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01x07 - Series 1, Episode 7

Posted: 03/07/15 09:19
by bunniefuu
Will you marry me?


I think there's got to be one more cock!

Out there!

Lance: You're 46 years old, he is never going to have sex with you.

He is never ever going to have sex with you, never!

It's all been a bit mental.

I sort of got lost.

I've met someone.

Don't you touch me!


You look nice.

Thank you.

Dean: We'll see you later.

You... You don't have to come.

Day off work with full pay.



That's a very good shower.

It is, isn't it?

I think you should ring the bell while I'm here.

Is that OK?

Well, it's my house.

Hmm, it's half mine.

How are you?


Rosemary sends her apologies, she did try to make it.

I know, she texted.


(Car horn beeps)

That'll be Cleo.


I can't believe I beeped!

Oh, my God. Sorry, force of habit.

I'm so sorry.

Hey, that's OK. Aw, thank you, sweetheart.

Look, Auntie Marie's here.

Bad day, man.

Ah, thanks. You look smart.


Nice of you to come.

I wanted to pay my respects.

Well, very kind of you.

This is my Auntie Marie. Lance's sister...

Bloody Tomasz?! He can't ride in the funeral car, he's not family.

Well, is he? I don't know. Are they boyfriends or not?

Well... have you asked?

I did.

He said, "Mum, don't be so old-fashioned."

And then he asked me for 20 quid cos that never gets old, does it?


How are you?

I'm OK.

Here he comes. SIGHS I thought it best to tell you before the funeral, just in case it goes public, but...

I've been informed that Daniel Coltrane has instructed a new defence team.

What for?

But he confessed.

He said that he did it, he said so.

I know, yeah.

He was the one who called the police.

He sat there with Lance's body for three hours, he told them.

He's now claiming provocation.

Oh, Jesus.

He's saying that Lance made a pass at him and he lashed out.

Gay panic.

The defence is known as gay panic.


You lot, shut up.

Just shut up, I'm telling you, shut up!

The court won't recognise it.

h*m* panic, it's not allowed as a defence on its own.

But this means we're going to trial.

If he changes his story, there's got to be a trial, is that right?

The thing is, he's insane.

And, I mean, genuinely, he's in a state of collapse.

Tomorrow, he might say something completely different.

Can he stop the funeral?

Oh, you're kidding.

No, he can't, the body's been released, he can't do that.

But if it does go to court... he can say all this, out loud?

He can say it was Lance's fault?


And could it work?

Is there any chance it could actually work?


Although... if he claims sexual as*ault, we might be looking at manslaughter, not m*rder.

What's that for?


Why you lookin' at me?

I can go and see him.

I know he's turned down your request.

Unless, Henry, you want to try and... ?

I don't want to see him, no.


But I could get to see him, to represent you, if you want?

And obviously I could take a statement.

Have a briefcase with me, files and a pen.

Because solicitors get searched entering a prison just like everyone else, but I'd still have a pen.

Because a pen is all I'd need, really.

I think it would take me a second to lean across and insert the pen through his throat.

Right here.

At the base.

Straight through to the spine.

(I could do that.)

He'd bleed out in seconds.


So... that's what I'll do.

With your permission.



That would be excellent.

Thank you.

It's like it says in the old song,

"I scarce can take it in."

Thanks for coming.

Tell you what, it's invigorated me!

I'm bloody burning with rage!

And you remember Cleo?

Thank you so much for coming. Thank you.

Bless you.

Cleo: Help yourself to the buffet.

Henry: Oh! Aw...

I'm so sorry, Mr B.

Hey, that's all right.

It's OK.

Oh, darling, come here. Oh...

Turns out he had a father and everything.


Yeah, he told us he only moved here cos of his job, but his ex-wife says he's got a father in Chorlton in sheltered housing. 78 years old, no-one knew.

He lied about everything, he is such a liar.

Right, and this is my sister, Cleo.

We met at that open day. Hello, hi.

Oh, we did. You all right?

Please help yourself to the buffet.


Remember what I said... don't let this define you, OK?

Yeah. And... you've met Cleo?

Listen to me, though.

You didn't die with him, OK?

Yes! Thank you, yes.

Nice of you to come, Freddie.


Oh, I'm f*cking furious.

Oh, Nelly, I thought you were dead.

I was, for a while.

I'm furious, though, that murdering f*ck!

Cleo, you remember Nelly?

Drayton Manor.

I ended up with Nelly on a pedalo.

You look f*cking gorgeous.

Oh, baby!

Thank you for coming, sweetheart.

I'll see you later.

See you later.

But what are we doing here?!

He didn't like cricket, did he?

No, it was Marie's idea, cos Marie didn't like using a pub, and whatever Marie says goes.


Elaine sends her love.

She couldn't make it, she's got the kids.

Oh, yeah, I know, just look around... there's no Elaine, there's no Max.

There's no sign of Sally and her g*ng.

There's no-one from Johnson's, there's no-one from Picardie's...

And I'm Cleo, we...

Cos that's what happens...

We go way back.

... when it's a m*rder. Apparently!

Everyone's too embarrassed to come.

They warned us with the buffet.

They said, "If you're expecting 100, you'll only get 50."

This is Cleo. Thanks for coming, I'm starving.



(Inhales deeply)

Marie, you all right?

Hi, Louis.

Thank you. Hi, Tash, how're you doing?

Thanks... Thanks so much for coming.

That's all right.

(Marie sighs)

Thanks so much for coming.

It's really good of you.

I've rediscovered cabbage.

It turns out if you shred it, add salt, pepper and butter, it's delicious.

You only cook it for five minutes, boil it vigorously... five minutes flat... then serve, because if you cook it for too long, that's when it gets smelly.

Boil it hard, nice and fast, lid down tight.

Ooh, like cooking a live rat!

I've got a girlfriend now...

Kelly Hassan.

She's in Year 12.

She'd seen me online, so we sort of hooked up.

So, poor old Tomasz, what about him, has he been dumped?

He's got a girlfriend, too.

And her name's... Kelly Hassan.

You're... both going out with the same girl? But...

What is that... threesome?

Oh, my God.

Nobody says that any more.


OK, enough.

I told her.

Everyone's going to think she's Lance's secret daughter.

Well, exactly.

I just wanted to say how sorry I am.

Well, how are you bearing up?

Oh, um... OK, you know.

Well, I don't mean to intrude, but I've got to drive back, I... really can't stay.


I'm Susan Driscoll.


I knew Lance, um... Oh, a long time ago.

I hadn't seen him for years, but...

He was such a lovely man.

I just wanted to say.

He was such a lovely man.

Oh, i... i... i... it... It's OK.


No. Fine. I really won't keep you, I've got to go, thanks.


Oh, my God.


(Inhales and exhales deeply)

I just keep thinking, "Why?"

His heart stopped beating, Miss Babs.

How are you, though, mate?

I'm OK.

Mind you, everyone thinks it's my fault.


No way! No.

I'm jealous.

You're so f*cking tragic, I'd love it.

You can't say that!

We're all thinking it.

It must be magnificent, having all this sympathy.

I'd be wearing a cape.

Heads up, have you seen?

His name's Troy... 20, from Hull.

Studying Economics in MMU.

Wish me luck, I'm going in.

Henry: Too late.

I scarce can take it in.

I was never that good. Never.

Oh, come on, you were pretty once.

Weren't you?

Were you?

Were you?

Hey, hold on.

What did he say?

He doesn't do over 21.

All: Ooh!

Cliff: Oh, it's not over.



You lot can f*ck off.


Look, I'm so sorry. Look, take a seat here, I'm going to get you a drink, OK?

I thought we'd seen the last of this... funerals at too young an age. I thought we'd... beaten it.

Well, we're headin' for 50 now.

It's a world of terror beyond that, boys.

A world of f*cking terror. It's started already.

I looked at my skin this morning.

It looked like the city of Homs.

Tell you what, do you know the worst thing about getting old?

Oh, don't, Cliff, not today.


We get hairs.

That's nothing new, we all get hairs.

No, I mean hairs on your cock.

Not the base, but on the shaft, like, halfway down.

Sticking out the middle like a... branch on a mug tree.

And the older you get, the more they sprout... sticking right out of your cock.

And they're long and they grow fast, like a bolted lettuce.

They just appear, out of nowhere, overnight, bang!

Cock hairs.

Halfway down.


It's hard to see when it's nestling.

Isn't it different with us, though?

Well, I'm perfectly trim, years of maintenance gone into this.

I don't believe it's possible, the shaft has no capacity for hair.

Oh, Christ almighty...

What? What is it? You bastards.

Come on, Raymond. Come on!

It's just a stray hair, isn't it?

Give it a pull.

(All yell)

You... f*ckers!


Oh, Raymond, oh!

Oh, don't worry, mate.

You all right?

I'm fine, I'm just...

Oh, yeah. Yeah!


(Hums "How Great Thou Art")

(Stops humming)


I feel as if I've eaten too many eggs.

Everybody wants to see me cry.

They're just waiting.

Like they need it.

Well, they can bugger off!

(Tap squeaks)

Last night, I thought I was going to drown.


(Toilet door bangs shut, lock clicks)

(Henry whimpers)

We're closed, mate. Sorry, move on.

(Henry sobs)



So, Lucy moved out. She moved back to Wythenshawe.

This place was way too expensive.

How much?




The flat's gone weird since the m*rder thing.

It was on the news again last night.

Changed his plea.

It never stops.

All right, he's dead, OK, I didn't even know him.

Do you know what the worst thing is? I'm Henry's best friend now.

Mm, God, I hate that.

Cos I was there when they phoned, the police. And, I mean, it was terrible, yeah.

A golf club!


But it's like we got forged together by mistake and I'm stuck with him.

Shag him and then... he can move on.


Do that again.

(He makes gargling noise)


I like that.

I don't care, though! That's the truth, I don't.

I just sit in that flat, all sad face.

I'm telling you now, right down deep in my heart, I do not care.

How much?

The rent's 500.

Then there's the electricity, plus the service charge, so it's an extra 150.

No way, I can't afford that.

You could always ask your dad, he could lend you the money.

Yeah. But...


When do you need to know?

As soon as you can.

We've got to fill that room.

(Door clicks open)

Hey, Freddie, how you doing?

Saul, you wimp, how's things?

Carrie Anne said you knew that guy with the golf club.

I was his love rival.

Looks like you won.

Yeah... that's what tends to happen.

Nice to see ya.


Nah-ah-ah... A bit more.

I'll see you later.

Oh, my God!

(Whispers) I know!

f*cking hell! (Inhales deeply)

I'll move in.

You mean it?

Seriously, done, I'll take the room.

That lot can f*ck off.

Marie: The woman at the bank was quite nice.

Well, she was a bit brisk.

You'd think they could train them to show a bit more sympathy.

But I think I should find myself a solicitor... just in case.


In case of what?


This is nice.


And mine, it's lovely.

So, a solicitor, to... ?

Sort things out and handle the sale of the house, I think.

We're selling it?

I think we have to.

"Too many memories", that's what you said.



I say a lot of things.

You're out of work...

Lance was paying both halves of the mortgage, I can't afford to do that.

But... But... If you look at the bigger picture...

I know technically, half the house is yours, technically, but... we'd been together almost ten years, you just kind of assume...

You think the house is yours?

You could argue that, yes.

Then we do need solicitors.

If you're imagining some sort of... common law inheritance, it doesn't exist.


But there's basic decency.

You're not the boyfriend, Henry, you're the ex.

Look, I'm trying to find a way out of this.

If you can buy my half, that would be wonderful.

I'd love to, but you've inherited all of my money.

The account says Lance Sullivan.

I told you, if you look at the dates, Lance took our savings from the joint account and moved them w... w... without my permission.

Why did he do that?

Out of spite.

Nice way to remember him(!)

It wasn't just that, look...

It was all sort of fraught and we both said all sorts of things, but... that's my money... £32,000... and I know, in my heart, he would have given it back.

Except he died.

And that's not my fault.

I'm sorry, but it's not.


It's not!


It's not my fault that he's dead.

So you keep saying.

How is it my fault?

He wouldn't have been in that room!

Did... did I k*ll him, did I... ? W... w... was it me?

Did I pick up that thing and bash his brains out?

Did I do that, Marie, was that me?

Or was it Daniel Coltrane, who Lance went to see for sex?

Where am I in that room? Tell me, where am I?

(Cutlery tinkles)

Was it my fault, though?


Sorry. I'm very sorry, but it had to be said.

I know.

So, we can talk about transferring the money back.


But it's mine!

I have a daughter in Boston and the course is expensive.

It's not anyone's fault, it just is.

But now...

Lance can take care of her.

I think that's lovely.

I think that's nice.

I'm sorry, but I do.


I'll get a solicitor.


(Conversation nearby)

Girl: Hey, we're not all good!

Girl 2: What am I doing, though?

Girl: We can always get some people.

This is Freddie.

This is Maureen and Floss. That's Maureen, that's Floss, they're new.

We've moved into Violet's old place.

Just brought round a cheeky little bottle of wine to apologise in advance for any noise.



Oh, he's too cool for f*cking school.

You've got a pet albino.

Oh, my God, you can stay!

(All giggle)

Anyway, we're still unpacking, better get back.

It's nice to meet you and sorry for your loss, Henry.

Thank you.

Come on over once we're settled.




Floss: Bye, guys.

Henry: They were nice.

Yeah, look, favour, OK? I need ten quid.

I know, and I will.

But, listen, Aiden's out tonight.

All I need is ten quid, I could buy him a drink, and then. Bap!

Hold on, I've got an Aiden on my favourites. Is it the same one?

Aiden with an E? Welsh? Aged 24?

Shit, it's the same man.

Please, don't wank over him, Mr B.

Have you messaged him?

I can't, in case he blocks me.

You're the only one who can shag his favourites. The rest of us have to stare.

There he is. Had him?


Nice, he's new.

So, why don't you go find him?

What for?!

A man like that is never going to shag a man like me.

I could have him.

Well, yeah.

Fat lot of good that does me.

I could get him for you.

I could, though. Do you want me to?

Yeah, you'd say, "Meet my friend," and he'd run a mile.


OK. I might have to throw myself in as part of the deal, then he'd be interested.

Yeah, like that's gonna happen!

Offer's there.

One time only.

Why would you do that?

A gift, for the widow.

We could find him with this. Says he's five miles away.

There's a gay pub in Prestwich, he could be there.

Or if we go five miles south, he could be in Didsbury.

Grindr doesn't work like radar.

It's not not radar, is it?

It says you're... 33 feet away!

Exactly, doesn't say I'm ten miles away, it's close!

Why don't we try?

Cos you can sit there and think of reasons why not and then cry-wank yourself to sleep or you can come with me and get hard and dirty.

It's my gift.

What's it gonna be?

Is it working? Have you found him?

Can't get a signal.

He's out of range.

Keep refreshing it!

What do you think I'm doing? Got him! No!

Shit, it's gone up! It says he's seven miles away now!

Wrong way, turn around! Go south!

Three miles away!

Oh, my God, it's working.

If it's a Friday, in Didsbury, he's gone to the Kettle.

Maltings Road.

We're in feet!

It says he's 4,500 feet away. How far is that?

That's the Kettle. Definitely.

We're not seriously going to do this, are we?

Oh, my God!

What are you gonna say to him?
(Hum of conversation)

Oh, bollocks!



One mile away.

The bastard!

He's on the move!

It says three miles again.

But look, there's loads of boys at three miles, you know why?

It's three miles to Canal Street.

We'll never find him there!

(All chatter)

Oh, my God! 30 feet, 30 feet, 30 feet!

f*ck! Where can I park?!

I know, turn left! Left here!

360 feet now, where's that?

New Union. Could be G-A-Y.

(Rain patters)

Oh, shit!

Oh, no way!


Get in!

(All yell)


(All pant)

It's OK. He's not going anywhere in this.

(All groan)

I bet he's in Manto's.

They've got that LGBT fundraiser.

What a night!

We'll get him.

(Rain pours)

I always think it sounds like a sandwich, LGBT.

Yeah, it does, doesn't it?

Lettuce, gay bacon and tomato.

They've added a Q... we're supposed to be LGBTQ these days.

Lettuce, gay bacon, tomato and... quince.

No. Not as funny.

What is quince, anyway?

It's a plant.

I know it's a plant. I didn't think it was an animal.

I'm not going to be chased down the street by a wild quince, am I?

I fancy a sandwich.

I think I'll have... chicken on curly kale.

(All giggle)

Me, too. I'll add cock.

Large or small?

Large, thanks. I'll have a really big cock. Supersize it. Massive.

Nice big cock on crusty white.

I'll have...

... focaccia under curly kale, thank you.


I haven't got much time, could I have a really fast f*ck, please?

Is that for takeaway?

No, I'll have my f*ck right here.

I'll tell you what I want for lunch, I want a... beef, apple, lemon, lettuce sandwich.

Is that hot or cold, sir?

Oh, gotta be hot!

I want big, hot balls in me mouth, fast as you can!

(All laugh)

(Rain pours)

(Rain pours and thunder rumbles)

I went out with Julie Bisme for three years.

But we never really did anything.

We'd lie on her bed and fumble.

Then I'd go home.

What about you?

No. Snogged a few, that's all.

Can I ask? Is it easier with a girl?

Like when you have sex properly?

Cos my mate Terry says, "You can deny it all you like, but men and women are designed to fit together properly." Is that true?

Well... slightly.

Really? Do you think?

We're not supposed to say so.

The lettuce and gay bacon police will have me arrested, but... yeah, you kind of... click.

Then again, that's the best thing about sex with men.

It's harder to fit.

It's the battle, d'you know what I mean?


Getting those legs in the right place then going in.


Oh, man!

Lance had a girlfriend.

Only the one, when he was 18.

But he always said he loved her.

She was at the funeral.


Susan Driscoll.

I didn't recognise her name. He used to call her "Suzie Carlisle".

After all these years.


I should've spoken to her.

I should've got her number. I should've run after her.


But I didn't. D'you know why I didn't stop her?

Because I was too embarrassed.

In front of all those people.

I didn't want to run, cos everyone was looking at me.

So, I just let her go, in case I looked like an idiot.

We never f*cked.

Me and Lance.

I've never f*cked anyone, I've never been f*cked. I've never had penetrative sex, I've never had any sort of f*ck whatsoever.

No, but you must've had...

I think about it all day long, but I've never done it, OK?

So, no, I don't know about the legs... and the battle and the arsehole.

I haven't got a clue. I don't know the first f*cking thing, all right?

And that's what drove him away.

I come too soon.


Every time. I can't help it.

30 seconds and I pop.

Right. OK.

I can wank for about three hours solid, but f*ck me and I'm off...

Yes, look, I've just said something I've never said before, so if you could just... Actually, if you could not be premature, right this minute, Dean, that'd be marvellous, thanks!

(He sighs)

What about you?

What about me?

I'm a virgin. He comes too soon. What have you got?

No. Nothing.

Oh, you're perfect, aren't you?

I could be taller.

So who's Christopher?

f*ck off.

Yeah, who's Christopher?

I said, f*ck off.

Is he your brother?

Your parents mentioned a Christopher.

Really, f*ck right off! So, did your parents chuck you out of home, Dean?

Really, did they?

Yes, they did!

What do you mean?

Ask him yourself!

God, you're a bastard!

Is that not true?

Leave me alone!

Did they chuck you out?


Oh, my God, you made it up.

Oi! You've never been f*cked, let's talk about you!

I can't believe you did that.

Piss off!

Of course you made it up...

I'm going, in a... minute.

Cos you do.

Like when I was young. I'd cop off, and someone would say, like, Cleo, she'd say, "How was last night?" and I'd say,


You know, with a little mime, as if he can barely walk.

As if I'd f*cked the life out of him.

I did it for so long, I forgot I was lying.

Who's Christopher?


If we'd found that man tonight, what would you have done with him?

Everything else.

I mean, I'm not a virgin.

I'm seriously not. I've done a million things! Just... everything except f*ck.

Well... that's all right. I suppose. You don't have to.

Exactly. Lots of people don't, it's not just me.

Yeah, that's fine, if you're happy.

Are you happy?

But it's brilliant up the bum.

Thanks, Dean(!)

That's the reason I come too soon, cos it's lovely!


Did you ever try?

Yes, it hurt.

But that's for like 30 seconds.

It's more than 30 seconds.

It's a lot more.

Actually, that's a great 30 seconds.

But get past that... and it's... everything.

It's like a whole world, Henry. Why didn't you just try again?

I don't know. Why does anyone do anything?

But do you actually want to f*ck?

OK, just leave it now.

No, cos...

If you're having a wank, say...

You're imagining two men.

Let's go for the obvious, Harry Judd and Dougie Poynter on board the tour bus, cos everyone's imagined that one, even David Cameron's tossed himself off thinking about that, yes?

Oh, yeah!


What are they doing, in your head?

They have sex.

Oh, my God, they so have sex.

But do they f*ck?


What do they do?

Harry fucks Dougie.

Really, really hard.

On the back seats.

And that's penetration?

He is right inside him.

And that turns you on?



So the act of f*cking turns you on and you've never, ever done it?


Jesus Christ! Why not?

Lance said...

(He sighs)

I don't know. He said it was shame.

So... so where was he in all of this? Did he f*ck?

He wanted to... for nine years.

Oh, my God.

I used to think, he'll sneak off one day and have secret little fucks with someone else, and that'll be brilliant.

Oh, the relief!

(Voice breaks) But he was too good, wasn't he?


He was so good, he put up with me all that time!

And I'm never going to find anyone like him again...

(Shouting) ... and I told him to wait!


I told him, I said to him, "Wait... cos I'm going to come back!"

I was always going to come back!

All he had to do was wait, and it's not fair!


It's OK.


Why didn't he wait?

(Dean sighs)

(Both sniffle)



I still don't think it's my fault.

Oh, give up!

Oh, no!

I know I'm supposed to say,

"It's not my fault," and then... scurry off into some dark little corner and think, "It is my fault."

But bollocks to that!

Cos, yes, I could've done this and I could've done that, all right, but I have looked, I promise you, I have absolutely searched in every part of my soul, and I'm...

I'm sorry but it's not my fault, so you piss off!

I have never liked you more.

Yeah, well, you can piss off, too!

(Freddie chuckles)

(Freddie sighs)

Dean: Do you know what?

I think we've got it wrong, in all honesty.

I think it's Dougie who fucks Harry.


Cos that's the first thing about f*cking, Mr B.

It's never quite the way you expect.

Am I having lessons now?

Oh, it's about time.

Who's going to have me?

Never mind I'm 46 and bereaved.

Now I've got to be deflowered.

Freddie's still on offer.

"One night only." That's what you said.

That's true, you actually said it.

Could you do it, though, Freds?

I could. Absolutely.

What, with me?

Look at me!

What the hell is going to turn you on?

Sometimes sex itself is sexy.


God, you've got so much to learn!

Well, teach me, then, you bastard!

Go on, put him out of his misery.

You're like a charity!

Yeah, that's me, that's me...



(They giggle)

Is something funny?

"Aiden. 24. Versatile."

You just missed the best night of your life.

Well, it's not too late... if you want to ditch your mates.

Nah, f*ck it.

We're going home.

Oh, I'm knackered.

See you, then.


Music: The Only Shrine I've Seen by Darkside

♪ I'm on a light up in the sky ♪
♪ Smiling down as if I'm you ♪
♪ We will someday be ♪
♪ I will someday be ♪
♪ We will someday be ♪
♪ I will someday be ♪
♪ We would someday be. ♪



(Wailing in distance)






(Door closes)





So, what's today, then, chaps?

Dunno. Cinema?

I've gotta see Lucy. Then I might punch anyone who says "chaps".

After that, I might even cook tonight.

Oh, my God, you never cook.

Yeah, well, let's see. If I get a better offer, you can sod off.


Who's that?

We're all in.

(Footsteps approach)

I know, so who's that?

(Footsteps clunk)

Morning, boys. Don't mind us.

Who the f*ck are you?

Robbie, kitchen. Alan, with me.

Hey! Where are you going? Hey! What are you doing? Who are you?

Oi! That's my room! SMASHING Get off that, it's mine.

What the f*ck are you doing?!

If you could just stand back, mate.

That's my stuff!


If you could just stand back, as requested, sir(?) Thank you.

Get off!


f*ck off! Just f*ck off!

S... sorry, wh... where are you going?

Look, where do you think you're going?

Wha... ?

Oh, no, you don't.

I don't give a toss, mate.

You've got two minutes to get out, OK?

Just give it. Give it!

Give it!

Argh, stop!

Don't, don't, don't! Freddie, stop it, don't!


(He pants)

(Freddie yells)

(He pants)

Oh, like you'd f*cking dare, you coward! f*ck you!

Well, Roderick says, do yourselves a favour and get out.

But he's the landlord.

He is, and as of this moment, he declares that his premises have been illegally occupied.

Your property is henceforth his property and you're all required to leave this building immediately.

Robbie. Car. Nice and quick, eh?

He's not even a proper landlord!

I'm phoning the police.



(Lorry reversing)



That's mine, you bastards! It's my flat!

Look at me! Look at me!

I'm going to f*cking deck you!

They just walked in!

I know! They did it to us, too!

Oh, my God, he tried to k*ll me!

Literally, I almost died!

Which one?

That one over there! Him!


No, don't k*ll him! Don't!

Scotty, don't! Stop it!

(They all talk at once)

All right, all right, all right! OK, OK!

What are you doing?!

(Sirens approach)

We just moved in yesterday!

Roderick said it was fine, he gave us the f*cking keys!

This was yesterday!


I might have a little bit of work for you.

Calico Warehouse.

(They all talk at once)

Who's in charge here?

No idea.


You can stop that right now.

Police! Here are the police!

OK, come here. So this man took my laptop and my speakers and then he assaulted me.

I entered my client's property and found this young man high on dr*gs.

(He scoffs) Oh, f*ck off! f*ck off, you liar!

(They all talk at once)

(Siren wails)

(Glass smashes)

Told you that place was dodgy.

Turns out, you're an allotment scheme.

It's recession economics, started in New York.

Property gets frozen, in dispute, so you fill it with tenants.

The kind of tenants who don't ask too many questions.

Keep the rent low, so no-one asks for a contract, then you stand back and you watch them flourish, with their iPads and their smartphones and their widescreen TVs.

And then... (Smashing glass) ... you harvest them.

All of your stuff will be on sale in a pub in Ordsall by 12 o'clock, and there is nothing you can do about it.


In six months' time, they'll start again. Plant new seeds.

I've got nothing left.

You're a f*cking disaster! Mwah!

Hey, hey, hey! Break it up!

Oh! Duty calls.

f*ck off, you f*cking... ! Hold on!

I represent that man, I'm his solicitor. Not the face!

Oh, by the way. Did you notice?


No crutches!

Oh! Well done.

Thank you.

Come here!

No, no! You don't need to!

(Music plays)

So, that's it. I've got nowhere else to go.

And I thought, "Well, Marie won't mind."

Cos we're like family, aren't we? Really? You and me?

We've had our ups and downs, but that's OK, and this old house has got more than enough spare bedrooms.

And Lance would be happy to think of us, together.

In fact, he'd laugh. He'd laugh his head off.

Do you remember that laugh?

Cos I miss him, Marie.

I miss him with every beat of my heart!

So, you should stay!

Cos the house belongs to both of us, I worked out this joint ownership thing, it's easy.

You can have the upstairs, and I can have the downstairs!

No. I've got Saul, he's here!

Almost done, Mr B!

20 seconds, meatballs!

Counting down!

Oh, and if you don't like it... and call me psychic, but I suspect you might not... then you can get your solicitor to talk to my solicitor!

Oh! Don't mind me.

Welcome home, sweetheart! Mwah!

You've met my solicitor, remember?

He's over... there!

He's the one with the pants on his head!

All sing: ♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh... ♪

Music: Knock On Wood by Amii Stewart

All: ♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh ♪
♪ Oh ♪
♪ I'm not superstitious, about ya ♪
♪ But I can't take no chance ♪
♪ You got me spinnin', baby ♪
♪ You know that I'm in a trance ♪
♪ Cos your love, is better ♪
♪ Than any love I know ♪
♪ It's like thunder, lightning ♪
♪ The way you love me is frightening ♪
♪ You better knock, knock, knock, knock on wood ♪
♪ Baby ♪

All: ♪ Oooh, ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
♪ Baby ♪
♪ Oooh, ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
♪ Think I better knock, knock, knock on wood ♪