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02x17 - Awakening

Posted: 02/16/15 23:45
by bunniefuu
Previously on Sleepy Hollow...

200 years in purgatory have dearly sapped my skills.

My powers are peaking.

Give in to the darkness.

There you will find your true self.

I know you still mourn our son.

I just hope his actions have brought him some peace.

Henry, you're still alive.

I k*lled Moloch for you, Mother, for our kind.

It's time for us to begin our work.

My soul is tarnished.

My family needs protection.

You've gone to the dark side, haven't you?

That other Frank, it's about to take over and replace me forever.

This place holds all the answers to every question we have about our role as Witnesses.

This is the path that we have to take.

The choice is clear... destroy the Fenestella.

We just blew up the author of the Declaration of Independence.

Truth be told, he insisted.

"The Time Traveler was one of those men who are too clever to be believed; you never felt that you saw all around him; you always suspected some subtle reserve, some ingenuity in ambush, behind his lucid frankness."

That sounds like someone I know.

I shall take that as a compliment.

I had no idea that a man out of time was itself such a time-worn literary trope.

Abbie: Oh, sure.

Doctor Who, Connecticut Yankee, Marty McFly.

List goes on.

Here I thought I was rather unique.

Oh, don't worry... you're the only one in the nonfiction section.

A cornucopia of knowledge.

Each book key to a different corner of our soul.

And yet, so few customers.

Preaching to the choir.

Ever since everyone started downloading books from the cloud, I've had to take in research gigs just to keep the doors open.

For which we are thankful.



Any luck with the titles we asked for?

I wish I could say yes.

I mean, uh, there's rare and obscure, and then there's your list.

A Study of Apocryphal Prophecy.

Hierarchies of Demonic Evil.

Enoch's Bible.

I mean, uh, where exactly did you say that you'd seen these books?



We had access to a private store that has since been lost.

I'll keep looking.

Let you know if anything turns up.

Destroying Thomas Jefferson's Fenestella was the right move.

Can't help but wishing we'd got our hands on some of the books stored in there.

It seems, absent any definitive guidelines to our role as Witnesses, we must continue to define the rules as we see fit.

We can get more specific.

Like, a Witness always tips the bartender.

We never fight a land w*r in Asia.

And must refrain from spoiling the end of motion pictures.

Thank you, "Rosebud."

Hey, forgive and forget.

All kidding aside, being a cop or a soldier, you live and die by a code of conduct.

And I believe in what we do, but it doesn't make it any easier keeping friends or relationships.

To be effective, we must put our bond as Witnesses before anyone or anything else.

Truer words, Lieutenant.

Truer words.

Woman: So when you say you gambled away all of it, what is...

Money market, savings, stock accounts, college fund, it's...

I'm so sorry, it's all gone.

(bell tolls)

We can work through it.

(bell tolls)


It was an accident, you pulled out in front of me.

You better believe you're gonna be paying for this, pal.

(bell tolls)


(bell tolls)

(bell tolls)

Michelle, are you all right?

(bell tolls)

(bell tolls)

(bell tolls)

Man's voice: You came with him, your lover, to my funeral?



(Parish speaks Latin)

(speaking Latin)

Reyes said the disturbances were all in close proximity.

Did she mention anything else unusual?

Other than a girl speaking in her dead father's voice?


Hey, hey.

We got a problem.

As do we.

We're on our way downtown.

Frank Irving has been lying to us.

He's evil.

What makes you think that?

He told me.

He's been covering ever since he came back from the dead.

But Katrina gave his soul a clean bill of health.

He used a magic rune to get around her test.

And while it was working, he was his old self.

He told me to get his family out of town before he went after them.

Did he say what he wanted from them?


Just made me swear to protect them from him.

I told Cynthia to get Macey and get out.

Evil or not, it's Frank.

We don't want to hurt him again.

There may be a way to keep the captain quiescent, buy time till we can reclaim his soul.

Yet, this solution is rather... extreme.

Are you suggesting we use the Gorgon's head?

Could work.

Jenny: Doesn't a Gorgon's stare turn people to stone?

I want to help Frank, not turn him into a museum piece.

Ever since I found one of our ancestors in that condition, I've been searching for a way to bring her back.

We found a reference in a book on alchemical methodology.

It is the process Pygmalion used to bring the statue Galatea to life.

The point is it's possible.

Consider it a nuclear option.

It's stashed in the Masonic cell in the container we used for the Horseman's head.

Right, 'cause everyone just has a head-storage jar laying around.

We're on the clock.

As soon as we're done with this, we'll figure out how to handle Irving.

Thank you.

The woman claims no memory of what happened.

Eyewitness said she was choking him without even touching his throat.

Problem is... the witness had already downed half a bottle of wine.

Well, the Articles of Confederation were written on the back of a bar napkin.

Now, it does seem improbable that an electrical surge would occur at the same instant as a road rage confrontation.

In our line of work, improbable means not an accident.

You say all the victims were local?


Different ages?

Yeah, same symptoms... fugue state, no recollection of what happened.

Wait, an electrical surge, a bloody handprint, a voice from beyond the grave.

These are supernatural phenomena, and we've encountered them before.


Andy Brooks.

I slayed your Mason brethren.

Solomon Kent.


These people are exhibiting magical powers.

Yes, Lieutenant.


Now, it seems they all heard the same sound before entering the fugue state.

The tolling of a bell.

You thinking what I'm thinking?

I think I am.

We're on to something.

The same bell's been hanging here since colonial times, and this is not it.

This one looks like the Liberty Bell, only without the crack.

You're correct.

This bell was cast from the same mold as that famous one in Philadelphia.

How can you be sure?

Distinct crown, double band along the waist, and the fact that I cracked the original.

The original?

As in, you cracked the Liberty Bell?

A little.

The Liberty Bell in Philadelphia was damaged in 1846.

How could you have been responsible?

Whilst that bell carries the famous name, many others were cast from the same mold.

The first of which was a target for colonial sabotage in the year 1773.

I had orders from General Washington to locate a crate bearing the mark of the Axminster Bell Company, London, and destroy its contents utterly.

In order to discern if my target was present, a diversion was necessary.


Armed with a black powder charge of my own making, I was prepared to carry out my orders.

At the moment of truth, my ruse was discovered.

But my decoy had already served its purpose.

As did my expl*sive charge.

That was your brilliant plan?

A decoy dummy?

A time-tested tactic since Hannibal of Carthage.

Washington's orders, they now make perfect sense.

If these bells cause people to display powers of witchcraft, their use as weapons would be... undeniable.

And now, one's turned up on our town square.

Placed with intent.

By whom and for what purpose we must determine before it is rung again.

If we're dealing with a witch problem, we have to call Katrina.


Since our encounter with the warlock Solomon Kent, Katrina has been... distant.


(Katrina chanting in Romani Greek)



Your rest was most fitful, Mother.


Parish: Well done, Mother.

Blood magic.

Your dark side becomes you, as does true power.

Is this a dream?

Are you truly here?

I apologize for my temerity earlier.

I very much wanted to see you, but I-I wasn't sure how you'd react.

You are my son, Henry.

I hoped and prayed you were still alive.

In my dream, you said that you k*lled Moloch in order to save my life.

I did.

Instinct, pure and primal... or so I thought.

Now I realize it was something more.


Our destiny.

I have so much to tell you.

Bells have long been associated with pagan ceremonies, Druidic and Wiccan rituals.

From May Day to Walpurgisnacht.

This particular bell has definite connections to witchcraft.

This is an ancient pagan symbol, and this is the corporate emblem of Axminster Bell Company.

The very same was on the crate I sabotaged.

A symbol associated with the "Ritual of Awakening," a ceremony that sparks the power of those with witch heritage.

There was once a thriving coven in this area.

Their descendants could number into the thousands.

A bell rings and 1,000 people turn into witches?


We're talking mayhem.

Only three people were affected.

Clearly, this ritual did not have the intended effect.

Whatever the case, we have to make sure that that bell does not ring again.

We crack it. Same way you did.

It's a shame we used all the C-4 when we took down the Fenestella.

Fear not.

With the correct ingredients, I can concoct the exact black powder charge I used in 1773.

I hope you find my home more appealing than last time you visited.

After a long, fallow winter, spring has come again to Fredericks Manor.

You can let your guard down.

I mean you no harm.


I want to believe you, Henry.

It's difficult, after all the things that you have done.

Misguided choices that I have come to regret.

You stood by Moloch's side as he sought to bring the Apocalypse.

His apocalypse, not mine.

I have something to show you, Mother.

A gift from Captain Irving.

John Dee's Grand Grimoire.

The enchantments within the Grimoire are the most powerful ever assembled...

...and most dangerous.

Whoever holds it is capable of so much destruction.

I no longer seek wanton carnage, Mother.

I've found my path.

To bring back our kind.

Our kind?

You mean the Awakening Ritual.

I tried the ancient rite this morning, but it didn't take.

A few with witches' blood heard the call, but only for the briefest moment.

As my father is mortal, my blood is diluted.

Only a pure-blood witch can perform this ritual effectively.

If you were to ring the bell, its peal would be heard in every corner of Sleepy Hollow.

The transformation would be complete.

Create Witchbreed?

To what end?

A coven.

The most powerful ever known.

1,000 strong, with you and I as its leaders.

No longer would our kind be hunted, marginalized, burned.

A coven.

With you and I at the center of it.


What about your father?

He is not one of us.

In the end, he never can be.

You're asking me to give up everything I have believed in, fought for, for 200 years.

Yes, I am.

This is a dream I cannot dream alone.

This is why I saved you from Moloch: to save us both.

So we could have the family we never had.

I can't do this without you, Mother.

(Crane humming)


If only we had such a wealth of tools whilst building a nation.

What, pray tell, are "seasonal items"?

Abbie: It's a thing.

People decorate their lawns for different holidays.

Uh, flashing hearts for Valentine's, animatronic ghosts for Halloween, and Christmas is, like, the Super Bowl of lawn deco.

But which holiday requires monopedal pink birds and a band of barbate pygmies?

Arbor Day.

Last on the list.

Now we have everything we need to make black powder expl*sives.


Keep it down. Last thing we need is to be arrested by Homeland Security.

Which begs the question: how do we blow up the bell without taking down half the town square?

If memory serves true, there is an entrance to the tunnels via an alleyway off the town square.

It's been bricked over, but can be easily reopened.

And since the tunnels were built to store munitions...

They can contain an expl*si*n.

All we need is to drag the bell inside, place the charge, light the fuse...

My good man.

Could you direct me to the store quadrant where I might find flint and steel?

Uh... is that a CD, or a cologne?

'Cause we don't carry either.

A lighter.

Modern marvel.

Right by checkout.

Lighters require refueling, whereas flint and steel can always be relied upon.

Now, I appreciate the modern world.

But sometimes, old school is the best school.

Oh. Batteries.

We need...

(Crane grunts)

Now we have an entrance.

Now to end the trouble this wicked bell represents.

All that remains is to push the bell into the tunnels...

Take cover!



He's got a bolt action single-shot.

He needs time to reload.

Jenny, wait.

I got this.

You two... blow that bell to hell.

Irving: When Henry sent me to guard the bell, I'd hoped you'd show.

Save me the trouble of finding you myself.

My family... where are they, Jenny?

You told me this would happen, Frank!

You told me to keep them away from you.

Tell me where my family is.

Or next time, I sh**t to k*ll.
♪ ♪


Crane: A few hundred feet should be far enough.



Parish: You must have so many questions.

Let Katrina go.

Let's keep this between us.

You want to tell him, Mother, or should I?

You came of your own free will.

I did not expect you to understand.

No. No, Katrina...

Whatever Henry has told you, you cannot trust a word he says.

I trust what I feel.

He has done nothing but try to destroy us.

He saved me from Moloch.

He saved all of us.

Now he's trying to turn people into witches.

The bell is a gift.

I am awakening what is already within their blood.

What about the rest of Sleepy Hollow?

Innocent bystanders.

We are the innocent that have been wronged.

Parish: This town should be ours!

What we were owed; promised.


By whom?

General Washington made a pact with our coven.

If we helped win the w*r, witches would finally reintegrate into society.

A promise he reneged on.

And one that must be reconciled at any cost.

I understand why you are drawn in by what he is offering.

But it is bait that hides a hook.

You are wrong.

He has changed.

No, no, Ka... No, that's guilt.

Guilt... at what you perceive to be your failings as a mother.

No! It was always meant to be the two of us.

I've always needed her.

I am sorry it took me so long to see the truth.

The idea that a mortal man and I could truly make a life together...

You... be wary.

What you're saying now cannot be unsaid.

In a way, it is a relief to finally be able to speak it.

I do not belong here in this time.

Among humankind.

Beside you.

If this truly is your... choice... be it.

But the bell?

You shall not have the bell.

The bell is ours.

And the Awakening Ritual will occur tonight.

When the Perigean tide is the highest, my powers shall peak.

And you shall not interfere.

Oh! What's their next move?

How long before they ring that bell?

Katrina will wait until the Perigean tide is at its highest before she performs her ritual.

So, a matter of hours?

Is it possible that Henry could've cast some kind of spell on her?

There is no need to soften the blow, Lieutenant.

Katrina has chosen to side with the enemy.

When we made those rules this morning, I had no idea they would be so sorely tested.

Yeah, you're telling me?

Jenny's out there facing Irving alone.

And we are in here!

We must stay focused on our duty.


Henry is the source of all our ills.

We take out the heart of this evil, the limbs will surely follow.

I will not hesitate.

Not again.

One thing's for sure.

I'm glad I'm not in this alone.

I echo that sentiment, Lieutenant.

The witch bell.

You cracked it once.

Let's do it again.

They would take it somewhere safe.

Fredericks Manor, maybe?

No, no. We'd expect that.

There is another possible location.

The bell I intercepted in 1773 was en route to Sleepy Hollow Town Hall.

That town hall's been boarded up for years now.

We arm ourselves to the teeth.

Stage a full-frontal as*ault.

A distraction?

Long enough to find the bell.

Destroy it.

This is where my old coven used to meet.

Long before you were born.

Then it is fitting that this is where the bell should ring.

Our new coven rise from the ashes of the old.


You were having second thoughts?

Oh, no.

Quite the opposite.

When I fought the warlock Solomon Kent, he told me I had... neglected the truth about myself.

But he was wrong.

It's not about... dark magic or power.

It is about you.

I never should've left you the way I did, Henry.

All those years ago.

We're together now.

We shall create... what we both desire most.

(laughs) My darling boy.

Do you realize what you have done?

You have given me back my soul.

(g*nsh*t nearby)

Henry Parish!


(quiet laugh)

You have to admire his tenacity.

You prepare the ritual.

I'll take care of this.

I know you're near, Jenny!

You can't run forever.

But I can.

I recall there were two Witnesses in the Book of Revelation.

(car engine humming nearby)

We've been here before.

You bare your teeth, then you back down!

You don't have what it takes to do v*olence to your only son.

You've not learned a thing since Moloch dragged you from your fetid box.

Moloch... was self-righteous and self-serving.

Like you!

He abandoned me just as you did.

I did not abandon you, Henry.

I did not even know you existed.

You're as much a man out of time as I.

Yet you cling to the past so tightly like an angry, unruly child.


Thank you, Mother.

How many Witnesses did I say were specified in the Bible?

You may be one short of a pair.

This is how a mother nurtures her son.

m*rder in cold blood.

You and Abbie chose this fight.

You know our cause is noble.

How can you disregard all that you were?

All that we have been?

It is already done.

I pulled you from purgatory, Katrina.

This path... this path will send you back.

The bell.

The bell!

Last chance.

A valiant attempt, clever even, Ms. Mills.

But sadly, all for naught.

(Irving grunting)


Nowhere left to run, Jenny.

I'm not gonna let you hurt them, Frank!

They're my family.

You, Abbie and Crane.

All the time I have known you, you have used me.

You didn't even come visit me in Tarrytown.

You didn't even bring by my daughter.

So stop pretending you care about my family.

And tell me what I want to know, Jenny.

Or I will tear you apart!

They're afraid of you, Frank!

They don't want to be with you!

They will.

When the bell tolls, they'll know what's in their blood.

How does it feel to be tied to a stake awaiting the flames?

Go to hell.

It's your turn, I'm afraid.

You will be the first to burn.

Are you ready to begin, Mother?

We are ready.

Join your power with mine.

Why stop at Sleepy Hollow when we can have so much more?

The decoy plan was a bust.

So much for the old ways.


Not entirely.

The b*mb on the bell, they haven't spotted it yet.

Doesn't change the fact that we're tied up and weaponless.

Tied, yes.

Hardly weaponless.

I have two flintlock pistols beneath my coat loaded with Greek fire charges.

You been holding out on me?

I did say "armed to the teeth."

A direct hit to the black powder would ignite it.

Oh, for a shard of glass.

Sharp rock.

How about flint and steel?

Side pocket.

(chanting continues)

(bell tolling)

I can feel them, Mother.

Our coven is awakening.

Henry can stop a b*llet.

If he catches on, we'll never hit the target.

Unless we split his concentration.

Make him a target, too.

He's the Horseman of w*r; he's immortal.


I do not believe he is.

His face, he bleeds.

If he bleeds, he may be mortal.

Are you ready for that?

Duty above all else, Lieutenant.

I'll take the warlock.

You take the bell.

In three, two, and... now.





It's too late for that.

Save the bell.

Finish our work.

The coven means nothing without you, Henry.

Not Henry.

The name you chose...

Was Jeremy.



My family.

I'm sorry it had to end like this.

I have no regret.

"He was a man.


Take him for all and all."

"I shall not see his like again."






How did I get down here?

Nice try, Frank.


What did I do?

How did I get here?




Tell me they're okay.

It's me.


How do I know that?

You don't.



You better not be lying to me.



You know how much we both cared for him.

We tried everything we could to save him.

This is not your fault.

No. It's yours.


You... are the source of my sorrow, Ichabod Crane.

You are the reason I was not there to raise my son.

I never should have saved your life when the Horseman cut you down.

I never should have put you to sleep.

I should've let you die!

And this time, I will.


(chanting incantation)



(bird screeches)


Come on.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


The traveler spell, it worked.

Oh, Jeremy.

I will never leave you ever again.

♪ ♪

Soldier: Ho!

You, stop there.


Do you have papers?


I must have left them in my sock drawer.

You know how that is.

Did we say you could speak?

Excuse me.


Or you'll rue this day.

If you think what I think that you're thinking...

This is wrong on so many levels.

Clearly, she's touched.

Put her in shackles so she causes no harm.


No! Hey!

My things.

You cannot just take them from me.

I told you I can use them to identify myself.

Just speak to a judge, fugitive.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait...

I have information. I can change the course of this w*r.

Oh, do you now?

That's right.

And what might this information be?

There's only one person I'll talk to... Captain Ichabod Crane.