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02x05 - Rabbit Hole

Posted: 03/08/15 05:27
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Bitten".

They're going to know I'm gone.

We have to leave now.

This thing on my neck. It's burning, Logan.

We need to find Savannah before he ruins the rest of her life.

I promise. I won't let anything happen to you.

Paige: If he's a witch...

Ruth: Not if, you know he's a witch.

Well, that means somebody broke the Commandment.

Jeremy: Her name is Melanie Lau.

I just need to see Dr. Bauer.

Who's Dr. Bauer?

Mom! It's k*lling her!

Jeremy: We have some information to go on.

Starting with tracking down this Dr. Bauer.

Everything I do is for you.

And the Undoing.

Aleister: What we need from her is her wolf blood.

The wolf's blood should be attacking the witch's blood.

How is that possible?

We must all make sacrifices.

You'll never need anyone else!


(Classical music)

( ♪ )

(Snorting, gasping)

( ♪ )

(Door opens)

(Music continues in headphones)

Oh, God... that's...



This is about taking human evolution to the next level.

This is pseudo-science, verging on cryptozoology.

It will never be recognized or condoned by this establishment.

I'm going to have to euthanize them.

No, Randall... please.

Don't make this personal.

No, no, please, please, please.

There is still so much more we have to learn from them.

Escort her out of the building.

No, no-no...

Don't k*ll them!

Let me take them!

Please Randall, they will be my glory!


(Suspenseful music)

( ♪ )



(Moaning loudly)

Aleister: You'll be fine.

Shhh... the pain will be gone.

How did you do that?

We're going to do great things together.

And I will bring you creatures you have only ever imagined.

You need to come with me, Sondra.

Give me back my pain.

I can take it all away.

All pain. All concern.

Let me feel. Everything.

( ♪ )


(Theme music)

( ♪ )

Bitten 2x05 - Rabbit Hole

Dr. Bauer, please respond.

Elena's wolf blood should have destroyed Savannah's.

And the pregnant one.

She shows signs of werewolf DNA.

Inject her with Savannah's blood as well.

Let's see if she's of any use to us.

She remains of the outside mind.

It's the wolf blood. They won't be tamed.

Try gentling her again.

Yes, bring her.

You'll know. I know you'll know.

She injected herself. That is your blood coursing through her body.

We're so close, she can't be sick for long.

I need you to fix this.

I can't fix this.

Just make her comfortable, that's the best you can do.

You make it sound like she's going to die.

She is.

I decide who lives and who dies.

She decided this.

(Stuttered moaning)

The simple truth is, I have everything I need from you.

I still need her. So if you want to survive the day, you better make sure she does as well.

(Ragged breathing)

Sondra: I can feel it getting stronger.

Like yours.

What I hear...

All that I can hear now...


He brought you to save me... Ah!

Tell me how it's going to happen... the transformation.

It's going to get much, much worse.

(Gasping, yelling in pain)

Clay: I need some information on Dr. Bauer.

I'm just running due diligence on her, as any university hiring board would.

Um... I'm not sure I can give you a recommendation.

Why not?

For a brief time, we were more than colleagues.

If I speak unfavorably, she might think it's personal.

I'm just asking your professional opinion.

I felt bad after I fired her...

(Lighter clicks)

When I checked in on her afterwards she was packing her apartment to move in with some other guy.

Timothy Ashmont.

I was pissed off. I might have said some things.

Can you tell me why you fired her?

It was a university protocol matter.

That's all I can say.

Paige: Standard 411 search gives us six T. Ashmonts.

One deceased.

We're going to have to do better than 411 if we want to find these guys.

Why don't you let Nick here have a cr*ck at the hack, huh?

Nick Sorrentino. 234 women have matched with you on Tinder this month alone. You present like a cool guy but your most played song on Spotify is Beyoncé's "Single Ladies".

I am better at finding information than you are at covering up your tracks.

Look, while we're busy up in each other's business here, I got you this.

Consider it an olive branch.

Looks like a ginger root.

Well, I Wiki'd your herbs, and I found out that that one is a powerful protection from evil.

You've been through hell the past few days with Savannah, Bridget.

We almost lost your mother.

So, I... I don't know, I thought... I thought that could help.

If you did the full research on the powers of the ginger root you would also know that they're used for heating up love affairs.

(Clears throat)

Oh... really?

(Typing clicks)

Timothy Ashmont, born in 1981, Southbury, Connecticut.

Father, deceased.

Mother's still there.

Well, let's go get her.

Is it done?

Clay and Nick put Melanie's body to rest under a sumach tree in bloom.

I'm sure no one has any idea that she lies cold in a back corner of Stonehaven.

Well, it's a secret we shall carry together.

It's one of the few we carry together.

I'm curious, though, about the ones we don't share.

Those cards we keep close to our chest. Oh?

You never answered my question.

Aleister knows your name.

What business does he have with you if he's not a witch?

My encounter with him at the barn was our first.

I've never met this man.

I have no idea why he's targeting me or my Coven.

In order to defeat an enemy, you have to know the enemy.

Aleister took Savannah and he was hunting Malcolm. Why?

Is he collecting a menagerie? I don't know.

We've tracked a line on Bauer's boyfriend.

Well, Paige did.

Are you going to be okay if we go out?

I'll make sure your mother gets the rest she needs.

You said to defeat an enemy, one must know their enemy.

Aleister is not our only enemy.

I'll need you to drive me.

Why did you take Elena?

Is that what you want the lesson to be about?

I'm allowed to care.

She's my friend.

You can do better than her.

I like her.

It's just that Elena... well, all werewolves, really, they are animals.

So, what... it's just okay for you hurt them?

Aleister, it's not.

Let's take your mind off of Elena. Hm?

Let's try a new spell.

First, I need you to focus on something.

How about your attendant?

Let's try to put her to sleep.

Focus on her, and say:

Dies coartati.

Dies coartati.

I can't do this without a talisman.

I think you can. Try again.

(Clears throat)

Dies coartati.

(Impact thud)

(Gasp) It worked.

I can hear the electricity behind the walls.

The photoreceptors in my eyes are sh... shifting.

I can't see red.

Just blue and yellow.

(Moaning, ragged breathing)

Tell me how it's going to feel.


The Change begins at the extremities.

Hands, feet.

On the physical level, but it begins before that.

You've noticed.

The hunger.

The insatiable need to hunt.

The pain.

It's beautiful.


(Flesh squishing, ripping)


Aleister: (Recording) There is only ONE wisdom. It is the ONE cursed in the ONE who curses.

Rachel: Please, can you take me to Logan?

The man I was with. Is he okay? Is he alive?

(Recording) ...and the DARK comes forth to be all.

Think about the baby. Please.

...the horned witch


And the one chosen.

Please think about the baby.

Don't do this. Let me go.

(Growls, distorted effects)

All that exists comes forth from the DARK...

No, please.

...and the DARK comes forth to be all.

Rachel: Please don't do this.

...the horned witch and the one chosen. There is only one... (Distorted music and effects) It is the ONE cursed in the ONE who curses. All that exists comes forth from the DARK...

He is the one true path.

(Recording) Only two shall remain: the horned witch and the one chosen. There is only one...

Sondra: (Wailing, moaning)

You're going to want to k*ll me on the other side of the Change.

I've got to get out of here.

Why did it stop?

Why does it still hurt?

Why is it like this? Why isn't it any easy for me, like it is for you?

The pain is the same for everyone.

(Gasping, moaning)


I don't want it.

The pain is mine.

It's for Aleister. I won't let you take it away.

Then tell me what his plan is, or I force this down your throat.

Why does he want my blood?

Does he want to turn more women?


To k*ll the witches.

He needs to inject the blood of the cursed into the one that curses.

Who's the cursed, who's the one that curses?

The werewolf.

And the witch.

This is the way the world ends.



Aleister: So tell me, what did Dr. Bauer say?

She's dying.

You know that's not what I mean.


Aleister: An assassination attempt.

Of course you'd have to try.

What good are you as a werewolf if you don't?

I should not have survived in the first place.

But I did.

She's a little... It's dementia.

She might not remember you.

(Applause, chuckles on TV)

(Door opening)

Paige: Hello.

Nick: Mrs. Ashmont? Oh hi, there.

We remember you from church.

And your son, Timothy.

We went to school with him. We were a little bit younger than him, but...

Do you know where he is? Timothy Ashmont?

That boy was not my son.

I don't want anything to do with that boy.

And I will show them.

The witches?

Maybe you need a counselor instead of a compound.

What I need...

What I need is amends.

This is not a sad story.

This is a tale of victory.

How I was cast out, and the church who found me on their doorstep, found me a family, a family that raised me in the fire and brimstone of the holy book.

Hands held around the dinner table, saying grace as though that brought grace into our lives.

Then something changed.

I changed.

Suddenly, around the age of 12, I could do things.

Move a cup across the table.

Made my cat bleed to death just by thinking about it.

They didn't understand.

They thought I was possessed.

He did things. Evil things.

We tried to help him.

But he was full of the devil.

(Sighing) That boy was full of the devil.

How do you get the devil out of a boy?

You can try to b*at it out.

My father had a particular technique.

A belt buckle that said...


And he used to b*at his faith into me every single day.

Woman: What he did to my husband, that was the devil in him.

The boy was clear across the field... when my husband bled from his nose, his eyes, everywhere.

He d*ed?

I told the doctor that it was a farming accident.

That he got caught up in the harvester.

I know...

Timothy did that.

When I'd had enough, I did to my father what I had done to that cat.

Paige: Where is Timothy?

You don't go looking for him.

Nothing good can come of that.



You have the same eyes as him.

You're like him.

You're like him!

You're like him.

(Dialling beeps)

You're just like him!

Where is he?

You're like him. You're like him!

You're just like him!

She doesn't know anything.

Get away from me! Get away from me!

Get away from me! Get away from me!

Mrs. Ashmont?

I'd hate to have to do that to you.

I'd hate to have to do that to you.

So tell me, what did Dr. Bauer say?

That you're going to inject my blood into Savannah.

If you do, you'll k*ll her.

No, Savannah is the chosen one.

It won't k*ll her but it will all the others.

They're connected on a spiritual nexus.

I just need to infect one.

Do you know how you wipe out an invasive species?

You introduce a predator.

(Door opening)

Dr. Bauer's escaped.

(Shaky breaths)

(Alarm beeping)

Dr. Penner.

Just one more thing.

I'll come clean.

I've got a bad feeling about Sondra Bauer.

I'm looking for a reason not to hire her.

But I can't go back to the selection committee with nothing.

Why was she fired?

She was fired for ethical reasons.

What was she doing?

What she was doing... frankly, was horrifying.

She was creating aberrations under the guise of science.

I never filed a complaint because I didn't want to run the risk of our university losing its funding.

I had no idea.

What sort of aberrations?

Gene-splicing. Animal mutations.

Stay clear of her.

I don't want to see her taking advantage of another facility.

(Alarm beeping)

Dr. Bauer survived.

Yeah, she did. But she's out there and hungry.

So let her eat.


That's Savannah.

(Electric charging)

Male voice: (On P.A.) Four six.

Four six.

Four six.

Four six.

Four six.

Four six...


(Lock clattering)

Look, you have got to let me out of here.

Right now, I'm your best bet at saving her.

Dr. Bauer knows how important the girl is to me.

A predator just sees prey, and that is exactly what Savannah will look like to her.

Go. Stop her.

Dr. Bauer isn't to die under any circumstances.

If she tries to k*ll the wolf, k*ll her.


(Voice on P.A. continues) Four six. Four six...

(Light rattling)

(Kettle whistling)

Aleister: (On recording) There is only one wisdom. It is the one cursed in the one who curses. All that exists comes forth from the dark, and the dark comes forth to be all. Only two shall remain... (Growling) ...the horned witch and the one chosen.

(Frightened yelps)



(Growling, panting)

(Sniffing, snarling)

(Low growling)


(Panicked gasps)

(Recording continues)

...forth from the dark and the dark comes forth to be all. Only two shall remain, the horned witch...






Savannah, don't move.

(Menacing growl)

I know you can understand me.

You don't want to hurt the girl.

She's too important. Just stop.

Change back. I can help you.

Quick, jump over. We're getting you out of here.




Stop fighting.

Focus on Changing back.

Back away.

You've got to be kidding me.

Man: (Screaming)

(Continued growls, snarls)

(Bones cracking)

Distant male voice on PA: Four six. Four six. Four six... (Crackle) (Gasp) ...Four six. Four six...

( ♪ )

(Recording of Aleister's voice continues to play back)

(Alarm beeping)

( ♪ )

Aleister: How did this happen?

None of you would touch this.

Rachel: Logan!

Aleister: Someone is of the outside mind.

( ♪ )

Aleister: Check the compound.

(Mixed eerie whispers)

(Hiss of flesh searing)



No! No!

No! Let go of me!

Let go of me! No!




(Panicked whimpering)

It's over now, okay?

I told you I'd protect you, right?

(Door opening)

Dr. Bauer?

The rabbit.

Two-faced rabbit.

Yeah, you will be my glory.

She survived.

I'm not so sure you can call it that.


What happened to her?

How did she become a wolf?

I'm so sorry that happened, Savannah.

I know that you're scared.

You don't have to be scared anymore.

I'll take you back to your room now, safe and sound.

Dr. Bauer.

24 crows.


Four six.

This is the way the world ends.

This is the way... the world... ends.


This is the way the world ends.



You saved me.

I can take it all away.

All pain. All concern.

(Teeth snap)

24 crows.

Four six.

Four six.

This is the way the world ends. Ah...


For you, my first.

I will give you the most beautiful pain in the world.




(Eerie whispering and growling)

( ♪ )


( ♪ )

Ruth: What you have with your Mutts, we have with witches as well.

Clara Sullivan was one of our brightest witches, but she always had a dark side.

Eventually, perhaps inevitably, she turned wicked.

We had no choice but to shun her.

You think she's involved with this?

We shattered her talisman. She has no powers.

But she might have answers.

No one hates me more than Clara.

I'm the one who destroyed her powers.

(Doorbell chiming)

Well, Ruth.

It's been years and you haven't aged a day.

Come to gloat?

I've come to check in.

Check in on what?

(Wheezing laugh)

Whether I've moved?

How would I do that?

The world is a difficult place without powers.

And you are?

Clara Sullivan, Jeremy Danvers.

Alpha of the North American Pack.

Witches and werewolves, working together?

Well, this can't be good.

Have you brought him here to k*ll me?

Keep your hands clean?

What do you know about what's happening? (Scoffing)

You're going to have to give me a little bit more context, Ruth.

Hold her, I'm going to scan her memory.

No need, wolf.

(Eerie, distorted voices & whispers)

Woman: (Screaming)


You never followed through with it, did you?

What have you gotten us into?

You got us into it.

He's out there, isn't he?

He's about to k*ll you.

The prophecy.

Well, I would care, Ruth, but I'm not a witch any longer.

You made sure of that.

You ruined me. Now he'll ruin you.

I've made a mistake. We have to go.

You've made a mortal mistake, Ruth.

You're about to be destroyed...


We have to go.

Clay: Dr. Bauer wasn't just let go from the university, She was escorted off the campus by security.

Some sort of twisted experiments.

I need to know that Elena is okay.

You have to contact Savannah.

I've tried. I can't do it without Ruth.

And Ruth is with Jeremy.

They're going to be at least an hour.

What about the Ashmont lead?

Ashmont is Aleister.

This whole day has confirmed nothing but the worst.

Someone has broken the Commandment and now there is a male witch.

What... Commandment?

We don't have boys.

It's not biological, it's just the rule.

It's complicated.

Well, try us.

We're not allowed to have boys.

What, you just... k*ll your sons?

It never gets as far as birth.

What does it mean if there's a male witch out there?

The way that Christians believe in the Apocalypse, witches believe in the prophecy of the Tribulation.

A male child born to a witch is destined to bring about our downfall.

Downfall. Like...

Downfall like we die.

So glad you're all right, Savannah.

You don't have to worry about Dr. Bauer.

She didn't survive.

I want to be with Elena.

You have nothing to be afraid of.

I'm not afraid.

And I won't be afraid ever again.


That's my girl.

You've come into your powers.

We just have to get one more blood sample from you.

(Whispering) Can't we just go one night without the test?

I am the lock.

Aleister's voice in echo: Key to the gate... Key to the gate...

And I am the key.

(Approaching footsteps)

You know, for a bunch of brutes, you have everything a witch could want.


You know it as ginger.

We've been over the uses for ginger.

This is angelica.

It can be worn for protection.

There isn't enough angelica in the world to protect us now.

Hey, hey.

Look at me.

We can protect you.

We need you.

( ♪ )

( ♪ )

This isn't about anything other than the fact that I need to think about something else right now.

( ♪ )

(Ominous music)

( ♪ )

Ding. Dong. The witch is dead.

What's happening?

Why have they brought you in here?

I asked them to.

Okay, um, would you like your choice of a luxurious cot, or a super cold concrete floor?

The cot.

I can get him to make your room more comfortable if you want.

I don't want to get more comfortable.

I want to get out of here.

With you.

He wants to do terrible things to you, Savannah.

He's teaching me how to protect myself.

He wants to inject my blood into you.

Whatever he's teaching you, use that against him, okay?

Don't let anyone near you. Not even me.

Okay, one second.

Why does he want to inject your blood into me?

To k*ll all of the witches.

That sounds like the prophecy.

You know, the son of a witch will k*ll all the witches.

But that's just a fairy tale, right?

Not to Aleister, it isn't.

Savannah, can I talk to Ruth through you?

I've never done...

Please, Savannah.

If you think you even can, we have to try.


Okay. On the bed.

Paige has to contact me, but... let's try.


(Mixed whispers)

(Low rumble)

(Grunts, gagging)

Sorry... sorry, that was an accident.

You saw that?

I did that to protect my family.

And I would k*ll to protect you, okay?

We're going to get out of here, Savannah.

I did what had to be done, okay?

I'll keep an open channel for Paige.

Okay, good.

There's no time to waste.

We need to reach Savannah.

Clay: Where have you been?

Ruth: Finding the truth.

I haven't been fully transparent with you, until now.

And now the truth is finally going to come out?

Aleister is going to cast a spell to k*ll all witches.

That's why he has Elena and Savannah.

The one cursed and the one who curses.

Which one is Elena?

She's the cursed.

You all are.

A piece of dark magic that turned a man into the first werewolf.

No, the first werewolf was the seventh son of a seventh son.

So your history tells you.

Witchcraft is responsible for our existence?

That curse disrupted the natural balance of our magic to such an extent that it created the doomsday prophecy... that a son born to a witch would survive to k*ll us all.


If we can catch Savannah before she comes into her powers, we have a fighting chance to stop this.

Paige: Sorry, we were just...

I need your full focus right now.

We must reach Savannah.

Yes, as fast as you can.

(Slow exhalation)

(Disembodied voices, indistinct whispers)

Ruth: Savannah, are you with us?

This is Elena.

How is that possible?

I grabbed Savannah's hand and suddenly I can see you.

(Echoing) Are you okay?

We're fine.

I'm doing everything that I can to get us out of here, but I need your help.

Elena's voice: Aleister is very close to pulling together some type of spell that will k*ll the witches.

Ruth: We know. We need to find you.

Logan's here too.

And Rachel.

We're somewhere in Quebec.

I think it's some type of former m*llitary base.

Look for a grouping of red roofs.

I'll start looking.

It's remote. We're surrounded by forest.

I've heard a train three miles to the east, and there's a field of lavender nearby.

I wish that I had more.

It is imperative that Savannah not give in to Aleister's magic.


Savannah, I know you can hear me.

I'm doing everything that I can to protect Savannah.

I miss you so much.

I shouldn't have left your side to... go after Malcolm...

Clay: (Echoing) Hey, hey, listen to me.

You have to be careful of Dr. Bauer, okay?

She's dead.

Jeremy: Elena, I'm going to need you to do whatever possible to set up some sort of signal to help us identify that compound.

You hang tight.

We will be there by morning.

(Echoing) No matter what, I will find you.

I'll see you then.

(Door opening) Woman: The leader requests you.

I don't want to go.

Ah! I don't want...

Elena: Remember what they said about Aleister!

You have to resist!

(Electric prod powering up)


(Electricity crackling)

No! No!

Let me go!

It's a couple hundred miles between the two possible locations.

We have no choice but to split up.

Clay, you and Paige go in one car, the rest of us will go in the other.

When are you going to tell Paige the truth?

That Aleister is your son.

I've hardly been able to admit that to myself.

He shouldn't have survived.

But he did.

Let me go!

Let yourself go.

I am the lock.

(Relenting sigh)

And I am the key.

Your attendant...

Let your fear go. Send it out to her.

Left hand this time.

Dies coartati.


You are all-powerful. Keep focusing.

Do it.

Don't stop.

( ♪ )

Aleister: Today, you are a full witch.


You will never be afraid again.

And today, everything changes.

Today... is the beginning of the end.

( ♪ )