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01x03 - Surreptitious Entry

Posted: 02/20/15 08:44
by bunniefuu
Previously on Allegiance.

You turn your son into a spy.

An SVR officer said he was close to launching an operation
that would bring America to its knees.

They're calling it Black Dagger.

D.C. is setting up a joint task force to stop it.

The best plan we have to stop it is to find the SVR files Mikhail stole.

This is Alex O'Connor, but out in the world he's an alias as Bill Adams.

Michelle Prado.

Tell me the truth, or tell the FBI.

I was having an affair.

Duplicates of the shirts Alex bought.

One button on each is a recorder with a burst transmitter.

Where are the files now?

They're held in an encrypted hard drive secured inside a laptop. I uploaded a virus onto the laptop that will auto-delete the files.

How long?

48 hours.


Got to hold them off for three or four minutes tops.


[Police siren blares]

10-13, 10-13.

Multiple sh*ts fired.

Federal agent needs help. Brooklyn Navy Yard.

He was going to k*ll Alex.

Katya, let's go.

What are you doing?

Come on. I'm buying us another week before they realize they have the wrong w*apon.

[Police siren wails distantly]

Put your finger in the wound. You have to stop the bleeding.

[Both groan]


The password, Vasso.

We need the password to the laptop.

They're setting up a perimeter.

We need to get outside of it.

[Tires screech]

88-24. Perimeter set at Concord and the BQE.

Dispatcher: Copy that.

33-40, let's get you reposted.

South End, the BQE.

[Sirens blare]

One down. g*nsh*t wound to the chest.

Multiple perps still in the area.

Officer: Copy that! Moving in now!

Just remember, 48 hours.

48 hours.

Hey. Hey. Hey!

Hang on! The ambulance is almost here!



Come on!


He's gone.

[Police sirens blare]

[Tense music]

[Indistinct chatter]

[Cell phone vibrates]


What the hell are you doing in the middle of a crime scene?

Are you here?

No. You know why, Bill Adams?


Because the CIA encourages its undercover officers to avoid places filled with reporters and news cameras.

We leave that to our friends at the FBI.


Get the hell out of there.


There, all done.

Not so bad, was it?

Last time she screamed her head off.

Can we get you to do her booster in three months?

Oh, I only practice one day a week now.

Oh, what do you do the rest of the time?

Take care of my family.


Are you okay? You look exhausted.

I pulled an all-nighter for work.

Did Mikhail ever confide in you or ask you to keep anything secret?

No, just his real name.

He never introduced you to any colleagues or friends? No one?

No, no. Why?

Mikhail was ex*cuted to prevent him from defecting with information about a plot against us.

Last night a colleague of his was k*lled for the same reason.

I washed my hands three times.

Blood doesn't come off easily. It stains.

I'm a doctor.

I love you, Alex.

You too.


Hey, Alex.

I found something in the web history of Mikhail's Anatoly Motinkin alias.

What's that?

About a month ago, when we believe Mikhail was searching for a place to hide the egg, Anatoly Motinkin joined a dating site for older divorced people.


Well, the one time he visited the site, he viewed 97 profiles in 12 minutes.

Then he contacted one woman: The last profile he viewed.

She's a human resources employee at McGregor-Aldrich, the construction company.

Even if you're right and Mikhail hid the egg at one of McGregor's job sites, they probably have a hundred... 217 on the East Coast.

I'm assuming Mikhail wouldn't have wanted to fly, given all the security cameras at airports.

Alex, how are you doing?

What do you mean?

Watching someone die, plugging their chest wound with your index finger...

That's not in the analyst job description.

We need to find his laptop.

I need to find it.


You know the office alarm rings in the rezidentura.

I disabled it.

Are you sure?

Depends on how good the training I got from your colleagues was.

My brother was almost k*lled last night.

Do you really think the SVR wants to k*ll Alex?

He's an important source for them.

Then why did they send in a hit team?

It was a capture team for Vasso.

With a sn*per?

In case Vasso couldn't be taken alive.

If anything happens to him, I'm blaming you.

Do you have any idea how much I've done to protect Alex?

To protect the rest of your family?

Right. Because you care about them so much.

Because of you.


Why can't I stay away from you?

Can I help you?

I'd like some samples.

Sure. Which ones?

All of them.

Just stay on this side of the glass.

I need to go back to Mikhail's apartment.



Okay, you gonna tell me why we came all the way over here?

Philadelphia City Hall.


The egg.

The laptop with the SVR files.

Mikhail hid it in Philadelphia City Hall.

I concluded Mikhail sought out McGregor-Aldrich ID to hide the egg at one of their job sites.

Next, I needed to determine the exact scent of cut stone I smelled in his closet on Wednesday.

I found it with this: Pennsylvania bluestone.

It was only used at one McGregor job site in the last month: A renovation of Philadelphia City Hall.

Bluestone was used exclusively to renovate a ceremonial room called Conversation Hall.

The original city charter from 1682 is displayed here, along with this historic vault.

And you think he posed as a workman to hide the hard drive we're after in that safe?

A safe that's not in use is never opened inside of an alarmed room, inside of a building with airport-style security at its entrance.

Well, it's secure and just about the last place the SVR would think he'd hide their stolen files.

It's also a place he'd be familiar with, since his first U.S. posting was to Philly.

It's worth a look.

All right, call the U.S. attorney in Philly.

Let's get a search warrant for a government...

No, Sir. I'm not sure we should do that.


If we get our hands on those files and the SVR find out about it, they'll adapt to protect their assets and operations.

Those files will become almost worthless to us.

I propose that we obtain authorization to surreptitiously enter Conversation Hall, retrieve Mikhail's laptop, and then place another laptop inside the vault containing SVR documents of a low classification level.

When the SVR recover the fake laptop, they'll conclude they never suffered the massive breach they now think they have, and won't change their behavior.

Meanwhile, we'll be able to watch them, and we'll learn what we need to, to foil their plans to harm us.

Do you have any idea how big a deal it is to get the directors of the CIA, the FBI, the Attorney General, and ultimately a Fisa judge to legally authorize the secret break-in to the seat of government of a U.S. city?

Especially over the weekend.

You're crazy.

Two days ago, you were lecturing us that there was no time to put surveillance on Mikhail's apartment with the specter of an SVR attack looming over us.

And today, suddenly, the government doesn't work weekends, Bill?

That laptop auto-deletes in 36 hours.

And every hour from now until then is another hour that the Russians could beat us to it.

If we want to stop that attack, we have to move fast and get those files before they're gone forever.

That was awesome. You were awesome.

Don't get ahead of yourself. We don't have approval yet, kid.

Go back to your hotel and pack. We're on the 6 P.M. acela to DC.

Conversation Hall, retrieve Mikhail's laptop, and then place another laptop inside the vault containing SVR documents of a low classification level.

[Recording beeps off]

We need to get into that vault before the FBI does.

Are we bringing a team in from Moscow?

It would take a month to build covers deep enough to get six new faces with thick Russian accents into the building without arousing any suspicion.

So, what do we do?

You can't be serious.

I don't like it any more than you do.

I'd much rather have professionals handle it.

What's that supposed to mean?

Blueprints for City Hall.

Throwaway identities for both of you and Natalie.

Hotel reservations.

We're gonna need entry codes, overrides, real-time monitoring of Philly PD dispatch, not to mention a few very specialized pieces of equipment.

Make a list by midnight.

We should have fought him harder.

You mean I should have.

No! No, I mean...

With what leverage, Katya? We don't have any.

Do you want to talk more about what I said to Alex?

About the affair?

No, I don't.

You already told me nothing happened.

Right. You just... you don't seem to... why don't we just focus on getting Mikhail's laptop so our son doesn't discover who we really are and disown us.

And we don't end up in some federal prison for the rest of our lives, or end up in a furnace like Mikhail.

Even if we pull this off, it won't end there.

We have to figure out a way out.

We have to find a way to get our lives back.


What if this was our way out?

What do you mean?

Philadelphia City Hall. The largest in the world.

Houses the mayor, the City Council, Courts.

One public entrance, which we definitely don't want to go through.

Employee and service entrances aren't much better.

Card readers, security cameras everywhere.

Well, how do we get in there without being caught on tape?

Across the street from City Hall: The largest Freemasons temple in the U.S.

City Hall was designed and built by the Masons, and apparently they built a secret tunnel that connects it to their temple.

How do we it's really there?

It's on the blueprint.

We have to get through some metal bars here.

But with the right equipment, that's doable.

We send Natalie ahead to scout for us.

She can bring Sarah with her.


Nothing. Just...

I love you.

I know you do.

We break into the temple at night.

We go through the tunnel to get to the basement of City Hall.

There's a staircase they used to use to transport prisoners from their holding cells in the basement up to a courtroom on each floor.

Once we get into this courtroom here, we can use internal doors to move from one courtroom to the next without ever setting foot in the hallway, where there are security desks and cameras.

We'll end up here, just a few steps away from the doors to Conversation Hall, just around the corner from this guard's desk.

But he'll have no line of sight to us, so if we're quiet, we should be safe.


We go through the doors to Conversation Hall, get to the vault.

Inside the vault is the laptop.


The anniversary of the founding of the city is Sunday.

The mayor's giving a speech at City Hall during the day, so that's out.

We aim for Sunday night.

Katya: It's a brilliant plan, but you do realize it will be next to impossible.

Mark: It's the only chance we got.

[Tones chiming over p.a.]

Now arriving 30th street, Philadelphia.

If this is your stop, check your seat and overhead luggage racks for any and all personal belongings.

Combined with the fact that Pennsylvania bluestone is so rare today, I have a high degree of confidence that the laptop containing these critical SVR files was hidden by colonel Mikhail Vostrov in Philadelphia City Hall.

This what you meant when you said you were training the analysts in Russia house to think outside the box, Don?

Not my training. He came to me this way.

But Russia's been acting pretty far outside the box for the last year, so maybe it was lucky timing.

Any more on the plot that drove Mikhail to steal these files?

We don't know details.

All we know is that the SVR was willing to k*ll three of its own officers to protect whatever this operation is.

If we want to know what the Russians are planning, we need to find that laptop.

Oh, I realize that, Mr. O'Connor.

I just wish I wasn't relying on your sense of smell to find it.

Sir, you won't need to do that anymore.

S&T just did spectral analysis on the dust on Mikhail's jacket.

They confirmed it's Pennsylvania bluestone.

You're batting a thousand so far.

So does this smooth the way with the FBI director?

Not really.

The Bureau bears all the risk if this goes south.

Surreptitious entry on U.S. soil involving U.S. citizens?

CIA can't touch those.

It's the FBI's show top to bottom.

Only reason the Agency has to sign off at all is we still pay your checks.

Oh, and it won't be us tomorrow with the FBI director.

I can't help you there. But Michelle can.

She'll Shepherd you through that meeting.


However good the reason is, the optics of a rookie CIA analyst, even one detailed to the Bureau, proposing that the FBI break into the City Hall of a major U.S. city, are not... Ideal.

So try to get in sync with Michelle before you walk in there.

Sure, sure.

How do I do that?

Talk to her about it.

She doesn't like talking to me.

I don't think she likes me very much.

She makes everyone feel like that.

You just have to cultivate a relationship with her.

Well, how do I do that?

Have a beer with her.

Just don't take her to a dive bar or any place where some drunk guy might try to grab her butt.

Won't end well for them.

And don't...

Do not get into a game of quarters with her.

That won't end well for you.


[Car door opens]

[Both panting]




You gotta do that when you come here.

I mean, who doesn't love Rocky?

What's Rocky?


I don't know what that means either.

Thanks for rescuing me from that lame school trip to Albany.

Just pray mom doesn't find out I forged her signature to get you out of it.

So how long's your nerd conference on Sunday?

Maybe four hours.

Bet you'll still be sleeping by the time I get in.


Some church?

It's a masonic temple.

Church, temple. Same thing.

Haven't you heard of the Masons?

It's like a cool secret society.

Well, if it's so secret, then why do they give public tours?

[Tour guide speaking indistinctly]
You are aware the free people boutique at Macy's is having a sale?

Could you just give me a few minutes, please?

Excuse me, ma'am.


You asked earlier about a hidden tunnel going to City Hall? Before it was sealed off, the hidden door to that tunnel was in the next room.

Really? Could we see that?

Hey. I was wondering if you wanted to get a beer.

I'll have a Potomac Ale.


Oh, I don't drink beer. Water.

What did you want to meet about?

Sam said I should cultivate a relationship with you.


He suggest you take me here?

He said I shouldn't take you to a dive bar.

What other advice did he give you?

Let you take the lead in the bureau meeting tomorrow.

He was adamant about that.

Oh, and not to get into a game of quarters with you.

But I don't know what that means.

I think I'm gonna puke.

Do you not eat ice cream at home?

That would require leaving my room and venturing out into the danger zone.

Seriously, was mom as psychotic about you getting as as she is with me?

It's like the only thing she cares about.

Oh, that's not fair. She just wants to you have the best opportunities you can have in life.

She'd do anything for you.

For any of us.

[Cell phone chimes]

[Soft pop music in background]

What's that?

My work phone.

I'm gonna go downstairs and get us some candy while I call them, and you're gonna eat it when I get back.


[Door closes]

We have a problem.

We can't wait until tomorrow night.

The government is moving much faster on Alex's theory than we expected. Also, the battery in his button mic has died, so there will be no further updates.

We have to assume that the FBI will be here as early as tomorrow morning.

So are we going tonight? [Laughs]

We haven't even...

No, we can't go tonight.

We don't have the autodialer for the vault.

It will all be here at 6 A.M.

But that's not night anymore, is it now?

You're saying we do it tomorrow day, on the city's anniversary?

Yes, that's what he's saying.

The mayor is giving a speech 40 feet away from the room you're breaking into. The place will be crawling with cops, not to mention flooded with daylight.

The plan still works.

There are new obstacles, yes.

Are you crazy?

I mean, are you all crazy? We're gonna get caught.

If Alex beats you to that laptop, you'll all be dead.

All of us will be.

We go at 6 A.M.

I'm sorry.

I'll be back as soon as it arrives.

Son of a bitch.

I need a cigarette.

Come on.

Since when did you start smoking, Dr. O'Connor?

I didn't.

But the SVR provided all that equipment down there, and I guarantee you the room is miked.

I don't care if Victor knows what I think of him.

You might not need one, but I sure as hell do.

What the... what's wrong with you?

What's wrong with you?

You're with him!

I knew that you were back then.

But it ended. You told me it ended.

It did. It just...

And you choose now to start it back up again? Now?

I'm not. I just...

Just what?

I don't know. I can't help it.

I know it hasn't been easy being my daughter.

And maybe you hate me for all my mistakes, and this is how you're making me pay.

Are you crazy?

I love you. You're my mom.

You're choosing him over us!

Mama, nyet. I'm not.

I'm sorry.

I didn't ask you up here to fight.

We are going to double-cross Victor tomorrow, and we need your help to do it.

What? What are you talking about?

We are going to get that laptop tomorrow.

And then, when we're heading back through that tunnel, we need your help to make a copy of the disk drive.

Remotely, from here, using the device that your father's company sells to the military.

And then when we hand that laptop to Victor, the SVR surveillance ringing City Hall will disperse.

And then we're gonna take our copy and we're going to trade it for immunity.

And then we will finally be out.

That's why you had me bring Sarah.

To keep her close.

Yes. The minute you get confirmation from us that we have the files, you get Sarah and you take her to the federal building that is six blocks from here.

What if the SVR doesn't disperse?

What if they see us going to the FBI?

They can't.

If we ever want to be out, if we ever want to be safe, all of us, including Alex, this is the only way.

They'll k*ll Victor if we succeed.

I'm sorry. I am.

But you have a choice to make.

Victor or your family.

All the equipment you requested.

What the hell is this?

The rezident wanted to discourage any second thoughts.

Are you kidding me?



I'm not doing this to you.

If I was, the rezident would know Sarah's not in Albany.

She's here.

Just do your job today and everything will be fine.

If anything happens to Sarah, I k*ll you.

I'm sorry.

Me too.

Natalie: Back alley clear.

Be careful.

[Cell phone rings]


[Man speaks inaudibly on phone]

Got it.


[Phone line rings]


Director's meeting us at 8 A.M. at the hoover building.

Do not be late.

That would be impossible.


I'm already here.

It's five past 6:00, you lunatic.

The laptop auto-deletes in 14 hours.

The Russians aren't gonna wait. We can't either.

Mark: We're in.

No alarm.

Egyptian Hall. What's the track?

Natalie: Don't go out the right-hand door. There's a camera there.

Left door, cut left hard when you get through it.

Mark: Okay, moving to Oriental hall.

[Door closes]

Natalie: No cameras.

Got it.



Do you remember when I was 15, you were obsessed with taking me to the Bronx zoo?

Sure, to see the African penguins.

Kept putting it off.

We never did end up going.

[Door closes]

I just wanted you to know that I always regretted that.

Well, then it's a date. Me and you, the Bronx zoo.

Exiting oriental hall.

Take a left into a room with gigantic metal and glass doors.

I'm an engineer, honey. It... it's impressive.

Come on.

[Toilet flushing]

What a tool.

Natalie: You in the Grand Hallway?

Mark: It sure as hell looks like it.

Natalie: Okay, hard left under the stairway.

Big green doors.

Mark: Got it.

Natalie: Diagonally across the room, there's a blind arch.

Beige with tan trim?

That's the one.

Got it.

Who builds something like this?


Natalie: Masons.

I can't pick this.

No, we're going to break it. Freeze it, okay?

What is it?


If anything goes wrong...

No, look, the plan is solid, Katya.

By the time the SVR figures out that we played them, we're gonna be safe. All of us.

Even the best plan... something can go wrong.

We are going to be okay.

You got it?

Freeze it.

Got it.

NGI techs just got a hit on Mikhail off the Philly City Hall footage.

I'm guessing you're ready for this?

Software puts the match at 35%.

It is him. I recognize him.

You recognize him? Like you know him?

You guys pals?

Because that's not an obvious match for me.

How many other images we got?

That's it, Sir.

But we've only been through 1/3rd of the footage.

The building has 96 cameras.

Well, how long to get through the rest of the footage to see if we can make another match?

24 hours.

We don't have 24 hours.

That laptop deletes itself in 11 hours, and we lose any chance we have of stopping Black Dagger.


Son, I know what happened to you at the Brooklyn Navy Yard.

And I can understand why you'd make this thing personal after a thing like that.

I've just seen firsthand what the SVR is capable of.

What do you think, Agent Prado?

You're closest to the facts on this one.

The SVR m*rder*d three of their own officers over these stolen files.

They engaged in a firefight with a federal agent on U.S. soil.

In the entire cold w*r, the KGB never dared to do that.

Whatever's on that laptop, I think it's worth the risk.

And if it's not there?

Then it becomes a political and legal firestorm with everybody yelling "FBI overreach" and "constitutional crisis" the moment our entry comes out.

It's there.

So that won't happen.



All right.

Call the Attorney General.

[Police siren blares]

Are you through it yet?

Mayor's arriving for his speech.

He's working on it.



Try again.

[Breathing heavily]



Mark: Through the gate.


Now you need to move fast... faster than you were expecting.



What about him?

Victor: He just got the Attorney General to sign off on his plan.

The FBI team is already on the way.

We need an ETA, Victor.

We need an ETA on that FBI team now.

Working on it.


Damn it.

What are you doing up here?

Alex and the FBI team left Washington an hour ago.

Even if they're driving 90 miles an hour, we've still got 30 minutes.

They're not coming by car.

[Helicopter propellers beating]

Your parents have enough pressure on them already.

I didn't want to add any more.

They can do this, Natalie.

Your mother did dozens of covert entries for us.

That was a long time ago.

Those skills were drilled into her.

They'll come back.

What about my dad?

You remember what he did for us seven years ago?

He's a brilliant engineer. He can do this.

We'll be their eyes and ears, and they're going to be okay.

And we are too.

I'm going to go back down to monitor the police bands.


Okay, come on. Let's go.

Okay, that's not very helping.



[Helicopter blades thrumming]

Mom? How much longer?

We're a little busy right now, honey. I don't know.

'Cause Alex and the FBI team aren't driving, they're flying.

Well, when did they leave DC?

Doesn't matter. They're landing right now.

All right, get them passed out.

Dress covers, boys and girls.

Don't be shy. Made in the U.S.A.

65% rayon, 25% cotton.

And lord knows what else.

Come on, guys. Move, move.

Come on, don't be late.

Mark: We're in. Heading to the vault.

Victor: No alarm. No dispatch. You're clean.

[Man speaking indistinctly]

Both a thriving urban Metropolis, and an international city of vibrant diversity.

We're a welcoming city, regardless of ethnicity or orientation.

We are a Cosmopolitan city of all races and all faiths.

Tell the security guard at the service entrance that the leak is unsubstantiated so he doesn't get on the radio and call more attention to this than we want.

I'll give this back to you when we're done.

There's no outlets.

Well, how... how do they vacuum?

We take the prisoners' staircase to the second floor.

We go courtroom through courtroom using inner doors.

That will allow us to enter without alerting the court police officer.

Now, if they find out we're here, we're screwed.

If you keep this in your pocket you can have your ball back.

I got it.

[Buzzer sounds]


We have to plug it in, or we won't be able to get into the vault.

On the count of three. Ready?


One, two...


[Alarm buzzes]

[Man continues speaking in background]

Wait a sec.

I mean, what do I do?

Is it safe for me to stay here?

Not really.

Natalie: Guys, I think the FBI just entered the building.

Come on.

Come on, let's go.

We got it.

[Device beeping]


Nothing here.

Are you sure?

There's nothing here.

That's impossible.

No find. I repeat, no find.

All right, let's clear out.

The SVR got here first.


I'm sorry. We got to get out of here.

The Russians could still be here.

We need to search this place from top to bottom.

Michelle, come in here.


I think there's someone up there.