the problem, sir, she doesn't.

Yeah, she moved to the city from Baker Bay a couple years ago when her mom, Elaine, got sick with stomach cancer.

Elaine died.

She now works as a travel agent.

She's a homeowner, recently got married.

And the toxicity of Cibrex plastics had nothing to do with her mother's illness?

It doesn't appear so, sir.

And Sonia Brauer didn't grow up next to Dr. Byrnes, play basketball with her, steal her prom date?

Dr. Byrnes grew up in San Diego.

Have you talked to Ms. Brauer yet?


I'm going to.

Right now.

Mm-hmm. All right.


It's beautiful, isn't it?

That is a little slice of heaven right there.

Mm, those photos don't lie.

I'll have to take your word for it.

Sonia Brauer?


I'm Detective Flynn.

Can I ask you a few questions?

Um, yeah.

Yes, of course.

What is it about?

Did you hear about the m*rder at Hotel Georgia on Wednesday?

I did, on the news.

It's so awful.

Did you know the man who was k*lled?

No, I didn't.


But you were at the hotel on Wednesday morning...

Do I have that right? You were there?

Uh, yes, I was.

Do you mind if I ask why?

'Cause you weren't checked in.

Um, a friend of mine told me that they got a bunch of new equipment in the gym, so I thought I'd check it out.

Ah. How was it?

Um, you need a keycard to get in, so I...

I didn't actually see it.


Do you remember going up to the 12th floor?

Uh, yeah, yeah, I think I must have pressed the wrong button.

You pressed the wrong button.

That's right.

I'm sorry, what is this about?

You ever heard of Cibrex plastics?


Dr. Hillary Byrnes?

Does that name ring a bell?

Should it?

Well, I guess not.

You weren't planning a trip anytime soon, are you?

[Chuckles] No.


I'm going to let you get back to it.

Thank you.

No connection, then.

No, but didn't Dr. Byrnes say she'd done this kind of work for years?

That's what she said.

Jimmy Ramsay said she'd been there for about a year, and came very highly recommended.

Well, let's find out who recommended her.

Lucas! Find me the doctor's work history.

Veggie wontons.

Thank you.


[Coughs anxiously]

The police were just here, and I know... I know you don't want to talk to me right now, and that is, that's fine, but if you are about to do something stupid, don't.

Just... just don't.



Call me back.

In 2008, she worked for the Welland Group, a company that primarily deals in asbestos.

That's charming.

Head office is in Virginia.

2009, she worked for Barton White Pharmaceuticals, head office in Seattle.

2011, she worked for Cross Pulp and Paper.

Head office is in Calgary.

Wait a minute, what does it say there?

Must be one of the locations of their mills, I guess.

Baker Bay.

That's Sonia's hometown.

That's the connection.

[Sighing] Gordon McNally, Cole Morello and Sonia Brauer.

They were the three co-claimants in the case against Cross Pulp and Paper.

Their families all lived down stream of the mill.

Is that right?

You testified to the Federal Environmental Protection Agency on behalf of Cross Pulp and Paper.

Said they were doing nothing wrong.

I provided my medical opinion.

Yes, but it was based on your testimony that the judge dismissed the case, yes?

Cross Pulp and Paper were allowed to continue on, business as usual.

I did my job.

They paid you to lie?

No, they pay me to evaluate the facts.

Not to give my personal opinion, but my medical opinion.

I don't pass judgment on my employers.

I look at the numbers, I examine the science, and I draw a conclusion.

It's not up to me what they do with the information that I give them.

That sounds like a lot of ethical gymnastics.

In life, you know better than anyone, things aren't black and white.

There are grey areas.

It's my job to find the grey areas.

Hey, Lucas?

Look into a Gordon McNally and Cole Morello.

Find out where they are right now?

We're going to want to talk to them as soon as possible.

On it.

To the airport, please.

Long day?


So, uh, Dr. Hillary Byrnes, you sure you don't know that name?

No, I already told you I don't.

Well, that's not exactly true.

I don't follow.

I think you do, Sonia.

Uh, no, I've never met her before.

Yeah. You don't need to have met her to want her dead.

Pardon me?

Your plan was really well thought out.

We don't see that very often.

It's really smart.

But you made one critical mistake.

The water bottle, you threw it away.

You didn't know the hotel separates their recyclables, and they're picked up later in the week.

We found the bottle. It's being tested right now for fingerprints and traces of cyanide.

It's not looking good, Sonia.

Cross Pulp and Paper...

They didn't care who they hurt, did they?

No, they didn't.

You wanted her to pay.


Room service!

[Knocks] Room service.

She... lied for them.

She said the... the bleaching chemicals in the water were harmless.

[Laughs ruefully]

Since when is bleach harmless?

You knew better.

47 people... Were diagnosed with cancer and they died that same year.


My mother and my uncle, they didn't have a chance.

That's awful.

You know, actually, what's awful is watching your mother go from being a normal and healthy woman to... becoming a shadow of herself.

Watching her suffer...


And all of it for... for nothing.

Then I...

I couldn't do anything to help her.

The whole time, Dr. Hillary Byrnes was just collecting her paycheque.

You didn't know she had a guest in her room.

I didn't know.

It's... it's not fair.

Room service!

Set it here, please.


Thank you.

Ah, thank you.

Bon appetit.

No so fast, doctor.

I don't want to go to work today.

Let's stay in bed.

Eat your breakfast, then go and suit up.

Put your game face on.





[Struggling to breathe]

You're going to need to come down to the station.

You're under arrest.

You understand?


Charging me isn't going to change anything.

Well, that may be true.

No, you don't get it.

I don't have...

I don't have anything to lose.

I moved away, but I couldn't escape it.

It still found me.

You have cancer, too.

I have six months.

When they told me, I knew I had to do this.

Stop her from hurting anyone else.

Does your husband know?

I've made so many mistakes.

What's going on?

Why are the police here?

Better you tell him here.


Tell me what?


The water bottle?

Yeah, well, we could have found it.


All right, thanks.

Cole Morello died three months ago.


Gord McNally just booked a ticket on the same flight that Dr. Byrnes is on, to Portland, Oregon, so the uniforms are going to pick him up at the gate.

So goliath wins another one.


She's right, you know.

Life is not fair.