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04x07 - Fog and Storm and Rain

Posted: 02/18/15 06:21
by bunniefuu
Previously on Switched at Birth...

I vandalized the construction site.

Wait a second, she took the blame for you?

We can't tell anyone about this.

This cannot get out.


Cookie! Aw!

Every time grandma comes here, you get crazy.

That's because some of us still care about what our mothers think.

t*nk should have walked away.

Us sleeping together should have never happened.

Are you saying that it was not consensual?

You're looking to pin responsibility on somebody, but it's messy.


I can't believe that you came all the way out here again.

What about school?

It's okay.

How could you have known?

You're here now, and...

I want to tell you everything, so...

But I want to.

Emmett, I...

(Theme music playing)


Someone slept in.

My own bed, a room to myself...

I feel like Kate Middleton right now.

I love fall break.

Well, those of us who aren't royalty still have to go to work.

I'm late to meet Eric, so I've got to run.

I can't believe I haven't seen the coffee house yet.

I know. We're almost ready to open.

Eric and I are so excited.

This job sounds like it's going great.

Well, it's kind of evolved.

It's a little more than just design work.

What do you mean?

I made an investment in the coffee house.

I'm part owner.


How much did you invest?

About 50 grand.


I know, I know.

It's always a little scary with a start-up, but East Riverside really needs a place like this.

I think it's gonna do really well.

Why didn't you tell me?

You were so busy with school.

That's a lot of money.

You are gonna love it.

I can't wait till you see what we've done.


One of the strongest storms on record is set to move into K.C. today, bringing with it strong winds, golf-ball sized hail...

John: Wow.

... And heavy rainfall.

The rain has already begun falling north of the metropolitan area.

My mother has to visit during a storm.

Terrible weather and hurricane Bonnie.

She gets critical when she's unhappy.

And she's pretty much always unhappy.

So is Emmett still around?

They're in Bay's room.

I think they've been up there all night.

Excuse me?

Come on, they have a lot to talk about.




Emmett, I think we're skipping a step here.

I... we need to talk about what happened.

We can't just move past it like everything's okay.

I'm not going to be ready to talk about L.A. until we do.

No, I'm not saying that. I just...

I just want to talk.

Emmett, it is not that simple. I...



Eric: Listen to your babysitter. All right, be safe out there in the galaxy, star-lord.

Okay, buddy, let's go over our checklist.








(Laughs) Check.


You're all set. Give me a pound, dude.

Give me a pound, Regina.

Oh, there you go.

Not too much junk food at the movie, okay?


All right, have a good time with your friends. Be safe.



He likes you.

(Door bells jingle)

Usually with all of our moving around, he's a lot more shy at first.

Mmm. Well, he is a great kid.

Mmm, I'm trying.

You know, I think this is the most happy I have been about work in a long time.

Mmm. I'm happy, too.

(Door bells jingle)



Daphne, this is Eric.

Eric, this is my daughter Daphne.

Hi. Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you, too.

(Doorbell rings)

Here we go.


Oh! It is really coming down out here.

I brought my friend Lucille.

Ah! Thanks for having me.



So nice to meet you. Really.

I'm sorry. I'm Kathryn.

This is my husband John.

Hi, nice to see you.

Please, please!

Oh, come on in.


Let me grab that.

Thank you.

Very much.

Lucille is from Texas, and she has never been to Kansas, so I figure we have to give her a steak.

We have fajitas and everything in Scottsdale, but oh my god.

Of course, the barbeque in Scottsdale is definitely lacking.

What part of Texas are you from, Lucille?

I'm from Dallas.

Yeah, she's practically got the flag tattooed on her ankle.

(All laughing)

Hey, grandma.


Hey, cookie!

How's my little jailbird?

You know, just trying to avoid my second felony.

Yeah, well, probation seems to suit you.

You look gorgeous.


Thanks, grandma. I... hi!

I'm Bay! Uh...

I've heard so much about you!


I'm Lucille.

Bay: Oh! Okay.

Uh, this is my boyfriend Emmett.

Emmett, this is Lucille.

Nice to meet you.

Look at you with the signing.

Sign language? Mom!

Yeah, well...

When I found out that Bonnie had a deaf granddaughter and didn't know how to sign, I said...

Well, we had to learn A.S.L., so we took a class.

Lucille: I'm not as good as Bonnie.

Well, I was a little reluctant, you know.

But it ended up being so much fun.


Oh, "fun."

That's great.

You know what?

Let's help these guys. Ladies, let me get you settled.

Here you go.

Thank you.

John: Oh, sure. After you.

After you. Excellent.

Were those cowboy boots she was wearing?

(Thunder rumbling)

I gotta make a call.


Because I don't even know what it is yet, exactly, so it's hard to talk about.

After what happened with Wes...

Wes and I were not involved, that was just business.

Oh, please, he liked you.

And he took advantage of you, and then everything spun out of control.

This is gonna be fine.

But it's a lot of your own money.

I am a businesswoman. This is a great opportunity.

I know what I'm doing.

You want them to really hear you?

Sometimes you gotta shout!

(Both laughing)



Ah, there he is. Hey, what was your name again?


Well, Nacho is here to get our wi-fi up and running on the cheap.

Thanks for coming out in the rain, my man.


And this is the co-owner of the cafe, Regina, and her daughter Daphne.

Yeah, I know.

You guys know each other?

Nacho: Just from around.

From the good old days, right?


75 under the table, right?

Yeah, that's the deal.

Nice to see you again.

John: Let's see if we can find those camping lanterns.

Let's hope they work.

Hey, dad?

Can I ask you something?

It's kind of a guy question.


So, how is Emmett handling all this?

Um, I'm not sure.

He, uh, sort of concocted this story in his head where he makes everything that happened t*nk's fault, which is not entirely wrong, but it's also not, uh...

Entirely the truth.


I'm thinking maybe I should just let it go.

I mean, he doesn't need to know every single detail.

Should I just let t*nk be the bad guy?

For Emmett's sake?


Honey, I know you've been through a lot... and I can imagine that telling your boyfriend and going through this all again can't be easy.

I just don't know what the point is.

(Shakily) I'm dealing with it. I'm okay.

But why should I burden him?

Because he loves you.

I don't know that he can handle it.

Don't underestimate him.

Give him a chance.


I love your chili, mom.

I remember coming home from college craving bowls of it.

Ah, well, this is... this is a different recipe.

It's Lucille's.


I'm from my son, actually. He's a wonderful cook.

Hey, maybe we'll spend Thanksgiving together sometime.

Oh, sure. Is there anything I can do to help?

Oh, just watch and be amazed.

Well, just got off the phone with Regina.

Apparently the whole city's flooded.

She's stuck at the coffee house with Daphne.

Surprise, surprise.

Toby's fine too, but no one's going to make it home for dinner.

Oh no.


That's a shame. I really wanted to meet them.

Too bad for them, 'cause you know what? That smells amazing.

John? Lucille is a big baseball fan, and she has season tickets to the Diamondbacks.


Come on!

He doesn't need the houseguest he just met to be fan-clubbing about baseball.

And she's pulled me into it, too.

Really? You know, when I was playing, I couldn't get her to a game to save my life.

Well, you know, if you guys had won the pennant like the Royals did last year, I might have come.

That's nice.

Enough about baseball.

Are you sure there isn't anything I can do to help?

Yeah, you can open up that bottle of Pinot we brought.

Okay? Let's get this party started.

Lucille: Yeah, come on.

Lucille introduced me to that when we were in... Napa last summer.

You went to Napa?

Yeah. I think I told you, didn't I?

I'm not sure.

Um, I'm going to go find a corkscrew.

You know, I hit pretty well against Randy Johnson back in the day.

Yeah, I know.

I remember.

You were there?


Oh no!

Damn, damn.

Excuse me a minute.

What is it?

I think I forgot my blood-pressure medicine.

No, you didn't.

I packed them in my bag. Don't worry, I'll go get them for you, okay?

You are so good at this stuff.

I know. (Laughs)

Uh, I'm gonna go check on Kathryn and the wine, see what's taking so long.


(Whispers) What do you think of her?

What, Lucille?

I think she's great.

I've been trying to get my mom to go on trips and take classes for years.


Well, I wonder how she got through to her.



Honey, I think they might be a couple.

(Laughs) Don't be ridiculous.

John, my mom is not gay.

She was married for 42 years, and besides, she's my mom.

(Whispered conversation)


(Both laughing)
Reporter: An important update for Kansas City, Missouri: A significant weather advisory is now in effect.

I could k*ll that kid.

I could really k*ll him. I'm gonna go talk to him.

Mom, don't!

What if he tells Eric about you and Bay?

Why would he do that?

Because he's a loose canon.

I don't even know if he knows what Bay did for me.

That kid could get you and Bay into a lot of trouble, and he just shows up here?

To install wi-fi.

How do we know that?

I don't know.

Once he is done, we send him away.

(Thunder rumbles)

(Both scream)

You okay?

Everyone okay?

We're okay.

Power's out in the whole building.

Well, looks like we're all here for a while.

So you think my mother just turned gay out of the blue?

Maybe it isn't out of the blue.

(Laughs) Excuse me. What does that mean?

And if she is gay, why didn't she come out to me?

Well, maybe that's what this whole trip is about, sweetie.

Maybe that's why she brought Lucille in the first place.

I think you're letting your imagination run away with you.

Okay, they're traveling together.

I offered them separate bedrooms and they wanted to stay together.


Plus Lucille packed some of Bonnie's things for the trip.

Maybe you should talk to her.

Are you kidding me? We never talk about things like that, ever.

What if she is struggling for a way to talk to you?

Okay? And you do nothing?

What then?

We should move the furniture before it gets ruined.

(Thunder rumbles)

You're the last person I expected to see here.

I could say the same about you. I live here.

I heard you left town.

Once they put a warrant out for my arrest, I had no choice.

It sucks too because my daughter is still out here, so I have to sneak back to see her.

How did you get off? You told me you were on probation.

You should be in big trouble, girl.


Come on.

We were in it together.

Because I was on probation, my sister told the cops that she did it.

She didn't have a record, so she got community service and house arrest.

We had to pay a bunch of restitution, too.

That tractor was expensive.


It's good to be a rich white girl.

I can't even apply for a real job, because I got this warrant, so I gotta do this kind of work.

There's not a warrant anymore.


My sister told the cops that she wrecked that construction site alone.

She said that you and I were there to stop her.

The case was closed.

Nobody's looking for you, I swear.

You could come back, maybe get a real job.

Are you sure about this?

Her probation officer told her.

I'm positive.

Looks like your sister did us both a solid.

Say hey for me.

You want to do her a solid back?

Keep this to yourself, okay?

Oh, sure.

I'm glad it all worked out.

Well, I better get back to work.

See you in there.

Nice Photoshop.

Well, don't post that anywhere.

With my luck, I'll probably get a probation violation.

Thank you for visiting Bay.

It's great to have you home.

She really missed you.

You done?

So what did we say? $75? Let me get my checkbook.

Cash only. And 75 isn't going to do it.

Excuse me?

Your daughter told me how she stayed out of jail.

How do you think the cops would feel if they found out they got lied to?

You said that we were fine.

Yeah, well, I changed my mind.

Regina: Nobody would believe you, plus you'd be incriminating yourself.

Maybe. Or maybe the cops get an anonymous phone call.

She's a convicted felon.

You want to risk it? I don't think so.

What do you want?


Are you crazy?

This is for my daughter, and me and my baby girl need to get paid.

I told you, my sister took the hit for both of us.

We're even. Walk away.

I'm either leaving here with my money or I'm leaving here to turn you and your sister in.

It's your call.


Can I talk to you?


Look, um, I should have called and let you know I was bringing a friend. I'm sorry.

Oh, no, it's fine. I'm happy to meet people that you... that you care about.

Do you like her?

I do. I really do.

The family meeting Lucille was one of the reasons that we're here.



Uh... actually, I've been meaning to talk to you about something.

Um, this is the real reason I made the trip.

And I'm glad you did.

And I want you to know that no matter what it is, I am... I'm supportive.


I've been diagnosed with Alzheimer's.


I have dementia.

Early stages, but I've got dementia.

No, you don't.

You're sharp as a tack. You just learned sign language and you remember recipes from decades ago.

It... you know, sometimes I just...

I can't remember a word as simple as "fork," and I'm forgetting how to do things I have done all my life.

I forget things, too.

You've been fine since you've been here.

It doesn't happen every day.

It comes, goes.

I've had blood tests and neurological tests, and they pretty much ruled out everything else.


It's a mistake.



(Crying) No.


(Mutters) Yes, it is.

It's just the tree.

But we're okay out here.

I'm gonna go upstairs and check on the roof.


All right.

What are we gonna do?

Just... just give me a minute.

I can't believe we're being sucked into this mess all over again.

It's never gonna end.

Yes, it is, and it ends now.

I'm gonna pay this guy off.

Are you sure?

Well, what choice do we really have?

If Nacho goes to the cops and they reopen the case, you're gonna get kicked out of school. You might even go to prison.

And Bay will be in big trouble, too.

We're in the middle of a storm with no power.

How are you going to pay him?

Uh, warning, if you're posting that selfie to social media, retaliation will be swift and brutal.

What? Why?

No, I won't allow it.


Okay, um...

We need to talk about what happened.

If you are going to make a big life decision based off of what happened to me, then you have to listen.

So I didn't come all this way just to drop a b*mb on you.

I want you to know, I'm not going to be a burden to anybody.

Bonnie, don't be ridiculous. You could never be a burden to us.

Well, I appreciate that, but what I mean is that my affairs are in order.

The finances, the will... it's all set.

Mom, please just don't talk like that, please.

It's okay, honey. I've had time to prepare.

Wait, how... how long have you known?

Well, um, I was diagnosed about a year ago.

Why didn't you tell me?

Honey, you... you had so much going on with the kids, and then Angelo died, and I... I needed time.

Mom, I want you to move in here with us.

John: You know what? I think that's a great idea.

We have access here to the best doctors in the country.

We can get out ahead of this thing.

Oh, that's really generous, but I have other plans.

Lucy and I are moving to France.

We're gonna open up a B&B.


You're joking, right?

No, no, it's something I've actually always kind of wanted to do.

No, it's not.

Honey. I know this is hard, honey.

And wait, how is that smart?

To live across the world, away from your doctors? Away from your family?

Kathryn, we should really talk this through.

It's a process.

Kathryn, why don't you hear your mother out?

And who the hell are you, anyway?

We're going to fly to Scottsdale.

We're going to pack up your things.

We're going to get you settled right here where I can take care of you!

That's what's going to happen.

No cell service?


I'm just worried about Will.

He's at a big mall. He's safe.

Can I ask you a favor?


I just...

I screwed up. Daphne just reminded me that I forgot to pay her second-semester tuition and it's way past due.

If I don't pay tomorrow, she's not going to be able to register for her new classes.

Okay. Well, I think we've got about 12 grand.

How much do you need?

Pretty much all of it.

What's going on?

I... I know it's a lot of money, but the university is so uptight about...

Regina, don't lie to me.


It's a long story. And for a lot of reasons, I can't tell you.

Here's how this works: I don't need to know how you got into this mess.

I just need to know what's going on now, so I can help you.

Look, if our partnership means anything to you, you're just going to have to trust me on this.

It's that kid, isn't it?

Now you've got to trust me.

What's he up to?

He's blackmailing me, but I don't want you to get involved.

Oh, I'm getting involved.

We need to talk, yo.

Uh, I told Regina your Internet is all good, but ain't nothing I can do about the power. That's citywide.

That's not what I'm talking about.

You asked for money from my partner?

Man, this ain't got nothing to do with you, a'ight?

Eric, it's okay, really. He's right.

This is between him and me.

No, it's not.

You see, if you ask my partner for money, it's the same thing as asking me for money, and nobody shakes me down.

I got no beef with you, all right?

It was her dumb-ass daughter that got us into all this trouble to begin with.

That is a lie.

And then the sister from Mission Hills bails her out, leaving me to spend the rest of my days hiding from the cops?

Money is the least they can do.

Me and my daughter got what's coming to us.

Yo, sit down.

I know you may look around here and think you see a bunch of nice wealthy people that you can roll, but I'm here to tell you that you're wrong about that.


That's right.

Now you know what I'm talking about.

It's cool.

Really, man, it's cool.

Listen up, these are my people.

You do anything to mess with them, and there'll never be a place safe enough for you to hide.

You feel me?

I've got you.


That's for the wi-fi.

That's for your kid.

I'm a dad, too.

Now beat it.

(Door bells jingle)

Don't ask me to be sorry.

You have to hear what I have to say, and if you still feel the same afterwards, then... fine.

I love you so much for your concern...

But there's nothing we can do about this.

You don't know that.

I do.

I'm taking meds to forestall it, but there's no cure.

It is what it is.

So you know what it's all about for me now.


I've been a wife and mother all my life, and I wouldn't change that for anything, but I... I never got to follow my own dreams, because I was always putting somebody else first.

And now with...

The time I have left, I want to change that.

But you can't be on your own, mom.

At least, not for much longer.

I won't be. I have Lucille.

Mom, are you...

She's my friend.

My best friend.


And I love her.

You know, this must all seem so silly, this running off to Provence, and maybe it is.

But I... I do not want to grow old eating mashed potatoes in some assisted-living facility in Scottsdale.

I want to eat almond croissants, meet people from all over the world, and practice my terrible French with Lucille.

That's what I want.


I'll be fine, I promise.

And I'll send postcards.


So, um, I guess what I'm saying is both t*nk and I made mistakes.

Yes, he should have, but, um...

It's complicated.

And you've been in this situation before.

You've been drunk and made stupid choices and...

What? No, I'm not saying...

Okay, just stop trying to trap me.

I'm saying it's not about making t*nk out to be some monster.

I'm not.

No, that's not true.

I told you... I felt sick and I wanted to lie down.


Was I upset about us? Yes.

I was, and that's probably why I drank too much, but I was not trying to get back at you, and I cannot believe that you would even ask me that!

This is not about cheating, so...

No, it wasn't a coincidence. Emmett!

(Door opens)



Emmett, I'm trying to explain this, and all you want to do is point fingers.

Either he's the monster or I am, and why can't it be somewhere in the middle?

Why can't you get this? I'm trying to be honest with you.

And it's like you prefer your version of what happened.

And live a lie?

If we're going to get past this, then I need you to know the truth and be okay with it.

Then I don't know where that leaves us.

You're not going to have any more trouble with that guy.

Trust me.

Okay. Not that I'm ungrateful or anything, but can you tell me what just happened?

I showed him this.

It's a g*ng tattoo.

You're in a g*ng?

Used to be...

But Nacho doesn't need to know that.

Like I told you when we first met, there are parts of my life that I'm not proud of.

But this... this is my past.

It's no secret. It's just not a part of who I am anymore.

I guess everyone has secrets they're not proud of.

Now you know ours.

Thank you.

Reporter: The flash-flood watch advisory has been lifted for Jackson, Clay, and Cass counties in Missouri, as well as Wyandotte County in Kansas.



Could I come in?


Look, I'm really sorry that I lost my temper earlier.

You have every right to think I'm a bitch for snapping at you like that.

Honey, I understand. She's your mother.

Thank you for being her friend...

Or whatever you are.


Hey, dad.


I was so worried about you!

We just climbed over the tree.

Is that right?

I know it's hard for you to see me with someone else.

(Emotionally) I want to be okay with it.

I really do.

You know my heart will always be with Angelo, but I don't want to grieve him my entire life.

No, I don't want that, either.


Thank you so much for getting him here. Drive safely, okay?

Yeah, thank you, Eric. Bye, Will.

Bye, thanks.


What do you think of the place?

Oh, I'm sorry. Mom, it's fantastic.


Oh, and the lights went out in the mall.

We couldn't go to the movies.

And that was fun?

Yeah, 'cause the guy at Ben & Jerry's gave us a billion free samples.

Said it was all going to melt anyway.


I guess I will see you tomorrow, partner.

Don't be a stranger.

I won't.

Come on.

(Door bells jangle)

You like her, don't you, dad?

Yeah, I do.

I like it here, and I don't want to leave this time.


Neither do I, buddy.

♪ Ooh, rescue my heart ♪
♪ lying to myself I can make it on my own ♪
♪ making it alone is lonely ♪
♪ twisting and I'm turning ♪
♪ now I'm crashing and I'm burning... ♪

Are you okay?

I told him.

I told him him everything.

And now I think I lost him.

Come here.