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01x03 - Pushover

Posted: 02/19/13 16:37
by bunniefuu

P.A. Announcement: Oceanic passengers, please proceed to route four. Oceanic passengers, please proceed to route four. Please have your passenger declaration cards ready.

If you could see the officer across from you?

Thank you.

P.A. Continues: Cruise ship passenger Rodriguez Manirez, Rodriguez Manirez...

There you go.

Well, well, well, what do we have here?

Rabbit Foo-Foo.

Rabbit foo-foo, huh?

Well, you know what, we have been on the lookout for a suspicious rabbit with big, floppy ears, and Mr. Foo-Foo fits the description.

Don't let him take my rabbit!


He's kidding, honey.

It was a joke.

You can go.


Smooth move, Crewson.

You're a real charmer.



Thank you.



[All gushing and laughing]

I hope your day turns out as good as mine, bro.

Thank you, sir.

I hope so, too.

[Helicopter whirring overhead]

Where's your car?

Got towed. Can you believe it?

This time of night?

I'm going to need a ride to the impound.

It serves you right for parking your car where it doesn't belong.

Yeah, what is that? What are you doing there?

You trying to be cute?

Oh, I know I'm cute.

Oh, I know you're cute, too.

Forensics done with the scene?

Yeah, the dance floor is all ours.

Late-night jogger discovered the body.

Car's still running.

Coroner on the way?

She's on her way.


What are you doing?

Would you look at that?

Oh, dear, look at that, Angie. Look what happened here.

His wallet fell out.

Let me see that.

Scott Hayward.

Born in '86.

That's an unrestricted class-three.

Have you been putting your hands all over my body?

No, ma'am, no, not without permission.

Permission to back away.

So we got one limo driver, one wallet, one limo, keys still in the ignition.

I don't know, road rage?

Or he picked up the wrong customer.

[Brakes screech]

Oh, shit.

[Coins clattering, groans in frustration]

Motive 01x03
Original Air Date February 17, 2013

Blackstone Limousine Services.

We got a GPS system.

The techs sprayed with luminol.

Yeah, we've got body fluid graffiti back here.

Party time.

Who knows how many people left their DNA... everywhere.

What the hell was he doing out here?

Well, you gotta think sudden stop.

Gets out, runs.

I don't know, let's say he's being chased.

Or he's doing the chasing.

Coroner: Detectives!

I've got a GSW, right side, between the seventh and eighth ribs.

Powder burns on the shirt, and no exit wound.

No hole in the jacket?


So the k*ller was up close enough to put the g*n under his jacket.

Be hard to do that if you were running.


Forensics didn't pick up any brass casings.

Revolvers don't eject brass.

Or the k*ller picked it up.

No wallet.

I'm thinking that that's what you groped off the body, Mr. hands.


You know, you would make a fantastic detective.

You're lovely, you're generous, you're forgiving...

And your charm has no effect on me.

Oh, come on, how could that be true?

We've got to check and see who Scott Hayward picked up last.

Yeah, and find out why he was taking a ride over here after midnight.

[Knocks on hood]

Yo, Gord. I need 27.

Sorry, pal, I booked this three days ago.

Check the sheet.

Get out of the car.

What are you doing?

I'm doing my run with this limo.

Now, you wanna bitch to Braunbek, be my guest.

I were you, I'd take 12 and be happy the only knock you feel is coming from the bearings.

You feel me?


Take it easy, Scotty.

She's all yours.

That's right.

[Starts engine]

[Bell dings] Order up!

What happened last night?

I tried calling you.

I had some trouble.

[Stammering] I couldn't get the stuff out.

I have my whole life in two suitcases.

What am I supposed to do?

Liane, we can still make this work.

We can't talk here.

[Order bell dings]

Need something hot?


I don't know, what's good?

From the kitchen?

Not much.

Okay then.

I'd tell you to find a late-night drive-through, but I'd be here all by my lonesome.

A girl goes a little squirrely with no one to talk to.

I know how to talk.

I mean, I can talk.

Talk-talking is good.


Yeah, talking's good.

You a customs officer?

Uh, yeah.

I'm sorry, I've always been a little curious.

How does that work, with the strip searches and all?

That's just part of the job.

But you have to get people down to their underwear, don't you?

[Chuckles] Sometimes, we do, but we try to be really discreet about it, and...

Discreet's good.

I'm sorry.


I'm, uh, Ben.

I have a thought, Ben.

I could go get you a plate of Kenny's hockey puck meatloaf and let you go back to your book, or...

I can get out that cherry pie that I've been saving, and you could tell me all about the things people are hiding underneath their clothes.

Uh, I-I love a good cherry pie.

Right? Who doesn't?

Did Scott have any problems with his fares?

Any incidents in the past?

No, we do high-end luxury clients.

Prepaid corporate accounts.

And Scott had more repeat business than anybody else.

He was my best driver.

Did you know he had priors?

Yeah. Stupid stuff.

He'd gotten in some fights when he was younger.

What about the other drivers?

Nobody likes being number two.

Look, Scott was a hustler.

He always had top car, and it got heated with the other drivers, but, come on, it's nothing to k*ll a guy over.

Who was his last fare yesterday?

Scott had an 8:00 P.M. pickup.

Spreg and Associates.

It's a regular.

Standing reservation, four hours every Tuesday.

What are they?

Investment bankers, a law firm?

Randy Spreg, Esq.

On Georgia.

Thank you.


Here's the GPS data for the last month.

The victim drove all all over the city.

Can you pull up Tuesday night's from 8:00 P.M. to midnight?

Same every week.

Starts out on Georgia, then drives to the cruise terminal downtown, then to the airport, and then back onto Georgia.

And last night...

Why is it the same route every time?

Picking up people from the airport and the cruise line?

Can you print that for me?

Maybe he's an immigration lawyer.

Not immigration.


I'm telling you, I remember this Spreg guy from my time in gangs.

Repped low-level pushers and pimps.

Now he's riding around town in a high-end limo.

He's moving up the food chain from thugs to bosses.

He probably wants to look like a big-shot with a driver.

Let's go pay him a visit.

I love talking to lawyers.

Yeah, you do.

Well, he picked me up at the same time as usual.

He dropped me off at the same time as usual.

After that, I got no idea.

What time was that?

Uh... 11:00. 11:30.

Yeah, I can never get used to riding in the back seat.

I got some kind of inner ear thing.

You ever get that, car sickness?


So you wouldn't say Scott was the worst driver?

It was a smooth ride?

Easy on the bumps.

Yeah. Sure.

Would you say he was a great driver?

A superstar. Best you've ever had?

He was a driver.

Same as any other driver no better, no worse.

So then how come you specifically requested him?

In fact, a month ago, when he called in sick with the flu, you cancelled, even though Blackstone offered you a replacement.

If I have a client in the car, Scott didn't need to be told to keep his nose pointed towards the road and out of my business.

I appreciate that.

So you weren't alone last night in the limo?

The guy was alive and well when he dropped me off, and that's all I'm going to say about it.

If I had a client in the car, then it's privileged.

You can talk to your prosecutor, she'll explain that to you.

And you can tell her I said hello.


That's subtle.


Okay, okay, I eat out a lot.

Can you tell?

Your neighbours are growing snapdragons and goldenrod on their patio.

You stole their flowers?

I pruned a bit.

Hang on a second.

What do you got there?

Don't laugh.

I'm not going to laugh.

Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to run a flower shop.

Let me see that.

I know it's silly, but I love making wedding bouquets.

I could literally make them every day for the rest of my life.

It's beautiful.

If only I could get out of this city, to this little town, and have that little flower shop there, I would just be so happy I'm saving up, but it's going to take me years.

You know, Liane, if I could, I'd get it for you.

It's silly.

Silly, silly dream.

I guess having a dream is better than working in a diner for the rest of my life.

You should see some of the people we get in there.

It's just...

Hey, I came into the diner.

It was the best decision I ever made.

You did, too.

I'm so glad you made it.

You're one of the good guys, aren't you?

[Clattering] Whoa! Whoa!



Look what we have here.

Nine millimeter.

It was stuck in the supraspinous fossa.


Shoulder blade.

What was the path through the body?

Okay, it started here.

Went up, hit an artery, then it hit the heart, k*lling him, ended up in the shoulder.

Well, that's an interesting angle.

I mean, he might have been on the ground, lying down when he was shot.

It's possible, what if the k*ller was on the ground, and he's reaching up to sh**t him.

I like it better.

But I'll tell you what, b*llet's intact.

You find the w*apon, forensics will be able to match it.

[File rasping]

Look what we found.

Take a look.

Yeah, I'm not going back into the stew.

Under the molding.

Omni-directional mic.


Is that attached to a recording device?


Leads to an earpiece connector under the driver's seat.

No wonder Scott liked this car.


Maybe he heard something he shouldn't have, got him k*lled.

( ♪ )

[Phones rings]

This our limo jockey case?

Yeah, a g*ng lawyer goes to the cruise terminal, and then to the airport every week.

Check Spreg's client list.

See if anyone has skipped out on their bond.

The limo was parked at the cruise terminal, what time?

8:35 to 9:17 P.M.

All right, so the cruise ship is coming into the docks for an overnight stay, right?

Passengers were coming off the ship.

So, Spreg picks someone up, then gets Scott to drive them to the airport.

No stops along the way.

That's in and out of the country in under an hour.

So you're telling me this happened every week?

Like clockwork.

We need names.

Yes, sir.

As you were.

And you as well, sir.

Customs supervisor: You've got six weeks coming your way.

I know it's short notice.

I was wondering when you were going to be taking some of this time off.

Everyone needs to relax...

[Knocking on partition]

Mpd homicide.

I'm detective Angie Flynn.

I've got a few questions for you, but I can wait, too...

No, it's okay. I'm done.



How can I help you?

In our investigation, we've come across a lawyer who picks someone up from the Mexico to Alaska cruise that stops here.

He drives them to the airport, and they fly out.

Is there any way you can tell me who they are?

It happens every week.

Well, let's have a look.

Well, nothing weekly...

There you go.

Four names that came in three times in the last three months.

Did any of them come in on Tuesday?


We've got Lomez. Savio Lomez.

Came in Tuesday on the Oceanic.

And those other three names, they came in on a Mexican passport?

Mexico, Mexico... Mexico.

Could that be one individual cycling through identities?

Probably not.

You know, sometimes, a smuggling network does this kind of thing.

They know we don't routinely track names.

I mean, it's too much work.

You mind showing me the procedures around here?

And then when you get a chance, if you could email me those names, I'd really appreciate it.

I'd like to get first crack at them.


Well, my neighbours are going to be pissed, but I took the whole plant.

That's so sweet!

Those are beautiful. Thank you.

I'll put them in here.

Here, I'll get you some coffee.

Can I have some scrambled eggs, please?

Hey, guess what?

I was kind of eavesdropping on this guy today, and I heard him talking about the cruise ships.


Mm-hmm, and he was saying something about bringing steroids and money across the border.

Isn't that, like, illegal?


Of course, it is.

Who was this guy?

I don't know, he was some big guy.

He had, like, a moustache and a red ball cap.

He did say something about Tijuana and coming back in, like, a week?

Thank you.

This is a real deal. It's gonna be big.

Why? What do you mean? How come?

Look, if he's already in the country, and he's talking about bringing dr*gs off the cruise next week?

That means he's got to fly back to Mexico, pick up the dr*gs, board the cruise ship, sail back, go through customs...

It's just, it's a lot of trouble.

It's got to be big.

Really? Like, how big?

How big do you think?

Well, this one time, I, uh...

I saw a guy with $50,000 in two money belts wrapped around his leg.

No kidding.

You know, Liane, this could be a huge bust for me.

Oh, my God, could you imagine?

I mean, that's the kind of money that could really change our whole lives around, and it's just going to sit in some government building.

It's so depressing, oh, my God.


Keep the change.

Thank you.

So the primary screening is done at the kiosks.

Mostly routine.

Anything suspicious is passed on to the secondary inspection.

This is where they look through bags?

Is everything covered by cameras?

Yeah, everything except the cells downstairs.

That's for the peels.

The, uh, body searches.

Nobody goes in or out without an officer.

You'll flag those four names if they come through again?

'Cause we'll want to question them.

Yeah, no problem.

Great. Thank you.

Just pack what you can fit in two suitcases.

Nothing more.

Make sure you bring all your important papers.

Forget everything else, just forget it.

Are you leaving all this stuff behind, too?

Yeah, screw it.

Goodwill's coming to get it.

Look, we can just buy stuff somewhere else.

Are we really going to do this?

Do you remember that walk that we took in Stanley Park? Yes.

You gotta meet me there at midnight.

Don't tell anyone where you're going, especially from work.

Loose lips and all that.

[Squealing with excitement]

Come on, this is serious! This is serious.

I know, I just, I would never have believed it.

What, you didn't think I had it in me?

I just never believed I would find someone like you.

And I would get to live my dream.

And in the real world, too, not just all in my head!

It's our dream now.

Just the two of us.

Is it okay to tell you I love you?


All right, Savio Lomez, let's start with him.

What was he bringing into the country?

I don't know who you're talking about.

Cut it out. I know you do.

You know what that is, right?

Looks like a wire.

We found it in the limo.

Scott kept his nose on the road, but he had his ear on you.


No, I've never seen this before.

Savio Lomez. Benito Diaz.

Arturro del Rio.

Gabriel Luna.

You picked them all up at the cruise terminal, and you brought them to the airport.

Every Tuesday.

So, was it you or Lomez who found the wire?

Look, I didn't know anything about the wire.

So Lomez found it.

No, he didn't.

I thought you didn't know who I was talking about.

I'm leaving.

Before you go, you want to tell us about your nine millimeter?

My what?

Well, you registered a glock nine millimeter, right?

So, we're just, you know, serving warrants at your home and office right now.

Look, the people I work for sometimes give me gifts.

Sometimes, those gifts are g*ns.

I get them registered.

I'm a law-abiding citizen.

If you find that glock, it'll still be in the box.

And I'll tell you what, why don't you keep it?

'Cause I got no use for it.

Well, that went well.
P.A. announcement: All passengers, please follow the yellow line to customs and immigration. For all information on connecting cruises, please see your representative on the main level.

Crewson, you're always reading those books, right?

You read that hunger games stuff?

My kid's screaming about how everybody else has read it.

Is it all that vampire crap?

You know, these vampires now, they, uh, they go to high school.

I thought they were supposed to die in the daylight or something and shrink up.

And the hunger games, what is that?

That's a game about vampires being hungry?

[Voice fades into a blur]

Should I let him read it or what?

Crewson, are you listening to me?

If you want a stupid kid, don't let him read anything.

Excuse me, sir.

Can I have a moment?

I got stamped.

Yeah, I know.

Just this way. Just a moment.

Bags on the table, please.

Against the wall, please, sir.

Anabolic steroids are illegal in this country.

Are you aware of that?

I don't know how they got there.

That's not mine.

Oh, my God.

Some guy gave me that bag.

Told me not to look inside.

Do you have anything else on you?

No. I swear.

Please don't arrest me.

Well, it's your lucky day.

I'm going to confiscate that and the dr*gs, but I'm going to let you go.

I can go?

Well, you said someone gave them to you, right?

You keep your mouth shut and get out of here.

You understand me?

One word about this, I pinch you for the whole lot.

That's 10 years federal time, minimum.

You want that?

All right, let's go.

Come on.

Where's the stuff?

Lomez: The customs guy took me downstairs.

Got the dr*gs and the money.

What, and he didn't detain you?

I'm telling you.

Lomez: The guy just took everything.

Spreg: Who knew you were coming tonight?

Lomez: Only you. Nobody else.

Spreg: Describe this guy.

Nada on Spreg's nine mil.

He was right, it was never fired.

He also employed the services of an escort at 11:45 P.M.

And a Miss D.D. Diamond confirms that he was at home at the time of the m*rder.

Let me look at that. That's "double-d."

What did I say?


All right, maybe we're on the wrong track.

What other reason could Scott have had for being in Stanley park at midnight?


You mean "Al Pacino in leather" cruising?

Yeah. What do we know about Scott's personal life?

We've got a bottle of tomato juice and three different kinds of mustard.

That is it.

Nothing in the medicine cabinet.

Everything is in here.

Maybe he was getting ready to travel.

That looks like Scott's favorite place.

Bertie's True Blue Diner.

Let's Google that.

Liked the BLT...

"L" was his waitress of choice.

All of these are after midnight.

You know, eating after midnight is really bad for his metabolic cycle.

I'm sure the b*llet he took through his heart was worse.

Hey, partner, listen, meet me at Bertie's True Blue Diner.

The address is...

Right by the cruise terminal.

Well, that's convenient.

Scott drove Spreg on Tuesdays, right, then he came here after midnight.

I mean, the place would be empty.

Yeah, but if there's a boat docked at the port, the terminal is still open with a skeleton crew.

Hey, you guys hungry?


Okay, let me guess.

Chef's salad, hold the dressing, for the lady.

And for Mr. Handsome, I'd say a steak sandwich.

Okay, that, only other way around...


Oh, hey...

Is that you?

We're from MPD.

Let me just put this down.


What's this about?

We are wondering if you recognize this guy?

Yeah, he comes in here.

Order up! [Bell dings]

You ever see him with anyone?


He's always alone.

Limo driver, I think.

Did he... do something?

Well, he's dead.

Remember the last time he was here?

No, I...

[Order bell dings]

Yo, Liane, order up. Let's go.

[Claps impatiently]

I'm sorry, I don't really remember anything.

I-I can't help you.

Mind if we ask you a question?


This guy, you ever see him getting friendly with your waitress out there?

Liane? No.

I've seen him, but he didn't pay any attention to her.

What, did he paid attention to somebody else?

Sure did.

He watched the bookworm.

Who's the bookworm?

Guy would sit out front, reading and spilling coffee on his uniform.

This guy, would watch him like a hawk.

What kind of uniform?

I think customs.

You think?

Yeah, customs.

Hey, pal, I bet you think you're some kind of mastermind.

You ripped off the wrong people.

I don't know you.

Oh, you're gonna get to know me.

I'm going to give you the rest of the day to give me back my money and my pills, because bad things can happen to schmoes who get in over their heads.

Yeah, that's right.

I can put two and two together.

So maybe I'll go talk to that hot blonde cop, or maybe you get me my money, and I forget her number.

Just get it for me.


[Echoes of struggle and g*nsh*t]

[Breathing hard]

[Dialing number]

What happened?

I don't know. The smugglers.

They're onto us.

Oh, my God, what if they want to k*ll us?

We have to leave tonight.

We step up the plan, okay?

You're going to have to help me get the money out.


Because there are cameras everywhere.

I can't do it by myself without a huge distraction.

Why don't you just wrap it around your legs like that guy with the 50 grand?

I can't wrap it around my legs, Liane.

Why not?

Because it's not 50 grand, ok?

It's two million dollars.



Hey, is that a good book?

Um, yeah.

I'm Detective Angie Flynn.

We didn't get to meet yesterday.


Hey, you know where I could get a good sandwich?

I could really go for a BLT.

Uh, try one of the hotels around here?

Yeah, but I don't want to spend 15 bucks on a BLT.

I can't really help you, sorry.

Okay, this will get you in the passenger area, and this gets you out to customs, okay?

"Time of her life?"

Yeah, you should read it.

It's right up your alley.

Thank you so much, sir, for coming in.

I hope to see you again soon.

Would you look at that, they got a BLT on their board.

Uh, yeah.

Good luck with it. It's not very good.

It's tough to screw up a BLT.

Black, two sugars.

It's gonna be a long night.

Aren't they all?

See the floppy hat, halfway back?

Yeah. So what?

She's holding onto that bag like it's got the cure for cancer in it.

You want us to send her your way?

I can't think of a better way to start the night.

Landlord: The guy had his head in a book all the time, but he paid the rent.

Never gave me any trouble.

Then boom!

All of a sudden, the place is empty, and the keys are in my mailbox.


Yeah. No problem.

No busts. Thanks.

Okay, perfect.

All right, Mr. Ben Crewson was an only child.

Parents deceased.

He was never married.

Went to community college, where he tried different jobs.

Social worker.

Prison guard.

Ended up in customs.

No commendations, no big busts.

He's Mr. Average.

Well, we all know Mr. Average never has anything to hide, right?

You know that waitress?

I know she's involved, but how?

Okay... [sighing]

Let me think.

We know Spreg was smuggling probably dr*gs, right?

Ben, Mr. Average customs guard, is the inside man?

He makes sure the mule gets outside to Spreg.

Limo driver listens in, finds out about it, gets greedy.

Goes after Ben, winds up dead.

Why would Scott go after the inside man?

Either way, we know who we should be talking to.

Mr. Average.

Officer Rafalski is going to search you.

Put your bags on the table, please.

I don't know what I did wrong.

This is just standard procedure.

It shouldn't take long.

Um, I really need to use the lady's room.

Officer Rafalski's going to have to stay with you.

That's fine.

I don't care if everyone watches at this point.

I'll take her to the wet cell.

Come on, come with me.

I checked her, she's clean.

All right.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Enjoy your stay.

She didn't even pee.

Must have been stage fright.


How well did you check that bag?


We got interrupted.

I thought you were going to finish it...

The other bag. It was really heavy.

I didn't look.

Aw, come on, Rafalski, go stop her!

[Walkie-talkie squawks]

Available officers, woman in sun hat and glasses, heading to the South exit...

Stop right there!

Drop the bags!

Drop the bags.


What's-what's going on?

What do you got here?

I don't know. Those aren't mine.

[Handcuffs snap shut]

You better have my money.

Looks like we've got a lot to talk about.

[Pulls keys from ignition]


How you doing?

You're not going anywhere.

We've got him on the smuggling, but his g*n barrel has been filed, so we've got nothing to nail him on the m*rder.

Scott was on the ground, right?

Yeah, maybe Ben, right, 'cause the angle.

So why did he detail the inside of his car?

[Sighs, tapping thoughtfully]

The angle of the b*llet was up.

You're Scott.


What do you do to stop me from driving away?

Well, I'm coming after the keys...


Yeah, that's the... that's the right angle.

Did you guys find any shell casings in the car?


Just like you said.

He picked it up.

[Casing clatters softly]

[Snorts with laughter]

Tear out the vents. Check all the hoses.

A thousand bucks you can't do that again.

[Scoffs] You don't have a thousand bucks.

Calm down, Lucas, you're going to do fine.

[Breathing hard]

We're, uh, taping this, right?

My first interrogation.

Do you think I could get a copy of it?

Will you sit down?

It's not an audition.

[Door opens]

Please have a seat.


I'm Detective Lucas.

We need to ask you a few questions.

Oh, my God, you need to help me.

This is crazy. I don't know what to do.

That's why we're here, to help.

Angie: You were in possession of a controlled substance.

I never thought that Ben would plant dr*gs on me.

I thought he was a good guy.

You have to believe me.

Angie: What time did you get to work on Tuesday?

And I didn't know anything.

And this always happens to me.

These guys just end up using me because I'm too trusting.

You know, I've learned that.

I just believe that everyone's a good person, and then I end up here, all alone.

You have to help me.

Tell me what to do.

I'm scared.

I will do what I can.

[Chair wheels squeak]

I gotta give you props.

That's a good act.

I don't understand, I'm sorry. An act?

Well, you do have a way with the boys, don't you?

But now you gotta talk to me.

I wanna cut a deal.


That's what I thought.

You tell me what I wanna know, then you'll talk about your deal.


When did Scott get the idea to rob Spreg?

It would be easy.

I wait till the lawyer puts the money in the trunk, then take them out to a field somewhere, toss him out of the car, and we take off.

That's no good.

They'll come after us, and we can't spend our whole lives looking over our shoulders.

You got a better idea?

Well, they can't know it's us, right?

So we need to find somebody to go get the money for us.

Who's going to do that?

There's a customs officer that comes into the diner.

He's got eyes for me.

How would you get him to do that?

[Chuckles knowingly]

I have my ways.


[Handcuff clicks]


Filing out the barrel was not a bad idea.

No way to match the b*llet we found in Scott.

It was a cleaning accident.

Aw, but look at that.

You forgot to file down the firing pin.

That leaves a mark.

So does the extractor.

Leaves little claw marks that we could match to this.

You didn't find it because it was in your air vent.

I know what it feels like, you know.

That whole world you got, that you keep tucked away inside you.

Sometimes, I think there's nothing worse than having an imagination if you've got nowhere to put it.

And if they knew...

They wouldn't underestimate you.

But then Liane was there, and you feel you can open up to her.

She needs you.

She caught a glimpse of what was inside you.

I couldn't believe my luck.

At first, I thought this was all about money.

And then I realized you didn't k*ll him for the money.

It's because of her.

Who the hell are you?

Where's the money?

I don't have any money. Where's Liane?

You really think she's going to run away with a guy like you.

She told you?

You joke.

You little man.

Who... who do you think set this all up?

She's with me the whole time.

Why do you think I'm here and she's not?


You're lying.

All we needed was a customs guard.

She had you sitting up and begging in no time.

Now, you give me the money before I beat what's left out of your useless life.

[Shot cracks]

[g*ns engine, tires squealing]

You loved her.

Yeah, I thought... I thought it was love.


Only a betrayal like that could make someone do what you did.

What were you going to do with the money?

Open a flower shop in a small town.

I was going to send Liane postcards in prison.

To let her feel it.

You know?

To let her feel it.

Can I ask you a question?


Were you using me in there?

Well, think about it.

I needed to see her true colours.

She couldn't help herself.

Well, a little warning would have been nice.

Fair enough.

Do you think it would have worked if you'd known?

I don't know.

What was that?

A teachable moment?

I'm sandie rinaldo.

Growing calls...

To call off... a contentious pipeline project.

And... real estate reality check...

After a warning from Canada's top banker.

Next on ctv national news.

It's dairy queen's three ways to say cheese.

Right now, you can get a single cheeseburger for just $1.99, a double cheeseburger for just $2.99, or a triple cheeseburger for just $3.99.

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Tim Allen: What inspires us to build safer automobiles?

People like Ana and David, who are always worried about...

Lucas! (Chuckling)






Tim Allen: The Chevrolet cruze with 10 standard airbags and a 5-star overall vehicle score for safety.

Inspired by Ana, David, and Lucas.

From what matters to you, to what"s important to us.


Announcer: Would you lie for a free pizza?

So, how can I help you?

I'm bringing this one back.

I didn't love the delicious new recipe.

But you just called it delicious.

Yes, I didn't.

You also ate eight boxes...

Wasn't me! (Laughing nervously)

I can't eat fresh-baked crust.

I don't love quality cheese.

Mrs. park...


Mccain's new rising crust pizza recipe is so good, it has a money-back taste guarantee.

But you'd probably have to lie to take us up on it.

It has a money-back taste guarantee.

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I"ve got a hot new idea.

Strawberry, brown sugar, maple, I"ve gathered you here because...

You"ve got the hots for someone?

You"re getting warmer!

I actually am getting warmer.

Oh! You warmed up the milk!

Try something new:

Mini-wheats cereal in hot milk.

A lightly frosted, high-fibre way to keep warm this winter.

All: Mini-wheats are so hot right now!

Try new mini-wheats centres raspberry flavoured cereal with real fruit filling.

Sam Elliot: The distances aren"t getting shorter.

With best-in-class fuel economy of 36 Miles per gallon, ram trucks are engineeeed of 36to go rther.R.Lon, the all-w 201313 mm 1500.

Right now, get an all-new 202013 ra 15 s sxt 4x4 for less than 5,5,000.

Sandie: Plans to pump Canadian crude to the united states.

Calls to scrap a controversial pipeline.

You can't compromise the planet for jobs.

Sandi t the mega project that has both sides digging in.

> Shocking details about the m*rder investigation involving an olympic star.

We can only give Oscar our support at this point in time.

Sandie: Reports of a key piece of evidence found at the home of Oscar pistorius.

> And a s spectacular fall fr fortune...

The more you play, the more you lose, and she played a great deal.

Sandie: The fast food heiress who lost it all after a ten-year betting binge.

Announcer: "Ctv national news" with sandie rinaldo.

Sandie: Good evening.

Thousands of angry environmentalists marched on the white house today, but the real focus of t their frustration wa the great white north.

They're protesters that want to stop the proposed keystone xl pipeline from the alberta oil sands.

They say the oil is dirty and the pipeline is dangerous, and they're ramping up the pressure on U.S. president Barack Obama who has promised to take action on climate change.

Ctv's joy malbon has the details.

Reporter: Nothing personal these environmentalists say, but when it comes to climate change, trans-Canada's keystone xl pipeline is their favourite target.

What do I say to Canadians?

I say it's still not right.

It's still not... you can't compromise the planet for jobs.

Reporter: Thousands of protesters determined to hold the president to his pledge after devastating drought in storms like Sandy, Obama promised action on global warming, and they want him to k*ll keystone.

This pipeline would carry almost a million barrels of oil every day into the U.S.
