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04x16 - Not Just a Pretty Face

Posted: 03/05/15 01:15
by bunniefuu

Jessica, you were right.

We either need to have both, or it's not going to work.

Effective immediately, I'm tendering my resignation.

Forstman doesn't throw money around without getting something in return.

He's gonna get money in return.

Money is third on his list.

The first two are getting back at people and getting control of people.

You son of a bitch, you didn't bring me here for you to sign on the arrows.

You brought me here for me to sign on the arrows.


After Woodall lost his job, Forstman got him installed at the SEC.

Where's the proof?

In Eric Woodall's bank accounts.

This is ridiculous.

I'm your boss.

Gentlemen, give me a minute.

You're forcing me to turn you in for what you did 12 years ago.

You're not gonna do that.

Because you did it too, pal.

Anyone else ever loses faith in me, it doesn't matter.

With you, it's different.

I should go.


You know I love you, Donna.

[somber folksy music]

♪ ♪

man: To Harvey.

crowd: To Harvey. Cheers.

♪ ♪

Jay, can I get a Macallan 18?

You know, usually when someone wins their first trial, they at least pretend to finish the drink their fellow ADAs bought them.

I'm sorry, do we--

Know each other? Not yet.

But today's your lucky day.

And why is that?

Because it's the day you get to meet Donna.

And let me guess. You're Donna.

Oh, you have no idea how Donna I am.

Well, Donna, I'm Harvey--

Harvey Specter.

You really think I'd be talking to you if I didn't know who you were?

And how exactly do you know about me?

I know about everybody.

What I don't know is why this is the first case you ever took to trial.

Because it was a white-collar crime, not some drug dealer on a corner, which makes it the kind of case--

That puts your name in the paper.

You're not just a pretty face, are you?

No, I'm not.

So maybe you should buy me a drink, and we can continue this conversation in the corner.


♪ ♪

Sean, what are you doing in my building in the middle of the night?

I thought we were done with you following me.

I'm not following you.

I'm waiting for you.

I need your help.

You need my help, or the SEC needs my help?

We both do.

But at the moment, I care more about me than I do about the SEC.

I can't find the money.

What do you mean you can't find the money?

What the hell have you been doing for the last three months?

Looking for the money.

Then look harder, because Woodall isn't in the charity business.

Forstman buys people, and we handed them to you on a silver platter.

And I stuck my neck out for you, and I accused my friend of being on the take.

Now, if I can't follow through with that, Eric Woodall walks.

Charles Forstman walks.

Well, what makes you think I can find the money when you couldn't?

I don't know if you can or not, but they're gonna shut me down in five days, and I need all the help I can get.

Okay, enough about me. Let's talk about you.

Ooh, my favorite subject.

You know what I think?


I think your favorite subject didn't come up to me just to find out why I went to trial.

You want something.

I sure do.

And I think I might be ready to give it to you.

It's not sex.

Then never mind.


Wow, you're gonna be that honest about it.

Saves time.

Well, in that case, I want to move to your desk.

And why is that?

Because it's no secret that in a few years, you're going back to Gordon, Schmidt, and Van d*ke.

And let me guess, you want to come with me when I do.

No, I don't.

Then why?

Because I'm gonna be an actress, and I want somebody who understands that there's more to life than just the DA's office.

And that I can give my all to them but still step out for the occasional audition.

So you're stepping out on me already?

Yes, but the important thing is, I'm telling you about it in advance.

Macallan 36.

I didn't order a Macallan 36.

It's from the gentleman over there.

Donna: Okay, I don't know who that is, but I'm telling you right now, he is bad news.

You look different.

I will take that as a compliment.

I meant I wasn't expecting to see you like that--

I-I know what you meant.

What you really meant is that you weren't expecting to see me at all.

Excuse me?

Oh, come on, Harvey.

Ever since Mike came back to the firm, I've basically been nonexistent to you.

What's going on?

Cahill can't find the money.

What do you mean he can't find the money?

What's he been doing this whole time?

Yeah, that's what I said.

And what did he say?

He said he's in trouble and he needs our help.

And I'm gonna tell you what I couldn't tell him.

He can't find the money because he's been looking in the wrong place.

So where's the right place?

I don't know exactly.

But somewhere, there's a person Eric Woodall cares about, and that's where the money went.

And why can't we tell Cahill that?

Because I don't know him to know how I know it.

How do you know it?

Because I know.

You want a chance to exist?

Figure out a way to get this done.

♪ See the money, wanna stay for your meal ♪
♪ Get another piece of pie for your wife ♪
♪ Everybody wanna know how it feel ♪
♪ Everybody wanna see what it's like ♪
♪ I'll even eat a bean pie, I don't mind ♪
♪ Me and Missy is so busy, busy making money ♪
♪ All right ♪
♪ All step back, I'm 'bout to dance ♪
♪ Suits 4x16 ♪
Not Just a Pretty Face
Original Air Date on March 4, 2015

♪ The greenback boogie ♪

[somber folksy music]

♪ ♪


Louis, I got your note, and I know that Norma's still out, but I really don't have time to--

Norma's dead.


She died this morning taking care of her sister.

Oh, Louis, I'm so sorry.

You don't need to fake it, Donna.

I'm not faking it.

She was a sweet woman.

She was a frickin' battle-ax is what she was.

There wasn't a day that went by that I didn't want to rip out one of her varicose veins and strangle her with it.

Okay, I don't think you're in touch with how you're really feeling right now.

How I'm feeling is that she left me high and dry just like she always did.

You expect her to keep working?

Look at this.

It's her entire estate laid out on paper.

She couldn't manage my calendar, but this crap fest she plans within an inch of her life.

And you want me to make sure these things are bequeathed properly?

You can stuff them in a giant piñata for all I care.

I have to go find the perfect urn to throw her ashes off the top of the building.

She requested that?

No, she wanted them to be in here with me, but like hell I'm gonna do that.

Okay, Louis, I will take care of this for you, but you're not throwing her ashes anywhere without me.

Okay, fine.

Do you want me to smooth things over with Harvey for you?


Harvey will be just fine on his own.

I know who you are, and I'm not interested.

Just 'cause I got a bad reputation?

Because I'm not accepting a drink for putting your rival behind bars.

You got the wrong idea, pal.

I didn't buy you that for putting my enemy away.

I bought you that for how you put my enemy away.

Okay, you got me.

[chuckles] What are you talking about?


You've got something special.

And I want people with something special working for me.

Why exactly would I want to work for you?

I can think of a million reasons, 'cause that's the signing bonus I'm gonna give you, and that's a hell of a lot more money than you're ever gonna make as a lawyer.

And what if I told you I don't practice law to make money?

Then I'd ask you, what do you practice it for?

To bend people to my will.

Then bend people to your will for me and make a lot of money on top of it.

Well, here's the thing, Mr. Forstman.

Not that it's any of your business, but I'll be making 1/2 million a year in no time.

1/2 million a year is d*ck.

My gardener makes that.

Then go offer your gardener a job, because I'm not interested.

Just so you know, if you change your mind and come back to me, it's not gonna be the same conversation.

Thanks for the drink. Good luck, Mr. Forstman.


What are you doing?

What do you think I'm doing?

If Forstman gave the money to someone Woodall's close to, we need to start by compiling a family tree.

I meant why aren't you at school today?

Because I'm gonna prove to Harvey that I exist.


Now that you mention it, what was that last night?

Ever since you came back, it's like you and Harvey speak this secret language, and I'm not a part of it.

Rachel, come on. We have history.

I'm not talking about history. I'm talking about respect.

Okay, you don't know what you're talking about if you think Harvey doesn't respect you.

Are you gonna tell me that last night he didn't give you a look that said, "You don't need to tell her the full story because she doesn't need to know"?

Rachel, he didn't give me that look because he doesn't respect you.

He gave me that look because he's ashamed.

What are you talking about?


Let's just say that I'm not the only one that Charles Forstman duped.

Harvey got taken by Forstman?


And he only told me because he had to when we were in the middle of that takeover battle.

That's why Harvey's so slow to care about anybody.

Forstman used somebody he cared about.

Holy shit. I never even thought about that.

Who do you think it was?

I don't know, but I have a pretty good guess.

Well, what do you think?

I think this place is a dump, and I'm busy, so why don't you tell me why we're here?

I want to open a restaurant here.

Marcus, there's already a restaurant here.

And it isn't working.

Which is why they're gonna lose their lease.

Take a look.

I've got a chef.

I've got a liquor license.

I've got renovation plans.

I have everything I need.

Except the money.

I need $150,000.

Are you crazy?

Come on, Harvey.

This is my dream.

I know I can make this work.

And I'm not saying you can't, but I don't have that kind of money.

What are you talking about?

You're the big-time lawyer who just got his name in the paper.

My name in the paper doesn't pay me extra money.

I make $50,000 a year.

And you said you were gonna be a corporate lawyer.

Yeah, and when I am, I can help you, but right now--

I don't give a shit about right now.

I give a shit about when you were supposed to be my big brother, but instead, what did you do?

I know what I did.

Then you know I can never get a loan for as long as I live.

Marcus, when are you gonna take responsibility for your own shit?

What the hell does it look like I'm trying to do?

I came to you first because I know you'd want me to, but if you don't come through, I'm gonna go to Mom.

You don't mean Mom.

You mean him.

And you're not taking a nickel from that man.

Taking his money isn't gonna make what he did to Dad any worse.

That's bullshit, and you know it, and I'm not gonna let you do it.

Hey, Harvey.

How the hell are you gonna stop me?

Harvey: Am I crazy, or is that the same dress you were wearing the last time I saw you?

You must be crazy, because I don't wear the same dress ever.

Then you must spend a fortune on wardrobe.

But I have to say, it's worth it.

I suddenly get the feeling this isn't just a drop-by.

I want to move up our timeline.

Harvey, we have a deal.

I put myself on the line for you, and our deal is not going to change.

I could just pay you the money back and move on.

And if you could do that, you wouldn't be here asking to come back.

How much money did Marcus lose this time?

He didn't lose anything. He wants to start a restaurant.

He doesn't want to start shit.

He owes somebody something.

You don't know that. He's turned his life around.

What I know is, he has a problem, and he's looking to get money from you.

And you're not gonna get it from me.

Then I'll get it somewhere else.

And what's that supposed to mean?

I got a job offer from Charles Forstman.

Look at me.

I don't care what he's offering you.

Don't take it.

Because he's got a bad reputation?

You think I don't know that?

I think there are a lot of things you think you know that you don't.

What I know is, you're either gonna help me or Charles Forstman is.

It's up to you.

Harvey, I can't make you listen to me, but what I'm not going to do is let you come here and leverage me with some bullshit offer from a shady banker, so do what you're gonna do.

But don't say I didn't warn you.

You can buy all the Wonder Bread you want, Eric, but you can't take it with you to prison.

What are you doing here?

I'm here to remind you that once they find the money, it's all gonna come tumbling down.

Well, they're not gonna find the money, 'cause there is no money.

Not in your accounts, but I know what Cahill doesn't.

Forstman gave it to somebody you care about, and if I tell him that, it'll be too late.

I know what you're trying to do.

You're trying to bait me into moving the body.

We both know you're not dumb enough to do that.

I'm here to get you to cut a deal and turn Forstman in.

You don't have the authority to cut a deal.

No, but I can get Cahill to after you hire me to represent you.

You mean hire the fox to watch the henhouse?

Not a chance.

Eric, they're closing in, and when they do, you're gonna want to call me.

So why don't you take my card?

This is ridiculous.

Woodall's got 30 people it could be, or it could be none of them.

I know that, but this is our job.

No, our job is to help Harvey get Forstman.

If you're thinking what I think you're thinking--

I am, and you are too.

Rachel, we are never gonna get Harvey to go after Forstman for what they did 12 years ago.

Why, because of his brother?

Yes, because of his brother, or because he's ashamed.

Either way, he knows it's a possibility.

He doesn't need me to tell him about it.

No, he just doesn't need me to tell him about it.


This is not about that.

Look, I can't tell him because I'm not supposed to know, but you can.

And I just told you, he doesn't want to hear it.

And when has that ever stopped you before?

This is different.


Because he's ashamed.

Then he's not thinking right, and he needs your help more than ever.

Then we're both telling him.

Mike, I don't need the credit.

No, this isn't about credit. This is about us.

He can't tell me something and expect me not to tell you.

You wanted to see me?

Yes. Where have you been all day?

Why? Is there something you want to talk about?

Yeah, where you've been.

Sean Cahill was at my door last night--

Harvey, Norma passed away.

I've been helping Louis.

Norma died?

That's terrible.

I thought you couldn't stand her.

I couldn't, but I assume Louis loved her, so...

Do what you need to do.


Because she was his secretary, he must have loved her.

That's not what I meant.

But it is what you said.

Okay, Donna. What's wrong?

How about we start with the fact that I have been wondering for the last ten hours if you're going to acknowledge what happened last night.

But you're you, so of course you're not.

I'm not gonna acknowledge it because nothing happened last night.

Why? And don't tell me I know why.

Because it would have been a mistake, and you know it.

What I know is something happened, and you ran away, but not before you told me you loved me.

I did that because I wanted to make you feel better.

What did you just say to me?

That's not what I meant. I didn't say that--

Because you pity me? Yeah, you did.

No, I said it because I love you, and I wanted you to know it.

Love me how?

Why does that have to--

Love me how?

That's what I thought.

You either can't answer or you won't, which is bullshit, because obviously, you don't just look at me this way.

You're capable of looking at me that way, but you don't want to let those worlds collide because you're afraid to risk anything.

Because we have everything.

No, Harvey. You have everything.

So you're saying you want everything?

I don't know, Harvey, but what I do know is I don't want your pity.

[introspective music]

♪ ♪

What are you doing here? Nobody finds out where I live.

I do.

Hold on a second. Let me turn this off.

You got to be kidding me. You're watching Wall Street?

A monthly ritual to remind myself.

Of what?

Of what a p*ssy Gordon Gekko is.

Now, you want to tell me what changed your mind?

I decided I wanted the money.

And you turned me down, so now you're gonna tell me why you want the money.

My brother needs $150,000 for a restaurant.

Hmm. Now we're getting somewhere.

[clears throat]

Let's have it.

Okay, you want it?

Here it is.

It's not just a restaurant. It's a second chance.

Marcus has a gambling problem, and I gave it to him.


And you think this is his way out?

I know it is.


We're not a good fit, 'cause restaurants fail, and when this one does, you'll leave.

So you might as well leave right now.

Then how about we bet on it?

You're gonna gamble on something to get your brother out of a gambling problem?

I didn't say I had a problem.

I think maybe you do.

When you always win, it's not a problem.


I think I might like you, pal.


I got your message. What's going on?

What's going on is, they're trying to screw me, and I need you to be bad cop.


man: Have you made a decision, sir?

No, I haven't made a decision, you shyster dealer of death.

Okay, I think maybe we're gonna need another minute.

No, we don't.

I don't need another minute to see that this looks like a pot from Home Depot, this looks like a lamp from Motel 6, and this looks like a g*dd*mn howitzer shell.

You are lucky that I don't take this mockery of a final resting place and shove it up your ass.

Louis, that's enough.

No, it's not enough.

I've been handling this bullshit for two days for a woman who's supposed to be handling things for me.

Louis, this isn't about the urn.

Oh, please don't give me that touchy-feely shit.

And why the hell are you not being bad cop?

Because that's not what's needed.

Oh, bullshit it's not what's needed.


You don't care about me.

You never cared about me.

All you care about is yourself... and your stupid sister and your Hummel figurines and your m*rder, She Wrote reruns.

Louis, I'm not Norma.

She's gone... and it's gonna be okay.

She was a battle-ax!

[crying] But she was my battle-ax.

I know. I know.

Oh, she didn't just leave me high and dry.

She left me for good.

I'm so sorry.

It's okay.

[clears throat]

Both of you?

We both work for you.

Which is why we're both here to say maybe it's time we explore other options.

You got to be kidding me.

You spent two days on this, and you're ready to throw in the towel?

We've spent two of our five days on it, and we still don't have a name, so we think it's time to consider--


Going after Forstman for whatever he did to you 12 years ago.

You told her?

Yes, I did.

Because like I said, we both work for you.

Which means we both want to help.

You think I haven't wondered how to go after Forstman 100 times in the last dozen years?

Then why don't you?

Because I'm not the only one at risk.

Mike: You mean your brother.

Yes, I do.

And I'm not gonna bring him into this, because he didn't do anything wrong.

Harvey, I'm not saying--

Did you hear me?

He doesn't just have a g*n to my head, okay?

He's got one to my brother's.

And how many times have you told me that when someone has a g*n to your head, you figure a different way out?

This is Charles Forstman.

There is no other way out.

Harvey, there's--

I gave you a job to do. Now do your g*dd*mn job.

Well, that was a bust.

We had to try.

Did we?

I told you he'd be pissed off, and he was.

Yeah, and you also told me he needed to hear things that he didn't want to hear.

Okay, well, now all he heard is, not only can't he trust me, he can't trust you either.

That's not what he heard, and you know it.

What he heard was that you're the closest person in the world to me, I am never gonna keep things from you, and I'm not the only one in his corner.

I'm the closest person in the world to you.

Of course you are. How can you even--

I'm not questioning it.

I'm the closest person in the world to you, and I wouldn't be on your family tree.

You're talking about Woodall.

Yes, I'm talking about Woodall.

Woodall's married. We checked his wife. Nothing.

That's the thing. We're not married.

Okay, I really don't think this is the time to bring that up.

I'm being serious.

We've exhausted every person that's related to him.

Maybe it's time we found someone who isn't.

That's genius.

Thank you.

Now I really don't understand why Harvey doesn't respect you.

It's too soon.

It's too soon for that joke.

Too soon.
[power tool whirring]

I can have any one?

Take your pick.

It doesn't matter, 'cause you're gonna lose.

That's funny.

I look at it like I'm gonna win twice.

I get to drive a badass car, and I get to kick your ass.

Cocky. I like that.

A guy like you, I'm surprised you could stand working for Cameron Dennis in the first place.

What do you mean?

He doesn't like cocky.

Take, for instance, what's-his-name--DuPont?

What's he up for? Tax evasion?

Insider trading.

Yeah, whatever.

The point is, after what you did the other day, why aren't you leading that?

Because this is Cameron's case.

If I were him, it'd be yours.

Harvey, you are his star player, and he's not even putting you in the game.

And on top of that, he didn't have the balls to announce whether he's going after DuPont or not.

Don't you worry about Cameron Dennis.

DuPont's gonna get what's coming to him.

That's exactly what I wanted to hear.

What are you talking about?

Well, you're loyal to the guy you work for.

I like that.

So you were just talking shit about him to see if I'd jump on board?

And you didn't... which is why we don't have to race anymore.

You're saying I got the job?

I'm saying welcome to the team.

Well, that's all well and good, Charles, but we're still racing.

We sure as hell are.

We just have to find something else to bet on.

Hey, Sean. Good to see you.

Don't give me that shit.

Did you confront Eric Woodall yesterday morning at his supermarket?

I ran into him by accident.

I like the produce there.

I'm not in the mood, Harvey.

Did you approach the subject of an SEC investigation with the express purpose of intimidating him?

I approached him with the express purpose of hiring me as his lawyer.

Why the hell would you do that?

You're supposed to be helping me.

And if he's willing to admit what he did, that is helping you.

And instead, he's claiming that I sent you there to intimidate him.

Then I guess that's the way it's breaking.

What the hell are you talking about?

He's either gonna buy what I'm selling or cover his tracks.

And if he covers his tracks, you need to be there.

Are you asking me to follow him?

No, I'm telling you to follow him.

I can't do that. I don't have authorization.

Didn't stop you following me.


He's filing charges of harassment against me.

We do this, nothing sticks.

Then we might not get him, because I have nothing.

Well, let me give you a little extra motivation.

Remember, Woodall knows all about Louis Litt's little Forstman transgression.

So if he gets exonerated, who do you think's gonna be the first person he goes after?

So, instead of going to Jersey for your produce, go get me something I can use.

You're having a drink by yourself?

What's going on?

What's going on is, I just finished having them scrape Jeff's name off his door.

So why don't you tell me why you're here, Harvey?

Cahill's having trouble getting evidence against Forstman and Woodall.

I'm aware of that.

Then you should also be aware that if Woodall keeps his job, he's likely to go after Louis.

I could've done that math, and so could you, so...

I might be able to help them get Forstman... on something else.

Does this have something to do with when he offered you that job 12 years ago?



I told you that man was trouble.

And I told you I wouldn't abandon Marcus and you were wrong about him.

So this has something to do with Marcus.

Yes, it does.

Well, if you are asking me to choose between your brother and Louis, you know who I'm choosing.

I'm not asking you to do that.

Then what are you asking?

I want your help to get my mind right.

Here's the thing, Harvey.

Jeff's gone, and he's gone because of the choices I made.

So I'm not sure if I can help you get your mind right, 'cause right now... mine's not right.

Hang on a sec.



You didn't come down here just to give me my start date.

I came down here to tell you I think you have something special, and I'd love nothing more than to have you on my desk, but I'm leaving the DA's office.

Does this have something to do with that Forstman guy buying you a drink the other night?

I thought you didn't know who he was.

[scoffs] Well, I looked him up because I thought I was gonna be working for you.

And I'm telling you, he's shady.

Because he's got a bad reputation?

I don't care what his reputation is.

You don't know this about me yet, but I know people... usually better than they know themselves.

And the same way I know you are a good person, I can tell you that man is rotten to the core.

You're just trying to get me to stay so you can work at my desk.


Listen to me.

I don't care whether I work on your desk or not.

You're making a mistake if you take a job with that man.

Then I guess I'm making a mistake, because I already did.

It was nice knowing you, Donna.

So you're keeping her here after all.


Yeah, I couldn't throw her off the roof after you got me to cry.

I'm glad.

Donna, I can't thank you enough for what you did.

Oh, you're welcome, Louis.

The truth is, I needed this more than you know.

Well, I get it.

You needed a distraction after everything you just went through.

Uh, yeah. Something like that.

Truth is, I could use a distraction myself.

Well, there is one thing that you still need to do.

You need to start thinking about a new secretary.

Donna, I know I've asked you this before, but we're so much closer now than we were then, and--

Louis, I work for Harvey.

You know I can't be your secretary.

But we have this bond... you and I.

Shakespeare, the g*n club.

We've always spoken the same language, and you know it.

Louis, I can't.

I get it.

We're better as friends.


How about I set up a little farewell for Norma as my last official act as your interim secretary?

Thank you, Donna.

Are you sure we've got the right address?

I'm positive.

woman: I'll be right back.

Can I help you?

Uh, yes, is there a Mary Ann McGrath here?

Who can I say is asking?

We're with Pearson Specter Litt.

We'd like to speak with her in regards to an ongoing case.

I'm afraid that won't be possible.

You just said she was here. I don't understand--

Mary Ann has advanced Alzheimer's.

But she's 55.

It's early onset, and hers is particularly aggressive.

I'm sorry.

Can I ask how long she's been a patient?

We're not supposed to disclose any--

Please. It's really important.

She was moved her about a year and a half ago.

And before that?

I don't really know, but I don't think she was getting the best care.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

My mother's 55.

You know, and if she's only here because Forstman pays for it--

I know.

Harvey wants us to find the person Woodall's close to.

That's all we can do.

Well, "all we can do" is gonna send her back to some horrible facility.

We don't exactly know that.

Yes, we do.

Rachel, it's terrible.

I don't like it any more than you do, but it's not up to us.

I know.

It just sucks.

Harvey: You g*dd*mn liar.

Oh, don't be mad.

Yeah, Conchita tells everybody I'm not home.

You know what I'm talking about.

DuPont Investments dropped through the floor today, and you sold short based on something that I told you in confidence.

I don't recall you telling me anything at all.

You son of a bitch.

You made over $100 million on that trade.

Yeah, I did.

Welcome to the real world, pal.

My real world doesn't involve befriending young attorneys to get inside information.

Maybe you're not the right man for me after all.

You think I still want to work for you after this?

You wanted competition and money.

You got the competition.

Here's your money.

You can shove that $1 million up your ass, because I'm not only not taking your job, I'm gonna prosecute you.

Then you might as well add your name to the indictment since you've already shared in the profits.

What are you talking about?

Take a look at this check.

It's not $1 million.

It's 850,000.

Bet you can guess where the other $150,000 went.

What did you do?

You know what I did.

Marcus had nothing to do with this.

He wouldn't have had you said yes right away.

But you didn't.

We're giving you the money back.

You're gonna break his little heart.

He thinks that money came from you.

And you snatch cash out of an addicted gambler's hands, take away his dream, only one way that story ends.

So you can either pout about it... or you can embrace it and prove to everyone I was right when I said I saw something special in you.

Someday the shoe's gonna be on the other foot, Charles.

Words spoken by every loser I've ever met.

See you around, pal.

It's Woodall's first wife.

Her name's Mary Ann. They grew up together.

They got married when they were 21 and had it annulled six months later.

And what's the money for?

She has Alzheimer's.

Don't tell me.

He moved her to a high-end facility and pays for round-the-clock care.

And the problem is, we called the company that handles the billing, and--

And everything's in cash up front, probably paid five years in advance.

And Mary Ann couldn't tell you because she doesn't speak.

Which mean we don't have any proof.

Where are you going?

I'm gonna go get us some proof.

You did this?

Mike and I both did.

Then why isn't he here?

You know why.

Because it was more you than him.

You did a good job, Rachel.

Shopping, renting videos.

You must be going stir-crazy.

That's all right.

My suspension is about to expire.

Harvey: Yeah, I wouldn't count on it.

We found Mary Ann.

I'm told she's doing well at the new facility-- you know, the one Forstman's paying for.

You son of a bitch.

I'm not here to exploit your tragedy, Eric.

I'm here to tell you it's over.

Well, if this were over, you'd be with Sean Cahill right now, which means you're still looking for me to cut a deal.

I'm looking for you to turn on Forstman.

You accost me for the second time in three days and throw Mary Ann's name around like a bargaining chip, and you think I'm gonna help you?

Drop dead.

Eric, please.

The reason I knew to look for someone that you cared about was that Forstman did the same thing to me.

He finds your weakness and presses down until you don't have the will to stand up to him.

With you, it was an ex-wife with Alzheimer's.

With me... it was a little brother addicted to gambling.

I don't care.

You don't have proof, and you're not gonna get it in the next 24 hours.

You're right. I don't.

But here's the thing.

Cahill may have a deadline, but I don't, and I don't care how long it takes, because I'm gonna find that proof if you don't turn on Forstman.

Louis: A lot of you don't know this, but the truth is, I hated Norma.

I hated her clogs, her mustache, her stupid seasonal sweaters.

But the thing I hated most about her was her favorite story about how Abe Vigoda asked her to marry him in 1975.

I mean, we get it.

You were hot.

You turned him down, and it was the biggest regret of your life.

And like everything you ever said, I couldn't stand it at the time.

But now that you're gone, I understand what you meant.

Don't let the moment pass.

Don't let the people you love walk by you without letting them know how you feel about them, because life slips by, and then it's over.

And I'm not gonna let another minute pass me by without letting you know how much you mean to me.

I love you, Norma.

Thank you, Louis.

That was a lovely ceremony.

That was beautiful, Louis.

I couldn't have done it without you.

Oh, that's not true.

Yeah, it is.

I couldn't even see how I felt without you showing me.

And the truth is, Donna, you know me better than I know myself.

Like I said, Harvey has no idea how lucky he is to have you.

[introspective music]

♪ ♪
♪ ♪

Forstman: Looking for the money I supposedly gave Eric Woodall?

You want to save me the trouble and just admit what you did?

Now, where would be the fun in that?

Fine. Keep playing your games, but this time, you're gonna lose.

Why, because you think you convinced Woodall to give me up?

Yeah, he came to see me.

Said you tried to get him to turn me in.

What I said was, you're an arrogant bastard who's spent his life manipulating people.

And you're the loser who only cares about competition.


Not my fault you can't beat me.

I can this time.

Oh, I don't think so, pal, because... he turns on me, I turn on you.

If you're talking about 12 years ago, let me remind you.

We were both part of that deal.

Yes, we were.

All three of us were-- you, me, and your brother.

You leave my brother out of this.

Not a chance.

And you don't leave this Woodall thing alone, by the time I'm done, all anybody will know about 12 years ago is you gave me a tip and made sure your little brother profited from it.

I didn't give you shit.

You tricked me into giving you inside information and then blackmailed me by giving Marcus money he didn't even know was dirty.

That may be the truth, but they're never gonna hear it from me.

I'm afraid they just did.

Cahill: Hi, Charles.

Sean Cahill. Nice to meet you.

Who the hell are you?

I'm the guy from the SEC that isn't in your pocket.

I asked Sean to follow Woodall.

Couldn't. No authorization.

But I had no problem getting authorization to follow you.

Which is how I knew when to turn this on.

You're wearing a g*dd*mn wire?

For someone whose favorite movie is Wall Street, that's got to be pretty embarrassing.

Son of a bitch.

You may have gotten the better of me 12 years ago, Charles, but this time, you didn't.

So remember what it feels like, because I know I will.

Harvey, this isn't over.

Words spoken by every loser I've ever met.

See you around, pal.

Two for two.

He didn't touch my balls.

Donna: Black, two sugars, splash of vanilla.

How do you know that's how I take my coffee?

The same way I know you're not taking that job.

You know I'm not taking that job because I came into work today.

No, Mr. Specter.

I knew you weren't taking that job the second you walked away from me the other night.

I told you I know people better than they know themselves.

Well, what did you do with Tina?

Oh, I had Big Bertha reassign her.

To who?

Do you really care?

Not a bit.


Here's the deal.

I will take a b*llet for you.

And I don't mean that literally.

But what you do for me is, when I need something, you give it to me.

It's not just a one-way street.

Will you also do some actual secretarial work?

Take a look at what I did with your calendar there, hotshot.

Holy shit.

When'd you get that done?


I told you I'm not like every other secretary.

I'm Donna.

Then let's get to work.

But for the record, I don't take vanilla with my coffee.

You will after you taste that.

Oh, my God, this is awesome.

When will they learn?

[keys jangle]

Perfect timing.

And what are we celebrating?

Our win.

"Our win."

I like the sound of that.

Me too.

Where were you?

I'll get into that in a minute.

I want to talk to you for a second.

What is it?

Rachel, you know I told you I loved you from the second I met you.

Well, you loved my pencil skirt.

I loved your face.

[both chuckle]

[gentle, introspective music]

♪ ♪

You're the most amazing woman I have ever met, and you're not just beautiful, but you're sweet and caring and kind and brilliant and tenacious.

Mike, are-- are you doing what I think you're doing?

I called your father today.

And then I went to get Grammy's ring cleaned.

Oh, my--

I don't want to go 40 years wondering why I didn't do this one day sooner.

Rachel Elizabeth Zane...

I love you... and I always will.

You're my whole life.

[exhales sharply]

Will you marry me?





Oh, my God.

All right, here...


Oh, my God.

It's beautiful.

She wore it every day for almost 60 years.

So will I.

[cell phone ringing]

Marcus: What's up, dickhead?

What's up, loser?

Hey, Harvey. Good to hear from you.

What's going on? Everything okay?

Yeah, everything's okay.

I just haven't talked to you in a while and wanted to see how you were doing.

I'm great. Katie's good.

The kids are good. Everything's good.


That's exactly what I wanted to hear.

You sure there's nothing going on?


Like I said, I just haven't talked to you in a while, and I miss you.

I miss you too, Harvey, but unless you got something else, I've got to go.

The kids are in the bath.

Nothing else.

Love you, Harvey.

I love you too.



Listen, I was thinking about what you said, about me pitying you.

And I don't.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

I think you're one of the most amazing women I've ever met, and just because I don't--

I'm leaving you, Harvey.


This isn't working for me anymore.

Donna, I know how you're feeling, but you just went through something huge, with being on trial, and, uh... you need to give it time.

You can't just quit.

I'm not quitting.

I'm going to work for Louis.


Donna, please.

I love you, Harvey.