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10x14 - Hero Worship

Posted: 02/05/15 16:50
by bunniefuu
Morgan: Previously on “Criminal Minds”...

Hotch: It's Gideon.

Morgan: Did he suffer?

M.E.: Not for long, no.

Did you hear any of that?

He didn't suffer.

I'd just really like to play one more game of chess with him.


But time will pass and slowly you'll forget how much it hurts. Then maybe you'll find something else to fill that empty space.

I don't want to find something else.


What, are you working late?

Just, uh, waiting for rush hour to subside.

A lot of close personal contact on the subway right now.

It's 10:00. The trains have been empty for a while.

Go home.

The chess will keep till tomorrow.

Yeah. Probably just gonna pack it up right now.

Good night, Spencer.

Good night.

♪ And it's been 4 days since you've been gone... ♪

[Indistinct chatter]

Triple stuffed omelet, hold the onions.

Yeah, thank you.

Huevos rancheros.

I ordered a Belgian waffle.

Oh, right. Sorry about that.

[Bell jingles]

One sec.

Excuse me, I'm just waiting for a cream.

I will grab it for you right now, ma'am.

[Bell dings]

I got two orders up. You gonna serve 'em or what?

Are you gonna get the order right, or what?

I didn't know Belgium was in Mexico.

Well, who can read your handwriting, anyway?

Order up.

Uh, the cream?

Right. Just a sec.

Just let him get used to it.

I can see it all now-- Breakfast burrito for you, omelet for you.

I asked for chives.

You two have a chance to look at the menu, or do you need a few more minutes?

No, we come here all the time.

Do you have anything that's gluten free?

They don't have gluten free.

It's worth asking.

Oh, you're right. Sorry.

Could we get some chives? Can you check on my order, please?

Why can't you let me have a conversation with the waiter?

Order up!

Do you have any hot sauce?

Eggs are runny.

[Overlapping voices]


[Screaming and crying]

[Sirens, horns honking]


An expl*si*n happened at a Beanery Brew house in Indianapolis earlier this morning.

First responders are reporting 6 deaths, 16 wounded.

Brave guy.

Anyone claimed responsibility?

Not yet.

No, but Indianapolis P.D. believes it may be related to a b*mb that went off in an elementary school last week.

Yeah. That was relatively low yield.

It claimed the life of Morton Truby.

He was a custodian working graveyard shift.

Authorities found traces of TNT.

Until today they thought it was an isolated incident.

Could this be another Boston or Oklahoma City?

Beanery is a popular chain.

Exactly the type of location a domestic t*rror1st would target.

The unsub wants everyone looking over their shoulder.

And we also shouldn't rule out a disgruntled employee or fundamental groups.

At this point we can't rule anything out.

Let's move.

TNT doesn't pack much bang for its buck.

It'd be pretty hard to hide the amount needed to cause the damage to that coffee house.

This feels like page 118.

“The anarchist cookbook.”

“TNT for dummies.”

The blast at the school seems rudimentary.

It may have been the unsub's testing ground.

The coffee house could indicate a drastic escalation.

The book also teaches you to make Nitroglycerin, and a coffee shop could represent a steep learning curve.

So this guy is either quick on his feet or both blasts were part of a sophisticated plan.

In that case, we can't be certain that the coffee house is this guy's finale.

Yeah. Which is why the plane's been ready.

We can be in Indianapolis in two hours.

♪ Criminal Minds 10x14 ♪
Hero Worship
Original Air Date on February 4, 2015

♪ ♪

Reid: “The most heroic word in all languages is revolution.”

Eugene Debbs.

This is interesting. The maintenance worker k*lled at the school was working late installing a new circuit panel.

He wasn't supposed to be there.

So the unsub may not have intended to k*ll anyone.

And if he canvassed the site beforehand, he would have anticipated the school being empty.


But with the coffee house, he struck first thing in the morning, when it would be packed.

Maximizing collateral damage.

I don't like it. That's a pretty fast confidence boost.

Successful bombers always have a practice run. Maybe the school was his.

But what's his endgame?

Most bombers like the attention they get from playing God.

They don't go dormant, they strike again.

So will this guy.

No one's claimed responsibility for either att*ck.

That could point away from a fundamentalist or a fear driven offender.

Maybe it's personal.

We'll rely on divide and conquer.

Victims, witnesses, and ballistics.

See if we can find a pattern so we can prevent a third att*ck.

[Indistinct P.A.]

[Indistinct chatter]

Uh-uh. Excuse me, have you seen agent--

Please, can you help me? I can't find my dad.

Of course. What's his name?

Pat. Pat Aguilar.

We were together at the coffee house.

Ok, I'll see if I can find anything out for you.

Please! I need to know.

Where was your father when the b*mb went off?

He had to go to the bathroom, but he let some pregnant lady in first.

Please, no one's telling me.

I'll see what I can find out, ok? Excuse me.

Hotch: Reid.

He can't find his father.

There are a number of people still in surgery.

Maybe we should consider cognitive interviews.

Witness accounts are varied, which is to be expected.

When people are more emotionally ready, it'll be a good idea.

Have you seen the pregnant woman anywhere?

Yeah, she's still in the delivery room.

We should talk to the guy who rescued her.

He may have seen something the others didn't.

Allen Archer. He's been treated and released.

JJ and Kate are on their way to his house now.

Are you gonna be ok?

I need to see the M.E.

I'm fine. Thanks.

Excuse me, do you know if you have a patient named Pat Aguilar?

I'm just about to notify the family, sir.

He didn't make it.

I know. I'm so sorry.

It looks like the media is scrambling for a sound bite from their local hero.

Yeah, I don't know what all the fuss is about.

Anybody with half a right mind would have done the same thing.

But they didn't. You did.

How's the mother?

She went into labor.

It's a boy.

Was this a t*rror1st att*ck?


I don't think we're classifying it as terrorism just yet.

So did you notice anything suspicious when you ran inside?

Anyone that didn't seem panicked?

No. No, nothing like that.

Did you see where the blast came from?

Um, there were two, I guess.

When I ran in there, there was only a small fire.

But then the back wall just exploded.

Who's the man in the photos?

Uh, my first husband, Grant.

He was a Navy SEAL. He d*ed in Afghanistan.

And you all were friends?

Yeah. Allen introduced us.

It's, uh, it's almost 3:00.

I have to pick up Hannah.


It's our daughter.

I'll, uh, I'll go with you.

That way you don't have to fend off the reporters alone.

Oh, I think we can help you there.

[Door opens]

[Indistinct chatter]

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm SSA Jennifer Jareau, this is SSA Kate Callahan.

I'd like to make a statement on behalf of the Archer family.

Allen Archer did what anyone in his place would have done.

Allen saved a woman, and in doing so, saved her child, who I am happy to report was born less than an hour ago.

Mother and child are doing fine, as is Allen and his wife.

But they are understandably shaken.

The Archer family asks that you please give them privacy [engine revs] As they deal with today's tragic events.

Wait! That's the family. They're leaving!

Sorry, guys, guess you're gonna have to capitalize on somebody else's trauma today.

Thank you.

The guy planted the device in the bathroom.

“Lethal w*apon” style.

What type of expl*sive did he use?

TNT. Same as the school.

The wiring's kind of sketch.

Rossi: How do you mean?

The soldering work, it's not the best.

I'd say he put it together in a hurry.

Maybe he was hesitant about k*lling so many people.

Or nervous. You'd need a lot more TNT to do this kind of damage.

You would think, but...

Take a look at this.

Right here.

Because he put the b*mb in the toilet, the blast is pretty well contained, or at least it should have been.

But the expl*si*n sh*t back, rupturing the natural gas line.

Increasing the expl*si*n tenfold.

The question is, was it coincidental or intentional?

He's still a bad dude, either way.

Yeah, but the answer will weigh heavily on our profile.

How so?

Well, if the gas line rupture was an accident, the unsub's motive may not be to k*ll.

So learning he claimed so many lives could unravel him, make him even more dangerous.


But if the gas line was planned, then this unsub's learning curve is something to be reckoned with.

He might try to outdo himself.

Neither of those are particularly good options.

Well, what's good is we can rule out terrorism.

What's bad is we have absolutely no idea who this guy is.

I'm running a trace analysis to determine the manufacturer of the TNT.

I will download you ASAP.

Thank you.

Um, Einstein, huh?

Heh. Bet you don't ever forget it.

You're kind of young to be a forensic specialist, aren't you?

Finished medical school at 19 and then residency afterwards.

My dad really wanted me to live up to the family name.

[Indistinct TV in background]


Uh--it helps me focus.

You know, in light of recent events, I think it's ok to give yourself a break.

An entire night, though.

What do you mean?

You're wearing the same shirt from yesterday, and you're covering it with a cardigan from your go bag.

Guess I must have gotten a little carried away last night.

Well, it happens.

TV: ...Leaving 7 people dead and countless others injured.

But in the wake of horror, came to story of...

So, uh, what drives most bombers?

Ego, craves attention.

Allen Archer...

So he has to share his headlines.

He's not gonna be happy about that.

He might try to reclaim that attention.

The only way to do that is to strike again, somewhere he can ensure a higher body count.

Or a personal one.

You were so brave today.

I was lucky.

I still can't believe I ran back into the fire like that.

Well, you heard what those two agents said.

You're a hero.

You saved two lives.

When the second blast hit, I thought that that was it.

Thought I'd never see you and Hannah again.


[Door opens]


Hey, sweetie, what are you doing up?

I heard noises.

I thought someone was in the house.

Oh, honey, it's just us. Come here.

Hey, did you know that Allen saved a woman and a baby from a fire today?





I think it's pretty cool, too.

Tell me what happened.

Oh, sweetie, I think it's time we get you back to bed, ok?

I promise you everything is fine, fine, fine.

Ok, come on.

Good night, Allen.

Good night, sweetheart.

Hey, babe.

I'm gonna run to the store.


Ok. I'll be right back.

Radio: With the death toll rising to 7 earlier this afternoon, Indianapolis P.D. has released the names of those deceased, including Pat Aguilar, 65, Grace Kelver, 19, Joe Gardez, 27, Scott Laker, 11, Jackson Novert, 21.

Ryan Batson, 46, and Bree [Indistinct], 32.

Federal authorities remain baffled as to the perpetrators--

[engine won't turn over]

Oh, my God.


You gotta go, baby. You gotta go, please.

Take Hannah and you get away from me.

Far away from me, you hear me?

Take Hannah and go! Brenda, please!

You gotta get out of here, baby.

Ma'am, you need to get your daughter out of here.

Ma'am, you need to get your daughter out of here.

I'm sorry, but you have to.

No, I'm not leaving Allen.

This is for you and your daughter's safety. Please trust us.

You get away from here, ok?

Get out of here, please!

Please help him.

We will.

Ok? All right.

Come this way, ma'am.

How the hell did we b*at the b*mb squad here?

I could give you statistics, but I don't think this is the time.

Are we really gonna do this?

Turn your cell phone off.

Reid: Nitroglycerin.

No, no, no. Stay back. Stay back!

Stay back. I don't want anybody else to get hurt.

Stop talking. Just listen. Just listen to me.

We're with the FBI and we're here to help.

When you put your foot down, you triggered the arming mechanism.

Now, if you move, you could set it off.

Where are Brenda and Hannah? Are they ok?

I don't want them to die, too.

Nobody's gonna die.

They're safe. don't worry. b*mb squad's gonna be here soon.

I need you to keep the exact pressure that you have on that brake as you have right now.

If you don't, all 3 of us are gonna die.

Well, can you do something?

Can you?

This thing's homemade, but the framework is familiar.

Yeah. Yeah, I can disarm this.

I just need something sharp.

I've got a Kn*fe in my glove box.

It's underneath the map. Right there.

Sir, just sit still. You're doing fine.

Allen: Ok. I'm gonna get you out of here.


Hey, kid.

I think you should back up.

Not happening.

What's the next step?

The trick is rendering the pressure sensor inactive without letting the detonator think that it's time to go.

The only problem is, this son of a bitch built this thing by himself and he used all the same color wires.

7 wires and you don't know which one to cut?

I'm not so crazy about these odds.

It's gotta be one of these two right here.

Guys, you gotta do something quick here, man.

My foot is cramping up. I cannot keep my foot on the pedal--

Sir, please, please. If you want to stay alive, I need you to keep that foot down and try to sit still, please.


It's probably this wire right here, if he stayed true to the original design.

Go with your gut.


[Siren approaching]

Allen: What? Well?

Sir, you're fine. You can get out of the car.

Are you serious? You did it? You did it? I'm gonna live?

Let's get you to your family.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much.


Thank you.
You've got 4 Nitroglycerin packs.

Now, I've defused it, but the nitro is homemade.

It's almost guaranteed to be unstable.

Copy that.

Rossi was right. The unsub doesn't like sharing attention.

So he's decided to eliminate Allen Archer.

And now he's graduated to Nitroglycerin.

Page 113. We should put the Archers in protective custody until further notice.

Once the b*mb squad's done clearing that house, I want to take another look at that device and see if there's anything else we can learn.

Hotch: We believe the man you're looking for is an ego driven personal cause bomber.

In other words, he needs to be the center of attention.

JJ: That's why we're advising that you keep the location for tonight's bombing attempt confidential.

If the unsub sees headlines that don't belong to him, we believe he'll become enraged.

He seems pretty angry now.

Yes, he wants us to pay attention.

Even if it means targeting the man who's disrupting his message.

So what's his message?

Look at me.

Fear me.

I am God.

His sophistication level puts him in his 30s or 40s.

TNT may be easy to produce, but Nitroglycerin is much harder to handle. It took patience and an eye for detail.

He's controlled and methodical.

He's highly intelligent.

He'll absolutely want to witness his work, so we need to look at traffic cams and eyewitness footage of the blast.

He could be on camera.

We should also canvass public spaces like outdoor malls, farmers markets, monument circle.

The fact that he targeted a school and a popular coffee chain means he wants no one to feel safe.

Do you think he'll strike again?

It's inevitable.

A bomber with a god complex feels invulnerable.

We need to appease him and start communications with him.

That's how we'll catch him.

Thank you.

He really went for a bigger boom this time.

Reid: I recognize the make-up. 92% Nitroglycerin, 8% nitrocellulose.

Straight out of the cookbook.

Good memory.

I have a thing for numbers.

And quantum theory.

Funny. [Laughs]

The unsub certainly singled Allen out.

He could have planted the device in his home, but instead he chose his truck because he wanted to ensure that Allen was the one who triggered it.

He needed to make sure the hero d*ed.

k*ll the family and they become martyrs.

Well, it's a wonder he even realized that he triggered the b*mb.

Maybe he heard something when he stepped on the pedal.

What, and knew not to move?

Come on, what's this guy got, an ex-paramilitary background we don't know about?

Brenda Archer's first husband Grant was m*llitary.

Is it just me, or do you think it's odd that Allen ended up marrying his best friend's wife?

I don't know. Shared sorrow could build a bond.

JJ and Kate said the house was a shrine to the deceased.

Well, that would explain why he kept all this stuff out here.

He feels like he's living in someone else's home.

That kind of man would be desperate for recognition.

He was crying.

This could be why.

Reliving trauma or feeling guilty about something.

And his wife.

I think we should ask him.

That's what you guys do. You just talk a lot.

Well, there's also a lot of kicking down doors involved.

Sure. I'm heading back to the lab.

Thanks. I'll let you know what I find.

Garcia, did you find anything in Brenda and Allen Archer's background to indicate a knowledge of expl*sives?

Nothing that sticks out.

But I am the queen of lots of things, including subtlety.

Oh, shut up. I'm talking [Indistinct]...

Deftly sift through information stuff.

He's a carpenter who has a severe Amazon addiction.

Kindle, to be specific.

What kind of books?

Self-help. A lot of emo stuff.

Build your self-esteem, how to get over depression.

Coming out of your shell.

A whole bunch of comic books.

Nothing “How to build a b*mb” related?

No. Sorry.

Oh, he is seeing a marriage counselor.

Hmm. Thinks are not so good on the homefront.

They've certainly improved now.

She was all over him when we interviewed them.

Something tells me that's not ordinary.

Allen is living in the shadow of Grant Ford.

Maybe the coffee shop was his introduction.

Garcia, Brenda's first husband Grant Ford was a Navy SEAL.

What was his specialty?

Oh, that's a good question.

Give me a moment. It was...

expl*sive ordnance.

He ran into the coffee shop moments before the secondary blast from the ruptured gas line.

Well, it could have just been an accident.

So his wife is a witness, Allen races into the blaze and saves the most sympathetic person he can think of.

And becomes a hero to his wife.

Hey, Reid.


Yeah, we got him, Hotch.

[Door opens]

Have a seat.

What's this about?

Sit down.

I don't understand.

First I'm in protective custody, now I'm in an interrogation room?

What the hell is going on?

Where is my husband?

We heard you had a rough night.

A rough night. Are you serious?

The stress can be unbearable.

We can get you some water if you want.

I want to be with my daughter.

We almost d*ed last night.

It's interesting that you didn't, though.

Why do you think that is?

Most people's flight instincts would take over.

They'd flee, setting off the b*mb.

How did you know what to do?

Uh, I don't know.

I felt something click.

What clicked? A remote? A wire?

No, the hairs on the back of my neck were standing up.

And I looked down and I saw something.

It--I didn't know what, but I thought the bomber might be coming after me and I froze. I froze.

“I didn't know what.”


That was the lie, Allen. You're not even good at hiding it.

You swallowed before you said it and you looked over my shoulder when you did.

So because I need a glass of water, I'm guilty?

If you're not guilty, then why did you hide Grant's books?

He's not even denying it.

I am denying it.

Not that I had the books, that I did anything.

He pulled out the books after the expl*si*n.

He said he...wanted to understand what nearly k*lled him.

Who prompted that conversation?

What do you mean?

Did he show you the books and explain them, or did you find them?

Oh, no, I found them and asked about it.


Well, why did Allen hide the books if he was so open about them?

No, he asked me to hide the books, because...

He want there to be any confusion when you came to interview us.

What is it?

Trust your gut. Has Allen been acting odd lately?

Look, he's been working a lot of late nights.

That's not what his work told us.

I'm not saying anything else until I see my husband.

Why did you hide your nighttime activities from your wife?

You want to know what we think?

Not really, no.

You lived in Grant's shadow for far too long.

You had a thing for Brenda, you saw that he was interested, and you knew you didn't stand a chance.

How could you? He was a hero.

And you watched them fall in love, get married, have a daughter.

You watched them live the life that you wanted.

And then he d*ed.

So you waited.

You waited for the perfect opportunity to prey on Brenda's vulnerability.

And you thought it worked.

You know what?

She never loved you.

No. That's not true.

She--she loves me.

Listen to yourself. You don't even believe it.

How are we supposed to?

I love my wife.

We believe that much is true.

We saw evidence of it when you tried to keep Grant's daughter-- my daughter.

And Brenda away from your truck.

But answer this. When the b*mb went off at the coffee shop and you were directly across the street, why did you leave her there?

You would only do that if you knew she wasn't in danger.

Because you had planted the b*mb.

But you didn't plan on the gas line rupturing, which actually put her in danger, you just wanted to be a hero.

Like Grant.

Except you're not a hero, Allen.

You're just a coward.

They why did I k*ll all those people?!


You have all the answers. Why did I k*ll all those people?

Well, that was way too easy.

Yes, it was.

It doesn't make sense that Allen would risk hurting Brenda.

He values her too much.

Reid said he was legitimately scared at his house.

You can't fake fear like that.

The b*mb in Archer's truck was planted by somebody else.

A second unsub.

Do you think Allen pissed off a partner who decided to take him out?

Only one way to find out.

We know you planted the b*mb at the coffee shop because you wanted to be a hero, but you had nothing to do with the one at your house last night. Who did?

I have no idea.

A partner?

No, I worked alone.

He's lying.

I'm not.

Why would you plant a b*mb that would put your wife and child at risk?

You wouldn't.

So you either had a partner or-- you had nothing to do with the blast at the school.

You wouldn't. Your house is in another district and there are safer testing grounds.

You heard about it, so you decided to build a b*mb of your own to impress your wife.


And you k*lled 7 people in the process.

I never meant for that to happen.

Oh, and I'm sure that's gonna help their families sleep much better at night.

Why lie?

Because you were caught?

The self-sacrificial type, huh?

Shut up.

You took credit for somebody else's work.

And she hates you.

And the other bomber hates you and now he wants to outdo you.

Morgan: Archer was a copycat.

The coffee shop bombing changes the profile.

We have to start over.

Eliminate the coffee shop, what do we have?

An unsub who set TNT in a high school boiler room and Nitroglycerin in the home of the man who stole his headlines.

In a boiler room that should have been empty.

He didn't want to k*ll anyone.

Well, that certainly changed at the Archer house.

He went for the biggest bang for his buck.

The death of the janitor at the high school gave the unsub the urge to k*ll again.

That's the bombing we need to pay attention to.

We have a problem. Someone leaked the location of the truck b*mb to the press.

Headlines are all about Allen again.

The media's calling on the mayor to give him the key to the city.

Obviously, the mayor isn't about to do that.

He has to.

What's your plan, Aaron?

Do you want to be a hero?

What are you talking about?

Do you want to be a real hero, like Grant?

Got a chance for you to prove yourself.

You can't be serious.

Believe me, if there were any other way, we wouldn't ask.

I can't see him again.

He nearly k*lled me and my daughter.

I can't lose her, too.

We will be right there to back you up.

No, I'm not doing it.

You can't make me do that.

You're right.

You're right, I can't.

All I can do is ask you to trust us and to help save lives, the same way Grant did.

That is not fair.

I know it's not.

Rossi: I can't believe you got the mayor to do this.

Once we apprehend this guy, it will all have been his idea.

Ahh, now it makes sense.

Thank you for agreeing to help us.

I just hope you're right. Otherwise I'm going to look bad.

And I'll make sure you do, too.

Reporter: Excuse me.

And now I remember why I didn't go into politics.


New York, Langley, Shanksville, Boston, Indianapolis.

I never wanted our great city to join that list.

But those who do evil force us to face our fears and overcome them.

And we will overcome.

Because of men like Allen Archer, men willing to stand up for what is right.

It is my proud honor to declare today Allen Archer day.

Please join me as I show Allen a sign of our appreciation for his heroic bravery in the face of hostility by giving him a key to the Circle City.



Nothing yet.

All clear here.

Kate: Same here.

Allen is an inspiration.

[Cell phone rings]

All too often...

What have you got, Garcia?

Some exceedingly curious information.

Two weeks ago, there was a fire at an ethanol plant.

Now, there were no casualties, but I found a connection between the ethanol plant and the school.

What's the connection?

Last month a member of the school board was fired for having sex with a student.

Now, the student was over 18, so no charges were filed, but the member of the school board violated his contract like massively, so he was dismissed.

The sexy indiscretions happened on the grounds of the ethanol plant.

Who's the board member?

James Burke.

Pretty active in the community until the affair went public.

I'm sending you his photo now.

Thank you.

Mayor: I say, here is our secret.

See us...

Bogey on East Franklin.

We need to shut this down.

IPD, don't let that van breech the perimeter.

Hotch: Reid and JJ, get the Archers to safety.

Dave, you get the mayor.

We are Americans, and we defy you.

Put the van in park!

I was told to park on Main.

That's not gonna happen.

I said put it in park or I'm gonna do it for you.

Ok, ok.

And get out of the car slowly. Let me see your hands.


Open the door.

Both of them.

Now back away. Back away.

That's not him.

It's a b*mb! Back away! Back away!

Back away!


What the hell?

Get up. Get up.

Who told you to bring the van here?

Some--some guy. He paid me 200 bucks to drive it.

This guy?

Yeah, yeah, that's him.

It's a decoy.

Go to your secondary locations. He's here somewhere.

What the hell's going on?

The bomber's here. We don't know where.

Evacuate the area.

This is on you.

It's over, James.

I'm the one with the b*mb.

Yes, you are.

You're not gonna use it.

Why is that, then?

You're a narcissist. You've craved power your whole life.

And when you lost that, you snapped.

How could all those people you call friends turn their backs on you?

You didn't even do anything wrong, James.

I didn't.

She was 18.

It's not even illegal.

How could they fire you over that?

How could they ruin your life?

So you planted a b*mb, b*rned down one of the schools so the new board would panic.

Only you accidentally took a life.

And then you realized the only way anyone would ever notice you is if you k*lled again.

I should set this off and take you out with me.

You're not gonna do that.

Because you think you are God.

And Gods don't die.

You will die if you detonate that, James.

And then you will never have the chance to take credit for the bombs you did build.

Put down the b*mb so we can tell everyone what you did and why.

Let's go.

So how'd you know he'd head to the basement?

Well, the fire at the ethanol plant and at the school both happened in the electrical rooms.

I apologize for earlier.

Thank you for trusting us.

I just want you to know how much it meant to me that you would do this.

I didn't do it for you.


I just wanted to say thank you.

I know this wasn't easy, and we couldn't have done this without you.

But the good thing about being a mom, you'll always be her hero.


♪ We'll be just fine ♪
♪ we'll be just fine... ♪

Reid: “True heroism is remarkably sober. Very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost.”

Arthur Ashe.

♪ Till our...Stand still ♪

You ever gonna finish this game?

It's a tough one.

Playing yourself can be difficult.

Playing a ghost even more so.

He's gone, Spencer.

Keeping the game going won't change that.

I know. I just thought that maybe I could keep part of him alive if his last game never ended.

Neither side will ever win playing like this.

He hated good-byes.

Gideon also hated unfinished business.

So... Let's finish it.

What are you doing?

Moving my rook.

Do you know how to play chess?

Who do you think Gideon played before he met you?

I'm probably gonna finish it in 5 moves.


Don't hold your breath, Sonny boy.