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02x18 - Tempus Fugit

Posted: 02/23/15 22:49
by bunniefuu
Previously on Sleepy Hollow...

Katrina has chosen to side with the enemy.

(both reciting a spell)



(g*nsh*t echoes)

This is not your fault.


It's yours!

(reciting a spell)

No! Katrina!


The Traveler Spell, it worked.

Soldier: Clearly, she's touched.

Put her in shackles so she causes no harm.

I have information.

There's only one person I'll talk to.

Captain Ichabod Crane.


Make certain 37th receives these supplies.

Front moves north in an hour.

This battle's far from over.

Raise your hand.

It's not him.

Again, any Hessian soldiers with a mark on their hand, I want to hear of it.

Captain Crane.


There's a woman in holding at the fort.

Claims she has important information about the w*r.

Who is she?

We're not certain.

At first we thought her to be a runaway sl*ve, but her demeanor, clothing and attitude are, um, unusual.

Very well, have Donovan question her.

He did.

She'd like to speak with you and you alone.

Well, that's unfortunate.

I'm under specific orders from the highest office not to leave the b*ttlefield.

She seemed to know that, Captain.

Said it was about your mission... a Hessian soldier with a bow on his hand.

Oh, Crane.

Thank God you're okay.

Captain Crane.



Mills. Abigail Mills, Captain.

You address me as if we've met.

No, sir, we haven't met, yet.

But, um...

I was drawn from battle.

Because I was told you had information concerning a Hessian soldier with a mark upon his hand.

The Horseman.

You're gonna meet him on the b*ttlefield very soon.


I shall cut him down.

Agreed, you will.

But he's like no one you've ever faced.

He's gonna k*ll you, too.

Trust me, I know the endgame.

I know how this plays out.

Your turn of phrase is most confounding.

Speak plainly, madam.

Look, I have very reliable information.

You get me out of here, and I'll explain everything, okay?

Miss Mills, I can't discern from whence you came, but here we abide by the law.

We do not get out and then explain ourselves.


The law is habeas corpus.

You violated it by locking me up here without a cause.

Only it's not applicable to me.

For another hundred years, right?

You have no tangible information.

Good day.

The Horseman is not working alone.

He has an ally now.

One equally as dangerous.

A woman to make sure you die on that b*ttlefield.

Who is this ally?

(bugle plays)

Captain, they're calling for your return.

It says, "Hessian reinforcements have launched a counterattack," doesn't it?

Their leader... masked, on horseback, carrying a broad ax.

I'm telling you I know things.

I have faced this Horseman before.

I know his ally.

You take me with you.

You cannot defeat them without me.

(man groans)

Katrina: Ichabod?!


Has anyone seen Ichabod Crane?

I heard he was mortally wounded.

Katrina, your husband isn't here.


He was in battle.

He was cut down by the Horseman, a-and brought t-to this very bed.

No, ma'am, Captain Crane was called away.


A mysterious sl*ve woman, claiming to have enemy secrets.

This woman, did she mention her name?

Miss Mills, perhaps?

Aye, Abigail Mills.

Do you know where they are now?

They never returned.

She saved him from the worst of it we've seen.

This Hessian, he was like something from hell.


Wait, wait.


This is no time for a drink.

Madam, if you cannot handle your surroundings...

Alcohol is a disinfectant.

It'll do him more good on the outside.



I'm sure you've noticed the wounds are cauterized.

That's impossible.

Their weapons must have been heated.


The Horseman carries a broad ax, heated to 400 degrees.

You believe one man did all this?

He's no man, he's a demon.

He's Death.

These men do not need your fanciful tales, and nor do I.

Miss Mills, precisely what is it you're after?

I'm trying to stop the Horseman and his ally from k*lling you.

So listen... I know you've seen things in this w*r that you cannot explain.

General Washington has put his trust in you.

He told you this revolution isn't just a w*r about the future of this country.

It'll determine the fate of every man, woman and child.

How could you possibly know this?

I do because you told me.

No. No, we've never met.

You're right, not yet.

But we will... in 200 years.

I'm sorry, is this what you've been intimating?

You're from the future?

I know... it sounds insane.

Completely insane.

And no less insane to me.

But here I am on a revolutionary b*ttlefield in 1781.

Look around.

You would have died if I hadn't pulled you from this b*ttlefield.

Now we have another problem.

The fact that you didn't die may very well have screwed up history forever.

This makes no sense.

You say you're here to save me.

Yet I'm supposed to die.

You were... you were saved, suspended in time, until we met, but now everything... the fate of the country, the fate of the mission that Washington assigned you, the fate of our mission together... future is off the rails.

Who are you?

You had no grounds to abandon your post.

Colonel Sutton, the battle had subsided, and I was under the impression I was to question this woman.

I never gave such orders.

Apologies, sir, but...

Join the 12th Regiment traveling north.

And do not abandon your men without a direct order.


What will become of her?

You want her? Buy her at auction.

Crane: Colonel, that is not what I meant.

She knew of the Hessian attack.

Her clothes are of foreign design.

Her accent is... it alludes to upstate New York, but is quite slipshod.

In my estimation, she is, or was, a British agent.

What do you suggest?

I take her back to Fort Hudson, conduct an interrogation.

Then you decide how to proceed.

She is a distraction.

I need every man on the field.

And her?

She goes to an encampment for runaway slaves.

Then perhaps I could transport her.

It could save us another loss, which we cannot afford.

And at the very least, provide some answers about today.

Report in the moment you've signed for her release.

Thank you, sir.


Your Oxford degree and connections are not going to save you next time.

Deserters face a firing squad.

Never realized riding in a carriage would be so uncomfortable.

Thank you.

For what?

You do realize I've been instructed to escort you to an encampment.

I saw the way that Sutton treated you.

The fact that you went out on a limb to escort me means that you believe me.

It's three miles to the encampment.

You have until then to bear proof to your story.

What would you like to know?

We win the w*r, Washington becomes the first president...

Impossible... he swore never to hold public office.

But also impossible to disprove.

So if we really are partners in...


...the year of our Lord, 2015, what do you know of me?

Well, uh, Katrina inspired you to abandon your allegiance with the Crown.

But when Abraham Van Brunt couldn't pick out the right engagement necklace for her, you did.

But she couldn't hide her feelings for you any more.

And you couldn't hide yours for her.

Is this the story His Majesty's spies have on record?

I don't know.

'Cause I'm not a spy.

And if I were, I'd be pretty peeved off on the flimsiness of the "I am from the future" cover.

Suppose I were to entertain the notion of time travel and a Horseman of Death.


What do you propose we do in order to not... as you elegantly put it... screw up history forever?

I'm still trying to figure that out. On the face of it, it's an impossible situation.

But that's what we do.




We take on the impossible and... we figure a way out.

An intractable task. Do we have help?

My sister and a-a captain.

And we turn to... we turn to books.

Mostly written by people who are alive now.

Washington, Jefferson, Franklin.

If... and I stress "if" with extreme veracity... if I were so inclined, General Washington and Thomas Jefferson are in Virginia.

Not an option.

What about Franklin?

Recently returned from France.

Honestly, if anyone can back up my story, help us... it's him.

Franklin will know what to do next.

To Mr. Franklin!

Brace yourself.

(horse neighs)


(horse neighs)

I know it is you under that mask, Abraham.

I know why you are here.

You are searching for the same man as I.

I know you have every reason to doubt me, after what I did to you.

But Ichabod has betrayed me, too.

He has joined with another woman and together they're a formidable foe to us both.

So they both must die.

Let me help you find them... and k*ll them.


(talking, laughing)

(Abbie sighs)

That took a really long time to get three miles.

I suppose there are flying carriages in the second millennia.

Only for long distances.

I was being sarcastic.

That's gonna be a Starbucks.

A what?

Coffee house.

That livery stable, too.


I don't know.

People drink a lot of coffee.


Mr. Leon.


You know them?

'Tis a small town.

Providing I do not die, or become suspended in time, I'll have a lot of explaining to do.

They've never seen a woman in trousers.


Yeah, I know what you mean.

I had to do the same thing when you popped out of a cave.

I was headed to Quantico.

The FBI, the federal police.


Most of us oppose a national police force.

Abbie: Yeah? Well, the point is I thought I was heading to bigger things than Sleepy Hollow and it turns out Sleepy Hollow is where the action is.

Miss Mills...

Franklin: Wait!

I cannot promise Mr. Franklin's response.

But if he does not receive us well, they shall lock us both up.


What do you want?


Hmm, bonjour.

But what of my other ideas?

Did libraries catch on?

One in every neighborhood.

Splendid! Splendid.


Hospitals? The post office?

The Franklin stove?

Bifocals? Swim fins?

All still around.


You're even on the $100 bill.


100. How about that, Ichabod?

The hundred dollar bill.

What is Jefferson on?

Two dollar bill.

The two?

The two... Does anyone even use the two? Sounds cumbersome.

I think that's quite enough, thank you.

No, it is not.

We're standing in front of a woman who's two centuries ahead of us.


Educated. Well-spoken.

What is your profession?

A sheriff's detective.

An officer of the law.

Ichabod, everything we're striving for here, fighting with our dying breath to create for this country a free land of opportunity for all Miss Abigail Mills represents.

She is the American dream.

Am I to assume you believe all this?

When I was in England, I heard rumors about the powers of the Grand Grimoire.

Even evil feared the repercussions of time travel and dared not attempt it.

Miss Mills claims a woman is here to k*ll me, and that our fates are entwined with that of the entire w*r.

Who is this woman?

A witch, actually.

Oh, she's a witch now. You left that bit out when you told me.

Ichabod... fetch my Almanack.

It's in the study on the third floor. Please.

Go. Now.

Oh. I know what this is.

And it works. Thank you.

We don't have much time.

This witch...

I noticed you avoided disclosing her name.

Do you know her?

It's Katrina.


Katrina Crane?


We tried reasoning with her, but she was so crazed with grief after her son died...

The Grand Grimoire cannot heal her guilt.

It can only cause more destruction.

This complicates things.

So do we get the Grimoire from her?


Forget Katrina, forget the Horseman.

We must reverse the Traveler Spell, which, essentially, will undo everything that's happened since you and Katrina arrived.

As if none of this ever existed.

So I'd go back to my natural timeline?


Specifics elude my grasp, but it's my understanding, for a brief period, all spells can be undone.

But time is short.

Where to?

To consult with a more informed mind on the subject. To Fredericks Manor.

Fredericks Manor?

Yes, to Mrs. Grace Dixon.

She's my ancestor.


Prepare to meet her in the flesh.

Mr. Franklin, I intend to tell Crane about Katrina.


In the future, we've learned that it works better when we're honest with each other.

Ah, but this is the past.

Of all the impossibilities we discussed, this is the one he's least ready to accept.

Trust me, I've been grooming him for years.

How many people know about this secret w*r?

There are levels.

I'm surprised you haven't encountered others in your era.

(exhales) Really...

Tonight we have but one mission.

To return to Fredericks Manor and put the world back the way it was meant to be.

(door opens)

Ichabod. Ready the horses.

We're going to Fredericks Manor.

Oh, good. You made a plan.

We figured it out.

My ancestor, Grace Dixon, would know how to reverse the spell.

That... makes perfect sense.
(horse neighs, thunder crashes)

Everybody down!

Abigail! Get the g*ns!







(bell clanging)

Man: Fire! Fire at the Franklin home!

(horse whinnies)

Abbie: Crane.

We have to go. Now.

Do you have the slightest idea of the damage we've caused this nation?

Yes. Because I know the future.

We have to get back to Fredericks Manor and reverse it.

You heard what Franklin said.

Franklin is dead.

The most influential man in the w*r effort is dead, thanks to me.

Our union with France is in jeopardy, the rules he was authoring to govern this land remain unfinished.

And you schemed, you played upon my friendship with Franklin, upon his predilection for the supernatural, and you led a Hessian assassin to his very doorstep.

He wasn't after Franklin.

He was after us.


You have to believe you are that crucial to this w*r.

The Horseman is pursuing us because you and I are the only ones who can fix this.

We are partners.

So we're partners?


You talk about this partnership and about this bond and yet you keep from me vital information of the very thing you claim.

We're partners?

Then tell me what you discussed with Franklin in private.

If I were lying to you, I wouldn't say what I'm about to say.

But since the fate of the world depends on you believing me...

The Horseman's ally, the witch... is your wife Katrina.

May God have mercy on your soul.

Crane, wait.

She's pregnant with your son.

You'll see for yourself.

(gasps) That's it.

Hey, Crane, look at my cell phone.

It's the black rectangular thing that they confiscated from me. The password is your birthday.

Look into the photos for our selfie. Crane!

Captain, listen! Crane!



I do not understand.


You had a direct order to transport her to the encampment.

I was acting under promising information that she gave.

And you took her to Benjamin Franklin.

She knew intimate details...

Between our losses this morning and the loss of our key diplomat, this may be the most tragic day in the course of the w*r.

Is she secured?

Yes, sir.

However, I do not believe she is a spy.

Her rantings are lunacy. She needs care.

Go home.

Sir, uh... the 12th Regiment...

You have been relieved of duty.

Permission to speak...

You are lucky I do not hang you for treason.

I understand Washington himself will send for you.



What are you doing here?



You startled me.

You surprised me, my darling.

Why are you not with your men?

(sighs) I've had a wretched day.

I was drawn from battle by a madwoman.

A madwoman?

And where is she now?

I suspect she'll be sent to an asylum.

Or... hanged.


Sage and sweet wine.

I've seen you prepare this for patients who are bearing children.

My love, are you...

With child? Ichabod, this tincture is for Liza Putnam next door.

She is due any day now.

I hope that does not disappoint you.

Still, how might I find this poor madwoman?

As a nurse, I may be of service to her.


Captain Crane.

Captain, General Washington requests your immediate presence.

Very good.

Thank you.

Might I have a moment before you depart?

The general was quite insistent.

I will return.

(door opens)

Ride ahead of me.

There's someone I must visit first.

Yes, sir.

The woman's personal effects.

Where are they?

Keep what you fancy.

Has Sutton transferred her?

Not yet. He was planning to pay her a visit though.

(chuckles softly)


God's... wounds.


The password is... my birthday.


What devilry is this?



(footsteps approaching)

I fail to understand why you can't simply take this picture.

'Cause then it wouldn't be a selfie.

(stammers) Selfie?

The narcissism of your generation never ceases to astound.

Miss Mills.


As if posterity requires me to document that this morning I... ate a plate of waffles.

Abbie: And how long did people back in your day sit for an oil painting?

I assure you, we were not eating waffles.

We were forging a nation.

Everything she said...

Abbie: Well, what the 21st century lacks in vision we make up for in lack of attention span.


One of the greatest minds in the colonies has died, and you are going to answer for it.

Colonel, I'm on your side. I've got information for you.

Of the same sort you had for Captain Crane?

There have been a lot of developments in close quarter combat.

Are you threatening me?

Save your breath for after you have tasted America's true strength.



Now, that's true American strength.


I'm here to save you.

Th-Though it appears Sutton is in greater need.

Better late than never. What made you come back?

I... viewed a moving picture in which you and I attempted to create a still picture.

The selfie.

Yes. As you said.

Everything you said is true.

We're partners.

More than that. We're friends.

That's a relief.

Thank you.

There's a system of tunnels beneath the town.

I know. It gets us halfway to Fredericks Manor.

(insects trilling)

I didn't want to believe you.

Then I went home to Katrina.

She must be with child.

I'm sure this is all incredibly hard.

I saw a book.

It resembles your description of the Grimoire.

And I thought sh... she could be a... witch.

Something was amiss.

I had to leave before...

I don't know.

Of all the things you told me... and there are so many... my wife wanting me dead...



It took a long time for you to understand her in the future, if either of us fully do.

What you need to know is the Katrina that is here now, Katrina that traveled back in time, is not the same woman that you know.

There was a time she was good and she loved you.

She saved my life.

Yours, too.

That Katrina's gone.

The seeds must have been there.

How did I not see it?

We're all blind to what we do and don't want to believe.

Is that why you chased Katrina back in time?

You knew I'd not survive without you?

To be fair, I didn't have time to think about whether it was a one-way ticket.

Fredericks Manor.

Now, if Grace can undo this, uh, Traveler Spell...

...perhaps we can set things right.

Whatever right is now.

Thank you.

It's much better.

Tell me more about this spy.


She ambushed me.

Then escaped.

Do not worry. When she scratched you, she left a little bit of her blood behind.

Is this necessary?

It is in order for me to find her.

Ah. She's headed to Fredericks Manor.

How are you privy to such information?

Why, it's simple, really.

I'm a witch.


Ah, Captain Crane.

Mrs. Dixon. Forgive the intrusion.


May we...

Come in.

It's really you.

Sorry. Um...

I just... always dreamt of this moment. I just never thought I would... actually be here.

Have we met? (chuckles)

Sort of.

I meant...

How do I say this?

Um... (chuckles) your spirit.

My name is Abigail Mills.


Grace Abigail Mills.

We're related.



Only a... couple of centuries apart.


My Lord. (short laugh)

It's you. The Witness!

CRANE. Uh, I'm sorry.

"The... Witness"?

That's the technical term for us.

Of course it is.

How are you here?

Oh, Abigail, I have so many questions.

So do I. And God do I wish we had more time.

But we don't.

Suffice it to say, she is from... the future.

She followed a blood magic practitioner to our time.

Benjamin Franklin said that you would know how to reverse the Traveler Spell.

Uh... the Abiero spell will return you to the moment the spell was cast.

But it-it, it will require a great deal of power. I will have to draw on the energies that normally shield this house.

So, we'll be vulnerable to attack?


Then we should commence.

We found your journal.

My mom, my sister.

It's guided us, helped us fight evil.

Everything that we do is because of the legacy that you started.

Well, I knew what transpired in this house was important.

But was impossible to know if it would be remembered, saved or wind up in the proper hands.


Sometimes all it takes is to put pen to paper to make a difference.

(horse neighs)

(thunder crashes)

It's the Horseman and Katrina.

The hex guarding the house won't hold long.

I'll delay them.


You will die out there.

If you succeed, it won't matter.

And if you do not, there will be greater problems than my death.

I'll go with you.


For the spell to work, you must stay with me.

Listen to me.

No matter what the course of fate and no matter how I get there, I look forward to experiencing your America.

It will be a pleasure to make your acquaintance all over again, Miss Mills.


It's just that you don't speak to me so formally in the future.

And what would you prefer?


(laughs) Well, Lieutenant... let us change the course of history... again.

Is this level of intimacy commonplace in 2015?

Mm, yeah.

We hug it out.

Uh, before we part, please!

Look at the end of my journal.

Yeah, I've seen these pages.

They're empty.

Abigail, these are the most important pages of all.

These are the pages you will write.

The most crucial battles still lie ahead.


Cadete! Cadete!

The wards are down.



He's not gonna make it!

There's no time!

Read these words to complete the spell.

Quod tempus fugit, restituere tempore.

Quod tempus fugit, restituere tempore.

Quod tempus fugit, restituere tempore.

No! No! No! No!

You cannot stop this!


Thank you, Grace.

No! I was making things right.

You brought us back here.

This is your doing!

(chanting in Romani Greek)

Katrina, no!

She k*lled my son.


She dies.

(both grunting)








You had no choice.

Yes, I did.

We all did.

(rumbling nearby)

No, no! No! It's okay!

Irving: Abbie?

Don't sh**t.

I don't want to die again.

Is it really you?

Henry's death released my soul.


I'm sorry.

So, it's over.

This part is over.

But Grace told me that this w*r is not over.


I wish you were there.

She told me that the most crucial battles are still ahead of us.

This is why we're here.

All of us together.

Whatever's next, we're there for each other.

Ready, Captain?

Ready, Lieutenant.