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03x16 - A Simple Plan

Posted: 02/06/15 04:15
by bunniefuu

[exhaling rhythmically]

It's been 23 minutes.

[breathes deeply]

He's not coming back.

Time of death...


[breathes deeply]

I'll go fill out the death certificate.

That hurt?

Doesn't tickle.

Thank you.

How do you maneuver those R.V.s, anyway?

They're so huge.

She's a beast. That's what we call her.

Okay, follow my pen.

The only downside is you can't stop on a dime when some texting dumbass decides to park on the off ramp.

And then you hit the side of your head on the window.



Okay, just look over your shoulder for me.

Good, and the other side.

I got to call the mechanic.

How's Mike doing?

We don't get moving soon, they're gonna give away our yurt.

Your husband's being seen right now.

I didn't realize yurts were so... sought after.

Oh, man, you want to get a good campsite, you got to get online eight months in advance.

Mm. Everybody yurts, I guess.

[both laugh]


Am I done?


There are k*ller blueberry muffins upstairs.

If you want to get a bite and take a walk, I can come find you later.

Okay. Will do.


What's the prognosis, doc?

Can I get this one back on the road?

[sighs] You betcha.

Just a couple more minutes.

Besides, it's rush hour.

I'm doing you guys a favor right now.

I'm gonna grab a bite, Mike.

You want a muffin?

I'm good.

No, you're not. You missed breakfast.

Okay, then.

Happy wife, happy life.

You got it, man. You married?

Divorced, but happily attached.

Oh, so you got a do-over. [chuckling]

Yeah, that's right.


I'm gonna get you to apply some pressure when I pull this out.

On three. One, two, three.


That doesn't sound good.


I'm fine.

Sure. Just breathe.

[breathes deeply]

Again, not really loving what I'm hearing, there.

Are, uh... you been sick recently?

Off and on.

Well, I think it's best to just go up for a quick chest scan.

Nah, don't-don't worry about it, Dr. Miller.

I know you're in a hurry, but it's best to just go up and take a look.


I don't want you wasting your time, here.

I'm dying.

Please don't tell my wife.

Crazy morning.

Tell me about it.

Pronouncing someone dead... not the ideal start to the day.

Well, here's hoping things settle down.

[man moaning]


Hello, sir. I'm Dr. Reid. What's your name?

[moans] Travis.

Charlie: Okay, Travis, what happened?

Travis: It's my leg. It's my leg.

Okay, we're gonna move you over on three, guys.

Ready? One, two, and three.


Okay, looks like you hurt your leg pretty bad.

100 mikes of Fentanyl.

Don't call the cops.

Why would we call the cops, Travis?


Secure alert. Fancy shmancy.

Yeah, it's court-ordered bling.


Okay, looks like you dislocated your knee.

We're gonna have to get you into surgery.

No, I don't want surgery, please.

No, what you don't want is to be walking around on a gimpy leg the rest of your life.

Alex: Travis, we're not gonna be calling the cops.

We just want to know what's going on with you, all right?

I got mugged crossing the Wallace Bridge.

They took all my money.

I had to jump off the bridge on its tracks to get away.

It's my leg. It's just... it's my leg.

Fast looks clear.

Pulse is pretty faint.

We'll see how it is once the leg is reduced.

I'll order a C.T. angiogram, see if there's any vascular damage.

It was all the money I had to give to Kim before I go away.

Where are you going, Travis?

Jail. I'm going to jail.

Joel: So after we got the muscle and the ligament out of the way, uh, we were able to expose the nerve root and remove the bone that was placing the pressure on it.

Am I hearing you say that I might... walk?

There are many factors to consider...

But I might?

Uh, look, I want this as much as you do, believe me.

Shahir: These surgeries can help some patients regain even limited mobility.

It'll be a huge victory.

Speaking of which, guess who's getting married.

Yes, I couldn't help but notice the ring.

Oh, this old thing?


It's perfect... just like the man who gave it to me.

You're invited, of course.

Thank you.

You can watch me walk down the aisle.

Ah, ah, hey, watch...

Okay, maybe not walk walk, but take some steps.

Okay, and presumably, your father's gonna be helping you to walk down the aisle...

No, no help.

On my own.

With a walker.

Eye of the tiger. I like it.

Be reasonable with your expectations, here.

I will be.

I expect to blow their minds.

Won't work for everyone.

I hope you made that clear, Joel.

I would never give anyone false hope, Shahir.

Sounds like a valid study.

I'll be happy to consult.


You know, I'm looking at some exoskeleton technology... might get my hands on a prototype.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

By the way, I'm putting together a contact list for when Alex goes into labor.


Okay, so do you want to be on that list?

Whatever Alex wants, that's, um... I don't know.

What can I get you?

Could I just, uh, have a second, please, mate?


That's not a hard question, Joel.

Yeah, I, um... could I have just have a large, black coffee, please, mate?

And for you?

Um, the usual.


So, how many of these second-decompression surgeries have you done so far?

Uh, one.


And do you think the patient will see progress?

Well, if anyone will, it's her, yeah.

Thank you.

Hey, Paulette.

Imaging looks good. How's the head?

Totally fine.

But can I get a little something anyway?

Mike's had these headaches, and the ibuprofen isn't cutting it.


He's coughing too.

It's just some bug, but it's a long way to Churchill.

Better safe than sorry.


[cellphone rings]

Oh! That's the mechanic.

A lot going around.


Yeah, hi. So, what's the damage?

Did you swab Mr. Gillis?

His wife wants some preemptive meds, and I want to rule out a bacterial infection.

Okay, could have sworn we had cold'n'flu samples in here.

He doesn't need those.

Yeah, but she might.

He could be contagious, and everybody likes a freebie.

She's not gonna catch it, and that's not gonna help him.

Why not?

Because he doesn't have a bug, Maggie.

He's got stage-four lung cancer.

You're kidding.

I'm not.

Then why does she think this is gonna help?

'Cause she doesn't know.


How'd it go?

Uh, it didn't.

Legs couldn't even support my weight.

Well, don't you be discouraged about that, okay?

You're just getting started, here.

It's not the start I was hoping for.

It's not miracle surgery.

It's just a small step towards regaining some of that movement.

Best-case scenario, you're still gonna need that chair most of the time.

It's fine.

I believe if anyone can do it, it's you, okay?

Maybe not in time for the wedding, but I still really believe that you're gonna take some steps.


What is it?

You know, the white dress, the music, the walk down the aisle, everyone watching.

It's silly, but what can I say?

It was my dream.

Dreams are important. Look, you just need to have patience here, okay?

Promise me you're not gonna get disheartened if everything doesn't happen instantly.


Uh, my arms are fine, Dr. Goran.


I can wheel myself.

You got it.

Your X-ray confirms it, Mike.

You have lung cancer.

What, you thought I made it up?


Your wife's worried about your cough.

Yeah, she's worried about a lot of things.

There's nothing she can do to stop this one, so why add it to the pile?

You're going traveling.

What if you get sick?

Listen, I've thought about all that.

I really have.

I mean, whatever's coming down the pipe for me is gonna be brutal.

I know that.

It's gonna be brutal for your wife, too, which is why you need to tell her.

It's my business what I tell her.

Don't get any ideas about making that call for me.

Nobody's talking about doing that.

I love her.

I love her so much.

But she hates not being in control of a situation.

I mean, the less time she has to wring her hands, the better.

There are options, Mike, for people with cancer.


I want to go out listening to her laugh, not trapped in some hospital, being poked and prodded.

But even just to manage your pain?

Time is so precious.

I always wanted to see the northern lights, and I'm on my way there right now with the love of my life.

Unless you have something more magical than that.

I didn't think so.

[Alex sighs] He made me a spreadsheet.

Charlie: Shahir doing a birth plan.

I'm picturing a flow chart and statistical analysis.

Alex: Well, he is thorough.


Here, have a look at this bruise.

Wow. He was definitely hit with something.

Yeah, with a pipe or a baseball bat.

Didn't mention that in the E.R.

Yeah, the fast was clear, but now I'm starting to wonder about the bruises on his chest.

Yeah, it must have been a hell of a mugging.

Let's order a chest C.T.

He may be lying, but the imaging... not so much.

That is very good, Dr. Reid.


You okay?

Uh, yeah. Yeah. I'm-I'm done.

Um, you ready to do that artery?

Yeah. I'm on it.

Okay. [sighs]

20 blade and an Adson.

And I need the table up.

Charlie: What are you looking at?

It's her.

Okay, I'll ask the question again.

What do you want?

I'll never let you go.

I know her from somewhere.

Yes. She pronounced you dead.

No, from before. But I can't remember.

Uh, I think you're mistaken.

No, I'm not.

I'll never let you go.

I'll never let you go.

Okay, you can stop saying that.

I'll never let you go.

I'll never let you go.

All set?

Ready to get back on the road?


All right.

How do you even keep a secret like that?

I think it's great, what they're doing... traveling cross-country together, romance of the road.


Yurts. [laughs]

[siren wailing]

Mike? Mike, what is it?

[exhales sharply]

What's happening? Mike?



Jackson, oxygen.

It's okay. Okay, step back.

I got him. I got him.

Paulette: Oh, my god, is he having a heart attack?


Mike, what is...

Jackson, let's go! Come on!


What's happening?

What's wrong with him?

Hey, Travis. How you doing?


I'm not loving these tent-pole things.

Uh, yeah, those were just to, um, stabilize the leg so that Dr. Reid could, uh, repair some vascular damage.

I'm gonna have to do another surgery to put in the permanent hardware.

Okay, so, when are you gonna do that?

Because I got to go... I got to go to jail in two days.


Travis, you're not going anywhere.

Yeah, I am.

If I'm not home at 6:00, the monitor goes off, and then I just got cops showing up at my door.


It's not just the cops you're worried about, though, is it?

What, so, I-I-I screwed some guys over, and then they came after me, and that's that.

Okay, well, just so you know, unless it's a g*nsh*t wound, I don't have to report it.

Well, I'm not a criminal, so you don't need to report anything.

You know all you need to know, so what are we even talking about right now?


If I were her, I'd want to know.

[muffled] Yeah?

Well, you're not her, and you're not me.

It's my choice to make.

It's incredibly selfish, what you're doing.

I know you think you're protecting her, but I'm telling you...

Hey, babe.

The pneumonia again? Is that what did this to you?

I don't know, b-b-but I'm-I'm feeling better now.

Well, I canceled the reservation for tonight.

I don't want to go anywhere till they know what's up.

I wish you hadn't.

I really want to get back on the road.

Are you doing tests?

Are we getting answers here, or what?

I need to go talk to Dr. Lin.

Excuse me.


Maggie: Yeah?

Something else triggered the collapse... a, uh, pulmonary embolism, a-a-a pneumonia-causing sepsis.

Yeah, either could be a complication of cancer.

Good. Admit him.

I feel like a jerk every time I look at his wife.

He's making me a liar. I want him out of my E.R.

Travis, where are you going?

I got to go home.

Hey, there's no rush.

It's not your problem.

Well, you can't go, all right?

We need to get you back to a bed before you do permanent damage.

Little help over here, please.


Oh! Aah! Aah!

Hey. Hey, Travis, Travis, just try to take it easy, okay?


Okay, just don't move your leg. Just stay still.

Son of a bitch!

My stomach. I bumped my stomach.

Your stomach hurts now, too?

Oh! I screwed up. I screwed up.

Okay, Travis, you have to tell me what's happening.


Okay. Okay.

Just try to relax, okay? It's all right.

Hey, h-he kicked me out of the room.

I'm sorry to hear that.

But Dr. Lin was setting up an ECG, but she didn't think it was his heart.

Well, heart monitors can give us all sorts of information.

You'd tell me if it was serious, though, right?

I'm sorry, but your husband is no longer my patient.

What aren't you telling me?

I wish I could help you.

But he d... he doesn't know what's good for him.

He never has.

I'm sorry, but my hands are tied.

Doctor, please.


I'm not telling you anything.

I can see that.

I'm not telling you anything, but I'm also walking this way.

Maggie: Just try and relax, Mike, okay?


Get her out of here.

No more lies, Mike. What's going on?



Let's just give him a few more minutes to be done.

No. Mike.

Zach: Let's go.



[rock music playing]

Brianna, what are you doing?

You shouldn't be in here on your own.

I know what I'm doing.

[music stops]

Let's not try to do everything in one day, okay?

Let me help you sit.

I will. I will. Just check this out.

Brianna, what are you... aah!

Brianna. Brianna. Hey.

It's okay. It's okay.

I got you. I got you.



I got you.

Let me see.

Aah! Ah. I'm fine. I'm-I'm fine, seriously.

You're obviously not fine.




You've dislocated your shoulder.


Travis, your heart rate and blood pressure are elevated, and you're burning up.

Do you have a history of heart problems?

I can't be here!

Let me go! Let me go!
He tried to discharge himself.

I'll bet he did. Have a look at his C.T.

dr*gs. He's packing.

Yep, that's why he wanted to leave.

Charlie, he fell.

If one of these packages ruptured...

Then he's got dr*gs leaking into his digestive tract.

Yeah, I have to get them out.

Let me go!

Would you get these straps off of me?!

They're trying to k*ll me in here!

I need morphine and more clonazepam.

Nurse: Coming in.

Travis: Please just let me go. Hey!

Travis, listen to me.

What are you even doing, man?!

We're trying to save your life.

Hey! Hey! What are you putting in me right now?

Okay, there are dr*gs leaking into your abdomen.

We're giving you activated charcoal to absorb them before they hit your bloodstream.

We're dosing him a little over my comfort zone.

It's calming him down.

I don't want another package to rupture.

What's happening?

Travis, I need to know what exactly was in those packages that you swallowed.

Am I right that it's cocaine?

[breathing heavily] Yeah.

Okay, well, we're giving you things that will manage your heart rate.

Can you get it out of me?

We'll take care of you.

I messed everything up.

Well, it doesn't matter now.

I'm scared of jail.

And then if I made some money in there, I would send it back to Kim and the baby.

So you smuggled cocaine.

I was gonna pay those guys back.

Okay, well, Dr. Reid's gonna take you to surgery.

I'm gonna get those bags out before another one ruptures.

Do you understand?

Am I gonna die?

I don't want to die before I meet my daughter.

You've known for a year?

The trip. We were busy planning.

You've seen an oncologist?


Well, what will the treatment be?

What's the plan?

Mike has chosen to forgo treatment.

No, you didn't.

No, Mike.

Maggie: His oncologist gives chemo less than 10% chance of success.

So you just made up your mind?

To go on living?


W-w-when can we get back on the road?

Don't answer that. No way.

There's no way we're getting back on the road, okay?


We can stick to our plan, babe.

Come on, w-we can go north from here.

Growing old together was our plan.

Our plan now is to beat this cancer, okay?

That's me making up my mind.



I am so sorry that you have to experience this.

This kind of thing is curable now, right?

At least, there's a chance.

The cancer had already spread when they discovered it.

So they cut it out, right?

W... who sets that up? You? Can you do it?

He's stage four.

It's... we're already beyond that type of intervention.

Well, what about experimental drug trials?

Uh, maybe there's a-a...

I should be getting him on a list somewhere.

I mean, maybe you know someone.

You could... you could set it up.

The survival rate of this type of cancer... it's low.

I understand why he's forgone treatment.

What, so-so I'm just supposed to let him die, without trying anything?

Whatcha doin'?

You never wear gloves and always lose umbrellas.

When you're concentrating, your eyes crinkle.

It's you.

What's me?

I have something for her.

What is it?

Her future.

Okay, whatever that means, why don't you give it to me instead?

I should have given it back a long time ago.

Sorry to interrupt.

Mike, would you like some privacy?

There's no point now. Just tell me.

You have a pulmonary embolism.

It's a clot in the lungs, and we need to treat it right away.

I'm already dying.

Mike, if we don't act right away, you may not make it through tonight.

Can you fix it?

I hope so.

Then what?

Let's not worry about "then what."

Let's focus on right now.

I'm gonna have him right back with you as soon as I can.

I just wanted to prove that I could do it.

Yeah, but now it's gonna be weeks before you can put any real weight on that arm, which means that any hope of using a walker for support...

Isn't gonna happen.

It's not gonna happen.

Add it to the list.

You know that your wedding, uh, your marriage, is more than just your ability to walk down an aisle, right?

I know that.

I totally love Jeff, and I've got nothing to prove to him.

But my friends and my family...

You've got nothing to prove to anybody but yourself.


Dr. Goran...


I drove drunk.

I ruined my life...

Thankfully, no one else's.

I can't change the mistakes that I've made, but I have to try to put them behind me.

Yeah, I know what you mean.

My father's the worst.

I'm his little broken princess now.

Just thinking of the way he looks at me, I just want to be sick.

I'm sorry you feel that way.

Don't feel sorry for me.

I nearly stepped. [chuckles]

Then that stupid leg gave out.

What do you mean, it "gave out"?

I don't know, it-it felt okay for a minute, and then the muscles... i-it felt like a cramp or something.


It... no, it's probably... nothing.

And you didn't even notice?


Your shoulder... it's, uh, back where it belongs.

Holy... I didn't even feel that.

You're, like, the shoulder whisperer.

Why, thank you.

Okay, so let's, uh, just keep working on your legs, uh, back in physio.


And stay positive.

Maggie, let me know how it goes, okay?

Zach, tell me you didn't bring her up there on purpose.

She followed me.

I let her.

Like it or not, it's his choice.

Well, what difference does it make?

She knows now.

You know, I don't blame Mike.

With all the surgeries I've seen, I would do the same thing.

Well, maybe it's not all about what you want or how you feel.

Whoa, easy.

Look, Paulette's gonna spend the rest of her life wondering if there was something that she could have done.

That's what he's leaving her with.

What is going on with you?

Never should have gotten involved.

Rian: This guy's like a piñata...

But he's full of dr*gs instead of cheap candy.

Alex: Well, this candy is not cheap.

He's lucky they didn't burst when he was beaten up.

Can you suction some of this charcoal?

I can't see anything.

At least he had a plan.

Yeah, I guess so.

Okay, nearly there.

Wow, this one is in the small bowel.

Got it...

Oh, my god.

Okay, saline... lots of it.

Uh, you flush. I'll suction.

I just have to get the rest of them out.

I can't have another one bursting.

Maggie: Okay, all set?

I guess.

I'm so sorry you had to cancel your trip, Mike.

It sounded amazing.

We were just getting to the good stuff.

20 years in...

You know, you're past the trying-too-hard phase, past the not-trying-enough phase.

Mm, the sweet spot.

I told her that I'd never leave her alone.

She's strong.

So are you.

We're not gonna make it.

No Churchill, no northern lights.


Time to sleep, Mike.

Woman: Just relax.

Talk to me about these exoskeleton prototypes. that might be just the push her muscles need.

Oh, that'll definitely help her begin to step.

Yeah. A few little steps is all she really needs now.

Hey, Shahir.

When Alex goes into labor, I want to be the first person that you call.

Okay, I'll make a note of that on the birth plan.

Okay. Cool. [cellphone vibrates]

I got to go.

But, yeah, thank you.

You're welcome.

Heart rate and B.P. are up.

Gonna try to ease him down.

Alex, you need to get that last bag out. We need to flush.

Yeah. I know.

All right.


That's it. Okay. Saline.

Get that suction ready.

Got it.

Let's go. Follow me in here.


Good. Dr. Sharpe?

Still elevated.

More saline.

[sighs] Come on.

Come on.



I think that we've got it all.

Dr. Sharpe?

How are we doing?

It's good. Looks like he's stabilizing.


[breathing heavily]

You paged me.

Tiger pacing in his cage.

He waits for you.

Says his daughter's your patient.

Mr. Pierre.

What do you think you're doing?

I beg your pardon?

Telling Brianna she's going to walk again just so you can do some study?

I never said "walk."

I said she might regain some mobility, and I'm still pretty optimistic she will.

Was her injuring herself part of your study, Dr. Goran?

Okay, that was just your daughter being a little ambitious.

I did actually warn her to take it easy.

Brianna doesn't listen to caution.

You say "maybe," she hears "yes."

Yes, she has incredible perseverance, which I think is to be applauded, especially after everything she's been through.

She needs to accept who she is now, what she's done to her life.

I think it's the acceptance of other people that she's looking for.

What's that supposed to mean?

All that your daughter seems to want is to walk down that aisle.

Now, I think I might be able to make that happen.

The question here is, does she have your support?

Joel: Yeah, spasticity in the muscle.

That's really typical after an injury like yours.

How you get from that to putting botox in my leg, I'm not quite getting.

Okay, so, your brain, despite its many wonderful qualities, is kind of misbehaving right now.

It's sending signals to these muscles, and it's telling them to contract.

Bad brain.

Bad brain.

So the botox blocks the signal.

No signal means no spasms and can also mean improvement.

And by "improvement," you mean...?

[sighing] I mean...

Stepping, Brianna.

But I still can't use a walker, so I'm still a bride on wheels?

Not exactly, no.

All right.

So, Dr. Hamza's offered us the use of an exoskeleton.

An exoskeleton... Like, robot legs?

Sort of.

Um, we've been using a prototype for our mobility study.

And I'm allowed to try it?

Yeah, it's kind of a special occasion, right?

Are you serious?

Because if you're playing with me, I am gonna rip your ears off.

Oh, I am quite serious, and rather fond of my ears, thank you very much.

Plus, I know how badly you want this.


I'm gonna walk down the aisle.

Yeah. Well, I mean, it's just a few steps, right?

And with a little help.

Come on in.


Desmond: Hey, kiddo.

I talked to your doctor here.

Um... that's interesting, because I didn't ask him to do that.

Well, I'm glad he did.

Sweetheart... he told me what you're trying to do.

I just want to help.

So whatever you need from me, you've got it.

Thank you.

[breathes shakily]


I removed the clot, but he could have another one at any minute, and I don't know that he'll make it through the night.


Wasn't your shift over hours ago?


I've never seen you like this.

Normally, it's "treat 'em and street 'em."

It was the same with my father.

Lung cancer?

I was 17... And my parents chose not to tell me, and I just... I continued to go out every night and sleep in every morning and fight with my dad.

They just wanted you to have a normal life.

It wasn't normal.

He was dead within the year. And it's just that I would have...

I would have spent that time differently if I'd have known, you know?


I was out of line.

I don't know that it matters anymore.

You know where she is? I need to let her know.

Waiting in the I.C.U.


Zach: We don't know for sure.

Hours, days.


But not weeks.

I woke up this morning, and I...

I bitched at him for not buying bread.

I had no idea...

No idea.

Maggie: I won't say there's a bright side, but at least you get to say goodbye.

Not everyone gets the chance.

I'm supposed to be strong now, right?

I'm supposed to go in there and...

Sit peacefully beside him until he...

[voice breaking] dies.

And all I want to do is scream.

He just wanted to protect you.

And he wanted his last days with you to be happy.

They were.

Thank you.

[breathes deeply]

There's something I'd like to do for them.

[City and Colour's "Harder Than Stone" plays]

♪ someday, I will walk away ♪
♪ when time ain't drawing on me ♪
♪ like a blade ♪
♪ back turned to the setting sun ♪
♪ leaving behind ♪
♪ Toronto's incessant hum ♪
♪ 'cause I was born and raised ♪
♪ to live beyond ♪
♪ the heft and weight ♪
♪ of a world undone ♪
♪ but I don't mean to be a bother ♪
♪ I don't need you need you ♪
♪ to take my burden away ♪
♪ and I ain't afraid of dying ♪
♪ cold and alone ♪
♪ traipsing through the utter dark ♪

Are you ready to let me go?

Ready when you are, yeah.


Do it.

[exhales deeply]

Look at you.

[breathing heavily]

♪ without any great concern ♪

Okay, let me try to, uh, step now.

Okay. And take it easy, all right?

Okay. Here goes.

♪ like a bird who fli-i-es ♪



♪ away from the north ♪

[laughs shakily]

I can't believe it.

I did it. [laughs]

♪ my heart will roam ♪
♪ in search of warmth ♪



[breathing heavily]

That's the same face you made when you took your very first steps...

11 months old.


You're unstoppable.


♪ and I ain't afraid of dying ♪
♪ cold and alone ♪


You think these will fit under my wedding dress?


I think you'll make a beautiful bride.

♪ when I was young, ♪
♪ I didn't know too much ♪
♪ thought that I could rule the world ♪

Paulette: Do what you got to do.

Just let me know where they tow it.

Okay. Thank you.

Everything okay with the beast?

Oh, she's indestructible... just a little lonesome.

Anything I can do?

Thank you.

Thank Dr. Miller.

What about you?

I'm right where I need to be.

And when I don't need to be here, the beast and I will get back on the road.

You're gonna finish the trip on your own?

Well, a plan's a plan.

Anyway, Mike says... he's gonna meet me there.

I bet he will.

I believe it.

I do.

Charlie: Travis, I'd like you to meet Dr. Dey.


How long are you set to serve?

Three years.

You have any idea what they would have tacked on for smuggling dr*gs in there?

Look, it was a terrible plan, Travis.

But on the bright side, you've got time to come up with a new one... like how to start over when you get out.


You okay?

It's my hand... Dana's been trying to help me with it, but it's not really working.

Can I take a look?

Sure. I mean, it comes and goes.

It's... it's really strange.

Must be kind of stressful when you have a surgery.

That's an understatement.

So, you going off to work on your birth plan?

I have a new plan.

It's just to have a healthy baby.

I'd like to get a coffee.

Do you want to get one?


Um... except I just remembered I've got something to do, so, uh, why don't I meet you there?


Hope your hand feels better.

Thank you.

This better be good.

Where are my clothes?

I'm going now.

I don't want to see you... again.

It... it can't be gone.

I kept it for her for so long.

It's in my jacket pocket.


That's it. That's hers.

This is Alex's handwriting. Where'd you get this?

She left it behind.

Uh... "I'll never let you go." "You never wear gloves." "You always lose umbrellas."

These are her wedding vows.

She was in my taxi.

There was an accident.

She was with a man in a tuxedo.

It was you.

She needs them back.

I'm sorry. I meant to bring them back, but things happened.

What is it? T-talk to me.

Talk... talk to me! Charlie!




"I'll always love you."

Nobody ever wrote something like that for me.

Promise you'll give them to her.

I will.


I'm sorry, sir, we're about to close.

No, I'll just be a minute. I, um... where is it?

Uh, yes, this one here.

This one?


It's beautiful.

May I show you some others?


No, this is it.

This is the one.