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08x14 - Riders on the Storm

Posted: 03/02/15 09:54
by bunniefuu
Amy: Previously on "Heartland"...

Wade: Your mom's a grown woman.

She's the only one who can get herself out of this.

I got her in the best rehab I could find.

I'm gonna go see her in a couple days.

I'll let you know how she's doing.

Tim: I've decided that it's time for me to give back to the rodeo world.

I'm starting a rodeo school right here in Hudson.

Jack: I support this.

Tim: Thanks, buddy.

Jack: Plus those kids are gonna eat you alive and I definitely support that.

There it is. Thank you.

Jade: Ungh!

Tim: What the hell?

(Horse whinnies) Tim: Jade!

Jade: Oh!

Jade: Ungh!

Tim: Jade? Jade!

Jade: b*at that, boys!

(Truck rumbles to a halt)

(Door opens and bangs shut)

(Phone rings)

Ty: Hey, Wade.

Next week? Uh...

Well, it's a little short notice.

(Birds chirp)

Okay. Um...

Yeah, I'll see what I can do.

Okay. Talk to you soon.

(Phone beeps off)

(Spectators on video cheer and shout)

Hey. You ready to go?

Amy: Yeah... you okay?

Yeah, yeah. I'm fine, I just uh...

What- what're you watching?

Oh, you gotta check this out. my favourite part of the great plains relay.

Commentator 2: Here they go, 'round the bend.

Ty: Huh. Is one of those guys Scott's nephew?

Amy: No. I'm just watching whatever I can find online.

I thought I better see what the great plains relay actually looks like.

Ty: What're they doing?

Amy: This the transition zone, where they switch horses.

Ty: Looks like complete chaos. (Horse grunts loudly)

Whoa! Well, that was incredible.

Amy: When it works. Watch this guy.

Ty: Oh, geez, come on, buddy! Hold on.

...see that transition? They must have been working on that for a year...

Ty: Come on. Come on, you got it, you got it! smooth.

Ty: Oh! Ouch!

Amy: Yeah, it's totally crazy.

(Crowd cheers in the video)

Man: He's right off!

Ty: Wow, I can't believe Scott used to do this.

Amy: I know, right?

Ty: So you think you can help his nephew?

Amy: I hope so.

Scott says he's having trouble with the exchange.

Ty: Yeah, well, I don't blame him.

Amy: Oh, wow. Okay. (Taps keyboard) Come on. Let's go.

(Knock at the door)

Georgie: Oh, he's here! And you know what he likes to do.

Katie: Tickle!

Georgie: Yeah!

It's open.

Oh, he's coming! You better run, Katie!

Jade! What're you doing here?

Jade: Nice to see you too.

I was just taking my new car for a cruise, thought I'd drop by.

What a coincidence, exactly when he's supposed to get here.

He? Who's "he"?

Give it up, Jade. You know exactly who's coming.

Jade: Is that today?

Georgie: Nice try.

But I don't want you hanging around and drooling all over him.

Jade: Oh, please.

Jeff: Hello?!

Georgie: (Gasps) Jeffie!

Georgie: Hi!

Katie: Jeffie!

Jeff: Ooh, Katie - and you!

Jade: Hi.

Jeff: Hi.

Jade: I'm Jade.

Katie: She likes to drool.

(Georgie laughs)

Jeff: (Snorts softly)

(Hard thump) Man: Whoa, Barega!

Emmett: Hmph! Ungh!

Somebody grab him.

Emmett, you all right?

Emmett: I'm so sick of screwing this up for everybody.

Hey, it's a team sport.

Yeah, and I'm the weak link.

Scott: C'mon, let's go back and try the exchange one more time.

Emmett: I'm done.

Scott: Fine. We'll call it a day.

Emmett: No. I mean for good.

I'm quitting the relay.

Riders on the Storm

♪ and at the break of day you sank into your dream ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪
♪ oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ You dreamer... ♪
♪ You dreamer... ♪

Scott: Emmett, these are a couple of friends.

Amy and Ty.

Amy: Hi.

Scott: Amy works with horses.

She might be able to help you with your problem.

Emmett: It's already fixed.

Scott: Come on, you can't quit now.

Finals are only a week away.

And cause another wreck?

I'm gonna get somebody k*lled out there.

Emmett, what happened?

(Birds chirp)

(Sighs) I don't know. My legs are all spaghetti by the time I make the last exchange.

I just can't get up on the horse clean.

Amy: It's always the same horse?

Emmett: Yeah. Barega.

She's the fastest on the circuit, but she's wasted on me.

Well, like Scott said, I'd be happy to give you a hand.

What do you know about the relay?

Scott: She knows enough about horses, and riders, that she might be able to help you get through this.

Sure. You wanna waste your time, makes no difference to me.

(Low hum of chatter, birds chirp)

Ty: I'm gonna go talk to Scott for a bit.

I'll be right back.

Amy: Okay.

(Door bangs shut)

Hey, Scott.

Scott: Hey, so you'll help out tomorrow?

Ty: Yeah. Yeah, I'll be here.

Um... things are pretty crazy at the clinic next week, huh?

Scott: No different than usual.

Well, I mean, we got a couple of surgeries, and a ton of field calls, and...

That big shipment of supplies coming in, right?

Scott: Ty, what are you getting at?

Ty: Uh... it's nothing. I was just... thinking about going to see my mom, but, you know, it's bad timing, so.

Scott: Ty. Go see your mom. We'll be fine.

Ty: Are you sure?

Scott: Yeah.

Okay. Thanks.

(Tailgate bangs shut)

Tim: Well! Look who's back. The pride of Fort Mac.

Casey: Hi, I'm Casey.

Jeff: Jeff. Georgie's brother.

Casey: Nice to meet you.

Oh, sorry we're late.

I had to sort out Tim's rodeo school schedule.

He's got himself double booked all over the place.

Tim: What can I say, I'm a big picture kind of guy.

Casey: Yeah? Is that why you added private lessons into the mix?

Ty: Private lessons? What kind of private lessons?

Casey: Oh, some rich oil guy's kid.

I thought you were only interested in serious up and comers?

Tim: Like you?

Jade: Yeah.

You know, I rode a bronc.

Tim: I have not problem coaching some wannabe if his dad's gonna throw sponsorship money my way.

Amy: But, dad, how are you gonna manage this?

It's just you and Caleb.

Tim: Caleb? Pfft! Kid's on the road twenty-four-seven.

Ty: Well, Jesse's been riding him pretty hard to find some new stock, so.

Tim: Caleb is useless to me.

Georgie: Well, Jack could help out.

He's got some serious rodeo cred.

I'm not interested in training the next generation of weekend cowboys.

But if you need a hand with those real rodeo kids I would consider pitching in.

Tim: Yeah, those kids'd be saying, when was that guy's last rodeo?

When they were bucking dinosaurs?

(Ty laughs) Jack: This coming from a guy who won his last buckle before these kids were even born.

So you still raking in the cash up north?

Jeff: Yeah. Same 'ol, same 'ol.

Georgie: Come on, Jeff, tell 'em about your big promotion!

Jeff: Honestly, it's no big deal.

Georgie: No big deal? He's running his own crew...

Jeff: Uh, Georgie, just... Let it go.

I mean, come on, no one wants to hear a bunch of... boring work talk, right?

Jade: Cute and modest.

Ty: So I'll pick you up on my way to the track tomorrow?

Amy: Yeah, that sounds great.

It should be an interesting session.

Ty: Yeah. Emmett doesn't seem too keen, does he?

Amy: No. That's an understatement.

Ty: Hmm.

Amy: Hey... you okay?

Ty: That's the second time you've asked me that today.

Well, it's just... You seem a little bit more... up in your head than normal.


Wa... (Sighs)

Wade called me this morning and um...

Family day at the clinic is next week.

You gonna go see your mom?

Ty: Yeah...

I was kinda hoping Scott wouldn't give me the time off.

I hate going to those places, Amy.

She must be happy you're coming.

Yeah, well, she doesn't really know quite yet.

I have to call Wade first thing in the morning.

It'll be okay.

(Brief kiss) Amy: Good night.

Ty: Good night.

(Receding footsteps)

(Birds chirp)

Emmett: (Blows out his breath)


Amy: And again.

Emmett: Ungh.

(Blows out his breath)

Emmett: Ungh!

Amy: Nice! Okay.

One more time. One more time.

Ugh! Haven't you seen enough? I'm b*at.

Sorta like you are on the final exchange.

But you're landing this perfectly every time.

Ty: Barega's staying good and still too.

Amy: So far, you guys are totally in sync.

I don't see anything that would cause you to miss in the exchange.

So what's next?

Amy: Let's try it for real.

Emmett: (Sighs heavily)

(Barega snorts nervously) Easy, Barega. Easy. Easy...

Amy: Okay, Emmett, bring him in.

Emmett: Yah! (Hooves thunder)

Ty: Whoa, whoa. Hey, hey, hey. Easy.

Easy now! Come on!

(Barega snorts nervously, hooves thunder)

Emmett: (Breathing hard)

(Barega snorts and grunts) Ty: Whoa, whoa! Emmett!

Emmett, are you okay?

Emmett: (Frustrated grunts) Why can't I land it?!

You can't be so hard on yourself.

I keep choking under the pressure.

No! No, it's not you.

It's your horse. It's Barega.

Emmett: (Sighs heavily)

(Door bangs shut, engine rumbles nearby)

(Tailgate thunks loudly)

Tim: Hey! So guess who just got approved for a whole series of clinics at the high school rodeos.

Jack: Well, good for you.

So what did you want to talk to me about then?

Oh. I've been thinking about your offer.

Jack: My offer?

Tim: To help lighten my workload.

Jack: Well, I thought I was... too prehistoric to work at your rodeo school.

Agh! And I know Casey's been joking about how disorganized I am, but I got it all worked out.

No, no. I need help with Maggie's.

Jack: M-Maggie's?

Tim: Well, Lou's still away.

The place won't run itself.

You want me to work at the diner?

I need a watch dog.


I-I need someone to oversee it.

(Door bangs shut)

Make sure things are running smoothly.

(Engine rumbles)

Amy: You did everything right.

Your dismount was clean, and your approach was great.

Emmett: Then why did I end up back in the dirt?

Because Barega took off too soon.

Ty: Yeah, I couldn't even hold her back.

Amy: She sees the other horses lined up and she knows what's coming.

Barega loves to run so much that you can't hold her back.

She just takes off.

Scott: This is good news. Now that we know what the issue is we can deal with it.

Emmett: How? She's a gamer.

That's what makes her so good.

We can't take the race out of the horse.

Amy: Maybe you start the relay on her...

And that way you don't have to jump on Barega at all.

No. Barega runs anchor.

Your best horse always runs the last lap.

Scott: Since you know everything, what do you think we should do?

Amy: Take off your jacket.

Ty: What?

Amy: I think I might have a way to hold Barega back in the exchange.

Ty: You really think this is gonna work?

Let her smell it first.

Ty: There you. Hey...

Easy now... I'm just gonna put this over your head.

Really slowly... Just like that.

Amy: Okay, we're ready!

Yah! (Hooves thunder)

Amy: Okay, wait for it...


(Barega snorts)

Emmett: Yes!

Amy: That's it!

Scott: Woo! Nice exchange!

Well, you finally got him out of bed.

It's nice to be able to... sleep in for once.

I thought you packed it in right after dinner last night?

Ah, must be the country air.

(Jack chuckles)

So what do you two have planned for today?

Jeff: Well, she's abandoning me for some trick riding practice.

Georgie: Well, I told you, I could skip it.

Jack: Have fun, whatever it is.

No, that's fine. I'll hang out here until you get back.

Georgie: Really?

Yeah... what?

Well, don't you usually go rent exotic cars and... rip around on your motorcycle?

I guess I've mellowed in my old age.

(Knock at the door)

Georgie: Oh, look who it is.

Just happened to be in the neighborhood?

Jade: Uh, I just left my jacket here last night.

Georgie: Of course you did.

Jade: Hey, Jeff.

Jeff: Hey.

Jade: Nice hair.

Yeah, barn loft special.

(Self-conscious chuckle)

Don't you have somewhere to be?

No. Actually, I'm gonna go to this arts and music festival.

I thought you might wanna go.

Uh... yeah, I got a little free time on my hands.

Why not?

Jade: Cool.

Jeff: Well, I better run a comb through this though, huh?

Georgie: Okay. (Sighs)

Ty: Well, I can't believe what a difference that made. That was great.

Scott: Yeah, the exchange was perfect every time.

But Emmett's team can't be using your jacket during the race.

Amy: No, that's why we'll use blinders for the real thing, right?

That'll block out all the craziness that's happening around her.

Scott: Well, looks like you're back on track for the championships.

Amy: Hey, good luck at the finals.

And you... You wait for him, okay?

All right, take care.

Ty: See ya, guys.

Scott: You're not gonna thank her?

Emmett: For putting a jacket over her head?

She just saved your butt.

You could win this whole thing.

That's what everyone keeps saying back home.

They want me to be a champion, like you were.

But nobody cares what I want.

And what would that be?

I already told you. You weren't listening.

I wanna quit.

I'm leaving the reservation.

To go where?

Moving to the city, like you did.

(Clucks his tongue)

Tim: Ha! He just said, "no," then he... he drove off in a huff.

Really? That doesn't sound like Jack.

I mean, he's the one who offered to help in the first place.

Yeah, and I really need help at Maggie's.

Maggie's? Are you kidding me?

What? I didn't ask him to wait tables.

I asked him to watch over the place.

Casey: See right here?

These are the famous Tim Fleming people skills at work.

Tim: What does that mean?

Casey: It means I don't why you're trying to push him away.

You just took on all these high school rodeos, you could use Jack's help here.

I have got it under control.

I've even carved out a little Casey time...

Casey: Yeah?

Tim: Yeah, you and me, we're going fly fishing, tomorrow.

Casey: You can't afford to take a day off, mister.

Tim: You know what they say? All work and no play...

Casey: Please!

Tim: Come here.

Casey: Woo! (Laughing)


(Birds chirp outside)

(Approaching footsteps)

Jeff: Hey!

Georgie: Oh, hey. You're back early.

Yeah, the bands were pretty lame.

This your new horse?

Yeah, yeah, Checkers.

Phoenix must be all jealous.

Well, as long as there's someone to jump him, he's pretty happy.

My friend Stephen's helping out with that.

Stephen, huh?

How good a friend we talking here?

Really? This guy's your... boyfriend?

No. He's not my boyfriend.

All right.

So... Jade, what do you think of her?

Yeah, she seemed pretty cool for a... one of those university types.

Georgie: University?

Jeff: Yeah, she was going on about her classes at the U of C, but... I can never understand why people blow their cash on philosophy courses and basket weaving when... they could all be making money in the real world.

Georgie: Hmm.



Come on, Georgie, what's wrong?


I hate when people pretend to be something they're not.

I guess you know your brother pretty well by now.

Uh... yeah, I guess.

You're probably wondering why I've been acting so strange?

Well, yeah. You have been acting a little different lately.

Well, the truth is...

I... I got fired.

Georgie: Fired?

Jeff: Don't worry, I'll-I'll be fine.

But I don't really wanna get into it, so I'd prefer if you didn't tell anyone, okay?


(Screen door opens, snaps shut)

Jack: Hello, Georgie!

Oh, you're not talking. You all right?


Actually, no. No, I'm not.

Well, what's wrong?

Well, you know when you think things are going a certain way, but... then you find out they're the exact opposite?

Mm... what happened?

Um... I'm sorry, Jack.

I can't... I can't say anything.

I'm sorry.

(Truck rumbles to a halt)

(Gearshift clunks, engine cuts out)

Well, you did great out there, Amy.

I couldn't have done it without your jacket.

(Amy and Ty chuckle, kiss)

Amy: See ya.

Ty: Okay.

Amy: Oh, hey! Did you talk to Wade this morning and tell him you can make it to family day?

Ty: Uh... not yet.

I thought you were gonna call him first thing?

I know. Um... I will... do it.

Why don't you just tell me what's going on?

Amy, I just don't like those places, all right? So...

(Door bangs shut)

I'm listening.

All right. Um...

I haven't been able to sleep the last couple of days.

I uh...

I can't get these memories out of my head.


Like visiting your mom in rehab?


First time, I was... eight years old and I didn't even know what the place was.

My mom was so sick, um, I thought she was dying.

I can't even imagine.


When I got older, I thought she was doing it to herself...

And there was nothing I could do about it.

Truth is, there still isn't, so...

I'm gonna go with you.

Amy, that's... that's not the point.

I'm not...

Amy: Yeah, yes, it is.

You have a different life now, Ty, and I am a part of it.

So I'm gonna face this with you, okay?

Ty: Hey, Wade. It- yeah, I'm good.

Listen, about next week.

It looks like Amy and I will both be able to come out, so-

(birds chirp outside)

Uh... okay.

Are you sure?



Thanks for letting me know.

Okay. Bye. (Phone beeps off)
(Dogs bark)

Ty: Good morning.

Scott: Hey.

Field call?

Yeah, it won't be long though.

So, uh, it turns out I won't need that time off after all.

I told you we'd be fine.

I know. Just a... change of plans.

(Bag rustles)

Ty: So, uh, how's Emmett doing?

He's still here, actually. Says he's not going back home.

What do you mean?

He wants to move to Edmonton, quit the relay.

Ty: Well, what'd you say to him?

Scott: What can I say?

I left home and quit the relay when I was way younger than he is.

He's just following in his Uncle's footsteps.

(Dogs bark)

Georgie: Yes, Lou. I've checked all her clothes before putting them in the dryer.

Jack: (Whispering) Georgie! don't hang up.

Georgie: (Whispers) Okay.

Yeah. Yeah. Jack wants to talk to you.

Okay. Okay. Okay, I love you too.

'Kay, bye. (Phone beeps off)

Georgie: She is on a walk in Stanley Park with Peter.

She says she'll call you back later.

What? Lou said she'd call you back.

Jack: No, no, it's not that.

It's Georgie.

Yesterday, she seemed a little out of sorts, but she didn't wanna talk about it, so I let it go.

I don't know, you think she's worrying about Lou and Peter?

Well, you can't blame her for wondering what's going on.

Lou's been away a lot longer than expected.

I hope everything's going all right.

A romantic stroll in the park sounds promising.

Yeah... hopefully she's not having too much fun.

Jack: Why's that?

Amy: Well, if Lou loves Vancouver as much as Peter, then she might move the whole family there.

(Horse nickers, birds chirp)

Jade: Hey, kid.

What's with you?

Georgie: University?

Jade: I was just trying to look smart, okay?

Georgie: Okay, well then wear a pair of glasses or something.

Just stop pretending to be older.

Well, he might think it's weird, you know, dating someone in high school.

Georgie: Dating?

Jade: It's possible.

Georgie: Okay, well, in this fantasy world, where my brother is your boyfriend, when are you gonna tell him the truth? At the prom?

Just chill out, okay? It's no big deal.

(Door bangs shut nearby) Georgie: He's gonna find out.

(Footsteps thud on the stairs)

Jeff: What was that all about?


So I've been looking through the want ads.

A lot of great jobs out there for a guy with a high school education.

Short order cook, house painter, barista, Oh, and newspaper delivery man.

(Chuckles, sighs heavily)

(Footsteps clunk on stairs)

(Car doors open)

Jack: Hello there. Can I help you?

Rodney: Rodney Cantrell. I'm here to see Tim Fleming.

Oh. Well, I think you got the wrong place.

He's over at Big River.

Oh, I know, but he told me to meet him here...

For my son's roping lesson.

Oh, he did, did he?

Okay, just uh...

Let me sort something out real quick.

Hang on.

Derek: Come on, dad, he's not here.

Rodney: Why don't you just be patient? We'll sort it out.

Jack: Okay, I don't know where you are, but it looks like one of your big wig sponsor is here and I'm not gonna bail your butt outta this.

(Snaps phone shut)

Jack: Here's the thing...

Rodney: Now you're not gonna tell us we drove all the way out here for nothing.

Jack: Well, actually...

Rodney: Oh, geez.

You know I almost invested in this school?

What is it? Some kind of a sham or something?

Uh, no, of course not. I uh...

It's my mistake. I thought that you were coming tomorrow is all.

Yeah, so... I'm Jack.

I'll be teaching the roping lesson.

Rodney: Uh, Derek?

Derek: Hi.

Jack: Jack.

(Dogs bark, cats meow, approaching footsteps)

I got your text.

Look, I know this is your decision to make, but...

Ty: Amy...

I really think you should reconsider.

I think we should go see your mom.

Ty: I do too.

Amy: Oh?

It's my mom...

She doesn't wanna see me.

Amy: What?

Ty: It's like Wade said.

She wants to keep things "low key."

It's her choice, right?

She must just be afraid.

You know, she doesn't want you to see her like that either.

Ty: Well, it is what it is.

Everybody's got their family issues.

And after all the work you did yesterday, Emmett's quitting the relay, if you can believe it.

Amy: Really? Well, he's gotta just be afraid of another wreck.

Well, I can't say that I blame him.

What if you never got back on your motorcycle after the accident?

I mean, you can't just live life in fear.

Well, seems like that's exactly what Emmett's doing right now.

Yeah... and your mom.

Jack: Yeah, see you're not rolling your wrist enough.

Derek: Yes I am.

Jack: Well, no you're not.

That's why you're having trouble keeping your loop open.

Derek: Can I just throw it already?

Jack: Not until you get your swing down.

Derek: (Annoyed sigh)

(Rope whooshes)

Jack: Okay, here. I'll show you one more time.

Now watch my wrist. And when I roll it, i can see the back of my hand, you know?

Now point your finger down the spoke like I showed you and roll your wrist.

(Rope whooshes)

Ugh! How am I supposed to point my finger and twist my wrist at the same time?

Jack: It'll come.

Derek: No it won't. This is impossible!

Jack: Okay, look, I can see that you're frustrated, but you're gonna have to put in a little effort here.

Otherwise, you're wasting both our time.

Wasting your time?

My dad paid good money for this.

Listen. I'll work for free if you show me just a little bit of grit.

Now cowboy up, son.

Or would you rather give up, go back to the city?

(Rope thunks on ground)

Rodney: I'll call you back.

Derek: This is a waste of time.

What the hell did you say to my kid?

Oh, he'll tell you all about it, I have no doubt.

Derek: Let's go!

That spoiled brat had it coming.

Well, maybe he did, or maybe I'm just kidding myself.

That he could actually swing a rope?

Jack: No, that I could actually teach him to swing a rope.

(Knock at the door)

Emmett: Uncle Scott?

Ty: Hey, Emmett.

He's actually out on a field call right now.

Supposed to meet him for lunch.

Ty: Oh.

Well... (Cage door clicks shut)

He should be back any minute.

Do you, uh, want a coffee or... something?

No, I'm good.

So uh... Scott tells me you're not racing in the finals.


Well, that's too bad.

I mean, it's a dangerous sport, I mean I get why you're scared.

I'm not afraid of getting hurt.

Ty: Hey, honestly, I don't blame you Look, I got a lot to live up to, okay?

Ty: What do you mean? With Scott?

Emmett: It's tough living in the shadow of a champion.

Ty: Champion? Really?

Scott never told me that part.

Emmett: Yeah, he was a hero on our reservation.

We'd all go see him race. Hmm.

Then, one day, he just... left us.

I was mad at him for years.

Now I get it.

There's more to life than relay.

Who needs the pressure?

Ty: Huh.

So you're not afraid of getting hurt...

You're afraid of losing?

Just tell Scott I'll be at the restaurant.

(Receding footsteps)

Tim: I just got off the phone with Rodney Cantrell.

You know who I'm talking about. The guy that was gonna throw money at my school.

What the hell were you thinking?!

He was trying to save your butt.

Tim: Thanks a lot. You just blew my sponsorship deal.

Casey: C'mon, Tim.

Jack: Hey!

You are the one who dropped the ball here.

You got too much on your plate and you're just too damn proud to admit it!

Tim: See? Now you know why I didn't ask you to get involved in the first place.

(Door opens)

(Footsteps crunch on gravel)

Georgie: Okay, that was totally unfair.

I'm not in the mood, Georgie.

(Frustrated sigh)

(Crunch of receding footsteps)

She's right, you know.

I mean, you're the one who can't manage your schedule.

Tim: You know, I can talk my way out of a missed appointment, I can't salvage that.

You didn't even ask Jack's side of the story.

Because I know how it goes. He sticks his nose in my business and it ends up bad.

Do you think you might be overreacting a little bit?

Casey... you have no idea what it's been like dealing with him all these years. Trust me.

I am gonna end up looking like the bad guy here.

Are you mad at me too now?

I just thought you might have my back.

(Door clicks open and bangs shut)

(Birds chirp, feet scuff in the hay)

Jeff: (Sighs heavily)

Georgie: You say you're fine, but I know you're not.

Can't you just tell me what happened?

I thought it was going so well up there?

It was... until my boss moved to another company, and the new guy... had it in for me from the start.


He didn't think that I had enough experience to run my own crew...

And he was gonna demote me.

Wait. So you weren't actually fired?

It's the same thing. How could I face the guys that I work with?

They'd think that I wasn't up to the job...

And... maybe they'd be right.

(Sighs heavily)

So what're you gonna do?


I was on this path and... I knew where I was going, but he just completely knocked me off of it.

And now I just feel like uh...

I don't know, it's... it's hard to explain.

(Diners chatter)

Scott: So how're you getting there?

The bus I guess.

Where are you gonna stay?

I got a friend who lives downtown, says I can crash on his couch for a while.

(Low hum of chatter)

You got something to say just say it.

Leaving the relay was the biggest mistake of my life, Emmett.

(Snorts softly)

Things seem to have turned out pretty good for you.

It could've went the other way, trust me.

The relay kept me focused.

There was always a horse to take care of or a race to go to.

And when I left, i didn't have that anymore.

I didn't know what to do with myself and it led me down a very dark path that could've... landed me in jail, or worse.

You can't be serious.

You're actually trying to talk me out of doing the exact same thing you did?

You're right; Talk is cheap.

How about this.

I'm gonna challenge you to a race.



Are you crazy or something?


But here's the deal.

If I win, you go to the finals, and then you go home, or at least until you find something worth leaving for.

And... when I kick your butt?

I'll give you a ride to Edmonton myself, and I won't bring up the relay ever again.

All right, Uncle.

Let's race.

(Chair scrapes back)

Rodeo and sports. That's the approbate viewing here at Maggie's. Okay?

Waitress: All right.

Tim: Good. Simple.

Rodeo and sports.

You can't talk to people that way.

Tim: Excuse me?

Georgie: I meant the way you were talking to Jack.

Oh, here we go again. Okay.

Georgie: Look, I was there. All he did was challenge the kid.

You know Jack, he tells it like it is. don't you think you could use someone like that?

Tim: Georgie, I appreciate you telling me how to run my business, but I don't have time.

So why don't you go have a seat and I'll bring a couple of shakes over for you and gloomy Gus over there.

Georgie: That's not funny.

Tim: So what was his problem at dinner the other night?

He doesn't want me to say anything.

Tim: Oh, come on, you can tell me.

I'm almost your grandpa or something.

Yeah, actually, you are my grandpa.

Fine, whatever.

Come on, tell your ol' gramps what's wrong with him.

Got canned, huh?

Jeff: Uh... not exactly.

Tim: don't look at your sister like that.

It's not her fault.

She's loves you and she's worried.

So you got canned. So what?

You gotta buck up. You just gotta get back in the saddle.

I guess that's the cowboy's answer for everything, right?

I just... get back on the horse and then I'm fine...

Tim: Yeah, it is, only you gotta do it with swagger.

Can you run that crew?

Jeff: Well, I mean I can...

Tim: And never mind what nimrod boss thinks.

Can you run that crew?

Jeff: Yeah. I was doing a pretty good job.

Tim: Good. So you go back to him and tell him you want a chance to prove yourself.

Can you do that?

Jeff: Yeah!

Tim: With swagger!

(Laughs) With swagger...

Tim: What're you smiling at?


Sometimes you just... sound a lot like Jack.

Emmett: It's been a long time.

You must be getting pretty scared there, hey, Uncle?

Scott: Oh, the start of a relay is like... heading into the eye of a storm.

Best thing to do is hold on and ride it out.

Emmett: So you're old and wise now, huh?

Scott: (Laughs)

Emmett: Is that what I think it is?

Scott: What, this old thing? Championship buckle?

You should've left it in the '90s.

Scott: (Laughs)

(Coffee pours, door opens) Tim: Jack?

Jack: I'm in no mood for your BS.

Tim: Wait a second, before you lay into me.


I wanted to say I'm sorry for what I said.

Jack: Hey, save it, Tim. It's your school.

You do what you want.

Tim: That's right, it is.

I want your help.

And why would I do that?

Tim: Do you... why do you have to make everything so difficult?

I want you to help me because I can't do it all by myself.

I wanted to, believe me, if for no other reason than to just say that I finally saw something through.

But I can't do it. It's too much, Jack, I need your help.

And you're the guy. The way you dealt with that kid, that's exactly how i would've done it.

Then why did you come unglued on me?

Tim: I don't know.

I did the same thing to Casey when we left.

When... I was fly fishing with Casey, I got a text... from Shane.

Everything okay?

Miranda's getting married...

This weekend.

Amy: Okay, on my cue.

Man: Do it, buddy! Come on!

Woman: You can do this! Woo!

Amy: Go! (Horses snort nervously)

Scott: Ungh!

(Hooves thunder, onlookers cheer)

Ty: Come on, Scott!

Amy: That's right, Scott! You can do it!

Ty: Let's go! Come on! (Hooves thunder)

Amy: Okay, make sure Barega stays looking forward.

(Onlookers cheer, hooves thunder)

(Onlookers cheer) Come on!

(Hooves strike loudly, horses grunt)

(Hooves thunder)

(Onlookers cheer) Come on! Woo!

(Hooves thunder)

(Hooves thunder to a halt)

Amy: 'Kay, Scott, go, go, go, go, go!

Amy: I got it! I got it!

Man: Come on, Emmett!

Ty: Ready? Go! Go!

Emmett: Get outta my way, Ty! Go!

(Onlookers cheer) Emmett: Hyah!

(Hooves thunder, Ty and Amy laugh)

Ty: Wow! That was crazy.

Amy: Okay, Scott, go!

(Hooves thunder)

Amy: Open it up! Open it up!

Ty: Run, Scott, run!

(Hooves thunder, horse grunts)

(Hooves thunder)

Amy: Yeah, come on! Come on!

Ty: Go, Scott!

(Hooves strike heavily)

(Hooves strike heavily)

(Onlookers cheer)

Ty: Wow!

Amy: That was intense!

Ty: Yeah, what a race.

(Loud buzz of chatter)

Amy: It's just... too bad.

Ty: Yeah.

Thanks so much for us in.

My heart is still racing.

Scott: You guys did great.

Ty: I can't actually believe that was you out there.

You were really good.

Scott: Not good enough.

(Light tap) Emmett: Time to pay up, Uncle.

Scott: Yeah.

I guess you won fair and square.

(Keys jangle)

Nah, put those away. Not going anywhere.

I want the buckle.

To wear to the finals.

You're gonna race!

For years, I worried I couldn't live up to what you did in relay.

I guess I was wrong, 'cause...

I kicked your butt really good.


Emmett: Thanks, Amy.

(Birds chirp)

Jade: I'm not a horrible person.

What? No.

Look, you never should've lied to my brother, but I never said you were a horrible person.

Maybe a little boy crazy... hey! Well... maybe a little.

(Sighs) You know he's upstairs in the loft packing, if you wanna go say goodbye.

No. I feel too stupid about everything.

Wait... So you're telling me you came all the way over here just to make sure I didn't think you were a horrible person?


Oh my God, you know what this means?

You actually care what I think...

Okay, shut up.

(Approaching footsteps)

Jeff: Hey.

Georgie: Hey!

Jade: Hey.

Here, I'll take this to the truck.

Jeff: Oh. All right. O-kay.

I have to tell you something.

I'm in high school. I'm only seventeen.

Jeff: Oh yeah?

Well, um...

I haven't exactly been... myself the last couple of days either.

So... next time I'm back, would you consider going out with me again?

The... real me?

Jade: I'll think about it.

Georgie: Ahem!

Guys, still here.

(Phone rings)

(Phone beeps on) Jack: Hello.

Well, Lou, sweetheart.

Hey, I thought you were gonna call me back yesterday.

Oh? Well that is fantastic news.

I'll pick you up at the airport myself.

(Door opens) Tim: Jack?!

Oh... oh? Oh, okay.

Well, then we'll see you here tomorrow then.

Okay. Yeah, bye. (Phone beeps off)

Jack: Lou's coming home. (Phone beeps off)

Tim: Good. Great.

Jack: Boy, this Miranda thing's really got you twisted up.

Tim: I can't-I can't stop reading this text.

Like... look- look at this.

Shane writes: "You'll never believe this. Mom's getting married, dot, dot, dot, this Saturday - in capitals - exclamation mark."

I interpret that, that he thinks she's rushing into it.

Jack: Well... maybe it means that he's excited; that he thinks it's a good thing.

Well, you know, I don't know how people think this is even communicating.

Just call him, exclamation mark!

Yeah, I should... I will.

I... I'll call him, get it all straightened out.

(Door opens, truck rumbles to a halt)

(Doors clank open, bang shut)

Amy: Are you coming in?

Ty: No. I just wanted to give you a proper goodbye.


Wow. That wasn't a "see ya tomorrow" kind of kiss.

I'm going to visit my mom.

What made you change your mind?

I don't know.

Maybe it was this whole Scott and Emmett thing...

Seeing the kind of impact you can have on your family.

I wanna help her stay clean this time.

Amy: I still wanna come with you.

Ty: I want you to come too.

But I gotta think about what's best for mom.

She's got a lot of pride, you know what I mean?

Amy: I get it.

You go.

I'm gonna miss you though.


You know, your mom is really lucky to have you.

So am I.

Ty: (Chuckles softly)

I love you.

I love you too. (Kiss)

♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh ooh

♪ I'll see you on the other side... ♪

(Engine starts)

(Truck rumbles away)

♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh ooh ♪
♪ ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ooh... Ooh... ♪
♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ooh ooh... ♪