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01x08 - Undertow

Posted: 03/30/13 17:53
by bunniefuu
♪ I can see you right before me ♪
♪ but it feels like you're miles away ♪
♪ I can touch your body, baby ♪
♪ but you don't have the words to say... ♪

Man: What do you mean this is the last time?

Second man: I'm getting out.

How does Milo feel about that?

He doesn't look too happy.

I don't care.

I promised her.

I've never seen you so whipped.

Let's just drop it, okay?


Hey, there, buddy!

[Grunts with effort]

Is the migraine all right?

It'll be gone by the time I take him.


Did you make lunch for him?

Yeah, peanut butter and jam.

Right, champ?

As if he'd eat anything else.


Huh? You fired up?

Big day.

Will you take me?

Aw, I wish I could.

Daddy's gotta work.

Well, you could play hooky.

It's his first day of kindergarten.

Mm-hmm. Do you hear yourself?

[Chuckling] Okay.

A bit of a mixed message.

Yeah, kind of.

Okay, I'll see you tonight.

And I want to hear about your day when I get back.

Love ya.



Love ya!

Love you, too!

Love you three.


See you.


We brought you a muffin.

Aw, thanks.

Uh... I shouldn't.

I'm on a support cleanse.

No wheat, no meat, no dairy.

Oh, that's no fun.

That's all right, I ate some anyway.

Do you think you're promoting self-misery, Lucas?


She wanted to do it, so I had no choice.

If I ever talk to you about the benefits of marriage, I want you to say "support cleanse" to me.

I don't think I'm ever going to have to say "support cleanse" ever.

Lucas: Our witness here called it in right away.

Uniforms are sweeping the area.

So far, no signs of any w*apon.


Meet John Doe.

Flynn: Blunt force trauma to the head...

And petechial hemorrhaging in the eyes.

Beaten, strangled.

Or suffocated.

Someone was very thorough.


Body's in mid-rigor, so I'm going to estimate he was k*lled sometime late last night.

Judging by all the blood on his face, you'd expect to see more on the ground.

It was a body dump.

Well, at least they chose a beautiful spot for him.

[Rain pouring]

Hey, can we get him covered?

I don't know why we can't just leave it the way it is.

It all seems too soon.

Well, I'm not saying we have to change the colour, I'm just saying that, you know...

[Cell phone rings]

It needs a touch-up.

This is work. I have to take this.

[Beeps call]

Hey. Yeah.

I finished my part of the project.

Last night.

So, yeah, now it's your turn.

[Whispers] Give me a second.

[Growling angrily] All right, now, listen, I want this to be over, so... get it done.

Sorry about that, babe.

Wait up.

Motive 01x08
Original Air Date March 28, 2013

Can I give this boy a name yet?

I'm still hoping AFIS kicks out a fingerprint ident.

You figure out a cause of death?


Probably from a plastic bag.

Check out this nifty bruise around his neck.


Yeah, probably to hold the bag in place.

And I found blood in his lungs and stomach.

So our k*ller bashes our victim...

w*apon TBD.

To incapacitate him, bags his head, cinches it tight.

It's methodical.


Anything else?

Yeah, time of death about midnight, and I found partially digested methylphenidate in his stomach.

Base amount.

Street name?


The ADD drug?

Yeah, ADD, ADHD, narcolepsy.

Depends if your dopamine levels are low.

His aren't.

[Knocks briskly]

Did you guys know that the Occupy Wall Street movement was started by the adbusters guy?


Hometown inspiration.

Our victim was an occupier.

AFIS found a match from his arrest during the protest.

Look at this, Taylor Hollis was also charged with possession of a controlled substance with intent to sell at the time of his arrest.

Oh, let me guess...

Ritalin and adderal.

Quick, Lucas, for five points, who buys ritalin for recreational use?

Uh, truck drivers, night shift workers...


You know, the body dump was really close to the university.

Yeah, well, maybe Taylor had a dissatisfied customer.

Or disgruntled competition?

I don't know, university's not exactly the mean streets, huh?

I'll call narcotics.

See who's fronting pharmaceuticals.

There you go, Lucas.

Tasty treats...


According to our friends, you are the reigning king of the over-the-counter pharmaceuticals.

Your friends tell the most wonderful stories.

Why don't you tell us a story about you and Taylor Hollis?

Who is he? Or she?

Ah, that was almost sincere.

It is sincere.

I would love to believe you.

I would also love to rip this place apart and see what we can find, so...

What do you say?

Your choice.

Taylor was a subcontractor.

Yeah, how was he as a subcontractor?

He was a good piece of business.

Smart kid.

Quick study.

I was really sorry when he walked.

So he quit?

Listen, I haven't seen Taylor in a month.

We went our separate ways, no big deal, okay?

It's not like I can't find someone else to do the job.

There are thousands of them.

What, what did he get himself into, hmm?

Besides a body bag?

He's dead?

We need to know where you were last night.

You know, all night.

I was here.

A few of the ladies can attest to my whereabouts.

Uncoerced, I'm sure.


You got something for me?

No more dealing dr*gs.

[Laughing] I'm out!


I love you.

That only solves half our problem.

Call off the engagement.

I couldn't look my father in the eye and do that.

He would k*ll me.

Then we run, okay?

Together, all right?

Yeah. Okay.



It solves everything.





Where you going?

I got a call about a kitchen reno, so I'll go over there and write up a bid.

That's weird.


I thought I had some extra Insulin.

I thought I had some more.

It's all right to be forgetful.

Just call the drug store and I'll pick it up on the way home.


Any plans this afternoon?




I won't be long.

[Beeping speed-dial]

Hey, he's gone.

I'll be there in 20 minutes, okay?

Taylor Hollis?

Sure, I know him. He's my T.A.

Well, we pulled his phone records, and there seem to be a lot of phone calls between the two of you.

Which leads us to believe that your relationship with Taylor was more serious.


He's a nice guy, and he did ask me out a couple of times, but no.

Um, I've got a fiance.


With my compliments.

Well, thank you.

Everything okay?


I'm just trying to be a good host.

Thank you.

Uh, what's this all about anyway?

Is Taylor in some kind of trouble?

Unfortunately, Taylor died last night.

I'm sorry.

Oh, my God.

I'm sorry...


Please, excuse us.

That was interesting.

I thought so.

So, what do we have?

The university confirms that Taylor Hollis was working toward his Ph.D.

In business management.

No student loans.

Hmm, so he was financing his studies with a little practical experience.

He identified a market, created a little niche for himself.

Where does Kranc stand on this?

Alibi checks out.

Several witnesses place him at the strip joint at the time of death.

Plus, Taylor's bank statements show a dip in his earnings when he fell off Kranc's radar a month ago.

Yeah, and why would Kranc wait a month to k*ll him?

Lack of opportunity?

No, a guy like Kranc would make opportunity happen right away.

Sunita Rand is a different story.

The way she reacted when we told her about his death...

Yeah, plus the phone records.

Mm-hmm, secret romance writ large.


She's engaged.

We could try her again without the father around, see if that opens her up.

[Saw whining]

[Cell phone vibrates]



Charles! Phone!


[Beeps phone on]

Hey, Nance. What's up?


What are you talking about?

Okay. I understand.


[Struggling to speak]


My s-son...

Is dead.

[Screams in anguish]

[Sobbing] No, no, no, no...

I told you already.

Sunita, please, listen, we know about Taylor.

I told him to stop.

I told him it was dangerous.

How do you know about the dr*gs?

I told you, he was my T.A. last semester.

I saw him one time, dealing.

I knew it...

I knew it, he was so stupid.

Right, he was also more than a T.A., wasn't he?

I don't know what you're talking about.

My fiance and his family will be here from India in a few weeks.

Your father isn't here right now, so you don't have to lie.

Is this an arranged marriage?


It's complicated.

My engagement has been in the works for years.

My fiance and his family are due at the end of the month.

And Taylor?

I loved him?

How were you going to manage that?

Taylor and I were going to run away.

Were you going to tell your father you were running away with Taylor?

No. How could I?

He would never allow that to happen.

Did you talk to Taylor Monday night?

He was supposed to come by the restaurant.

When he didn't get here, I texted, and I didn't get an answer, so I thought he'd chickened out, and I went home.

Just out of curiosity, where is your father now?

On a supply run.

Well, listen, we would, uh, we'd be very interested in talking to him.

Just please have him call us.

Thank you.

You don't have to do this today.

I'm having the garage sale this weekend.

Just save it until then.

You've been saying that for weeks.

Well, it's not my fault that the weather hasn't cooperated.

Well, either we get rid of it today, or...

It sits in the garage gathering dust.

Okay, so let it gather dust.

Come with me.

We'll drop it off at the goodwill, and then we'll go see him.

I need to do something.

I just can't look at it anymore.


The police were at my restaurant.



They were asking questions.

They're the police, that's what they do, they ask questions.

You have an alibi, right?

So you have nothing to worry about.

This is the key to his place.

Use the whole vial.

sh**t him anywhere.

He goes into a coma, his vital organs fail.

Not a scratch.

It's better than he deserves.

Hey! How am I supposed to do that?

[Chuckling] All right...

I've got to think of everything?

This is a 50-50 partnership, my friend.

I handled my end.

You be damn sure you handle yours.

[Cell phone rings]


The police want to talk to you.


About what?

About my friend who was m*rder*d.

And they want to talk to me?

Did they say why?


Okay, uh...

Give me the number.



[Drops phone into coin tray]

[Nail g*n snapping]


What are you doing here?

You've got a business to run and I got a job to do.

Hey... don't worry. I'll get someone else to finish.

I've never walked away from a job.

I'm not going to start now.

But your son...

My son is dead.

[Nail g*n snapping quickly]

Nothing I do is going to bring him back.

Charles, go home, to your wife.

My wife...

I'm having a real hard time looking at her right now.

She, uh... has his eyes, so, you know, you don't know...

And you just never know how things are going to... derail.

[Chuckles ruefully]

People let you down.

Just one dumb person can change all that matters.

My heart breaks for you, my friend.

My heart breaks for you.

You're going to lose your daughter...

And you don't even know it.

What do you got there?

I have queijadas, they are Portuguese tarts, and they are fantastic.

So much for your support cleanse.

I promised Mary I wouldn't "buy" any pastries.

What, so you're buying them?

Oh, he gets the coffee.


[Inhaling deeply]

Kopi luwak.

Mm! Any word from the father?

Not yet.

I put out an APB on Taylor Hollis' car.

I figure we find that, maybe we'll find the crime scene.

That's executive thinking, Lucas.

Why don't you have a tart?

You're an enabler.

That's what you are.

Hey, look who's here.

Vijay Rand.

Yeah, and he brought back-up.

A little pre-emptive on the legal counsel, don't you think?

You understand this is just a friendly chat, yes?

Well, of course.

Mr. Frobisher is here purely for my peace of mind.

I've never been able to wrap my head around this country's legal system.

Well, it's not as complex as it seems.

This is all about finding the bad guy in Taylor Hollis's m*rder.

Which is even more surprising that you want to speak with me.

Why is that?

Because I never even knew this young man.

No, but your daughter did.

Yeah, quite well, in fact.

We think that Taylor was, um, more than a friend.

And maybe she was going to leave her fiance for him.

Well... it's her life.

What can I do?

Well, you can tell me where you were Monday night around midnight.

You don't think I had anything to do with this poor boy's death?

Well, we need to rule people out, see who's left standing.

Well, I was at temple.

There was a function.

You have witnesses that can put you there?

I can get you a list of witnesses.

There are more than 200 of them.


Are there any other questions?


Excuse me, I'd like to get back to my restaurant.

You really earned your paycheck.

Thank you.

Where are you going now?

To school!

You call me when you get there.
What's wrong with you?

I'm not doing anything!


That went well.


I shouldn't. Work.

I shouldn't. Ulcer.

It'll be our little secret.

All right.

A little more.

I checked her phone.

You were right.

Everything I've built, and then this boy, this drug dealer, comes and...

[Snaps fingers] Gone.

You've only got one child, you'd better protect her.

If I could, I would twist his neck with my bare hands.

So do it.

Twist his neck.

You can't let that kid ruin her life.

What if Sunita found out?

I lost her mother five years ago.


But I won't lose my daughter.

I've got someone I'd k*ll if I could.

You get betrayed.

You just want them to pay.

I thought it was supposed to look like he was k*lled because of the dr*gs.


He didn't have any dr*gs on him.

Now the police suspect me.

Well, did you stick to your alibi?

Hold that.

Of course.

[Flicking switches]

Then you have nothing to worry about.

Hey, what if they're watching me?

You're just being paranoid.

Stick that in the tool box?

I have faith in you, my friend.

I believe that you will rise to the occasion.

[Snaps toolbox shut]


We're not open yet.

We're sorry to bother you.

We just have one more question.

Can we come in?

So, we talked to several witnesses who put your father at temple around the time of Taylor's m*rder.

But the thing is, your father hadn't been to temple in a while, had he?

If he's innocent, what's your question?

Did your father think you were going to call off the engagement?

Nobody knew.

And the night Taylor was k*lled, what time did your dad get home?

My father would never do something like this, okay?

We just want to find out what happened to Taylor, that's all.

I know that's what you want, too.

Of course it is.


I locked up after the contractor left.

I got home just after midnight and my father was there.


This big reno, you think it has anything to do with your fiance's family coming over.

It has everything to do with it.

But how is your father going to manage that without your fiance and his family?

Well, it's not a problem anymore.

I have to finish prepping for the opening.



Thank you.

Okay, we're back to square one, 'cause there is no way that Vijay could have gone to the university from the temple, k*lled Hollis, and back home in 15 minutes.

It's too bad, because it's the perfect motive.

She back out on an arranged marriage, his business plan falls to hell, and he blames Taylor Hollis...

[Cell phone rings]

Hey, Lucas, what's up?

Lucas: Hey, look down the main alley.


Look down the main alley.

Where you going?

It's Lucas.

Yeah, but where are you going?

Hey, you see me?


This here?


Taylor Hollis' car.

Get forensics to sweep the whole area.

We just might have a crime scene.

Get forensics on the horn and tell them to sweep the whole area.

The janitor remembers Taylor Hollis leaving the university library at 11:00 P.M. because he was the last one out.

His car is found here, parked a block away from the restaurant, but Sunita says she doesn't see him.

But forensics finds his blood in the alley behind the restaurant.

But the body was dumped here.

And what did we find inside the car?


Just Taylor's prints, junk food wrappers, some papers he was marking.

No struggle, no blood.

But blood on his shirt and jacket.

Grass and dirt from where the body was found.

Anyone could have hit him behind the restaurant.

There's also this.

What is that?

Gypsum mixed with fiberglass in a wax emulsion.

And now in English.


Hey. Hey, hey.

GM restaurant just underwent renovations.

Expanding means taking out walls, which means...

Drywall dust.

Taylor Hollis was going to see the daughter, parks outside the restaurant, he gets whacked in the alley.

That dust could place him inside.

Well, that's enough for a search warrant.

Put Taylor inside the restaurant for sure, and we'll get an arrest warrant.

And a lollipop.

When should I start calling this harassment?

We're gathering evidence in a m*rder investigation, Mr. Rand.

But the boy wasn't here that night.

All we know is that you weren't here.

My daughter told you she didn't see him.

Well, first, she told us she didn't even know him, and then she told us on the night he was m*rder*d, they were going to run away together, so...

Look, my daughter is a romantic.

Some boy looks at her, she thinks they're going to run off together.

She watches too many light movies.

Look, I have a business to run.

This is supposed to be our re-launch day.

Please, tell me, what you are looking for?

Taylor Hollis had drywall dust on his clothes.

You guys were under renovation.

Sunita said the contractor was here that night.

He was checking the wiring.

We're going to want to talk to him.

What's his name?

What's his name?

Uh, Charles Stanwyck.

Do you have his number?

Yeah, sure.

I'll... I'll get it for you.

Now the police are searching the restaurant.

Yeah, well, they're not going to find anything.

I had to give them the number.

They know you were there.

So what?

I took care of everything.

I got the job done.

Now it's your turn.

I don't think I can do this.

Do you think I'm stupid?

Do you think... do you think I don't have insurance?

Do you think that your prints aren't all over the w*apon?




The flashlight.

You held it in your hand.

I still have it.

But I have an alibi.

You're the only one with a motive.

What if I tell them everything?

You know what, go ahead.

You see how far that gets you.

Now, there's only one dead body.

Your guy is dead.

So you finish this.

You make this right.

Are you Charles Stanwyck?


Detective Flynn.

Detective Vega.



Here, let me help you with that.


There you go.

You did some contract work for Vijay Rand?


A restaurant reno.

On time and under budget.

Taylor Hollis was his daughter's boyfriend.

He was k*lled the other night on his way to see Sunita, and we wondered if you saw anything?

Well, I was pretty bagged the night I left the restaurant.

I saw Sunita, and...

Nothing else.

You didn't see Vijay Rand that night?

No. He was at, uh, what do you call it...


A late-night thing.

I'm sure someone saw him there.


It's interesting, though, because we found Taylor Hollis' blood in the alley.

We found his car a block away.

You sure you didn't see anything?


Just Sunita.


You should know that that kid, he's a drug dealer.

It might have had something to do with that.

How do you know that?

Well, he offered me some stuff a couple of times.

He said I looked tired.

A little pick-me-up.


Hmm. Good to know.

Anything I can do to help, detectives.

If anything else comes to mind...


If you need a reno, I'm your guy.


Have a good night.

Good night.

I like how he knew the specifics of Vijay's alibi.

Yeah, you know what I like?



I've got an evidence bag in there.

[TV playing]

[Key turning in lock]

[Closes door silently]

[TV playing]

[Car approaches outside]

[Objects clattering heavily]

Nancy: Greg?

[Vijay shouts, Nancy yelps in fright]

Greg! Greg, are you okay?

Who the hell was that?

Gyprock dust isn't enough.

Listen, Charles Stanwyck was in the alley the night of the m*rder, where we found the blood.

Tell me one good reason why a contractor would k*ll some university student he doesn't even know?


I didn't know Taylor Hollis was rich.

No, he wasn't, but Vijay Rand had a motive and a built-in alibi.

It was air-tight.

Maybe he hired Charles Stanwyck to get rid of his problem.

Get me a solid connection, and I'll get you the warrant for the van.

Circle back on Milo's associates.


Tell me Charles Stanwyck was desperate.

Tell me the banks were going to foreclose on the business, the business was going down the tubes, and that Vijay Rand made him an offer that he couldn't refuse. Tell me.

Don't tell her anything.


No priors.

No wants or warrants.

No tax problems, liens or bankruptcies.

His credit score is quite admirable if you ask me.

Well, that takes away the financial angle.

What about the personal front?

Well, that's... troubled.

His son, Riley Stanwyck, aged six.

Died in a car accident three months ago.

Aw, no.

Is that the accident report?

It's not connected to Taylor Hollis.

9-1-1 just flagged an incoming call from Nancy Stanwyck.

Attempted as*ault at her brother's house.

Was it Charles?


East Indian man. Mid-40s.

Thank you!

Thank you!

[Rewinding tape]

Thank you!


Thank you!

Thank you!

Charles: Yeah Buddy, ride 'em, cowboy!

[Laughter] Yee-haw! [Cell phone vibrating]


Nancy: I'm at Greg's. You have to come.

The-the police are on their way.

What's happening?

Just come, okay?

Please? Fast.

I'll be right there.

[Turns off TV]

I'm her husband.


Charles, I'm so glad you're here.

It's okay.

You're not going to believe what happened.

Calm down.

It's okay.

Everything's going to be okay.

There was somebody in the house...

I'm here now.

They broke in...

It's okay. I love you.

And the guy just ran out the door when Nancy got here.

That is freaky, right?

He just pushed past me...

[Cell phone rings]

I got a little bit of a look...

Are you listening to me, Charles?

Somebody broke into his house...

[Answers call]

Did you hear what I said?


Charles, did you hear what I just...

I can see that.

I'll be there in 15 minutes.

Charles, where are you going?

Please, would you...

[Beeps off phone]

He's fine.

Not a scratch.

Charles, where are you going?


Flynn: And he dropped this?

Nancy: Yes.

Greg: Are you sure that isn't one of yours?

I keep an Insulin shot in my bag, just in case, but, no, I've never used one here.

You're diabetic?


Is this the man that you saw?


Yes. Yeah, that's him.

And you told your husband, Charles, about this?

Yes. Well, I tried to, but he got a call and he had to go.


What's your relationship with her husband like?

Um... we've had a bit of a rough go in our family since the accident.

That's what he doesn't understand, that it was an accident.

And where did your husband go?

Um, I don't know.

He said he had be somewhere in 15 minutes.

You just missed him.

Thank you, Mrs. Stanwyck.

These officers will stay with you.

Thank you.

Great. Thank you.

Thank you.

So we can get Vijay Rand on intent.

And a hotshot of Insulin?

A hotshot of something.

Charles kills Taylor, so Vijay tries to k*ll Greg.

What are you thinking, payback?

Greg was driving the day Riley died.

I'd say more like payment.

We were looking for a motive. I didn't think we'd find two.

What the hell, Rand?

I'm not going to k*ll that man.

I've broken my daughter's heart. Enough is enough.

Your daughter will get over it.

You have to finish this.

I will.

We will call the police.

You have the flashlight with my prints on it.

I will take all the blame.

Then you will lose her.

I have to do what is right!

[Slams chair]


You want to talk to me about "right"?

I k*lled that boy for you.

Without your end of the deal, nothing's right.

Please, I will do this for you.


I went to temple that night, but I snuck out.

No one saw me.

I came back here, I stole your flashlight, I waited for Taylor in the back of the restaurant.

After I k*lled him, I dumped the body.

It's all on me.

[Sunita gasps]

You k*lled Taylor?

[Quietly] Shut your mouth.



I did.

I'll k*ll him myself.

But why?

You, Sunita.

I could not lose you.

[Police radios crackle]

I loved him.

[Wailing sirens approach]

My father k*lled Taylor.

No, he didn't.

It was an agreement.

Charles would k*ll Taylor, your father would k*ll Charles' brother-in-law.

[Handcuffs rattle]

Vijay Rand...

You're under arrest for conspiracy to commit m*rder.

[Handcuffs click shut]

[Gasping with sorrow]


Charles: Your dad's a good man.

He only wants the best for you.

Oh, hey, kid, you scared me.

Uh, you got a sec?

I've got to move some stuff in here.

I could use a hand.

Yeah, sure.

Yeah? It's uh...

It's mostly that fan back there.

[Blow thuds]

[Moans in pain]

[Muffled cries]

[Muffled screams]

[Blows thudding, Taylor screaming]

[Gargled screams]

[Taylor goes silent]

[Gasps with effort]



[Text message chimes]

[Inhales sharply]

[Shouts explosively]

[Screaming in bursts]

[Police radios crackle]

You don't have to.

I get it.

It's easier to k*ll a stranger than your own family.

He's not my family.

No, but he was Riley's.

All he had to do was say no.

I would have driven my boy.

All he had to do was say no.

I am sorry that I have to miss this.

You have a perfect first day, okay?

Big squeeze.

Get that migraine in check.

I got you covered.

Okay, don't forget the car seat.

Car seat...

You're a big dude today.

[Beeping imaginary buttons]

Initiating launch sequence.

[Imitating a blast-off]

[Tires squealing]

Did you know he was drunk the night before?

[Laughs ruefully]

That wasn't anything new, and that guy, he hasn't done anything right his whole life, and he...

He walks away from the accident, not a scratch.

So you wanted payback?


Wouldn't you?

Why does he get to live when my Riley's dead?

That's not something you get to decide.


Do you have a kid?

Yes, I do.

Then you get it.

[Quietly] No, I don't.