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01x06 - Detour

Posted: 03/15/13 20:19
by bunniefuu
[First-person-sh**t game blasting]

Ronnie, irate: Chad?

I told you five minutes ago to turn it off.


Hey! Chad!

Set the table!

As soon as I finish this level.

The fate of the universe can wait.



Chad: How could you do that?

Easy. I pointed the remote at the TV and I pressed the green button.

Hey! Hey, what is with all the yelling?

I could hear you two from the car.

I was this close to beating Halo: Reach, and Ronnie ruined it!

This close?

This close.

Hey, if you want to eat with your fingers, be my guest.

We're having stew.

Maybe this will cheer you up.

Halo Four?



Hang on. First, go set the table.


Thanks, dad.

You spoil him, you know.

Mm-hmm. He deserves to be spoiled.

Melinda: Free cake?

Barry: Yup, with my one-year chip on top.

Attaboy, Barry.

Hey, thanks, man.

Thanks a lot.

Well, as if I needed another reason to try and stay sober.

Yeah, unless the bakery screwed and this is rum cake.

Nope. Vanilla.

Congratulations, Barry.

I can't imagine lasting 30 days, let alone a whole year.

The best thing I learned from this group?

Set goals you can achieve and then celebrate 'em.

You didn't have a drink today, did you?


Then have some cake.

You're funny.

Listen, Melinda, if you feel the need to talk, you're welcome to call me.

You trying to hook up with me?

No! I'm just... no. I didn't mean like that.

You know, I mean, the program discourages romantic relationships.

Yeah. I know. I know. Too bad.


Vega: Well, that's a bombshell.

Angie: Yeah. I know. It came out of nowhere.

He's never even been curious about his father before.

Vega: Manny? Really?

Suddenly, I'm like, "where's this coming from, Manny?"

And what'd he say?

That's the thing. He won't tell me.

Girlfriend still in the picture?

Crystal? Yeah. They're still together.

Can I just tell him you're his father?

[Chuckles] You just want me to pay for his tuition.

Well, someone's got to.


Eric Chase.

He's the manager of Coastal Mortgage Services.

He was k*lled last night in between 10:00 P. M. when he activated the office alarm... and 10:45, when paramedics got a call about a body passed out in the parking lot.

You talk to the paramedics?

Yeah, they did a cursory sweep, but they didn't see him.

Somebody found the body this morning and called the police.

Well, it wasn't Mr. Chase's night, but, Betty, you look fantastic.

Thanks, babe.

There's nothing the paramedics could have done for him anyway.

The necktie compressed the carotids and the trachea, drastically inhibiting air-and blood-flow.

So he would've been unconscious in seconds?

Oh, yeah. Asphyxiation would have followed quickly.

Have you ever heard of the Indian Assassin Cult that strangles their victims with strips of yellow fabric?

I have not. And that has bearing because?

Well, because, after they strangled their victims, they robbed them.

Mr. Chase's wallet is missing.

I'm gonna get an alert on some of those credit cards.

Mr. Eric...?


Thank you.

The cult's name was the "Thuggees."

It's where the word "thug" comes from.

Detective Lucas is full of fun facts.

He really is. Here's another one.

[Gasps] Hey!

Chase fought back before he died.

And I found skin under the fingernails.


Hey, we may have the k*ller's DNA over there.

Now all we need is the k*ller.

[Knocking at door]

Muffled, woman: Housekeeping.

[Louder knocking]

Maid: Hello? Housekeeping.

[Barry groans wearily]

[Door opens]

Maid: Oh! I'm terribly sorry.

I'll come back later.

[Door shuts]

[Grumbles groggily, bottle hits floor]

[Inhales deeply, sighs heavily]

What the hell?

Realizing, darkly: Oh... God.

Motive 01x06
Original Air Date March 14, 2013

When he wasn't home by 11:00, I just went to bed.

If it wasn't for Chad's episode, I'd never have known he was missing until this morning.


Well, um, Chad's asthmatic.

He, uh, he doesn't always take his medication.

He's as absent-minded as Claudia.

And Claudia is...?

Chad's biological mother.

I take it you two don't have a good relationship?

After all she's cost us in legal fees?

I'd be happy never to see her again.

But she's been dragging us into court ever since Eric was awarded sole custody.

So, last night, you woke up, you took care of Chad, and then what happened?

I realized Eric wasn't home.

I phoned the police, and, uh... every hospital in the lower mainland.

How am I going to tell Chad that his father is dead?

And who's gonna tell Claudia?

Oh, my God.


Has anyone told Chad yet?

I think Ronnie was going to after school.

I'm his mother. I should be the one to tell him.

My keys. Okay, where are my keys?

Uh! I didn't ask for your assistance!

Oh, I'm sorry, I was just trying to help.

And maybe take a look around?

We're not the bad guys here.

And I know how the police operate.

You've already read up on every one of my arrests before you even knocked on my door.


Please, after you.

Oh, no. I insist.

Thank you.

If you know how the police operate, then you know that a background check is standard operating procedure.

We're not making any assumptions based on those convictions.

Which were all for non-violent protests.

And since the real reason that you're here is to size me up, let me make it easy for you.

[Cell ringing]

Detective Vega.

What is this?

Who I was with last night.

"Free Tibet" concert at the Commodore.

Okay. Thanks.


Someone just tried to buy a stereo with Eric Chase's credit card.

Lucas is on his way to pick him up.

A real suspect for you to harass.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go get my son.


Ouch, Barry. What happened?

Some stuff I've got to deal with.

I'll be leaving town for a few days.

These, um, sharing sessions used to scare the crap out of me.

I could just not see myself admitting to a room full of strangers...

That I slept with my neighbour...

To get at his vodka.

Suppressing the memories gave them a... power.

I would hate myself for my stupidity, and that just drove me right back to the bottle.

Now I realize that sharing them, well, it takes away their power.


Thanks, Melinda.

Okay, now...

Anyone else want to share tonight?

Okay. Fine.

Let's close the meeting with the "Serenity Prayer."

Take a seat.

I gotta tell you, Davis, calling 911 for a dead guy, and then using his credit card?

That's just not smart.

Wait! I didn't k*ll anyone.

And we're supposed to believe you because you're so trustworthy?

I was heading to my car. Okay?

Okay, I found the guy lying in the parking lot.

He's not breathing...

So you help yourself to his wallet?

After I called 911!

All we have to do is charge Mr. Soo with the stolen credit cards and wait for the strip-search during processing, at which point we'll be able to see the gouges from Mr. Chase's efforts to defend himself.

Come on.

I'm trying to help out here.

There's got to be another way.

You could volunteer for a DNA test.

Strip or spit. What's it gonna be?

This is your suspect?


I can run the test, but I'm pretty sure he's telling you the truth.

I told you so.


The amount of internal injury in Eric Chase's neck was extensive.

Soft-tissue damage.

The hyaline cartilage in the trachea was broken and the hyoid bone was crushed.

So we're looking for someone strong?

I'm... strong.

Not this strong.

Sweetie, arguing with me is not in your best interest.

So... can I go now?

Well, that depends on how good your lawyer is.

It was just a stolen credit card!

Okay. W...

What if I saw the guy who did it?

Did you?

I saw a guy pulling out of the parking lot as I was walking to my car.

Maybe he's your k*ller.

Stand up.

You've got a date with a sketch artist.

Come on.

Newscaster: Eric Chase, 35, was the manager of the Kingsway Branch of Coastal Mortgage Services.

The police declined to comment on the status of the investigation at this time.

Yeah... [click]

I want to change my flight home.

Barry Ketchum. K-e-t-c-h-u-m.

Red-eye? That's perfect.

Yes. I am willing to pay the change fee.

Quietly: Aw, damn it!

No, no. No, not you. Um...

Yeah, what's the, uh...

What's the time of that flight again?

That sounds great.

Ronnie: Is this the man who k*lled Eric?

This could be anyone.

Did Eric have any enemies?

Every now and then, there might be an angry client, maybe.

But enemies? No.

Angry, how?

Eric's had to reject a lot of mortgage requests recently.

He's been called names.

Threatened. Spat on.

Sometimes, they'd even phone the house...

What is it?

Last night... Around, uh, 10:00.

Someone phoned, looking for Eric.

Did they leave a name?

Yeah. He said his name was Tony.

Leave a last name?


I told him Eric was still at work.

Does your phone have call display?


Lucas, I'm going to need a reverse look-up on a number.

Number's 604-555-0131.

Thanks very much.

We'll be in touch.


Barkeep: Hey. Tony, right?

Wow. You've got a good memory.

What happened to you?

Ah, you know...

Things ended up getting a little out of control last night.

You need a little something to take the edge off?

Oh, God, no. I, uh, I'm never touching the stuff again.

If I had a dollar every time I heard that...

How about breakfast? We got a special. Three eggs.


One special.

Hey. You got a pay-phone in here?

Yeah. Around back. By the washrooms.

See anybody using it last night?

[Laughs] Haven't seen anyone use it this century.

Mind if our technician takes a look at it?

Barkeep: Go to town.

How about this guy?

You ever... See him come in here?

[Page rustles]

Barkeep: Aw, that could be anybody.

Hey! Your breakfast'll be up in a sec.

Yeah. I'm just gonna go for a quick smoke.

Phone's been wiped clean.

There's no prints.

That guy that just came out of there, is he a regular?

Last night's first time he's been in here. Nice guy.

Vega: Ah, I don't see him.

I didn't even get a good look at him.

What are the odds?

I don't know, but I'd sure like to find out.

Attendant: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Toronto.

We hope you've enjoyed your flight.

Thank you for flying with us.

No, no, don't worry about it. Just keep it.

[Eric Chase groaning]

[Bangs drawer shut]

Artist: How's that look?

Guy's jawline was more square.

Like that?

Yeah, like that.

Mr. Tony Last-Name-Unknown was definitely at the Haney the night of the m*rder.

And a call was made to the Chase residence from that bar pay-phone at 10:00 P.M.

Half an hour later, Eric was dead.

Lucas: At that time of night, you can drive from the Haney Public House to the victim's office in less than 20 minutes.

Coming back to wipe the prints is sloppy.

Why didn't he do it the night before?

Lucas: Maybe he wasn't planning on k*lling Eric Chase when he made the call.

Yeah. Confronts him outside his work, tempers flare, Eric winds up dead.

So why does he want Eric Chase dead?

Mm. Disgruntled client?

There's still the contentious custody battle.

What, the ex-wife?

Maybe. Why not?

There's no way Claudia Powell crushed her ex-husband's throat with her bare hands.

Besides, her friends all confirmed that she was at the free Tibet concert.

Right. So she got someone to do it for her.

Yeah, but with what money?

Ms. Powell's chronic unemployment was a factor in the judge's decision to award full custody of their son to Eric Chase.

There are other ways to pay for a m*rder.

You two, re-interview Claudia Powell.

Lucas, follow up with the victim's co-workers.

I got a feeling Ms. Powell won't be very receptive to my presence.

Yeah, well, if you don't go through her underwear drawer while we're conducting an interview, you'll be fine.

You went through her underwear drawer?

Well, I tell you what, Lucas. Why don't you go with Angie?

I'm gonna check out the mortgage broker.

All right. Have fun.



Hey, sport!

Is your dad home?

He's still at work.

Hey, how come you're not out playing with your friends?

Not allowed.

Huh? That doesn't seem fair.

You know, one of my kids had asthma when she was your age, but she grew out of it.

I'm going to go inside now.

My mom doesn't like me talking to strangers.

Your mom's a smart lady!

And she loves you.

She's very smart.

[Puffs and inhales]

[Rapping on door]


When in doubt, blame the spouse?

If you think we suspect you, why do you let us in?

Because I have nothing to hide, and talking here will be a lot more comfortable than in your sweatbox.

Our interview room a actually quite nice, all things considered.

Angie: Detective Brian Lucas.

So I see that Chad's living here now.

That was fast.

Claudia: Oh, custody reverts to me after Eric's death.

And how are you and Ronnie taking that transition?

Well, I'm not really concerned about the feelings of the woman who stole my husband and then tried to steal my son.

Must've been quite a custody battle.

Your family must be very upset with Eric.

My family live back east. They hardly know him.

Have you got a boyfriend?

Why? Are you interested?

S-s-sorry, I-I'm married.

And I was kidding.

You're not my type.

So it's just you and Chad, then?

Not by choice.

My dad died when I was little.

So it's not the kind of thing that I would ever wish on my son.

[Phone ringing]

[Alarm-active alert beeping, Eric whistling]

[Slams phone on seat]


I know you called me the other night.

I was in the middle of something.

Your mystery trip, huh?

Yeah. I tried to get away, but...

It's too bad. I really needed to talk.

Oh, Melinda. Crap. I'm sorry.

Ah, well, it happens.

Start the clock back at zero and, uh, start again.

Good evening, everyone.

Let's get started.

So, who wants to start off the night?

Cool. Barry. All right.

Come on up.

[Supportive applause]

Two days ago, I fell off the wagon.

My wife used to say the last bit of alcohol was the "angry inch" of the bottle, and it was that inch that cost me everything.

My wife.

My kids.

My home.

Last week...

I told my family that I'd finally made it one full year sober.

And they didn't care.

I'm thinking, "well, I did this for you."

My blood started boiling...

And the next thing you know, I'm...

Putting my fist through a wall.

Then I realized it's not the booze that makes me angry...

It's the anger that drives me to the booze.

And if I'm only getting sober for somebody else, I'm always going to be putting my fist through a wall.

[Eric gasping and struggling, Barry grunting]


Now I want to get sober for me.

I want that back in a year.

[Applause begins]

You don't really believe it was a client, do you?

Well, we're investigating several possible leads.

I would also love a list of all the names that Mr. Chase met in the last month.


I just don't think a client would do that.

Mr. Chase was so nice.

[Papers rustling]

Let me ask you, does this look like one of your clients?

The eyes are wrong.

You know him?

He came in the day before Mr. Chase was k*lled.

He wanted to speak to Mr. Chase, but he didn't have an appointment.

Did you get a name?

It was Tony... Something Italian.

Like an actor's, but not exactly.

Pacino? De Niro?



All right, you have a good day.

Mr. Tony DeNato... Small-time drug enforcer from back east.

He's got two charges of as*ault, he's got several possessions with intent, all were pled down or dropped by the prosecutors because of insufficient evidence.

So this guy's got one hell of a defense attorney.

Yeah. His last arrest was 10 years ago.

His current whereabouts "unknown."

Maybe he just went straight.

Nobody just "goes straight".

Is that the guy you saw at the bar?

Well, I'd love to say yes, but I couldn't swear to it under oath.

Well, better find somebody that can.

Claudia didn't even have the decency to call!

She just went to the school and took Chad!

Please. There's got to be something you can do.

Well, I will try to talk to her.

I promise, Ronnie.

Right now, we need you to focus on this.

Did Eric ever mention the name Tony DeNato?


Do you know if he had any friends named Tony?

Or Anthony?

Eric would never associate with someone like this.

What kind of a person do you think he was?

This isn't a judgment on your husband, Mrs. Chase.

Please just take another look, please.

I've never seen this man before.

Chad: Mom? Who is it?

No one, sweetie. Eat your dinner.

That smells good.

Tastes even better when it's hot.

What about the name Tony DeNato?

Never heard of him.

And two visits in one day is starting to feel like harassment.

Loudly: Good night to you, too!


Is it just me, or did she seem anxious to end our conversation?

We need a more-updated photo.

No, I'll tell you, what we need is a connection between Eric Chase and Tony DeNato.

Why does a low-level drug enforcer fly out to the west coast to confront a mortgage broker?

[Cell rings]

Detective Flynn.

Excuse me?

No, I did not authorize a $500 credit card purchase.

What was it for?

Thank you.

Davis Soo try to buy another stereo?

Manny just tried to hire a private detective!

Hey! You meet me down at the station. Now.

It's your mother.

[Frustrated sigh]

[Slams door]

[Elevator dings]


So what were you going for?

Disappointment or rage?

Give me the card.

I just want a name.

So you hire a private detective?

To get your attention.

Listen, I know you think that you're ready to talk to him.

I am ready, but you won't tell me his name, and you won't tell me why.

Did it ever occur to you that maybe he's not ready to meet you?

W-wait. He doesn't know I exist?

I didn't say that. I didn't say that.

Then why won't you talk to me about this?

I will.

I will.

When I get home.

You're deflecting!

I'm not deflecting.

I'm working. I'm working.

What? If Boyd comes out and sees his shadow, do we get six more weeks of winter?

Tell her what you told me.

Well, I figured that, if anyone would know of Mr. DeNato's whereabouts, it would be his arresting officers, so I called them.

They said they couldn't help me, and five minutes later, Boyd comes out of his office, tells me to stand down.

Been on the phone ever since.

Dropped charges.

Reduced sentences. Did you check the database?

I did.

[Weary sigh]

[Whacks key]


Mr. DeNato. Tony...

But he was here this morning. This doesn't make any sense.

Ah. It makes perfect sense if he's a cop.

Boyd: Flynn! Vega!


Well, at least now we know why we can't find him.


"Tony DeNato" was the cover identity for Sergeant Barry Ketchum.

He worked three years undercover for narcotics, and he's responsible for one of the largest drug busts on the east coast.

Well, that's great.

Now that we've got a more recent photo, we can re-interview.

The only thing you're doing is packing this case up for Internal Affairs.

This is a homicide investigation.

The fact that he's a cop doesn't change anything.

It changes everything.

For starters, who gets to investigate it?

Well, what are we supposed to tell Ronnie Chase?

Or Chad?

That his father's k*ller gets special treatment because he's a cop?

"We" don't get to tell them anything.

This is now an Internal Affairs issue.

Internal Affairs doesn't know how to investigate a homicide.

They're gonna screw this up, and then five years down the road, some disciplinary committee's gonna slap him on the wrist and he's gonna get to keep his pension.

We've seen that happen before!

For people who take bribes or drive drunk, never for m*rder.

Well, there's a first time for everything.

Not on my watch.

All right. How about... How about this?

You let us build a case against Ketchum.

You know it's not that simple.

There's a process.

Yeah! But the process is broken!

So if you hand this case over to I.A., you're facilitating it.

You need to pick a side!

I think you need to calm down, detective.

Oh, I do.

Maybe you should take a couple of days off.

We, thanks for the offer...

It's not an offer. It's an order.

You and I have been down this road before and I will not go down it again.

I'm willing to take a couple of days off myself, if that works... If that helps.


There is no way I'm gonna let that old boy's network protect another corrupt cop.

There's no way.

There is a big difference, Angie, between your old training officer and a m*rder*r.

Is there?


Jim Carlson took drug money and looked the other way, and people got hurt. You know that.

Yeah, but at least we know where Ketchum is, right?

There's nothing wrong with lulling a suspect into a false sense of security.

This case isn't gonna go anywhere.

That's the problem!

Okay. Well, what do you want to do?

I'm gonna do exactly what I've been told to do.

I'm gonna take a couple days off.

[Desk phone ringing]

Detective Vega.

Angie: You miss me?

Hey! Very much.

How's your first day of your vacation?

Oh, it's fantastic.

Right now, I'm sunbathing on the beach.

Later, I'm going to try para-sailing.

You're hilarious.

Listen, Boyd said we couldn't investigate Barry Ketchum, so I'm investigating Eric Chase.

We just got to find the connection from Eric's side.

Yeah, well, listen, whatever that connection is, it's Internal Affairs' problem now, right?

They're standing right there, aren't they?

You guessed it.

[A bell chimes in background]

Hey, wait, what was that? Where are you?

I'm about a block away from Barry Ketchum's station.

Are you out of your mind?

It was Boyd's idea!

Yeah, he told you to take some time off.

Yeah. That's what I'm doing.

Yeah, in the city where our suspect happens to live.

Hey! They also have a very vibrant music scene.

Listen, if Boyd finds out...

What, are you going to tell him?

No, I'm not going to tell him.

I'm gonna deny this conversation ever happened.

Well, fine. We're gonna be fine, then.

Angie, I need you to listen to me, all right?

You could lose your job here.

Yeah, yeah. Do me a favour and check in on Manny, okay?

All right, I'll do that.




It's Detective Angie Flynn. M.V.P.D.

Oh! Why, you are a long way from home, detective.

Well, I'm here on vacation, and I wanted to give a fellow officer a heads-up.

And that is?

Your name came up in relation to a case I was investigating.

My boss just handed it over to Internal Affairs.

What's the case?

It's homicide.

You're kidding?

Afraid not.

Some mortgage broker got m*rder*d.

And my name came up? How?

Well, I mean, one minute, I'm working a lead, the next think I know, I'm handing the whole thing over to the rat squad.

Okay, well... uh...

I appreciate you reaching out to me, detective.

We all bleed blue, sergeant.

Good luck with it.


Hey. You ever... You ever been out west?

'Cause you look familiar.

No, you know, I never have.

Guess you've just got one of those faces.



Hey, there he is.

Thanks for the invitation, Oscar.

Not a problem.

I know what it's like to be a bachelor, huh?

You eat over the sink, out of those take-out containers.

That's kind of the status quo at our place.

So, a...

A private detective, huh?


Mom told you about that?

Yeah, well, she just mentioned that, you know, you wanted to know about your dad.

Yeah. Wait...

It's not you, is it?

It is! No, I'm kidding.

Actually, that's funny. Smart-ass.

You know, if something's up, and you want to talk to someone who's not your mom, you know you can always come to me, right?

What makes you think something's up?

I'm a detective. I always think something's up.

[Manny chuckles]

Let's go.



Melinda: Stop it.

Barry: No, I'm serious.

Melinda: Um...

Let's get separate cabs.

What? Why?

Well, then it feels clandestine.

Sergeant Ketchum?

Detective Flynn?

What are the odds? Hey.


In a city of six million?

Pretty slim.

Listen, let me... Can I catch up to you?



Hey, I forgot to ask you yesterday.

You know a guy named Eric Chase?

Uh, should I?

He's the broker that got k*lled.

Maybe you investigated him one time?

Uh, nope.

You sure about that?

You don't want to check your notebooks, or anything?

Nah, I'm pretty good with details.

Well, I guess you would be, after all those years undercover.

How do you know I worked undercover?

Oh, I didn't tell you?

It was your undercover identity we stumbled across.

Tony DeNato.

Man, I guess you've got stories from that time, huh?

Yeah. Too many. Goodbye, detective.


All right, I'll see you later.

[Grunts, slams door]

Stu? Barry.

Something's comin' up I think you need to know about.

So did she accuse you of anything?

Well, I mean, not in so many words, but come on!

She comes by my place?

I just feel railroaded here.

All right, we're gonna take care of this right now.

Officer Angie Flynn, M.V.P.D.

Detective, actually. And you are?

Deputy Chief of Police Stuart Newendyke.


Want to explain to me why you're investigating one of my men?

I'm not investigating anyone.

Then why are you in my city?

I told Sergeant Ketchum, I'm here on vacation.

I thought I'd do him a favour.

If Internal Affairs was investigating me, I would appreciate the warning.

If you suspect my man of a crime, you should have gone through the proper channels.

Well, if I could eliminate him as a suspect, he might be able to avoid this whole I.A. situation.

All right. Barry?

I've got nothing to hide.

So where were you last Monday night?

I was here.

So if I check the airline passenger manifests, I will not find your name?

I don't know what you'll find.

But Tony DeNato was an undercover identity of yours?


Yes, it was.

Who knew about that identity?

Deputy Chief. My handlers.

Couple of prosecutors.

Any family members?

I would never tell my wife or my kids.

Maybe your wife found out some other way?


"When in doubt, blame the spouse."

That's a unique sentiment.

I think I've heard that once before.

All right. That's it. You're done.

I am. I am absolutely done here.

Now, what the hell was that?

Barry: I don't know.

Angie: How's it going on your end?

Any luck finding a connection?

Our hands are tied.

The airlines won't give us their passenger manifests without a warrant, and we can't get a warrant without Boyd finding out we're still investigating the case.

And no one is willing to make a positive I.D.

Mr. Ketchum is either really lucky...

- ...or he's really smart. - He's lucky.

Yeah, well, not for too much longer.

I think I've found the connection between Eric Chase and Barry Ketchum.


You're already looking at suspension.

Do you want to try for termination?

Yeah, I'll be going soon enough.

I just came by because I wanted to say thank you for the advice.

What advice?

"When in doubt, blame the spouse."

We're going to arrest Eric Chase's first wife.

The name Claudia Powell sound familiar?


Well, she's a piece of work. She hates cops.

Do you know why?

He said he doesn't know her.

I think he does.

Well, I got a plane to catch.

Mutters: Great.


What's your wife's maiden name?

That's my ex-wife.

Yeah. Not what I asked.

Okay, I don't have any time for this.

It's not Powell, is it?

[Phone ringing]


Hey, baby girl.

It's me. Your daddy.

How did you get this number?

I'm a cop, sweetheart.

I can get anything I want.

Are you drunk?

No! Hey. You know, that's why I'm calling.

I just wanted to let you know, um...

One year clean.

You get a cash bonus with that?

If you need money,

I can get money.

I know all about your promises.

I also know that this isn't about me.

Making amends is all about forgiving yourself.

You know, I'm sorry for all the pain that I caused you.

I know I wasn't, uh...

Wasn't the best dad, but you're my daughter.

And, uh...

I love you.

You sure had a strange way of showing it.

Claudia... - No!


I am unemployed.

I'm probably not going to be able to my rent this month and my ex-husband and his new wife have practically kidnapped my son.

I can help you.

The last thing I want is your help.

Never call me again.

Claudia? Please, Claudia... Claudia?

Roars: Claudia!

[Glass shatters]

My personal life is none of your business.

Oh, it is...

When your daughter obstructs a m*rder investigation.

You don't know what you're talking about.

Oh, we showed Claudia your mug shot and she claimed she didn't recognize you.

She lied.

That's enough to get a warrant for her DNA, then the lab's gonna make a familial match between her and the k*ller, you.

Viciously: You have got nothing!

Lowers voice: She's...

She's bluffing.

If I'm bluffing...

Then you'll agree to a strip search.

Why would I do that?

Because Eric had DNA under his fingernails from the k*ller.

Do you got any fresh injuries you're hiding, Bar?

All right, maybe we want to take this upstairs.

Aw, come on! You actually believe some of this?

DNA match is enough to get a warrant for getting airline passenger manifests, and that'll put you in Vancouver at the time of the m*rder, then you and your daughter will go away for the m*rder of Eric Chase.

You leave Claudia out of this!

Oh, you see, I thought you didn't know her.

Roars: My daughter's not involved in this!

Eric Chase?

Yes? How can I help you?

Well, you can start by tearing up that custody agreement and giving Claudia back her kid.

A child needs to be with his mother.

I'm sorry, but who the hell are you?

I'm her father.



Claudia always told me that you were dead.

Well, I got better.

Since when did they start letting bastards out of hell?

You know, it's gonna be really tough for you to lip off without a jaw.

Wow. You know, I always thought she was exaggerating, but now I know why she tells people you're dead.

You know...

Hey hey!

Who the hell are you to judge me? Huh?

[Groaning and gasping]

[Eric gasping and choking]

I tried my best!

[Wheezing faintly]

[Eric sputters]


I tried my best.

They can't see that.


Oh! Oh! g*n!

Newendyke: Lower the w*apon, sergeant!

Claudia had nothing to do with it.

Cut her loose!

I'm gonna reach for my phone.

Go on, then.

Newendyke: Lower the g*n, Barry.

Let's go!

Angie: Got some intel on the Eric Chase homicide.

Claudia's not involved.

Yeah. Cut her loose.

Drop all charges.

It's over. It's done.

Just put the g*n down.

Nobody has to get hurt.


Lower the g*n.

I'm just...

I-I-I'm just trying to get my family back.

It's just...

I just wanted to get the chance to get to know my grandson.


We're all on your side.

Just put down the g*n.


That's good.

No, no... No, no, no, no...

[g*nsh*t echoes]

["Little Hell" by City and Colour plays]

♪ What if I can't be ♪
♪ all that you need me to be? ♪
♪ we've got a good thing going ♪
♪ we have some promises to keep ♪
♪ but my addiction ♪
♪ it can be such a detriment ♪
♪ please believe in this, my dear ♪
♪ I am more than penitent ♪
♪ what if everything's ♪
♪ just the way that it will be? ♪
♪ could it be ♪
♪ that I am meant to cause you all this grief? ♪

How was your vacation?

I've had better.

I guess you're anxious to get back to work.

Vega grunts: There she is.


Thank you.

Welcome back.

Seeya, buddy.

Yeah. Hey.


Is everything okay, Mom?


His name is Mark Danson.

And you have his eyes.