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05x19 - Out, Damned Spot

Posted: 02/11/15 18:57
by bunniefuu
Announcer: Previously on Pretty Little Liars...


I thought it was Skidmore.

How many schools did you get into?

There is no rule that says you have to go to college.

That belongs to Mona.

I know. We were just looking at it.

Give me the book. You can't take everything apart like you want her to disappear.

I don't... regret being with you, Ezra, at all.

Maybe not now, but if we stay together...

What are you saying?

If you take this time for yourself, there will be no regrets.

Emily: To be alone, to be lonely, I know what that's like.

Ashley, will you marry me?

Did you tell him about Jason?

It would just cause him unnecessary pain.

This whole town is strung together with whispers.

Somebody else has been helping Ali.

Or somebody we'd never suspect.

Ali's dangerous, Mike.

Even in a cage, she's really dangerous.

Don't ever go back there again.

Nobody's giving me orders anymore.

Where's your sticker?

Oh, remember my summer trip to Haiti?

Turns out I can't give blood for another year.


No blood. No cookie.

I didn't make the rules.

You're just too lazy to get one.

Are you done studying?

I'll never be done studying for this test.

I just need the numbers to stop spinning.

Hey, and the next time we offer to help your mom, can it please not involve needles?

How's it going over here?


I'm so glad you all came to the drive.

I recruited a bunch of people from the church and they canceled on me at the last minute.

We're happy to help.


Oh, someone from the church actually showed up.

I'm gonna go say hello.




Thank you so much for coming.

I'll just have you sign in here and a nurse will call your name.

Oh, unfortunately, I'm not gonna be able to give blood this morning on account of this little tickle in my throat.

Oh. But it's so nice to see you out and about.

We've missed you at the church these last few weeks.

The pastor looks particularly distracted.

Everything okay?

Of course.

Things have just been, you know, busy.

Oh, I'm sure that's what's kept the others this morning.

We're all so busy these days.

I'm gonna check on the other donors.

See if they need anything.

Just one quick thing before you go.

Could you ask the pastor about putting these up around the church?

Of course.

Thank you.

(plate clatters)

Young man, this is a restricted zone.

What are you doing back here?

I'm sorry.

I was just interested in how it all works.

Then go sign up and see for yourself.




Okay, what was that about?

Was Mike just here to steal cookies or something else?

♪ Got a secret, can you keep it? ♪
♪ Swear this one you'll save ♪
♪ Better lock it in your pocket ♪
♪ Taking this one to the grave ♪
♪ If I show you, then I know ♪
♪ You won't tell what I said ♪
♪ 'Cause two can keep a secret ♪
♪ If one of them is dead ♪

You ask Mike why he was at the blood drive.

I already know his answer.

That he was there to donate?


That I should mind my own business.

And I got that message loud and clear at the dock.

Okay, but it is our business.

We all saw where he was standing, right?

By the coolers where they keep the blood.

Our blood.

Really, Spencer?

Well, if he's trying to get his hands on something that could help Alison...

So that's it? He's guilty?

God, the court of public opinion in this town really sucks.

Everyone just take a breath, okay?

Well, it's hard to breathe when someone's trying to set you up as an accessory to m*rder.

Look, we still don't know why he was visiting Ali in jail or why he fought with Mona.

If they had a serious falling out...

Just stop. Please.

Look, I know you're all desperate to find out who's helping Alison.

But just because it isn't Holbrook, does not mean that it's my brother.

Okay, Mike was in love with Mona and he would never hurt her.

And he would never team up with someone who did.


No. I can't talk about this right now.

I have a math test.



I have a question.

It's college related.


And I know that's a touchy subject because I got into all these schools and you...

Okay, Hanna, what's your question?

No one's offering me financial aid.

Some of these schools, they're like $45,000 a year.

My mom can't afford that.

She doesn't even have a job right now.

Wait, I thought she was working for Ali's family?

Well, she was, but she left.

But I thought after Jason came back to work...

Yeah, he did and she left.


Okay, well, financial aid is based on your parents' income.

They don't think that your mom can pay, but they think that your dad can.

(bell ringing)

Aria. Hey.



Hey, Andrew. What's up?

What's up is I saw you reading my answers, copying them down.

My God, I'm so sorry.

Look, I couldn't focus in there at all. I froze.

I got a conditional admission into Savannah College of Art and Design, and if I don't make Honor Roll this semester, they could completely withdraw my acceptance.

I... I'm so sorry.

I just... I panicked, and I...

Slow down, okay? I'm not mad.

You're not?

No. But if you need a tutor...

I don't. I...

I don't. There's... there's just a lot going on right now and I...

Well, if you'd rather get caught cheating.


Um... how's tomorrow?

I haven't done this in years.

Having fun?


You were right.

Riding downhill, standing on your pedals.

It's the closest thing you can get to flying.



Come on.

It's this way.



This is where you had your first kiss?

Marvin Biglioni.

The summer after fourth grade.

He looked like a frog.

His cheeks were out to here.

So you were trying to turn him into a prince?

Ah, a girl can dream.

So we were standing right here and he leans in, and right as we're about to seal the deal on my first kiss ever, he burps.

And it's wet.


That's gross.

And all I could think was, "Do-over."

I just want a do-over."

It was awful.



Okay, your turn.

Tell me something.

Uh... my first kiss?

I don't know if we can bike there from here.

Um, no.

Tell me your biggest fear.


Okay, you know what, stupid question.

No. No, it's not.

It's just...

Too soon?

I get that.

I mean, there are things I'm not ready to talk about either.

What was that for?


(door closes)

Mom, are you okay?

I talked to him.


I stopped by the church after the blood drive.

He deserved an answer.

What did you say?

I said yes.

I said I wanted to marry him.

And then I told him about what happened when he was away.

You did?

What did he say?

He said he needed to think.

He said he would call me in a couple of hours.

He couldn't even look at me, Hanna.

I'm gonna make us some dinner.

Is there stuff for a salad?

Aria: Yeah, and you thought Melissa was "A".

And you were wrong about that. Remember?

I know. But...

Look, I promise to keep an eye on Mike if you promise not to jump to conclusions.

Fine. Deal.


So what are you and Toby doing tonight?

We're not. Something came up.

What about you and Ezra?

Got any Friday night plans?

Uh, no. No.

I'm staying in to prepare for a study session with Andrew.

Andrew Campbell?

Be careful there.


Um... the dimples, mostly.

Okay. I should get back to it.

Talk later?




Oh. This part of the rental agreement?

You get to raid our fridge?

Thought you had plans with Toby.

Well, something came up.

Duty calls.

Cop stuff.

Yeah, that's the technical term for it.

I'm painting a mural at Hollis tonight.


That's like a huge get.

It is.

And I could use my illustrious assistant if you're available.

I don't know, my mom really wants me to email a bunch of these family contacts.

Back on the college track?


Apparently, the Hastings are very well connected.

And I have a third cousin twice removed who works at Colby College.

I promise you a real dinner if you come.

(cell phone rings)


Operator: This is a call

from the Chester Women's Correctional Facility.

You have a call from inmate Hank Mahoney.

Press one to accept this call.




Do you usually paint in the dark?

Well, it's easier this way.

I don't bother the students, faculty.

They don't bother me.

Can you help me with this?



Where do you want it?

Uh, just get it up first.


That way a little bit.



So what were you gonna do if I said no?

Probably call Sophia.

My girlfriend. Ex-girlfriend.

We just broke up.


Don't be. It's a good thing.

I tend to fall for women who are unavailable.

Emotionally or otherwise.

But you were just gonna call her anyways?

I mean, wouldn't that make her think that you were still interested?



Did I mention how bad I am at relationships?

I've never been to this side of campus.

There's nothing over here but a bunch of old research labs.

I'm here to revitalize the place.

I used to come to Hollis a lot when I was a kid.

My parents would take Melissa and me to this summer concert series.

Back when I thought I was gonna be a famous violinist.

What happened?

I'm more of an appreciator of the arts.

What's that supposed to mean?

It means, in the Hastings family, if you don't excel at something, you just, you move on to the next thing.

So you've never just done something because you love it?

Well, how can you love something if you're bad at it?

I usually manage.

(rock music playing)

(knock on door)

Aria: Mike!

Mike, I know you're in there.

What do you want?

Why is Alison calling you?


First you visit her, and now she's sending you secret messages from jail?

Who the hell is Hank Mahoney?

I have no idea.

And next time don't answer my phone.

Why are you letting her manipulate you like this?

You know what Ali's capable of.

Mike, I know that you got in a fight with Mona the night before she died.

Something is going on and you have to tell me what it is.

I don't have to tell you anything.

No one wants to believe that Mike is helping Ali.

But if Ali could take down Holbrook, a grown-ass man with a police badge, who knows what she could do to Aria's brother.


Caleb, I have to go.

Your father left a voicemail about lunch tomorrow.

He said he's at the office all day, and you'll have to catch up another time.

There anything in particular you need to catch up on?

I was gonna bring this up earlier.

Bring up what?

I found out why none of the schools I got into are offering me financial aid.

Apparently, Dad had a really good year last year.

And I just wanted to talk to him and ask him if...

Hanna, your dad's financial obligation was worked out in the divorce settlement years ago.

Well, it's not enough.

Mom, I just want to talk to him and...

And what? Explain that I don't have a job anymore, and...

(sighs) I would rather not share that story with anyone else, thank you.

If he's the reason we're not getting help then he should take on the extra expense.

He has the money.

Listen to me.

Going to your father is not gonna fix this.

I will figure this out.


Paperwork on a Friday?


Just trying to stay ahead of the game.

Turns out I don't get weekends off anymore.

Or summers.

Hey, did Talia leave already?


Yeah, I was just saying goodbye.

You two seem to be getting along a whole lot better these days.

Uh, can you believe that Aria might be in Savannah next year?

We could have our very own Southern belle.

Aria got into SCAD?


Um, yeah, I thought you knew.

She was really excited.

(clears throat)

I'll let you get back to work.

Isn't Talia's last name Sandoval?

Why does that say Mendoza on her file?


Maybe Mendoza's her married name.

Lot of people use their maiden name professionally.

Yeah. Talia is not married.

Yes, she is.

She has her husband listed under her emergency contact.


This is really great.

But who's gonna see this?

Those people. Up there.

The higher-ups.



Throwing things at people on ladders?

Not cool.

I told you I'm not an artist.

We're not leaving until you paint something.


I could ruin it.

That's a risk I'm willing to take.


Looks good.

You cannot even see it from down there.


Picasso, come take a look.


Ho ho!

All right.

And let's see the damage.

I'll clean up down here.

Spencer: Hey.

What is this?

You're smiling about this?

You don't get to smile about this.

You told me that you were hired to paint a mural at Hollis.

I did not say "hired."
I was careful about that.

You know what else you didn't say? "Vandalism."

If I told you the truth, would you have come?

No! Of course not!

Look, I am all for protest art, but I'm not for getting tricked into doing something illegal.

Spencer, hold on.

Hold on.


I'm sorry, okay?

I... I wanted you to come.

All this college talk with your mom, I thought maybe you'd enjoy coloring outside the lines for once.

For once?

I was arrested, Jonny.

For m*rder.

And they dropped the charges, but I cannot mess up again, okay?

I can't be arrested again.

I didn't know.

Okay. Well, now you do.

(door opens, closes)

What's next?

Vectors and equilibrium, or the French and Indian w*r?


Oh. Sorry.

I'm a little out of it. I didn't get much sleep last night.

Is anything wrong?

No. No, I'm fine.

Uh... guess I should choose what I'm worst at, right?

I take it math and science aren't Fitz's strong suit.

Excuse me?

I mean, you could always ask him for help, right?

Assuming you're still together.

Let's, um, let's just stick to the books.

Okay, so there are two types of physical quantity.

They are...

(cell phone beeps)

Vector and scalar. That's correct.


(cell phone beeps)

Which is your phone?


And if your phone were to sail through the sky, accelerating at a rate of
3 miles per hour per second?


Looks like someone's worried about your brother.

Come here.

I have another table to bus.

You have to try this.

I'm really not hungry.

Oh, come on. There's always room for dessert.

Come on, try it.

No. I'm good.

Emily. Hey.

Are you okay? What's wrong?

You're married, Talia. That's what's wrong.

I saw your last name, Mendoza, and it's the same as your husband's.

Were you ever gonna tell me?



I don't understand.


I don't understand how you can stand there all this time and not tell me this.

How you can kiss me, how you can tell me you like me and not tell me any of this.


Is everything okay in here?

I'll talk to Mae. She'll set it up.

Great seeing you, Alan.

Hey, Dad.

(laughing) We good on time?

I've got about an hour till batting practice.

Want to move on to Spanish?

Hmm. Baseball team, Spanish group, decathlon...

are there any school activities you are not involved in?

Well, compared to your exciting life, mine must seem really...

Functional? Healthy?


(knocking on door)

One sec.

I need to talk to you about Mike.

Hey, Andrew.

Hi, Emily.


Where did Mike get $18,000?

Doesn't "A" always have access to a ton of money?

Maybe this is one of Ali's secret accounts.

Mike got a call last night from the women's correctional facility.

From Ali?

I think so.

She called, said her name was Hank Mahoney and hung up.

I mean, it's got to be some kind of code.

And now he's got $400 burning a hole in his pocket.

(car door closes, engine starts)

Mike just took the car.

We need to follow him.


I am not riding on your handlebars.

Hey, Andrew.

Can we borrow your car?

Just for a little bit.

Do either of you drive a stick?

Ballard, Skidmore, and Trinity?

Not bad, right?

Not bad at all.

You know which one you want to go to?

Not yet.

I still have to figure out how I'm gonna pay for it.

That's sort of what I wanted to talk to you about.

Your mom and I have an agreement in place.

If she's got an issue...

Well, she doesn't.

I'm the one asking.

Hanna, I'm so proud of you.

I really am.

But I didn't even know that you wanted to go to these types of schools.

This is... this kind of thing takes planning.

So what are you saying?

I'm saying, $10,000 a year.

That's what your mom and I agreed on.

Kate starts Dartmouth in the fall and I cannot afford to put two kids through private school.

Hanna, it comes down to dollars and cents, and I just don't have it.

You're paying for Kate?

Hanna, Kate worked hard for this.

She got early acceptance, and I have already promised Isabel that I will take care of it.

So Kate is going to Dartmouth, and you're paying, and you didn't even ask me where I applied.

Last we talked about college, you said you'd rather spend the money on a beach vacation and a good manicure.

Last we talked about college, I was 12 years old and obsessed with donuts.

You'd never even heard of Kate.

Hanna, I want to help, I just...

You just... you don't want to disappoint the wrong daughter.

I get it.

Spencer: "I owe you much more than an email... especially this one."

"I know it's a long shot, but any chance Wren still has that contact at Oxford?"

♪ There are days when I wake up ♪
♪ That I don't know what I'm doing here ♪

(cell phone beeps)

♪ I barely recognize the pair of eyes staring back at me ♪

Spencer says she'll meet us there.


He's turning left.

Do you often follow your brother places?

Not usually.

And you have no idea where we're going?

Um, I'm sure it's close.

What exactly is going on with Mike?


Andrew: dr*gs?

You know, like stimulants, amphetamines.

Yeah, we think he might be dabbling.



(Cell phone beeps)

Okay, well, no word from Hanna, but Spencer's getting on the highway.

So I'll just text her when we get... uh... get to where we're going.

Thank you so much for the ride.

Should I come in with you?

No, no. We've got it from here.

How are you getting home?

Spencer can give us a ride.


And if you leave right now, you could still make the end of your batting practice.

dr*gs? Seriously, Em?

(country rock playing on jukebox)

(indistinct chatter)

I'm Mike.


That's Hank Mahoney?

No. That's Cyrus Petrillo.

Hanna? Are you okay?

Where's Emily?

She left early. What's going on?


I just left my phone at my dad's office and I can't reach anyone.

And you can't go back and get it?

No, I can't. I cannot go back there.

Okay, well, look, you don't have to tell me anything, but... you can if you want to.

My dad doesn't think that I'm college material.

He thinks Kate is, not me.

And he never thought that I'd go to a good school, and now, because of him, I might not get to.

Sorry, who is Kate?

My stepsister.

My stupid, perfect stepsister.

You know, I wanted him to help pay for school, but you know what I wanted more than that, was for him to just look at me once and say,

"I knew that you had it in you."

When I was in high school, my parents couldn't agree on a single thing except for the fact that I wouldn't amount to much.

And what happened?

Once they cut me off and I realized that I was on my own, I took out a bunch of loans, I applied to every job that I could, no matter how ridiculous, and I paid my way through school by myself.

You know, those guys that stand outside with the hot dog uniforms in 90 degree heat?

You were a hot dog?

Oh, yeah. Yeah, I was the best damn hot dog.

I know this isn't the same.

But I used to be your teacher, and I always knew that you had it in you.

I'm so sorry, guys. I got here as fast as I could.

What do we know? Anything?

We think Mike brought Cyrus money. $400.

We tried to get close, but they almost saw us.

And that message that Ali sent from jail, that was her way of telling Mike Cyrus's new name?

Yes, so Mike could find him.

That's what we think anyway.

So he's here on an errand from Ali?

I mean, is it just me, or is she even scarier behind bars?

Look, Cyrus, Hank, whoever this guy is, he's really dangerous and he's talking to my brother.

So I... I don't care if Mike is working for Ali.

I'm not gonna let him get hurt.

So we should just...

Aria, stop. Hey. You cannot do that.

Look, I know that you're really worried about Mike, but as soon as they leave the diner, we're gonna follow Cyrus and we'll find out where he's going and what he knows.

If we go in there, we won't know any more than we know now.

(cell phone rings)

Shut it off. Shut it off.


(sighs) Straight to voicemail.

Oh. Um...

Well, do you want to call somebody else? I have Emily's number.

No, it's fine. I'm just gonna head home.


Thank you for the image of you in a hot dog costume.

And everything else that you said.

Yeah, anytime.

I told Ezra about Savannah.

I thought he knew.

Yeah. I should've told him already.

Why didn't you? You guys fighting?

I don't know what we are, honestly.

I mean, he thinks he's the reason that I didn't have this perfect high school experience.

Is that even a thing? Does anyone have that?

I don't know.

God, Em, I know you must be missing Paige right now, but at least your love life isn't full-on confusing.

(cell phones ring)

"Thanks for donating to my get-into-jail fund. A."

Aria: What?


The envelope. It wasn't money.

(car starts)

Where's Cyrus? Was he with Mike?

I don't know.

(motorcycle approaches)

(revving engine)

So you here to watch the kid or me?


'Cause to be honest, I don't like being followed.

You have something that belongs to us.

Do I?

Yeah. We just want it back.

Maybe we could work out a trade.

Andrew: Back away from them.




You guys okay?

You went to see your dad.

Did he drop it off?

I'm sorry I went.

Believe me, I am.

And I didn't mention anything about your job.

Let me guess.

He said it all comes down to dollars and cents.

I know your dad can be... dismissive.

But please tell me you're not looking for validation in a beauty pageant.

I'm not.

The winner gets a $20,000 scholarship.

We're gonna have to pay for my tuition somehow.

Did Ted call?


And I don't think he's going to.

So that's it?


Mom. You love him.

You can't just give up like that.

It's not just my decision.

Well, he's hurt, and you have to fight for him.

I'm serious.

If I can put myself in this beauty pageant, then you can call the man that you love and want to spend the rest of your life with and tell him to take you back.

Here, you can even use my phone.

(cell phone beeps)

(cell phone beeps)

(car door closes)



I'll be out of your hair in a minute.

Um, I'll... I'll be right upstairs, okay?

Okay, look, I talked to my mom and she informed me that she would never ever buy frozen mac 'n' cheese or anything that started with the word "zesty".

So I'm really sorry that I've been eating all of your food.

Uh, no worries.

And also, you were right, by the way.

I did have fun last night.

But I also have boundaries.

And getting to go to college is maybe my best chance of getting out of this town.

So I really don't want to ruin it.

I get it. I do.

Believe it or not, I have boundaries, too.


At least I'm trying to.

Good night.

Okay. Good night.

Eric and I started dating in 9th grade.

We were married right after high school.

We loved each other, but we barely even knew ourselves.

We still love each other, but it's not romantic.

He knows I'm attracted to women.

He knows that I have to be true to myself.

Then why stay with him?

Because he's my best friend.

Because he has been with me through everything.

I know this is complicated.

No one wants complicated.

I'm beginning to think that there's no such thing as simple.

I shouldn't have lied to you.

I just didn't want to scare you away.

I know how it all sounds when I say it out loud.

I'm sorry, Emily.

I just wanted to tell you that in person.

Remember... when you asked me what my biggest fear was?

Y... yeah.

There are things I'm not ready to share with you either.

Things that would scare you away from me.

That is very hard to believe.

We just filled my overnight bag and ran.

Was the car back?

No. Not yet.


So glad you're staying here tonight.

It was bad enough when Mike was stealing Jenna's pottery. Now this?

This is our blood.

Aria: Well, what do we do now?

We just wait until "A" paints the town red in our DNA?

I don't know.

One drop here, one spot there, and kaboom, we're all sharing a jail cell with Ali.

You are, like, the queen of not helping.

See? There's a reason I'm afraid of needles.

We should've all spent the summer in Haiti.

I'm gonna go get us another blanket.

Caleb: What are you gonna do with all the stuff in the bin?

Hanna: We'll burn the clothes and personal items.

Caleb: And the barrel?

Hanna: We'll roll it into the woods, and then we'll call the police from a burner phone.

Caleb: We'll never pull this off.

Hanna: Yes, we will.

I found a drill bit that can break the lock.

And I already rented a van and a dolly.

Caleb: What are you gonna do with all the stuff in the bin?

Hanna: We'll burn the clothes and personal items.

Caleb: And the barrel?

Hanna: We'll roll it into the woods, and then we'll call the police from a burner phone.

Caleb: We'll never pull this off.

Hanna: Yes, we will...