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01x08 - Ancient-History

Posted: 03/06/15 14:50
by bunniefuu
Dylan: Let's do this already!

Teddy: You gotta calm down, D.

This is gonna be one of the easiest hits we've ever done.

Homevault does security for the entire building.

'Kay, I've got the intercom wired to my phone.

Dylan: Like a kid in a candy store.

Teddy: All right. (Grunts)

I'll call you, buzz you up.

Dylan: What the hell are you doing?

Drew: What? Alex: Lose the mask, idiot.

Dylan: As far as anyone knows, we're visiting a friend.

All we gotta do is act cool and walk through the door.

Rayna: What, you don't wanna just smash a rock through the window for old times' sake? (Laughs)

Dylan: All I wanna do is get in and out without anybody calling the cops.

Too late for that.

(Car door opens, police chatter over radio)

Rayna: Who brought the heat?

Dylan: Oh no... hey! Hey, officer!

Can I get some directions off you or what?!

(Truck rumbles nearby)

Directions to where?

Dunno. The mall?

Goodis: Mall's closed.

What's going on out here? Uh, what's your name?

I don't have to tell you my name.

We're just hanging out.

Goodis: All right, well, I'm going inside.

When I come back out, I want you both gone.

Catch you later, crime stopper.

Teddy: What was that, huh?! You set us up?

Dylan: What're you talking about?

Teddy: We bail on you, you dime on us?

Dylan: Hey, I just saved your ass.

In case you didn't notice, I'm the one who stuck around.

Teddy: Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry, okay?

It's just... that was insane. You were cool as ice though.

So, what's the plan then, huh? Wait for him to leave?

Sneak in when he's gone?

No. This place is lit. We're done here.

(Exhales heavily) And you're welcome by the way.


(Heartbeat pulses)

(Siren wails in the distance, traffic rumbles)

Dylan: But I saw the blonde woman there!

Goodis: Sorry, Dylan, the loft checks out.

Nobody seems to have seen her.

The lease on unit 202 is paid on time.

Dylan: By who? How?

I need a warrant to get that info.

Dylan: Then get a warrant.

Well, for that I need probable cause, and nothing suspicious has happened in that building... oh, except for last night. There was a bunch of teens loitering about.

You know what happens if you get caught with those kids, right?

So, the drawings, the loft, the blonde woman, it's all just a coincidence?! Somebody's lying.

Goodis: I need you to sit tight.

I'm not good at sitting tight, Goodis.

Will you just take the day off and be a normal teenage girl for once?!

(Hang up click)

For serious? He hung up on me.

That's just great.

Wes: Mm... at least now you don't have to slum it with Teddy and the bling ring.

Draco Malfoy and the Slytherins? (Chuckles)

(Light knocking)

Speak of the devil, right?

Dylan: What're you doing? You can't be here, it violates my probation.

Teddy: Relax.

Just wanna know when we're hitting the apartment.

We're not. The cops are on it.

Teddy: I'm sorry, am I in the wrong place here?

I was looking for the badass from last night.

Oh, take a hint. She wants you gone.

I don't think she knows what she wants, bro.

Seriously, D, I'm not buying this whole good girl act.

I'm not selling it.

Teddy: Nah...

From the looks of it you're all sold out.

You don't know anything about me, Teddy.

Don't I?!

Look, I know you're stuck here right now, but if you had the choice, the Dylan Blake I know wouldn't be slumming it with the Sesame Street g*ng here.

This isn't you.

And it's just a matter of time before you come back to your real friends.

You just need the right motivation.

Wes: What a tool. (Chuckles)


(Babies fuss and cry)

(Approaching footsteps)

Hard to believe you were ever that small, huh?

Dylan: Sometimes I forget I almost didn't make it.

So I guess that one's me? The bad seed over there.

(Baby fusses)

Jane: No, you were a really good baby.

You never cried.

I used to worry something was wrong, but you were just good...

You still are.

You just lost your way for a while.

I'm really glad to have you back.

(Baby fusses)

(Low hum of chatter, receding footsteps)

(Machine whirs)

April: He's just a kid.

London: Kids don't like me.

You know, I don't see why we have to assess a bunch of day campers anyway.

Their bus was only in a Fender bender.

(Nervous exhale)

Hey, Aidan.

It's a... it's a pretty big bump.

Do you wanna tell me how you hurt your head?

Oh... (Sighs heavily)

Can you... open your eyes really wide for me?

No, I said open your oh, I see.

Okay, um...

How about this? Wanna see something cool?

See that eye chart behind me? I have a photographic memory.


(Heavy thump)

And you don't care.

(Nervous exhale)

Hud: All right, buddy, and you are good to go.

Nurse April's gonna take you back to your teacher.

You wanna do one of these?

Hud and patient: (Mimic sound of an expl*si*n)

Hud: Oh! All right. Get outta here.

London: Wait, how'd you do that?

Hud: Believe it or not, kids like me.

I find a way to bond with them.

London: It tried that!

I read my kid the snellen chart.

Hud: Okay, that's... Not what I was thinking.



April: Hey. Hud: Let's see here...

April: (Mumbles instructions) Hey.

Hud: Let's take a look at that cut on your arm.

Now this is antibiotic ointment, and what it's gonna do, it's gonna prevent infection, okay?

And this bandage here, it's gonna help bond the skin.

You are gonna regenerate in no time, kid.

Just like Wolverine.

London: Huh. I can do that.


(Curtain scrapes back)

Um... (Panicking breaths)

Oh no. (Panicky breaths) Oh... no.

(Babies fuss and cry)

Wes: (Blows out his breath) Uh... you okay?

You seemed pretty rattled by your blast from the past.

I thought you might wanna talk about it.

Dylan: Talk? About feelings?

It's like you don't know me at all.

I think we should change that. Like... tonight.

Is that your way of asking me out?

Do you have a problem with that?

Well, I mean, timing's a little suspect.

Teddy shows up and you're hot on me all of a sudden?

Dylan: Okay, to be fair, I was never not hot on you.

Teddy can say whatever he wants, but I know who I am and who I want to spend my time with.

So what do you say?

Got the condo to ourselves tonight.

We can order a pizza, stream a movie...

Get to know each other better.

Wes: I'll think about it. Uh, yeah, I'm in.

On one condition: No pizza. I'll make us dinner.

Breakfast for dinner. How do you feel about pancakes?

Dylan: I love pancakes.

Wes: And you said I don't know you at all.

Hmm. (Chuckles)

♪ Oh, come on, my love... ♪

Jared: So I'm thinking if we finish up early tonight, my buddy's band is opening a show downtown.


It's gonna be rammed, but... I can get us in.

Line bypass. No cover. No delinquents.

Shhh... more kissing.

And let's just stay here where we can be alone.

You're embarrassed of me. I'm your moped, aren't I?

Mikayla: My what?

Jared: Your moped.

Fun for fooling around as long as nobody sees you.

No, that's not it at all.

What is it then? Why don't you wanna go?

That's what I thought.

Mikayla: (Sighs heavily)

Jared: Guess I'll go with a girl who doesn't suck.

That! That's it! That's why!

What? What're you even ah, whatever.

I'll take someone else. Check your pager feed later.

I'll be posting throughout my whole date.

(Door bangs shut)

♪ So let's open up ♪

Dylan: So do we have a truce now or what?

Wes: Hey, you know, I was minding my own business, okay, trying to make a pancake brontosaurus, when you decided to get all cute with the flour.

I mean, who even does that?

Dylan: What can I say? I guess I just wanna be bad.

Wes: Yeah, about that. I mean...

Look, what's past is past. I don't wanna grill you about your ex-boyfriends, but... well, if you ever wanna talk...

Dylan: Me and Teddy are over. He was...

When my dad disappeared, I was hurt and angry.

And I needed somewhere to put the pain.

Teddy was good for that. He didn't ask questions.

He didn't constantly check to see if I was all right or not.

He just let me be not all right.

He... I dunno. It feels like ancient history now.

Why don't we just focus on the future?

Wes: I can do that.

Future's looking pretty good tonight.

Except for...


(Phone chimes)

It's a video message from Teddy.

And the past rears its ugly head.

Teddy: You know, D, I've been thinking about you and me all day.

We've got a lot of unfinished business to deal with. Tonight.

Rayna: (Shrieks and laughs)

Teddy: Woo! (Laughing)

Dylan: The loft... they broke in without me.

Teddy: So all you gotta do is give me a call and I'll buzz you up.

How's that for the right motivation? (Blows a kiss)

(Siren wails in the distance)

Wes: Wait, wait. Dylan, no. Come on! Wait!

Hey! (Door bangs shut)

That is exactly what Teddy wants, okay?

That video could be a set-up.

And what if it's my dad's loft?

He's out there somewhere, sick and scared.

He needs my help.

Wes: Goodis said to sit tight.

Dylan: He also said he can't do anything until there's suspicious activity.

So I need to find something suspicious.

Wes: Then you're not going alone.

And you know what? Don't even try to talk me out of this.

(Door bangs shut, traffic rumbles)

(Bangs on door, music blasts inside)

(Teddy's crew laughs, lock tumbles)

Teddy: Welcome back the dark side.

I don't know if you heard, bro, but, uh, no plus ones.

Dylan: Don't be a punk.

(Dance music blasts) ♪ go, go, go, go, go, go... ♪

Rayna: Omygod! Aggghhhh! I'm so glad you came.

Oh, it'll just be like old times!

Dylan: Yeah, some things never change.

Rayna: Who's the cutie?

Dylan: Uh, Rayna, Wes. Wes, Rayna.

Rayna: Wanna have some fun?

Wes: I dunno.

Looks like you're having enough fun for the both of us.

(Laughing) Dylan, I like him.

Teddy: That makes one of us.

Teddy: (Grunts with effort)

Rayna: (Shrieks happily)

(Laughing and cheering) Yeah!

Dylan: Okay, so here's the plan.

You hang back and mingle, and I'm gonna go snoop around, and make sure they don't destroy the place.

(Music blares)

Rayna: (Laughing)

(Siren wails nearby)

(Doors click open)




(Struggles with doors)

(Nervous whimper, gasps)

(Shaky breaths)

Young London: (Weeping softly)

(Startled gasp)

When you're done admiring yourself, you still got that kid to deal with.

London: What?

Hud: Maybe go check where you left him.

(Sighs, distracted)

(Doors burst open)

London: Oh, thank God, Aidan! I thought I lost you.

I'm so glad you're all right. Are you nuts?

You could've passed out. You could've been kidnapped!

Oh, I thought I was in so much trouble.

Oh, hey... are you afraid you're gonna get in trouble if you tell me what happened?

Hey, what happened?

Aidan: I bumped my head on the bus window.

I was standing on the seat and I'm not supposed to.

I won't tell anyone. I promise, 'Kay?

All right. It's okay.

(Low hum of chatter, cart rattles)

(Phone rings nearby)

Mikayla: (Disgusted sigh)

Omygod! You scared me!

Oh, sorry. It's my first day.

Um, I was looking for the elevators.

Mikayla: Oh, um... out that door, to your right.

Veronica: Huh. I guess I... got turned around.

Mikayla: Yeah, I guess.

(Heels clack)

(Pages flutter, paper rustles)

(Dance music blasts) Rayna: I gotta pee.

Teddy: Remind me again why you brought this loser?

This was supposed to be our thing.

He's not a loser.

I'm not here for you, this is my thing.

Teddy: Oh, I get it. This is about your dad.

What is this? Like a secret love nest or something?

Rayna: (Laughing) Yo, you guys ever try anti-psychs?

Dylan: Don't take those!

Rayna: Easy, it's not like I'm gonna foam at the mouth.

Dylan: I was right! This is my dad's hiding spot.

Look, it's his prescription.

Hard evidence. This is crazy.

Dylan: No, I know. This is the closest I've ever been to the truth.

I feel like I'm gonna cry.

Wes: No. No, don't-don't cry now. You can cry later, okay?

We just we have to get out of here.

Dylan: No. No, no, no.

This whole thing is starting to feel a whole lot worse than just some stupid affair.

I don't know, I can't I can't explain it, it just it feels bigger.

I need a few moments in here, alone, to figure this out.

Good luck shutting down the party. I mean, what do you wanna do?

Dylan: (Sighs)

(Music cuts out)

Dylan: Everyone out or I'm calling the cops!

(Heels clack)

(Mikayla's phone rings, Veronica sighs)

Veronica: (Annoyed sigh) (Doors rumble shut)

Dylan: I mean it, Teddy. I don't wanna do this, but I will.

Rayna: Teddy, forget her. Let's go.

Teddy: She's bluffing. The Dylan Blake I know wouldn't sell out her friends.

Dylan: Yeah, well, that girl's gone.

I took the fall for you once, but I'm not gonna do it again.

So why don't you do what you do best, and bail.

Wes: Yeah, just leave while you still can.

Teddy: You know what, dude? I really don't like you...

And I really don't like the new Dylan Blake either.

Dylan: I don't need you to.

I'd like to report a break and enter.

Metal factory lofts, unit 202.

You need to hurry. They're still here.

Teddy: Yeah, nice try.

There's no one even on the phone.

911 dispatcher over speaker: Officers are on their way.

You say they're still in the building?

Hello! You still there?

Can you tell me how many there are?

Teddy: I hope your dad's dead.

Dylan: Actually, it's just one guy. I know who it is, too. He goes to my school.

Teddy: Don't even think about it, Dylan.

Dylan: His name's Teddy Ralston and his parents own Homevault Security.

Rayna: No!

Dylan: He steals the security codes!

(Someone bangs on the door)

Neighbour: Hey! Open up! You've been driving me nuts all night!

What's going on in there?! Open the damn door!

Rayna: Teddy, it's over! Let's go!

Teddy: You're dead, Dylan! You're as good as dead!

Teddy: Come on!

Neighbour: Hey! Hey!

Hey! What the hell's your problem?!

Wes: Here!

Go, go, go. Go.

Wes and Dylan: (Breathing hard)

(Breathing hard)

(Whispering) You okay?

(Approaching footsteps)

Police officer: Police, we're coming in!

Sir, I need you to stop walking now.

Neighbour: It's okay, I live in the apartment downstairs.

Officer: Get down on the ground.

Wes: We have to get outta here now!

I don't have the pills.

We can just tell them it's my dad's loft.

The pills prove he was here, they don't prove that this place is his.

It just looks like we broke in. I mean, we sort of did!

Do you really wanna roll that dice with the cops?

No. The fire escape. It's our only shot.

(Doors slide back quietly)

(Window rattles, door closes)

Officer: Hey! Who's in there!

Dylan: It's stuck.

Officer: This is the police!

Dylan and Wes: (Grunting)

Unlock the door and come out with your hands up!

(Doorknob rattles)

We're coming in!

(Wood splinters, door slams against wall)


Jared: What the hell?

Are you gonna refollow me, or what?

Mikayla: Not now, Jared. Dylan has a stalker.

She's not answering her phone, and neither is Wes.

Jared: Oh, here we go. More drama from "the girl who lived."

I'm not gonna be your moped.

Oh my God, you're not my moped.

You're more like a mean ringtone.

You know, if you wanna be my boyfriend, you need to be way nicer. Like, as a person.


Obviously I'm sorry.

Clearly, I wanna be your boyfriend.

Also, the girl in the photo was my cousin.

(Laughs) Thank you.


Okay. Now can you help me with this Dylan thing?

Seth: (Sighs) You're tired. Your eyes are playing tricks on you.

Seth, it was me. I was six years old, I was in this hospital, and I was crying.

What if I'm schizophrenic?

Hey... let's not jump to conclusions.

Well, my dad is. I'm the right age. I'm hallucinating.

Mikayla: London!

You need to take a look at this photo.

Some sketchy nurse is leaving threatening notes for Dylan.

London: That woman's not a nurse. She was my patient.

I ran every test, but there was nothing wrong with her.

Mikayla: No, no, no. There's definitely something wrong with this chick.

London: Well, she kept asking about my dad, if he had contacted me.

She mentioned Dylan.

Jared: Sounds like a stalker to me.

London: Where is Dylan now? Mikayla: She's not answering her phone.

She and Wes were supposed to be at your place having some alone time.

London: Yeah, well, they're about to get interrupted.

Dylan: That was insane!

Wes: (Laughing)

I can't believe we actually made it out of there.

God, you should feel good. I mean, you were right about your dad.

If he shows up, Goodis will find him.

Thanks for coming.

You don't need to thank me.

I am sorry my tortured past ruined our night though.

Wes: Ruined? The best night of my life.

Come on, a little... danger, some intrigue, some romance, you know...


Dylan: We should go inside.

Wes: Yes we should.

(Keys jingle, lock tumbles)

(Running footsteps, hard punch)

(Door crashes against wall)

Dylan: What the hell are you doing?!

No! Don't! Stop!

Wes: (Grunting in pain)

Wes: (Grunting in pain)

Dylan: Stop! Don't! Stop!

(Wes grunts in pain)

Teddy: (Panting)

Did you really think I was gonna let this go?

There's probably police standing outside my house right now.

(Wes grunts, Teddy pants from exertion)

If I'm going to jail, I'm getting revenge first.

This one's on you!

Dylan: No! Stop!

Wes: (Grunts in pain)

Seth: What the hell? London: Get off of them! Get your hands off of her!

Teddy: Go, go, go, go, go!

Dylan: Have fun in jail, Teddy!

London! Help!

Seth: I'm calling the cops.

London: And get an ambulance!
