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03x17 - Fearless

Posted: 02/12/15 17:34
by bunniefuu
[indistinct conversations]

Dana: Reid, let's go.


I need you on an urgent consult.

Come on. Let's move.

You okay?

Just a lot on my plate.

You mean the whole "writing your surgical boards"/"about to give birth" combo?

[chuckles] Yeah, and about a million other things that I've got to do.

I'm trying to change my will. I have to call my mother.

So call her.

[inhales sharply] It's not that easy.

I haven't talked to her in over a year.

She doesn't even know I'm pregnant.


I know. Crazy, right?

Alex, you're weeks away f...

I know. I know.

No, no, no.

This way.

Okay, so, who's the patient?

The what?

The urgent consult you're taking me on.

Oh, he's a man who is experiencing many complications.

All: Surprise!

You guys!


Maggie: I know you said don't do anything, but we are talking about the most type-A woman on the planet.

Speaking of type-A women, where's Dawn?

Tell me we invited her.

Dr. Bell's in a board meeting. She sends her regrets.

Sparkling grape juice.

Thank you.

Wow. These are the most beautiful flower cupcakes.

Actually, they're vaginas.

I'm sorry?

Yep. I was up all night with my anatomy textbook and my baker's hat.

And we all pitched in, got you some wheels.

Oh, my god, you guys.

I don't know whether to hit you or cry.

Um [chuckles] it's okay.

Um, pass me one of those cupcakes.

So, 36 weeks. You all ready for baby?

No, uh, not even close.

[cellphone vibrates]

I have a mountain of paperwork, and I can't even close my eyes at night without seeing all the forms that I haven't filled out yet.

Oh, no. Multi-vehicle accident, five minutes out.

All right.

Eat mine.



[siren wailing]

[indistinct conversations]

Hey, man.

Hey. Aren't you just coming off a call?

Back end of a 14-hour surgery, man.

Then what are you still doing here?

What does it look like I'm doing here?


Is that a ring box in your pocket?

I'm just happy to see you, Zach.

Right. I can't believe I got to cancel on my kids again.

Yeah. Duty calls, I guess, right?

Yeah, well, I wish duty would call the ex.

She still giving you a hard time?

I don't blame her.

I'm not really the most reliable copilot.

Yeah, but she knows what the job is, right?

How did you ever convince that woman to marry you?

[chuckles] It's actually a really bad story.

So, I forgot her birthday one year, like just literally forgot completely.

I had to get her something, so I proposed.

And they say romance is dead.

You know that I'm divorced, right? What do we got?

Passenger van, minor hockey team.

20-year-old male, Hayden Watts, multiple lacerations, suspected spinal-cord injury.

Hayden: - Where's... where's Sean?

Joel: - Hey, hey, whoa.

Okay, hey, you have to stay still.

Do not try to sit up, or you're gonna do yourself serious injury.

You understand me, Hayden?

Good. All right.

So, do transfer on "three." Ready.

One, two, three.

All right, Hayden, I'm just gonna ask you a few simple questions, all right?

Can you wiggle your toes?

I'm trying.

You feel this?


What about this?

[voice breaking] No. I can't feel anything.

Okay, buddy, I'm gonna log-roll you, and we're gonna test your motor function, all right?

On "three," guys. One, two, and three.

[breathing heavily]

All right.

Now we hope like hell that this feels just a little uncomfortable, okay, Hayden?

[gasps] Yeah. Yeah.

Okay. Actually, that's a good sign.

That's actually good, man. Hang tight.

He's got an incomplete injury.

Yeah. Let's get him up for a C.T. of his cervical thoracic lumbar spine and get him to the O.R.

And keep his pressures up.

If this kid has any chance of walking again, we got to move fast.

You got that right.

So, this is an actual consult.

I could barely keep a straight face.

This is a patient of Dr. Scott's?

Yeah, and she's a real piece of work... bullied him into having a plastic surgeon in there making all of her cuts.

For a thyroid surgery?


She must be persuasive.

Well, that's one word for it.

Dana, why wasn't I called for the trauma?

Um, I don't know.

I guess they didn't need you or...

Right. All hands on deck, just no swollen ankles.

People are protecting me, and I don't like it.

I'm not gonna protect you, Alex.


You're wrenching my neck.

Sorry, Ma.

Mrs. Badali, this is Dr. Reid.

She's gonna be stepping in to do your surgery today.

Why? Where's Dr. Scott?

Dr. Scott is home with the flu.

What?! But he's my doctor!

Not to worry. Dr. Reid has done this operation many times before.

Just my luck. She any good?

You any good?

I'm not sure how to answer that.

Well, you got yourself knocked up. That doesn't bode well.

Christina: - Ma.

Christina, go and get my purse for me.

Dana: We're gonna make a few marks on your neck.

Get me my hand cream.

My other daughter... the one who's not here... she's got a kid, too.

I told her to find a flight of stairs to fall down.

Try not to move, please.

[monitors beeping]

Okay, so, after Dr. Kinney makes the incision, I will go in and remove the thyroid tumor, all right?

She didn't listen, either.

They never do, just like their father.

Leaves me high and dry with two little ones and a dry-cleaning store.

That is not the right cream.

Give me my bag.

I have to do everything, you know?

I raised them myself. This is the thanks I get.

Okay, well, if you don't have any questions, we'll see you down there.

Still think I'm protecting you?

I thought my mom was crazy.

Sandy, give Mrs. Badali 30 milligrams of diazepam before you bring her to the O.R.

30? You got it.

Dana, that's enough to knock out a Shetland pony.



Listen, about that, uh, engagement conversation we were having earlier...

I hope you're not thinking of doing something crazy yourself.

I was just making conversation.

Okay. Well, listen, if you need somebody to talk to, you know you can always...

Talk to Jackson?

Always talk to Jackson.

[knock on window] Dr. Goran?


[indistinct conversations]

[telephone rings]

[monitors beeping]

Hi, there.

Hey. Uh, I'm looking for Hayden Watts.

Yeah. I'm Dr. Goran. I just treated Hayden.

How is he? Is he okay?

I'm sorry. Who are you?

Um, I-I'm his girlfriend.

Uh, is he okay?

Okay, listen to me.

It's very early, but he has sustained an injury to his back.

Oh, my god. Is... is he paralyzed?

Look, we're not gonna know anything till we get him into the O.R., but [sighs] we need to stabilize him.

God, I think I might be sick.

Okay, listen to me really carefully, all right?

Now, where are his parents?

Um [sniffles] it... it's just his mom.

She's, uh... she-she moved to Blind River last year.

She's... she's already on the road.

Okay. So, this is, uh, my phone number here.

You give it to her.

Um, tell her Hayden had to go into surgery, there was no time to wait, and she can call me anytime, okay?

Yeah, of course.

And I'll keep you abreast of any further developments.

Um, what's your name again, please?

Uh, i-it's Chiti.


But he, um... he calls me "Cheech."

Okay. Cheech. Thank you.

Uh, hey, uh, a big guy... Sean Danes... h-has he also been brought in?

Uh, not to my knowledge, no.

Oh. Um, h-he's... he's basically like Hayden's surrogate brother.

He's his best friend.

Okay. I'll keep an eye out.

I-I'm sorry. I have to go.


I'm not saying that I was always perfect.

I'm just saying that I did the best that I could, and I begged her not to make the same mistakes that I did.

"Stay in school!"

"Having children will just destroy your life."

Dana: You just try and relax and enjoy the ride.

[sighs] And what did she go and do?

Oh, the other one... Christina... she's hopeless!

She couldn't find a husband if he was about to be [laughing] deported.

Okay. Mrs. Badali, I just think that, you know, it's time for you to try to re...

No. Listen to me.

I gave them my life on a silver platter, and they did nothing but disappoint.

I'm gonna change my will! [laughs]

Dawn: Okay, I've got a green light on doctors Lopez and Harris.

Whoa, whoa. Where do... where do you think you're going?

Uh, we have a thyroidectomy in three.

No. I needed three. You can have it when they're done.

Take your patient back to her room, please.

Theresa: - Wait.


What did she just say?

Your surgery has been postponed.

Oh, no, no, no. Nope.

This has been scheduled for months.

Yes, but your surgery is elective.

Excuse me. I did not elect to have cancer.

Alex: And we understand that, but there's been an accident, and a man is fighting for his life.

I don't care. When do we go in?

As soon as the operating room becomes available.

Well, then I hope he dies so we get in there faster!


All right, get her out of here.

All right. All right.



I command you to stop!



"I command you"?

Yeah. I need more coffee.




You okay?

Yeah. Just Braxton-Hicks.

I loved her christmas album. Was that Toni Braxton?


Got to scrub.

Good luck.

[water running]

[water shuts off]

[indistinct conversations]

[water running, shuts off]

That's me in there.

So, how am I also out here?

[indistinct conversations]

I thought the quote covered everything, and now you're saying it's another $8 a head for babka?

Oh. They asked for it.

O-okay. Add it. Yeah. Thank you. Bye.

Trouble in paradise?

You know, as soon as you get engaged, it officially stops being about you.

Well, you only have...

A week left.

Yeah. One week.

[cellphone vibrates]

Sorry. Crazy day.

Don't apologize. You're a doctor.

And for the next 12 hours, so am I. Baruch hashem.

Thank you. [chuckles]

I didn't do anything.

You never plan to and yet always somehow... do.


[cellphone beeps]

Hi, Esther.


Oh, you, uh... you're a woman.

Um, look, I can't be alone with you right... uh, I can't be alone with you.

Okay, Mr. Hoffman.

Herschel Hoffman.

You're... you're Herschel. You're Dr. Katz's fiancé.

You know Sydney?

Yes. We were just talking about you.

I'm Dr. Maggie Lin.

You're Maggie? You're Maggie?

You're the Maggie?

The one and only, yeah.

[laughs, groans]

Okay, uh, Mr. Hoffman...

Uh, uh, no touch. [chuckles]

Okay, uh, I'm gonna page Dr. Katz.

No! No, no, no, no, no, no.

Don't tell her I'm here, okay, please?

[breathes shakily] I-I just... I think I'm dying.

[breathes heavily]

How'd the femur repair go?

Uh, it didn't.

Sorry about that.


Poor Sean Danes.

Three up and three down gives me enough purchase to reduce that spine, right?

Um, yeah.

Just make sure to do a full decompression before you reduce them.

That's what I figured. Thank you.

[monitor beeps]

Shahir. What are you doing here?

Your patient... Hayden Watts.

What about him?

Well, he also has a subdural hematoma.

I sent you that C.T.

What, are you telling me that I can't operate on that spine?

No, I'm telling you I'm jumping the line so I can operate on him first.

Hey, I have to do that decompression.

Shahir, if I don't get in there right away, he's never gonna walk again.

I'm sorry. It's life over limb.

Where you going?

You can't leave Hayden.

Um, he's not my patient.

It was my job to protect him.

You have to do that for me now.

Like I said, he's not my patient.

Is he gonna be paralyzed?

I don't know.

Look, I was the one driving and texting.

This is all my fault.

Okay? Hayden can't be paralyzed.

You have to do something.

[sighs deeply]

Joel, you mind if I have a look at this?

Be my guest.

That's actually a small brain bleed.


If you get in and out of there quick...


The field's gonna be a bloody mess.

I won't be able to visualize well enough to work that fast.

Yeah, you might with a little, uh, 3-D assist from Stryker.

Charlie, you are brilliant.


Shahir: - Hmm?

Give me two hours to decompress that spine before you fix that brain bleed.

It's a four-hour surgery, Joel.

Not with a NAV unit, it's not.

You can get your hands on a navigator?

If I can, would you give me the two hours?

It's highly unorthodox.

I'll take that as a yes. [smooches] Thank you.



I gave Hayden's mom your message.

That's great. Thank you so much.

How is he?

Did you guys start your surgery?

What can I do to help?

Okay, slow down.

Hayden's in the O.R. I have some exciting news.

Um, we just got our hands on some state-of-the-art technology specifically for Hayden's surgery.

I'm optimistic.

So, he's gonna be okay.

He's in good hands.

Okay. Uh, what about Sean?

Sean didn't make it.


[voice breaking] Oh, my god.


His injuries were just... too severe.

Does Hayden know?


Don't tell him.

Listen, I can't...

No. You don't understand.

If he... if he finds out, he'll-he'll give up.

Chiti, I have a responsibility to be honest.

Don't tell him... not until he's better, okay?



[breathes deeply]

[sniffles, cries]


Hayden: Hey.

So, when I'm finished, my colleague Dr. Hamza is gonna tag in and fix that brain bleed.


You know, one more catastrophic injury for the hat trick.

Okay, you just hang in there, okay?

Your mother's on her way.

Your friend Cheech is out in the waiting room.

[inhales sharply]

How's Seanny doing?

Excuse me?

My buddy Sean... Sean Danes.

I bet he walked out of that wreck without a scratch on him.

[inhales sharply] We should get you prepped.

Is something wrong?

We just need to start your surgery, Hayden.

What's wrong?

I'm not doing anything until you tell me.

Is Sean dead?

Just tell me.

H-he's not, okay?

He's gonna be fine, and so are you.

Now, listen to me, Hayden.

If I don't move on this surgery, you might never walk again.

Do you understand me?

Okay, let's get him, uh, prepped and tubed, please.

Oh, boy. Now needles.

This day.

Yeah, you and me both. I'm missing lunch.

Come on, Jackson.

Don't tell me you haven't chaperoned a patient before.

Okay. Then I won't.

I hope it doesn't offend you. It's just custom.

No. No offense taken.

Well, Sydney says you get your back up easily, especially around men.

She said that?

Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Favorite Maggie story is when you two first met and you thought she was, um...

I don't think you guys were even dating then, were you?

Yeah, but I hear it all.



You're suspicious of online shopping.

You put butter on meat sandwiches.

Nah. Really, Dr. Lin?

You show promise with your patients but impatience with your studies.


Anyway, I'm sure she goes on about me, too, right?

Yes. And how. [chuckles]

Huh. Yeah, Sydney was right.

Your nose does kind of twitch when you're fibbing.

This dude could write a book about you, Dr. Lin.


Okay, just a little pinch.

[inhales sharply]

[monitor beeping]

You're right by the ligament of Berry.

Watch the nerve.

Dana, I see it.

You've been backseat-driving since we started.

[chuckles] You're doing great.


Send this to pathology for me, please.

Bet this is the longest she's ever stayed quiet.

While she's open, we should get Dawn in for a heart transplant.

Maybe Shahir could do a little lobotomy.

[both laugh]

I don't know how anyone can be so awful to their kids.

[exhales sharply]

Why haven't you told your mother that you're pregnant?

[chuckles] How much time have you got?

Well, you're still cherry-picking for parathyroids, so I got time.

Well, she was never very good at major events... or minor ones, for that matter.

When my dad died, she, uh... she never recovered.

Worked at night at the bar, drank all the time.

I basically had to raise my brothers, and there was a revolving door of boyfriends, left us with some pretty unsavory dudes.

Aw, Alex.

She's just gonna make this all about herself, you know.

She might surprise you.


Ready to close, Dr. Kinney.

[indistinct talking over P.A.]

I need to talk to you.

Sounds serious.

Herschel's here. I just admitted him.

No, he doesn't want you to know.

Why not?

'Cause he doesn't want you to worry.

Well, should I be worried?

We don't know yet.

He came in with severe abdominal pain, and he's in a C.T. scan as we speak.

Oh, my god.

I just thought you should know.

No. Of course. I have to go see him.


[monitor beeps]

Okay. Start pre-oxygenation.

What for?

Oxygenation at 96%.

Well, we need to construct a 3-D model of head and spine.

The only way to do that is to keep him absolutely still for two minutes.

To make that happen, he has to stop breathing.

Won't he de-SAT, sir?

Heart still beats.

He just won't breathe.

Oxygenation at 96%.



Andrea, get me a towel, please.

All right, let's bring that bad boy in here.

Let's spin him.

[inhales sharply]

That's all? We're just gonna leave him alone in here, not breathing?

Yeah, or you can hang out in here and enjoy a delicious serving of radiation, Dr. Larouche.

The choice is yours.

Okay, then.

Uh, you don't have to ask me twice, sir.

Turning off vent... now.

[machine beeps]

Let's hit it.

His saturation levels are dropping, Joel.

He's down to...

He can handle it.

His lungs are contused. How long will this take?

It'll take as long as it takes.

Might be the only chance to save this kid from paralysis.

No. 65. That's it, Joel.

Just a few seconds more. Come on. Hold up.

Tight. This kid can take it.

Let's move.


Let's clear that field. Dr. Sharpe, talk to me.

Wayne: SATs at 70, 75 and coming up.

Did we get it?

What's our accuracy on this?


I would say that is a resounding yes.

All righty, let's stabilize the spine and get some screws in there.

We're back in business, boys and girls.

Let's move.

Your mother's surgery went very well.

Christina: That's good.

We were able to remove the papillary thyroid tumor, which was about the size of a plump cherry.

When she tells it, it'll be the size of a beach ball.

Now, you should know that 3 of the 11 nodes that we removed were also cancerous, but she has a very good prognosis, okay?

Alex, I need you now.

Yep. What's up?

Talk to me.

She had some stridor, so I sat her up.

Christina: What's happening?

Your mother has a hematoma.

There's blood clotting between her tissues and compromising her airway. She can't breathe.

She's turning purple.


On it.

Okay. Theresa, I need to relieve the pressure so that you can breathe, okay?


Okay. We good?


Look away.


I need to get her back into the O.R., and I need more blood.

Blood bank's almost out of O-neg.

You've got to be kidding me.

I wish I was.

One of the car-crash victims was also O-neg.

What are the odds?

Hey, what's your blood type?

Uh, AB.

My sister's the same as my mom.

Are you sure?

Yes, it's about the only thing they have in common.

But they don't talk anymore.

Okay, well, you need to find her and get her here now.

Prep an intubation tray.

Theresa: [coughs]

It's okay. Theresa, look at me.

[indistinct talking over P.A.]

Sydney. You found out?

Well, of course I found out, Herschel. I work here.

[sighs] Don't get mad at me, please.

I'm not mad. I... [sighs] Are you in pain?

It comes and goes.

I thought the worst would be one of us getting cold feet.

[knock on door]

I have the results of your C.T. and blood work.

Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere.

Your blood work confirms a rise in your B-type symptoms, your glucose and white blood cell count are up, and your iron is down.

Oh, boy. Wow. That does not sound positive.

There are also some lesions on your lower intestine.

I'd like to do a biopsy and test the tissue.

Cancer. You're saying I-I have cancer.

No. We don't know that yet.

It's cancer.

Oh, god. It's cancer. I knew it. This is god punishing me.

No. Nobody's being punished.

Dr. Lin, a word.

Spare nothing.

It's too early to diagnose.

Maggie, please.



Quite possibly.

I'm sorry, Syd.

[sighs] What was his hemoglobin?


Take it again within the hour.

Yeah, of course.

This is a test.

It's not a punishment. God is testing us.

I'm gonna go be with my fiancé.

Herschel: What did she say?

Joel: Okay, this is the last screw.

Somebody, uh, give Shahir a call, please.

Yeah. Yep, now we have a start point.

We need to find a safe corridor away from the spinal cord and the great vessels.

Okay. There?

Joel: - There. Yeah.

Okay, could you drop in a virtual screw?

Dave: I'm on it.

45 by 35.

Okay, now we have a target to aim for.

Right. That's the exact part that the screw needs to go in.

Um, pedicle finder, please, Andrea.

Perfect. Rocker and a blocker for me.

Shahir: I'm impressed, Joel.

I didn't think you'd be able to do this in two hours.

Get your scans ready, Shahir.

We should be out of here in no time.

[cellphone vibrates]

That's probably Hayden's mother calling right now.

Uh, Shahir, could you answer my phone?

It's in my pocket. Please.

Is this an engagement ring?

Hey, could you put that back, please?

Is this for Alex?

Put it... get the phone, Shahir. Put that back.

As her birth partner, I just don't think this is the right time.

Could we discuss this at another time?



Y-yes, Mrs. Watts. This... this is Dr. Goran.

Hayden is still in surgery, but h-he's doing very well.

Is my mother gonna die?

She suffered a serious postoperative complication, but we're doing everything that we can for her.

I'm not gonna lie. I've thought about it.

But now that it's a reality, it's just...

Lauren, with your blood, we actually have a chance that we can get in there and fix the problem.

It is very good that you came in.

It was as much for my sister.

She gets around my mother, and she has no voice.

She basically disappears.

[inhales sharply] I can relate.


I would have guessed you came from a normal family.

My mother doesn't even know I'm pregnant.

Well, you'd be wrong.

Smart move.

When I told mine, she pretty much disowned me.

She's met my daughter Lucy twice, and she's almost 5.

Wow. That's...

Terrible, awful, sad.


My friend seems to think that my mom's gonna step up and surprise me, so...

If she's anything like my mom, I don't think she'll surprise you, but [sighs] you know who will?

Your kid.

Every single day.

It's the best thing I ever did.

Well, that's two units.

Hospital policy.

You don't have to stop.

I should.

I don't really care about the rules.

Look, she's a monster, but she's my monster, and I don't want her to die, so just keep going.

All right, just a bit longer.

Then my juice and my cookie.

Oh, absolutely.


Blood is blood.

Guess there's no escaping it, huh?


Is this gonna hurt?

I am gonna freeze the area as best as I can.

It's gonna hurt, Herschel.


My future wife's an honest person.

I appreciate that.

I, um... I haven't been as honest with you.

What are you talking about?


Do you mind? Just one second.

There's something I need to tell you. Um...


No, I need to, uh... I need to confess.



Just pretend I'm the goyishe thing behind the curtain.

What's your sin?

I can't. It's...

[breathes deeply]

I ate pork.

You ate pork.

Yeah, at this, um... this restaurant that I thought was kosher, but I found out it was not kosher.

The brussels sprouts were made with-with bacon.

So, you made a mistake.


[breathes deeply]

Then I went back.

You what? Why?

I don't even know, you know?

I didn't even particularly like the taste.

It was just more like... it just felt... good to be bad.

I can't believe this.

Forgive me.

Forgive you?

I don't even know you.


So, this is it, the afterlife.

You just people-watch, sit and think your thoughts.

It's a lot like grad school, really.

Just time to think about all the things I wasted my time worrying about, all the stuff that got left unsaid.


I never did get a rematch with that douche from eastern, either.

You an enforcer?


Whenever Hayden was on the ice, it was my job to protect him.

That's a tough gig.

Some nights.

But sometimes there's nothing like a good fight.



Everyone thinks they're looking for the meaning of life, but what they're actually looking for is an experience of life.

Fighting gives you that better than anything, except maybe love.

Pretty sharp for a tough guy.


You in love, doc?

[inhales sharply]


Yeah. Me too.

But the kicker with my situation... she has no idea.

Your girl know?

[breathes deeply]

It's complicated.

It's not.

I mean, I thought it was... life, philosophy... but it turns out...

It's actually remarkably simple.

[tool whirring]

His fibrinogen's low. He needs a couple of units of FFP.

Okay, he's coagulopathic. It could mean a rapid progression of his hematoma.

I need to get in there now.

Fracture's secure. We are almost there.

But I do have power tools within millimeters of his spinal cord.

[tool whirs]

Now is not the time to rush me, Shahir.

[tool whirring]

And we... wait.

We are done.

Look at that... on time, too. Well, "ish."

Now what?

We evaluate if he has paralysis or not.

Any objections, Dr. Hamza?

I've been objecting this whole time, Joel, but you're a cowboy.

And a cowboy is as a cowboy does, so...

So, how do we know we've done enough to decompress?

We wake him up and see.

[monitor beeps]

Okay. [clears throat]

[indistinct talking over P.A.]

Maggie: Dr. Katz.

You have Herschel's biopsy results?

Negative for lymphoma.

Oh, thank god.

It still doesn't explain the lesions.

What else could they be?

Abdominal pain, weight loss.

Well, that could be psychosomatic from the bacon guilt.

You were a little hard on him.

He broke kosher law, Maggie.

I just mean, considering.


He broke his sacred covenant with god.

Maybe you were projecting?

He ate bacon, Maggie!

I just mean that maybe you were looking for an out.

I never said I wanted an out.

You don't have to.

It doesn't mean the truth isn't eating away at your insides.


I'm sorry?


It's... it's consistent with abdominal pain, weight loss, elevated white blood cell count.

We need to get him in for a pet scan right away.

Um, Lin, you want to catch me up here?

Rian, I need you watching the feet.

Uh, could we dim the lights, please, Gloria?

Thank you.

And let's put on some music... something soft, please.

[chuckles] Setting the mood, huh?

Kid's gonna wake up tied to a table with a tube down his throat and his spinal cord open.

Yep. I understand.

Let's do our best to keep it serene, shall we, children?

[rock music plays]

Gloria: Sorry. Wrong playlist.

Honestly, Gloria?

All right, you ready, Sharpe?

Okay, let's reverse him.

[soft instrumental music plays]


Can you hear me?

Hayden, it's Dr. Goran speaking.

You're still in surgery here.

Now, if you can understand me, I want you to blink your eyes, okay?

Great. That's great.

Okay. I need you to do something else for me.

You think you can wiggle your toes, Hayden?

Really try and move your toes, all right?

Okay, Hayden, you can do this, pal.

Keep trying. You got this.

You got it, Hayden.

Wiggle those toes for me, all right?

[inhales sharply]


He's moving them?

Yes. Yes.

That's... that's it.

That's it. You're doing it.

You are doing it. Okay.

Beautiful, beautiful.

What am I even looking at?

Here. Look.

Right here.

You see?

Maggie, tell me that's not what I think it is.

The good news is you don't have cancer.

I'm not dying?

You're not dying.


Okay. What's the bad news?

You have a tapeworm.


[sighs] It appears the worm migrated up your esophagus by your nasal pharynx.

I'm... I think I'm gonna be sick.

Yeah, that makes three of us.

Which means I can retrieve it through your nose.

You know, um, I think I'd rather you not stay for this.

Some things can't be unseen.

I thought you couldn't be alone with me.

I think that ship has sailed.


We were able to evacuate the hematoma, and she survived, thanks to you.

However, there was a bit of a hiccup.

It wouldn't be our mother without one.

During the procedure, your mother's laryngeal nerves were stunned.

What does that mean?

It's called neuropraxia, but luckily it's temporary, so the voice loss won't be permanent.

Wait. You're saying our mother won't be able to talk?

Not for a few weeks, at least, maybe months.

I thought you said there was bad news.


Hey. Look who's awake.

Theresa, you've lost your voice... temporarily... and you are gonna be okay.

You have Lauren to thank for that.

I should go.

Theresa: [claps hands]

You want me to stay?

Okay. I can stay and we can sit up and you can listen.

You can just listen, Ma, to all the pain and the disappointment.

You can sit up with us and just listen to all the hurt that you've caused us.

You still want me to stay?

All right, then.


Christina, you're up first.

Maggie: Okay, just open up for me, Herschel.


That's just gonna freeze your throat and keep you from gagging.

Just... okay, chin up, head back, and try to relax.

That's not entirely likely.



Hang in there.

[inhales sharply] There it is.


Just needs a little coaxing.


[inhales sharply]


Oh. I'm sorry.

[inhales sharply]

Okay, breathe. Mouth.

[both exhale sharply]



[exhales sharply]


[breathing heavily]


Thank you.


[siren wailing]

[indistinct conversations]

How is he?

The surgeries went well.

He's in recovery.

Oh, my...

Thank you.


I-I don't know what I would have done.

[voice breaking] I love him so much.

I can see that.

And the thought of losing him just...

Can I be there when he wakes up?

Joel: Yeah. Of course you can.

So, that's the girl you're in love with?

Could have fought for her.

I couldn't.

Hayden was my best friend.

So, no regrets?

You have to choose who you're gonna fight for and then fight hard and don't stop until they're dragging you away.

I fought for Hayden. That was my choice.

I have never been more embarrassed in my life.

You'll be fine.

Dr. Lin's keeping you overnight just to be safe.

Ah. You know, you were right about her.

She has something else.


[breathes shakily]

I can't marry you.

I know.

I broke kashruth.

[inhales sharply]

Now I only have god to answer to.

No, it's not you or god.

It's me.

I'm gay.

[chuckling] You're... you're gay?

Uh... who knows about this?

Just you... and Maggie.

Why does Maggie know?

Maggie knew?

And you and her...


What am I gonna tell my parents?

What am I gonna tell the rabbi?

I don't know.


I'm sorry.

I just know I can't be part of our community and still be me.

And you were mad about the bacon?

Aren't you scared?


But I'm more scared of the life I'll have if I stay.

Then I think you should leave.


I'd like you to leave.


No, I...

No, just-just go.



[indistinct conversations]



I'm sorry I missed your shower.

Wow. [chuckles]

Open it. It's not ticking.



A binder.


The insurance form.

Mat-leave waiver.

You filled all of them out.

Alphabetized and laminated.

That's incredible.

You're gonna be great.

Thank you.

[chuckles softly]

Maggie, what am I doing?

You're following your heart.

I feel like I'm free-falling.

Oh, I know the feeling.

What do I do now?

I don't know.

Keep falling, I guess.

[Lake Street Drive's "What I'm Doing Here" plays]

Am I gonna be okay?

You're gonna be fine.

Your nose just twitched.


[exhales sharply]

♪ nobody knows what I'm doing here ♪

♪ and I ain't got a clue ♪

I know.

♪ messin' around ♪

♪ with these other fools ♪

♪ when I'm not with you ♪

♪ ooh ♪

♪ there's been so many nights ♪

♪ when I've longed ♪

Hey, mom.

♪ for your touch ♪

It's me.

♪ there's been so many days ♪

♪ when our love was not enough ♪

♪ oh, oh, oh, leave me ♪

♪ leave me, just leave me ♪

♪ can't you see me, see me? ♪

♪ nobody knows what I'm doing here ♪

♪ and I ain't got a clue ♪

♪ messin' around ♪

♪ with these other fools ♪

♪ when I'm not with you ♪



♪ there's been so many nights ♪

I want to ask you something.

Yeah, sure.

I mean, as long as it's not anything too deep, 'cause I just don't have it in me right now.

♪ when I've longed for your touch ♪

What's happening?

I just got off the phone with my mother.

♪ there's been so many days ♪

I mean...

♪ when our love was not enough ♪

You haven't spoken to her since...

Since Luke died. I know.

♪ oh, oh, oh, leave me ♪

And I want to just do slightly better than she did, you know, launching this little guy into the world.

You will.


♪ can't you see me, see me? ♪

I just want to have a healthy baby, and [exhales sharply]

I want to be a really great surgeon and nothing else...


♪ and I ain't got a clue ♪


♪ messin' around ♪
♪ with these other fools ♪

[sniffles] Anyway, um, what did you want to ask me?

♪ when I'm not ♪

♪ when I'm not, when I'm not ♪

♪ ohh ♪

♪ nobody knows what I'm doing here ♪


♪ and I ain't got a clue ♪

It's nothing. It can wait.

♪ messin' around ♪
♪ with these other fools ♪



♪ when I'm not with you ♪


♪ when I'm not with you ♪