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04x06 - Black and Gray

Posted: 02/11/15 07:49
by bunniefuu
Previously on Switched at Birth...

Isn't it past your curfew?

My house arrest is up.

This calls for a toast.

To the night.

To the night.

t*nk: I know you probably think last night was a mistake,

I always wanted it to happen, but...

Did we use anything?

Yes, of course.

My friend Tess talked to me about something that happened.

She got really drunk.

She found out that she had had sex with someone else.

Well, that's awful.

That she cheated.

That she was r*ped.


Well, if she was so drunk that she couldn't remember it the next day, then she didn't give consent.

If you had said, "no," at any point, I would have stopped.

But if I can't remember it, how can that be okay?

We had sex, Bay.

It was not as*ault.

When I woke up, I felt... like something was wrong.

Just tell me what you want to do and we'll do it.

I just want to forget about it.

Then that's what we'll do.

Hey! I got your message to stop by... wow, check out your new digs.


Oh God... (Stammers)

Nothing happened between me and t*nk.

I'm not even a student here.

No, no. I definitely do not want to do that.

Melody, please. I really just want this to die.

Well, I'm not going to talk to anyone about this.

Thank you. Okay.

All right, so, that's the end, right?

But I don't want that.

Isn't there something that you could do?

Please, Melody, I'm begging you.

(Theme music playing)

I thought you understood that this was part of my job.

I had to tell Melody what t*nk told you.

I only told you because I was trying to figure out how I felt about it.

Not so you could blab to your boss.

Yeah, I understand that, but it involves a student.

You don't even know what happened!

That's what the investigation is for, and if there's even a chance that he's victimized Bay, we are required to look into it.

So you're covering your ass?

I'm looking out for Bay, and I would have done the same for any girl in her position.

I should have told you first, and I'm really sorry about that, but it was the right thing to do.

(Phone vibrates)

Does anyone know it was me?

I don't think so, but she said they're gonna interview everyone who was at the party.

Where they'll be asked questions about me...

And they'll probably talk to their friends and... oh God.


I have to tell him.

Hey. Hey!

Bay, wait up.

I just got a call to show up at some Dean's office?

You reported me?

Toby told Lily what you said to him, and she ran with it.

They tried to pull me in too.

Well, you're gonna tell them it wasn't as*ault, right?

I told Melody that I wanted nothing to do with the investigation.

Okay, so... is it over?

I mean, they dropped it, right?

I don't know. You...

You should talk to them. I really have to go.

Wait, this is how it's gonna be? You can't even talk to me?

Hey, she said she doesn't want to talk to you right now.

So unless you want a second call from administration you better back the hell off.


(Breathing heavily)

Okay, he's gone. It's okay.

What's happening? I can't... I can't breathe.

Sit down.

(Breathing heavily)

I think you're having a panic attack.

So just focus on your breathing, and we're gonna count to 10, okay?



I don't know, I don't know. (Panting)

We're just counting. That's all we're doing.





Six. Seven.

You're doing great. Good job, Bay.


Girl: That movie totally stole from Fritz Lang.

I mean, even thought the ending was way better...

And USC still let you in.

Well, if you want to catch up to us... film school nerds, I just got this from my friend.

You wanna watch it tomorrow?


We... we broke up.


We were together for four years, but the distance got to us.

But movies always make me feel better.

You wanna check it off your list?

I have bacon popcorn.

I understand.


Do you really think that people are gonna want to play these at the coffeehouse?

Vintage games are very in.

Well, this one's missing, like, half its pieces and its rules.

Hmm. Toss it.

Uh, speaking of rules...

I know that you said that sometimes it's okay to interfere with people's personal lives.

Like with Sharee's mom.


So, I have this friend, and she got really drunk, and apparently slept with this guy without remembering it, but she doesn't want to do anything about it.

But I can tell that it's affecting her physically, mentally, all that.

Is this about Tess?


Oh, nothing. Go on.

The same story as Bay?

Same story, different friend.

Who do you think it is?

I don't think it's a friend at all.

Have you noticed anything odd?

Now that you mention it, Bay has seemed really down even though she got her ankle monitor off.

Do you think something happened to her?

I hope not.

But if we're talking sexual as*ault, and there is even the slightest chance that it's Bay...

We need to talk to her.




I mean, fine. Yeah, sure.

I'm not mad. I...

I just want you to know that I love you too, and... please keep that in mind when I say what I'm about to say.

After you left, I went to that dorm party, the one that I was telling you about, and...

I got pretty drunk.

And something happened... with t*nk.

It was more than that.

It's complicated.

It wasn't like that, okay? Just listen to me, and please just let me explain.

If you just...

Ok. What's with the mom ambush?

It's not an ambush.

We're just checking in, seeing how you're doing.

Want some cocoa?

Thanks, I'm fine.

So, you got your ankle monitor off.

That had to have felt good.

So good you went to a party and stayed out all night, and you didn't call us.

Which I explained.

And it's pretty clear you'd been drinking.

I hate to break it to you guys, but I have had a drink before.

Sweetie, I need to ask you something.

When you told me about your friend Tess, who got so drunk that she didn't remember sleeping with a guy...

I told you that in confidence.

I know, but now I need to know.

Was that girl you?

God, you guys, don't you think I would come to you if I wanted to talk about something like that?

If something happened to you, you need to tell us.

Regina: You know what I said about your friend Tess, if something happened without her consent...

I know, but you weren't there, okay?

Nobody was there except for me and...

This other person.

Oh my God, Bay.

Mom, I'm fine.

It was a mistake. It was a stupid, drunk mistake.

Regina: No. Listen, if someone did something to you that you didn't want we need to take action before he does it to someone else.

It wasn't some monster r*pist. It was my ex-boyfriend.



Sometimes good guys can do bad things.

There are no good guys or bad guys... (Stammers)

This is why I didn't want to talk about this.


(Buttons clicking)


I cheated on him. That's all Emmett thinks.

So you told him?

The school's doing a whole investigation, whether I want it or not, so I had to tell him.


I know you feel like you did something wrong...

Yeah, I had sex, not with my boyfriend, and now everybody gets to talk about it.

Oh God, dad...

Now look, I'll take care of dad, but you need to hear this; you did nothing wrong.

How do you know that?

I don't even know that, mom. I blacked out.

What I'm trying to say is, a lot of women don't trust that voice inside them when something is happening that they don't want or they don't like.

They don't know how to say, "stop."

God, mom. That's not me.

I'm not some victim, and you just don't get this.


DVD... oh, Sunrise. Yeah, I have it.

Okay, sure.

Emmett won't talk to me.

What? After you told him...

I've been texting, I've been FaceTiming, no response.

Oh, Emmett, what are you doing?

If I wasn't on probation I would just go to L.A., and make him talk to me.

What if I went for you?

To L.A.?

I still have a credit from the flight that I canceled to Gallaudet.

Daphne, I don't know.

After everything you've done for me, please, let me do this for you.

Unless you need me here.

I'll be fine for two days, and I'll be a lot better if you can just get Emmett to talk to me.

Then I'm going to L.A.

Thank you.


I'm sure he has a different version of what happened.

Honey, please, there's more to the story that you should hear.

Just sit down.

I want to hear it from him.

John, no. Please.

I want him to look me in the eye...

I told Bay that you could handle this.

Please, John, don't be that guy.

I just want to talk to him.

Bay needs our help, not for you to fly off the handle.

Is he still at Toby's?

I... don't know.

I'll find out.



(Door slams)

Oh. Hey, you're here.

You're done with practice already?

About the girl who blacked out and got taken advantage of?

Oh no.


Did you know she was in trouble?

So how did you know you were supposed to look out for her?

Bay is an adult.

Meaning, I feel awful for her, but...

She shouldn't have drunk so much that she blacked out.

No, I'm saying she shouldn't have put herself in that situation.

Because I'm a girl.

I know we have to be smart.

We can't let our guard down.

It sucks it's that way for us, but that's how it is.

(Doorknob turns)

Toby's not here.

I'm looking for you.

Can you tell me why I shouldn't kick your ass right now?

Will you listen to my side first?

What, that she somehow led you on?


We had been drinking, a lot.

We weren't thinking clearly, neither one of us.

But you're the guy, t*nk.

You're a foot taller, and you got 100 lbs. on her.

I don't care how drunk you are, it falls on you to be in control of the situation.

Do you think I would hurt her on purpose?

When she had to take the morning-after pill, and you thought that was because of me, I let you think that, remember?

So you wouldn't yell at her, even though I knew in that moment she had cheated on me.

That would have been within my right to hang her out to dry.

I didn't,

'cause I care about her that much.

Now you think the same guy would take advantage of her when she's drunk?

Wait a second, you said you were drunk too.

I would never cross that line.

Look, Mr. Kennish, it's not what you're imagining.

I swear...

I thought I had a green light.

(Dramatic music playing)

The guy tries to k*ll his wife, but even they got back together in the end.

No, it's a perfect film.

My boyfriend never would have watched this with me.

His idea of classic film is Norbit. So...

Yeah, and still call it studying. (Laughs)

That's how I felt about Indiana.

I've actually been thinking the same thing.



We don't have to talk about it. I just wanted to...

They know.


Everyone. They know it was me.

What? How?

There's this article on the campus news site.

The newspaper printed your name?

No, I'm just "girl X" in the article, but in the comments...

Maybe they're right about me.

Stop looking at this.

Just because you turn off the computer doesn't make it not true.

What are you talking about?

I cheated on one boyfriend, probably two.

I mean, isn't that what a slut does?

Bay, these are crazy Internet people. They don't know you.

There's just so many of them.

Obsessing about this is not gonna help.

You need to shut out the lies and hold on to what you know to be the truth.

This is a nightmare.

Look at this.

This is what Bay is reading about herself, on top of everything else she's going through.

They know it's Bay.

You tell me. You started the investigation.

University procedure?

What about protecting her?

This does not look like protection.

I'm doing everything I can, Regina.

I know. I'm sorry.

I just...

I don't know what to do for her.

I can barely get her to talk about it.

I hate this.

Knock, knock.

Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I went and talked to Melody, and she said that she could get those comments shut down.


And while I was there, I met Alexis.

She works at something called the...

Student crisis center at U.M.K.C.

It's nice to meet you, Bay.


Your mom thought you and I could talk for a little bit.

I figured you wouldn't want to go down to the campus, so Alexis nicely agreed to come here.

Alexis: You don't have to say anything, and you can tell me to go at any point.

(Door closes)

Who is that?

Someone from the U.M.K.C. crisis center.

She's an as*ault survivor.


Oh, did Bay ask her over?

No, I asked her to come, for Bay to talk to someone who'd been through this.

How could you do that without asking Bay or me first?

I thought it would help.

Forcing her to talk to a complete stranger about it when she's not ready to?

If I had known someone personally...

You know how embarrassed and confused she feels about it.

We had to do something.

So, actually, the whole incident made me stronger.

It really helped me find my voice, in a way.


I joined a survivor's group, and we fought to have the university change its sexual as*ault policy.

Which was a complete joke, by the way.

There would be pictures taken, and the guys would still be let off.

That's awful.

But changing the policy isn't enough.

We have to change the culture.

People think if you know your assailant, it automatically means the sex was consensual.

Well, no... (Stammers)

I... I know that's not true. Um...

I was really drunk, which, uh...

Confuses things.

No, it doesn't.

It's not your fault.

I'm kind of, just... still figuring it out.

You know, we're having a rally on campus. You should come.

I don't really want to be the poster girl for campus r*pe.

No, you don't have to give a speech or anything, but you might find it kind of empowering, being a part of something bigger than you.

(Stammers) Okay, I just need a minute.

Excuse me.

Why is she investigating...

(door opens)

Bay: Hey.

I did not ask you to bring her here.

I do not want to be part of some movement or changing the culture, all right?

I'm sorry.

I just thought...

But it's everywhere. It's on my phone.

It's in my house.

I don't even know what to think anymore because everyone's trying to think for me.

I understand, sweetie, but I think you're so busy shutting everyone out that... you're shutting yourself out too.

I know what that feels like.

I had something happen to me a very... very long time ago that I didn't want.

How old were you?

I was just 17.

My best girlfriend's brother.

I was sleeping over at their house, and I...

I woke up... to find his hands in... places that they shouldn't have been.


Did you tell anybody?


I thought it was my fault, because I... couldn't stop it.

And I decided that since it wasn't intercourse, it didn't really matter, which made me feel like...

I didn't really matter.

So listen to me, honey.

What happened to you does matter... and you're the only one who knows exactly what you're going through.

You need to speak for yourself.

Before you say anything, I feel awful about what happened.

Lily took what I said in private and ran with it.

If it makes you feel any better, I already yelled at her for it.

You didn't have to do that. She was just doing her job.

That's not at all what I expected you to say.

It's done. I'm just trying to deal with it now.

I have to go talk to t*nk.

Are you sure that's a good idea?

There's something I have to tell him in person.

Do you want me to go with you?

Like, moral support?

I'll be okay, thanks.


Is there anything else I can do?

I wish there was.


I'm glad you called me.

How are you?

I wanted you to hear it from me.

I'm gonna talk to the university investigator about what happened.

What? Why?

You said you weren't going to.

This thing is getting out of control.

Have you been reading the stuff online?


You're a skank, and I'm a predator.

What are you gonna tell the investigator lady?

I don't know exactly.

I told her it was consensual.

And it's my word against yours, so if you say something different...


I'm gonna get kicked out of school.

Do you understand that?

I am not doing this to get you kicked out.

But that's what will happen.

This isn't just about you.

I know. I'm sorry, okay? It's just... this will follow me forever.

It will ruin my life.

Do you think I deserve that?

Did I deserve having something done to me when I was too drunk to give you permission?

I didn't know it was without your permission.

Somewhere in your mind, did some part of you know that what you were doing was wrong?

I was drunk too!

But did you have a feeling that you were doing something wrong?

I don't know.

I don't know.

(Scoffs) Look, you know me, Bay.

Even before we dated, we were friends, and I've always cared so much about you.

If that means anything to you at all, please, please don't do that interview.



Come in.

Will there be more yelling?

I shouldn't have yelled at you.

My sister knows you were just doing your job.

I may have let my sense of duty get the better of me.

How so?

Well, this happens to so many girls, and it makes me so angry.

I just wanted somebody to do something about it.

But I should have told you I was gonna report it.


What a bloody mess.

Have I blown it with your family?

What do you mean?

Well, do they blame me for putting Bay through all this?

I don't think so.

Well, I wouldn't want them to resent me.

I won't let that happen.

John: Bay.

You don't have to avoid me.

I'm guessing mom told you.

Whatever you're thinking, I've probably already heard it.

People are calling me all sorts of names and saying really terrible things about me.

Is that what you think I would do?

Look at me.

Those people don't know what happened.

I don't need to know either... unless you want me to.

But you know what?

I love you.

The same as always.


Are you all right?

It's gonna be fine.

It's not a test.

Go slow. Tell the truth.

You don't have to do this if you don't want to.

And if you're not ready, we can come back at another time.

You wanna go home?

(Door opens)

Hi, Bay.

I'm Eve Porter, the title IX coordinator. Would you like to come in?

I thought talking about this would.. stop people from telling me what to do, or... how to feel.

But now I don't care what anyone says. I just...

I want to tell the truth.

What is the truth, in your mind?

The truth is...

I made some bad choices.

I drank too much. I said some things that I shouldn't have said.

I didn't look out for myself.

You make it sound like you were in that room alone.

No, um...

t*nk was there too, and, uh... he also made some bad choices.

Really bad choices.

But what I'm saying is there's enough blame to go around.

You can't just hang one guy for it.

We're not looking to hang anyone.

That's not what this process is about.

You're looking to pin responsibility on somebody, but it's messy.

t*nk... is a good guy... and he would never do anything to intentionally hurt me.

But I do think that...

Well... well, in this instance...

He, um...

Eve: Yes?

I think what he did was wrong.

What was wrong?

We drank too much.

I was a part of that.

But in... in looking back... he should have walked away.

Us sleeping together should have never happened.

I want to make sure I understand.

Are you saying that you regret having sex with t*nk, or that it was not consensual?

I'm saying something happened and...

I wasn't okay with it.

But we've both already suffered enough.

How so?

Gossip, the humiliation, coming here.

We've been through enough.

Please don't put us through any more.

I know this was hard for you.

Thanks for coming in.

(Phone vibrating)

What happened?

He got expelled.

I... I can't believe it.

This is exactly what he was afraid of.

You can't control that.

I told that lady how confusing it was, and t*nk told her his side, but...

I guess all she heard was that when I woke up, I felt violated.

The facts are what they are. You can't change them.

If I'm supposed to feel better, I don't.

I just feel awful for everybody.

I know.

Me too.


You're back.

What did he say?