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01x05 - Storm Watch

Posted: 06/25/14 03:44
by bunniefuu
Man on TV: With winds in the 60-mile-per-hour range, we, once again, recommend everyone stay indoors...

50-year-old male.

T.X.U. line worker struck by lightning.

Knocked him 50 feet. B.P.'s stable, but he's having runs of P.V.C.s.

Paul, you're with me.


Get him on telemetry, and I need a 12-lead E.K.G., stat.

Let's get him to the O.R. and have the blood bank type and cross 6 units of A-positive.


Kenny: On it.

I hope it's not close.

Good lord, we got our own Sandy.

Man: ... Across most of Central Texas.

That's from lightning?

Broken capillaries from the lighting current, can last a couple of days.

Okay, multifocal P.V.C.s. Add a troponin and a total-C.K.

And push 5 of metoprolol.

Hey, Krista... check this out.

See those two white spots?


Those would be teeth embedded in that dude's knuckles.

Can you top that?

I just pulled a yankee candle out of a guy's butt.

Uh, you win.

Hey, Krista.

I got an X-ray you should see since you're going into ortho.

It's pretty juicy.

[Chuckles] Okay.

I was thinking we could sync our breaks and look at them together.

Oh, yeah, I might be kind of busy, but I'll let you know.

[Under breath] You do not say a word.

'Cause I'm a nerd magnet.


And I hate hurting their feelings.

Hey, the nerds of today are the husbands of tomorrow.

In addition to having four state-of-the-art trauma rooms and a dedicated trauma C.A.T. scan machine.

All right, I'll admit I'm impressed.

Dr. Scott Clemmens... head of San Antonio Memorial trauma department.


Whoo! Has a certain ring to it, don't you think?

I appreciate the tour, Michael, but I'm still thinking it over.

It's a sweet deal, I'm telling you.

And not the kind of opportunity you will get in Dallas.

I came to observe the night shift for a few hours, but as far as making any commitment...

We still have some stuff to figure out.

[Chuckles] What's to figure out?

[Stomps feet] Huh?

The two of you can stop this whole long-distance thing, get settled in, pop out a couple of monkeys, and boom! Done!

Mr. Ragosa, Dr. Richards on the phone for you.

Don't drag your feet, cowboy.

The board is waiting. They want a name.

That wasn't awkward.


[Both chuckle]

Look, this would be a huge move for me.

I have to be sure it's one that I want to make.

But he's right.

It would make our lives easier.

It would.

And, hey, look, I have to be sure, too.


You know, the last time I lived with a guy...

It didn't work out too well.

But I'm not that guy.

No, you are not.

Topher: Hey, guys.

Hey, Topher, are you okay?


Jordan: Topher had surgery recently.

First night back.

Don't ever get a vasectomy, Scott.

No man should ever feel this kind of pain down there.

Scott: Ugh!

[Chuckles] Topher, sorry, man.

It hurts just looking at you.

Yeah, I can tell by your laughter.

Ball pain is always funny when it's not yours.

Just try to take it easy tonight.

Stick with the colds and flus, okay?

Hey, Landry. You remember Scott, right?



I heard you were taking over trauma.

Thinking about it.

Oh, that should be interesting.

So Jordan tells me that you're seeing T.C. now.

Oh, did she?

Man: Repent!

Oh, boy.

For I bring my wrath upon thee, sinners.


The end is nigh.

Molly, prep the rubber room.


That was tonight's on-call trauma attending.

[Receiver clatters]

Roads are wiped out by his house, and we're already short three nurses because of the closures.

We're gonna get slammed by this storm.

Hey, guys, the tornado just tore through the sidewinder trailer park.

The fire department is on the way.

The paramedics got in an accident en route.

Here we go. Okay, T.C.?

[Curtain rings rattle]

Take him for a chest X-ray.

I... I'm on it. I'm on it.

Topher, buddy, I'm afraid you and your smushed man tonsils are gonna sit this one out.

Again with the sensitivity.

Hey, take Drew with you, okay?


I'll do it. I'll do it.

Are you sure?

I've done Search and Rescue for the past five years.

And besides, what better way to get the lay of the land?

I love this can-do attitude!

Okay! Ho! Listen up, everybody!

Dr. Clemmens hereby has privileges.

Now get out of here.

Just follow my lead and don't get in my way.

I was gonna say the same to you.

[Whispers] Look at that.


The past and future right before your eyes.

You shut up, or I'll smack you in your nuts.


[Siren wails]

[Horn blares]

[Thunder rumbles]

[Radio chatter]

We got a 32-year-old healthy female with blunt trauma.

Don't know the specifics. Not sending my men in until the mobile unit's tied down.

Hey! We need another five.

She might not have another five!

Scott! Help me with this.

[Glass shattering]

I got this.

Right behind you.

There she is.

[Loud rumbling and creaking]

It's okay, ma'am. We got this.

[Objects clatter]

[Creaking continues]

We're gonna get you out of here.

It's gonna be okay.

[Moans faintly]


Abnormal breath sounds.

Possibly a collapsed lung.

[Table scrapes floor]


Okay. Pulmonary hernia.

[Gasping continues]

The lung looks severely contused.

She needs the O.R. asap.

Hand me an A.B. pad.

I'm on it.

Get her on an o2 face mask.


[Crashing in distance]

Man: Move it along, guys!

We're gonna have a second tragedy here.

Well, get the rescue basket over here.

We need to move her now!

Let's go, guys! Get in here.


Ma'am, we need you to stay as still as possible.

We're gonna get you out of here.


[Muffled scream]

Ma'am, what is it?

[Breathily] My... son.

[Gasps] Ernie. He's over there.


[Loud rumble and creak]

[Loud clanks]

Okay, we have to move her. Get her out of here now.

Okay? Go. Go.

Okay. Okay. It's okay.

It's okay, ma'am. We're gonna get you and your son out of here.


Scott: Come on! We need that basket.


Ernie: Help.


Hey. Hey, hey. Hey, little guy.

Hey, it's okay. It's okay.

All right, it's pretty simple, Paul.

Inject Lidocaine at the base of the nail, make a small incision, and pull it out.

I can do that.

All right.

All right. What do we got here?

I was trying to film the storm from my front window, and it blew in.

Whoa, that's a pretty bad laceration.

We can sew that right back up.

All right, nurse, you want to prep him?

I hope you got some good footage.

Mr. Ragosa.

[Loud clank]

[Power whirs off]

[Beep] Ragosa: Son of a bitch.

Jordan: Okay, everybody, take it easy!

Our emergency generators will come back on in three... two...




There's nothing to worry about. We have four backup gennies.

Make that two.


Budget cuts. Got it.

There was an expl*si*n at the power transmission station.

T.X.U. says an open line got ruptured.

Well, how long until we're back online?

They wouldn't say.

We have enough diesel for the gennies.

We just need to re-prioritize the grid flow to keep everything on.

Molly! Turn off all non-essential electronics.

I.C.U. gets the lion's share of the juice.

And please check on T.C. and Scott.

We need them back here.

Okay. I'm on it.


She's hypotensive with a major chest defect and a contused lung. Notify the hospital.

I need a setup for a flap closure of an open chest.

Let's go!

We got your son. He's gonna be okay.

Get them out of there now! We gotta go!

Let's go, doc! Now!

He's okay. He's barely got a scratch.

You're okay, little man.

I was trying to protect my mommy, but she made me get inside the hedge, and she got in front of me.

That's what moms do.

We now go live to Willow City where several hikers...

From Nurse Mollie...

Her niece's number in case you lost it.

Yeah, she's given it to me about three times already.

[Mouths words]

I'm running out of excuses.

Tell her you have a girlfriend.

I can't. My last excuse was I was getting over a breakup.

She thinks I should get back on the horse.

[Lowered voice] So tell her I'm your new horse.

Then she'll leave you alone, and the Dungeons & Dragons crowd will quit bothering me.

I'm sure you can buck with the best of 'em, but workplace, you're an intern, might seem inappropriate.

I don't want to draw attention.

You know, if you ask me, your wife should be here pushing you around in a wheelchair.

Yeah, her... her gaining 70 pounds in hemorrhoids the size of grapefruits doesn't exactly amp up her sympathy for me.

Hey, Maya.

That must have been a happy household this week.

Yeah, well... thank you love... actually, she and my daughter went to her mother's to let me recover in peace.


I... I get a little cranky as a patient.

Hey, you...


Uh... Whoa!

You guys, uh... you guys know where I can find Dr. de la Cruz?


But how about you let me look at that...

No, I... I told you. I'm looking for Dr. de la Cruz.

Hey, take it easy, pal.

It's okay, Kenny. Why... why don't you go grab Landry?

And, uh, maybe alert Dr. Nightstick over there to be ready.

Got you.

Kenny: Security!

So... so you... you know... you know Dr. de la Cruz?

Yes. Yes.

[Siren wails]

Set me up for intubation with a mac 3 and a 7-oh E.T. tube, now!

What do we have?

Pulmonary hernia.

You have to make her better!

No, no, no.

Ernie! Ernie! She's gonna be fine.

I promise. Get her prepped. We have to get changed.

Paul! Paul, come here. This is our new friend Ernie.

Okay, I need you to check him for cuts and scrapes and find a nurse to look after him while we take care of his mother. Thank you.

Hey, Ernie. I'm Paul.


Hey, you cold, buddy?

[Indistinct conversations]

Okay, come on.

[Monitor beeping rapidly]

What do we got?

T.C.: Pulse ox 75%.

B.P.'s 84 systolic.

She's already on 100% oxygen.

Okay, there's a huge air leak from the bronchopulmonary injury on the right side. We need to divert ventilation to the left side, or her sats won't come up.

Systolic's down to 60. Pulse is getting thready.

Have you tried to intubate her left bronchus?

No, no, no. No time. Let's do a Texas twist.

Pushes all of the air to the left side.

Yeah, I know it.

Not like this.

Only if you were in the b*ttlefield.

Pick ups and scalpel to Dr. Clemmens.

Come on.

First, you cut the inferior pulmonary ligaments proximally.

Scott: Yeah. Okay, done.

Rotating the hilum now.

See? A little faster.

I'll suture it down.

[Rapid beeping continues]

[Rapid beeping stops]

Kenny: Oxygen's up to 92%.

Scott: Okay.

New B.P.'s 114/70.

Son of a bitch. Texas twist.

Nice job... both of you.

Scott: We gotta get her to the O.R.

I got it from here. I said, I got it from here.

She needs a surgeon.

I heard you.

But she's my patient.

She's not your patient.

You did a great job of stabilizing her in the E.R., but she needs surgery now. I'm taking her upstairs.

And I'm going with you.

We do things differently around here.

Is he a d*ck to everyone or just me?

Well, he's very passionate about his patients.

Yeah, so am I, but I'm not a d*ck.

I gotta say, though.

This night shift's pretty baller.

I like getting out.

[Woman speaking indistinctly over P.A.]


[Curtain rings rattle]

Hey, chulita.

What are you doing here?

You two know each other?

I know her real well.

I'm her daddy.

He's very lucky that the knife didn't hit an artery.

Too bad he didn't bleed out.

Well, she got a temper, huh?

How long my little girl been working here?

Money must be... must be makin' bank, no?


What's a job like this pay anyway?

Uh... just, you know, ball... ballpark?

What do you think, sweetie?

[Thunder rumbles]

You got a name?

Okay, you know what?

You're being really inappropriate.

I'd appreciate it if you would stop talk...

[cell phone rings]


It's not a good time, honey.

Woman: I don't know where we are.

I don't know where we are. We... we're in, like, in the middle of the road somewhere...

Wait. What?

And I pulled off the freeway...

Hold... shh... hold, slow down.

Slow down! I... I can't hear you.

Topher, uh, uh, Lynn and I are okay, but we're...

What do you... what do you... what do you mean... what do you mean, you kind of got in an accident?

Topher: I'll be back when I can!

And I... I need an ambulance!

They're blocked in the bay by the fallen trees.

You can't go! We're shorthanded!

My wife is in labor on the side of a road...


Having twins. I'm leaving.

The roads in Willow City have been shut down completely...


[All groan]

Sorry, folks. Power conservation.

[Thunderclap, siren wailing in distance]

[Wheels clacking]

This is good. Thank you.

Hey, anything from T.X.U.?

They haven't even started working on the transmission station.

But we have enough fuel if the rest of San Antonio doesn't show up tonight.

But we need Topher back. And where is T.C.?

Well, he was in the O.R. Hey, Heather, did you...

I told T.C. that you needed him, but he's still in there.

All right, I'll get him.

Hey, can somebody get Drew to take this man, please?

On it.

Hey, Landry, can you do some medical intake?


As soon as I get back from the psych floor.

You all are healed!

Thanks. All right, everybody.

We need to get the walking wounded into the waiting room for triage.

We're running out of space here.

Uh, Dr. de la Cruz?

Your dad's kind of not leaving.

He keeps asking for you.



[Cell phone ringing]


Topher: I'm coming!

The road is blocked. I'm trying to find you.


Don't worry. Daddy's coming. Just hang on!

Last time, your labor took 12 hours.

So just relax, baby.

[Speaks indistinctly]

Can you put Lynn on?


Dad, where are you?

It's getting really weird in here.

Yeah, I'm... I'm close. I'm almost there. Just give your mom a towel or a T-shirt to bite on.

You need to get here now!

Now, what I need you to do is reach into your mom's vag*na and tell me if her cervix is starting to open.


With... with what?

Just purell your finger, honey.

Come on! I know you can do it.


Are you checking?

I think so.


It's... it... it's squishy, like a banana or oatmeal.

Okay, can you tell me if it's starting to open?

Not really. Everything's just too wet.

[Continues groaning]

Wet? How wet?

The whole seat is soaked.

Oh, God. Where are you?


Honk the horn! Honk the horn!

Aah! Aah!

[Honks horn]

[Horn honking in distance]

Oh, God, here comes Gandalf the Horny.

What's the big deal?

He'll give you all the x-rays you ever need.

Just go out with him once.

You go out with Mollie's niece.

Yeah, uh... I can't. She'll be on me even more.

She'll be like, "did you like her?"

"Are you gonna call her again?"

Forget that. I can't... you gotta figure out something, 'cause she's coming over here and she looks determined.

[Lowered voice] What? No.


I got my niece Tracy on the line.

[Whispers] Just kiss me. Kiss me.

What do you... what... [muffled mumbling]

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

[Sighs] All right. Problem solved.

All right, here we go.

It's a little less crazy inside here.

[Locker door rattles] Also, I found a very special band-aid for your scratch.

I know it's impressive.

Here we go.

All right, let's see.


VoilĂ . There we go. [Pats back]

[Voice breaking] I wanna see my mommy.

I know you do, bud. But, uh...

The doctors are still upstairs fixing her up. Okay?

Hey, let's, uh, let's get you warm, yeah?



Can I stay with you?

Uh, not... not really.

Um, because I have some other patients that I have to help out first. Okay? So I'll...

Oh. Oh. Hey. No, no, no.

Don't... don't do that. Um...

You can definitely stay with me.

Okay? Because I... I actually need your help.

Um... I have these tags that I have to put on some patients.

Tells the doctors who they should treat first.

Think you can maybe help me with that?

Yeah? Okay.

Uh, let's go get 'em. Let's go get 'em.

[Monitor beeping steadily]


I've never worked at a hospital where the E.R. docs operate alongside surgeons.


Well, maybe you'll learn something new.

Well, actually, I'm learning a lot.


[Door slides open]

T.C., I sent Heather up here ten minutes ago to get you. We are seriously short on attendings downstairs.

Watch that bleeder.

Yeah, 4-oh silk to me.

I'll tie it off.




I know your patients mean a lot to you, but I've got this. Seriously.

And I need you in the E.R.


Topher's wife went into labor somewhere on the side of the road, and he took off about 10 minutes ago to get her.

Did he say where?


Take that.

Tee, you can't go. All right?

I don't like this situation either, but like I said, we are seriously short on attendings.

Page me if you need me.

I won't.

[Busy signal over cell phone]

Damn it. It's not going through.

The towers are probably overloaded.

Look, Topher and Janet will be okay.

Her labor took 12 hours the last time, so... hopefully she'll be back before her water even breaks.

And we need you downstairs.

[Cell phone beeps]

Yeah. Okay.

Scott is an excellent surgeon.

Yeah, he's good. I just don't like...

Anyone telling you what to do?

Who does? But there's a pecking order, and if he comes here, you will have to learn to work together.

"If"... "if" he comes?

We haven't decided yet.

Uh-huh. Okay, okay, sure.


Oh, it's just, uh... [Clears throat]

Ragosa wants him here. Scott seems to wanna be here.

Just, uh, just wondering what the holdup is.

Grab a patient. We're getting backed up.

Okay. Ernie, uh, you should probably eat a little something, even if it's this crap.

[Packaging rustles]

Um... you can also play with my phone.

I will check on you every 20 minutes, but I gotta get back, okay?

So... hey, up high.



What... what is it?

My shoulder hurts.

That's weird. It wasn't tender before, right?

Okay, uh, let's see.

There's no bruising or anything. Um... Just that... itty bitty cut on your back.
[Curtain rings rattle]

[Ultrasound whooshing]

You cannot keep bothering people.

[Monitor beeps]

I've had three different nurses tell me that you're looking for me.

Well... it worked.

This is a hospital. People have jobs to do so that other people don't die, and tonight is more swamped than most nights, so you have one minute to say what you need to say, and then you gotta leave.

Not loving the attitude, mija.

Not loving the attitude at all.

And I know that you just want money, so now you have 50 seconds.

Don't talk to me like that.

How much do you need?

Just say it.



I got in with the wrong people.

You're always with the wrong people.

I don't have it.

And even if I did have it, I wouldn't give it to you.

I'm done with you.

You are never done with your family.

I didn't say I was done with my family.

I said I was done with you. Now leave.

Yeah. Look at you, all your fancy friends giving me the stink eye.

Bunch of snobs from the north side... that's all that is.

And to think of you abandoning me for the likes of that!

Me abandon you?

I have worked like an animal for everything that I have, and I never got anything but grief from you.

You wrecked my childhood.

You stole my money.

You completely screwed up my life!

You abandoned me a long, long time ago.

Landry, I... I need the money!

[Curtain rings rattle]

[Telephone ringing in distance]

Did anybody miss anything, or do I need to repeat it? No?


[All murmuring]

[Woman speaking indistinctly over P.A.]

Uh, hey, hey there. Dwayne, right?

Do me a solid, would you?

This little dude needs a C.T. scan kinda quick.

Not how it works, new guy. Back of the line.

[Buttons clicking]

See, the thing is, Ernie, um... that's his name... may have a positive Kehr sign.

Um, irritation of the diaphragm from intra-abdominal blood, causing referred shoulder pain.

Wow. Lot of big words, doc.

Like I said, back of the line.

You dig?

[Buttons click]

Let me translate, tech dork.

This little kid just lost his home tonight.

His mom is upstairs circling the drain, and he might be hemorrhaging internally.

So he could die.

Now do you dig?

I've got a mole on my inner thigh I want removed.

Promise to get rid of it, you go to the front of the line.

Just do it, or I will rip it off.

[Thunder crashes]




Dad! It's coming.

I can see its head!


[thunder crashes]

[Thunder rumbling]

Oh. There he is, cock of the walk.

Knew there was a reason why you wouldn't call my niece.

Uh, that's... I'm...

Sorry. I guess... I should've said something.

You're a dog. All men are dogs.

But I like Krista.

So you better not mess this up.

I got my eye on you, Buster.

Yes, ma'am.

Just got paged.

S.A.P.D. brought in a naked guy they found at Circle K.

They placed a hold for grave disability.

[Speaking inaudibly]

Hey, Kenny.

Can you bring toga man and put him in curtain 3?

Sure thing, doc.


Uhh! Oh!

Hey, hey. You... you okay?

I'm fine.

Okay. I see your dad's still here.

Yeah, he likes to make me uncomfortable.

You want me to throw him out of here?

No, it's fine.

He'll just keeping coming back.

Look, I appreciate the concern, but this is just way too involved and complicated to explain.

I'm just trying to help.

I know. It's what you do, but...

You and I really don't have the type of relationship where we talk about things.

Do we?

That doesn't mean we still can't talk about things.

I mean, I can...

Look, I... I've been thinking, and I don't know what's going on with you and Jordan, and I don't think either of you know what's going on with you and Jordan, but I just know that I don't wanna be in the middle of it anymore.

There is nothing with me and Jordan.

You guys are the poster children of unresolved feelings, and I'm not really into being plan "B," so... let's just be friends.


And thank you for offering to help, but I'm used to handling things on my own.

If you, uh, if you still wanna talk about anything, I'm...

[Door opens]


Paul needs you in radiology. It's the kid.


[Monitor beeping erratically]

What happened?

He was complaining of referred shoulder pain, so I ordered a C.A.T. scan, but he lost his pulse.

Hold C.P.R. a minute.

I need to see his underlying rhythm.

[Erratic beeping continues]

Sine wave, damn it. His potassium's sky high.

It looks like a tiny piece of shrapnel transected the kid's ureter.

From that cut on his ribs.

The kidney trauma must have put him into renal failure.

Which explains the elevated potassium.

All right, he needs an amp of calcium chloride, sodium bicarb, and 10 units of Insulin.

Good, Paul. That's good. All right, Dwayne, page nephrology for emergency dialysis.

Calling now.

Meds are in. Rhythm's stabilizing.

And he's got a pulse? Okay, that's good.

Does that mean he's gonna be all right?

The meds are a quick fix.

Potassium's still sky high.

Paul, grab that scan. Let's go. He needs dialysis, asap.

[Janet grunting]

Topher: Come on, baby!

Just one more push! I know you got it in you!

Come on! Dig deep!


Push, mom, push!

That's it! You got the kit?

[Gasping loudly]

And... we have... a baby girl!



[Baby crying]

Is she okay?

Yes. She's so beautiful.

We gotta cut the umbilical cord. Get the clamps and scissors.

Just clamp here and here, and cut in between.

Look what you did.

Look what you made.


Look at your little sister.


It's your sister. Grab your hoodie, and let's wrap her in something clean.

Oh! [Panting]

It's your sister. [Laughs]

Oh, my gosh.

You ready for round two?

You got the flashlight?


Daddy, what is that?

[Panting] What is it?

What's wrong?

Nothing. It's a... it's a foot.

A what?

Everybody just stay calm.

I'm just gonna reach in there and turn this little girl around.

Hold the baby.

We need to get to the hospital.

Baby's in breech. It can't be born like this.

What should I do?

I need you to reach into my pocket, grab my phone.

Run around until you find a signal.

9-1-1 is probably overwhelmed. I need you to call Uncle T.C.

Tell him I need him right now.

Go, go.


[Crying] No.

No. Where did you... where did you send her?

Stay with me. Stay with me.

What's wrong?

Nothing is wrong.

You have to tell me what's wrong.


That was a good catch.

We'd be 10 steps behind if you hadn't... hadn't got the scan.

Good call.

Yeah. Um, just glad he's okay. He's a really cool little guy.

You have a way with kids, you know.

You, uh, you ever think about doing a fellowship in E.R. pediatrics?

Uh, no, never. That is... that is not for me.


[Thunder rumbles]

Uh, well, I come from a family of surgeons.

You know, my grandfather, my father... both his brothers, both my brothers.

You know, being an E.R. doc is already pushing it, so...

Uh, I'm just... that's not for me.

I don't know. It just, um, if you have a gift, just, you know... think about it.

[Pats shoulder]

[Woman speaking indistinctly over P.A.]


[Thunder rumbling]

[Exhales deeply]

I'm really sorry you had such a crappy day today.

But I... I promise, everything is gonna be awesome from here on out.

[Thunder crashes]

[Loud beep]

[Electricity crackles]

[Thunderclap, wind whistling]

Jordan: It's okay, everybody!

This has happened before.

The generators will kick on again in just a few seconds.

[Patients murmuring]

Okay, this is not a drill. We are out of power.

Everybody, keep manually bagging your patients.

We don't know how long this is gonna last.

Ragosa, what happened? I thought we had enough fuel.

We do. Damn generators flooded because of the storm.

We were gonna move 'em upstairs, but we never got to it.

Maintenance is working on it, but it'll take a while.

T.C., we're running power off the mini gennies from the tailgate and food trucks.

Great. Run cable to as many trauma rooms as possible.

Take off the exit signs and use their battery lights.

We can't stay open under these conditions.

The entire first floor is out.

We have to reroute the ambulances to another hospital.

We can't close.

You can reroute the new traffic, but what about the people who are here?

And people are still coming in.

If we don't do this, people are gonna die.

We have to do what we can, okay?


All right, uh, there's a construction site across the street.

I'll send some staffers over to get some of their lights.

I'll call the guys in my unit for that.

They can be here in 10 minutes.

Okay, okay, T.C., just do what you gotta do.

I'll take any new cases.

Man, I could really use a nurse right now.

Michael can jump in. He's got some training.

Just tell me what to do.

[Cell phone ringing]

Topher, finally...

Uncle T.C., can you hear me? I only have one bar, and my mom just had a baby!

Okay, okay, okay.

Here's what I need you to do. Look at your phone...

T.C., I need... open the G.P.S. Now give me your exact location.


Mile marker 79.

I'm really scared!

Hang tough, sweetie.

I'm gonna fix this. Ernie's dialysis is down.

I figured it would be. Okay. I got another idea. Let's go.


Hey, it's T.C. I know there's no games.

I'm not betting. Listen, I need a gigantic favor.

We don't have that long on those small gennies, so I've got another solution.

We're gonna go old school.

I will take any school. His vitals are going south, and his Q.R.S. is widening again.

I pushed another amp of calcium, but it's not working.

All right, fine, fine. We're gonna do peritoneal dialysis.

Hey! Give me the ladder, right now.

Don't need any power. They do it a lot in places where they don't have access to hemodialysis.

[Ladder clanks]

Okay. [Clears throat]

Put these lights on his belly.

[Grunting softly]

[Weakly] I feel weird.

That's because your body's not doing its job right.

We're gonna put a special medicine inside your stomach to suck out all the bad stuff.

We just need to put a tube inside your tummy first, okay?



You're gonna stay with me, Paul?

You better believe it.

I'm not going anywhere, okay?

Here. Come on.


All right, let's get these lights up, guys.

All right, point them towards the trauma rooms.

Hey, everybody, let's give a big hand to Kenny and the army reserve combat support team.

Thank you, boys.

[Cheers and applause]

Okay, good.

Okay, wrap it tighter.

You need the pressure to stop the bleeding.

Like this?


Exactly. You got a nice touch.

Just let me know if you're getting queasy.

Not at all.

Hey, Krista, how are we doing over there?

All under control.


All good.

Haven't stitched anyone up since med school.

Hope I didn't leave anything inside her.

Hey, listen.

I know things have been crazy, but...

If you need help with the whole dad thing...

Oh. It's under control.

It will be. Excuse me.


[Monitor beeping steadily]

So how does T.C. treat everybody on this shift?


He's intense, but he's a good guy.

He and Jordan make a good team.

[Steady beeping continues]

Oh, damn it.

The S.V.C. tear extends into the right atrium.


[Monitor beeping rapidly]

Someone get T.C. I need a second pair of hands.

[Rapid beeping continues]

I got $500. It's the best I can do.

Now take it and get out of here.

$500 ain't gonna do it.

I... I didn't wanna upset you before, but if I don't get them their money...

They're gonna take it out on your ma.

I don't believe you.

They made threats, and these people don't play games.

I know them.

I need 5 grand.

I told you. I don't have it.

Baby, the clothes you're wearing tell me you do.

[Lowered voice] I don't have it because I'm 200 grand in debt from medical school.

I pay for Julia and Tommy's private school, which you should be doing.

So don't talk to me about what I have and I don't have.

Okay, I'm sorry. I'm a jerk.

But if you love your mama at all, you'll get me the $5,000.

And I'll be in the waiting room, waiting.


What happened?

The S.V.C. tear has posterior atrial involvement.

I've used the heart-lung bypass to make the repair, but there's not enough power.

Woman: Pressure's down 60.

If you've got any b*ttlefield medicine you think might work, I'd love to hear it.

If not, she's going to die.

So it's true?

Mom. You can't keep letting him pull this crap.

I wish you would leave him.


I know you're scared. It's gonna be okay.

Just go to Titi's, okay?

I'll figure it out.

I love you.

[Cell phone beeps]

[Wheels roll]

Landry. Whew.

[Gloves snap]

Man, I really gotta thank you for the push.

Actually working on a patient...

you would not believe what I just did.

It was incredible.

No, whoa, whoa.

What's wrong?



Come on. I've told you everything about me.

What's going on?

Jugulo-atrial shunt.

It's the first one of those I've ever witnessed.

Maintains venous return intraoperatively, so, you know, no heart-lung machine is needed.

Pretty clever, man.

Yeah. Yeah.

Saved my ass a couple of times in Afghanistan.

Thank you, T.C.

Hey. It's my job.

Hey, man. Uh...

I should let you know I'm going to take the job as the new head of trauma surgery.



Some reason you're telling me?

Yeah, because things are going to change around here.

Is that right?

Yes, that's right.

Tee? Topher just called. He's five minutes away.

[Inhales deeply]


That's $400, T.C. Cash money.

Yeah, yeah.

Jordan: You sent your bookie? He'll do anything for cash.

First one slid right out, second's a footling breech with cord prolapse.

She has to come out now.

Just try and relax, Janet, okay?

The lights came back on. That's a good sign.

[Baby crying]

O.B. just called. They rerouted her.

She's still 30 minutes away.

Come on.

Son of a bitch. T.C., she wants to come out.

Okay, it's okay. We got this.

It's coming!


[Panting] I can't... I can't...

It's okay. You are my champion, baby.


This is so humiliating.

Why? Because you asked for this crap?

We don't get to choose our families, Landry.

I will pay you back, I swear.

I know you will... or else, I'll garner your wages.

I'm kidding.

[Chuckles] I'm just...

I'm kidding.

No, uh, seriously, you were a real big help to me.

I'm happy to return the favor.

But... I do think you need to cut ties with your dad.

I cut ties with him. I cut ties with my mom.

Well, I... I don't...

I don't know what to say other than if you ever need someone to talk to, uh, I'm around.

Thank you.

Nobody's ever done anything like this for me before.

Well... maybe you've just been hanging around with the wrong people.

The body's out, but the head is stuck in the cervix.

The baby's heart is decelerating.

Okay, Jordan, I have an idea. Let me try it.

I need Mayo scissors.

[Gasps] T.C.

I swear, if you say one word about seeing my...

Never get invited for dinner again?

I don't wanna blow that.


Help me open up the pelvis.


Jordan: Let's lift her legs up.


I'm going to make a Duhrssen incision.

Cutting the cervix should let the head come down.

Okay, keep breathing, Janet.

You, too, Topher.


Two, three.


Push. Push.

Breathe and push. Breathe and push.

It's working. You're doing so good.


[Baby crying]

[Janet panting]

Is... is...


And she's out.

Topher: You did it. You did it!

Is she okay? Is she okay?


She's okay.

[Baby continues crying]

[Janet crying]


Toph... she is so beautiful.

[Janet sobbing]


Hey. I'm your Uncle T.C. Hey.

Can you say "Uncle Tee"? Huh?

Oh, help us.

[Continues crying]


Hello. Oh, my...

[Crying] I love you, brother.

Right back at you, buddy.

[Baby continues crying]

Oh. Okay.

[Monitor beeping steadily]

Hey, Ernie.

Welcome back.

Now you're a pretty strong little guy. You know that?

Where am I?

I, uh, I moved you to another room.

I don't know. I figured you might want a roommate or something like that, so...

[Curtain rings swoosh]


There's my boy.

[Steady beeping continues]

I thought you were gonna die.

And leave you, kiddo?

No way.

I almost died.


Yeah, it was a... it was an interesting night.

Actually, it started when you protected your son from the storm, which was very brave.

And you were very brave, too...

... Thirteen dead, and scores injured in the worst storm this area has seen...

Hi, honey. [Chuckles]

How was your day?

I got this text from Rick.

Oh, my God, Drew.

He's coming home.


Yeah, he made it out of there. He's coming home.

He survived Afghanistan.

There is something about delivering a baby, huh?

I know, right? It never gets old.

Plus now I can tell Janet I've had my hands inside her till the day she dies.

What is wrong with you?

Hey, uh...

So, you know, Scott's coming here, right?

Yeah. Yeah, he made sure to tell me.


I know it's gonna change things, and I know it's gonna be weird for a while, but...

Hey. Whatever, right?

No. No.

What I'm trying to say to you is that in the past few months that I've been working with you, I feel like... we're getting back to being friends again, and...

I like that.

I mean... we were always friends.

Well... you were always my friend.

[Sighs] I wasn't the best there for a while.

No. Tee, you... you had some things that were beyond your control.


I'm sorry... that I messed things up... between us.

Yeah, me, too.

Yeah, okay.

Hey, Jordan...

Oh, um...

Scott was looking for you.

Yeah, okay.

Oh, wow.


[Telephones ringing]

Okay, listen up, everybody. Listen up.


I have to thank you guys for a great night.

You did a bang-up job, but now...

I'd like to introduce to you the new head of trauma surgery...

Dr. Scott Clemmens!



Oh! Look at this.

We have the prom king and queen power couple running this place. Give 'em a hand.

