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02x17 - The Silence She Keeps

Posted: 02/24/15 06:59
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Fosters:

Kidnapping is a very serious crime.

They can't prove that you bought that toy, or you gave it to Daphne.

You said yourself that Ana has no business taking care of a baby when she can't take care of herself.

Flintwood has one of the best athletic programs in the country.

My moms couldn't afford it.

I'm offering you a scholarship.

I don't care that you forgot some words to a stupid song.

I care that you took some freaking mystery pills, and didn't think about what would happen next.

Idyllwild would like to offer you a full ride to their summer music program.

She's a criminal!

She's my baby!


Daphne Keen?


We'd like to ask you a few questions.

There's something I have to tell you.

I think I should go live with Robert.

I mean, I'm just trying to understand here. Did he... did he thr*aten you?

Or say something to make you think that this is the only choice that you had?

Just... you just seemed pretty upset after your last visitation with him.

No, no.

Well... what happened to make you change your mind?

We all know that the judge is gonna rule in Robert's favor.

It's just a matter of time.

And I can't keep asking you to pay all these legal fees.

This is about money?

Sweetheart, we can figure out the money.

I'm just tired of fighting when there's no point.


Why don't you, uh, go grab some breakfast?

It's almost time for school.

Hey, love, listen. Uh...

Can you not say anything to Robert about your decision just yet?

Maybe we can leave this between us for a few days?

OK, sure.

I tell you, as soon as Robert gets wind of this, he will have us in court so fast your head'll spin.

And, you know, she's right.

That judge is just dying to give him custody.


I just want to know what she's thinking.

I don't get it. I don't get it. I don't get it at all.

I know. But is it really so hard to believe that, after everything she's been through, that she's just...

... she's just tired of living in limbo?

That she just wants to make a choice before one is made for her?

No, I don't buy it. I think there's something else going on here.

I guarantee it.

Because even if Callie was tired of fighting for herself, she would never stop fighting for Jude.

I know it's not what we wanted.

We wanted to be by the same family, living in the same house.

But, Jude, knowing that you're safe and adopted by a family that truly loves you...

That's all I've ever wanted.

Hey, I'm gonna be safe, too.

I'm gonna be living with Robert, but I'm always gonna be a part of the Fosters.

It's just like Stef and Lena always say, we don't need a piece of paper to be a family.

I'm still gonna go to Anchor Beach, and I'll be around all the time.

I'll spend the night sometimes.

And you can spend the night with the Quinns whenever you want.

And they have a pool. You love to swim.

Maybe if you learned how to drive, he'd buy you a car and then you could pick me up for school.

So we could still see each other every morning.

Yeah. For sure.

I'll make it, like, a condition.


I know we didn't get our happy ending just how we wanted it, but we're still getting it, right?

Come on. [Laughs]

♪ It's not where you come from ♪
♪ It's where you belong ♪
♪ Nothing I would trade ♪
♪ I wouldn't have it any other way ♪
♪ You're surrounded by love ♪
♪ And you're wanted ♪
♪ So never feel alone ♪
♪ You're at home with me ♪
♪ Right where you belong ♪

Listen, we have, um... we've done a little bit of research on the Flintwood Academy.

And we can't deny that it's a great school.

So I can go?

Well... we just don't think that you're ready to be on your own.

You're only 15.

I'm not gonna be on my own. It's a boarding school.

You're letting Brandon go on tour.

There are gonna be no adults there at all!

That's true, that's just for a few weeks, though.

Honey, if this were just a camp, or something over the summer...

Well, can you meet with the scout and at least hear him out?

Honey, we would just be wasting his time.

I can't believe this.

Honey, you can wrestle here.

We can still get scouts to come by Anchor Beach, you know.

Not anymore.

You've gutted the entire athletic department.

Anchor Beach is a joke.


I'm going to school.

He didn't mean that, love. He loves Anchor Beach.

No, no, he's got a point.

That's why all this whole financial mess is so frustrating.

We've had to cut so much just to keep the doors open.

What about Timothy? Is he still...

Convinced that Monte is the enemy? Yes.

Which leaves me in the delightful position of trying to support my boss and trying to protect my friend's job at the same time.

I'm sorry, love.

But if there's anyone that can broker a peace deal, it would be you.

Dance team auditions today after school. Flier?

Here. Take a flier.

Hey. What about me?

Oh, I'm sorry.

Tia and I decided that it's best to get a fresh start.

We don't want anyone from the old team.

You know, conflict of interest and all that.

Um, you guys are from the old team.

Yeah, but we left. You got cut.

You're not gonna find a better dancer in school than me.

I don't know. I mean, if it was up to me, I would totally say yes.

But Tia is, like, crazy hard to impress.


What if I just come and dance?

I bet I could blow her mind.

Well, I can't stop you from showing up, but I can't guarantee anything.

Great. See you this afternoon.

Oh, my God, April is k*ller. Is she in?

I don't know.

I told her she had to audition.

You did? Why?

Well, April only responds to mean girls.

The meaner you are to her, the more she'll work for your approval.

What do you mean, my approval? Why me?

Well, April already knows I'm nice, so you have to be the mean girl.

But it's not like you have to do anything, just be yourself.

Wow, thanks.

Seat taken?


You're quiet today.

You barely said anything during breakfast.

How are you?

I'm cool.



How is everything?

With the band, you said you guys are burnt out?

Oh, no, I just... need a little break. Nothing major.

Hey, I never, uh, never asked you how Daphne's visit with Tasha.


Just wondering.

It was OK.

Did Tasha remember her, from Christmas?


That's good.

Lucky she didn't get caught.

We're all lucky, Brandon.

You haven't told anyone, have you?


Good. Don't.

A lot of bad stuff could happen if people find out.


[school bell rings]

I should get to class.

[cell phone rings]

Hey, Dad.

Mike: Hey, B.

I was just wondering if you're free for dinner tonight.

I can't, actually. I've got family dinner.

What about after? We could sh**t some pool, maybe watch the game?

I have band practice after.

All right.

Well, maybe some time this week, huh?

Yeah, sure. Maybe.

- All right, have a good one.

You too, Dad.

Well, uh, you got what you wanted.

Excuse me?

Ana got a job, she's moving out.

That's not what I wanted, Mike.

I just want you to take care of yourself.

Yeah? Well, I just she can take care of herself.

She's pregnant, alone, and now she's gonna be up on her feet all night stocking groceries.

And what about after she has the baby? Huh?

A newly sober single mom, raising a baby alone on minimum wage?

Is it really so wrong that I want to help her out?

I think I can help myself and someone in need, Stef.

Uh, I, um...

I don't think she's gonna need your help. Mike, she's...

She's not planning on raising this baby.

Whatever you might think about Ana and who she...

She... she stopped by the other day.

What do you mean, stopped by? To your house?

For what?

She asked us to adopt her baby.

So the people of the village silently accept the m*rder of a randomly selected member of their society.



Because it's a tradition that they think binds their community.

That's right.

Tradition in The Lottery, oppression in The Hunger Games.

So whose silence do you think is more egregious, theirs...

... or the citizens of Panem?


Well, it's easy to say the townspeople, but, like, everything you've been taught is true from the day you were born, like, I don't know, racism or something like that, can be every bit as oppressive as some outside force. Right?

That's great, Mariana.

Now, it has been said that "A man is known by the silence he keeps."

[school bell rings]

Your assignment this week is to write about a silence that you keep in your life.

Have a great day, everyone.

The principal and vice principal.

This must be important.

I thought we agreed, no poaching dancers.


Umm, April isn't your dancer.

You threw her off the team because she was drunk at my party, remember?

Though she was stone cold sober compared to you that night.


April's never gonna join your loser team anyway.

[laughs] Yeah, especially when she hears about your super lame [mimics robot] Dystopian Robot theme. [Laughs]

Well, we'll see about that.

Now, excuse me, you're blocking my locker.

There are plenty of grants available that aren't based on test scores.

Yes, there are, but not many, and they're typically much smaller.

Fine, but unlike the ones you're in favor of, they're not funded by private corporations that are trying to dictate education reform.

You think I'm in support...

Educators are the ones that should...

Standardized testing is a tool, one tool, used to measure a school's success.

By teaching students to memorize, not to think!

Wait a minute. Wait a minute. We are not asking you to teach students to memorize.

We are asking you to think about the bigger picture!

Anchor Beach is facing a real financial crisis, one that could actually close the doors.

And this is not just about...

I'm not doing this just to be difficult!

This is not just about your English classes, Timothy.

It's about art, music, sports.

And I don't want to have to cut those programs.

But if you're too dogmatic to see beyond your own classroom, you're welcome to resign.


How can I be more... cooperative?

Well, you could start by teaching... more critical thinking.

More non-fiction.

I'll get right on it.





We need to talk.

Not here.


The cops came over to my place the other day.

Why didn't you call me?

I don't know, I guess I was afraid that they were tapping our phones or somethin'.

What did they want?

They wanted to know where I was on Christmas Eve.


So I told 'em that I got off work, I went home right after work Yeah. and I was by myself all day.

They asked if I could prove it.

The cops don't have anything.

Why do you think they're trying to get us to talk?

They said I can go to jail for 11 years for kidnapping.

Eleven years just 'cause I wanted to hold my baby.

Robert's lawyers aren't gonna let that happen.

Robert's lawyers aren't looking out for me, they're looking out for you.

They don't care about the brown girl.

They'll throw me under the bus first chance they get just to save your ass.

I'm not gonna let that happen.

You don't have control!

No, I don't, but Robert does.

And he's gonna do what I say.

You sure about that?

Yeah, 'cause I'm gonna live with him.


It's for the best. I can't even look Stef and Lena in the face right now.

I swore that I would never lie to them again.

So why don't you just tell them?

You wanna go to jail?

OK? 'Cause that's what would happen. I would be taking you and Brandon down with me.

What about Jude?

I lied.

I told him that I had to be out of the system.

And he's been in the system, so he understands. He'll be OK.

I should have never called you that night.

Yeah, but you did.

[knock on door]

Is Robert here?

So, uh, how'd you get all the way over here?

I took the bus.

A couple, actually.


Callie told me she's coming to live with you.

She's only doing it because she's scared of getting yanked out of the house again.

Oh... Jude...

We've been moved from house to house for six years, and we never had any say in where we're going to live or when we're going to be sent to another house.

It felt like nobody wanted us.

But then Stef and Lena, they... they took us in.

And I'm so glad they did.

They care so much about you and Callie.

We finally found a home.

And Callie still doesn't feel safe.


Robert and I want the same thing for Callie as you do, Jude.

But... maybe...

Maybe, in some ways, Callie will be safer here.


We would never take Callie away from you.

And if Callie does come to live with us, I hope you'll consider yourself a part of this family, too.

Hey, I thought you were having dinner with Brandon.

Apparently, he's busy.

So you asked Stef and Lena to adopt the baby?

I'm sorry, I was gonna tell you, I just...

I wanted to know what was going on before I said anything.

You didn't think it was important to talk to me about it first?

Look, I know you're scared. I get it.

But we can do this, Ana.


Mike, there is no "we."

You are living in some kind of fantasy world!

This is why I need to move out!

You think that if I move in here, and you help me raise this baby, that we're gonna live happily ever after and never do dr*gs or drink again.

Raising a baby makes it harder to stay sober, Mike, not easier.

I know that, I've been there! And so have you!

You'd think that you'd know better!

Ah! I gotta get outta here!

[pop music plays]

♪ Might as well be ♪
♪ Oh, her like the sea ♪
♪ Buildings ain't dropping ♪
♪ They might as well be ♪
♪ Oh, so let's not be ♪
♪ Ooh ooh ♪
♪ Make your moves on me ♪
♪ Ooh ooh ♪
♪ Like you stole it ♪
♪ Make your move on me ♪

OK. We'll let you know.

Thank you guys so much. You all brought... something.

April, if you can stay?

Turn around.

What? Why?

We have to make her think that we're debating.

There's nothing to debate. April is awesome.

And you saw everybody else.

I told you how this works.

If April thinks that we want her, she won't want us.

She has to feel like she's the lucky one, not the other way around.

Don't forget, be aloof.

So, April...

You're in! Congratulations!

Oh, yay! [Laughs]

But sad face. There's a little problem.

Kaitlyn asked me back on her team.


No, she didn't. When?


I didn't wanna blow off your audition, but now I'm torn.

I kinda feel obligated to her.

Well, if April wants to go back to Kaitlyn, I mean, that's totally cool.

Yeah, it's cool.

But I feel kinda bad about you guys.

Can I have the night to think about it?

I guess. But there's only so many spots we can hold.

Don't you have, like, four?

Yeah, but they're going fast.

I just want to talk to Kaitlyn.

I don't want her to be all mad.

I'll let you guys know tomorrow, OK?

The spots are going fast?

What was I supposed to say? This is bad.

Kaitlyn is the Queen of Mean. And she just asked April back into court.

What are you doing?

April needs to know what Kaitlyn really thinks about her.

So I'm just going to forward her some especially nasty texts.

We'll see whose team she joins after she reads these.
[music plays on headphones]

Hey, move, I gotta get to the fridge.

Did you hear what I said? I'm hungry.


Whoa! What's your problem? I'm trying to study.

Not that you have any idea what that looks like.

Hey, listen.

I'm not gonna ask you again. You got it? Move.

Or else.


Or else what?

Real funny, schizo! You forget to take your pills or something?

Hey, hey, hey! What is going on here?!

Get off of him! Are you kidding me?!

What are you doing?!

[bell dings]

Here you go.


Jude, what happened? Are you OK?

Yeah, he's fine. He stopped by the house, wanted to talk.

OK. Um, well, I'm almost done with my shift.

So why don't you sit and we'll go home soon. Yeah?

Want a soda or something?



Oh, no. No. No need.

He's a... he's a good kid.

Um, so listen, is it true?

Have you decided that you wanna live with us?



Here you go.

Callie: Um, what are we doing here?

Before I drop you off at Stef and Lena's, I wanna show you something.

It's a surprise.

Do you think he bought you a house?

Come on. Come on. Let's go inside.

Neil! The paint goes on the floor? No, it goes on the wall.

And why are you... Hey!

I thought we were gonna wait till we were finished before we showed Callie.

Hey, how are you, Jude?

Yeah, well, I thought she could use a smile.

Well, what do you think of the new Girls United?


[rock music plays]


OK, what's your damage, dude? Why are you being so freaking aggro these days?

Don't worry about it.

I'm gonna worry about it, because you're a total jackass.

What the hell is wrong with you?

You wanna know what's wrong with me?

You start a fight with me, and I still get in trouble.

You're the one who kicked the stool!

'Cause you ignored me, like, three times.

OK, so Mom is a pain. So what?

You know, I don't expect you to understand, Golden Boy.

[scoffs] What does that mean?

It means no matter what you do, you get everything.

You get arrested, but you still get to go on tour.

No matter how hard I try, no matter what I wanna do, I don't get to do anything I want to do.

Even when it could be really good for me.

Like what?

Stef: Hey.


So I just talked to Jesus. We're cool.

Well, good. What was he so mad at you for?

Actually, he's, uh, mad at you.

So, there it is.

You bought this with the money from the fundraiser?

Well, yeah, that and Robert, you know.

He did help us. He came in with a little extra scratch so that we could definitely get someplace nice like this.

And now, since we own it, we don't ever have to worry about a landlord coming in and pulling the rug out from underneath us. You know?


He really is a good man.


I'm gonna go live with him.

Well, you don't sound very happy about that.

No, it's just, um...

I know I'm hurting Lena and Stef.

And I hate that.

Oh, honey.

You know, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

Hey. Can you buy Callie a car?

Whenever she moves in with you.

I just want her to be able to come home...

I mean, to my house, the Fosters, whenever she wants.

That sounds pretty reasonable. [Laughs]

You'll have to teach her how to drive, though. She doesn't know how.


She can barely ride a bike.

[laughs] I see that. Hey!

So? What do you think?

It's amazing. [Laughs]


So, um, I understand you feel we're not listening to you.

And, uh, you know, you're probably right. Sometimes... sometimes we feel like we know what you want better than you do.

That used to be the case when you were younger.

But probably not so much anymore.

So I will talk to Mama.

We'll have the scout over, and hear him out.


Yes. But that is all we're agreeing to, so don't go packing your bags yet or anything.


Hey! I never thought I'd say this to my kid, but I will pass on the hug till you've showered, please.

Mom, can we please get a punching bag in the garage?

What do you need a punching bag for when you have your brother, Brandon?

I'm kidding. You mess with your him again, you'll have to answer to these guys right here.

Wait, I don't see anything there.

These punching bags.

You're gonna see stars if you don't get out of here.

So, uh, I told Jesus that we would sit down with the recruiter from Flintwood. Do you hate me?


Robert just dropped off Callie and Jude.




Mike: Thanks for the tea. Sorry for barging in.

I don't know how to say this, uh, exactly, but...

... are... are you guys gonna take Ana's baby?

Um... no.

I don't think so.


I know this is gonna sound crazy, but... I think I'm gonna ask her if I can.

Adopt her baby?

Why not? I'm capable.

Of course... of course you are, Mike, I just...

A baby? Now? By yourself?

Otherwise, what?

Let her give it up to some strangers or who knows who?

No, I hear you, I hear you. But do you really wanna spend the next 18 years of your life raising another child?

I don't exactly feel like I got a chance to raise the first one.

It's not over, Mike. He's still here.

Hey, Dad.


Thought you had band practice.

Didn't you say you were taking a few days off?

No, yeah. Uh...

Got it.

I'm sorry.

You should be.

You know what?

I'm trying, B.

I'm really trying every way I know how.

You never wanna spend any time together.

Is this about Ana?

'Cause you don't have to worry about that anymore. She's moving out.

Of course she is.

What is that supposed to mean?

That's why you're here, right?

'Cause there's no one else.

Brandon, I know that's not how your dad feels.

It's OK.

Go on.

Say what's on your mind.

Whenever you're not...

... seeing someone...

No, actually, whenever you're not saving someone, you dump everything on me.

All your feelings, your loneliness, everything.

And it makes me feel suffocated.

So I don't wanna see you, Dad.

I'm gonna let you guys...

You know, Brandon, there's a saying in the program.

"You've got a God-shaped hole, and you keep trying to fill it with anything but God."

I'll work on it, OK?

But you gotta do better, too, Brandon.

You're at an age now where this relationship is a two-way street.

I can't force you to see me, but if you want me to know what's going on with you, you're gonna have to tell me.

The ball's in your court.

Whenever you're ready.

I got a scholarship.

To Idyllwild.

For their summer program.

What about the tour?


So, what do you wanna do?

I don't know. I...

I don't want to be pressured into anything, so I haven't told moms, but...

If they knew...

You think they'd take the tour off the table?

That's not true, B.

The whole reason we're even letting you go on this tour is 'cause we think you're mature enough to make your own choices.

This is just another choice, B.

I don't know if I can get invested into classical music again and not be able to play the way I want.

Please, don't give up on this 'cause you're afraid of disappointment, Brandon.

Sometimes it takes a lot of failure to reach success, trust me.

One thing being your dad has taught me, it's that.

Is that the article I just printed out?

"Charter Schools and the Corporate Takeover of Public Education:

"What's at Stake?" What is this?

I don't know. Timothy emailed it to us, said to read it tonight.

Something about us having to read more non-fiction.

Ugh. Now I have to study about how I'm getting an education?

Who cares about education?

I mean, no offense.

Well, it's great, it's really great.

And Robert helped you?

Yes. Yes.

Uh, is something the matter?

Uh... [laughs]

Yeah. Uh...

Callie told us that she wants to live with Robert.

I heard, and I'm sorry.

Look, um, we both know that Callie values everyone else's well-being above her own.

Especially Girls United. And, um, I just think that Robert saw that and took advantage of it.

And, um...

[laughs] he delivered.

'Cause this is a really beautiful house.

OK, so, what are you implying?

That I used Callie in order to get this house?

'Cause not only is that absurd, it's actually a little bit offensive.

You knew how much this house would cost Callie, and you exploited her anyway.

Come on, Stef. OK? That's a bit of a stretch.

First of all, Callie didn't even know this house existed until today.

Robert specifically didn't want it to seem...

Like exactly what it is?

Stef, I realize that you and Lena are very disappointed.

We're not disappointed, Rita. We're devastated.

She's our daughter.

And she's doing this out of obligation, or fear, because she does not wanna be taken out of our house again.

Or that's what she's telling you, so you won't get hurt.

We're already hurt.

Yes, I can see that.

But wouldn't you be even more hurt if she told you she did feel a connection with Robert, because he is her birth father?

Stef... Listen. I'm...

Thanks, Rita.

Listen. Stef.

So it looks like we can get in to see the judge this afternoon.

We, uh, we love you very much.

And we would never in a million years stop fighting to adopt you.

But if you are tired of fighting and...

... you want to go live with Robert because he's your birth father, then, uh, we don't want you to feel like you're letting us down.

It's OK.

From the very beginning, all we've ever wanted is for you to have a safe and loving home.

To have a family that loves you unconditionally.

So if this is what you truly want...

... we will stand beside you, today and everyday.

Whether you're under our roof or not.

Hey. Any word from April yet?

No, but I think we're good.

What's she gonna do, go back and dance with Kaitlyn, after all the awful things she said about her? Unlikely.

Oh, hey! Welcome to the team!

So, OK, so we were thinking practice everyday after school and Saturdays...

I'm not joining your team.


You're going back to Kaitlyn?

No, no way.

Not after reading those texts.

They were so mean.

Well, then why aren't you... ?

Because sending them to me?

Also really mean.

I was just trying to have your back.

Yeah, now that you want something from me.

But what about when Kaitlyn was saying all those awful things?

Or when she cut me from the team?

I was the one who said that Kaitlyn was being unfair!

I was the one who spoke up for you!


But you didn't do anything.

And actions really do speak louder than words.

Sending me those texts, that really said a lot, Mariana.


Looks like I'm not the mean girl after all.

I can't believe you did this! I am trying to save your job!

Why shouldn't the students be aware of what's going on here?

This is their education, Lena, this is their school.

They have the most to lose, or gain.

Oh, I see. And you are going to be the neutral arbiter of this debate?

What is your goal here, Timothy?

To turn the student body against the administration?

My goal here, Lena, is simply to...


What's going on?

Unfortunately, students, I will not be teaching class today.

What? Why?

I've, uh...

I've been fired.

No way!


Are you kidding?

Disappointingly, the new administration at Anchor Beach wants me to teach you how to take tests, not how to think.

And I won't do that.

You all have vibrant and brilliant young minds, and I encourage you to use them.

Speak up for yourselves. This is your school, your education.

Never forget that.

All right.

Hello, everyone.

It seems I will be teaching class today.

If, uh, someone will just tell me where Timothy...

Timothy is, like, our favorite teacher.

How could you just fire him?

I can't believe this.

The administration had to make a very difficult decision.

I'm sorry to say it, but Timothy wasn't...

And we have no say?

It's not up for debate.


But I'm not just gonna sit here and take it.

Mariana, sit down.

Timothy was right.

This is our school. If we don't like something about it, we have to do something to change it.

I'm walking out.

Who's with me?

[rock music plays]

♪ I hope we stay thick as thieves ♪
♪ Buttered bread ♪

Mariana Adams Foster, get back here!

♪ And I wish I could shout you out ♪
♪ False start ♪
♪ Don't you... ♪

[knocking on door]

Be right there.

Sorry to keep you waiting.

So Callie, I hear that you've had a change of heart about who you want to live with.

♪ And who set you up? ♪
♪ Oh ♪
♪ I took so long ♪
♪ I took so long ♪

I took Tasha from the park on Christmas Eve.

But right away I knew it was a mistake.

So I took her back to her foster home that night and watched her walk up to the door.

When her foster parents opened the door and I knew she was safe, I ran off.

I see. And was anyone with you?

Did anyone help?





It was just me.

♪ I took so long ♪