01x01 - Over Again

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Good Witch". Aired: February 2015 to present.*
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Cassandra Nightingale moves into an old, abandoned house which is reputed to be haunted by its original owner, "The Grey Lady". Through the course of the story, seemingly magical things happen, and the community attributes these occurrences to her. Everyone begins to wonder if she is really a witch.
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01x01 - Over Again

Post by bunniefuu »

Somebody's watching us.

What? Where?

Next door. In the window.

I don't see anybody.

I think the realtor gave me the wrong code.

Dad, this is a sign.

I don't believe in signs.

We should go back to New York.

It's our new home. Get used to it.

I don't want to live here.

Once I master this lock, I'm going to explain the difference between a want and a need and it is going to blow your mind.

I don't care how late it is, I'm gonna call the realtor.

I hope I wake him up.


Welcome to Middleton.

I'm your neighbor.

I'm Cassie Nightingale.

Sam Radford.

This is my son, Nick.

Looks like you could use some help.

Only if you're a locksmith.

Looks like the realtor gave us the wrong combination.

I doubt Ryan did that. He's very thorough.

And yet, here I yet, here I stand why don't you try it one more time?

I've tried it about a dozen times, it won't open.

Maybe thirteen's the charm.

Give it a try.


I will, but...

I don't think it's gonna... make...

Oh, thirteen gets such a bad reputation but it's actually been a very lucky number for me.

You have the magic touch!

Some people say I do.

I guess we'll be seeing you around.

I think you already have.

(Theme music)

Well, I replaced the... fill-valve in the guest bath, I've...

Repaired the creaky hinge on my door and I'm halfway through with the dresser I'm making for Grace.

What would I do without you?

Well, I live right down the hall, so you'll never have to worry about that.


I always get such a kick out of seeing this.

"Written by Lori Russell."

Ah, it's a great article.

My granddaughter, the writer.

And the band Brandon is managing just booked another concert.

I have some very talented grandchildren.


Their dad would be proud.

Hm, he is.

Oh, is Lori coming for the... dedication?

She'll be here tomorrow.

You know, this whole thing was Martha's idea, so if you don't want it to be...

No, Jake belongs to more than just me. He belongs to Middleton and they all just want to show their love for him for everything he did as chief of police.

Dried avocado and soybean with boswellia.

It's derived from the gum of Boswellia trees, native to India. I put a little in your tea.


It's for your arthritis.

How did you know...

Oh, I won't be happy until you're power-walking around the block again.

Ok, I have absolutely nothing to wear.

Oh, you should probably tell that other young lady to get her clothes out of your closet.

Mom, seriously, does this look ok?

It looks great.

Grandpa, does this look ok?

You're a beauty.

You two are absolutely no help!

What do you want us to do?

Well, look at me. I mean, head to toe.

Outfit, hair, shoes, jewelry.

But don't look at me with the loving eyes of my mother and grandfather.

Instead, look at me with the eyes of a ninth grade girl who hasn't had a carb since she learned how to spell.

Find my flaws. They're there.


Because if you find them, then I fix them. You look very pretty.

I'm doomed.

Lemon balm...


Passion flower and...

I give up.

Valerian root.

I should have gotten that.

Love you.

Love you. Bye, grandpa.

Bye, sweetie.

Tell Lori I said hi.

(Phone ring)

Oh, Lori, what a surprise!

What are you doing up so early?

How does she do that?

Sorry I wasn't here to greet you. I had a house to show.

Problems getting in the place?



No, no. Everything's fine.

But, uh...

About that house next door...

Grey House.

It's one of the oldest in town. It's got quite the history. Wait till you meet the owner.

He already did!

Oh, hey Cassie!


Hello again.

Dr. Radford!

How did you know I'm a doctor?

Your license plate. M.D.


Herb tea, my own special blend.

It's great for relieving stress.

Ah, thanks, but I love stress and I'm a coffee guy.

Actually, Espresso.

You love stress?

I thrive on it.

Well, careful.

Too much caffeine can cause headaches and anxiety.

Well, I love caffeine. And I've never been a big believer in the benefits of herbs. But that might just be eleven years of medical school talking.

Well, you should really read Wallace Pickworth's article in the Tancet about caffeine dependence.

You read medical journals?

I read a lot of things.

Well, uh, if you'll excuse me, I have a teenage son to blast out of bed.

I give him about a month.

New yorkers always think they want to trade the noise and smog and craziness for small town living until they actually try living in a small town.

It's no secret that you weren't my first choice to replace Jake as chief.

Yes, you remind me almost daily.

I'm very worried about Jake's dedication. I heard the artist is dragging his feet.

Seriously, how long does it take to chisel stone?

Well, it's not stone. It was wood, then is was nickel, then it was glass and now it's brass.

I will not apologize for changing my mind, nor will I lower my standards. Good enough is not good enough for me.

Oh, please do keep in mind that I've invited the press.

I've already done a number of interviews.

All eyes will be looking to me.

But the dedication is about Jake, right?

What? Oh, yes. Yes, of course!

I mean, it's not really all about the pomp and pageantry.

Well, no. But...

And I know that you wouldn't want to take the focus off of Jake?

Of course not.

I didn't think so.

However, how it's all perceived will undoubtedly reflect directly upon me, the mayor.

Don't worry, Martha, everything has been taken care of. No expense has been spared.

Honestly, how often do we have to go through this?

When I am on official business, as I am now, I am Madam Mayor. I don't call you Derek.

I don't mind if you do.

Well, your lack of propriety and decorum are your business. don't try to drag me into your gutter of mutual disrespect.


Without rules, we are no better than animals.

So how many classes are you gonna be teaching?

It's just research, Brandon. We've had this conversation.

I'm a little off.

Are you going because of what I did, Tara?

No. But...

I think it says a lot about our marriage that you don't take my feelings into consideration before making big life decisions and you need to tell Cassie what you did.

I love you. You know that.

I love you too.

But I just think...

Some space right now is a good thing.

Yes! I've got Mr. Cuthbert for history this semester.

Everybody makes an A.

That's because he hasn't changed his tests in 30 years.

The kids post 'em online, it's basically cheating.

Not if you think of the tests as very thorough "study guides."

Anthony, who is that guy?

That's Nick Radford. I have him in homeroom.

He's a total jerk. Alright, give me the deets.

He's from New York. He's your neighbor.

His dad's a doctor; Surgeon.

His parents are divorced.

Final assessment?

I'd say he suffers from an over-inflated sense of self worth.

Classic narcissistic personality disorder.

Your prognosis?

By the end of the year, he'll be captain of the football team and all the girls will be in love with him.

Not this girl.


Oh, hey.

This! This is why I went into medicine.

You should call Matthew Nelson.

He's a wonderful handyman.

I'm sorry, I don't have anything to offer you.

It's, um... Well, it's a mess!

Ha! You know, I just came by to welcome you to the neighborhood. Bell, Book and Candle is my shop.

Oh, seems we're neighbors yet again.


Oh, great, my first patient. Ok, come on, get out! Out! Out! Out!

Here, let me try. No, you're scaring him.

What do you want me to do, give him an appointment?

Put the broom down for a second.

Let him perch for a moment.


Come on, how'd you do that?

I didn't do anything. He just needed a little direction.

We all do at one time or another, don't you think?

Yeah, I do.

And I should probably call that handyman.

I'm great with a scalpel, but not so much with a hammer.

Yes, you probably should.


That door may not be your only problem. A little bird told me.

Hey Matt, how are ya?

Doc! I came to see how you were settling into the place.

Well, if Matt there were a doctor, I'd be looking for a priest to do the last rites.

Yeah, sorry about that, no one's been in this place for years.

Which is exactly why I thought I'd be busy from the minute I opened the doors.

But it's kind of slow.


What don't I know?

To be honest, nobody really liked the doctor that used to be here.

So I don't have an established patient base,

-but now that I'm here...

Well, when they stopped going to see him, they started seeing Cassie.

My neighbor?

Yeah! Yeah, allergies, cholesterol, minor sprains, anxiety, you name it, she's got us covered.

It's amazing, you go into that store and whatever you're looking for, you'll find it.

But she's not a doctor.

No, but she helps people.

Everyone trusts her.

(Hanging door chimes)

Hello, Stephanie.

Ok, did you see him?

I take it you met Sam.


You say that so matter of fact, like we got a new postman or something.

He is the most eligible bachelor to hit Middleton since my divorce.

He has a son too, Nick.

Who cares?

I mean, it's "Dr. Good looking and single" I care about.

He's McDreamy, McSteamy...

He's all the "Mc's" and then some.

I tried to book an appointment but he doesn't have a phone yet.

What... you're not sick.

Oh yeah, I am.

I'm sick of being single. I am sick of going to wedding showers. And I'm sick to death of never having a date for national holidays. There's lots of things to love about living in a small town The shallow dating pool is not one of them.

So, have you met him?

Yes, he's my new neighbor.

Oh, well, you have all the luck.

Well, I don't think so.

Look, I have joined running clubs, skiing clubs, rock climbing clubs, I play golf, tennis, racket ball, I go to every sporting event there is. If there is a ball and a man, I'm there. But you, they just move in next door.

If what you have isn't luck, then I would like some of whatever it is. don't you ever... You know, miss it?

You haven't dated anyone since Jake.

He's been gone for a while, now.

I think it would be greedy to want what I had with Jake twice in one lifetime.

(Door chimes)

Brandon, hello there!


How's the music business?

Oh, hi, Steph.

Next time your band's in town, take them by the bistro, on me.

Ah, thanks.

Yeah. Just one of the benefits of owning your own restaurant.

So, when's your next concert?

Well, it's not really definite yet.

I thought you told me...

I should go.


What's with him?

There is no respect for band.

Seniors get the best uniforms, and we get what's left. And it doesn't fit right.

I mean, seventh grade, I almost lost my pants during the halftime show.

Oh god!

I mean you never see a player's pants drop on the field.

That's true.

We're in here.

Uh, we're supposed to be in 302.

This is Mrs. Cavanaugh's class.

Uh, wrong! See? Look, right there: Mrs. Cavanaugh.


Mrs. Cavanaugh?


We're in here. The room changed at the last minute.

Lucky guess!

Remind me to take you to Vegas.


Yeah. You've got a hard head.

Oh, yeah, no need to apologize, but it was nice that you did.

You hit me.

I know Miss Russell has somewhere to be and I'm betting, Mr. Radford, that there is an algebra teacher waiting for your company.

(Whispered): Ow!

Dr. Radford?

Mayor Martha Tinsdale.

We've had a lengthy correspondence, but I'm so grateful to finally meet you.

And I must say your profile picture does not do you justice. Are you settling in?


I can't tell you how thrilled we are that you're here. As you can see, Middleton is a booming Metropolis but the one thing missing was our own doctor.

Most people had to go all the way to Blairsville.

About that correspondence, you left a few things out.

Whatever do you mean?

I believe you used the terms

"state of the art" and "up to date" to describe the office I'm renting.

Well, isn't it?


I'm going to have to bring a lot of new equipment in here, which I wasn't expecting. I'm sure you'll recover any extra costs you endure, after all, you're the only doctor here.

And once I get the word out, you'll be turning sick people away.

I think the words you're looking for are "thank you".

Thank you... For lying to me about the condition of the space I rented.

Well, really, Ryan takes care of all that property nonsense.

No, no, I'm here on much bigger business.

The ladies' auxiliary has you down to be our guest speaker next week. Twelve sharp, buffet lunch to follow.

I do hope you're not allergic to shrimp. And word to the wise: Avoid Shelly masters' vegan fat-free muffins.

You've got to be kidding.

No, they're horrible! And wear a tie.



Yes, the opposite of yes is no.


It's the ladies' auxiliary!

My ladies auxiliary.

Then, no thank you, I'll be busy fixing up my "state of the art" office.




So, how's your... head?

Ok? Um... you?

Yeah. Oh, I'm Grace.


Nice to meet you...

Officially. We're neighbors.

Oh. Uh, cool.


Come in.


So, if you have any questions or anything...

The only question I have is what's the fastest way out of town?

You just moved here.

No offense but this town is no New York.

There is nothing but offense in that statement.

And Middleton may not be New York City, but not every place can be filled with crime, poverty, and overpopulation.


Hey there, everything ok?

Hey, hey, hey, you alright?

(Whispered): Yeah, I am.


Looks like you just fainted.

So, tell me, uh...


George, are you on any medication?

What do you have me taking?

Uh, lots of herbs, vitamins, elixirs, nothing that would have made you faint.

I am very careful about interactions.

Ok, well, let's start with what you took the last 24 hours.

A mixture of ginseng, licorice root, yohimbine.

That's bark from a west African tree.

Um, your blood pressure is elevated.

Wouldn't low blood pressure make someone pass out?

Well, sure, but...

Have you ever been diagnosed with hypertension?

A while back, yeah.

Well, see, whatever your doctor gave you could be what's making you dizzy.

Sometimes medicines have side effects.

I know.

The pills I was taking to make me feel better were making me feel awful.

Wait, it's also dangerous to stop taking something without consulting a doctor.

The doctor was as bad as the pills he gave me.

I consulted Cassie. And she mixed me up some stuff and my blood pressure has been fine for years.

Yeah, textbook perfect.


But... You did pass out.

I'm fine. I lost my footing.

Ok, how about you come by the office tomorrow.

I'll run a few tests just to be sure, free of charge.

I'm sorry, but uh, I've had it with doctors.

He needs to see a doctor.

He doesn't like doctors.

I don't either and I am one, but when I'm sick, that's who I want to see.

Well, in my opinion, real healing can only happen when there is a bond, a trust. George didn't trust the last doctor he had.

A lot of people in town didn't trust him.

I trust you.

Well, it's too bad your father-in-law doesn't.


Tree bark!

(Ball bouncing)

Hi, Mom.

You met our new neighbor?

Hm... oh yeah.

So? Tell me, how was your first day?

Good, I guess.


Yes, what's going on?

You know, since I can remember, I would get these... feelings, things that hadn't happened...

Before they actually happened.

It's a wonderful gift.

But the things I saw...

They were always just about us... the family.

And now?

I've been seeing things about Nick... Who I only just met.

Well, the universe is always bringing seemingly unrelated people and events together.

Clearly Nick is in your consciousness for a reason translation?

Unless it's a feeling of concern or worry or harm, just let the universe's plan play out.


What is it?

How come I can see all sorts of things before they happen...

But I didn't see what happened to dad?

It's a gift, it's not a power.

You can't summon it or wield it.

It's just there sometimes and other times...

It's not.


Here you go. What's up?

Just wanted to make sure you didn't need anything.

No. Got everything planned down to the last detail.

You know, it's going to be a really nice dedication for your dad, Brandon.

I appreciate everything you've done.

Hey, have you, uh...

Talked to Cassie? Grace?

You gotta tell them.

I don't know how.

Well, find a way to tell them, ok?



(Music in background)

You guys want some ice capps, yeah?

My profile of Nick seems to be bearing fruit.

(Nick ordering.)

He's here less than a week and he has more friends than me.

Those aren't friends.

Let's go.


Hey, aren't you guys gonna be late for school?

Nah, we're blowin' off the first couple of periods.

I wouldn't, if I were you.

Well, you're not me, so... see ya.

Let's go, Grace.

I can't give you his credit scores.

You sold him the house. You have that information.

Yes, but there are these things called privacy and ethics. Forget it.

But I'm the mayor.

Not for long if the citizens of Middleton find out that you are mining me for their personal information.

I am doing it to protect them.

Can't help you.


Well, hello!

Martha, here's your teas.

Oh, thank you.

What's going on?

Our good mayor here would like me to divulge privileged information on our new doctor.

I thought I did a very thorough vetting process before enticing Dr. Radford to move here to Middleton but I have a feeling I might have missed something, something big, perhaps he's running from the law...

Oh! Or maybe his real name isn't Radford.

I have a good feeling about him.

Oh, Cassie, if only this were as easy as believing your "feelings".

She's just angry at him because he turned her down.

I offer him the honor to be a speaker at my ladies auxiliary and he refuses, which made me suspicious, not angry. As we all know, I never let my emotions dictate my actions.

Martha, he just moved here, give him a chance.

Sam seems like a good guy.

And to be honest, Martha, I saw the email you sent him.

You embellished, quite a bit, about the state of the clinic.

Oh, please.

You did. Listen, you got him here, just... give him a chance.

Seems fair.

You know, Cassie, I too can sense things about people and I sense that he's here in this town because he's no good.

This time, Miss Cassie Nightingale, you are wrong and I am right.

Hello, Nick.

What happened to you?

The school called?

The vice-principal.

And on the second day!

That's a new personal best, congratulations.

I'm not a serial k*ller. I skipped a few periods.

Well, now you have a few more, every day this week.


Why are you doing this to me?

Man, I don't want to live here.

You're the reason we had to move, remember?

To get you away from those arrogant, spoiled kids you were hanging out with.

And who spoiled us, huh, Dad?

Oh, yeah, it was my fault...

That you broke into someone's empty beach house and trashed it.

No one else's parents had to move.

Nobody else's parents were even in the country.

I want to live with mom.

And yet, I have full custody.

So, it's me, it's here and it's not gonna change.

And it's for your own good.



Let me take your bags.

Thank you.

Welcome home, Lori.

Thank you.

I missed you so much.

Oh, Lori. How was your trip?

It was fine. Where's Brandon?


Oh, we've got new neighbors.

Somebody finally bought that place?

A doctor and his son.

He's in my class.

Oh yeah? He hot?

He thinks he is.

Hm! Men.



I got a new job.

If this is a joke, it's not funny.

It's not a joke. I'm a police officer.

I passed all my tests, I start the day after tomorrow.

So you just suddenly decided to do this?

It wasn't "sudden."

Brandon, what are you trying to do here?

I didn't mean to upset everybody.

Well, then quit.


Quit. Enough, ok?

I'm done losing people I love.

I'm gonna be fine.

Yeah, well, dad thought he was gonna be fine too, and now he's gone.

This is the last thing your father would have wanted.


I can't believe this is what you want.

Thanks for coming.

Anytime, you know that.

Why are we here?

Not that I don't love to hang with you, I do, but that's your second cup of tea and you've yet to say a word.

Brandon joined the Middleton police department.



And you're not happy?

I'm surprised and hurt that he didn't come to me, and I'm scared that I can't stop him and if I do, I'm scared that he won't be happy.


Well, I know what you would say.


You would say that you can't stop people from living their lives, that bad things happen and good things happen.

You met Jake, that was a good thing.

You made Middleton your home: Good thing.

You lost your husband...

A very bad thing.

I don't want to lose Brandon.

If you stop him, you're gonna lose him even if he's alive and well, you know that.

You have been there since Jake died, I... I don't know what I'd do without you.

We've been there for each other.

You're a good friend.

No, I'm about to get one cinnamon roll with two forks; I am an awesome friend.

(Student chatter)



You were right.

I was?

I shouldn't have cut. I got busted by both the vice-principal and my dad.


Next time, maybe I'll listen to you.


Hey, Nick, let's go.

Uh, I'm good.

But Nick, um...

I'll see you later.

You should know that Amber isn't used to people not doing what she wants.

Back in New York, I went to a school filled with Ambers.

I can handle her. Well, that should be fun to watch!


So, I haven't seen your dad around.


My dad passed away a while ago.

I'm so sorry to hear that.

The whole town knows.

He used to be chief of police.

Sorry I'm late.


Is, uh... he walking home with us?

I didn't know you two were an us.

We're not.

Well, I don't want to go home, so...

Alright. See ya.

See ya.

(Whispered): Come on!



I knew it.

Excuse me?

I hit pay dirt.


With no help from Ryan, thank you very much.

Apparently, there are these websites where patients can rate their doctors.

"Dr. Radford seemed very aloof."

"Dr. Radford needs to work on his bedside manner.

Not a very warm person."

And there are five more, all saying basically the same thing.

There are 512 comments and you found seven complaining about his bedside manner?

What about his competence as a doctor?

Well, I...

Johns Hopkins, top of his class. On the board of several hospitals.

Published a textbook.

Martha, if you ask me, we got very lucky.

He's a good doctor.

Well, we'll just have to agree... to disagree!



Brandon won't answer my calls or my texts.

I feel bad.

Don't worry, he'll come to his senses.

No, I mean I feel bad that none of us supported him.

Well, I can't support something I don't believe in.

But he believes in it and he wants to be a policeman.

I can tell.

I always thought that it was music that he loved, but I was wrong.

I think we were all wrong.

We're not. He is.

Your first job out of college writing for that newspaper...

They sent you to the Middle East.

It was right after dad died and I was so scared.

We all were.

Nothing happened to me.

But it could have.

But we all still supported your decision me, mom, grandpa...


What are you trying to say?

You know what I'm saying...

You just don't wanna hear it.

So you are my first patient.

Well, I'm just happy you could see me.

So what brought you in today?


W-what symptom brought you in?

Well... I have migraines.


Actually, "had" is more accurate.

How did you get rid of them?

Oh, Cassie gave me this oil to rub on my energy points... Works like a charm.

So, that and yoga.

Oh, and I gave up caffeine.

So Cassie helped you?

Oh, yeah, she helps the whole town.



What's up?

Uh, I just need your help with a suspect.

You do?

You wouldn't return my calls.

Don't blame Derek, I twisted his arm.


I'm just gonna leave you two here to talk.

Well, hello neighbor!


How's, uh... how's business?


Huh. It'll pick up.

Yeah, I don't think so.

Why not?

Turns out I've got competition in this town.




Yeah, seems that even before the other doctor was gone, people in town chose to see you for whatever ailed them.

Sam, I'm...

I think what you are doing is dangerous.

I have never suggested to anyone -anyone- that they not see a doctor. I just offer alternatives.

There are other, alternative ways to treat illness.

To treat the patient as a whole being.

I've heard this a million times.

Have you ever listened?

I'm just saying that popping pills doesn't always have to be the first option.

I can point to proven studies that verify the results from those pills. I haven't seen many studies on tree bark.

A lot of the things I suggest are preventative.

I would be happy to explain my methods...

No, thank you. I'm a doctor, you're... well, not a doctor.

This is what I want to do with my life.

So you said at the station.

Hey, you came to see me.

Yeah. To try and talk some sense into you.


It's a dangerous job and you know it.

This is Middleton!

Yeah, well, tell that to dad.

He died doing what he loved.

I'm sorry, I just can't give you my blessing.

Lori! Lori, come...

What are you doing?


You don't cook.

That was in New York. In Middleton, I cook!

Another reason I'm sooo happy about being here.

I am more than capable of making pasta.

We could be doing this together.

Bonding over fettuccine.

You want some?

So, you going to apologize?

The lady next door?


I did nothing wrong.

You never do, do you, Dad?
Whatever that crust did to you, I'm sure it's sorry.

It's not the crust, it's Sam.

Our egotistical, self-centered, arrogant doctor of a neighbor!

You're not the only person in this family who's upset.


Listen, Lori I get.

Ok, she hated that dad was a police officer.

She did.

Yeah, I wasn't that crazy about it either.

No kid wants their parent in a job where being shot at is in the job description.

But you understood why dad did what he did.

Protecting people, that was his gift, right?

So why won't you support Brandon's decision?

I don't think it's his decision.

It is my decision.

And if my own family can't see that...

Well, it doesn't matter what you guys think, it's my life.

Dad would hate to see us all like this.

Hi, Sam!


Uh, George let me in.

For you.

Coffee? You?

It's not hemlock, is it?

Only one way to find out.

That's good coffee. It's really good.

It's not coffee.

It's dandelion, chicory and beet roots.

I am not drinking dandelion root.

But you just did. And you liked it.

What do you have against coffee?

Probably the same thing you have against alternative medicine.

New things are always a bit unsettling at first.

You're here to apologize, aren't you?

It's unnerving how you seem to know everything before it happens.



Yes, I want to apologize, but I'm not wrong.

So you're sorry you're not wrong?

Yes! I am.

I know there's something wrong with George and I know whatever concoctions you have him on aren't working.

Alternative medicines have worked for thousands of years.

But not for George.

I'm not the enemy.

No. Whatever's wrong with George is.

If I could just get him into the office for a few tests!

How do I do that?

Get him in the office?

Well, don't apologize to him.

I'm serious.

Yeah, I get that about you.

"Present opportunities are not to be neglected; they rarely visit us twice."


You're not going to tell me what to do, are you?

I just did.

I love Shakespeare.



You love stories about love that end in death?

I do.

(Unintelligible chatter)

What a jerk.

Now, now, Mr. Hastings would want you to use your vocabulary.

Like imbecile? Simpleton?

Or my personal favorite: Cretin?

Do you think he's just looking for attention?

He's making fun of our mascot because he doesn't take anything seriously.

That's because he's a...


Precisely. I like that one.


I'm sorry I couldn't assign a guy with you on your first day.

Just kind of limited, you know, five man police force.

No problem.

I'm gonna get you to set up a speed trap by the elementary school.

It's 15 miles a hour during school hours, but people have been flying through there.

A kid almost got hit there the other day.

So, tickets or warnings?


Compliments of her honor our mayor, Mrs. Martha Tinsdale.

I guess she wants to send a message.

Should be an easy day.

You be careful out there.

I love saying that.

So how did it go with Brandon last night?

You and I both know this job is about dad, not Brandon.

What's all this?

I'm on deadline.

Is everything ok with your new job?

I am living the life I always wanted.

I'm a professional writer.

Everything looks amazing around here, all the improvements...

Grandpa's done a great job.

I just woke up one morning with such a strong feeling that...

I needed to go back to sharing Grey House with the world.

So George and I are reopening the bed and breakfast.

I think knowing how to share our gifts with the world is as important as recognizing what gifts you have to share.

So, do I need to do anything for dad's dedication ceremony Sunday?

Derek and Martha have it all covered.

It's really nice of the town to do this.

It is. It's a nice way to say thank you.

Letting people know how much we appreciate them is important.

Yeah, it is.


George? Are you ok?


Yeah, I'm fine. You know, it couldn't hurt to have Sam take a look at you. I have a feeling he's a very good doctor.

I have a feeling he's a quack.

I'm done with doctors. I've got you.


No more talk of Sam.

Got it.

Could you do me a favor today?

You name it.

Well, I made too many pies, and could you take the extras down to the cafe?

I spoke to Stephanie, she could use them, her delivery person shorted her.

Lucky you baked them.


Dr. Radford!


You've acted horribly, but all is forgiven.


It's important for Middleton that we get along.

After all, I'm not just your mayor and your patron, I'm also your 3:15.

I'm so glad you apologized.

Me too!


Stephanie, I know it's just been a day, what brings you back?

I think I might need an allergy test.

What do you think you're allergic to?

I don't know but, uh...

I can't wait to find out.

Well, let's set something up for next week.

All right. Let's.

Sorry to bring you back in but I'll have to call and get a kit so I can do a screening, you know, check for everything.

Oh, yes, well, we want to be thorough.

So, it's a date.

It's an appointment.

It's a date.





Ha ha ha!


Is that my famous intern?

Best writer I've ever known!

Best boss I ever had.

Hm! So?

What brings you to your old stomping grounds?

What's this?

It's a... letter... to the editor...


Would you run it?

It's actually to the town... about dad.

A kind of... Thank you to everyone.

What a lovely idea.

I'll run it Sunday, tie it in with the unveiling of the memorial.

End on a high note.


I'm closing down the paper.


It's been me... For years.

I need help but I've got no takers.

Everybody wants the big jobs with the big papers in the big cities. I can't compete.

The Eagle is an institution.

Hm, an institution needs more than one person to survive.

Hey. Want to see something cool?


What're you doing?

It's a statue of a bird.

It's a falcon and its name is Harry and it's a Middleton tradition, now put it back before someone notices.



I'm gonna keep it.

And what are you gonna do when you get caught?

I won't get caught.

Mr. Radford?

A moment of your time, please?


It's ok.

(Door chimes)

Vegan rum pudding muffin cakes.

Wow! Ambitious!

Not really. I bought them.

And they're horrible.

Why did you buy them?

I felt sorry for the shopkeep.

She had like dozens of them.

You're a sweet man.

No, I'm a sucker is what I am, which I suppose is interesting given that I'm in sales.

Well, this is for you.

I almost feel sorry for that pie crust.

No, it had it coming.

Couldn't sleep, huh?

I guess the dedication ceremony brings up stuff?

So what's going on in your life?

Annie is back.


Or as I like to refer to her: Annie, my ex-fiancée, the crusher of my heart, and all my hopes and all my dreams.

Hey, guys!


Hey, Steph!

What's going on with Annie?

I have to go to this big real estate dinner this weekend.

She's the top seller in the state, so she's gonna be there with her husband... My ex-best friend.

I can't go to this thing alone, but I have to go.

I'll go with you.

You will?

Of course.

(Whispered): Thank you.

Thank you, you are a life saver.

Oh, and speaking of saving lives, throw those muffins out. Seriously.

Did he just ask you out?


Did you just ask him out?


I think you did. Or he did.

No. No, we're just friends.

Well, he seemed to jump pretty quickly when you offered to go with him.

I'm just saying.

Hello, Brandon. It's just me!

Just the check, please.

It's on the house, Doctor.

Welcome to town.

Oh... ok...

Thank you.


I don't like the way you talked to Cassie.

She's helped a lot of people. Myself included.

I know.

You had no right.

I agree.

Wait... you agree?




Well, bye.

Hey, this pie you just brought in...

Pumpkin cranberry.

Cassie bakes when she's upset.

How about I buy you a slice?

Consider it a peace offering.

Just give me the opportunity to apologize. Please.

You know, I was recently reminded of a quote.

Present opportunities are not to be neglected; they rarely visit us twice.

What the heck is that supposed to mean?

Just let me buy you a piece of pie.


Uh, license and registration, Madame Mayor.

Brandon, it's me. Me.

Yes, Ma'am. But you were speeding in a school zone.

Well, I'm on official business...

Official mayoral business.

Oh, all right. Just give me my warning and let me get out of here. I have a doctor's appointment.

No warnings today. Orders.

Whose orders?

Uh, yours.

My orders don't apply to me, I'm in charge.

The law applies to everyone.

You're not serious?

I'm afraid so.

Well, thanks for the pie. I've got a leak to fix.

Whoa, you ok?

Something's wrong.

And if you won't see me, see somebody, please.

I'm just trying to help. Look, come by the office.

Let me just do a quick workup. Free of charge.

One condition.

Name it.

When you don't find whatever it is you think you're going to find, you drop it.

Fair enough.

Hey, how's it going?

Do you have something for writer's block?


I can't write without my coffee.

Writer's block is just your brain being stuck. A big qi blocker is caffeine.

What's blocking my qi is writing another article on something I really don't care about.

Travel, beauty, celebrities...

It's boring and not what I got into journalism for.

Sometimes when you can't find the story, you have to change direction.

But I don't have time to change direction or align my qi. I have forty-eight hours.

You should find a quiet place to gather your thoughts.

Your sitting room?

I always do my best thinking there.

Man, that was close. The whole time in the VP's office, I'm just waiting for you to come in and bust me.

But you didn't. And I think I misjudged you.

Yeah. I think I misjudged you, too.

What's the big deal?

At my old school, we stole stuff all the time.

What do you mean you stole stuff?

You know, we just did, for fun.

This is my locker combination.

Get Harry out of there tomorrow or I will rat you out.

What was that all about?


It sure looked like something.

It was nothing.

May I have my license back now, please, and what on earth is taking so long?

Well, your license is expired.

Clerical error.

No, you forgot to renew it.

No, my assistant forgot to remind me to renew it.

Either way, I can't give it back to you.

Fine, then give me another ticket and let me be on my way.

You can't drive with an expired license. And...

Of course I can.

Wait, what do you mean "and"?

Well, it's against the law to drive with an expired license.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, I get that.

When was the last time you were in Blairsville?

I try never to go, but I think I was there six months ago on official business.

Did you get a parking ticket?

I don't know.

You did.

And you didn't pay it.


It's not good.

Well, I've had quite enough of this.

I am going to be making a call of my own.

I'm calling your boss.

Ok, but you're still gonna need to step out of the vehicle, ma'am.

I will not.

I don't think you wanna be in there when they tow it.




Hey, um, I need to ask you a question.

Ok. sh**t. don't take this the wrong way.

I'll try not to.

That dinner we're going to. It's not a date, right?



No. No. Did you think that... ?

No, no, I didn't. But Stephanie...

Never mind. Now I feel foolish, but it's just that we're such great friends, and you've been there for me since Jake died...

I know. And you've been there since Annie broke my heart.

I'm not ready.

I know.

No, neither am I. And don't take this the wrong way, but I like you way too much to date you.


No, really. Ok, I gotta get back to the shop.

(Laughing) Ok, good.

You didn't have to come back with me.

I wanted to.

I can't believe I forgot my biology book.

Seriously, what's up with you?




My office. Now.

What's all this?

I didn't know Cassie had saved all this stuff.

A lot of it's from before she married dad.

You know, that was in your room, but Cassie moved it out here when I had to fix that leak.


These are the stories you wrote for your dad.

Every year on his birthday.

They were the only present he wanted.

They were all about your friends and the town and Brandon and Grace.

I loved writing them.

You love writing.

Not lately, no.

Not as much as I did when I was a kid and I wrote these for dad.

That was your dad's too.

Yeah, I gave it to him.

Hey, Chief.

You towed Martha's car?

Speeding, driving without a license.

I was doing my job.

I mean, she's hard enough to handle with when she likes you.

This job is not about being liked.

She's gonna k*ll me, isn't she?


Hello, Sam.


What's this?

For your headache.

How did you...

It's written all over your face.

What kind of herby-elixir is this?

Acetylsalicylic acid.


My own version of it.

I blend willow tree bark with meadowsweet and a touch of papyrus. Great anti-inflammatory, by the way.

Too scared to try new things?

Maybe I like my aspirin in a bottle.

It's not new, by the way, acetylsalicylic acid.

Excuse me?

Hippocrates swore by it. But what does he know, right?

So, I got George in my office.

Seized an opportunity, did you?

Yeah, I did.



Maybe there's nothing to find.

You don't believe that.

No, I don't.

But I'm completely stumped. And I hate being stumped.

Well, maybe when your head clears, your vision will clear too.

What are you saying?

I just said it.

You didn't say anything.

But I did.

I must say I'm very surprised.

You're the last person I would have expected to be here, Grace.

I'm kind of surprised too.

Do you have anything to say?

I'm not really sure what to say in this kind of situation because I have never been in this kind of situation.

You do realize that this is high school.

Anything that happens here becomes part of your permanent record.

I do now.

Whoever stole Harry broke the glass cabinet.

That's an act of vandalism.

I didn't know that.

In order for our insurance company to pay for the repairs, I had to call the police. Make a report.

The police?

I'm here about the vandalism.

Why did you put Harry in Grace's locker?

She told you about that?

No, she didn't. I was there when it fell out right in front of the vice-principal.

Did Grace send you?


She wouldn't do that.

Look, it's no big deal.

I get in trouble all the time. She'll be fine.

Man, you are such a...


Where is Brandon?

He's on a call.

I am looking into a civil remedy for the wrongs that were done to me today.

You're going to sue Brandon for doing his job?

It was completely unprofessional of him to treat me, the mayor of Middleton, like some sort of a common criminal.

Well, according to the law, you were... a criminal.

Oh, poof. Small infractions and mistakes.

Ok, well, why don't you just pay the fines? I will not.


I just came to drop off some soup for Brandon.

Cassie sent me.

I'm not pleased with your brother, young lady, not one bit.

Your father never would have treated me with such disrespect.

Well, can I quote you on that?


Well, I came to talk to my brother, but it looks like I just walked in on a story.

I'm freelancing for the Eagle.

No. No, no, no. No quotes. No papers.

"Mayor sues dead hero's son whose only crime was doing his job".

Wow, Lori, that is a good story.

No, it's not, it's a horrible story, horrible.

Oh, the Internet will probably pick it up.


The Internet.

Oh yeah.

And then bam.

"Bam"? What "bam"?


It could go viral.

Oh my.

Don't worry. It'll be Brandon that looks bad, not you. Everyone will see that.

You've been wronged, you're innocent.

So, uh, can I quote you on that, Mayor?

I would like to pay my fines.

But Martha, you just said...

No, no, no. Just because I'm mayor doesn't mean that I'm above the law.

Are you sure?


And on that, you may quote me.

Ok, deep breath in.

And deep breath out...

(Sneezing) Excuse me.

Ok, just breathe...


You ok, doc?


It's a common ingredient in cologne and aftershave.

I'm really allergic. Eye swell, congestion, headaches.

(Sneezing) I'm sorry. I didn't know.

I'm fine once I'm away from it.

Once I'm away from it...

What are you doing here?

House call.

Since when?

Since now. I need to see your garage.

And that shirt you had on earlier.

Did you tell?


But I should have, and I probably will tomorrow because I don't want my permanent record being screwed up because... what?

You thought you'd impress Amber and those dumb jocks she hangs out with?

I'm not putting my head in the noose.

You got caught, not me.


You are...

I'm what?

You know what you are.

And now I do too.

I did it.

Did what?

It's a zebra! George.

Ok, I should explain. A zebra is...

Medical slang for coming to an exotic diagnosis when a more simple explanation is more likely.

That's right. I was convinced that George, given his age and symptoms, had some kind of cardiac issue.

I mean, it fit. It made sense. Because I was looking for the obvious when I should have been looking for the zebra!

George is just having an allergic reaction to a combination of chemicals from all the stains and paints he's been using in the garage.

But when you saw him, he was in the café, he wasn't around all the chemicals, he wasn't in the garage.


But his work shirt had been. It was saturated with chemicals.

So he brought the fumes with him whenever he wore the shirt.


It wasn't your herbs or powders or whatever.

I never thought it was.

I did.

And for that... I'm sorry.

George is in really good shape.

I know.

I didn't, and I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't examined him myself.

Well, then it's a really good thing you didn't pass up that opportunity when it came along.

Well, if he ever needs a follow-up, I'm here.

It's good to know.

I still don't believe in eastern medicine.


Derek told me what you did to Martha.

Yeah, well, we kind of did it together.


This isn't about dad, is it?

It's about mom.

It's about both of them.

I can't make any promises, but I don't plan on going anywhere.


What's that?

It's a super stellar intergalactic portable protection device that I bought for dad to protect him. I guess somewhere inside of me, there's still a ten-year-old girl who thinks this pin will protect you.

Just be careful, ok?


It's just...

This... this pin...

It's very "Cassie" of you.

I know you didn't steal Harry.

I didn't.

It was Nick, wasn't it?


And you're keeping his secret?

I thought that he would do the right thing.

But he didn't.

And if he doesn't, you'll have to do the difficult thing.

I'll tell the principal in the morning... but mom, he's going to lie, he's not going to admit to it.

And it is going to be his word against mine.

Well, we can't control what other people do, only what we do.

Did you ever have a sense of someone and then they turned out to be completely not who you thought they were?

I think life would be so boring without surprises, don't you?

Grace, I know you, and I know you would never have done something so foolish and reckless, so I'm going to give you one last chance to name the real perpetrator.

The thing is... I...

Excuse me.


Wait outside, please.

I can't.

And why's that?

I stole Harry.

Now, you...

You have foolish and reckless written all over your face.

You may go to class, Miss Russell.

You, Nick, are in big trouble.

Yeah, this is not my first visit to the vice-principal's office.

Well, go ahead. Start yelling.

I'm not going to yell.

What's the point?

You're on this self-destructive kick at the moment and I... don't even know what to say.


I was wrong.

The way I moved us here, no warning, "get in the car", it wasn't fair to you.

And now you're angry and you're acting out.

But hear me...

We're staying. And you can either accept it or you can keep doing what you're doing and risk messing up the rest of your life.

You're not a little kid anymore.

It's time that you took some responsibility for your life and your actions.

So that's it?

Oh, you're grounded.

For a really long time.

Hello, Dr. Radford.

Away from the office, call me Sam.

Sam it is.

Where's the party?

No, no party, it's, uh...

It's for the dedication ceremony for Chief Russell.

Jake, Cassie Nightingale's husband.

Hey, Grandpa.

You know, not many people knew I didn't want your father to become a police officer.


I was wrong about him.

And I was wrong about you.

That uniform doesn't wear you, you wear it.

Is this really what you want? Like I was born to do it.

Sometimes when you don't want to see the truth, you blind yourself to it.

My eyes are wide open now.

I don't know whether to be happy or sad today.

I have a feeling today's gonna be a little bit of both. We should get going.

By the way, I broke through my writer's block today in your sitting room.

It always works wonders for me.

It's a letter of resignation.

I quit my job.

I turned in my assignment first.

I know it's the right choice.

But you probably already knew that.

It wasn't just your sitting room, it was all the stories I wrote for dad.

I'm a storyteller, not a travel writer.

That you are.

So, what are you gonna do now?

Well, I think Jerry could use some help at the paper. I have a feeling he could.

(Knocking) Ryan.

Hi, everybody. Just thought I'd offer the family a ride.

Thank you.



Hello and thank you all for coming to this very special dedication for an extraordinary man. Chief Jake Russell protected and served the people of this town until his very last day on this earth.

And so it is with sadness but great pride that I dedicate this wing in his honor.

One thing Jake never liked was long speeches.

So this'll be short.

(Light laughter)

Most of you knew my husband before I did.

Some of you didn't.

Most of you remember him as a young police officer.

Jake was many things to many people...

But there were only two things that I wanted on his tombstone, to mark what I consider his greatest accomplishments in life, and right under his name, chiseled in stone, are the words "loving husband and father."

I promised I'd keep this short, so I'll finish by saying that if there's a silver lining to this, and those of you that know me know I'm always looking for that silver lining...

(Light laughter)

I have my family back together.

And I know Jake would've loved that.

I know I do.

Dad brought us all back together again.

That he did.

Thank you all for being here.

♪♪ And don't be fooled 'cause it's all you've got ♪
♪ and it's a lot ♪
♪ and where does the light get the light from ♪♪
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