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01x15 - Lost and Found

Posted: 02/05/15 06:03
by bunniefuu
[Cell phone chimes]



[Door shuts]

[Door creaks]


Anyone in here?




[Cell phone chimes]


You got to be kidding me.

[motor running]




Who's the guy in the conference room?

Coach Baker of Pacific Canyon High School.

Juvenile stalking case.

He's young.

Junior coach.

He's one of those jocks who ends up back where he started.

You're bitter in the morning.

I'm suspect of anyone who willingly goes back to high school.

He claims he's being stalked by a female student.

He came forward when it escalated.

No prior claims through campus security or LAUSD.

He notified the principal, who contacted the juvenile division.

They kicked it to us.

Teen stalkers are highly unpredictable.

They're the most likely to suddenly turn violent.

What'd she do to him?

Nearly crushed him in the gym bleachers.

Teens are mean.

[Knock on door]



I spoke to Perry's father.

He supplied me with Perry's credit card numbers and bank accounts.

Perry's father's cooperating?

Not exactly. He doesn't want his kid to get in any trouble, but he wants him found.

Nothing on Ray?

No, but we know they're together.

We find Perry, we find Ray.

I'd like to run with this if that's cool.


You OK?

I think so. I just, um...

I need to stay busy. I think that works best for me.

Janice and I will take the coach.

Keep me posted.


Good morning.

What are you doing?

Waiting for you to wake up.

I didn't want to disturb you with noise.

Picked up a few things for you.

Um, prepaid phone, some toiletries, some clothes.

Just guessed at the size.

Oh, and I have breakfast and coffee.

I wasn't sure if you had any dietary restrictions, so I have options here.

We got glazed doughnuts, fruit, or a whole wheat bagel.

How do you like your coffee?

Why are you doing this?

Thought you might be hungry.

Why am I here, in L.A., in this motel?

Why did you bring me here?

Yes. You want answers. Of course.

We're here for Beth. Mmm. Michelle.

I'm sure you want to see her, reconnect.

It's been a really long time.


Why what?

What do you want from me?

A friend.

I know how that must sound, but I did just help you get released.

Surely that allows me some goodwill.

The police will be looking for us, so we have to be careful.

It's best if you just stay in the room.

There's no warrant out for me.

No, no, but Beth... she's... she's a powerful woman.

He'll have resources to find us.

So, uh... um, we have to... we have to lay low.

Beth's freaking out.

She's looking over her shoulder, but if we give it a few weeks, she'll resume her life, let her guard down, and then... then we establish contact.

I'm not staying here in this room with you for a few weeks.

Please, Ray.

If you want Michelle, you have to trust me.

You have to win her back slowly.

Trust... trust is earned.

It'll take time.

And then what?

You get Michelle back, and I get Beth.

Her name is Jenny Kline.

She's a junior.

She's been harassing me now for a few weeks.

Beth: She a student of yours?

No. No. She volunteered to lead the booster club for the team, but I think it was just an excuse to get close to me.

Why is that?

Well, let's face it. I'm not ugly.

Nor modest.

I don't know if you remember high school, but students are hypersexual beings.

I get a lot of attention.

You didn't do anything that would make her think you'd be receptive?

No, nothing.

Janice: Why do you think it's Jenny?

These texts were sent from a prepaid cell phone.

From the things she said in the text messages.

She wrote me a note a few weeks ago.

It was very graphic.

Did you bring the note?

No. I shredded it.

It was written in the past tense like we had already been together.

I didn't want anyone to see it and get the wrong idea.

Did you tell anyone about it?


Well, ignoring her advances might have caused her to escalate.


She tried to crush me.

That probably wasn't her intent.

She was more than likely trying to get your attention.

Well, she has it.

Look. I know I should have reported this sooner.

Why didn't you?

Because I was afraid of your attitude, quite frankly.

Rumors have already started, and rumors become fact in high school.

I see a little prejudgment on your face.

Nope. That's just my face.

Woman: Jenny denies it, and I believe her.

What's been going on in your daughter's life lately?

My husband died a year ago... leukemia.

I'm so sorry.

We were devastated, and Jenny hasn't really dealt with losing him.

I think she feels responsible.

He needed a bone marrow transplant.

She wanted to give, she wanted to save him, but she's adopted, so she wasn't a viable match.

She didn't know she was adopted?

We were gonna tell her when she was 18.

Finding out was really hard on her.

Has she ever mentioned Coach Baker?

A few times.

She's involved with the booster club, but that's important to her because her boyfriend's on the team.

Her world starts and stops with him.

What's his name?

Emmet Beaudry.

Girl: I would never hurt anyone, and why would I want the coach?

I'm dating the hottest guy in school.

Are things good between you?


I mean, mostly. He's not talking to me.

Emmet is mad about this...

Stupid thing, and now he's really angry about the rumors with the coach.

Tell me about it.

There was this online poll that someone did.

"Which teacher would you have sex with?"

I jokingly said Coach Baker and got quoted on "PC Tattler."

"PC Tattler"?

"Pacific Canyon Tattler."

It's like this gossip blog that someone at school does.

You think Emmet is jealous of Coach Baker?

I don't know.


He's playing for the guy you said you wanted to have sex with.

Yeah. OK. He said it sucked, but I never sent Coach Baker a single text.

I never flirted with him ever.

Why is this happening?

I would never hurt someone.

It's not me.

Janice, voice-over: She's emotional, which isn't surprising, given what's going on in her life lately.

She and her boyfriend aren't talking either.

Maybe her rocky relationship brought her to seek out a connection to the coach that didn't exist.

It's a he said/she said.

Jack: Does mom believe her?

Yeah. She's concerned.

She understands the seriousness of it, but she's minimizing Jenny's behavior.

Parents don't want to believe the truth about their kids.

Well, does the coach suspect anyone else?

No. Just Jenny.

Jenny: Yeah, mom. It's fine.

I'm with Alexis.

Stop worrying, OK?


God, she's so freaking worried.

Alexis: I just stepped on something.

Oh, stop it.

This place always gives me the creeps.

Everything gives you the creeps.

You're so weird.

OK, girls. Talk to me.

Not funny, Tripp.

Are you here to see Emmet?

My audience wants to know.

Say hi, dirty girl.

She's not a dirty girl.

It was a compliment.

[Music playing]

Hey, Tripper. No blogging tonight, all right?

Tripp: Say it to the camera.

Where's Emmet?

He's definitely not in the back room.

Tripp: What's wrong with your face?


Jenny? Jenny?

What the what?

Stupid little slut!

Oh, well, that's the pot calling the kettle slut.

Hashtag slut.

Tripp, would you give it a rest?


Let her go. She's a tool!

Not now, Dee.

Emmet: Jenny! Jenny!

Hey. I told you.

Shut up, Ian!

Jenny, wait up!

Emmet: Jenny?

Look. I'm sorry.


Would you please answer me?




[Cell phone chimes]




[Indistinct chatter]

Boy: She totally looks guilty.

She did it.

Can I help you?

Yeah. I didn't think so.

Two guys in one week. You're on a roll.

I did none of this.

You keep saying that.


[Bell ringing]

Ian: He broke his collar bone and shattered his arm.

His athletic career is shot.

Scholarships gone.

Did you see Jenny push him?

No one did.

Look. I don't blame her.

Dierdre and she used to be best friends until Alexis came along and showed her what... can I be Frank... a crazy-ass bitch Dierdre was.

She found Emmet and me and freaked out.

She was cool until her dad died.

Was she with anyone?

Alexis chased after her.

Jenny ran off, and I-I lost her.

I looked for her until I got to her house, and she was there.

How long was that?

20 minutes.

Look. Emmet had it coming.

The boy's a man slut.

How do you know all this?

Kids like to talk, Mr. LAPD sir.

She literally destroyed Emmet's entire life.

She would never hurt Emmet.

Emmet says you pushed him.

I didn't.

Multiple witnesses saw you two fight last night.

Dierdre tell you that?


No! This isn't right.

Someone else is doing that.



The coach, the bleachers, Emmet.

You left the cabin alone.

I ran home.

You talk to anyone, see anybody between Temescal and home?

No. I don't have an alibi.

I didn't hurt Emmet!

OK. Emmet and his friends were trespassing, and they were drinking, OK, so who's to say he didn't fall on his own?



Don't blame Emmet.

Is he OK?

You're going to have to stay away from Emmet and his family.

The principal says you're suspended for a week.


And Emmet's parents are filing for a restraining order.

But I haven't done anything!


She's showing genuine concern for Emmet.

I don't know if she's capable of hurting him.

Maybe she's borderline and adept at hiding it.

What if Jenny is the victim?

She has romantic links to Emmet and the coach, rumor or not.

Jenny's the common denominator.


Love-obsessed stalker who's trying to get rid of Jenny's other attachments?

I'll start online. Her Facebook will be more forthcoming that she'll be.

I got an alert for one of Perry's accounts.

He took the Max withdrawal from a bank off the 5 in Valencia... $5,000 cash.

So he is here.

I'm checking the hotels in the area.

You won't find anything out there.

He's too smart.

I know, but it's worth checking.

Yeah. Thanks.

"They were cute together...

Before she tried to k*ll him!"

You got something?

Aside from learning way more than I want to know about Liam Hemsworth?

He's Australian, he's hot.

What more do you need to know?

"Death in the Afternoon."

What's that?

It's the alias of a commenter on Jenny's Facebook.

Seems to have a thing for her.

The language is sexually aggressive.

And he made this.

It's an online shrine to Jenny.

Posted anonymously by Death in the Afternoon.

Jenny has a secret crush.


Death in the Afternoon.



Ernest Hemingway wrote "Death in the Afternoon."

Ian Hemingway. That's one of Emmet's friends.

Ohh! You might want to pick up your head there, son.

It's all over that wall.

[Knock on door]

Ian, the cops are here.

They say you didn't do anything wrong.

Just answer their questions.

Mr. Hemingway.

Ah. Detective Larsen.

He's Detective Larsen. I'm Detective Lawrence.

Right. Did you do that on purpose, mix up our names in an attempt to mess with me?


We found your online shrine to Jenny.


Look. I'm sorry. I don't know what you guys are talking about.

Death in the Afternoon.

Your literary reference is admirable but slightly obvious.

And your IP address was easy to track.

All right. Look. I made that page a long time ago.

You still feel that way about Jenny?

What way?

Obsessive, sexually aggressive.

What? No.

Emmet gets pushed down a ravine, can't play.

The coach who picked him's out of the picture.

Who takes Emmet's place?


You're starting this Friday, right?

You make it sound like the plot of a movie.

Do you watch a lot of movies?

No. Um, yes. Look.

You guys are freaking me out, all right?

I liked Jenny. I'm over it.

You're the one who told Jenny where to find Emmet and Dierdre.

Well, yeah, because she needs to know he's an ass.

See? That sounds like you still care.



I'm not your guy.

I'll take down the stupid Tumblr page, but you guys got me all wrong.

[Music playing]


Someone just posted on the "Tattler" that you are pregnant with Coach Baker's love child.

"The Pacific Canyon Juno."

That's the dumbest thing they've posted so far.
Mrs. Kline: Sorry I'm late.

I've got dinner.

Can Alexis stay?

Of course. Hey, Alexis.


You girls getting some good studying done?

Who's that?


Just wondering.

You're prying.

I'm not prying.

I'm allowed to know what you're up to.

Because you don't trust me.

I didn't say that.

You didn't have to.

Can you give us some privacy, please?


Food's in the kitchen.

How do you like that, Jenny?

Have I been a bad girl, Coach Baker?

Yes, you have, and I'm gonna teach you a lesson.

What is that?


No! No!

Why are they doing this?

Who did this?

Mrs. Kline: What's wrong?

Baker: Bad, Jenny.

That's not me. That's not me!

No! No!

Have I been a bad girl, Coach Baker?

Ugh. OK. That's... that's me, but that's not Jenny Kline.

You call her by name in the video.

That woman's name was also Jenny.

This was a few months ago.

I-I met her at this sports bar where I hang out.

We had a few drinks, got to talking, and then the next you know, we're a motel.

You videotaped the encounter?

No. Absolutely not.

I didn't know this video existed until this morning.

So all this stuff about you teaching her a lesson?

We were role playing.

She knew I worked at a high school.

She thought it would be sexy.

You get her last name?


What about an address, a phone number, something?

No. I went to her motel room, OK?

She... she was from out of town.

Said she was here on business.

What kind of business?

I didn't ask.

Look. I was drunk, OK?

But she wasn't a kid.

She was... she was older, probably my age.

What motel?

It was on Lincoln in Venice.

Um... The, uh, the Seaside something.

View or vista, something like that.

Look. I didn't do anything wrong, OK?

This was sex between two consenting adults.

What do you think?

He's sticking to his story.

No way he does that if they're sexually involved.

And Jenny insists that it's not her in the video, but they both have good reasons to lie.

So we're back to a third party.

If the woman in the video isn't Jenny, then there's a good chance that she's our stalker.

Well, one thing we know for sure... she's trying to ruin her, making everyone think she's sleeping with Coach Baker.

Why didn't they release the video sooner then?

If it's fake, you disprove it, and it goes away, but if you start with a rumor, it doesn't matter if the video's real or not.

People have already made up their minds.

I'll check the motel. Maybe they got a name or a credit card.


[Cell phone chimes]

Ben just found the source of the video.

Guess who leaked it.

Beth, voice-over: We know the video of Coach Baker and the woman came from you.

You mean Jenny.

Or someone who wants it to look like Jenny.

So why are you talking to me?

You should be talking to Tripp.

He's the "PC Tattler."

He posted it.

We did talk to Tripp.

He said you e-mailed him the video.

Well, maybe I thought it was time that people knew what Jenny was really like.

And what is she like, Dierdre?

A liar and a fake.

She wants people to think that she's this perfect person.

The second you turn your back, she stabs you in the heart.

Does this have something to do with Emmet?

I told her I liked him.

She knew how I felt, and she went after him anyway.

So you stole him to hurt her.

No. Emmet and I belong together.

What color was your hair before you dyed it?

It was brunette, right?

I saw some pictures of you.

They were taken a couple weeks ago.

You were brunette.

Y-you think that it was me with Coach Baker?

Well, the video's dark, and you and Jenny have very similar body types.

You're crazy.

Just ask Coach Baker.

He'll tell you that it wasn't me.

I posted it, OK, but I didn't sh**t it.

Where did you get the video, Dierdre?

Off of a thumb drive that somebody left in my locker.

Look. I'm not lying, I swear.


[Keys rattling in door]

Where have you been?

I wanted a haircut.

I see that.

Yeah. You were in the shower, so I went for a walk, you know?

I was going a little stir crazy.

You can't just leave like that.

What if someone recognized you?

No one did. I was locked up for 12 years.

You know, I needed a little fresh air.

Do you have any idea how stupid that sounds?

We need to be careful.




You have too many rules.

I'm sorry.

Uh, that's just something that happens to me.

Sometimes, I just... I lose it.

Come on.

I'm sorry.

It's OK.

I shouldn't have yelled.

I just think that you're under the impression that you're in control here.

And I think that we have to work together, you know?

I need this to be a partnership, Perry.

It is.


Because it wasn't feeling like that.

[Cell phone chimes]

Heh. Emmet says he's getting out of the hospital.

Jenny, Lieutenant Davis told you not contact him.

Yeah. I was just saying hi.

But, honey, with everything that's going on, I-I don't think that's a good idea.

But I haven't done anything.

Why am I the one being punished?

OK. I'm not gonna discuss this with you anymore.

You should probably go start your homework, OK?

What's the point?

I'm never going back to that school.

We're gonna get through this.

This is all gonna blow over eventually.

This kind of stuff does not blow over.

It becomes forever. Everyone hates me.

I know it feels like the sky is falling now.

We have to move, mom.

I can't go back there.

Well, babe, I can't just quit my job.

I know how hard this has been on you.

It's horrible what's happened, but you can't run away from your problems.

You got to deal with them.

Mom, my life here is over.

People think I'm a slut.

Well, then the best way to change their minds is to show them that you're not the person that they think you are.

You don't even care.

Of course I... do. I care.

What'd you say to them? Huh?

What did you say to them, huh?

Leave me alone!

What did you say?

[Banging on window]

Please go away!

You ruined my life, you little bitch.

Leave me alone. Aah!

[Engine starts]

Where do you think you're going?

[Tires squeal]

Get out of the car! Get out of the...

[Knock on door]

Coach Baker got drunk last night, showed up at Jenny's house and went after her.

Is Jenny OK?

She's fine. Her mother called the cops, Baker got arrested, and the school suspended him pending the outcome of the case.

Baker's collateral damage.

He's a popular guy.

So you think our stalker planned this?


Well, either way, Dierdre's responsible.

I mean, she's the one who posted the video.

That just proves she's a cyber bully, not a stalker.

Did forensics find anything on that thumb drive?

No, nothing. It's clean.

I tracked the mystery woman from the motel video.

She registered under Rheanna Erichs.

Is that a fake name?

It's possible.

Ben ran it through our database, as well as DMV... no hits yet.

Another dead end.

Maybe not. Rheanna called a cab from the room.

According to company records, the driver dropped her off near Temescal Canyon.

That's not far from the abandoned house where Emmet was att*cked.

That's not a coincidence.

Janice, let's check it out.

Girl: Hashtag ho in a hat.

Hey. Here you go.

This is everything from your locker.


No problem.

What do I tell your mom if she calls?

You haven't seen me.

You don't know where I am.

Where will you go?

Doesn't matter.

I can't stay here.

Your mom's gonna lose it when she finds out.

No. She doesn't even believe me.

She thinks I'm behind all this. I can tell.

I'm gonna miss you, Jenn.

You, too, Lex.

[Bell ringing]


Someone's been squatting here.

Yeah. Judging by the clothes, it looks like a teenager.

I recognize this.

From the video.

Our squatter is the mystery woman with Coach Baker?

OK, but who is she?

What's her connection to Jenny?

Rheanna's got a friend on the basketball team.

Number 4.

It's Ian Hemingway.

I don't know anyone named Rheanna Erichs.

So how did she get your practice Jersey?

Beats me. Maybe she stole it.

Maybe you gave it to her.

Why would I do that?

She was cold.

Look. If I were hooking up with this chick, I think I would know her name.

Well, maybe you never asked her, or maybe she lied to you.

You're holding back, Ian.

Your lips are dry, you're scratching your neck red.

Talk to me. Who have you been seeing?

That's private, all right?

I don't have to tell you anything.

No, you don't, but if you don't give me a name, we'll have to charge you as an accessory.

To what?

Attempted m*rder, cyber bullying, harassment, criminal stalking.

All right, all right.

You name it!

Me and Alexis have been hooking up.

Alexis Palmer?

Jenny's best friend?

Yeah. Jenny and I don't exactly get along, so Alexis wanted to keep it a secret.

Where would you two meet?

Meet right here.

She sneaks in after my mom goes to bed and slips out before she wakes up.

Have you ever been to her house?

Do you know where she lives?

No. Uh... It never came up.

Ben: Rheanna Erichs' name popped up in the social services database.

She's a foster kid.

She's been in the system her entire life.

Looks like she just bounced from one home to another until she finally aged out.

How old is she?


That's Alexis.

Alexis is Rheanna Erichs?

But Rheanna's 21 years old.

Why is she pretending and going after a high-school girl?

Rheanna never had a family.

Jenny got adopted, she got lucky.

Could be jealous, but why Jenny?

I mean, there are a million adopted kids out there, and you certainly wouldn't go to those lengths.

Because they have the same mother.


Rheanna's records list her birth mother as Monica Graham.

Ben: Jenny's mother.

I'm betting Graham is her maiden name.

So Jenny's mom is Alexis' biological mother?

Who she gave up 21 years ago.

This is revenge stalking.

Or restitution.


[Door opens and shuts]

Jenny? Honey, is that you?

You can't just ignore my texts.

Honey, we have to talk.


Oh! Heh.


Hi, mom.

Mrs. Kline, it's Detective Lawrence.

I'm trying to track down Jenny.

Please call me. It's urgent. I'll try at home.

Jack: So Alexis ages out of the system.

She goes looking for the stability she never had before.

She goes looking for her mother.

She's smart, adept at concealing her emotional state.

Could be borderline personality disorder.

She's driven by her desire to reconnect with Monica, and Jenny's an impediment to that connection.

So she sets out to get rid of her.

Frames her for trying to harm Coach Baker.

Hurts Emmet, makes Jenny look unhinged.

Alexis was behind everything.

She used Dierdre to disseminate the video, and the high-school rumor mill did the rest.

Alexis succeeded in destroying Jenny's life.

Her mother will welcome a new daughter now.

It's time for an introduction.

In her crazed thinking, she'll be accepted.

Janice: I can't reach Jenny or her mother!

Send a unit to Monica's house!

Let's go.

[Telephone ringing]

What's the matter, mom?

You don't recognize me?

I know it's been a long time.

My entire life.

It can't be.

I'm your daughter.

Whatever stand-ins you had before me, I won't let them separate us again.

Oh, honey.

Nobody separated us.

I was too young.

I wasn't ready to become a mother.

It was the hardest thing I ever had to do, but I just... I just wanted what was best for you.

So you replaced me?

Ohh. It doesn't work that way.

You can't replace a child, and I looked for you for years, but the foster records, they were incomplete.

They were never, ever able to tell me where you were.

You looked for me?

Of course I did.

Oh. They told me the records were destroyed.

I looked for you, too, and I found you, and now that Jenny's gone, we can start over.

What do you... the closer I got to Jenny, the more I got to be with you.

You made me feel like part of a family.

Alexis, where's Jenny?

My name's Rheanna.

Where's my daughter?

I'm your daughter.

Jenny: Mom?

What's going on?

You aren't supposed to be here.

I couldn't go through with it.

Go through with what?

She was supposed to leave because she doesn't love you.

I'm sorry, mom.

I was mad. It was stupid.

You don't deserve her.

After everything you've done?

Lex, what's going on?

It was you.

This entire time.

Oh, my God.



No! No!


Alexis, stop it!

Leave her alone!


No! Jenny!

Jenny! Oh, my God.

Jenny! Jenny!

Honey. OK. It's OK.

Look at me. Look at me.

Oh, no. Please.


Are you OK?

I'm right here, sweetheart.

I am.

[Cameras clicking]

[Radio chatter]

Why would she pretend to be my friend?

Why would she do all those things?

She's not well.

Aw, honey, I'm... I'm so sorry.

Is it true. Is...

Is she really my daughter?


What's going to happen to her?

She'll be admitted to a psychiatric facility for observation.

I did this to her.

No, you didn't.

Would it be possible if I wanted to see her?

I mean, would that help anything?

You would do that?

Is that something you want to do?

I don't know.

Maybe we could one day.

It's OK.

It's gonna be fine, OK?

Good job on this one, guys.

How about food? I'm starving.

Let's go. I'll drive.

I'm buying.

I'm eating.

[Camera shutter clicks]

[Keys rattling in door]

I know you're awake.

Get up.

Where have you been?

To see her.

What'd you do?

Nothing, but I have a plan to get Michelle back.

We have to make her vulnerable.

We have to take away her family.

You already did that. You k*lled them.

Uh-uh. I'm talking about her new family here in L.A., her work.

It's all she cares about.

We have to destroy her world, make it so the only place she can turn to is us.

We got to start with those closest.

We got to start with these people.
