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07x12 - Brown Shag Carpet

Posted: 02/19/15 01:50
by bunniefuu
Previously on “The Mentalist”...

Patrick: I can't do this anymore.

You can't keep pulling me from the path of oncoming trains.

There's new trains coming every day.

You have information about the case?

My brother does. Gabriel.

He's a psychic.

There's a thing inside you.

Your cure will come with the number three.

[ Quacking ]

I didn't know where you were.

You knew I'd be back.

No, I didn't.

There's a serial k*ller with an evil heart and an appetite to k*ll.

I saw that the k*ller is going to k*ll again. Tonight.

Lisbon: Why would the k*ller care if Gabriel was a real psychic?

Patrick: He wants one for some reason, and Gabriel didn't pass the test.

Susan: Could you just take a look?

Bill: He was sitting in the car, right?

The whole time I was putting out the trash, he just sat there, staring at me.

They still haven't caught that guy who k*lled those people.

It could be him.

You don't know.

Serial K*llers don't sit in cars.

They lurk in the shadows.

Be right back.

[ Insects chirping ]

[ Button clicks ]


Stupid drunk.

[ Sizzling ]


[ Groans ]


[ Scoffs ]



[ Birds chirping ]

Lisbon: What is this?

[ Laughs ] Did you buy me another horse?

Just a little further.


Hmm? Is this a trick?

Breathe that air in.


Okay, I'm breathing in that air.


Jane...What is this?

It's a little shack that I'm gonna renovate, make some additions.

We both knew things had to change.

I-I couldn't make you quit, and I need something to do.

So you're gonna build us a house.

That's right.

And when I'm done, if nothing else, we have a place to live.

It's a start.

So you're gonna work here, not -- not at the FBI.

You're quitting.

Maybe. I-I don't know.

I haven't decided yet.


I'm glad you got it.

I am.

But... I have needs, too.

Like what?

I need to know that you're not gonna run away again.

I won't.

I need to know that you're committed to this, to us.

I-I am. That's why I want to do this.


Then are you gonna take off your wedding ring?

It just -- it seems like you don't want to let go of it.

No, it's not that.

I-I understand why it's difficult for you.

I-it's just that I'm used to it.

I know. It --

[ Cellphone ringing ]

Oh, s-sorry.

What's up, boss?

Abbott: Sorry, Lisbon.

I know you're on your way home.

But I need you to turn around.

We have another one.

[ Police radio chatter ]

♪ The Mentalist 7x12 ♪
Brown Shag Carpet
Original Air Date on February 18, 2015

The victim's name is Susan Herman.

Her husband reported her missing last night.

Apparently, the k*ller snatched her off her porch.

Lisbon: That's a change.

The pattern's the same otherwise -- shot in the chest, one fingernail ripped off.

He didn't bother hiding the body.

Could mean he's getting bolder.

Or more playful.


Well, sure. He knows we're on to him.

That's why he left her out for us to find.

He's also done something else.


I'm not sure.

Uh, excuse me.

That mark on her left arm -- is that a puncture wound?

Looks like it.

Cho: Is that from a needle?

Uh, little bigger.

Could be from an I.V. line.

Why would he put an I.V. In her?

Uh, he's not poisoning them.

I don't think he was putting anything in.

More likely, he was taking something out.

Could be right.

Position the body correctly, you can take out a cup or more of blood with an I.V.

So he kills them, rips out a fingernail, and takes a cup of blood.

And we're making every possible effort.

Thanks. All right, thanks for calling.

Everyone and his sister wants to know when we're making an arrest.

Right. This is Rick Tork from the Santa Fe office.

He's gonna help out while we're short-handed.


Dennis Abbott.

Thanks for coming.

So, how long were you in Santa Fe?

Uh, just a year.

I started out CBI, made the jump to the federal side about the same time as Cho.

And he's worked with Jane before. Enough to know the score.

And what's that?

He'll never tell you what he's up to, whatever he does, you'll look like an idiot.

And always keep your hand on your wallet.

Well, you do know the man.

I appreciate you coming tonight.

This case is blowing up.

I hear you have 10 bodies.

Yeah, five were found buried, k*lled between two and nine months ago.

Two were k*lled in their car last week, Gabriel Osborne and his sister a few days after that, and the woman today.

Wow. Any, uh, physical evidence?

Just the b*ll*ts -- they match, but we haven't been able to trace them to a g*n.

Tork, I heard you were here.

It's good to see you.

You, too.

Anything from the profilers?

Uh, they can't find any patterns in the killings.

Uh, the first two victims were homeless men, the third was a prost*tute.

The next ones were foreign-exchange students, and then the couple in the car.

There's no consistency in age, race, or gender.

I don't think this is about who he k*lled so much as what he k*lled for.

Hey, Tork.

Long time, no see.

Do you mean the blood and the fingernails?

Well, fingernails not so much.

I think they're just a gruesome trophy.

But the blood he had to work for.

He must need it for something.

Did any of the other victims have puncture wounds?

Uh, the recent ones, yes.

The buried victims, we couldn't tell.

The bodies had decomposed.

I think we can assume he's been taking blood samples for some time.

The question is why.

There are some theories online.

The most popular theory is that he's a vampire of some sort.

Not sure if that's helpful.

Well, maybe it is.


Well, he is stealing blood from a corpse.

He's got to be doing something weird with it.

So, he could be interested in the occult.

He believes in psychics. That's why he went after Gabriel.

Talk to Austin P.D., see if they have anything on local cults and nontraditional religions.

Ask Homeland Security if they have anything useful in their databases.

Well, if he's interested in psychics, Jane should talk to him.

Uh...Not a psychic, dude.

No, but you can fake it, right?

We could feed you to the media, say that you can communicate with the afterlife using your spiritual whatever.

If he's really into that, we can get him to show himself.

The son of Sam k*ller sent letters to two of the writers who wrote about him.

Hey, this kind of thing could really work.

Did I... say something wrong?

Yeah, the last time Jane tried something like that, it didn't go well.

Oh, the wife and kid.

Yeah, the wife and kid.

Hey, uh, I meant to tell you, we got Gabriel's autopsy reports back.

He had oligodendrogliomas -- they're tiny, little tumors in the brain.

According to the coroner, they can cause seizures, blackouts, or delusional episodes.

Poor kid. No wonder he thought he was psychic.

There's no such thing as psychics.


I shouldn't have said anything about the ring. I'm sorry.

Teresa, please.

Really, look -- you do what you need to.

I'm okay, I swear.

[ Knock on door ]

We just got a call from Austin P.D.

They think they have the serial k*ller.

Did they arrest him?

The call said somebody shot him.

[ Police radio chatter ]

[ Sobbing ]

This does not seem right.

It's a false alarm.

A case of mistaken identity.

This is Sharon Nieto, Austin homicide.

The dead man is Le Kong Vinh.

According to the neighbors, he goes around collecting recyclables.

The homeowner was asleep when he heard banging on the side of the house.

It was Mr. Vinh going through his garbage, but he didn't know that.

He thought somebody was trying to break in, so he grabs his trusty .38.

Homeowner issued a challenge through the door.

Just heard more banging.

And Vinh didn't speak English.

That's right.

So he fires through the door, calls us, says he shot a serial k*ller.

Is that the victim's wife?

Yeah. I guess they were collecting the bottles together.

Are you guys gonna catch this whack job anytime soon?

People are freaked out.

We're getting calls all day.

Is your department logging all the calls?


Then we need that log.

Abbott: Ah, it's a tough situation.

The city is in a full-on panic, and we have no solid leads.

Okay, well, uh...

Do we try Tork's idea?

What? No.

I don't think that we can rule anything out.


The guy is not hiding bodies anymore.

You know, maybe he's starting to -- to like the attention.

Do you want him to do to Jane what he did to Gabriel?

Now, you know we won't let that happen.

You can't promise that!

Patrick: Y-you know what?

I appreciate your spirited defense, but it -- it's not necessary.

I'll do it.


According to state forestry officials, once the bear was tranquilized, he was relocated to a wilderness area.

And now an update from our Accuweather desk.

I'm gonna say this one last time. You don't have to do this.

I know.

Coming up, a psychic who's working with the FBI.

You're watching "Austin Today."

Stay with us.

We're out. Back in 60.

[ Bell rings ]

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Oh, you've done this before?


All right, I'm gonna throw you a couple easy questions, we'll have some fun, just keep the ball in the air.


Back in 10.

5, 4, 3...

Welcome back to "Austin Today."

I'm Dan Glover, and with me is Patrick Jane, a psychic who works with the FBI.

I'd like to talk about how you're helping to hunt for the man who's believed to have m*rder*d a number of our local citizens, but first I have to ask...

What is a psychic?

What is it you do?



Yeah, Dan, sorry, I was distracted.

Um, there's something on your mind.

Your wife, uh...just had a baby -- a girl, I believe.

Who told you that?

You did.

Uh, her -- her name begins with a vowel, "a," "e," "a" --

Alexan-- a--

Alexa, right?


So that's how you do it, huh?

That's how I do it, Dan.


Thank you.

Your aunt... passed away about a-a year ago.

18 months.

She used to help people.

She was a teacher, I think.

Yes -- well, a counselor.

We didn't tell him any of this, swear to God.

She really wants you to be happy because she loves you... very much.

[ Inhales deeply ] That's it.

I-I can't tell you how uncanny this is.

I-I'm shivering. [ Chuckles ]

So, tell us about this case you're working on with the FBI.

I'm not a detective. I don't do police work.

I'm just trying to help my colleagues understand this man.

How would you describe him?

Well, cautiously, I would say that he's obviously angry, probably in a lot of pain, but I think he's trying to get in touch with someone from the other side.

What makes you say that?

Who isn't?

[ Exhales sharply ]

We have a call from Anna Marie in Pflugerville.

Anna Marie, what's your question?


Anna Marie: Hi.

What's up?

Uh, Abbott sent me.

You can get out of here.

I'll take Jane home when he's done.

Oh, no, I'm okay.

No, forget it. You're beat. Go home.

All right.

...about 14 months ago.

It was shortly after my mother died.

Well, I was at home alone, and I went into the room where my...

[ Insects chirping ]

[ Alarm chirps ]

We have another call here from...

Hmm. Lazarus, welcome to the show.

Lazarus. Interesting name.

Lazarus: He rose from the dead.

So I hear.

What's your question, Lazarus?

What else do you know about the man the FBI is hunting?

Well, I can't tell you everything I know.

Why not?

Well, it's an ongoing investigation.

The case is still open.

Why are you interested?

Do you have information on the man?

You're the one who knows everything.

I never said that.

No, but you claim to be in contact with his spirit.

Boss, you hearing this?

If you're telling the truth...

Yes, we are.

Wylie, how long until you trace the call?

I'm gonna need another minute.

Make sure Jane keeps him talking, okay?

Lazarus: If you're not, why would the police want your help?

I get the feeling that you know more about this case than you're saying.

If that's so, you should probably share.


So we can catch him.

What if I don't want him gone?

Oh, why would you feel that way?

I spoke to someone like you once before.

Really? Who?

He was a complete fake.

You could practically see it written on him.

We didn't release what was written on Gabriel's body.

Nobody knows that except us and the k*ller.

That's our guy. That's our guy.

Uh, what's that address?

Hmm, interesting.


He's not calling from a cellphone.

He's calling from a landline -- normal phone.

Okay, that's the address, right?


Call downstairs. We need backup.

[ Keyboard clacking ]

When we left, you suggested that you dealt with another psychic who wasn't on the up-and-up.

Are you a skeptic now?

No, I believe in spirits very much, just not everybody who claims to be in touch with them.

Any spirits in particular?

You tell me.

Who haunts you?

Me? Uh, nobody.

There must be spirits in your life.

Well, fortunately, they leave me alone.

[ g*ns cock ]

You still haven't told me whose spirit you're trying to connect with.

Have to go now. Bye.

Hold on.

Lazarus? Hello?

Seems the caller has gone.

We're gonna take a minute for a station I.D.

We'll be right back with "Night Talk" on KPQC.

[ Cellphone vibrating ]

Abbott, what's happening?

Something's wrong.

He's not here.

He rigged the phone.

We don't know where he is.

I don't know what he's doing, but I don't like it.

You and Tork get out of there and head back to the office.

We'll meet you there.


Cho called. He said --

Yeah, I heard. Let's go.

Hey, we're doing a show. Hey!

[ Insects chirping ]

What happened to you?

I was listening. You got caught off.

Yeah, the call was a ruse.

He's planning something.

You need to get back to the office as soon as you can.

Did you leave the door of the Airstream open this morning?

No. Maybe. W-why?

It's open.

Okay, stop.

Don't go anywhere near it.

Don't do anything until someone else gets there.

That could take forever.

I'm gonna check it out.

Yeah, fine, but you're not hanging up.

Jane. We have to go.



Teresa, what's going on?

Lisbon: [ Sighs ] There's nobody in here.

I guess we left it open.

Okay, get back to the office.

All right, I'll see you there. [ Beep ]

Let's go.
Thank you for coming in. An hour and a half ago, two agents were att*cked by a man who we believe is responsible for 10 murders in the past year. This man. Agent Richard Tork is in the hospital. I've been told that he's gonna be all right. Patrick Jane, however, has been abducted by this man and is still being held, so as of right now, no one goes home. No one takes a nap or a coffee break until Patrick Jane is returned and this man is arrested.

Agent Cho will have your assignments.

[ Indistinct whispering ]

[ Clears throat ]

We found the truck parked a few blocks away.

We assume the suspect switched vehicles.

All right, we need a team to sweep security and traffic cameras in the area.

Elias, that's yours.

We also need fingerprint and DNA evidence from the truck. Merrick.

You warned me. I didn't listen, and I am sorry.

...your assignments, please.

He could have k*lled Jane, but he took him, so that means he wants something, and there is no one better at exploiting a situation like that than Jane.

I hope you're right.

[ Keys jingling ]

[ Lock turns ]

[ Door creaks ]

[ Switch clicks ]

[ Door closes ]

[ Lock turns ]

[ Keys jingling ]

[ Breathing heavily ]


No, thanks.

Suit yourself.

You know who I am?


That's right.

You expect me to call you that?

Don't be funny.

Well, you're the one that came up with the name.

[ Chuckles ]

Interesting place.

Could do with a little update.

I saw you on TV.

You said you know things...

...hear things.

Prove it.

It doesn't work like that.

You did it on TV.

Different circumstances.

You know, you can't just -- you can't just make it happen.

The other one said something like that.

You know who I mean?


So, I tested him.

He was a liar. Are you a liar?


Prove it.

[ Indistinct conversations ]


Tork, please, go home.

I'm okay.

This isn't your fault.

Any of us had been there, same thing would have happened.

Yeah, but...I was there.

I'll be at my desk.

I might have something.


Jane said the k*ller was probably doing something weird with the blood he took, right?

So, I've been looking into local black magic and occult connections.

Find anything?

Too much.

It's hard to find someone who doesn't sound like a serial k*ller.

But one place keeps cropping up -- a bookstore called "The Grimoire."

"The Grim" what?

Grimoire. It's a magical textbook.

Yeah, a lot of people interested in the stuff go there.

Maybe the k*ller did, too.

It seemed worth checking out.

It's only three miles from where the bodies were buried.

Wylie, most of Austin is three miles from where the bodies were buried.

We appreciate the effort, but it sounds thin, and we don't have the time to waste.

Jane would go.

He'd say, "Do the usual thing, you get the usual result," which, in this case, is him dead.

Okay, Wylie. Let's go check it out.

This is your father's house, not yours.

A spirit tell you that?

No, the furniture.

Your mother died when you were very young.

You were raised by your father.

He was strict...

But you feel now that you deserved it, he was right to punish you.

Who's telling you that?

It's what I'm getting from you.

What else?

You didn't have any friends when you were a kid.

You usually ate alone, not because people wouldn't sit with you, but because you were disgusted by the sounds they made when they ate.

Sometimes, other people don't feel real to you.

They're like robots wearing human skin.

What do I do for a living?

You're an exterminator.

Yet, again, it doesn't feel real.

It's like a movie being projected on a screen.

That's impressive.

Thank you.

But I don't need to know about me.

I want contact with another.

I don't sense any spirits here.

You're wrong. The spirit is here.

If you don't know that, then you're a fraud.

No, I'm not.

Just the like the other one.

I'm not a fraud.

You're a liar and a cheat.

You take it easy.

[ Cellphone ringing ]

[ Beep ]


No, ma'am.

The job's finished.


No, it's -- okay.

I'll address that.

I'll be right over.

[ Beep ]

[ Sniffs ]

I'll be back.



Uh, I could -- I could use that water.

Thank you.

[ Keys jingling ]

[ Grunts ]

[ Clicking ]

[ Grunts ]

[ Bell jingles ]

"Keh-lis" Weir?

"Kee-lis"? Yes We're with the FBI.

[ Door closes ]

Forget it.

I'm not collaborating with religious persecutors.

What persecutors?

We just want to ask some questions.

You say that, then you start in with your western morality.

Not fooling me twice.

What do you mean?

A while back, some guy comes in, starts... asking about Santeria.

I tell him some friends are performing a ritual.

Oh, he shows up... with 10 cops, arrests everybody for animal abuse.

Animal abuse?

People cut up a million chickens a day.

They put testicle-sized chunks in a fryer, call it commerce.

My friends...use one for an ancient and sacred ritual, and I go to jail?

Hey, you're just all a bunch of Judeo-Christian, jackbooted thugs as far as I'm concerned.

Wylie, this is a waste of time.

Hold on, hold on, hold on. Kelis has a point.

She was duped. That isn't fair.

Yeah. So?

So, maybe we can help you.


If you talk to us, just answer some questions, we'll lean on Austin P.D. to reduce your charges, maybe drop them.

Why would they do that?

The serial-k*ller case we're working on, the mayor, Austin P.D. -- they want him in custody fast.

If you help us make the arrest, they'll owe us, and we can use that to help you.

He's right.

What do you want to know?

We're looking for someone who uses blood.

A lot of people do that.

What kind of blood?

Human blood.

Okay, that's different.

Those people do not come in here.

I'm a little too vanilla for them.

Where do they go?

The web mostly.

There's a site called Blackmore.

Hard-cores -- they go there.

I've been looking.

I haven't found that one.

That's because you got to go deep web.

You can't even find the site without the I.P.

Can you give that to us?

You're really gonna talk to Austin P.D.?

You're really gonna help me?


Give me a minute.

It's not bad, huh?

[ Doorknob rattles ]

[ Sniffs ]

[ Door creaks ]

[ Switch clicks ]


The Blackmore site is huge.

It's the eBay of the deeply weird.

There are sections on vampirism, self-vivisection...



Cutting yourself open.


How does this help us find Jane?

Well... there's also a section on blood sorcery--

Magical things you can do with blood.

Now, you're suppose to use your own blood, but...

15 months ago, there was discussion on harvesting blood from other people.

About 20 people were involved.

Why would you harvest blood?

Because you needed a lot.

15 months ago -- That was right around the time our guy made his first k*ll.

He could be one of those people.

Can we get their names?

Well the screen names they used are all super protected.

However, I was able to dig one out --

A guy named Alan Saltonstall.

A college professor in San Marcos.

Let's go pick him up.


What do they do with the blood?

A couple of things, but the one that gets the most discussion is a ritual that binds a spirit.



If you have a corpse, you can bind the spirit of a dead person by giving blood to their body.

That way, the spirit never leaves.

Where are we with the search warrant?

It's on its way to the judge right now.

Is that Saltonstall?


Well, why isn't somebody talking to him?

He requested an attorney.

He's on his way now.

This guy could be torturing Jane right now.

We don't have time for this.

I'm sorry, Lisbon. Let me talk to him.

Look, the guy's lawyering up.

Let me talk to him.


[ Sighs ] I already told him I won't say anything without my lawyer present.

I don't care.

You're hiding something.


I never would have noticed something like this before, but I've been working for a very long time with somebody who's good at seeing into people, what they're thinking, feeling.

I can tell there's something you're worried we're gonna find out about you.

That's ridiculous!

I'm guessing it has something to do with the black magic, something violent or sexual, maybe both.

But judging by how freaked out you are, I'd say it's something really bad.

I am not freaked out, and my interests, such as they are, are purely academic.

I don't know what you think you're doing --

Shut up.

I don't care what kind of kinky stuff you're in to.

I have a friend who's in danger, and maybe you can help save him.

It's possible he's being held by somebody from that blood group of yours.

I want their names.

I don't know any names. It's an online community, and -- I shouldn't even be talking to you.

You're lying. I can tell. You have names.

You've met them, some of them.

I don't think you understand how important this is to me.

You give me a name, you can walk out that door right now.

You don't, and I will dig up every dirty secret you have!

You'll what?

I will tell everybody you know -- your co-workers, your friends, your family.

You are not gonna be able to hide!

Y-you're threatening me?

It's not a threat. It's a promise.

You -- you can't! That's -- that's illegal.

My boss is right back there. Tell him. Get me fired. Ruin my career. I don't care. I want those names.

He gave me eight names. He says he can't remember the rest.

Good work.

How do we know he's not the k*ller?

We checked his credit-card statements.

He was out of the country for two of the murders.

Okay, we'll go out in pairs, and I'll text you the names.

Track them down. See if they're connected to the killings.

If you find a live one, let the rest of the team know fast.

[ Lock turns ]

[ Keys jingling ]

[ Lock turns ]


He's here, your father -- big Joe.

That's who you want to get in touch with, right?

He says thank you for keeping him, for taking care of him.

The passing over was hard, but now he's good.

His back doesn't hurt anymore.

He feels better now than he ever did when Dr. Hannigan was feeding him his meds.

There's doubt in you.

No. I-I mean --

Put it aside.

If -- if you doubt, then I lose the connection with him.

I won't be able to communicate with him.


He says there's a lake...

A lake Rickasee?



He didn't catch a fish that day. No.

No, you -- you caught a fish, a small one.


He wants to know why you're keeping him here.

There's something in me...

A voice.

And when it starts, I can't ignore it.

I can't think about anything else until I go out...

Find someone...

And then it goes away again...

For a while.

Is that your voice, Daddy?

Is that you in me?

Are you sending me out?

Am I doing this for you?

He's saying something.



It's not clear.

It's not.


Yeah, I'm -- I'm s-- I'm sorry.

I -- he's -- he's gone.

Get him back.

[ Sighs ] I can't.

I need -- I hour.

Get him back.

I need an hour. I just -- I need to -- I need to rest.

This is how this works.

[ Scoffs ]

Hey, can I have some of that gum, please?

Thank you.

[ Keys jingling ]

[ Lock turns ]

[ Door creaks ]

[ Switch clicks ]

[ Blows ]

[ Gas hissing ]

We're looking for a man named Joseph Keller Jr.

According to our records, his last known address was in an apartment building that you manage, Ms. Martinez.

But then he moved out.


Yeah, Keller -- weird guy.

Yeah, I think he moved like two years ago.

Did he leave a forwarding address?

No. I think he said something about his dad being sick.

Can you remember anything else about him, where he worked?

Some exterminator company.

Do you know the name of the company or the address?

Maybe -- I think he sent me an e-mail about it, wanted me to hire him.

You want me to look for it?

That would be wonderful, thank you.


I know it's in here.

[ Knock on glass ]

While you're looking for that, we're just gonna step outside.


Any news?

Not yet, sorry.

But I did find out something weird about Keller.


Not Keller Jr., but his father, Joseph Keller Sr.

15 years ago, there was a string of killings in the area.

Local P.D. took a hard look at Keller Sr., really liked him for them, but they only had a circumstantial case, never found any conclusive physical evidence.

Keller's father was a serial k*ller.

Sounds like it.

What happened to him?

I don't know. Case went cold.

Two or three years ago, he falls off the map.

He had a house not too far out of town, near Lake Pickasee.

You check out the house.

I'll wait until she finds a work address and head over there.


[ Lock turns ]

It's been an hour.

He's here.

He -- what?

He came back when you were gone.

He wants to talk to you. He's in there.

He wants to talk to me?

That's right.

If you want answers, they're in that room.

You can go in or not. It's up to you.

Do you smell gas?


[ Coughs ]

[ Coughing ]

[ Gas hissing ]

[ Sniffs ]

[ Cracking ]

[ Grunts ]


Jane, are you in here?

[ Pounding ]

Jane? Are you here?


[ Coughing ]

Jane. Hey.

Can you stand up? Come on. Let's get you up.

[ Gasps ]

Oh, I got you.

[ Coughing ]

Come on.

[ Coughs ]

Don't you ever do that to me again, ever.