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02x05 - The Return

Posted: 02/13/15 18:23
by bunniefuu
Who are you?

Where is this?

He wouldn't just disappear without a word to anyone.

Something's wrong.

Why bring this to me?

I'm no longer your commanding officer.

I'm just an ordinary Musketeer on work detail.

Athos would not just vanish.

Athos is drunk somewhere.

He'll turn up when he's sober.

We've checked all the usual taverns - no-one's seen him in days.

Then the sooner this is done, the sooner we can look for him.

Someone speak to me?

If you mean to k*ll me, at least give me the courtesy of an explanation.

Man: We mean you no harm, my Lord.

You know us now?

You're Bertrand, the innkeeper at Pinon.

And Jeanne, his daughter.

What is the meaning of this?

Forgive us, my Lord, we didn't know what else to do.

We had no choice - you ignored all our letters.

I make it a rule never to open letters. Now, cut me loose, damn you!

I could have your heads for this.

At least that would be quick.

Starving to death takes such a long time.

Forgive her, my Lord, Jeanne speaks out of turn.

He needs to know the truth.

You judge us in our desperation.

These are your lands, your people you have neglected.

It is you that should be judged, Monsieur le Comte de la Fere.

Cut me loose.

I will not listen to your complaints while I'm tied to a chair.


A letter, from the estate of the Comte de la Fere asking Athos to return.

All in the same hand. Signed by an innkeeper at Pinon.

'We are in desperate need of your protection. We entreat you to return to us and honour the responsibility of your family.'

There's your answer, then. Family business. Nothing to do with us.

I have work to do. You should try it sometime.

Pinon is only a day's ride away. We could just check.

Unless you'd rather stay here, shovelling s...

Surely anything's better than that?

All right. I'll ride with you, but as a comrade, not your commanding officer.

Whatever you say, Captain.

A word, Captain.

If this is about General De Foix...


I have nothing more to say. What?!

I know there's something you're not telling me.

If De Foix wasn't my father, who is?

Porthos, enough! And that's an order.

I thought you weren't my Captain any more?

Look, whatever you think you're entitled to, a fellow Musketeer might be in danger.

This is not helping Athos.

I'm going to find out. Whether you help me or not.

Oh, g*dd*mn you.

You've brought me back.

I left this life... a long time ago.

What gives you the right to bring me back?

We need your help.

You don't need a lord to tell you how to work the fields.

You've always done it.

It's not us. It's Baron Renard.

He burns the crops and poisons what's left.

He wants your land for himself.

We need the protection of our liege lord, the Comte de la Fere.


The Comte no longer exists.

I'll talk to Renard.

And then I hope to never see any of you again.

Hate this place if you like, but don't punish its people.

You don't let up, do you?

What did you do, by the way, put a drug in my wine?

You were so drunk you made it easy for us.

A man should never lose himself to drink like that.

I'll bear that in mind.

(horses neigh)


Out my way. Out of my way!

That's enough!

You dare lay a hand on me, peasant.

Edmond! What is going on here?

Your son needs to learn some manners, Baron De Louviers.

Stop that! And open your eyes, boy.

Do you not recognise a man of noble bearing?

This is the Comte de la Fere.

Your man's behaviour is a disgrace.

Well, perhaps if you'd shown a little more interest in the last few years, I would not have had to intervene.

You have no right to abuse your power.

My right, my dear Comte, is that of any concerned neighbour.

Your estate has gone to rack and ruin, its people are thieves and parasites.

I was only attempting to assert some order.

I'm sure we can sort this out like honourable men.

Nothing would please me more.

Lead on.

You're very kind, my dear.

And very pretty.

Normally I find the peasant class as ugly as gargoyles.

(he laughs)

But every now and then one discovers a rose amongst the thorns.

Shall we get to business?

I'm anxious to return to Paris.

What are your plans for the estate?

The estate is of no more concern for me.

I have renounced my title.

One cannot renounce what is given by God.

God had no part in this.

I've never heard of such a thing.

What about your position?

Your responsibility to the social order?

This land is a sacred trust.

It is your birthright! Your family name!

I am not asking for your approval. I am still the legal landowner.

Now, I must have your undertaking that my tenants will be left in peace.

Perhaps you care more for such low people... now you are one of them yourself.

However, I promise you they will be treated as they deserve.

You promised me this land, father.

Sometimes, Edmond, I wonder how a man with my wits could have fathered such a dolt.

I promised to treat these vermin as they deserve.

And they deserve nothing.

Athos is a traitor to his own kind.

I take my responsibilities to future generations seriously even if he does not.

If you aren't the Comte any more... you're the same as them.

So you must kneel in the presence of your betters.

You gave me your word.

I don't negotiate with peasants.

I said kneel!


The Comte de la Fere is no more.

This man is a vagrant and an imposter.

The punishment for such a crime must be exemplary.

Bertrand: You can't do this!

Edmond: Take your hands off me!

Jeanne: Leave him alone!

Man: Soldiers are coming!


We'll be back!

Edmond: Bring the girl!

Bertrand: No! No!

Jeanne: Help!

This might sting a little.

What will they do with my Jeanne?

Don't worry. We'll find her.


Give up your title if it makes you happy. I mean that.

But think about these people. They live on your land.

They need your help.

I have nothing to offer them.

If I didn't know you better, I'd say that sounded pretty cowardly.

Get out of my way.

The Athos I know always fights against injustice.

Wherever he finds it.

Not here. Not this time.

I thought Milady's influence over you was done.

Let this happen and they become her victims too.

Athos, these people have no other protection.

Only us.

This is not your fight.

It is now.

And I like it here.


Catherine: Help!

He's dead! Your brother's dead!

She did this, your wife! She m*rder*d Thomas!

He tried to force himself on me. I had no choice!

Help! Help me!

Help me. Help me, please. Please.




When my father died, his debts took everything, including the house.

So I moved into your servant quarters.

I didn't think you'd object.

You live like this?

I survive. It's not quite what I was promised when I was betrothed to your brother.

I hunt and trap my own food.

It's amazing what you can learn when you've run out of choices.

I can give you something for that.

I saw you in the village.

I didn't recognise you. The clothes...

I'm told this is the height of fashion in Paris.

That was quite a shot you made.

Thomas taught me to sh**t.

I was listening behind the inn.

I heard what you said to Renard.

About giving up your title. Is it true?

How it must have hurt to learn that your precious wife was nothing more than a common thief and fraud.

What was her real crime in your eyes, I wonder?

Murdering your brother or beguiling you?

Baron Renard's hunting lodge is in the forest, about three leagues west from here.

Are you sure you can handle this?

We'll fight this battle, you worry about how to win the w*r.

We'll bring your daughter home.

Good luck.

What's going on between you and the Captain?

There's something he's not saying.

Something he knows about me.

Such as?

I wish I knew.

Raspberry brandy? Not quite vintage, but it's good.

To old times.

The one toast I can't drink to.

Was it all so bad?

We've known each other since we were children.

Have you forgotten what our fathers wanted for us?

We were too young to be betrothed.

We would have married.

But then you brought that woman home and I was quietly passed on to Thomas.

I liked him well enough... as one might a brother. I was content.

But even that was stolen from me.

You have been hurt too much because of me.

Because of her.

Tell me, Athos, in all these years, has my suffering ever crossed your mind?

If there's anything I can do to make this...

You could turn back time, Athos. Is that within your powers?

Are you going to stop Renard?

It's not my battle.

They might have k*lled you today.

All the more reason to leave.

I've no argument with the Baron.

All I want is to restore the estate to its proper place.

To have something of my old life back.

Perhaps he can give me that.

Renard can't be trusted.

Who else can I trust?


You did well to hang her.

I hope she's burning in Hell.



If Athos really has given up his title, then there's no reason for him to fight.

No true member of the aristocracy would speak such poison.

There must be something more to it.

Some kind of trick?

Either way his heresy cannot go unpunished. This is w*r.

He has forfeited any right to his land.

Make sure there's nothing left of Pinon.

Not a man, woman, brat or hovel.

Come here.

Are these really all the weapons you have?


You'll never beat the Baron with this.

Not enough powder or shot to frighten the birds, let alone Renard's men.

An army of scarecrows with no horses, no swords... and no firearms.

There's more at the house.

How much more?

Enough to make a fight of it.

You came back.

Do you want to get the weapons or do you want to stand here and chat?

What made you change your mind?

You were right.

Whatever happened here, the people of Pinon are not to blame.

They shouldn't suffer because of my mistakes.

Every nobleman had to raise a local militia in times of w*r.

My father kept a secret armoury, and I continued that tradition.

A little battered, but just about serviceable.

Are you talking about yourself or that p*stol?

It was always a good, dry cellar.

With any luck the powder won't have spoiled.

The family vault.

My ancestors - a dozen generations or so.

You can't believe them!

Was it all a lie?

Did you ever love me?

You know I did.

You have to help me get out of this. You have to believe me.

Be quiet! We're sick of your lies.

Make your peace with God, Anne.

For you must die.

I love you!

Is the powder good?

I think so.

Then let's get out of here.

To village whores and farmers' daughters!


Well, Edmond, it's time to break in the filly.


All in good time, gentlemen.

It is for my son to break her in first.

The privilege is yours, father.

Not me, my boy.

You know, I used to find a piquancy in struggles and tears, but a man grows jaded with such simple pleasures.
(they chant)

We're going to get you out of here.


Damn her. The bitch has bolted!

Has she though?

Let's have some sport. We'll run her down like a fox.

I didn't think that would work.

Centuries of in-breeding is making the aristocracy stupid.

Renard: Get the dogs! Scour the woods.

I want that girl found!

That's all the gunpowder.

D'Artagnan, allow me to introduce my late brother's betrothed, Catherine De Garouville.

Is he a Musketeer too?

From the Comte de la Fere to a common soldier.

It makes no sense.

It makes sense to me. More than anything else.

So you are going to fight Renard.

Come with us. You'll be better off with the other villagers.

Don't confuse me with them.

I wasn't born to this life.

Forgive me.

I was simply thinking of your safety.

I can look after myself.

There's one thing you should know. My wife is still alive.

She lives in Paris, mistress to the King.

She destroyed all my hopes, she ruined your life, and yet she still breathes!

What kind of a man of honour do you call yourself?

It never ends.

I should have gone when I had the chance.

If you did, you'd never have forgiven yourself.

You think you know me, but you don't.

Just drive the damn cart.

Boy: Jeanne's back!

They've brought my Jeanne home.

Did they hurt you?


Thank God you're safe.

Renard won't come in the dark, not across marshy ground.

But he'll come.

Let's get you home.


(chattering stops)

It's true, I left without a word.

And true, I never gave a thought to your fate.

But you have made my absence a reason to surrender responsibility for your own lives.

What future do we have without the protection of a lord?

What choice when our lives are not our own?

Then take Renard. Let him have the land and you with it.

Exchange one noble name for another.

Your attachment to my family is touching, but it is no longer practical.

This land belongs to you.

It can rot for all I care.

But it's our home - everything we know.

Then take it.

I've no use for it. I give it to you.

Just when you think he can't surprise you any more.

Face down Renard, defend the village and the land that your family has worked for generations will be yours.

Listen to me. All of you.

In any w*r, you have two choices.

You can sue for peace on the best terms you can get.

Or you can fight.

If you choose to fight, we will stand with you.

But ask yourselves - is your cause worth dying for?

We're dying already.

How can we defeat Renard and his men? We're not soldiers.

You are defending your homes, your children... your lives. You have something worth fighting for.

Do they?

If you choose to make a stand, be here at sun up.

They're not coming.

You can hardly blame them.

They've made their decision. Let's go.


Just you?

Looks like we're staying.

Just one question.

How exactly do we turn this bunch of misfits into a fighting force?

Hold your arm steady and sight down the barrel.

Wait until you're sure of your target.

With one ball you only have one chance.

We thrust low to the stomach. High to the face.

(safety clicks off)


Pack the shot and wadding down so you're ready to fire.

And thrust! And thrust and thrust!

You'd all be dead by now, but don't let that bother you.

Let's try again.

OK, let's try it again.

This is where we make them pay - for both of us.

This is where we make our stand.

Treville: Good. They have to come to us.

We need every man, woman and child inside the perimeter.

That's it, everyone! Everything you can find.

Chairs, tables, barrels, baskets.

If it's not nailed down, we need it here now. Quick as you can.

I wasn't sure you'd come.

From what I've seen of these people, you need all the help you can get.

Careful with that. The last few treasures I have left are in there.

Everything your wife left me with.

The barricades should hold to the south and west, and with water to the north, they've no choice but to take this path.

There's no cover and they'll be badly exposed.

That gives us an advantage.

Aramis, D'Artagnan, take your positions.

I lay awake last night thinking, "What am I doing here?

"This isn't my fight."

Did you come up with an answer?

This morning I realised it's just what I was born to do.

You mean protect the innocent and fight against injustice?

Oh, that too. But mainly, you know, just to fight.

To risk everything, put it all on the line.

How else do I know I'm truly alive?

You know what really hurts, Athos?

You never once tried to find out what happened to me.

I suppose I thought you'd left town - married.

My father's debts, no land, no dowry, and the taint of what had happened - eligible men found me undesirable.

They were wrong.

Perhaps when I sign over the land to you...

I forgot. I haven't told you my plans.

To your stations!

Athos, do you really mean that?

Keep your head down.


I said hold! You can't sh**t what you can't see.

You're just wasting amm*nit*on.

He's trying to see how many g*ns we have.

I've had a lot of practice with rabbits.

Two dead.

You said there wouldn't be any resistance.


They never could mind their own business.

You want this land, boy?

You're going to have to fight for it.

Have you seen Madame De Garouville?

Allow me.

I thought I was alone.

You must think me very foolish and vain.


It's my mother's.

It's one thing I couldn't bear to let go.

I always dreamed I might be able to wear it again one day.

When I was restored to my proper position.

Do you ever wish... that you'd chosen me?

Even after everything that's happened, you still prefer her.

At least I know now why she's still alive.

I should see to the wounded.


Don't fret. When this is over I'll make sure they're well looked after.

They're my people now after all.

I'm pleased to hear you say so.

The thought of wearing this again.

I cannot tell you how that makes me feel.

What you've done for me, it means so much.

I've done nothing for you.

Catherine, what are you talking about?

The others are asking for you.

What are you looking at, girl?


Stand here preening when there are people dying out there.

How dare you speak to me like that!

You have always treated us with such contempt.

But you are no better than we are.

When this is over, you'd better be careful, girl.

I thought we might avoid any further unpleasantness.

Go on.

Since you seem so determined to renounce your God-given nobility, sign over your lands to Edmond in perpetuity and I'm willing to spare these poor folk.

Take the offer or you all die.

My dear son's words may lack elegance, but his sentiment holds true.

The land is no longer mine.

Jeanne: The land belongs to us now!

To all of us!

I have given the estate over to its people.

So you're trespassing on our land.

You mean to give the land to them?

Of course. To everyone. You included.

You'd hand this rabble your birthright to defy me?

I have made my choice.

So you have, and it is on your own head.

Prepare yourselves - every last one of you is going to die in pain!

Remember your discipline.

Think like soldiers and you cannot lose.

Hold your nerve. Wait until they're in range.




Wait, wait!

Wait! Hold!

Get down. Go.




Edmond: Retreat, men. We regroup.

Tend to the wounded and repair the barricade.

Load up the muskets.

It's not over yet.

Have you seen this work?

I've never seen it not work.

Easy. Easy.


(he screams)

Edmond: Athos!

Come on!

Go on, then. What are you waiting for?

Don't tempt me.

Drop your sword, Athos.

I can't breathe in a world where your wife still lives.

If you won't do anything about it, then I will.

She's the King's mistress.

Neither of us can touch her.

What will you give me for him?

I thought you meant to give me my life back.

That at least might have been some compensation.

But you deceived me there too.

Perhaps he can give me what I deserve.

Put the g*n down, we can talk this through.

No, no! Edmond?

Edmond. Edmond.

I don't want to die.

Shh. Remember your position.

Bravely, my boy, bravely.


My poor boy.

My poor boy.

My poor, poor boy.

You saved my life.

I'd have done the same for any Musketeer.

But I won't take your hand. Not until you tell me the truth.

Thank you for all you've done.

You did it, not us.

My Lord, are you certain? I'm just a simple innkeeper.

Call me "My Lord" one more time and I shall burn this letter to ashes.

This gives you power to act with the authority of the Comte de la Fere.

You are Mayor of Pinon now.

The judiciary in Rouen will protect you should the Baron make any more trouble - they will not dismiss the seal of the Comte de la Fere.

The former Comte.

I don't know what to say to you.

Good. Let's keep it that way.

I shall not be back here again.

Good luck.

I owe you all a debt of thanks.

I was wrong and you made me see it.

I don't think your change of mind was because of us.

Who then?

It's a beautiful day.

We really should come to the country more often.

So it begins.

I can't help being nervous.

There's nothing to be scared of.

Secure the house. No visitors.

Behold! The motion of the heavens!

This place has been my home for too long.

Time for a change.

If we're going to get out of this, we'll have to work together.


She's a liar and a cheat. Why should we trust her?


Aramis! No!