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01x06 - Coming Home

Posted: 07/02/14 01:00
by bunniefuu
[Elijah Honey's "I'm The Man" playing]

You've been showing Ariel my picture every day, right?

[Chuckles] Chocolate cake and spaghetti, ma?

I might've died and gone to heaven.

Look, you told me if I make it back alive, you'd flash me your high beams.

Yeah, well, I'm back. [Chuckles]

Yeah, I brought you a case of Atomic Pom Rip It.

Yeah, I thought you missed it more than you missed me.

Come on, Rick, you know I missed you.

I missed you, too.


Hey, you know what else I missed?

A real apple... not one of these styrofoam pieces of crap the army tries to pass off as a real apple.

There's already a dozen of 'em in your kitchen.

Drew, you have got to see this.

Okay, j... okay, hold on for a second.

Yeah, so if you could have those windows fixed this week, that'd be great.

I love you, too.

What you got?

Feast your eyes on what one of the nurses found.

It's Ragosa. He has a dating profile.


"Santana2001." [Laughing]


"Likes... long walks on the beach... "


Well, who doesn't?

"Everything life has to offer."

Both: [Laugh]

Is that Ragosa?


Oh, my God.

You can see his ex-wife's hand in the picture.

Kenny: Let's respond like a woman who's interested and see what he says.

Ah, that's crossing the line. You can't... just listen.

Leave him alone on this one, all right? He's just lonely.

Doesn't have your moves, man. He doesn't have 'em.

Can I grab you for a sec?


I gotta get out of here on time after the shift, so if you finish my charts for me, I will...

Cover a weekend shift for you.

Yeah, Rick's back in town tonight, isn't he?



[Dog barks in distance]

[Knock on door]

♪ Yeah, I'm the man ♪
♪ Yeah ♪

[Clears throat]

I've been walking around all night long, trying to get you out of my mind, but...

I... I can't stop thinking about you, about our kiss.

What am I supposed to do with that?

I guess I just thought I should tell you the truth.

Ragosa: You wanna wait for Jordan?

Uh, she's running late, told me to start without her.

All right, gather 'round, everyone.

Gather 'round, please.

I wanna thank you guys for coming in a little bit early tonight.

I have four cranky women in my house.

I will come in whenever you want.

[Chuckles] I have five sisters. I get it.

Anyway, uh, I wanna talk to you guys about some ways that I think...

[Clears throat]

We can have better cooperation between the E.R. and the surgical departments.

Well, with you and Jordan running everything, I'd like to think it's better already.

True. And we've been talking a lot about it, and I believe that we...

Mollie: Excuse me, Doctor.

That was dispatch. Bus accident on highway 190.

The passengers are soldiers.

Multiple victims. Total count unknown.

They're going to every hospital in the area.

Ours will be here in 20 minutes.

All right, Scott. All right, let's clean and prep trauma.

Call in all available surgeons.

I'm calling Jordan to get her ass over here.

Mollie, call T.C., please.

[Sirens wailing]

[Tires screech]

B.P. 98 over 53. Pulse 131.

Man: [Muffled groan]

Blunt force trauma to the chest. Multiple fractured ribs.

Collapsed lung?

[Whispers] Let's see... [Muffled groaning] No. Heart sounds muffled.

Look at his neck veins. Cardiac tamponade.

Get me an 18 gauge needle on a 60cc syringe.

Drain the blood from around his heart.

[Muffled groaning]

[Indistinct conversations]

Topher: [Whispers] Okay.

Take over, and continue pulling slowly.

All right.


[Whispers indistinctly]

[Sirens wailing]

Man: Over there!

Man: Let's go! We need more staff! Let's go!

[Tires screech]

Man: [Speaks indistinctly]

Aw, man. Intestines.

Yo, a little help here?

What do we got?

Oh, it looks a lot worse than it is.

Quick fix in the O.R. let's get him inside.

Okay. Uh, this way.

[Tires screech]

Man: [Speaks indistinctly]

Woman: Jordan we need your help over here.

Woman: [Shouts indistinctly]


Pelvis is unstable. We need an abdomen/pelvis C.T.

With contrast, type and cross for 6.

Okay, let's go.

Facial trauma. Get him straight up to the O.R.

I'm coming with.

Hey, Scott, where you going?

O.R. I gotta trach, and his airway's filled with blood.

Here, take a crike kit. Do it now.

Drew, I need an extra set of hands here.

Drew! Drew, where you going? I need you!

[Wheels clatter]

Tee! Tee! I need you now!

Please, over here!

Toph! Toph! Hey, Toph! Toph!

What's up?

[Lowered voice] Hey, this is Rick.

As in... Rick?


He's lost a lot of blood.

Okay, I'm on it. I'm on it. I'm on it.

Drew: Okay, let's go. Come on.

Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Come on! Let's go! Come on.

Okay. Move! Move! Move!

Everybody out! Move! Move!

Doctor Alexander, Doctor Cummings, burn victim to trauma 1.

Blunt orbital trauma... Trauma 2.

Let's go!

[Claps hands]

Get the cardiac tamponade straight upstairs.

I'm right behind you.

Topher, you take over T.C.'s crushed leg. Stabilize him.

He's mine, and Drew's with me.

Are you really questioning me right now?

Drew's army reserve.

I need to teach him a few things he's gonna need in the field.

It's all right, Scott. Let him have the patient.

Fine. Bring him up to pre-op in an hour. I need to amputate.

Type and cross 6 units of P.R.B.C's and at least 4 units of F.F.P.

[Monitor beeping steadily]

No palpable distal pulses.

He must've ruptured his popliteal artery.

We need to stop the bleeding. Hand me a large hemostat.

You can't let him amputate.

Tee, you gotta save his leg, okay?

Kenny, page the vascular surgeon on call, get him here now.

Doctor Murphy's tied up with another solider at university.

He can't get here till morning.

No, no, no, we need him now! He's gotta come now!

I... Kenny, you gotta get him...

Drew! Drew! Drew! Hey!

I'm working here! This isn't gonna help Rick.

You need to keep it together.

We stop the bleeding. Go inside and take a breath.

I'll call you if anything changes. I promise.

You get him... get him now.


[Indistinct conversations]

Once you're done irrigating the wound, cut away the dead tissue.

All right.

Uh, you're gonna use scissors?

No, put that down. She's not using scissors.

She's gonna use a scalpel.

It gives us cleaner edges.

[Scoffs] No, I promise, Private Wilson, I will be gentle with you.



So are... are you from around here?

Or, um...

Was that a pick-up line or you really wanna know?

I-I don't know. [Chuckles]


Cat's got your tongue.

You know, it's probably the concussion.

Snap, Wilson!

Well, only if I got it from you, 'cause you're... You're a knockout.


Oh, no.

See how I-I turned that around there? The concussion, knockout.



Excellent work, P.F.C.

I'm gonna go grab some dressing.

Hey, do you think I-I have a shot with her, doc?

If you don't give it a try, it might just pass you by.

We got a call in to the ophthalmologist.

Until then, try to avoid sneezing, straining, blowing your nose...

Look, no offense, but I don't think advice from children, Doogie.

[Chuckles] All right, listen. Doogie Howser was 16. I'm 24.

Also, he was a television doctor, whereas I am a real doctor.

Yeah, point taken and ignored, Doogie.

[Clears throat] You can call me Doctor Cummings.

What was that, Doctor Howser? [Laughs]

I mean, Doogie?

Doctor De La Cruz?

Doctor De La Cruz?

[Elevator bell dings]

Don't k*ll the messenger, but Mrs. Palmer is back.

[Groans] Oh, no.


Does anyone need me? P.T.S.D.? Depression?

Anything you wanna talk about?

No, I'm all right.

I got a meth-induced psychosis handcuffed to his bed.

I'll take it.

I've already seen her three times this month.

I know.

She won't take her meds, she won't follow up with outpatient psych, and the extra paperwork is...

[Knock on counter]


[Singsongy] Doctor De La Cruz!

Have I got a doozy of a story for you!

Almost ready, Mrs. Palmer.

♪ ♪ ♪



Whoa, ho ho!

No se puede a tocar música aquí.

Sorry, man. We know it's crazy with the troops.

We just thought we'd entertain the people while Julio waited to be seen.

Julio's got a stomachache. Must've been the bad sushi.

I am sorry to everyone for the long wait, but this is not a concert hall. This is a waiting room.

Doctor Cummings, could you please ta a look at Mr. Julio?

He's not looking so good. In the meantime, I'm sure everyone would appreciate a little quiet.

I don't appreciate quiet.

Music is a wonderful gift, and they should share it.

[Loudly] You play so beautifully.

Man: Play "Free Bird"!

Uh, Mr. Ragosa, Julio is displaying Kussmaul respirations.

I believe he's in diabetic ketoacidosis.

He needs to get on an insulin drip.

Take him in.

[Speaks indistinctly]


[Monitor beeping rhythmically]

You've done this before, right?

Drew, chill, or I'll send you out again.


I'm using a heavy silk tie to secure the proximal anastomosis.

And now... Release the vessel clamps, and... [Sighs] if we're lucky, everything starts flowing.

How long will that take?

We'll know if it takes right away, but we're just trying to keep enough blood flow to the foot until Murphy gets here to assess if there's enough to save.

We'll need a couple hours to see if it's gonna take.

Okay. I feel the pulse.

It's weak, but it's there.

[Monitor beeping steadily]


Drew, this is just a Hail Mary, so don't get your hopes up too high. Okay?

[Voice breaks] Right. Yeah.


[Sighs deeply] Hi.

Lots of surgeries lining up from the E.R.

You okay?

Well, another day, another dozen surgeries.



Couldn't help but notice in all the craziness you pulling up with T.C.

Doctor Clemmens, they're ready for you in surgical 2.

And the soldier's leg amputation is scheduled after that.

Thank you.


Yeah. I, um...

I-I brought T.C. to work today because, uh...

His bike is in the shop and he needed a ride.

Why didn't he call Topher or Landry or a of the other million people around here who idolize him?

Does he call you like this all the time?

No. It's a one-time thing.

Well, one time too many.

All right, I gotta jump.

[Sighs deeply]

[Indistinct conversations]

Hey, Doogie!

I see you, baby!

Soldiers: [Chanting] Doogie! Doogie! Doogie!

Doogie! Doogie! Doogie!

Doogie! Doogie! Doogie!

[Lowered voice] You have to earn their respect, man.

[Whispers] Doogie.

[Baby crying in distance]

You need somethin'?

Okay, here's the thing. I saw your dating profile.

[Grunts] Okay.

How did you, uh...

Don't be embarrassed. Okay.

You're not the only one around here who's on the site.

I mean, how we supposed to meet anybody working these hours, right?

Is there a point to this?

You give me the next two Saturdays off, and I'll help you fix your really horrible, pathetic, just... terrible dating profile. N-no offense.

Look, it's not you. It's... it's your profile.

You're a great-looking guy with a job.

And if you say you like kids? [Exhales sharply]


Man, that makes you like Johnny Depp to the single moms out there.

It's like you help me, and I'll help you.

You know what I'm saying?



The O.R.'s swamped, which means your case has been pushed to the morning.

So you're stuck down here.

Well, I like it here.

'Cause of the fluorescent lighting?


The screaming?

Antiseptic smell?

No. It's... it's you.


Wilson going in for the k*ll.


Stop. [Chuckles]

No, you're sweet, Private.

Man: You got this, Wilson. Do it.

Man: Do it.

Come on, man, do it.

Do what?

Okay. All right. Uh...

Since you think I'm sweet...

I haven't been out with a girl since high school prom.

And wasn't that your cousin?

No, it was your sister, and she said that I kiss better than you.


Krista: Ohh!

Oh! Wilson scored!

As I was saying, would you do me the honor of going on a date with me?

An honor? Really?

Yeah. No, you're a doctor.

You're... you're smart and... and beautiful and... and... Way out of my league.

It's a... it's a huge honor.

Well, it would be my honor to go out with you, P.F.C.

But as your doctor, really, I'm not allowed to.

I told you, Wilson. It's never gonna happen.

Hey, no, at least Wilson had the guts to ask me, and you were all just sitting there, staring at my ass like scared little schoolgirls.

Ohh! Yeah, Doctor Krista! Up top!

Both: [Laugh]

Hey. Ooh.


Man: Dude, your eye is bleeding.

Oh! Oh, my God. I-I can't see.

No, no, don't touch your eyes.

Don't touch your eyes. Get Topher in here now!

So what's the deal, doc?

Have you been feeling, uh, tired or rundown the last few weeks?

Uh, yeah, I guess. I mean, not... not more than usual.

Right. Can you hand me the chart?


And notice the petechial rash on his extremities.


Low platelets. That explains the bleeding.

Any family history of bruising or bleeding disorders?

No, Doctor Krista.

Well, we're gonna have to give you some blood tests, get you going with some platelets.

A nurse will be in soon.

Well... [Sighs]



[Whispers] It's okay.

What's wrong with me?

I will make sure we find out, okay?


Just don't be scared.

I'm not. I'm not scared. I-I kicked the Taliban's ass.

[Laughs] I'll bet you did.


Is Captain Rick gonna be okay?

We'll have to wait and see.

What about his leg?

[Raspy voice] What about my leg?

Hey, Captain. How you feelin'?

Drew. Hey, what are you doing here?

I-I work here.

Yeah, uh, me and Rick went through basic together.

I'm an E.R. doctor at San Antonio Memorial.

Anyway, you were in a bus accident on highway 190.

I was gonna make you an omelet after work, and then we were gonna...

What? You... okay.

Yeah, you know, uh... [Clears throat]

I, uh... we need to clear out, give some space so we can examine him properly.

[Chuckles] I may have given him too many meds.

Yeah. He's just... Not quite himself, so...


Um, you guys can visit him later.

[Whispers] Thanks.

I'm at a hospital?


Was I hurt?

Y... um...

[Voice breaks] Oh, my God. Jeez.

What's wrong with my leg?

You gotta listen to me, okay?

My leg. [Inhales sharply]

What's wrong with my leg?

No, Rick.

Rick, don't touch it.

Don't dislodge the tubes.

[Whimpers] What's wrong with my leg?

Rick, listen.

Look at me. Look at me. You gotta rest.

[Inhales deeply]


Okay, you just gotta sit back and you gotta trust me.


[Voice breaks] Uh, I got our best guy on this, and he's gonna take care of you.

But now you need your rest.

And I promise that I'm watching out for you.

[Breathing deeply]

You always do.

I'm so glad to see you.

[Sighs] When did you get those gray hairs?


I painted them on just for you.

Yeah, those scrubs don't do you justice.


I painted them on just for you.


I'm glad you're back.

[Loud pounding]

Krista: Hey. Hey, hey.

[Door closes]

Hey. I only have a minute, but you know you can talk to me, right?

[Sniffles] I can't believe this is happening.

I know.

[Inhales sharply]

It's terrible.

Is there anything I can do?


Not a thing. That's the frustrating part.


I can't do anything. I can't...

Help him, and I can't talk to him when I wanna talk to him.

[Sniffles] This place is a zoo.

Drew, do you really think anyone would care?

I'm not being the "gay doctor."

I will not play that.

I will not. This...

[Inhales sharply] My patients might not be as thrilled as all of you guys, okay?

And then Rick, and he's got his guys here. So I...

Oh, man. I gotta go. I gotta...

No. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Me too. Listen, Drew, Drew.


[Sighs deeply]

Just try and breathe.



I have some really, really good news.

I know you were worried because I thought I was being stalked by Matt Damon.

But I was not telling you the truth.

That's progress.

Matt and I are in love. And now...

[Singsongy] We have a bun in the oven.

You think you're pregnant?

Oh, I know I'm pregnant.

I've been carrying this baby for two years now, and...

[Voice breaks] It is coming.

Well, then why don't we do a pregnancy test?

Just to be sure.

You know what?

A test would offer proof to that damn sister of mine.

She thinks I'm cuckoo.

Not one person in my family believes that I am pregnant.

Then let's show them the truth. Come on.

So you love to cook.

No, I don't love to cook.

Online dating is like a job interview.

You say whatever they need to hear to close the deal.



So what can you cook?



That's... [Chuckles] That's perfect.

That says, "come over. Spend the night."


"We'll do a little bit of this in the morning."

What? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

It's beautiful.

That... that's... weird.

This is all so weird.


I haven't dated anybody in 15 years.

God, I met my wife in high school.

Yeah, well, unless you wanna get arrested, you need to meet the next woman someplace else.

Now next question... What do you look for?

What type do you like?

I like petite, someone who speaks her mind, smart, professional.

Yeah, good luck finding that online.

All right, let's post this thing.

I'm Doctor Landry De La Cruz from San Antonio Memorial.

I'm calling about your sister Jessica Palmer.



[Telephone rings]

[Hangs up receiver]

Tough shift?

[Sighs] Ms. Palmer is back and driving me crazy.


How's the guy with the leg injury?

Not good. [Sighs deeply] Um... I'm trying to save it, but...

You're probably gonna need to talk to him, to help him through the process.


Hey, Tee? Uh, just a... Little help?

Uh, make time for Captain Lincoln, please.

What's up?

Uh, I need your guys' opinion on the kid with the nosebleed.

Okay. I mean, all right.


I'm sorry, sir. Okay, look at this.

He has almost no platelets.


Now what could've caused them to plummet like that?


Yeah, but his other blood cell lines are not affected.



Maybe dengue fever?

Where would he have caught it from?

He was in Afghanistan, not Vietnam.


His coags and fibrinogen are normal.

I was thinking maybe an autoimmune disorder.

Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura.

[Taps clipboard]


Low platelets, normal crit, and white cells.



Case closed. Thank you.

So you got Drew's friend, right?

Yeah. Yeah. A fort hood buddy.

But, um... you know, he's stable now.

Good. I thought he was getting amputated.

No, no. Wanna try every avenue first.

Of course.

All right. You did great.

[Gloves snap]

Hey, Tee, I need to talk to you for a second.



Scott saw us arrive today.


And I told him that you needed a ride because your bike's in the shop.

Why would you tell him that?

I don't know. I don't know.

I just didn't wanna upset him that you came by.

I feel terrible.

About the other day?

No. No, because I lied.

Okay, I don't know how I feel about that kiss.

Oh, you know what? That's... That's not even true okay.

I feel... I feel guilty and I'm confused. I...

Jordan, they need you in trauma 1.

T.C., Doctor Clemmens wants to see you in the O.R. immediately.

I've been waiting to do...

[Receptacle lid clatters]

The amputation on Captain Lincoln, and I just found out that you did an external emergency bypass.

Yeah. I'm trying to give him the chance to save his leg.

Well, he has no chance of saving his leg.

Well, I haven't asked you for a consult, so...

Woman: Excuse me, Doctor Callahan.

So I'm not ready to amputate.

Autograph please?

Your job is to stabilize.

If they need surgery, they come to me.

Uh-huh. And you... you amputate the limbs of old people and people who have been sick.


They need to feel like this is the last resort, not the first.

That's Landry's job, not yours.

You wasted my time.

Next time, I'll consider your delicate feelings before the person's gotta lose his leg.

Oh, sure. Yeah, make this about me. Do you not get it?!

I was waiting in the O.R., four soldiers in line to get opened up, waiting because you thought it was okay to do your own thing.

Not my thing, okay?! My patient's thing!

So you leave it for a few more hours.

This whole kamikaze b*ttlefield surgery crap is not gonna fly anymore now that I'm here.

You need to step away and stop acting like you own this place and everyone in it.

I'm doing that amputation now.

No, you're gonna wait till Landry has a chance...

[Files and binders clatter]

Both: [Grunting]

You hired me. You recruited me to run the trauma department.

There isn't a hospital in the country where an E.R. doctor makes the call about what trauma cases need to go to the O.R.

We are not your typical E.R. doctors.

Topher and I have done everything that you have except fall under fire. And Drew?

Drew's a b*ttlefield medic... Way ahead of us residents.

Okay. Okay. That's enough.

Nobody is questioning anybody's credentials.

The problem isn't how good you are.

The problem is how you two are gonna get along.

Ah. Doctor Alexander.

Just the person I wanted to see.

You are the head of the E.R. night shift, so you deal with these egomaniacs.

And I will expect a solution at the end of the shift.

I didn't wanna bring up any personal crap while Ragosa was here, but you're way out of line.

You need to realize that whatever happened between you and Jordan was years ago, and it is over.

Scott, this is not the place.

So you're telling me how to run my life now?

No, I'm telling you the next time you need a ride, call a cab.

I'll give you the 20 bucks. Just leave Jordan out of it.

Yeah, I'll do that.

Tee, can you just give us a minute?

[Whispers] Thank you.

[Exhales deeply]

I'm sorry. I try, but I don't like him.

I don't like the way he peacocks around this place, and I don't like the way he talks to you, and I sure as hell don't like him calling you for a ride.

He didn't call me for a ride.

He came by my house.

He came by your house?

He wanted to talk.

[Whispers] Wow.

Scott, look, it has just been really weird between the two of us, and we...

I can't believe you lied to me.

I didn't wanna make this a big deal.

Yeah, well, I think you missed that train.

Scott, please don't...

Yeah, you lied to me, and you lied to me about him.

[Door closes]

You have to stop messing with Jordan's head.

I'm not messing with her head.

You have to let her go.

Toph, she can do whatever she wants.

Do not pull that crap on me.

You know she's tied to you and you to her in your messed up codependent relationship.

So maybe we should be together.

No! You should not.

Look, I love you, brother, but at this point in your life, you have no idea what it means to be a father, husband, certainly not a good boyfriend.

And she has a guy who maybe is not our favorite, but he treats her well.

You really wanna... Eff that up for her?

So I should just... Walk away? Hmm?

Yeah. Yeah.

What if you're never ready?

What if she gives up everything for you?

She's done it before.

Do you really wanna put her through that again?

[Playing "La Cucaracha"]

Your pregnancy test. Hot off the presses.

And you are...

[Whispers] Son of a bitch.

You're pregnant.

Yes! Ohh!

Oh, I just wish Matt were here with me for this news, but he's on location.

This can't be right.

Oh, my God, I gotta call Ben and Jen.

They're gonna be so excited. They're very invested in this.


♪ ♪ ♪

You know what? You are looking much better now that we've started you on steroids.

No more bleeding.

How do you feel?


Yeah, not... not great, but definitely better.


Maybe it's Doctor Krista.



Is there something going on that I should know?

No, no. I just... I've been hitting on Doctor Krista, but, uh, she told me we can't go out because she's my doctor.

Well, you know, I was thinking about it, and, uh, technically, I'm not his doctor of record.

I see where you're going.

I am your official doctor of record, P.F.C., so you and I couldn't go out, but...

[Whispers] Oh.

Oh, well, no offense, sir, but you're... You're not my type.


Wilson's not anybody's type.

Well, guess again, Pirate, because Wilson and I are gonna go get a beer.

Wait. What? Really?

Now that we've cleared away all those technicalities, I don't see any reason why we can't go out.

Oh! Yes! Yes!

I-I told you guys I was a ladies' man.


Come on, let's hear it for Wilson!

All: [Chanting] Wilson! Wilson! Wilson! Wilson!

Captain Rick's like my big brother.

Wilson! Wilson! Wilson!

Well, uh, it looks like everybody's feeling better, so let's all clear out and give the Captain some privacy for his exam.

I've seen his ass, like, a million times already.

Oh, it's a beauty, isn't it?

Oh, it's perfectly formed.

I almost took a shot at it myself.

[Chuckles] Yeah.

I got a secret for you.

The, uh, the whirlpool up in rehab?


Totally empty right now.

And the nurses... They would love to hear how you guys kicked Osama Bin Laden's ass.

[Pats arm]

I'm sorry, bro, but duty calls.

Rick: Yeah, yeah.



Impossible to get those guys outta here.

What's the story on my leg, Drew?

I'm not sure.

Tell me the truth, Drew.

I pretend all day long. Don't you pretend with me.

I don't know.

[Sighs deeply]

Surgeon's on his way.

You're lying to me.

I'm not lying. I don't know, okay?

It'll be okay.

Don't tell me it'll be okay.

Four damn tours in Afghanistan, I got a splinter and sunburn.

[Lowered voice] I'm back for an afternoon, and this?

[Inhales sharply] I was supposed to go hiking tomorrow.

That's what we were supposed to do.

Whatever happens, we will deal with it.

What is this "we"?

This is my leg.

You can go back to that stuff as soon as your shift's over.

What, you think I don't care?

[Breathes deeply]

[Knock on wall, curtain rings swoosh]

Evening, Captain.

Drew, would you give us a minute?

I'd like to examine his leg.

I'd like to stay, if that's okay.

I haven't seen an injury like this before.


Sure. Why not?

[Sighs deeply]

I'm sorry. We need to get you to the O.R.

To do what?

We need to amputate.

The procedure Doctor Callahan tried didn't take.

The leg is necrotic. It's already dying.

And you're going to become septic if we don't amputate.

We can't let that happen.

You said it would work.

I said it might.

It was a Hail Mary, Rick. We had to try something.

[Grunts] No.

No, you're not gonna take my leg.


Get out of here.

Both of you leave now.


I said get out.

I would rather die than lose my leg.


I said get out!

[Playing "Cielito Lindo"]

[Gloves snap]

Okay, Ms. Palmer, you're going to feel some pressure.

I remember you.

[Ultrasound whooshing]

You're the one who loved "The Talented Mr. Ripley."


Great movie.


I've got news for you.

[Whispers] This is Matt Damon's baby.

[Whooshing continues]

Crazy, huh?

Sure is.

Okay, just try and hold still, please.

[Inhales and exhales deeply]

[Whooshing continues]


Is it a boy or a girl?

You know what, Ms. Palmer?

Let us run some tests.

Sure. Okay.

Doctors don't like to guess.


I don't care either way.

Okay. Thank you. We're done.

I mean, I'd like to have a boy for Matt...

The first one, anyway.

But I don't really care.

But I think a boy.

♪ ♪ ♪

I'm not 100% sure, but that looks like an ovarian tumor.

That could explain the false-positive.

Yeah. Let's get a C.T., okay?


Hey, um, so the whole Scott and T.C. thing, if you wanna talk...

Yeah, yeah. You know, that whole fight thing was just...

Well, I wasn't talking about the fight.

I was talking about the situation.

Thank you, Landry.

It's just a... Might be a little weird.

Yeah. Yeah. No. I-I guess it kind of would.

Okay. Thank you.

He... he had me get you because he heard you were a Ranger.


So were you actually in Kandahar when the battle went down?

[Grunts] Ow.

In the med tent, but, yeah.

Close enough to catch a whiff of the poo pond.



Those gotten bigger?

[Whispers] Those lesions aren't typical for an I.T.P.

Could be bugbites or, uh, infected abrasion that we didn't notice.

Well, they're... They're really itchy.

Okay. I'll order you some Benadryl and check back and see if the swelling's gone down.

All right, and maybe Doctor Krista can stop back by again later?

Yes. I will make sure she comes by.

Okay. All right.


[Lowered voice] You got a minute to talk, Toph?

Yeah, yeah.

I got some responses to my new profile.

[Chuckles] Oh! Let me take a look.

Let me take a look.

Let's see.

Um, no. No, not... Not that one.

Why? Yeah, why... why not?

I-I thought she looked pretty sexy.

She's in profile. Hot girls show you the whole enchilada.

What are you guys doing?

Uh... n-n-nothing. Just, um...

[Clears throat]

Uh, some work stuff. You know.


Hey, Kenny, if Ms. Palmer's sister calls, please get me.

I'll be in trauma 4 with Captain Lincoln.

Okay. Got it.

[Mouths word]

Oh, my God, you dirty dog.

You got a thing for Landry.

Oh, please.

You got a thing for Landry.

No, well, she's... she's a... She's a coworker.


And she's way out of my league.

Of course she is. [Scoffs]

But that does not mean you can't like her.

I mean, you see plenty of ugly dudes with hot chicks.

Thanks for the compliment.

And you know what?

I'm responding to this one. She seemed nice.

[Woman over P.A.] Doctor Cummings, please report to rehab.

Doctor Cummings to rehab.

What's going on?

It's Pirate.

We were being kind of stupid and something happened.

I thought it'd be funny if I jumped in.

But he slipped and he slammed his eye on the side.

It's k*lling me.

That's a... That's a retro-orbital hematoma bleeding behind your eye.

Okay, uh, look, I've texted downstairs.

Uh, l-let's get him out, okay?

Soldiers: [Speak indistinctly]

Okay. Wait, wait, wait! No, no, no, no, no!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Don't touch me. Don't touch me.

Okay. Okay. Okay.

Aah! Oh, God!

[Breathing heavily] It's black. It's black.

It's black. I-I-I can't see anything.

Come on, Doogie! You gotta help me, man!

We... we need a doctor.

Well, aren't you a doctor?

You gotta help me. Help me, Doogie!

Okay, hold... okay, okay.

I'm on it.

I'm nothing without my leg.

[Gloves snap]

You know, I-I'm a jock. I'm a soldier. I'm army.

I-I lead men.

That's what I do.

Is that what you're afraid the surgery will take away from you?

Yeah. Yeah, might as well be dead.

That's ridiculous. With today's prosthetics, you're gonna be able to do anything anybody else can.

You know what? Stay out of this.

I think Captain Lincoln is worried about whether people will still respond to him the same way if he loses his leg.

And they will. Your platoon loves you.

They respect you. They will always be there for you.

That's easy to say now.

Hey, now's all we have.

You want a crystal ball? I don't have one.

You can't ask people to promise the future just like that.

It doesn't work like that.

You know what? This is ridiculous.

I'm deciding between losing my leg and dying, a-and we're talking in these stupid riddles?

You... y-you do know what's going on between us, right, Doctor?

Rick, don't.

No, tell her, Drew.

Come on, tough guy.

Rick, stop.

Now who's afraid of something?

It's not so fun, is it?

I got another patient.

I gotta go.

He needs a lateral canthotomy.

All right, he just lost his vision. Please.


Pirate: [Whimpering]

You can handle this. I'm gonna talk you through it.

Come on.

[Water splashes]

Jordan: Okay.

I-I need you to stop, okay? I need you to stop.

[Inhaling sharply]

Look, trust me. I can do this, all right?


Just be still.

[Breathing deeply]



[Whispers] Okay.

[Exhales sharply]


[Breathing raggedly]


[Breathing raggedly]

Jordan: Okay.

Crimp the lateral skin with the hemostat down to the orbital rim.


Very good.

Now locate the lateral canthus tendon.

[Inhales deeply]

And snip.


[Exhales sharply]

Very good.

Well done, Doctor Cummings.

[Inhales deeply]

Thank you, Doogie.



[Exhales] Okay.

[Indistinct conversations]


So it the department finally down to normal flow?

More or less.

Good. Good.

Jordan? Need to talk to you.

Yeah, I was just looking for...

Your people aren't restocking the trauma rooms when they're finished.

There was only one thoracotomy tray and two chest tubes in trauma 1.

What if we had another multi-casualty event?

I'll take care of it.

Thank you.


Can we please talk? I really wanna fix this.

Let's just get through the shift.

So I was thinking we could maybe go bowling or ice-skating.

Have you ever been ice-skating?

[Weakly] Yeah, sounds fun.

Hey. How you feeling?

[Sighs deeply] Sort of lousy.

I'm... [Inhales deeply]

Really itchy. Hot.



Topher. Topher!


Krista: His temperature's 103.

It's not I.T.P.

He has visceral leishmaniasis.

Okay, visceral what?

What is that?

I-I saw a mild case on a local in Afghanistan.

He must've caught it from sand flies.

[Exhales deeply]

[Whispers] The steroids.

Get him off the steroids. [Monitor beeping rapidly]

His B.P.'s dropping.

What's going on? Wilson?

You have to save him, Topher, please.

Quick! Grab the crash cart!

Rick: Wilson!

Outta the way! Outta the way! Coming through!

[Telephone ringing, monitor beeping rapidly]

Come on, guys, let's move it.


Let's give the doctors the room to work. Out!

Now! Doc!

T.C.: Push another milligram of epi and lidocaine and... and 2 amps of bicarb.

And charge to 360.

[Defibrillator beeps]


[Panting] Clear.

Wilson? What's going on?!

[Paddles thunk]

Come on.

T.C.: [Sighs] Come on. Come on, come on.

Stop. Stop compressions.

[Flatlining continues]

[Whispers] Oh, God.

Come on.

It's been 35 minutes without spontaneous circulation.

[Flatlining continues]

Topher: It's time to stop, Krista.

Damn it.

5:31 A.M.

[Flatlining continues]


Drew, I'm scared.

I'm booking the surgery.

[Inhales deeply]

And I swear, I will drug you and do it myself if you don't agree to it.

[Whispers] Okay.


[The August Empire's "There's A Rumor" playing]

[Whispers] Drew.

[Whispers] I can't. I can't.

[Resumes writing]

[Voice breaks] I'm sorry...

[Inhales deeply]

But you have to prep for a surgery.

Soldiers, it's time to clear out.

Captain's gotta go to surgery. [Sniffles, clears throat]


♪ There's a rumor I don't love you anymore ♪
♪ There's a rumor that I've finally closed the door ♪


[Inhales deeply]

[Papers rustle]

I'm really sorry.

I know you are.

This whole thing seems a little silly after seeing that poor kid.

Just don't ever lie to me again.

I'll see you back at your place after the surgery.

[Whispers] Yeah.

♪ ♪ ♪

So I'm not pregnant?

No. I'm sorry.

But your tumor is very treatable, and we're pretty sure that's what's been causing your psychotic states.

Doctor De La Cruz, Ms. Palmer's sister's here.

Jessie? [Gasps] Oh, my God, Jessie!

Oh, my God, Marcie!

[Gasps] Oh! Hey, the doctor told me you...

It's not my fault. None of it has been my fault.

[Voice breaks] I know.

I know. I'm so sorry.

Me, too.

You never got to meet Matt.

♪ ♪ ♪

[Playing "Taps"]

[Lowered voice] The steroids that I ordered took down the inflammation, but it suppressed his immune system.

[Lowered voice] We all agreed to treatment based on what we had, so...

He was a dead man before he even left Afghanistan.

There's nothing anyone could've done, Topher.

♪ ♪ ♪


Jordan. [Clears throat] Jordan.

Uh, I wanna talk to you about this morning.

You don't have to say anything.

Yeah, I'm sorry I just dropped by.

I'm sorry for that. But... [Inhales deeply]

I'm not sorry for what happened.

When we kissed the other day, you didn't stop what I started.

And so I know you felt something.g.

But I won't say anything to Scott, 'cause...

I don't want to ruin that for you, if that's what you want.

If not...

You know where to find me.

That's it.

[Exhales deeply]

He's ready for surgery, Doctor Clemmens.

Captain Lincoln, I want you to know we're gonna make this absolutely painless and we're gonna save as much of your leg as possible.

As soon as it's all done, we're gonna get you on the best prosthetics we have.

I've already called a buddy of mine at the Intrepid, so they'll be expecting you.

Thank you.

[Whispers] Okay.

[Lowered voice] Go with him. He's terrified.

I can't, not in front of 'em.

Then don't you ever tell me how tough you are again.

Do you understand?

All that M.M.A. talk, all that Ranger talk, it doesn't mean crap if you let him go through this alone.

Pirate: Captain.

What doesn't k*ll you makes you stronger.

You're not alone, Captain.

[Voice echoing] As soon as we get you upstairs, we're gonna get you sedated and put you under general anesthesia.

[Speaks indistinctly]

Scott and Kenny: [Speak indistinctly]

Hold it.

I'm gonna be there for you.

I promise.

I love you.

Me, too.