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01x17 - Going South

Posted: 02/23/15 22:32
by bunniefuu
Walter: My name is Walter O'Brien.

I have the fourth highest IQ ever recorded: 197.

Einstein's was 160.

When I was 11, the FBI arrested me for hacking NASA to get their blueprints for my bedroom wall.

Now I run a team of geniuses, tackling worldwide threats only we can solve.

Toby's our behaviorist.

Sylvester's a human calculator.

Happy, a mechanical prodigy.

Agent Cabe Gallo's our government handler.

And Paige? Well, Paige isn't like us.

She's normal and translates the world for us while we help her understand her genius son.

Together, we are Scorpion.

(electronic music playing)

(song ends)


I wrote it for you.

It's so beautiful.

I have an electro-plasmic Continuum Fingerboard.

Happy helped me build it.


Does Happy know about...

Us? In the broadest of terms.

So pretty much everyone in the garage but my brother.

You said you want to tell him yourself, but you know Walter comes here every Friday, right?

He sees one Super Fun Guy comic, he is going to know that we've been spending time together.

So I'll just bring them all to my apartment, and you can read them there.

Yeah, I think I'm gonna be leaving here less and less.

I thought we were thinking positive.

Especially with Walter's research, you still got a good chance.

This morning I was told that I won't get my braces off.

I'm never gonna walk without them again.

I'm never gonna dance again.

Ugh, but, hey...

(sniffles) I have no time for regrets and no time for secrets.

Don't be nervous.

He's gonna be fine with it.

You're right.

I will find the right time and...

I will tell him.

Walter: Everybody! By the monitors!

Uh, hey...

Yeah, you... you look like you're about to say something.

No? Okay, great.

Everybody by the monitors.

(news theme playing)

I'm Lorraine Arroyo.

Hey, that's the sign.

We had a chance to sit down with the leader and founder of this remarkable team, Walter O'Brien.

That's the garage.

I don't think it's a coincidence, Sylvester.

197 IQ, statistically one of only four people on Earth.

Are you just always thinking of amazing things?

When did you do a TV interview?

Walter: Well, I'm involved in many projects simultaneously.

But when I use my intelligence for the greater good, that's when I'm most fulfilled.

Arroyo: This is the dramatic footage of Walter O'Brien saving the life of a young boy who'd been trapped in a sinkhole on Zuma Beach.

I remember all of us being there.

This is the jack that I used to free the boy's foot.

The jack I built.

Arroyo: Is it fair to say that boy was saved by genius?

Absolutely. (chuckles)

No. He was saved by four geniuses.

And Cabe and Paige.

Toby: Is that arm a little sore from patting yourself on the back?

Arroyo: But as brilliant as he is, O'Brien chooses to surround himself with other highly gifted intellects.

Less so than himself, of course.

Math whiz Sylvester Dodd...

Statistical theoretician.

Tobias Curtis, psychologist...

Toby: Psychiatrist.

Harvard-trained. master fabricator and genius electrical engineer, Paige Dineen; and lastly, what O'Brien termed the team's supernanny, Happy Quinn.

Pardon me while I go bury my head in the dirt.

Is it that bad being mistaken for me?

Although "supernanny" does sound like I change diapers.

We're gonna be flooded with work.

Given your astronomical IQ, I didn't think it was necessary to discuss the difference between a psychologist and an M.D.

I told them you were a psychiatrist and where you trained.

It just got lost in translation.

A few things.

(groans) They're TV reporters.

You have to expect some mild inaccuracies.

Can no one see the greater good in this scenario?

It's great for the team.

It's great for you.

Your qualifications were stated perfectly, and the entire report was a firmly gripped stroke of your narcissistic egomania.

Paige: You didn't tell them. You didn't include them.

They only asked to talk to me.

I-I didn't even think to ask you guys.


A fresh shovelful of narcissistic egomania onto the pile.

I did my job.

I got media coverage for the team.

This is childish!

Cabe: Hey!

(sander powers down)

We got a case.

That is Richard Elia.

Billionaire tech mogul.

Yeah, I know who he is.

And his first impression of us is that we're idiots.

Elia: My daughter Zoe.

10 days ago, she was kidnapped by the La Plaga cartel in Mexico while on a journalism assignment.

They're an emerging drug g*ng.

Particularly violent.

They've k*lled before.

They left heads in the street.

I'm sorry.

They're modern.

Tech savvy.

They like to show off their exploits-- murders-- to other cartels via social media.

That's Advertising 101.

New kids on the block want to make it known that they mean business.

Publicity whores.

Been seeing a lot of that lately.

How did an heiress cross those guys?

It's trite, but when Zoe turned 20, she started saying that I was a capitalist fascist and guys like me were the source of all the world's ills.

And we didn't speak for months.

Ten days ago, I get a call from her editor saying she's down in Mexico, wants to blow the lid off this big drug cartel.

You want us to find her?

In drug cartel territory?

There are ongoing, very sensitive border sovereignty talks between the U.S. and Mexico.

The last thing the State wants is us sending in a paramilitary group to rescue a citizen.

Well, they must know who you are.

They know who Zoe is.

There must be a substantial ransom; pay it.

I did.

Cabe: $2 million via wire transfer.

As soon as they got it, they called it a "down payment."

Then this morning, they reached out and asked for another installment, due in 10 hours, in cash, delivered to coordinates in the northwest Mexican desert.

I've had my best people working on tracing their communications and they hit wall after wall.

But if you can just locate her, even the city that she's in, I have contractors.

They'll go in and extricate her.

Do you have the, uh, the wiring instructions for the ransom money?

Elia: Yeah.

Can I see it, please? Thank you.



Walter: If you keep paying it, they'll probably string you along, providing "proof of life" videos of Zoe in different clothing and locations.

They'll probably be taken over the next few days.

The likelihood is that she'll be k*lled within a week-- keeping a hostage is a liability.

But there's no certainty of that.

Yes, of course.

Nothing is, uh, certain.

Sylvester: I did a sweep of Mr. Elia's bank and traced the routing and re-routing.

The kidnappers made it bounce between 15 countries, but I am 97% certain that your daughter is somewhere near Culiacan, Mexico.

Oh, my God.

You said they were good.

I'll have my men there in four hours.

You will be well compensated for this.

Mr. Elia?


Simply arriving at the airport will not guarantee getting your daughter back.

But I may be able to pinpoint to the location where she is.

But because of the time crunch, we'll need to split up, collect the necessary technology and then meet up back in Culiacan ourselves.

I'm sorry, what?

If you can pinpoint her location, I'll double your fee.

Walter, can I have a second, please?

Toby: Drug cartel territory?

You trying to get us decapitated?

Or is this the, uh, opportunity to dazzle some deep-pocket tech mogul with rich friends?

Yeah, this would fit in nicely to your "PR at all costs" campaign.

I have a plan; my plans work.

Because time is of the essence.

The cartel's expecting payment in a matter of hours.

If you do not want to assist, it's your decision, Toby.

Wow, that's it... your way or the highway?

Walter, that was a local morning news show.

We have to move fast.

What is your answer?

How many jets do you have?


We'll need them both.

And $2 million, in cash.

♪ ♪

Please... don't.

It's just a little sunshine.

It's just a little reminder that we are 36,000 feet in the air.

Explain how this works again.

Well, these holographic strips are a fairly rudimentary anticounterfeiting measure.

Right now, they are programmed with information that only contains the denomination of the bill.

But these strips, when originally manufactured, had microscopic solar cells implanted, so they were charged and programmed with GPS tracking software.

It was a secret government program to track how money was spent.

We track these strips with GPS, stick 'em in Elia's cash, the cartel picks up the money, and then we've got a shot to track them back to Zoe.

It's a smart idea, Walter.

Butt kiss much?

Walt, I have major concerns that Cabe isn't with us.

Well, he's the only one who can requisition the strips from the Treasury Department, Happy.

He will meet us an hour after we arrive, the Mexican Federales will escort us into town.

I can handle whatever comes up.

Even g*nf*re from drug warlords?

We're not going to encounter that.

We program the strips; we implant them into the money; and then the professionals track down the cartel and rescue Zoe.

Done... and done.

Perfect. Great idea.

I'll be up front.

So I don't barf.

Pilot (over P.A.): We've started our descent. Buckle up, everyone, and we'll be on the ground in 20 minutes.

La Plaga has really been consolidating their power over the past year.

The g*ng runs rampant and the population is terrified.

For good reason.

Fantastic. I would lay low as best you can.

We will not be handling any of the dangerous elements of this operation.

We'll be in the hotel most of the time.

Vega: That's good.

Here we are.

Uh... what is this?

You are ten miles from town.

The bus comes on the hour.


Toby: Uh... whoa, whoa, whoa!

This is crazy.

You can't just leave us here.

This uniform puts a target on my back-- and on yours, if you are spotted with me.

Public transportation is safest.

Good luck.

Whoa, ho, hold on. Hold on.

Okay, okay.

Well, you heard him.

It's safer this way.


Carrying $2 million in cash.

I'd k*ll us.

Not to mention, I didn't get a good vibe from our escort.

I'm pretty sure I picked up some deceit leakage.

Yeah, well, I'm picking up paranoia leakage.

(clears throat)

Looks like things can't get much worse, huh, boss?

I've been trying to find the right time to tell you something.

That's an impossible and inefficient goal.

If you have something to say, then say it.

(van approaching)

Guys, I don't think this is the bus.

Uh, not good.

(men shouting in Spanish)

The money! Now!

(men shouting in Spanish)

Walter, I'm dating your sister.

♪ Scorpion 1x17 ♪
Going South
Original Air Date on February 23, 2015

Toby: Well, this reporter is stunned to convey that in spite of his stratospheric brilliance, Walter O'Brien managed to lead Team Scorpion right into a buzz saw.

I have no idea how they knew we'd be there.

You know that friendly Federale who was so worried for our safety?

He got paid off.

(bell dings)

He's upset with me because of Megan.

Or because he just got robbed of two million dollars at gunpoint.


A room under O'Brien, por favor.

Un momento.

I did not set up the federal escort.

We have eight hours before that money is supposed to be delivered, or Zoe's life is over.

So we can fight later?

Tabled for now.

Hey, check it out.

Is that the first thing you think of when you think of Mexico?

The clock making?

Cabe: Buenos Dias.

I got the GPS strips and wired us up a car.

Why do you all look like hell?

Where's the money bag?


You've got to be kidding me.

Your Federale, bro.

He's not my Federale.

He's fourth-generation CI, handed down from Homeland.

Right. What department of government do you work for?

The post office?

Can Elia replace the money?

Good luck finding a bank near here with two million American dollars in small bills.

Just got off with Elia; he's devastated, but I convinced him we can get it done.

Don't make me a liar.

How are we doing with the wireless?

Just went up.

He also sent a file to our secure e-mail.

It's a new video of Zoe.

Got it.

Dad... if the money isn't delivered to the coordinates by 6:00 p.m. tonight...

That's today, in six hours.

We can't get the money in time.

Man: Say it.


Say it.

I won't say that, okay?

He knows what ex*cuted means.

I don't need--

Man: Say it, damn it, or I'll k*ll you.

(gasps anxiously)

They said they'll send me home in pieces.

Wait, if we can trace the point of origin of the file they sent Elia, maybe we'll have the whereabouts of their headquarters.

And then we can do the recon.

If we can locate her, Elia's contractors can extract her.

They're due here in three hours.

Ah, whatever server this e-mail was sent from has a 30-point encryption key that changes every three minutes.

So somehow we got to come up with the correct 30 numbers in three minutes or it resets and we start over?

You're really learning.

Zoe: I won't say that, okay?

He knows what ex*cuted means...

Ah, Sylvester, that audio is boring a slow hole into my brain.

But I...

But nothing.

Please, just change it.

Thank you.

You're right.

He might be upset with you.

He's gonna have to suck it up, because I know this bird.

Aix sponsa, the wood duck, here on its winter migration.


Well, it feeds on algae specific to a shallow marsh, but average flock size dictates that the marsh needs to be at least 60 hectares to be a proper feeding ground.

Sylvester, you're insane.

The Aix sponsa's feeding ground can be as little as 47 hectares.

60 is way on the high side.

You know this bird, too?

Not personally.

The point is how many shallow marshes are there in this general area between 47 and 60 hectares.

What we need now is satellite imagery.

Enjoy that coattail ride, O'Brien, because Sly figured that one out.


We have six hours to find Zoe, and we're fighting about credit?

Found. Proper size marsh with adjacent barn.

Let's hit it.

I just spotted two sets of fresh tire tracks heading out.

Most likely a pickup and minivan.

Cabe: Could've been a drop-off.

No telling how many people are inside.

I'll check it out.

It's clear!

Oh, they absolutely shot the video in here, but I mean, we got nada.

Cabe: We gotta come up with some clue to where they went, or we're out of here in two minutes.

Time's wasting.

Happy: We got nothing out here.

You know, Sylvester has every right to be upset with you, but you seem upset with him.

He thinks it's because he's seeing Megan.

You're not happy about it?

I'm not pleased.

La Fuente de Piedra.

The stone fountain, exciting.

No, but it is interesting.

According to local lore, it's water ran red 200 years ago when a conquistador drowned his unfaithful wife here.

Or old clay pipes changed the water color.

Either way, who cares?

That is the most famous landmark in the city.

Happy: It was very specifically positioned over Zoe's shoulder in that video.

These kidnappers were smart.

They wanted us to see it, but not make it too obvious.

See, not being from here, we had no idea what it meant.

But after the cartel screwed Elia with the first ransom payoff, They must have assumed he'd hire local mercenaries to come after them, and they would know about the fountain.

Why would they lure us here if they weren't planning an ambush?

You were saying?

Get down! Get down!


Get down, get down, get down, get down!


Get down! Get down!



What we're looking at are motion-activated machine g*ns, but we're all behind stationary objects, so we're safe, right?

Uh, well, we can't stay here forever.

If we move, the g*n shreds us.

If we stay, whoever's watching us from those cameras will eventually come and get us.

La Plaga set the trap.

They saw us here, turned on that motion sensor.

Walter, you have a plan yet?

Just don't move; let me think.

Paige: Okay.


Paige! Paige!

Oh... Oh, God!

The fan's movement's drawing fire.

Happy, how long can those drums provide protection?

That steel's rusting thin.

One minute, tops.

Cabe, can you take out the g*n that covers our half of the barn?

sh**t-out with a robot g*n?

It's rotating on a gate hinge.

Aim for the lag screw.

She'll be riddled with b*ll*ts in a few seconds!

Paige, on three, you get up and you run in a straight line to me, okay?

No, I'm scared.

You should be. One... two, three.

Go, go, go!




Am I all right?

Well, you are.

I'm not.

Walter: Okay, what we need to do now is carefully assess our situation.

They clearly know we're in town, they know we're coming after Zoe, so we need to find a new plan.

Anybody else looking at the time?

We have two hours until the money needs to be delivered.

It actually keeps pretty good time.

Elia's contractors, they backed out; they won't come into the city.

Even armed mercenaries are afraid of this place?

We have to get her ourselves.

How? We don't have a location on her.

The welding on the g*n's hinge, it's smart but rough-hewn.

I'm guessing local work.

How many metal workers are in this town, you think?

Happy, no one will talk to you.

You want to find someone, hit the street, talk to the people.

I bet you they're on our side.

They don't want the cartel on their ass.

I grew up in neighborhoods like this.

I can handle myself.

No, we stay here.

I will crack the encryption on the e-mail sent to Elia.

We will find her.

In our timeframe, that's nearly impossible.

There's another e-mail from Elia.

Get down! Get down!

Toby: They were filming us-- the cowering Americans.

We unwittingly participated in an advertisement for the La Plaga cartel.

That was the whole reason for the setup.

Social media promotion.

Okay, I'm gonna crack the code, but I need all of your help.

Where's Happy? Happy?
(Spanish hip-hop playing)


¿Habla ingles?

Do you know who made this?

It's beautiful work.

(man speaking Spanish)

(baby crying, dog barking)

Are you kidding me?

Who are you?

A very embarrassed person.


I got kidnapped by a fourth grader.

Now who in America is your family?

To pay the ransom.


Like the La Plaga cartel.

They kidnap rich Americans and they make millions.

You will get me in good with them.

I hate to burst your bubble, kid, but my dad owns a failing body shop.

Maybe he can give you a ratchet set.

This is not funny.

I'll sh**t you.

Not with a g*n with no firing pin.

You are clearly a stupid kid, a wannabe, but if you move, it's gonna get ugly.

I'm sorry.

I have no parents, no family.

I just need money.

Believe me, I've never done anything like this before.


Walter: I'm up to 16 characters on the encryption code, but then...

(sighs) I run out of time.

Zoe's running out of time.

She's right.

In an hour, the thugs expect their money.

I'm getting worried. Where the hell's Happy?

Where you been?

I... got kidnapped.

What?! Kidnapped by who?

This guy.

He wasn't good at it.

Get in here.

Close the door.

Have a seat.

What were you thinking?

That I could find someone who knows the cartel members.

The kid's harmless. He was just trying to be one of the big boys, make a few bucks.

By abducting you.

Does he know the cartel or no?

He knows the guys who made that g*n for them.

They're from the same neighborhood.

Then bringing a known felon back-- that was dangerous.

He's a good kid.

He's a criminal.

There's no way that he will lead us to whoever has Zoe.

Actually, Walter...

I don't agree with that assessment.

Toby:This groovy little gaming system is anything but little.

It's tricked out with voice command capability, high-def graphics, fingerprint vibration technology that'll enable you to feel the kickback of any virtual w*apon you fire.

But you can't experience major league gaming on a minor league screen, so... a high res, 85-inch TV.

All this and more.

This can be yours just for playing "Give Up the Cartel."

You'll give me this?


Cabe: We got Uncle Sam's checkbook, kid.

Just tell us where the bad guys hang their hat.

Toby: I know you're torn.

You look up to those guys-- they got cash, and they grab headlines.

But they do it in a very evil way.

And deep down, I know you're not anything like them.

I'm not sure I trust you.

You better be right, Doc.


You don't trust us.

Here's how much we trust you.

You sit in here and think it over.

We'll be next door.

We fresco?


How did it go?

He's considering.

I don't think this'll work.


The Genius King doubts his underlings.

I'm not doubting you, Toby.

No. Just my plan.

Aren't you the one who says, "We are our ideas"?

How about we all stop fighting?

How about we wait and see what happens?

I know what would've happened.

He would've helped without you bribing him.

You're biased because of your own Oliver Twist upbringing.

Besides, what do you know?

According to the news, you're just our supernanny.

You're playing with fire, Doc.

I'll be shocked if it works.

It astounds me that I have to remind you all that I had a medical degree from Harvard before most people have their driver's licenses.

Oh, really? You went to Harvard?

You hardly ever mention it.

My point is, I am certain that little urchin next door will give us the information we want.

(door shuts, running footsteps)

He's gone.

And along with all our I.D.s and our cash.

Told you it'd work.

Little bastard's fast. He can't wait to give our I.D.s to his cartel buddies.

From his fake gold jewelry to his knockoff sneakers that kid is dying to be something that he's not.

And the best way to do that is to curry favor with the fellas he so desperately longs to join.

Walter: The metallic strips we put in our cash are working perfectly-- GPS signal is strong.

I can't believe he did this.

He's heading off the street, into a tenement about two miles from here.

If that's where the cartel is...

Hopefully, where Zoe is.

Sylvester, can you pull up the schematics for the building?

You think there are county registered blueprints in a Mexican slum?

We need to study the layout of that structure.

Best I can do is Bing maps.


Happy: Three stories, four units per floor.

13,000 square feet, tops.

There's a tricycle in the courtyard.

There's likely civilians in there.

And from what I can tell, only on the bottom two floors.

Look what is wired into the side of the building on the third floor-- cables for ambient light sensors.

They got the whole top level lasered off.

So, if they're all in their apartment, they can tell if someone steps on the floor.

We can't even get to the stairwells.

This configuration most likely leads to a central hallway, and central hallways have guards.

We walk around the wrong corner, we're dead, and so is Zoe.

If we can't see around the corners, we'll see through the walls.

Sorry, Sylvester.

My souvenir.

Walter: Your souvenir... contains a light-receiving diode, so when it's nighttime, it doesn't chime and wake everyone up.

We fire a laser pulse into the wall at the end of the hall.

The pulse scatters in a million directions.

It bounces off any object around the corner, including possibly the guard, who won't see it because it's invisible to the human eye.

The photons bounce off walls, all the way back to that diode.

Which will be wired up to my tablet.

The tablet's camera will simultaneously send the data to Sylvester's laptop in the car.

I have to stay in the car, alone?

Would you rather be in the building with the g*n-toting drug dealers?

Enough. Go on, Walter.

The laptop will then read the configuration of the photon bounceback and give us a rough image of what's around the corner.

It's easy, so long as this diode works.

Cabe: So whether we walk into an ambush depends on the craftsmanship of a knock-off motel cuckoo clock.

Effectively, yeah.

I will also need some plumbing supplies.

(Spanish hip-hop playing)

We're about to enter three stories, about half a dozen cartel members, a dozen a*t*matic weapons and a few thousand rounds of a*mo.

Not to mention that Paco's already given them our names and I.D.s.

Probably already seen this morning's little news piece and know exactly what kind of untrained non-mercenaries we are.

(inhales deeply)

Well, no such thing as bad press, right?

Yeah, well, we don't have a chance in hell unless we start working together.

Forget working together. We'll have to work magic.

Getting a girl off the third floor without stepping on the third floor?

That's crazy town.

I'm still concerned about the courtyard.

It has a five-foot retaining wall, which could possibly be trapping us in a death box.

Courtyard is the only way to do this, so long as Happy took care of her end.

When have I not?

Happy, don't question Walter.

Didn't you see the interview?

He's better than us, remember?

Cabe: Damn it! What about a young girl's life isn't registering with you?

You all had ideas on the plan, it came together, and now you need to be a team.

We better get our heads on right, or we're not coming out of that building alive.

Walter: Yep.

Diode's picking up the laser bounceback.

(over comm): Sylvester, you getting this?

Sylvester: Receiving data now.

Getting an image.

There is a man around the corner, six feet tall, sitting in a chair, two yards in from the corner, either a dust buster or a g*n in his lap.

Why would he have a dust buster, potato head?

Shut it.

Oh, nice. He'll be out for a while.

(quietly): I take the east stairwell here.

You take the west.

It's not a dress rehearsal.

Be prepared.

Copy that.

Let's hit it.

Be safe.

You, too.

You sure about Sofia?

It's the most popular female Hispanic name last two years.

Roll the dice.

(old woman speaks Spanish)

(speaks Spanish)

Here goes nothin'.

Hey, scumbags!

(man speaks Spanish, door slams shut)

Okay, he's out in the hall.

I know you're loving this.

Happy! Hurry the hell up!

I'm seriously outmanned!

I'm going as fast as I can.

It's okay-- we're gonna get you out of here.

Happy? You there?

I lost communication.

While she just waltzed right in?

You come into our home.

You try to take what's ours.

Now you're gonna die with pain.

You need to leave town as fast as you can.



We gotta hurry up!

I can't hold them off much longer!

Walter, how are you on time?

Because Cabe is in big trouble.

Happy, we're almost there.


I'm dangling a human being by a bed sheet.

That is my status.

All right, Cabe, we got her-- bug out.

Cabe: Coming in three, two...!


Everyone okay?

All right, we gotta hurry.

Sylvester ever get set up?

Just did it-- I'm on my way to the car!


You messed with the wrong group of people, my friends.

Before you do anything rash, you should know...

You recognize that g*n?

The motion sensor is calibrated to not sh**t anything before the door, but it will take out anything that moves on the other side of it.

And fortunately, that's the side you're on.

Happy: I improved your g*n.

You so much as move a trigger finger, you're dead.

Lying puta.

I can see you're all scared-- that's good.

It means you won't do anything stupid.

Like move again.

Cabe: So here's how this is gonna go down.

My friends and I are gonna walk Zoe right out that door.

And none of you are gonna do a damn thing about it.

You try to intervene, it'll be the last thing you ever do.

Come on.

They can't hurt you.

I've put a 24-hour battery on the motion sensor, so, for your sake, I hope that you and your men are disciplined.

Now remember... your nose does not itch.

Walter: Toby.


That was really cool.

We should get a clear signal in a few miles.

We'll call your dad, okay?

Thank you.

Stop the car.

What? Why?

Just stop the car up there.

Give me your watch.

This is a $5,000 watch.

From the U.S. ambassador to Paraguay.

The kid saved my life.

Sell the watch, buy a train ticket, and move far away.


Okay-- vitals are good, but you're still dehydrated.

So drink up over the next few days, okay?


(whispering): I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry about everything.

Um... we should, uh, give them a minute.

Can I, uh...

So, um... along the, um... along the same lines of, uh, reconciliation, I wanted to, uh, apologize for the whole... interview thing.

I, uh, should have made sure that you were all included.


Uh... I just wasn't thinking.

Distance between family is never good.

I don't like fighting with you guys.

Yeah, I'm sorry I was such a pip.


If we don't look out for each other, who will?


I wasn't really fighting with anybody, so I'm not sorry.

But I'm glad everyone's made up.


That was evolved of you.

So while you're in the spirit, go talk to Sylvester.

Please-- he's dying inside.


Why aren't I good enough for your sister?

I know the obvious-- my stress, my anxiety, but...

I'm a good person.

Good should count for something.

It hurts me.

Sylvester, you are, uh, kind and generous and a better human being than I will ever be.

But I have spent a long time preparing myself for the fact that Megan will very likely die.

My research isn't going as fast as I had hoped for.

And I don't know if I can save her.

Now, I can handle the fallout.

But you are not designed to process the pain that you're gonna feel.

Getting close to her is-is dangerous.

For you.

But she calms me, Walter.

She makes me feel good about myself.

And I know there's risk.

But if there's one thing that's worth the risk, it's her.

I'm glad she's found such a good guy.

Oh, okay.

All right, buddy.


Sylvester, what are you doing here?

I got you something.

It's a cuckoo.

Slightly used.

Megan: (giggles) I love it.

It's very subdued.

(funk music plays)

What are you doing?

You like to dance.

So I would be honored if you would dance with me.

♪ ♪


Love those moves.

Oh, yeah.

Get up on this.

Sly, I can't.

Yeah, you can-- come on.

Sly, I can't.

Come on.

I can't.

Put your feet on my feet.

Oh, God.

I got you.

Hey, hey.


I'll support you.


(same music plays)

I just want to thank you... again, before we leave.

Of course.

So what's all this?

I'm working toward the Kármán Line Prize.

$15 million award for aerospace development.

I actually know the anonymous benefactor.

I'm on his board.

I can put in a good word.

Oh, I appreciate it.

I'd-I'd prefer to win fair and square.

That shows integrity.

How'd you like to come work at my think t*nk?

State-of-the-art equipment, world-class labs.

I'd be insane not to try and bring you in.

That's an incredible offer, Mr. Elia.

♪ ♪

(chattering happily)

I'm happy here.


But please think about it a spell, because you never know-- maybe you could be even happier.

Thank you.