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01x17 - Fun and Games

Posted: 02/19/15 08:17
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Stalker"...

Beth: Stalking is the unwanted or obsessive attention from one person to another.

Beth: Why are you following me, Perry?

You know the answer to that.

I'm obsessive.

I went by your restaurant last night, and I saw you with Brody.

His real name is Perry Whitely.

Tracy: You think he sought me out to get close to you?

And to gain enough information to find out my real identity.

Man: I have something on that cop.

Beth Davis is not her real name.

It's Michelle Webber.

Beth: This is Michelle Webber.

I'm calling to confirm whether patient 5679 is still in custody there.

The chief administrator at Seattle Pacific Psychiatric just called.

Ray Matthews was just released this afternoon.

Perry: We have a mutual friend... Michelle Webber.

Michelle. How is my girl?

Beth: This kid has no idea what he's just done.

Where have you been? You can't just leave like that.

What if someone recognized you?


I just think that you're under the impression that you're in control.

I need this to be a partnership, Perry.

Perry: What exactly are we gonna do?

We have to make her vulnerable.

We have to take away her family here in L.A.

We have to destroy her world so the only place she can turn to is us.

Ray: Excuse me.

[Loud thud]

[Floor creaks]

Hello, Beth.

Hello, Michelle.

No, no, no! Aah!

It's you and me forever.

I told you that.




You OK?

I'm sorry.

I had a bad dream.

And I'm clumsy.

Well, I think it can be saved.


I don't know. I know it was a white male with dark hair, but to be absolutely certain that it was Ray or Perry, I'm sorry.

Thanks for looking at them again, and all that's important is that you're OK.

What makes you so sure that it was Ray that att*cked me?

You know about my past.

I know what you've told me.

I know that your real name is Michelle Webber, and I know that Ray is your ex-boyfriend, and I know what he did to your family.

He was my first boyfriend.

Ray was the bad boy. I fell for him.

I was so young, I...

I didn't even know what obsessive nature looked like.

He had this need to control me.

He'd get really jealous over the smallest things.

He'd sabotage my plans and lie to my parents, anything to get what he wanted.

But you did break up with him?


When I left for college, and then he started romancing my sister Kimberly to make me jealous, but I wasn't.

I was scared.

I tried to tell her about him, but she thought that he liked her, and to my parents, he was this...

Great guy from a wealthy family.

I was at college the night he set fire.

His plan was to save them.

He wanted to be the hero, but, uh, the house burned too fast.

It only took a couple minutes, and...

They never had a chance.

I'm so sorry.

He ruined my life, and he's trying to do it again.

My work, my friends, you, Jack, the team, that's my world.

[Knock on door]

Can I come in?



I am so glad you are better.


I'll let you two visit.

You don't have to go.

I'll see you at the office.

You OK?

Yeah. They're gonna let me out today.

How's Ethan?

He's worried about you, but he's been good.


He did his homework without prodding and went to bed with very little negotiating.

Until he learns how to work you.


Ethan and I made you a card last night.

The, um... the bad art is all... all me.

Thank you for taking care of Ethan.

It means a lot that I can count on you.

Man on TV: The mayor's office has launched an investigation...



You're being paranoid.

It would have already been on the news by now.

You don't know that.

I was careful.

I took the battery out.

You can't use that phone.

They'll trace us if it's on.

Yeah, thanks, you know, because I forgot that since the last 3 times you told me.

Where are you going?

Things to do.

What things, Ray?

Ray, I thought we were partners.

The way you come and go, I-I have no idea what you're up to.

Because you disapprove of my actions, Perry.

That judgy face of yours is extremely annoying.

You mugged an Deputy District Attorney.

And I got away with it.

I was careful not to leave any evidence.

So why do it?

For Michelle!

She'll know it was me.

She won't be able to prove it, but she will smell it.

She knows how I operate.

I don't want any innocent people to get hurt, Ray.

Oh, I know. That is such the appropriate thing to say, but we both know that is a lie.

You secretly want me to be the bad guy.

That is why you went to Seattle to spring me out of the crazy house because you do not have the courage to do it yourself.

That's not true.

Oh, yes it is. It is, and it's OK.

Just don't be such a nagging little bitch about it.

Just let it happen.

If you want Beth, we have to break her bit by bit.

She will start to unravel, weaken, make poor decisions.

She'll start to separate herself from others.

I do realize that this is not exactly the nicest way to treat someone you love, but I do believe it will all work out in the end, OK?

Come on. Hey, hey. Chin up.

Eye on the prize!

Eye on the prize.

[Door opens and shuts]

Janice: I had unis comb the neighborhood, thought we might get lucky with a security camera, but nothing so far.

Ben: I've gone through Amanda's caseload, spoke to the D.A.'s office.

They're putting together any recent cases where the outcome might have caused an attack.

When's the last time you talked to Perry's father?

This morning, but he's no longer being cooperative.

He's worried about the fallout.

He referred to me to his team of lawyers.

What about the P.I. That he hired to find Perry?

He won't say. He could be local or someone up in Santa Barbara.

She had a rough night.

I'm a little worried.

She's getting intense.

Jack: We just don't have any proof that Ray att*cked Amanda.

I know.

There were two cases of vandalism on the same night on the same block Amanda was att*cked.

She was mugged. I got it.

I'm not saying I don't believe you, but explain it to me.

Why would Ray go after Amanda?

Because this is what he does.

This is his game.

These just arrived for you.

Who delivered those?

Guy from the flower shop.

He just left.

Ooh! There!

Stop him!


Deliveryman: Yes. He had shorter hair, but that's the guy.

He came in and paid cash.

Was he alone? Did he have a car?

He was alone.

I-I-I didn't see a car, but it doesn't mean anything.

You can't see the parking lot from our store window.

"Soon." Did he write this card himself?

Yeah. I saw him.

Left-handed. I remember that.

Flower shop on Vermont.

Let's look for hotels nearby.

We could get lucky with a video trail.

I'll pull all the camera footage in the area.

Thank you, sir. Ben will escort you out.

Ray's mom, she had a flower garden.

He would bring me lilies from it, only lilies.

That's his handwriting.

OK. So you know this guy, and this is his game.

What's his next move?

Man: Is an offer coming or not?

Tell your client he has till 5:00, or we're accepting the other offer.

No contingencies.

Let me know.

[Microwave beeping]

[Opens can]

[Microwave beeping]

Janice: Beth, 911 just responded to call.

Neighbors found Carl Stevens in his kitchen, head wounds from a home invasion.

Wait. Did I miss something? Who's Carl Stevens?

Tracy, where are you?

Ray: Hello, Michelle.

Where's Tracy?

[Tracy struggling]

Tracy, are you OK?

Yeah, I'm OK. Beth, I'm with Ray.

He... aah!

This really is getting exciting.

I-I forgot what it is like to have you in my life.

I'll see you soon, Michelle.


We're live outside this Pasadena home, where earlier today a 35-year-old woman...

S.I.D. Is monitoring Tracy's cell.

It's likely destroyed or turned off.

Maybe they'll get lucky.

I doubt it.

Any word on Carl Stevens?

He's still in surgery.

How did Ray know where Tracy was staying?

Tracy left town when Perry went missing.

She came back a week ago, and she was staying with Carl, but Ray doesn't know Carl.

Robbery Homicide spoke to the manager at Tracy's restaurant, showed her pictures of Ray.

She recognized him, said he came in in the past few days, sat the bar, ate lunch.

And he listened to them talk.

Yeah. There was a conversation about payroll checks being sent to Tracy for signature.

How could they be so careless?

Time passed. They let their guard down.

Ben: Take a look at this.

Here's the security footage from the flower shop.

That's Ray.

I was able to track his movements, using traffic cameras in the area.

Jack: You got a partial plate.

I'll run all possible combos, see what turns up.

So if the flower shop is located here, he walked one block south, and then he drove north.

Let's pull all the traffic cameras from Alvarez Avenue.



[Thump thump thump]

You're awake.

Chloroform headaches are the worst.

All right. If I take the tape off, promise you're not gonna scream.

If you scream, I'm not gonna be nice.

All right.


Want some water?


Got you. There we go.

It's good?


Do you want to use the... little girls' room or anything?

What do you want from me?


Perry tells me you know all about Michelle's old life, so I think my objective is obvious.

I want to know what you, you know, know about me.

I know the general story, how her family died, the fire, but she's also told me about your other side, the good times.

She's told me how kind you can be, how gentle and sweet.

Nice try.

How gentle and sweet I am with you depends on Michelle.

We got to go.

No, no. Please don't leave me in here.

Please. I won't make trouble.

Please, please.

I won't scream. I won't scream.

I'm sorry.

I won't scream.

Just breathe.

Got a hit on that partial plate.

Who's it registered to?

Juanita Farrell. Lives in Carpinteria.

That's near Santa Barbara.

I'll put out a BOLO.

What the hell?

What's with the crazy suit people?

No idea.

Something big.

Beth, what's going on?

They're here to see me.

Lieutenant, please take a seat.

I know we have a lot to go over.

[Indistinct chatter]

Woman on TV: Sources tell us Miss Wright was staying with Stevens after a restraining order was issued against local college student Perry Whitley.

[Knock on door]

The LAPD is now engaged in a statewide manhunt for Whitley and another suspect... Ray Matthews.

Who is it?

Motel manager.

Either of these two men should call...

What are you doing here, Gene?

What do you think I'm doing here? Your father sent me.

You alone?


Well, you really did it this time, didn't you?

Come all this way to tell me that?

No. I came all this way to save your ass.

You have something to do with this?

It wasn't me. I swear.

Yeah? Was it your new friend, huh?

Cops know you're traveling together, so now you're an accessory to kidnapping, Perry.

It wasn't supposed to be like this.

No? Well, how was it supposed to go?

I've, uh, misjudged the situation a bit, put trust in someone that's proven untrustworthy.

And what if he kills her, huh? What then?

I never meant to hurt anyone, Gene.

You never do, Perry.

How did you find me?

You know that household account that you think nobody knows you have access to?

You used the ATM at the store around the corner.

I ran out of money.

Yeah? Well, that's understandable.

Look at this.

You're living the high life here, huh?

It's OK, Perry. I'm here to help you like I always do.

We'll call your father, let him know you're safe, see how he wants to handle this thing.

Ben: The one who doesn't smile is the captain.

And the woman in the bad skirt is Patty from personnel.

I don't recognize the others.

Janice: What the hell? What's going on?

I'm being relieved of my command.


The captain thinks I should take a backseat until this whole Ray thing is settled.

I'm involved in the case now, so I'm too close.

So who's in charge now?

Vicky Gregg.

Who's Vicky Gregg?

That would be me.

What's her story?

She got her start here and left to work JRIC.

And after that, the FBI.

She's a federal agent?

And a best-selling author.

She's written several books on stalking.

She mostly consults until now.

Anything she doesn't do?

All I know is she's good.

Beth, it's great to see you again despite the circumstances.

You, too.

And please use my office.

No. Beth, I'm not here to replace you.

I'm just here to help.

I'll work out of the conference room until this is all resolved.


You know this guy.

Is he going to k*ll her?

I believe that is his intention, yes.

Well, then I better get to it.

Do you want to go home, take a little rest?

I can set up a security detail for you.

No, no.

No. I prefer to stay.

Of course.
So Tracy has been missing for over 3 hours now.

Where are we on the video trail?

Uh, yes. Ben.

Caldwell from Riverside, Detective level one, been with TAU for over two years.

Very nice to meet you.

The trail stops at 3rd and Alvarez.

We're combing the streets with all available units.

We have traces on Amanda Taylor's phone, as well as Tracy Wright, but he could easily be out of L.A. by now.

No, he's not left the city.

Janice: Why do you think that?

I-I'm Janice.

Lawrence. I've heard great things about you.

Because he's after Michelle.

He wouldn't come all the way down from Seattle to just grab the friend and go.

Jack: He's bipolar, disconnected from reality.

Jack Larsen.

Yes. Transfer from NYPD homicide.

Yeah, and I make a bad first impression, just to warn you.

I can vouch for that.

Listen. I know you all care very deeply about Beth.

This is a family unit. I can feel it.

It's strong. We're gonna use that to nail this guy.

Ray Matthews suffers from personality disorder, reality distortion, lack of impulse control, and the big elephant that no one wants to say out loud... he is a psychopathic k*ller.

How do we know that? The only people he's k*lled is Beth's family, which can be argued was accidental.

He served 12 years of an 8-year sentence, and it was his family that kept him locked up.

Why would they do that?

Janice: Because they know him better than anyone else.

His childhood is riddled with outbreaks suggesting psychopathic behavior.

What's his plan? What's he gonna do with Tracy, k*ll her?

Possibly, but the one he really wants to k*ll is Beth.

He wants Michelle back, the woman that he has loved since childhood, and she no longer exists.

Beth does. Beth has created a whole new life, so if he...

If he can destroy that, he can have Michelle back.

How does Perry Whitley fit into all this?

I suspect that he is in way over his head.

His obsession is not on Ray's level, nowhere near it.

Has Perry's father given us the name of the investigator yet?

Completely stonewalled.

Well, let's get his call logs, and if someone calls from Los Angeles, then...

I can't get the D.A.'s office to support a warrant to get the father's phone records.

All right. Well, you all have your work to do.

Just keep me posted.

George. Hey. Hi. It's Vicky Gregg.

Yeah. Listen I need a favor, hon.

Can you connect me with John Pierce from the NSA?


He'll have switched cars.

He knows we're on to him, so look for any reported stolen vehicles.

We can triangulate the area.

If you close in on Ray, he'll slip up.

How are you?

It will all be out soon... my past, my old life.

That's what he wants, you know?

He wants Michelle back.

He won't get her.

I won't let him.

Jack, please be careful.

He's targeting my life.

That means you, it means Janice and Ben.

We're gonna find him.

Vicky: Hey, John. It's Vicky.

Listen. I wouldn't bug you, but I have a girl out here in L.A.

Who is 5 minutes from dead if you can't help me.

Yes, the one from the news.

No. It's not a matter of national security.

It's a simple favor, and it's something you do all the time, and you know I know it.

Calm down, John. That was not a veiled threat.

It was right out there in the open.

All right. The private investigator we're looking for is Gene Meadows.

He's a full-time employee of the Whitley Corp., Perry's family's company.

How did you...

Ben, ping his phone, get us a location, contact Robbery Homicide and SWAT.

Jack, let's go.

Gene: So is this Ray a violent guy, or is he messed up in the head, kind of like...

Like me?

No. I meant... nah. That's what I meant. Heh.

I didn't think so, but yeah.

Yeah, he's different.

He can violent.

When's my dad gonna call?

Your dad's a busy man.

But it's just Ray could come back.

[Cell phone ringing]

Hello, sir.

Yes, he's fine.

We can do that.

Yes. I think you're right.

I'll call you, uh, from the car.

All right. He wants you home.

Let's go.

That's not gonna fix anything.

You're gonna turn yourself in but in Santa Barbara with lawyers present.

It's all about the narrative, Perry.

You got to distance yourself from Ray and from this entire mess in L.A.

He's a psychotic criminal.

You're a troubled kid.

We'll fix it. Get your stuff, put it in the bag.

[Door opens]

What's going on here?

This is, um, a friend of my dad's.

So daddy finally came calling?


I'm Ray.

Know who you are.

Ray, stop!

Ray, please stop!


Think very carefully about you next move.

It is going to define a lot.

He just showed up.

I had no idea. I'm sorry.

I'm trying really hard to give you the benefit of the doubt.

Please. You can trust me.

Right. OK.

[Perry groaning]

[police radio chatter]

Ready? Let's go.

Stand by.


Move, move!

Secure the premises. We'll take right.

All clear!

Got something, Commander.

In here, Agent.

Gene Meadows.

And he had a daughter.

That just pisses me off.

Contact the family, move fast.

We won't be able to control the press.

So the room is registered to an alias... Rick Jones.

But it's clearly Perry and Ray.

So the P.I. finds Perry, but Ray takes him out.

And now they're on the move with a hostage.

Unless he k*lled Tracy.

She's his only bargaining chip.

I think that should keep her alive for a while.

[Breathing heavily]

Got a little gift for you.


Go ahead. Get her out.

Go ahead. Say hello.

I'm sorry.

I know this is all my fault.

I screwed up.

That's an understatement.

What are you gonna do to her?

She's gonna bring me Michelle.

But you're not gonna hurt her?

That depends.

This has gone too far, Ray.

Heh. That's fair.


Start a trace.



Hello, Michelle.

Where is Tracy? Is she OK?

Let me speak to her.

Do you remember our first date?

The beach on the Olympic peninsula.

I wanted to impress you with this long drive, and instead, I got us lost.

That wasn't your fault.

Yeah, but I did stop to ask for directions.

But the guy sent us the wrong way.

Yeah, that's right. You remember.

You... you... you took pity on me, and I am glad for it.

Ray, where's Tracy?

Ben: Call's coming from an unlisted number.

He's on a burner phone.

Still triangulating.

Ray: The wind was blowing, and we just... we rolled down the windows even though it was cold.

We didn't even care because the music was blasting on the stereo.

You remember that?

Yes, I do.

What... what song was playing?

Annie Lennox.

That's right.

That's right.

Do you still listen to her.

It's hard, Ray.

Her music reminds me of you, and, um, it hurts me.

I don't want that.

Then tell me that Tracy's OK.

She's OK for now, but hurry, Michelle.

She's counting on you to find her.

Ben: He's in the valley, somewhere within two miles of Saticoy and Beck.

Beth: He was, um, talking about our first date.

We took a road trip down to the beach.

Jack: What's the name of the beach?

Maybe this is part of the game.


He asked for directions.

Maybe this is a message.

What is?

We... we stopped to ask for directions... we got lost... at a junkyard.

Janice, Ben, look for a junkyard in that area.

Why wouldn't he just tell you?

Ben, it's a game. Just do it!

Beth, calm down.

Don't tell me to calm down, Jack!

We need to find her now!

Vicky: OK. All right, Beth.

Listen. We are going to find Tracy, but right in this very moment, we're going to escort you home.

Ben, I want you to escort Beth home.

I want you to take a unit with you.

Found one junkyard in the area.

All right. Send me everything on it.

Jack, take Janice with you.

You check it out, keep in constant contact.

Ben, make sure she's OK.

Ray: All right.

Let's get on with it.

What are you gonna do?

Leave her alone.

Come here.

Run, run!





Ray: Tracy!



Let's not do this, Tracy!

It's really bad timing. Ha ha!





I guess it's time.





We're almost done.

Just one more game.

Let me know if you guys need anything.


Man on TV: ...Still searching for kidnapping victim Tracy Wright, who was taken from a Pasadena home earlier today.

Sources tell us that a raid tonight on an east Hollywood motel...

What do you say we turn that off for 5 minutes?

I'm good, Ben.

What about food? You hungry?

I'm good.

...information on the two suspects should contact the LAPD.

[Radio chatter]

Man: Both sides.

Body cams are on and in place.

I want that yard locked down.

Search everything, and remember, we're searching for a hostage, so keep those safeties on.

Copy that.

Janice: Think there's a map or a blueprint of this place somewhere?

Jack: It is what it is.

"She's counting on you to find her."

Those were his words.


[Cell phone ringing]

It's Jack!

Jack, what's happening?

This place is big.

No sign of Ray or Perry.

What about Tracy?

You think he would have left us here for us to find?

Why would he?

Where would she be, Beth?

What did he say?

Well, besides the first date, driving the coast, we talked about listening to Annie Lennox in the car.

Beth, what kind of car was it?

On the date?


On that date, what was he driving you in?

It was, um, an old chevelle.

It was a vintage car that he souped up.

Look for an old chevelle!

Just hang on.


What's her status?

Beth, we found Tracy.

Is she alive?

She's still breathing.

Jack: Yeah, she's alive.

Thank God.

Look. I got to go.

Jack, is she OK?

Yeah, she's OK. I'll call you later.

Tracy, Tracy, Tracy.

It's Jack. You're safe.

Where's Beth?

She's home. She's safe, too.

No. No. I heard him.

He wanted you to find me.

He wanted you here.

That was his plan.

This was always a distraction.

I'm gonna change.

Sure thing.

[Cell phone ringing]

It's Ben. What's up?

Jack: You guys OK? We couldn't find Ray.

I think he might try to go after Beth.

We're good here. I'm with her, and there's a uniform outside.

Hey. Be on high alert, will you?

Get units to Beth Davis' house now! Now!

Janice: We need units and an ambulance to 25 Alta Vista.

[Ben wheezing]


Ben? No! No! Ben.


Ben, no.


Ray: Phew.

That's got to hurt.

You want me to... help you out?


[Sirens, radio chatter]


How is he?

We're trying to get a pulse.






[Indistinct chatter]

