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01x04 - Private Eyes

Posted: 02/06/15 14:52
by bunniefuu
Dylan: Okay, so we've ruled out bank account...

Mikayla: Credit cards...

Dylan: IP address, and longitude and latitude because Wes said...

Mikayla: Maps are dumb. What else has fourteen digits?

Dylan: Maybe we can't crack this.

Mikayla: We can! We just need to clear our heads and think.

Dylan: Maybe my dad just randomly scribbled them on the paper. Maybe they mean nothing. Maybe...

Mikayla: You shouldn't be such a Sally-giver-upper!

Come on, think!


Oh-oh-oh! Ooh! I saw this on "Scandal"!

Write down a bunch of the numbers in different sequences and we can see if we can recognize anything.

Dylan: That's gonna take forever.

Wait. W-w-wait!

These numbers here, aren't they...

Mikayla: Open Heart's main line phone number!

But what about the last four numbers?

An extension? Your mom's?

Dylan: No.

(Dialing beeps)

(Phone rings)

Dylan: Thanks, Mikayla.

Mikayla: For what?

Dylan: Not letting me give up.

Recorded voice: (Quiet) Welcome to open heart memorial.

(Over speakerphone) If you know the extension of the party you wish to reach, please enter it now.

(Dialing beeps)

I'm sorry, that extension is no longer in service.

Dylan: It's out of date.

Would records keep an old list of phone numbers around?

Mikayla: I know who to ask.

And you're not going to like it.

Jared has a part-time job digitizing old files.

Yet another way he can lord power over everything.

Jared hates my guts.

He's not gonna help us with the phone extension.

Mikayla: Let me do the talking.

Mikayla: (Exhales sharply, preparing)

Jared: Good morning. Mikayla: Hey, Jared, um... you wouldn't be able to look up an old phone extension in this little computer machine, would you?

I can probably find what part of the hospital it used to belong to. Why?

Mikayla: Do you really need to know why?

Jared: No. What's the number?

(Keyboard keys clack)

All right, found it.

(Printer whirs)

I'm a bit worried I'm breaking the rules for nothing.

Dylan: What do you want, Jared?

Jared: A date with Mikayla.

Dylan: Done.

Mikayla: Wait!

Jared: Sweet!

Mikayla: Um... but... wait!

Jared: Don't worry, I-I'll-I'll make all the plans.

Mikayla: (Frantic exhale)

(Unlocking click)

(Heartbeat pulses)

Dr. K: We've admitted a woman, Veronica Rykov, who's complaining of stomach pain.

Says it's been about two days.

Otherwise, she's healthy and fit.

Hud: How fit are we talking?

London: Why, are you jealous?

You gonna challenge her to a dips contest?

Dr. K: (Laughs) "Dips contest."

Hud: Is that funny, Dr. K?

Dr. K: (Chuckling)

"Dips... " Uh, caught me off guard.

Scarlet: Holy teacher's pet.

Hud: Yeah, she's a special snowflake.

London: Hey!

Dr. K: Enough bickering!

London, why don't you help assess?

HUD: I don't need her help.

Dr. K: I disagree.

Dr. McWhinnie, you'll shadow Dr. Jane Blake for the day.

Everybody, get your faces... out of my face.


Dylan: So the extension was connected to a room in old south wing?

Where is that?

Wes: Old part of the hospital.

South side, branches off like a wing.

There's clues in the name if you listen.

Mikayla: That wing was shut down.

Dylan: Why?

Wes: Haunted.

Dylan: Right.

Mikayla: No, seriously. It's like creep-city.

Dylan: Cool! Who's up for an adventure?

Wes: I'm in. How'd you get Jared to cough that up, anyway?

I-I promised him a date with Mikayla.

Mikayla: (Annoyed exhale) Yeah, good luck, guys.

Dylan: Wait. You're not coming with us?

No, Dylan. I don't wanna come on your little adventure.

And I don't wanna go to old south wing,

and I don't wanna go on a date with Jared.

Okay, we can call the date off.

Mikayla: No, that's not the point.

Friends don't sell out friends like you just did to me.

(Receding footsteps)

(Water flows)

Jane: Pretty typical gastrostomy. Patient cannot eat on his own, so I'm going to insert a feeding tube into his stomach until he can.

Are you recording everything I'm saying?

Scarlet: I don't wanna forget it. I look up to you so much.

More than any other doctor here.

Jane: Even Dr. Karamichaelidis?

He has his favourite... it's not me.

Really. Who is it?

Scarlet: Don't get me wrong, okay? I love London, and it's really not her fault, but...

Dr. K is always defending her and laughing at her lame jokes.

(Clears throat awkwardly)

This is totally inappropriate. Sorry.

No, I appreciate your candor, Scarlet. I do.

In fact, why don't you scrub in?

I will go change!

(Jane takes a deep breath, door closes)

Veronica: Oh! Ow! Ow!

Hud: I hate to say it, but it's appendicitis.

Veronica: Oh no. Really?

London: Why are you so sure?

Hud: Her indigestion, rapidly worsening pain, and also, because... it's appendicitis.

Veronica: I'm terrified of surgery. I hate needles.

I know that must sound childish.

Hud: No, it's not childish.

Dr. Blake here has got a list of phobias as long as her arm.

Loud noises, sunken ships... Pineapples for some reason.

London: He's joking. I'm only slightly acrophobic.

It's afraid of heights.

Hud: And of being wrong.

Don't worry, we'll take good care of you.

Do you have to second guess me in front of the patient?

London: She's of child-bearing age.

It could present as appendicitis but actually be pid or a tubal pregnancy.

We should run a Beta-HCG test to make sure.

Uh, I'd like to do that that test.

Hud: Course. Dr. Blake here will deal with the lab.

London: Wait. Can you deal with the lab?

Hud: No. You forced the issue, you do it.

London: No, I can't! The lab tech and I, it's very awkward.

Whatever happens with Veronica's test results, I'll tell Dr. K it was all you, and you're a genius doctor, and...

I'll take your next on-call rotation.

Hud: Next two on-call rotations?

Yes! Thank you.

Dylan: I can't believe Mikayla bit my head off like that.

You did saddle her up with Jared.

It's one date. It's not a big deal.

It is to her. I mean, she's...

She's never had a boyfriend or... been on a date.

Well, I didn't know that. Why?


Dylan: Ugh!

I am in the dark here, Wes.

And whoa... speaking of dark, this is way creepier than I thought it would be.

Wes: (Whispers) Awesome.

This is the old psychiatric ward.

They decided to build a new one because, you know, it's a little more friendly.

Dylan: Good. Because this is freaking Azkaban.

What do you think's in there?

Wes: Huh. Reception area, maybe?

Dylan: We have to get in there.

Wes: Okay.

(Wrenches wood from frame)

(Low rumbling of machinery in the distance)

Wes: Here.

Dylan: Thanks.

Wes: Hey, no problem.

Dylan: The filing cabinet.

Maybe it has old records.

(Filing cabinet scrapes across floor)

(Heavy thump, Wes and Dylan gasp in horror)

(Shaky breaths)

(Shocked whisper) It's a body!

Mm-mm. Mm... nope.

This is not good. This is not good!

Dylan: We have to find out whose office this is!

Wes: But no, there's a De-d-Dylan? Uh...

(Drawer slides open)

Dylan: You've seen a body before, Wes.

Wes: Yeah, but... old people bodies!

Died-of-natural-causes bodies!

But people who die of natural causes, they don't roll themselves up in tarps and shove themselves in filing cabinets, which means this is a m*rder body.

This is a m*rder body.

Dylan: Hold this.

(Box cutter blade ratchets)

No! Evidence! Dylan... we shouldn't... evidence!

(Tarp tears)


(Tarp rustles)

Dylan: Ew!

Wes: Oh! No, no, no, no, no.

Oh no.

Dylan: (Shaky exhale) It's a woman.

It's the... it's the same diamond ring. Thank God.

(Breathless) That's great. But why's that great?

Dylan: Because that means this isn't my dad.

(Phone rattles)

(Taps phone) Dr. Ellen Yan. I mean, do you...

You think that's her?

Your dad had her phone extension.

I mean, you don't think he...

Dylan: He had nothing to do with this, Wes.

It's not connected. It can't be.

(Sighs) So what do we do now?

We do what you should do when you find a dead body.

Call the police.

Seth: Hey, I'm pretty slammed right now, man.

Hud: They're for Dr. London Blake.

(Scribbles on paper)

Seth: Oh. Yeah. Top of the pile then.

So all I have to do to get prioritized is make out with you, huh?

Seth: (Sighs) London told you?

Hud: It was an educated guess, unfortunately, for me.

Seth: Hey, you guys started your residency at the same time, right?

Six brutal months ago.

So you know her. Like... any advice?

I-I don't want to get involved in your nerd drama.

Seth: Oh. Hmm. (Lab order rustles)

Hud: (Sighs heavily)


Look. This... this one time, I overheard London talking about what she finds romantic...

(Lab order rustles)

Veronica: Oh! Ow! Agh!

London: You know, we can help manage the pain.

Veronica: No, no. Let's just wait for the test results.

(Phone chimes)

Oh no.

Veronica: Is it bad news?

London: Oh no, it's not about you.

I... I have got to go talk to somebody.

Veronica: Oh... you don't seem real happy about it.

Well, it's not the guy, it's the place.

It's London, right? London Blake?

Uh, it's Dr. Blake.

Veronica: (Painful exhale)

Did you know that guy that went missing a while back?

'Cause it was all over the news.

Yeah. That's... that's my dad.

Oh, no... I'm so sorry. That's hard.

He hasn't called you at all?

Oh... I think I remember reading there was another daughter, your sister?

That must be hard, her being so young.

London: Well, uh...

Veronica: And it's weird that the police don't have any leads?

London: Police closed the case, and I'm closing this conversation.

Veronica: Oh my God, I'm...

I'm sorry! I've offended you.

I'm just so nervous about these test results.

Please don't be mad.

London: I'm not mad.

(Phone chimes)

I'll uh... I'll check back with you in a bit.

Thanks, Dr. Blake.

Goodis: Right. Yeah. Looks mummified. Okay.

(Phone beeps off)

Dylan: Thanks for coming, Detective Goodis.

Wes: Yeah, we shouldn't even be here.

Goodis: Look, my team is on the way, so you two need to get outta here.

I'll just say I got an anonymous tip.

Can you at least tell us what you found out?

Goodis: (Tapping pen)

Dr. Ellen Yan was the last psychiatrist in charge of the ward before it got shut down. Hmm.

She was reported missing last fall.

Now we know why.

That's just before my dad disappeared...

There's no way he did this.

Wes: No, I know...

It's probably just a coincidence.

Don't worry, we'll figure out the connection.

(Door bursts open)

You let Dr. McWhinnie assist with your gastrostomy?

Jane: Her suture technique is impeccable. Far above her peers.

Dr. K: You let her suture?

Jane: Yeah.

Dr. K: She's not ready for that. Scarlet is my resident.

Really? Because as far as she's concerned, London is your only resident.

Dr. K: Ridiculous.

Jane: Mm-hmm?

If I pay more attention to London, it's because she needs it.

Or because she's better than they are, or...

She's your girlfriend's daughter?

Dr. K: Maybe.

Jane: Yeah.

Jane: Look, if Scarlet already sees this preferential treatment, it won't be long before London sees it too and wonders why.

(Sighs) I'll dial it back.

Jane: Thank you.

Dr. K: Can I help it, though?

She might be my stepdaughter one day.

♪ I find it strange, find it strange ♪
♪ that you're wandering in this place ♪

London: (Breathing hard)

♪ I thought it changed, thought it changed ♪
♪ but the more it stays the same ♪

London: (Anxious breaths)

♪ Which one of us will look away ♪

(Gasping for air) Ooh, it's...

It's really high. (Hysterical giggles)

Seth: Yeah, uh... thanks for coming.

Kinda romantic, huh? Hud told me you like rooftops.

London: He did?! Oh, of course he did.

So... (Breathing hard) Um... (Gasps for air)

Okay, you wanna like uh... you wanna talk?

Uh, yeah.

Look, I-I don't want you to feel weird, but there's something between us...

And-and I-I know you have a lot of pressure on you and we work together, but...

London: (Gasping for air)

Seth: I-I-I think we should try to...

London: (Gasps for air)

Seth: You know, give it a go... if... if you want to.

(Gasping for air)

Seth: Are you okay?!

London: No! I can't-I can't! (Gasping)

Oh! (Gasps) I feel like I'm dying!

Seth: Okay. Forget about it then.

London: No! Sorry! No! I can't be up here.

(Gasping for air) I don't like heights!

Seth: Oh. Oh! Uh, okay. Uh, here.

London: (Shrieks)

Seth: Oh, no, no. Sorry. Sorry.

London: (Gasping for air)

Hey, hey, hey hey... Just-just, just breathe.

'Kay, look at me, look at me, and just breathe.

London: (Calming breaths)

You know, it's kinda weird to like rooftops if you're afraid of heights. (Laughs)

Uh-huh, hmm... (Laughs)

Hey, you okay?

London: Inhalation... exhalation... (Breathing more evenly)

Are returning to normal.

Oh... heart rate's decelerating...

Returning to normal. (Breathing slower)

That's funny.

I'm kind of having the opposite problem over here.

♪ Which one of us will look away? ♪


Dylan: I have to talk something out with you.

Major craziness in the south wing.

Jared: So... for our date, I have a coupon for sixty minutes at sky zone, which is a total blast.

Followed by dinner. Do you like falafels?

It's not happening, Jared.

Jared: What? You can't renege on our deal.

I just did, and it wasn't my deal anyway.

Wes: Hey. Uh...

Try to put a smile on for the kids.


Uh-oh! Looks like there's a little girl who hasn't taken her superpower pills yet!

It's medicine.

They're pretty icky, huh?

Yeah, well... you're in luck because my sidekick has this yummy jell-o that's gonna make these nasty pills taste super-awesome!

Here. They'll make you feel better.

See? Sometimes everyone needs a little help.

Wes: Yup. Dylan: Oh my God.

What? What's wrong?

If Ellen Yan was the hospital psychiatrist, maybe she was treating my dad.

What? You think he was in therapy? For what?

Dylan: Jared? When we're done here, I'm gonna need every file records has on Richard Blake.

He might've been a patient.

Jared: I don't care, Dylan.

You didn't come through on our first deal, why should I help you at all?


He's just doing his job.

You don't understand, Mikayla.

My dad was sick and I had no idea.

Why would he keep something like that from me?

Mikayla: Maybe he was ashamed.

Dylan: Of what?

I can't help people if I don't know what's going on.

It's not easy telling someone you're sick, Dylan!

And your dad isn't the only person who's ever been a patient here, okay?

(Shaky breaths, on the verge of tears)

(Phone rings in the distance, Mikayla sniffles)

(Low hum of chatter, approaching footsteps)

Dylan: I'm sorry I was a bit... jerky.

I didn't mean it. I guess, at times, I can just be a little bit oblivious.

Mikayla: A bit? I should've known better.

You don't like secrets.

When I was 12, I was diagnosed with Ewing's sarcoma.

I basically lived here during my treatment, for like... three years. (Sniffs)

That's why everybody here knows me.

Were you cured?

No. I'm in remission.

Dylan: Why didn't you want me to know?

Mikayla: Because you were my first new friend who didn't know.

Even Jared saw me during my last round of chemo.

Not exactly an impression you want your first date to have.

You never treated me like "the sick girl" and I guess I didn't want that to change.

Dylan: It doesn't change anything.

My old friend, Rayna, she didn't care about anything.

But you no matter what crazy plan, scheme, or idea I come up with, you're always willing to help. Why is that?

Mikayla: Because... life is short, Dylan Blake.

Hey, I brought something that'll make us feel a little bit better.

But I have to warn you, I kinda stole it.

(Laughs) Amazing.

(Door bangs shut, low buzz of chatter)

London: Hey, you told Seth I like rooftops?!

I told him you love rooftops.

I said I was afraid of heights.

Huh. I must have misunderstood.

Look, I totally freaked out in front of him!

Hud: And then what happened?

London: Well, and then, you know, we decided to date.

Hud: You're welcome!

London: But it could've gone badly.

Why would you set me up like that?

Because you mocked me in front of Dr. K, overruled me in front of my own patient, and you constantly act like you're better than me.

I didn't know you were so sensitive.

It's called having feelings. Maybe you're not familiar.

I have feelings. I didn't know that you had feelings.

I'm sorry.

Look, what we're doing here trying to become doctors, it... it's not a competition.

You and I need to have each other's backs.

I have your back, Hud, from now on. I swear.

So it's appendicitis?

Uh... no. It's clear.

All the lab results were negative.

There's nothing wrong with Veronica Rykov.

London: Let's give her the good news then.

Where'd she go?

♪ Put your toes... ♪
♪ In cold water ♪
♪ is it too deep for you? ♪
♪ Why don't you just jump in? ♪

Wes: Oh! Uh... here's everything records has on Richard Blake.

Dylan: You got Jared to help?

Mikayla: I'm not going out with him, Wes!

Wes: No. I am.

Sky zone is a blast.

(Coroner van engine starts)

Dylan: Receipts for prescriptions filled at the hospital pharmacy.

Loxapine, perphenazine, clor-clozapine... what the hell are these for? They sound scary, right?

Mikayla: You know what? We'll figure it out.

For now, maybe we should just... call it a day.

Dylan: Yeah. Yeah, you're right. I'll see you guys tomorrow.

Mikayla: Okay.

Wes: Uh... I'll s-okay. All right.

Dylan: Okay.

Mikayla: You're gonna have to tell her soon...

That you've "caught feelings."

Shut up. No I haven't.

Oh, please. We've all got our secrets, Wes.

Being secretly in love with Dylan?

That's yours.
