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01x02 - Crimes of Passion

Posted: 02/12/13 03:13
by bunniefuu
You are not volunteering for my campaign because you want me to be mayor.

You are here today because you want change.

You want a police force with the resources to do the job right.

You want bigger tax breaks for families, you want better funding for public schools.

I mean, that is why you are volunteering for my campaign.

[Smattering of applause]

Now, I've been a prosecutor for a long time, and if there is one thing that I've learned, it's that you don't pick a fight you don't think you can win, and I know I'm gonna win this.

Why? Because of you.

You've got my back...

Crowd joins in: And I've got your back.


All right, let's get to work!

We've got four weeks left.

That slogan is awful.

They love it.

They love the complimentary snacks.

Now you get back to work, too.

[Cafe bustle and chatter in the background]

It's 4:00 P.M., knowledge slut.

I don't know who you're trying to impress.

You know what? At a certain point, you have to wake up to the world around you.

[Grumbles mockingly]

Now, that's somethin' I'd like to wake up to.

Check your nine.


Tyson Ogilvie is anything but "ugh."

I already have one boyfriend I don't want.

I don't need another.

Well, aren't you just the fatal femme?

Uh, I think you mean "femme fatale."

[First-responder chatter, radios crackling]

Lucas: I've never seen someone knocked out of their shoes before.

Oh, God, she's just a kid.

Yeah, I know.

Tiffany Greenwood.

Student card was in her pocket.


No one saw the accident.

One person who heard it described it as, "thud, then screech, then vroom."

It's his words, not mine.

That was around 10:30.

The skid marks...

Indicate that the vehicle was doing at least 60.


On her leg, there's a mark on her right thigh.



That looks like a... Like a hood-lock assembly.

Like on a race car?

Or something custom.

And red paint abrasions on the bike.

If we're lucky, the paint's custom, too.

Well, Detective Vega, it is so nice of you to grace us with your presence.

You just got here yourself.

Go canvass the neighborhood.

Everything okay? You good?

Yeah, why wouldn't I be?

Well, you know, look, the last time I beat you to a crime scene...

I have never beaten you to a crime scene.

Yeah, I was, uh... I was tied up.

Look at her jacket.

Something protected her when she fell, hit the pavement.

Hey! Did anyone find her bag?

Cops, overlapping: No.

A bag?

Maybe she didn't have one.

Please. She's a teenage girl. She had a bag.

You've got to be a real creep to rob a hit-and-run victim.


[Gate begins rumbling]

[Panting heavily amidst relieved sighs]

[Begins vomiting]

You know this is against protocol.

Yeah, if there's any blowback, I'll take the heat.

You all right?

[Unzipping bag]

Starts sobbing: Tiffany!


She was tutoring tonight.

The session usually ended around 10:00.

What about after? Was she meeting anyone?

She always came straight home.


I just heard the news.

Dad: David.

I am so sorry.

We will get him.

I promise you.

You're in good hands.

Detective Flynn is one of our city's best.

They just left her there.

In the street!

Wait here and I'll take you home.

[Mother sobbing softly]

Obviously, I'm not here on an official capacity.

Carson gave me my first job.

He and Rose are like family.

David, I'm... I'm very sorry.

[Sighs heavily]

I was talking to Tiffany today.

I needed her to... [Takes a breath]

Babysit for me tonight.

What can you tell me?

Not much.

Look, I know I'm not with the prosecutor's office anymore, but...

Honestly, David, we don't have much to go on yet.

Forensics is still processing the evidence.

There are no eyewitnesses.

Right now it's looking like a random hit-and-run.

Nobody saw anything?

What about, uh, traffic cameras?

Look, I promise you, we're exhausting every angle.

You should take your friends home.

Thank you.

[Doorbell rings]

Sorry I'm late.

You're not.

Grace? Tiffany's here.


She's been fed.

I just need to get my earrings.

Hi, Tiff.

You look great.

Thank you.

So... are you going to write that university reference letter for me?

Well, that depends.

Are you going to stop criticizing my campaign platforms?

Oh, sure!

I'm all for diverting money from green initiatives to buy the police shiny new riot gear.

Ah, teenagers...

So idealistic, so naive.

Aunt Grace?

Make Uncle David write me a reference letter.

Grace: Can you babysit on Wednesday?

Uh... I'm tutoring.

Well, the candidate is unavailable at this time.

If I don't get that reference letter, I won't get into university, and if I don't get into university, my life is over.

[Chuckles] We'll be home by 11:00.


Let's go already.

Uh, you know how Grace feels about guests, so if you do have your friend over...

I would never do anything like that.

Yeah, yeah. Just make sure he parks his race car down the street, okay?


[Flashbulb pops]

When friends of high-powered people get hit, people have a lot of questions.

People like the Chief of Police.

Tell me you've got some answers.

The student that Tiffany tutored confirmed they left the library at 10:00.

Are we boring you, detective?

Oh, forensics just texted me.

The prelim from the lab identified the paint.

Japanese. Very common.

That didn't take long.

Well, I have friends in forensics.

I have friends in forensics, too.

They... like me more?

The car?

Nothing on the traffic cameras.

And we have no, uh, speeding tickets issued to cars matching our very "detailed" description.

This car's a ghost.

No such thing.

Keep me updated.


Boyd grumbles: Morning to you, too.

Why's he always grumpy?

Boyd: Hey! I heard that!

[Scattered chuckles]

I heard you let the parents see her.


What, you've never broken the rules for distraught parents?

'Course not.

Or if I did, I'd never admit it.

Case number 12-AB5465.

Tiffany Greenwood.

Initial examination.

Dr. Betty Rogers.

Detective Angie Flynn is present.


Snaps: Don't do that.


Victim is...

Caucasian, female, 17 years old.

Multiple abrasions.

Compound fractures of the left femur, right humerus and the ilium.

X-rays show breaks in ribs 3 through 8, and impact impression on right thigh.

Victim's injuries are consistent with being struck by a vehicle moving at a high rate of speed.

Whoa! Wait a minute.

That's it?

I still have to do the internal examination, but this is textbook hit-and-run.

There's nothing about her injuries that can give us the make of the car hit her?

Well, you have the hood-lock impression on the thigh.

Now, if there had been glass on the body, we could've matched that to a manufacturer, but the son of a bitch really nailed her.

Yeah. Forensics figured they were doing about 60.

Oh, it had to be faster than that.

I mean, it's the only way to explain the lack of windshield glass.

Or she struck a windshield that didn't break, but the last time I checked, bulletproof glass was not a standard option.

Unless it's Lexan.


Yeah, it's used in race car windshields.

It's lightweight.

It's shatterproof. It's almost indestructible.

Some street racers install it, and the best part is, not many places sell it.


Installed a sick new subwoofer in the car today.

Yeah? Where'd you get the money for that?

[He snickers quietly]

I lent you that money to pay your phone bill.

I'll pay you back.

Yeah? With what?

You don't have a job, and you can't live off your dad forever.

Says who?

Your dad. After he cut your allowance.

Which is why I had to lend you money.

[Sighs irately]


I think I've had enough.

That's why I'm putting on my shirt.

No. Kevin...

It's over.

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about us.

Okay? We're... over.


Screw you.

[Lamp clatters]

Oh! Very mature!

Get out, you creep!

Get out!

[Door slams]

[Exhales heavily] Ohh...

A camera?

Oh, no.

How many more cars on that list?


Vega: And then there were four.

Sweet ride. Got ronal rims.

Yokohama racing tires.

Corsa axle, big-flow exhaust...

It is amazing what people will waste their money on.

Says the man in the $800 shoes.

Which are both stylish and comfortable.

You got a hot date?

No! I just think that, uh...

The modern man should probably be prepared for any eventuality.



We got dents on the roof.

There's blood on the windshield.

Which is lexan.

Got a big 'ol dent on the hood.

What's that?

Is that blood on the hood pin?

Angie, look, we've got blue paint abrasions...

Which is similar to Tiffany Greenwood's bike.

We just gonna wait here, let forensics tell us what we already know?

Hell, no. Let's go arrest somebody.


You Kevin West?

Yeah. Why?




Running's a big mistake, Kevin.

You just wasted a whole lot of dr*gs, 'cause this is about your car.

It was involved in a hit-and-run last night.

Someone stole my car?

Whoa, whoa.

Hold up, speedy. Where were you last night?

I was at home.

Great. Then you won't...

Mind talking to us down at the station.

Let's go.

Look, if I'm under arrest, I want my lawyer.

Of course you do.

Put some shoes on.

Here. Hold up.

That's Tiffany Greenwood.

Looks like our random hit-and-run wasn't so random.

We just went from manslaughter to m*rder.

Tiffany's not dead.

She can't be.

Flynn. Vega. Excellent work.


Well, we appreciate that, David, but the case is far from closed.

With what we've got on him, it's a slam-dunk.

Now go get him.

Mutters: Okay, coach.

What was that?

I don't know.

Here's the thing, Kevin.

We towed your car to our lab.

Right now, our forensics guys are doing their thing with all their stuff.

They will connect your car to the hit-and-run.

I'd never hurt Tiffany.

Why don't we wait until we get that forensics report?

Because until then, my client has nothing to say.

Well, the longer you wait, the more you hurt yourself.

Well, my client's been waiting, all night.

After he asked to speak to an attorney.

Care to explain why I wasn't notified sooner?

Happy to. We just don't think that Kevin should have to pay your overtime, that's all.

You could ask whatever you want.

I'm innocent.

Kevin, your father's paying me to keep you out of prison.

Now, here's an idea.

Maybe if Kevin wants to talk, we should let the boy talk.

Did you speak with Tiffany the night she died?

She called.

I was busy.

Doin' what?

I hung out.

By myself.

Played some N.F.S., drank some beers, and then I fell asleep.

It's nice, right? Good life.

Well, he's got his own apartment.

In my high school, you would've been a God.

Can you explain the damage to your car?

I can't.

He didn't even know about it until you told him.

Yeah, I've gotta be honest with you, Kevin.

That doesn't sound good.

I wasn't planning on needing an alibi.

[Thumping on mirror]

Interview paused at 5:34 P.M.

We'll be right back.

Kevin's voice: I'm not here. You know what to do.

Damn it, Kevin! Call me!

The Jacobs have a nanny-cam in the living room...

Where we just had sex.

Okay? I need your help.

[Sighs] Password?







[Moaning on video]

What is this?

[Car approaching]

[Car door opens]

How was Sophia?

She was great. Out like a light.


Where's the fire?


I've got some work to do.


You've got the car. He's got no alibi.

It's more than enough to press charges.

I concur.

Yeah, you weren't there when he found out Tiffany was dead. He didn't know.

Or he's a good actor.

Yeah. No one's that good.

Why don't we let a jury decide?

Well, with all due respect, David, you're not a prosecutor anymore.

But I am, and I appreciate your experience and insight.

You're awfully quiet, detective.

What do you think?

You know, he, uh...

He did resist arrest.

Yeah, because of the dr*gs.

He doesn't have any priors for as*ault.

He's never even been in a bar fight.

Yeah, well, he also didn't have any priors for dr*gs.

I don't see him for this.

So if he didn't do it, who did?

Did someone steal his car, just happen to run over his girlfriend, then return it?

It does sound ludicrous, Flynn.

Listen, I know you're personally invested in this case...

That is an understatement.

He doesn't have a motive.


Tiffany w-was planning to break up with him.

She must have gone through with it.

She told you that?

You don't believe me?

Go ask him.

See where it leads.

[Sighs wearily]


Tiffany, I need to talk to you.

I'm waiting for a friend.

Whoa, whoa.

This is serious, kiddo.

My laptop was stolen.

There's a lot of confidential material on it.

[Scoffs] Yeah.

Really confidential.

So you did take it.

How could you do this?

I thought I knew you.

You had no right to snoop through my computer, let alone take it.

Is... is that... Is that it there?

Tiffany, don't make me get the police involved.

You'll go to the police?

Well, you're not leaving me much choice.

And being charged for theft, that could have a big impact on your future.

I-I... I don't want to see that happen.

[Car horn honks]

Hey. Tiff! Let's go!

Think about what I said.

[Sighs anxiously]



We have one more question for you, Kevin.

Absolutely not.


When was the last time you spoke with Tiffany?

Monday night.

And what happened Monday?

See, the longer you wait, the more I think you're lying.

Take all the time you need.

We broke up.

That's close enough.


Did you dump her, or did she dump you?

It was a mutual decision.

Oh, none of my break-ups were ever mutual.

They were loud, maybe. Not mutual.

Vega: Stand up.

He didn't k*ll her just because she dumped him.

Yeah, that never happens.

Stand up. Let's go.

[Cuffs clink]

You still believe him?

Kevin West is a lot of things...

An over-privileged, entitled brat is what he is.

Yeah, but since when's that a crime?

Look, Kevin West's arrest was swift, but now the Greenwoods are gonna have to wait months, maybe years, for justice.
[Reporters clamouring]

It is clear that we need more judges, courtrooms, prisons.

As mayor, I will petition the federal government to stop gutting...

What kind of boyfriend was Kevin?

He got Tiffany's nose out of the books.

Did he treat her well? Buy her gifts, or flowers?

No. He's the kind of guy that sinks everything he can into his car.

But girls that go out with Kevin, they're not looking for gifts.

And Tiffany?

She was going to university...

And he was hot.

Maybe he thought it was something more.

You think Kevin k*lled Tiffany because she dumped him?

Well, I take it you don't?

Kevin's not the type of guy to get all psycho over his break-ups, you know?

He'd just move on to the next girl.

It's just that easy for him?

He has his own apartment.

Just saying. The mother hated him.

Yeah, but the best friend didn't, plus, when you're 17, yours is the only opinion that matters.

Well, I was never a teenage girl.

Well, I was.

I know you were. A very long time ago.

Guess how many fingers I'm holding up.

[Snickering] All right.

We know that the blood and hair came from Tiffany Greenwood.

Right? And the paint abrasions between the car and the bike are a perfect match.

No sign of forced entry, and the car was not hotwired, because the owner used his key.

Or the k*ller had a set of jigglers.

Excuse me?


Try-out keys. Lock-picks for cars.

How many people have a set of those?

Well, I got mine from my repo days.

Well, there's only one set of prints here...

Kevin West's.

And driving glove imprints.

If I was gonna k*ll someone with my car, I wouldn't drive it home after.

I'd torch it and dump it.

Or at least wipe the blood off it.

Yeah, Kevin West is not that smart.

No, he really isn't, is he?

Let's check this out.

[Grunts] Okay...

He's also tall, yet you can touch the pedals.

Hey, did anyone adjust this car seat?


Someone else was driving this car.

Someone short.

Yeah. Shorter than Kevin West.

[Office chatter]

Today's your lucky day, Kevin!

I'll say.

The last time the city was sued for wrongful arrest, they settled out of court for $3 million.

Yeah. It's not like "you won the lottery" kinda lucky.

More like "you found 10 bucks" kinda lucky.

I think you're innocent.

But if I'm going to help you, I need you to help me to help you, okay?

We're listening.

Tell me exactly what you were doing the night Tiffany was k*lled.

That question, you can answer.

I already told you.

Hung out. Played video games. Crashed.

You didn't talk to anyone?


Text or email?

I didn't even listen to Tiffany's voice messages.

I just deleted them.

Tiffany called Kevin three times the night she died.

The last call being 15 minutes before she was hit.

Those are his cell records.

I've circled her calls.

He could've been anywhere in the city when he got these calls.


There's a lot of information that the cellular network tracks that you might not be aware of.

Um, when a voicemail was left, when a voicemail was listened to, when a voicemail was deleted.

Gosh. You mean the metadata?

Yes, sir.

Angie: Makes you want to flush your phone.

Only if you've got something to hide.

And because they also track the cell tower that the customer uses to access the network, we can tell that Kevin West was at home.

Across town.

Deleting voicemails at the time of Tiffany Greenwood's death.

This only proves that his phone was at home.

Where's your phone?

In my pocket.

But I'm not planning on k*lling anyone. Yet.

And if I was, I'd be sure to give my phone to someone else to use, to cover my tracks.

Yeah, Kevin's not that smart.

He's really not.

Circumstantial. At best.

So's the case we're building against him.

Tell that to Jacobs.

Should we also tell him that Kevin West's lawyer is threatening to sue the city for wrongful arrest?


Cut him loose.

But you get to break the news to Jacobs.

And you'd better find yourselves a new suspect.

"Hold on to this for me"?

[Memory stick media begins to play]

David: A coffee shop? How public.

Did you also send a letter to your lawyer, in case something should happen to you?

Tiffany, for God's sake, it's me...

Tiffany: Don't!

You let him go?

I know this is frustrating for you, but phone records corroborate his alibi.

No! I can work around phone records.

You're not prosecuting the case.

From what I understand, you guys are pals.

Fine, detective. Enlighten me.

What is your theory?

Kevin West was framed.

That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard.

How someone so incompetent...

Ever became detective...

Ah, right. Well, okay...

Insulting me doesn't make Kevin any less...

No! He is the only person...

The only person with any reason to k*ll her!

What the hell was that?

Who the hell was that?

Hey, Angie, I hate to say this, I don't like the guy, but Jacobs may have a point.

I mean, West is the only person with any reason to k*ll Tiffany Greenwood.

Have you ever known Jacobs to ignore evidence that could clear a suspect? Those cell phone records...

Would never trump blood on a car in court.

We know that.

Jacobs is following the evidence.

I feel like he's manufacturing it.

Wait. What are you suggesting?

That we investigate Jacobs?


Give me another option.

Pfft. Okay, uh...

We both agree that West was not driving the car.

Who else had any reason to k*ll Tiffany?

Let's forget about "who"...

And focus on "why."

Did they ever find her bag?

It was never on the inventory.

Okay, well...

The only reason to steal Kevin's car is to frame him, but then why stop and steal her bag?

She had something they wanted.

Something they were willing to k*ll for.

Of course, Tiffany had a bag.

She always had a bag.

It's not here.

I'm sorry, sir, to ask you these questions again.

Can you think of anyone who might've wanted to hurt her?

You just set him free.

Thank you, Mr. Greenwood.

Thank you, sir.

The Greenwoods won't be adding you to their Christmas list any time soon.

Now what?

We keep looking for that bag.

She babysat at the Jacobs.

Maybe she left it there.

You still think Jacobs is good for it?

I'm keeping an open mind.

You're on your own on this one.

If Tiffany had left her bag here, she would have gotten it the next morning.

Maybe we could just take a quick around, just in case?

As soon as you produce a warrant.

You can always spot a lawyer's wife.

That's why I also know you're not here because of some bag.

Where were you and David on Wednesday night?

I was here, stuffing envelopes with some volunteers, and David was at the campaign office.


So you didn't need a babysitter on Wednesday night?


Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get to the campaign office.

I'm sorry, I'm just... I'm just a little confused.

Why am I not surprised?

You didn't need a babysitter on Wednesday, then why would your husband call her?

He was writing her a reference letter.

No, he... he said he talked about babysitting to her the night she died.

What are you implying?

I'm not implying anything.

I'm wondering why a married man would lie about a phone call to his babysitter.

Aren't you?


What are you doing here?

Routine questions.

Well, if you have any more "routine questions," you come to me.

Oh, I will.

That's a promise.

Whatever this is, you make it go away.





Did Jacobs send you to sniff out an update?

Now he wants your head.

Too bad he quit the prosecutor's office and ran for mayor.

He still has enough pull to make it happen.

Is this the part where you ask me for my g*n and my badge?

I'll start with your m*rder books for the last two years.

Well, I'm busy.

Well, I'll wait.

Lucas? Give Ms. Rivers a hand.

[Bell tolling]

You realize by following Jacobs here, you've escalated from harassment to stalking?

I wasn't harassing him, I was following a line of investigation.

What are you doing?

You accused him of having an affair with his babysitter.

No. No, no. That was more of an insinuation than an accusation.

And a powder room is still a toilet, Angie.

Sending Rivers in like that, that was an overreaction.

Hell, that was an over-overreaction.

"That was an over-overreaction?"

What are you, the grammar police?

That's a real word.

It's not.

You think I should back off?

No! No, not at all.

I think it's too late for that.

I think you need to find something so that you don't lose your job.

I found it.

Vega: That's not going to end well.

Kevin West has every right to pay his last respects.

You're throwing a live grenade in there.


Let's see what explodes.


Here they come.

You should have returned my calls.

I've got nothing to say to you.

I know you k*lled her!

If you did, you would have gone to the police.

That's my next stop.

I wanted you to know first.

That was the worst hand-off ever.

You're her back-up plan?

Fine. Go to the police.

If they actually believe you, I will say you stole my computer, planted this file.

You and Tiffany were trying to blackmail me, then you decided you wanted all the money for yourself.

That's not what happened.

Isn't it?

You were in my house when I wasn't home.

Who says you didn't steal my computer?

Are you kidding?

What kind of deal are those two making?

Two days ago, Jacobs is trying to hang Kevin West from the nearest tree.

Now he's shaking his hand? That's weird.

That's really weird.

How tall do you think Jacobs is?

Oh, Angie, you're not gonna get an arrest warrant based on the position of a car seat.

No, you're right.

Well, we'll just have to get him to confess.

Well, we got nothing on him.

No, but something tells me Kevin West does.

We just have to scare it out of him.

[Door opening]

Good timing. She's just starting now.

You'd better hope West makes a deal.

The way you've mishandled this case, you'll be lucky to get him on manslaughter, let alone m*rder.


We arrested Kevin West for obstruction of justice.

Angie: Tiffany called you twice between the time you broke up and when she died.

She obviously wanted to talk to you.

What was that about?

I don't know.

Fair enough.

Let me ask you one you will know.

Why did you call David Jacobs' campaign office twice since Tiffany's funeral?

Kevin: Uh... I-I don't...

Were you making a contribution?

Kevin: N-no.

That's too bad, 'cause that would have cleared this up.

What'd you and David talk about at the funeral?

Don't answer that.

Are you familiar with...

The term "accessory after the fact"?

It means, as far as the court is concerned, you helped k*ll Tiffany.

You said we were here to discuss obstruction charges.

Oh, obstruction, accessory... I get them mixed up.

I'm not helping him, I'm...

What? What are you doing?

I want a moment to talk to my client.

I bet you do.

Interview paused.

What is this?

You tell me. [Clicks speaker off]

You are grasping at straws, detective.

I've got to hand it to you, David.

It was almost perfect, but you never should've taken the bag.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Do you remember Paul Blalock?


You should.

You convicted him of grand-theft auto?

He used jigglers to steal cars.

[Engine starts]

[Seat-adjusting lever clicks]

[Engine accelerating]

[Crashing, screaming]

[Jacobs panting anxiously] Thank God.

What'd she have on you?

Evidence of an affair?

A distinguished older man...

His attractive babysitter... It's a little cliche.

That is disgusting. She was like a daughter to me.


You're betting on the wrong horse, detective.

Well, what can I say? I like the long shot.

[Knocking on glass]

We want to speak to a prosecutor!


Send her in.

She's gonna offer Kevin immunity in exchange for what he knows.

Well, he doesn't know anything.

Mm... I think he does.

If you want any kind of leniency, you'd better start talking before he cuts a deal.

You know how this works, David.

Now, what would make you want to k*ll a 17-year-old girl?

If you don't tell us, he will.

So beautiful.

You never said anything about filming this.

There's the door.

[Chuckles smugly] Of course, I'd have to reinstate the charges against you.

What do you want me to do?

Put it on.

[She sighs]

[His breathing quickens] Oh, yeah.


I want you...

To call me "Uncle David"...


[Jacobs panting on video]

A sex tape isn't enough to convict me of m*rder.

No, but your on-camera confession is.

What confession? I didn't...

I didn't confess to anything.

Hold that thought.

[Punches key]

Courtesy of Kevin West.

[Bustling of cafe]

A coffee shop?

How public.

Did you also send a letter to your lawyer, in case something should happen to you?

Tiffany, for God's sake, it's me.

Don't. Okay, just don't.

You're overreacting because you do not understand, and when you're older, you're going to learn that some things...

Your whole life is a lie.

You've betrayed everyone.

Aunt Grace and Sophia, mom and dad, all those people trying to get you elected.

Because of some nanny-cam videos?

It's more than that, and you know it.

So you think I'm some kind of monster?

Tell your wife.

If you don't, I will.


Who do you think she's going to believe?

Me? Or some little thief?

Well, I guess we'll find out.

I have worked too hard to have you ruin everything because of some childish misunderstanding.

This won't end well. I promise you.

You have got to be kidding me!

I will scream.

Not a monster.

[Bangs shut]

I guess we'll just let a jury decide that one.

Mayor Jacobs, you are under arrest for the m*rder of Tiffany Greenwood.

[Roars with grief]

I cannot believe that he k*lled her.

Yeah, and you were going to vote for him.

You're hilarious.

How'd you know West would make a deal?

I didn't... But I hoped he would.

I had a hunch.

That's exactly the kind of shoddy police work I was talking about.

Yeah, and if I'd told you I liked David for the m*rder, what would you have said?

That you're insane.

And a k*ller would still be free, so you're welcome.

Guess how many fingers I'm holding up.