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01x02 - Gone Girl

Posted: 02/11/15 17:11
by bunniefuu
Please! Agh!

Woman: Karly Johannson, mother of two.

Husband Luke Thompson is a fisherman.

Mrs Johannson, I'm Detective Sgt Eve Winter.

Can you think of anyone that would want to harm your sister?

No! Everyone loves Karly!

She has one s*ab wound.

Lots of superficial cuts.

I think this might be linked to one of my cold cases.

Dead woman on the rocks eight years ago.

Prime suspect in Janet Pagent's m*rder was her husband Paul Pagent.

Where were you last night?

And you want to pin this on me?

You see that?

Police brutality!

Indiana's a key witness in a major AFP investigation and I need to know if there's anything between your girl and mine.

They took off one weekend and got those tattoos.

They're supposed to mean friends forever.

Then Karly and Indiana sat talking for hours.

How many ways do I have to say it?

I don't remember anything about the last three days.

I asked around about Karly and Indiana with a few of the old locals and it seems there could be a link to Paul Pagent.

Eight years and the prick tops himself.

Indiana's toxicology report.

The hit-and-run might have been an accident but someone did try to k*ll her.


There is no Indiana Hope.

She doesn't exist.

(knocking) Sharni?

Sharni, it's the police. We need to talk.

What do you want?

Where is Indiana?

What are you doing?

Sharni, someone att*cked Indiana at the hospital.

This guy was caught on three different cameras.

Do you know anything about that?


I don't. Really?

Because we've got a different picture.

Where did you take her?


Sharni, someone is trying to k*ll her, someone did k*ll her foster-sister.

We just want to help her.

Where is she, Sharni?

What are you, bad cop?

Look, I don't know. Honest.

I dropped her off in the city. She could be anywhere.

Well, if you do happen to see her... let her know if she doesn't want to testify, it's OK.

I just want to make sure she's safe.

She left her stuff at the hospital. She'll probably want it.

I'm not the enemy, Sharni.

What are you doing?

Indiana's phone.

You wouldn't happen to have a tracker on that by any chance, would you?

Here we go.

See, it's only going to work if Sharni takes it to her.

So do you feel like sitting in an unmarked car for the day?

I feel that you need to tell me everything you know.

I have.

Who is she?

Told you, Eve. She's a federal witness.

What's her real name, Jake?

There is no Indiana Hope of that age registered in Births, Deaths and Marriages.

No record of an Indiana Hope fostered in 2007.

You keep banging on that she's this all-important federal witness and you expect me to believe you don't know her real name.

I thought that was her real name.

So you're not lying to me?

No, I'm not lying to you.

So we did she come from?

I don't know.

But she's been using the name Indiana Hope for a long time.

Everything's in that name - drivers licence, her student ID.

And you think Sharni is going to lead you to her?

Moving back to my first question, do you want to sit in an unmarked car for the day?

As attractive as that offer is, I've actually got a funeral to get to.

You will let me know when you find Indiana.

Oh, I'll let you know.

Where is Detective Sgt Winter?

She'll be here. Let's get set up.

Did I miss anything?

Not yet.

Any sign of Indiana?

Not yet.

They didn't tell you who she really is?

Doesn't know, doesn't think it's relevant.

But you do.

I think Karly's family has got a lot of explaining to do.

I mean, how do you foster a girl that doesn't exist?

You told her we were going to be here.

Yeah. She wasn't thrilled.

Keep it discreet.

Karly's dad.

Have they got a coffin for him?

Do we know who that is?

Never seen her before.

You get the licence plate?

Running it now.

Friend of Karly's?


Emma Tan, 27. Address in Bondi.

Any charges? Criminal record?

Speeding ticket two years ago.

Bad business. They're a good family.

They don't deserve this.

Did you find anything on that prick Pagent?

su1c1de note?

Nothing like that.

That would be right.

Arsehole couldn't bring himself to confess, even in death.

Let's just wait for the autopsy report.

There's Karly's sister.

Is that her husband?

Travis McIntyre. Their son, Sam.

Looks a bit shaky.

If it was my sister...

So that's six tonight for a bucks party.

No problem.

Hey, babe. Hey, Sharni.

Oh, hi, sweetheart.

Just me.

This from the hospital?

Yeah, that Fed gave it back.

Don't worry, I didn't tell them where you were.

Here you go.

If you're bored, you can update your Facebook.

Oh, yeah? Tell people where to come to k*ll me.

So what's your plan?

All I need is a couple of days.

Organise a passport and I am gone.

How? You don't even have a birth certificate?

I know where to get one.

And then what? Where are you going to go?


(phone rings)


Any news on Indiana?

No, not yet.

You will let me know if you do?


This is Detective Sgt Eve Winter.

I'm very sorry for your loss.

Mr Johansson.

Could you tell us where Indiana came from?

The foster people.

Do you remember her caseworker or anything about Indiana's birth family?

The stuff they've got me on, I can't remember last Wednesday.

Why does this even matter?

We haven't seen Indiana for eight years.

We think she may be able to help us find your daughter's k*ller.

Well, I don't see how.

Did you know Paul Pagent?

The bloke who topped himself in the park?

He lopped some trees for us once, didn't he?


What about him? Do you know his wife, Janet?

I know she's dead too.

What are you asking me about them for?

What about my daughter?

Just trying to find if there is a link.

I'm going to find out a lot sooner than you lot.

How's that?

Well, the doctors reckon I've got less than two weeks so...

(coughs).. Pagent, his wife, my daughter.

I can bloody well ask them myself.


Detective. I want to help you, I really do.

But more than that, I want my daughter back.

That can't happen.

So today, I just want to remember her with her friends and family.

We can't think about this other stuff right now.

Excuse me.

Hi! Detective Sgt Eve Winter.


Uh, this is... Emma, Emma Tan.

I'm a friend of Karly's. Oh.

Was. Do you have any idea who might have...?

We're getting closer all the time.

Do you know anything that might help us?

Me? No, why?

Oh, we're asking everyone.

Right. Great.

Anyway, Luke. I best get going.

Nice to meet you, Detective. Hope you find him.

Friend from where?

Uh, she's a mum from preschool, I think.

Emma lives in Bondi.

I... I don't know. I've got to get back.

Organise a warrant.

Get live telephone intercepts on both their phones and I want to see the GPS data from Luke's boat for Sunday night.

He's hiding something.

Hey, you. What are you up to?

Crime scene photos.

Poor Pagent.

Really bugs me that he k*lled himself.

Why now?



Let's just wait and see what the autopsy report says.

Any word from Indiana?


I just hope she's still alive.

It's been 24 hours when that guy in the hospital was trying to k*ll her.

He's not going to give up.

You sure about this?

OK, I'll wait.


Woman: Honey?

It's alright. Just the wind.

We've got something. Mystery woman at the funeral.

She runs a coffee cart located outside one of the seafood restaurants that Luke delivers to.

Which puts her and Luke in the same vicinity five mornings a week when he brings in his catch.

She said she was Karly's friend. Any phone records?

Not between her and Karly but a lot between her and Luke.

And they increase between the morning Karly's body was found and the funeral.

Who was calling who?

All one way, she's calling him.

Has the warrant come through on the telephone intercept?

Yeah, any calls they make to each other will be patched through in real-time.


Let's put the pressure on Emma, see if she calls Luke.

Probably worth calling Luke's bank records.

Supporting two women is expensive.

Not that I'd know.


Will do.

And what are we going to do about Indiana?

Are we any closer to finding out her real name?

No. She can't have changed it by deed poll or there'd be a record.

So she's just adopted a new name, started using it and accumulated ID.

I just don't know where else to look.

Since no-one knows where she came from before she arrived at the Johanssons and she had a fake name then...

Try the school records at Rocky Point.

Judith said she enrolled as Indiana Hope.

Yeah, I know. But she would have had to transfer from somewhere.

Maybe there's a file somewhere with her real name in the transfer records.

And put an alert out on her.

Aren't the Feds chasing her up?

Won't hurt to give them a bit of help.

State of alert's gonna put a b*mb up 'em.

That's the idea.

Think you should run this one.

She'll respond better to a man.

Not to my skilful line in questioning, just my gender?

That too.

I don't know what I can tell you.

I have no idea who k*lled Karly or why.

You knew her well?


You met up regularly?

Lunch, dinner?

You asking me out, Detective?

(laughs) Lunch?

Sorry, it's hard for me to get away from work.


She'd come in with Luke on his boat.

We'd grab a bite while he unloaded the shellfish.

Ah, that's right.

Luke says Karly's favourite lunch was pasta with mussels.

Yeah, that's right. No, wait. I got that wrong.

No, she's allergic to shellfish.

And why would a mum with two young kids under five go out fishing all night and then come up here for lunch?

Karly was your friend?

That's right.

Yet you never made a single phone call to her once in your entire life.

But you made a lot to Luke.

Who were you really having lunches with, Emma?

I'd like you to leave.

That's not going to work, Emma.

Because we will find out everything and then we're going to have to come back with an arrest warrant.

And lead you out of here in handcuffs, which is not going to be great for business.

Alright, alright.

The lunches were with Luke.

Only they weren't lunches.

You were having an affair?

I slept with him a couple of times but that's it.

And I swear I don't know anything about what happened to Karly.

I swear it.

(car beeps) Did you believe her?

Soon find out.

(phone rings) Ah.

Ah, that was quick.

Luke, it's Emma.

Luke: (on phone) I told you not to call.

Shut up. Look, I had to tell them about us.


The affair!

They knew anyway, they knew about the phone calls.

Babe, I'm sorry but it doesn't make any difference.

It doesn't make a difference?

We didn't k*ll her, Luke. That wasn't us.

Having an affair isn't a crime.

Jesus, the police are going to be all over me.

Then just tell them the truth.

We slept together a couple of times, that was it.


Yeah, alright. I've got to go.


Does that conversation sound all wrong to you?

Yeah, she's coaching him.

Telling him exactly what to say when we talk to him.

What doesn't she want him to say?

Who interviewed the deckhand that alibied him?

Marvin Reid, 20.

He said he was with Luke on the boat all night and I didn't put the screws on him because their movements would be confirmed by the boat's GPS.

And are they?


I checked with IT, the data's been wiped.

Maybe he's covering because he's scared of Luke.


But he left school Year 10, he and his family members have a list of vehicle offences, fines, DUIs.

It's possible that he just hates police.

Well, he lied to us once. What's going to change?

Can I have that coffee?

It's not the best. It'll do.

Marvin? Who wants to know?

Come on, you know who I am.

Yeah, you're one of those detectives, aren't ya?

I bought you this. Hard work, thought you could do with a coffee.

You think if you give me a coffee, I'll talk to you?

No, I think if you give me a coffee, you might listen.

And then you can decide for yourself what you want to do.

The reciprocity rule.

You watch. If he takes that coffee... she's got him.

Alright, I'm listening.

I think you like Luke.

He's a good guy, good boss.

And there is no way he m*rder*d his wife.

And you think we're just trying to fit him up because that's what cops do.

The thing is, Marvin, there are some problems with Luke's version of events.

And until we can sort them out, we have to keep investigating him.

If we could clear them up, we could move on.

Do you think Luke m*rder*d his wife?


You absolutely sure? You back him 100%?


Then tell us where you really were on Sunday night.

Because lying just makes Luke look guilty.

You weren't on the boat with him, were you?


I wasn't.

Luke went out alone.


So if Luke was alone until 4am, he could have done a lot of things, including m*rder his wife.

Want to talk to him?

Yeah, where is he?

He's on his boat coming back from the fish markets.

You know during that whole funeral and wake, I didn't see him talk to Bjorn once.

Perhaps he feels guilty about having an affair, the last person he's gonna want to face is his wife's father.

Or her sister, for that matter.

You wait here. I'll go talk to her.

An affair?

No, Luke and Karly were happily married.

They've got two beautiful kids.

There's no way he'd have an affair, never.

Do you know this woman?

Well, I recognise her from the funeral but I assumed she was a friend of Karly's.

Friend from where?

Look, they've just lost their mum.

If they lose their dad as well...

If Luke k*lled Karly, do you really want him raising their kids?

Your sister deserves the truth, Lauren.

You know, when Karly came back from Sydney last week, she'd... changed.

It was like she'd found something out.

She was really quiet.

Not her usual cheerful self.

Did she say anything to you?

No, not specifically but...

Now you say that Luke was having an affair with this woman, I guess it makes sense.

She said something really weird. What was that?

"It's the people you love the most who hurt you the most."

Do you think she could have been talking about Luke?

I think she must have been.

What do you want?

Had a chat to your deckhand.

Said you didn't pick him up until 4am Monday morning.

Why did you ask him to lie for you, Luke?

Because I knew what it would look like.

Where were you all night?

Working alone.

Picked him up late, I didn't want to pay him extra wages, that's all.

And your boat's GPS?

You wiped the data on Monday.

No, I didn't.

Change the battery - sometimes that buggers up the readouts.

Just dropped off your catch?

Yeah, I've still gotta make a living.

Go to the coffee cart at all, catch up with Emma Tan?

I think it's time we came in for a proper chat, Luke.

Are you arresting me?

Not yet.

Then I don't have to come with you.

If you've got nothing to hide...

Then there's no point in you wasting your time with me.

Why don't you want to find out who k*lled your wife, Luke?

Because he already knows.
You put an alert out on Indiana without telling me?

We need to know where she is, Jake. I know where she is, Eve.

I've known since yesterday.

Sharni took me straight to her.

So you've known for the last 24 hours?

I've known since yesterday.

When I called you and you said you had no idea where she is?

That's why you did it?

Not to flush Sharni out, to flush me out.

All I know is that Indiana is a witness in your federal case.

That's right. What else, Jake?

This lady here is Penny Bartok.

She was in the game herself.

Now she's the boss, she runs the whole business.


Among her interests.

What I'm targeting is human trafficking.


Well, they don't start out that way.

Pretty girls from poor Asian countries, they answer ads in the newspapers in Sydney for waitressing, whatever.

When they get here, it's a different story.

You know so much about this woman. Why can't you get her?

Because she runs pop-up brothels.

By the time we find out where they are, they're gone.

Where does Indiana fit in?

Was she working for Bartok?

Originally, yeah.

And then she moved to the admin side, taking booking, sending texts to clients.

So she knows the business?

Yeah, names, dates, addresses.

Bank accounts.

And if Bartok finds out... Then they'll k*ll her.

Just like they did her.

That's a mate of Indiana's.

And that's the reason she's talking to us.

(doorbell rings)

Who's that?

I don't know.

Bad guys don't ring the doorbell.

Ah, good. You're up.

Have you got any wine?

God, do I need a glass!

Date from hell. No...

This guy is nothing like his photo.

I mean, there should be some kind of law.

Your photo has to at least vaguely resemble who you are now, not 10 years ago.

I've got a work situation.


You again?

How are you going?

Well, well, well.

Ah, thank God.





Ah, got a minute?

Not really. Is it important?

Paul Pagent.

I haven't heard anything about the autopsy.

Five-car pileup on the freeway, bus ploughed into a house in the western suburbs, it's been a busy couple of days.

Come on. Here it is.

Should have gone out already.

Duty pathologist wanted me to double-check.


Well, Eve's not going to ask you so I'll have to.

Are you single?

Mel! What?

Inquiring minds need to know.

Mm! You really are working.

Still, I mean, that's how most couples meet.

Through work.

So where's Harry?

At home. He's fine.

It's not like I've abandoned a toddler, he's 14.

He's old enough to get into trouble.

Ah, here we go. So, Jake.

Has Eve told you she's the bossy older sister who, although she doesn't have any kids of her own, that doesn't stop her telling anyone else how to parent?

Thanks for that. Forget it.

I'm going.

Nice to see you again, Jake.

I'll call you a taxi. It is a few blocks, I can walk.

Mel, I'll call... I'm fine!

You're not my mother.

So, what now?

Now I'll wait five minutes and follow her to make sure she gets home safe.

Do you want me to go with you?

Yes, I do.

Then you can take me to Indiana.

That's not going to happen.

It's not negotiable, Jake.

Routine autopsy.


Ligature marks around the neck.

Blah, blah.

The bruising looks consistent with su1c1de.

Rigor mortis is around the hips, the blood following gravity but...

Here we go.

Just concerned about this scratching.

The marks around his neck.

Some of his fingernails are broken.

Can still be consistent with su1c1de.

As you're choking, it's instinctive to try and release the pressure.


This is what really worried him.

Two lines.

This one up high - this is the one you'd expect to find on a man hanging vertically, the rope pulls all the way up to the jaw.

This one... Another rope?

It could be a practice line, some suicides experiment first.

Or someone else?

They garrotte him from behind and then sling him up to the tree and try and make it look like su1c1de.

It's possible.

A brothel. This is your secure location?

This way.

I'm not testifying. I'm out.

We can protect you, Indiana.

Like in the hospital. Where were you then?

This is the best image we could get.

That's him.

That's the guy who att*cked me.

Do you know who he is?

Well, can you describe him?

Well, let's see.

Big, scary and oh yeah, trying to k*ll me.

Indiana, if we can find you here, so can he.

It doesn't matter. I'm not sticking around.

I'm getting my passport, getting a ticket.

Then I'm out of here.

Can I ask you something?

Do you care who k*lled Karly?

When she was your best friend, you got identical tattoos and when she ran into you last week, you talked for hours.

You could be the only person that can help us find out who k*lled her, if you could just remember what you talked about.

Well, I can't. OK?

I can't remember anything. OK.

I'm just saying if you do, can you call me?

Look, I want to talk about your statement.


What's your real name?

Look, if you're going to be my witness, I need to know who you are.

Problem solved then.

I don't do either.

Look, forget it. Arrest me, put me in jail.

But I'm not talking.

Well, she clammed up as soon as you asked her real name.

Something there, something she's scared of.

It's got to be about who she is. Yeah, well, you know what?

I don't care who she is.

She changed her name eight years ago which is a long time before she got involved with Penny Bartok.

Jake, that girl could be the key to my investigation.

And your investigation could be the key to getting the entire federal case thrown out.

We're not going to play who's got the most important case here?

Well, we shouldn't need to here because I'm trying to shut down a criminal network and you've got a dead housewife.

You're not serious?

This was you, Eve, not me.

Alright, five days ago, she was on side and you start poking around, all of sudden she's gone AWOL.

Well, if you're worried, organise witness security.

I can't.

You know what it's like. It works the other way.

She agrees to become a witness, then I can authorise the paperwork.

Then put a car on the brothel.

They're not going to spend money on a witness who refuses to testify.

So you're just going to leave her here?

What do you want from me?

I want you to give a shit!

You can't save everyone, Eve. Oh...


The truth is she is safe here. OK?

The only reason we found her is because of the tracker, which I've still got on her.

It will take two days for her passport to come through, maybe that's enough time for her to calm down and then talk to us.

(cell phone rings)

You want a lift?

I'll get a cab.

Lachlan, hi.

Lachlan: I'm at the morgue.

Paul Pagent was m*rder*d.

Got Paul Pagent's vehicle impounded.

Crime scene are going over it now.

It's a long shot but the k*ller may have left a trace.

Could this k*ller have m*rder*d Janet Pagent eight years ago and set up her husband as the main suspect?

He starts sniffing around and then they try to make his death look like su1c1de.

Well, maybe.

But how is any of that connected to Karly?

Excuse me, boss?

We've just come from the shops where Emma's got her coffee cart.

This is her on the phone to Luke an hour ago.

Emma: Where are you?

Luke: Look, I couldn't come up today.


Look, I'll be up there soon, alright?

No small talk!

I need those two tickets to the concert tomorrow.


Tickets to the concert. You promised!

Look, Emma, it's tricky right now!

I don't care.

We've got a relationship, Luke. That goes on, no matter what.

It's on tomorrow. No excuses.

So they're not having an affair.

Well, they might be but that's not what the call is about.

Two tickets, two kilos of dr*gs?

Of what, though?

Cocaine, we checked with forensics.

They're still running tests on the Johannson house but the family safe, positive for traces of cocaine.

Yeah, so what's your theory?

Luke's a fisherman. Not much money in fish these days.

So you think he's importing cocaine?

Yeah, bringing it in on a boat, container ship.

OK. What about Karly?

Caught in the middle, rival drug cartel.

And Luke still had the two tickets?

He had to leave it out there when Karly was m*rder*d but he's picking it up tomorrow and he's taking it to Emma.

Now she's clean but her ex-boyfriend was one of the main suppliers in the Cross until he was gunned down by...

La, la, la, la! Why are you telling me all this?

Drug importation, container ship.

That's federal, isn't it?

So you need our budget to pay for getting your man?

Well, the boss just said something about in the spirit of integration...

Why do I feel I'm getting conned here?

Look, if you think Luke has something to do with his wife's m*rder, why not just arrest him?

You're turning down the opportunity for a major dr*gs arrest.

Because he'll deny it, won't he?

So you need him arrested with the dr*gs to put pressure on him.

To leverage a dr*gs charge into a m*rder charge.

Win-win. It's very good.


You should sell used cars. (laughs)


OK, so the Feds will run the operation.

We'll get access to Luke once I've questioned him about the cocaine.

In the meantime?

Anything on Paul Pagent's vehicle?

Not yet.

I know who Indiana is!

I got a very grumpy school office secretary who grudgingly went back through her records for 2007 and found these.

They are the transfer records from Indiana's old school in Balmain sent down to Rocky Point when she moved in with the Johannsons.

You were right, they had her birth name.

Catherine Ziegler.

She's been using her two middle names, Indiana Hope.



Head of the DPP.

My work hours are long enough as it is.

If this is police business, see me in the office.

This is about your daughter.

The twins?



What's she done now?

You'd better come in.

Let me give you the short version.

Catherine, we always called her Indiana, is my daughter from my first marriage.

I divorced her mother.

Two years, later she died, car accident.

Indiana came to live with me.

She was completely off the rails - dr*gs, alcohol, wagging school.

By then I'd remarried Elizabeth.

And the twins had just been born.

It was a difficult time.

And Indiana made it more difficult.

We did everything we could. Boarding school, counsellor.

Nothing worked. I was at my wits' end.

So you sent her to live with the Johanssons.

How did you know them?

We didn't. Not personally.

I have a friend in the police.

We went to the academy together.

He suggested his mate's family.

Quiet fishing village, nice family. Daughter the same age.


It seemed to work. Six months, she was fine.

And then she just up and left.

Ran away to the Cross.

Who was this friend in the police force?

How is that relevant?

Oh, come on, you know how this works.

If you could just answer our questions. I don't have to.

No, you don't.

But I'm starting to question why you want to impede a m*rder investigation.

A guy named Steve, Steve Whelan.

I asked him to keep it secret.

It was a private matter, no-one needed to know.

And you didn't think to make contact with us when you heard your daughter's foster-sister had been m*rder*d?

I couldn't see how it was relevant.

Our last conversation was eight years ago.

She wanted to come back home.

And you said no?

Well, she turned up late one night drunk, throwing things around.

She att*cked Elizabeth.

I told her to get out and never come back.

She hasn't.

You have a lot of photos of the twins about but I don't see any of Indiana.

I told you, she's dead to me.

What a prince. You've got a daughter.

You ever imagine a scenario where you just write her off?

(cell phone rings) Not speak to her again?


What, now?

Yeah, alright. We'll see you there.

Luke's on the move. He's not waiting till tomorrow?

He's taking the boat.

Feds have tracked him to 3 Ks out heading north.

To meet Emma?



Emma is at her coffee cart, business as usual.

Luke came in about 10 minutes ago.

Now, there's a restaurant up there, upstairs.

That's where we'll be.

Target 1 is approaching the jetty.

Target 2 is on the move.

Coke's got to be in the bag. Let's hope so.

Bit embarrassing if Emma's just picking up a couple of lobsters for dinner.


Move! Get out of the way!

Get out of the way!

Police, move!

Get out of the way now! Police, move!

Get down, get down!

I didn't do anything! I didn't see anything!

Get down on your face!

Anyone get a look at the sh**t?

Anyone got eyes on the sh**t?

Yeah, yeah, I know.


Yeah, OK. Alright, you know what?

I'll fill you in when I get back to the office, alright?

I'm on my way.

How the hell could you let that happen?

I beg your pardon? Where were your agents?

My agents were all over the place, right?

They weren't looking for a sn*per. Were you?

Where are you taking Luke? Luke's safe.

He's my suspect, I want to talk to him.

That's not going to happen, alright?

Because you wanted the Feds in and now we're in.

Alright? so Luke's with me.