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05x21 - Bloody Hell

Posted: 02/25/15 07:31
by bunniefuu
Narrator: Previously on Pretty Little Liars...

The winner gets a $20,000 scholarship.

We're gonna have to pay for my tuition somehow.

You're not pageant material.

I'm not doing that pageant.

Well, I am, for you.

Spencer: Any chance Wren still has that contact at Oxford?

If I don't make honor roll this semester they can completely withdraw my acceptance.

If you need a tutor...

I'm Eric, Talia's husband.

You told him I was an experiment, a one time thing.

If you are "A," you're counting on that last little shred of me that gives a damn about what happens to you.

And you shouldn't.

"Thanks for donating to my get-into-jail fund. A."

You have something that belongs to us, Cyrus.

Well, maybe we could work out a trade.

And when I find out who "A" is, Alison gets out of jail, and your sister and her friends are finely safe.

Do you think that "A" double-crossed Mona and k*lled her?

Why are you so sure that Alison isn't "A"?

Cyrus told me that "A" had him get Alison out of town that day.

Do we tell Alison?

We destroyed a lot of evidence that could have proved that she was innocent.

Well, are we gonna say anything before her trial?

We have to.

Did you hear back from Hanna?

I don't know.

They have our cell phones.

Oh, right.

(sighs) This feels weird.

Yeah, of course, it feels weird.

We're in a locked room with razor wire on the roof.

No, I mean coming here with our tail between our legs.

You don't think we owe her an apology?

Aria, we formed a human blockade.

She's locked in a cell because of us.

No, she's locked in a cell because of karma.

Well, and because of us.

Hey, look, no one is saying that she's a saint.

Or even a decent human being.

But she's on trial for a m*rder that she didn't commit.

Mona set her up and then was k*lled herself, and now Ali's going down for it.

I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.

Well, she's definitely runner-up.


He was scared to say anything.

He still thought Mona was alive and he didn't want to put her in danger.

So her plan was to just let me rot in here?

Only until she found out who "A" was, but then she was going to come back.

And you'd be released.

But now she... she's not coming back.

We're gonna figure out a way to get you out of here.

Where's Hanna?

She really wanted to be here, but she had to spend the day with her mom.

Your visiting hour is over.

Let's go, girls.

We'll be back soon, okay?



You know I'm gonna have to tell my lawyers about Mike, right?

Ali, please don't do that.

His testimony might be the only thing that can save me.

Can you just hold off?


Just let me find Cyrus, maybe he can lead me to "A."

You've been looking for "A"...

No, we've been trying to find "A's" henchman.

We thought that "A" was in a jail cell.


I will... I'll wait.


I want you to know I'm not trying to hurt him.

I just might not have another choice.

♪ Got a secret, can you keep it? ♪
♪ Swear this one you'll save ♪
♪ Better lock it in your pocket ♪
♪ Taking this one to the grave ♪
♪ If I show you, then I know ♪
♪ You won't tell what I said ♪
♪ 'Cause two can keep a secret ♪
♪ If one of them is dead ♪

Where were you?

I'm sorry, you guys, I chickened out.

I couldn't go back there.

Not after calling her a liar and a m*rder*r to her face.

She is a liar.

Up until yesterday, we all thought she was a m*rder*r, too.

Well, you guys didn't make a personal appearance to cut her open, pour salt in the wound, and then exfoliate it.

Was she upset?

I don't know.

Your absence kind of took a second position to the b*mb we had to drop about Mona.

After we left, Ali was still pretty much in a state of shock.

Which apparently is contagious.

What's going on?

I'm fine.

Is this about your brother?

Look, if we don't figure out who "A" is before Ali's trial starts...

She's going to feed Mike to her defense team.

Can they make him take the stand?


He'll be a hostile witness.

No, you guys, it's not about him getting in trouble with the law.

Once Mike becomes Ali's get-out-of-jail-free card, he also becomes "A's" number one target.

No, you don't have to come to the house, Peter, I can handle it.

She just walked in.

I'll call you later.

I thought you and Dad weren't really talking.

We weren't.

But when our daughter is making field trips to prison, I figure I owe him a jingle.

This family has bent over backwards to keep you out of that place, and now you're voluntarily showing up there?

Mom, it's the first time I've even gone to visit Alison...

And your last.

This series of poor choices ends today.

If you're going to skip school, then it's going to be so you can get into a better one.


I spoke to Wren, and he managed to get you a...

You called Wren?

You hate Wren.

Well, I'm not holding out for Jonny Raymond's connections to pull through.

Wren got you an interview with a very well-respected professor at Oxford.

You'll be staying with him and Melissa.

Your plane leaves tonight.

So if I were you, I'd start packing.

Have a nice day.



I'm Claire Handelman.


I've had your picture staring up at me from my desk.

I'm the Contestant Coordinator of the Glass Slipper Collective.

Oh. Hi.

Was everything okay with my application?

Actually, no.

You forgot a parent's signature.

Oh, sorry.

I must've missed that.

My mom is visiting my dad at his base.

Can she fax her permission?

Sure, no problem.

What's this?

Oh, the event's calendar.

Meet and greet, pancake breakfast, orientation.

Each one of you is also assigned a fairy godmother to help you walk through it.

It's our version of a den mother.

We keep you girls very busy.

Oh, I had no idea it was such a time commitment.

Well, is that gonna be a problem?

No, no, not at all.

Um, my boss is out of town for the day, but when he gets back I'll talk to him about swapping some shifts.

Oh, you tell your boss you're a very promising contestant.

I only wish you'd started sooner.

You could have collected a couple of glass slippers by now.

This has to be a quick visit, girls.

She is upstairs in her room.

Thank you.

Mrs. Hastings?

Can I ask you something?

A legal question.



I don't really know where to start.

It's kind of personal.

Uh, Aria, I'm happy to talk to you, but I... I need you to understand something.

You and I don't have attorney-client privilege.

What does that mean exactly?

Simple answer?

I may not be able to keep whatever you tell me just between us, even if I want to.

I know it's not your usual rate, but for the next hour will you be my lawyer?

Talia? Can I talk to you?

I know Amanda was going to be helping you in the kitchen this week, but something's come up, and I was hoping she could cover my shifts instead.

I don't think that'll be possible.


This is how it's going to be?

I mean, I didn't say what I said to hurt you.

It's not about that, Emily.

Today is my last day.

I already told Ezra.

I quit.

Was this person involved in the crime directly?


But he did have information that could really help the police.

And he was aware of that?


And he withheld it?


Well, without being familiar with any of the particulars, I'd say that if he impeded a police investigation knowingly, then, yes, he'd definitely face charges.

What... what kind of charges?

Like, jail time?

It depends on the nature of the crime.

All right.

Well, what if it were serious and someone ended up getting k*lled?

How much trouble would he be in?

A lot.

Spencer, you cannot leave now!

We just found out that Ali isn't "A" and we still don't know who's trying to turn us into a chain-g*ng.

Well, what am I supposed to do, Hanna?

Miss your flight.


Do not think that my mom won't be waiting in duty-free just to make sure I catch the next one.

What did Toby say about this?

I don't know. I didn't tell Toby.

The only way to get his attention these days is over a police scanner.

Can your mom postpone the interview?

If you have any suggestions on what you think I should say to her, I'm all ears.

Why not tell the truth?


I think it's time that you finally come clean and you ask your mom for help.

Are you serious?

Hanna, we can't do that.

Why not?

Maybe Hanna's right.

What do we have to lose?

Uh, my brother.

Aria, Spencer's mom can help Mike.

No, she can't help us find "A."

You guys, do we really want to rattle "A's" cage by telling now?

We all know what happens when we do that.


Come with me.

Mrs. Hastings?

What are you doing here?

I want to know why my daughter and her friends are visiting you all of a sudden.

Shouldn't you ask your daughter that?

She won't give me an answer.

So I thought I'd get it straight from the horse's mouth.

I've heard that your own brother refuses to come here.

So why would these girls?

Because I'm telling the truth.

I shouldn't be here.

And they know that now.

Unfortunately, Alison, with the lies you've told, even if your friends believe you, it's doubtful a jury will.

That's why I want to take the stand.

I want to tell my side of the story.

But my lawyers won't let me.

Your lawyers are right.

You could say the wrong thing and wind up incriminating yourself.

But I can't just sit here quietly while someone gets up there and tries to make me look like a m*rder*r.

Alison, you've told so many lies.

People know that now.

And not just in Rosewood.

Your lawyers are going to have a hard time finding a juror willing to believe you.

I want to tell my side, because, for once, it's the truth.

Well, I don't know what to say.

What would you say to Spencer?

She was almost in this room.

I know what people think about me.

And I know it's hard to change someone's mind once it's made up.

But I have to try.

Then you'll need a very good coach.

Mrs. Hastings?

Will you do it?

Will you be my coach?

Andrew: Did you forget about me?

Oh, my God, Andrew.

We had a session scheduled for tonight, didn't we?



I'm so sorry. I totally spaced.

Have you been waiting out here long?


Just long enough to start Anna Karenina, and finish it.


Don't worry about it.

The Cold w*r awaits. Shall we get started?

Andrew... (sighs)

I feel terrible about flaking, but, um... can we just hold off on the study sessions for a while, maybe?


But if you're gonna blow off studying, how about squeezing in a movie?

I got two tickets to a screening of All the President's Men.



At the art house theater downtown.

What do you say?

Andrew, yeah, I... I'd like to.

But is this a date?

I don't know. Is it?

No, well, it can't be.

I'm still sort of seeing Ezra.

Sort of?

No, I am.

Sort of.

Well, you seem less sure about that than you did about the three branches of government, but don't sweat it.

We'll go as friends.


Study buddies.

Besides, the movie is about Watergate.

So it's like a civics and history lesson rolled into one.

Mm, sounds entertaining.

You won't be sorry.

It's a thriller about getting messages from a shadowy figure who knows everybody's secrets.

It's a wild stuff, right?


I'll see you later.


Sorry, I must have the wrong apartment.



Apartments are flats.

Trucks are lorries.

Sweaters are jumpers.

And now that we have all that sorted, you must be Spencer.

I'm Colin.

Wren and Melissa's flatmate.

Welcome to London.

Thank you.

I'm afraid I'll be playing your host for the next 24 hours.

Wren and Melissa won't be back until tomorrow night.

My sister isn't even here?

Wren's boss invited them to his country home in Kent.

I imagine after your flight you're a bit peckish.

How do you feel about... stale biscuits?

I stole these from a child's lunchbox.

I have 23 of them.

Children, not biscuits.

Not my children, students.

Let's start over.

It's okay. I'm not hungry.

It's quite a ways for you to come for an interview.

You must really have your heart set on Oxford.

Yeah, I do.

Which college?


There are 38 of them within the University.

Right, I'm interested in a few of them actually.

I'm sorry, I can't access my data and I really have to text my friends.

Can you please help?

At the risk of sounding like a nosy git, may I suggest that in light of your impending interview that you tuck away your mobile and pick up a course catalogue?

Or you can tell me to bugger off.

Thank you.


I'm just here to pick up my last check.

Are you going on a trip?

(scoffs) Not exactly.

After what you said, I had a talk with Eric.

A real talk.

I was pretty open with him and it didn't go so well.

We're separating.

Talia, did I make you have a conversation you weren't ready to have?

It was going to happen sooner or later.

So what are you gonna do?

Well, I booked a hotel over by another catering gig.

So as long as there's hot water and clean sheets, I'll stay there for a while.

But after that?

I don't know.

Look, if you need a place to stay for the next few days, you can crash at my house.

Your mom would be okay with that?

She's away.

Thank you.

Yeah, that would be great.


Didn't you tell me there's a way to see if someone's read the email you sent them?

Not if you didn't attach the thing you need to attach to do it.

How do you know I didn't?

Did you?

I sent my resume for a few job openings.

I haven't heard back from any of them.

(cell phone rings)

I'm gonna take this upstairs.


Where have you been?

I covered for you in school, but...

My brother is on borrowed time, Hanna.

I can't be sitting in Spanish conjugating verbs.

I really need to talk to Cyrus.

You think we're going to find "A" through Cyrus?

You're lucky if you can even find Cyrus.

I already did.

So I went back to the diner looking for a lead, and I found one.

Turns out Hank Mahoney is a regular and he works as a mechanic at a garage like an hour and a half away.

Aria, you shouldn't have done that.

No, so when I got there, the shop manager told me that Hank was injured while he was working on a car.

Stop saying Hank, it's confusing.

So where is Cyrus?

He's being treated at Taft Memorial Hospital.

I called, but he can't have visitors until tomorrow.

Hanna, we need to go down there and talk to him before he disappears again.

Wait, why are you willing to go down this road with a guy who tried to run you over with his hog?

When Mike met up with him, Cyrus admitted that he was paid to set Ali up.

So if we can just talk to him again, maybe he can give us some sort of insight into who contacted him.

Why would he tell us now?

Because we'll ask nicely?

Because we're willing to pay him.

No. No.

I'm not. I'm sorry.

Emily's already popping and locking my way into college.


All right, I'll... I'll figure something out.

But you have to come with me.

(sighs) I don't think that's a good idea.

I mean, he's kind of a scary guy.

Yeah, well, he's also our only link to the real "A."

Spencer Hastings.

Pleasure to meet you.


The pleasure is all mine.


Thank you.

So tell me, Miss Hastings.

Why do you wish to further your education away from the colonies?

Well, why stay in America?

I believe it was William Fulbright who said that international education is our best opportunity to turn ideologies into human aspirations.

With that being said, how could I do any better than the oldest university in the English-speaking world?

Who are you again?

We're his cousins.

You can't bring those in.

Both of you, use this on your hands please.

Front and back.

Put these on.

Are you sure that this is really necessary?

We're just gonna go see him for a second.

And that's all the time you'll get.

But I'm not going to risk you giving him or any of the other patients an infection.

Burn unit?

You didn't tell me that.

I... I didn't know.

I thought he had a broken leg or something.

Excuse me?

No net? No visit.


(can rolling)

So the tailor looks at the pants and says, "Euripides?"

And the gentleman replies, "Yes, Eumend-ides."

Wow. (Laughs)

I'm gonna need to add that one to my repertoire of philosophical knock-knock jokes.

Well, it's a shame you're not staying longer to meet Professor Heath.

She teaches a course on Mythology and Modern Literature that I think you'd find quite diverting.

Uh, I would be happy to write a note introducing myself to her if you wouldn't mind...

What is that?

I, um...

What have you got in there?

I, um...

Is that...

I... I really don't know how this happened.


I... I need to wash my hands.

I'm sorry.

♪ Ohohohoh ohohohoh ♪
♪ I can't remember to forget you ♪
♪ Ohohohoh ohohohoh ♪
♪ I keep forgetting I should let you go ♪
♪ But when you look at me ♪
♪ The only memory is us kissing in the moonlight ♪
♪ Ohohohoh ohohohoh ♪
♪ I can't remember to forget you ♪
♪ But when you look at me, the only memory ♪
♪ Is us kissing in the moonlight ♪
♪ Ohohohoh ohohohoh ♪
♪ I can't remember to forget you ♪
♪ I'd rob and I'd k*ll to... ♪


You're really good.

I just came to drop off your key.

Guess you didn't get my text.


I was rehearsing for this pageant thing.

You don't sound thrilled, why do it?

I'm doing it for a friend.

To help her win money.

Sorry. Don't buy it.


I don't buy it.

The way you just danced?

Nobody works that hard for just the money.

To get the money I have to win it.

It's not like I can half-ass it.


It's for Hanna.

Emily, it was a compliment.

But, yeah, maybe it's for me, too.

I guess I just never really saw you as the beauty pageant type.


I'm not.

But that's part of it.

You know, I... I keep thinking if I work hard and win this, then I'll know I have it in me to take control of my life.

That must sound pretty stupid.

Not at all.

♪ Keep him with me ♪

Come on.

What are you doing?

You're gonna dance with me.

♪ I'd give my last dime to hold ♪

Nurse: Mr. Mahoney?

You have visitors.

Hey, Cyrus, we wanted to come talk to you, but we didn't realize you'd been in such a bad accident.

I'm sorry.

It's no accident.

What do you mean?

Wait, are you saying someone did this to you?

Cyrus, what happened?



Okay, time to say goodbye.

Can we just have two more minutes?

(phone vibrates)

I'm sorry.

Please, two more minutes is all we need.

I'm not here for your needs.

My job is to take care of your cousin.

Well, he would want us to stay longer.

I understand.

But what Mr. Mahoney needs right now is rest.


Spencer, slow down.

There was blood everywhere! Okay?

I threw out the purse, but what if somebody finds it and they turn it in?

Whose blood is it?

I don't know.

It's mine or yours or Mona's?

Oh, my God.

I think I'm going to be sick.

Spencer, you really need to calm down, okay?

How? Do you know what this means?

It means that "A" put it in my bag before I got to the airport.

If they had it found it in the X-ray machine I would still be there.

I would be getting grilled by dozens of federal agents.

But you're not.

All right? Luckily you found them.

Aria, I'm freaking out, okay?

I want to come home.

So come home, Spence.

I can't.

How am I supposed to get on a plane?

What if they find a pinky-toe in my checked luggage?

Well, apparently you're not the only one being targeted.

Why, what do you mean?

"A" put Cyrus in the hospital.

And I'm guessing it's punishment for meeting Mike.

What? How?

Yeah, it looks like "A" hurt Cyrus and tried to make it look like a carjacking.

Aria, I really... I can't be hearing this right now.

I'm sorry. I...

I know. I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to make it worse.

I don't know what to do.

Hanna: I'm just gonna go back in there...

Miss, you better take a step back or I'm gonna have to call security.

Hey, Spencer, I have to go.

(cell phone rings)

Step and back and step and over.


I can't do it.

Yes, you can. Okay, mirror me.

Come on.


Step and back and step and over.

Turn... drop.

♪ I can't remember to forget you ♪


Come on.

♪ When you know it's time, you dare to be free ♪
♪ When you're here tomorrow and lovin' me ♪
♪ That's when you leave it ♪
♪ Leave it ♪
♪ When you plead to me, but I'm not really there ♪
♪ When I close my eyes to... ♪

Next time wear pants.

(scoffs) I could've taken her.

No, you couldn't have.

Well, you could have distracted her.

What do you want me to? Juggle?


God, the prison guards were less intimidating.

I mean, I took one step towards that room and she flew over that desk like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

And meanwhile, "A" is tying up loose ends and Cyrus is one of them.

Wait, this "C" is a "V."



It's not "carjack."

We read it wrong. It's "Varjack."

Cyrus wasn't trying to tell us what happened.

He was trying to tell us who did it.

You think that "A" is going by the name "Varjak?"

Why not?

I mean, Spencer always said how Ali was obsessed with Breakfast at Tiffany's .

She turned into Holly for that fake passport.

Maybe "A" is taunting her by being Paul Varjak.

Cyrus spelled it wrong.

That's awesome.

Why is that awesome?

It just means he's a bad speller.

Or it means that he's never seen it written down.

That "A" hasn't contacted him through email or text.

They spoke.

Did you find a bedbug?

No, I'm just repacking.

Can I, um, borrow your laptop?

I want to change my flight.

Just let me put the food down.

Actually, maybe you could call me a cab.

I want to go home, tonight.

Before your sister returns?

I just... I just really need to go home.


Hey, Spencer, take a moment...

Please, I just need to pack.

You're having a panic attack.

No, this is just what it looks like when I pack.

What happened?

Will you get out of my way?


I teach primary school, and when one of my kids is having a bit of a day because a girl won't share her crayons or a boy ate the color blue, I take them through a relaxation exercise.

Look, I didn't eat a crayon, okay?

I'm just dealing with oversized toiletries right now.

Humor me.

Close your eyes.

(Spencer breathing hard)

Focus on your breath.

Imagine the breath going deep into your belly, surrounding all that nervous energy... and letting it out.

Do you want to talk about it?



Well, then can you at least leave the bedbugs and let me make you something to eat?


Hi, Claire.

I stopped by your work.

They told me you were rehearsing here.

Yeah. My routine for the competition.

Is everything okay?

My mom said that she sent over the...

No, I got her signature.

That isn't why I'm here.

Emily, when you filled out the application, did you read the entire thing?

Yeah, I mean...

I think so, except for the permission part.

The application form explicitly mentions that all contestants must be of good moral character.


I'm not following.

You should have at least mentioned it to me.

You must've known you would make the board apprehensive by you participating as a contestant.

More than apprehensive.

Are you forcing me to drop out?

We can't force you to do anything.

Only encourage you.

You don't want me in the pageant because of who I date?

Are you serious?

This is about your close connection to the Alison DiLaurentis case.

The board is concerned that if you participate, our sponsors will drop out to avoid any negative association.


Hey, sweetie.

Did you hear back about a job?

No, not yet.

Ted called.

We went for a walk and talked and... the rest is history.



That response really put the "luke" in lukewarm.

No I'm, I'm happy for you.

I'm confused.

Aren't you the one who convinced me to go back to Ted and ask for his forgiveness?

I know.

I just...

I don't think it's fair that he made you twist in the wind for so long.


I'm glad that he took the time to think about it.

If he'd just said "okay" right away, that wouldn't have been honest.

He needed to come to it on his own time.

Well, didn't that make you sort of wish you hadn't apologized?


I feel awful about what I did, and I needed to say that.

Not only for him to forgive me, but for me to forgive myself.

I really am fine.

Thank you for everything.

Of course.


What are you doing?

Just trust me, okay?

I followed your lead, now you follow mine.

Miss Handelman?

Oh. I've really got to get going.

Uh, Emily just wanted you to know that she understands the board's position.

Well, I'm sorry it had to come down to this.

Me, too.

Uh, we're just concerned that if anyone found out you wanted her to drop out because of a friendship she has...

That friend is on trial for m*rder.

But in this country, you're innocent until proven guilty.

Unless the pageant judges know better than the ones on the Supreme Court.

Are you threatening me?

I'm encouraging you.

Perhaps your sponsors could make a donation toward Emily's education.

Did you seriously just ask her to send me a check?

They're not going to do that.

You never know.

Hanna: (on phone) Did you talk to Mike?

Does he have any idea who Varjak is?

Uh, I can't find Mike.

He might be at a game.

I'm looking for his schedule right now.

Han, I'm gonna call you back.

Andrew: Aria? You home?

Yeah, I'm up here.


What happened?

Are you okay?



Yeah, I was just standing on that thing and it broke. Ow.

That's weird.


The nut and bolt don't match.

If your brother had been on this, the weights would have crushed his skull.

This hurt?

Yeah, a little.

I don't think it's broken, but you might have a sprain.

What were you doing on top of that thing anyway?

I was just grabbing something from the board up there.


That's why we need to hang out more.

I'm basically a human stepladder.

You know, for such a petite girl, you bring a lot of chaos.

It's not that I mind chasing down angry bikers with a baseball bat, 'cause, I mean, I don't.

I like problems.

Math equations, jigsaw puzzles, complicated girls, they don't scare me.

But what does scare me is this swelling.

We might need to get a doctor to look at this.


It's okay.

Here. Go to town.

It's okay.

Spencer, call me as soon as you get this.

I want you to cancel your flight home.


I brought you some magazines.

But they took them.

Yeah, um...

You have to go through the canteen.

Yeah, they told me.

I'll do that.

Ali, I've been thinking about what I said to you.

Hanna, please don't apologize.

When I first got here, I kept thinking, "How did this happen?

What did I do to deserve this?"

I honestly thought that I was helping you guys.

Telling you what to wear, how to act, who to like.

And when you stopped listening, I found new people who would.

Being here?

No one listens to me.

I can't even decide what to wear, what to eat... and when to shower.

I'm told everything.

Everything's an order.

I never realized how bad that felt, to be on the other side of that.

So I'm sorry.

Do you think that we could start over?

I don't know.

But we could try.

But only if you're honest with us... about everything.



Who is Varjak?