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01x04 - The Inside Man

Posted: 02/25/15 20:02
by bunniefuu

Detective Sergeant Winter: Karly Johansson, mother of two.

I think this might be linked to one of my cold cases.

Prime suspect was Paul Pagent. Prick's been free for eight years.

Eight years he should have been behind bars.

I know what you did to your wife. Lachlan.

Pagent didn't top himself. He was m*rder*d.

Detective Sergeant McKenzie... Tamara Davis, Deputy DPP.

Where did you get these?

They ID'd your nephew as a customer, not as one of their targets.

What the hell do you think you were doing? Nothing.

You were going to buy dr*gs! No, I wasn't.

Yes, you were and you would have been arrested.

(Sirens wail)

You want names, you go to Bjorn. He's been running dr*gs for years.

Well, someone knew he was gonna talk who knew we were coming.

Your Fed friend?

You know what they say - everyone's got their price.

Or... One of our people.

Indiana is my daughter from my first marriage.

I know that you think I was a bad father.

Do you want to get k*lled? These people are not gonna go away.

(Tyres screech, sirens wail)

Oh, Jesus. (Crash!) Jesus, no!

Sharni? Sharni, can you hear me?

Can I come in?

I should have put Indy in a safe house.

Well, that's not your fault 'cause that was... that's my call.

Yeah, well, God knows where she is now.

We'll find her.

(Gasps and pants)

You OK?

Yeah, I'm fine. Yeah?

Do you want to get some breakfast?

(Phone rings)

Eve Winter.

Wha... can you tell me what it's about?

No, no, I'll be there.

Who was that? Professional Standards.

They want to see me.


Do you know what it's about?

They didn't say.

Woman: Do you know why you're here, Detective?

Why don't you tell me?

Paul Pagent lodged a harassment complaint against Detective Sergeant McKenzie two days before his m*rder.

Paul Pagent?

He claimed he was conducting a vendetta against him.

Did you see any evidence of this?


As lead detective, you were aware that McKenzie had previously investigated...

Detective Sergeant McKenzie.

In regards to the Janet Pagent m*rder, yes, I was aware of that.

And we're still looking at any possible connection to our current investigation.

Have you found any?

Our investigation is still ongoing.

Detective McKenzie called you from Rocky Point on the night of the 25th.

My recollection is he called me at home. Late.

What about? A personal matter.

Look, Detective Sergeant McKenzie was acting with my full knowledge and approval and if you're suggesting that he is in any way implicated in the Paul Pagent m*rder, you're way off the mark.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got a briefing to get to and a witness to locate.

Yes, we're fully aware of the present status of your investigation, Detective.

Really? Who have you been talking to?

We'll adjourn this meeting until this afternoon.

We've got a lot more to discuss.

We've got Schultz, Parker and Walters from Gangs, Connors and Franklin from Sex Crimes, and Wheeler, Smith and Killian from dr*gs.

If only it was as simple as throwing more manpower at it.

Good morning, everyone.

All: Morning.

Have a seat.

OK, you need to familiarise yourself with all the players.

It's possible we're looking at more than one k*ller.

However, our priority is locating Indiana Hope.

She's our best lead right now.

What we do know is that she recently downloaded a bus timetable to Brisbane.

Now, we've circulated her description to uniforms and transit police but Milo and Alesia, I want you at the bus terminal.

Extra eyes on the ground. Yes, boss.

OK, that's it for now.

If you've got any questions, come and see me in my office.

Lachlan, I need to speak to you.

Professional Standards questioned me this morning about you and Paul Pagent's m*rder.

It's ridiculous.

You know about it? Yeah.

Why didn't you tell me?

You've got enough to deal with. It's all bullshit.

So, were you in Rocky Point the night before Pagent was m*rder*d?

Yeah, what of it? I didn't k*ll him.

Professional Standards obviously think they're onto something.

They're on a fishing expedition. What for?

I don't know. A fall guy.

In the meantime, I have to take you off anything to do with Pagent. What?

You brief Milo and Alesia... You can't do that!

It is not up for debate!

You know how this works.


Is that all?


I half-expected to see your Fed friend here, at the briefing.

I assume finding Indiana is his priority too.

We're in contact.

I'll keep him informed of any developments.

I'm sure you will.

Boss. Steve.

Your nephew's lucky his aunty's watching his back, but you nearly compromised an 8-month operation.

Did Detective Lee tell you that?

Unlike some, I know how to keep my mouth shut.

She's gonna have to hurry if she wants to catch this bus.

Or not.

The first stop is just outside Newcastle.

She could've made her own way up there.

Yeah. We should tell the local uniforms to keep watch.

The next bus is...?

In an hour. Then, after that, 10 o'clock tonight.

Did you get the file I sent you?

The enhanced screen capture of the suspect from the hospital.

It's my new screensaver.

So he can kiss my arse.

So, turning out attention to your present investigation, Detective...

If you must.

You currently have five unsolved homicides. Is that correct?

Six if you include your cold case.

Janet Pagent.

Oh, so that's what this is about?

Public relations exercise?

You need to deliver my head on a plate?

We are looking at the professional standard of your investigation and in particular, the role of the senior officers running it.

My task force was charged with finding the m*rder*r of Karly Johansson.

In the process, we've uncovered an organised criminal operation involving drug importation and human trafficking.

We're currently working with the Federal Police.

Working very closely with the Federal Police, aren't you, Detective Sergeant?

Time for another coffee?

Yeah, OK, thanks.

Sweet and skinny? Like you.

There she is.

Where? Escalator.

She doesn't know us yet. Let her get closer.

How close? Just... closer.

Ooh! Shit!

I got him, you get her.

Stop! Police!




Hey, whoa, whoa, relax!

Easy. Back off or I'll k*ll him!

(Woman screams)

Back off! Back off!

Just let him go.

Relax! (Grunts)

(People shout)

Police! Police! Move, move!


Moving on, were you aware of a Drug Squad operation in Newtown yesterday?

My task force consists of detectives from several squads, including dr*gs.

As a consequence, I hear a lot about operational matters.

Move! Move!

But you were in Newtown yesterday morning, weren't you, Detective?


(Phone buzzes)


(Phone continues buzzing)

Turn that off, please, Detective.

I was picking up my nephew. He goes to school in the area.

Somewhat of a coincidence, wouldn't you say?

If that's what you want to call it.

Boss, we are in pursuit of the suspect on foot!

Where is he? Around here somewhere.

I thought you were going after Indiana. I lost her.

I thought you might need me.


He had the same information that we did.

He knew she'd be at the bus terminal.

Yeah. You get onto the boss?

I can't get through to her. We'll have to call for back-up.

No, let's just low for five minutes, see if he sticks his head up.

Milo... He hears sirens, he's gonna disappear!

Your nephew was observed going to the target house on two separate occasions.

Do you really expect us to believe your actions yesterday were unrelated?

Look, Detective Winter, we're not overly interested in whether you used privileged information to protect your nephew.

We're not even interested if you're exercising poor judgement in your association with a Federal agent.

We simply want your cooperation in relation to any possible involvement by Detective Sergeant McKenzie in Paul Pagent's m*rder.

I got shit hitting the fan everywhere right now.

Mate, I'm happy to review the lot, but we were pretty thorough back then.

Yeah, I know, but we know a lot more now.

Listen, what if Janet Pagent stumbled on Bjorn's drug operation?

Why do you think that?

She set up a meeting with him she never got to have.

That could've been about anything.

P&C meeting, missing homework, smoking in the toilets.

I know, I know. It's a long shot. With Bjorn dead, you know...

Yeah, I know. It makes it... bloody hard to prove.

I've also put out calls to past students and teachers, trying to confirm those rumours about Pagent and the girls.

Anything else I can do to help? (Phone rings)

No, thank you.

Appreciate you helping me out.


We're in pursuit of a suspect from the hospital.

Where are you? On Hay Street in Chinatown.

Have you called for back-up?

I've tried to get through to the boss, but she's not answering.

I'm on my way.

There he is!

Alesia: I need back-up now!

Hay Street, Haymarket, approaching Kimber Lane.

(Door closes)


So, let me get this straight.

You confronted the suspect on the roof, he resisted arrest, you struggled and he went over the guard rail?

Yes, boss.

I'm gonna need a lot more detail than that, Milo. A lot more.

Understood. I want a full report on my desk tonight.

Yes, boss.

Have we still got a presence at the bus terminal?

Yes, boss. Uniforms are there.

Yeah, well, I doubt Indiana's gonna go back there now.

You've blown that chance. Sorry, boss.

But we do have an ID on our hit man.

Edward John Duca - aka Eddie Duca.

Well, get that phone to a techie.

It's probably a burner but we might get lucky. Anything else?

Uh, long history of arrests.

Released from Silverwater two months ago.

Doing time for what? Aggravated as*ault. Three years.

Alright, well, I want to know everything.

I want family, the friends, the associates, everything.

Yes, boss.

Hey, I'll call you back.


Did you tell anyone that you stayed over last night?

Yeah, no, I ran down the pub and told my mates.

No, of course not. Why?

Professional Standards made some thinly veiled accusation that we've been working closely together.

Yeah, well, they didn't hear anything from me.

Jesus, Eve...

(Clears throat)

(Sighs) So, how you doin'?


Can I have a word? Uh-huh.

Professional Standards want me to help bring you down.



They've picked a sacrificial victim and it's you.

I guess I should be flattered.

Of course, they would have threatened you if you don't help out - let me guess, with some sort of professional impropriety.

How did you know that? Oh!

I know how they work.

They implied I used a tip-off to keep my nephew out of trouble.

Did you?

Yeah. Holy shit!

Yes. (Laughs)


So, I told them to suspend me if they had any proof.

They didn't suspend me.

So, who gave you this tip-off?


How much do you actually know about Milo?

Just that he came highly recommended from dr*gs.

He knew about Bjorn.

He knew about the bus station.

But why put himself at the scene?

He didn't.

You did.

Now, if Alesia hadn't spotted Duca first...

Who knows?

So, Duca ran when he saw Milo?

Yes. He had been heading for Indiana.

And then Milo took off after Duca?

Yes. And what about Indiana?

She took off and I decided to go after my partner.

He was... in pursuit of a dangerous suspect.

Well, given that, why didn't you call for back-up straightaway?

I... did try to call you first.

And then we lost him for a few minutes and... we decided to hold off.

You both decided?

Milo was pretty adamant that we wait until we had him in sight.

So, Milo decided to hold off?


And then he took off after Duca on his own?

Well, I had spoken to Detective McKenzie and I was calling for back-up.

So, that held me up... a bit.

Milo said that they had a fight and then Duca went over the railing.


Did you actually witness this fight?


And how have you been getting on with Detective Lee, Alesia?

How do you mean? In general.

Oh... uh...

Good, yeah. Yeah.

Uh, no problems. Um...

He has a slightly different sense of humour to me, but... most people do.

We need to keep this strictly between us.



Has Detective Lee ever done anything or given you any reason whatsoever for you to question his actions?

Working late?

Apparently, the traffic in town's really bad.

I've heard that too.

Some police action in Chinatown stuffed up the CBD.

So... inconsiderate.

So, what can I do for you, Detective?

Well, after the day I've had, I'd... I'd k*ll for a drink.

Well, we'd better get you one.

He said he lost his keys. Get your feet... off the cushions.

That is bullshit. He knows where we keep the spare.

We had an argument this morning.

Do you know what about?

Look, Mel, I'm right in the middle of something.

He wanted to go to the Gold Coast with his mates for a holiday.

I mean, I know you think I'm a hopeless mum, but even I draw the line somewhere.

I really... I don't have time for this. Can we just...?

Can you just shovel some food down his throat? I'm on my way.

Yeah, fine.

Excuse me. Yeah.

They found a r*fle at Eddie Duca's flat.

It's the same calibre as the one that took out Emma Tan.

Ballistics are working it now, so... he could be the sh**t.

Any connection to Penny Bartok.

Nah. Nothin' yet.

Oh, God...

We really need to find Indiana.

What about her passport?

Well, if she... tries to pick it up, we can get her then.

Well, that's highly unlikely, isn't it?

Probably, but... I don't know. Well, maybe she's gone back to the Cross.

She's got contacts there, there's safety in numbers.

She knows that's the first place we'll be looking for her.

The fact is she could be anywhere.

Sharni, it's me. I need you to pick up.

I'm in a phone booth.

Just... pick up next time, OK?
Harry, your mum's here!

Hey. Hey. He just finished eating.

Oh, thanks for that. Glass of wine?

Uh, I can't. Jake's here. We've got work on.

Oh! We all know how much you love your work.

Oh, please. I'm not in the mood. Can you just take Harry and go?

I was only joking.

Are you OK?

Yeah, I'm fine. I've just, you know... got a lot on.

I saw. It's all over the news.

Yeah, well, that's just a small part of it.

Anyway, you should go home and work things out with your son.

Yeah, that's more like it. Get stuck into my parenting.

Come on, Harry! We're going!


Harry: Alright, I'm coming.

(Sighs) You look tired. You sleeping?

Yeah. Liar.

You know sleep deprivation is a form of t*rture?

Impaired cognitive functioning, speech impairment, hallucinations, psychosis, cardiovascular disease, stress, anxiety, depression...

Wow. How long have you been waiting to use that line?

You really do need to take care of yourself.

Yeah, I know.

Come on, Harry, we're going!

Alright, alright.

I mean it.

Thanks, Eve. Oh! Here...

Oh... Mwah! Hmm.




I wish this day could start over.


I thought it started pretty good.


In fact...

Hmm? Mm-hm?

There's no reason it really can't... end the same way.

(Phone buzzes)

Just let it ring.

(Phone continues buzzing)

Eve Winter.

I'll meet with you. Only... you.

Uh, just a sec.

Indiana, where are you? I mean it.

No other cops and no Feds.

Just you or you'll never hear from me again.


I'm somewhere in, like, Oxford Square or something.

I'll wait on the steps.

What's that about?

It's... work. Something's come up.

Nothin' about Indiana?

No, no. No. Something else.

(Whispers) Come over here. Come back.

I have to go in.

(Door closes)


You OK?

I'm not testifying for the Feds.

That's your decision.

Let me take you somewhere safe.

Have you seen Sharni?

I've been trying to call her all day. She's not answering her phone.


Sharni was in an accident last night.

A bad one.

Well... she's gonna be OK...

I'm really sorry.

I got her k*lled, didn't I?

She's dead because of me.


Where's your mind?


Sex was nice but now you're a million miles away.

Talk about damn a guy with fake praise.


I know Professional Standards have been giving you a hard time.

How'd you know that?

Ziegler's been fielding calls all day from the Minister.

(Groans and sighs)

Ziegler's pretty much at the heart of it all.

How is my boss to blame?

His daughter is.

(Closes door)


OK. Let's get you into a warm shower and I'll fix you something to eat.

Why are you doing this?

I told you.

Here's your room.

There's a shower down the hall.

I'll get you a towel.

And you'll probably need something to change into, so...

This'll have to do.

It's not fashion-forward but it's warm and comfy.

It's OK.

Got good security.

You're safe here.

Thank you.

I'll see you downstairs.

When will I see you next?

I might be up for a drink tomorrow night.

How about you text me later today?

(Phone rings)

It's too bad if she wants you tonight.



Eve, what's up?

Can you talk? Yeah, I'm just, uh...

Just callin' it a night. What's up?

I've got Indiana.

Is she alright?

Yeah, she's OK.

Where are you - Homicide?


No. I'm at my place.

(Sighs) Eve...

Yeah, I know, I know, it breaks all the rules, but... I need her to trust me.

Well... I hope you know what you're doing.

Yeah, so do I. I'm keeping Jake out of the loop for now too.

That's fine by me, but... I don't think it's gonna go down too well when your buddy finds out.

Yeah, well, I'll deal with that when it happens.

Can you cover for me in the morning?

Of course.

And let's just keep it between us as well.

I don't think anyone else on the task force needs to know.

I'll brief Alesia when I get the chance.

Have you still got doubts about Milo?

(Sighs) Yeah.

Well, let's just play it safe, OK?

I'll speak to you tomorrow. Bye.

Perfect timing. Hope you like eggs.

You hungry? Yeah.

There you go.


(Phone buzzes)

Yes, Alesia?

Boss, I've just come from Duca's flat?

Crime Scene are still working it, but... someone got there before us, gave it a pretty thorough clean-out.

So, they're one step ahead of us again. Is Milo with you?

No, he's not. You didn't mention our earlier conversation?

No. No, of course not.

Yeah, well, keep it that way.

Hey, I want you to come to my place first thing in the morning.

Do you know the address?

Oh, uh... yeah, but...

I've got Indiana.

Alesia: Hi.

Milo: Hey.

Where are you? I... shouted you a latte.

I am... running a bit late.

You're never late.

Well, I didn't finish up at Duca's till after 1am, so...


Are you coming in?

I actually need a bit of personal time.

Are you OK? Yep, I'm fine.

And, um, sorry about the... coffee.

What's a latte between friends?

I'll catch you later.

OK, bye. (Hangs up)

(Engaged signal beeps)

So, what's the plan?

Well, we're just sort of winging it for now.

I'm good with that.

Does anyone else know she's here?

Uh, just Lachlan. And that's how it stays.

Even with Duca out of the picture, we can't assume she's safe.


Milo... is gonna start wondering what's going on.

Yeah, well, just leave that to me.

Oh, shit. Ziegler's gonna love this.

"A source within the Police Department confirmed the identity of a person..."

What's going on? Hey. Indiana...

This is Alesia Taylor.

She's a detective with my task force. You can trust her completely.

(Phone rings)


It's... it's great to meet you.

Eve: Eve Winter... I brought you a coffee.

Sorry, I just guessed what you might like.

It's a latte with one sugar and normal milk.

Yep, I'll be right there. Thanks.

I've gotta go out.

Now? Yes, now.

Um, Alesia can stay with you.

I won't be long. Are you OK with that?


Excuse me one sec.

Boss? That was Ziegler on the phone.

He wants to see me now.

It quotes a source within your department, Detective.

The fact is the investigation's expanded to a point where it's... it's impossible to keep a lid on information like that.

You know what I think? I think this is the bloody-minded act of someone who thinks that I deserve to be punished for being a bad parent.

You're accusing me? You bet your arse I am, you vindictive bitch!

Then why don't you make a formal complaint and I will answer it at every turn... sir.

Excuse me - the Premier's office... What line?

They want to see you in person.

(Sighs) Shit!

How could you have been so stupid?

So indiscreet?

I thought I could trust her.

Oh, that's supposed to make it alright?

No, of course not. Look, I'm sorry. I stuffed up, you know?

If you want me off the task force...

Don't be so melodramatic. Have you spoken to your girlfriend?

She's not returning my calls.

Oh... Surprise, surprise.


Why do you think she leaked it?

She doesn't give a stuff about Indiana.

Agreed. She's clearly very ambitious.

Ziegler's already been hauled down to Macquarie Street.

This could go very badly for him.

Are you saying that she's only slept with me to further her career?

Well, you'd know that better than me.

More fool her, then.

(Phone buzzes)

Spanish Inquisition want to apply the thumbscrews again.

Have they got any hard evidence?

God only knows.

We've been going over your phone records again, Detective.

The call highlighted on the 25th at 4:17pm, for 3 minutes and 35 seconds.

The day before Paul Pagent was m*rder*d.

What about it?

Any recollection?


A mobile number.

Not familiar with it.

It's registered to a Mr M. Mouse.

Lacks a little imagination.

You tried calling it?

It's been disconnected.

Same number appears on the phone records of one Eddie Duca.

You know who he is, don't you, Detective?


So... how do you explain that?

I can't.

Steve? Yes, mate.

Uh... do you know what's going on?

How do you mean?

Oh, well, the boss isn't here.

Alesia's taking personal time.

Something's going on that I don't know about.

Well, it sounds like we're all getting the mushroom treatment, mate.

I've got no idea.

Maybe they found the girl.

No. I... I'd know about that.

Yeah, sure. Yeah.

(Clears throat)

(Whispers) There you go.

Well, the main thing is I want you to feel safe here.

I honestly can't remember what happened.

And I believe you.

But you did remember something when you were hypnotised, didn't you?



Nothing I could make any sense of.


(Phone rings)

It's Milo. Not now.

Winter: (On recording) Please leave a detailed message and I'll return your call ASAP.

Hey, it's me.

I just heard an interesting theory.

Call me.

I wish I could remember, I really do, but... I just can't.

Indiana, I don't know if you're withholding something from me or not.

But what I do know is that what happened to Karly is not your fault.

And what happened to Sharni is not your fault either.

You don't know that.

Yes, I do.

(Phone ringing tone)

Winter: (On recording) This is Detective Sergeant Winter, Homicide.

Leave a message.

Eve, it's Lachlan. Give me a call as soon as you get this message.

Still going hard at it, mate?


(Groans wearily) Need your help with something.

Sure. Fire away. Phone logs from last month.

What for?

Building a case. A process of elimination.

I took a phone call the day before Paul Pagent was m*rder*d from a burner phone used to call Eddie Duca.

Who from?

Someone in this task force.

I don't want to say who it is till I can prove it.

And to do that, I need to eliminate you as a suspect.

(Chuckles) Me?

Took a call from you around the same time.

It's in my day book.

Yeah, but, mate, you and I were talking all the time then.


Get me your logs, I'll get 'em to the boss and... I can nail this bastard.

Well, I'll dig 'em out in the morning. Tomorrow alright?

Great. Appreciate it. No worries.

Have a good night.

(Lift bell dings)


I heard a rumour that we might have found Indiana.

Who told you that?

Have we?

I wouldn't know.

Any reason I might be being kept out of the loop?

You tell me.

And they're still operating?

Young Asian girls. Yeah, that sounds right.

Well, thanks for that. I'll pass it on.

Hey, Lachie?


Just got a tip-off from a snitch about a... pop-up brothel in Camperdown.

Should get me some brownie points with the boss.

(Phone rings)

Nice work, mate.

Hey. Hey, it's me. I got your message.

Listen, I figured it out.

I think I know... (g*nsh*t)

(Tyres screech)

Get out, go on!

Watch it, mate!

Are you serious?!

Eve: (On phone) Lachlan, what's going on? Lachlan?! Lachlan, talk to me!