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04x12 - Respect

Posted: 02/05/15 01:05
by bunniefuu
Professor Gerard, I came to ask for a favor.

The answer's no.

Which is why I brought this.

You know.

And you talk a big game, but you're just as human as everyone else, you smug son of a bitch.


What are you doing here?


That way, I don't have to look at either one of you two liars.

[door opens, slams]

Oh, my God. He knows.

He doesn't just know.

He's a name partner.

Louis: She came to me and lied to my face.

She did it to protect me.

I'm gonna keep hammering on her until you break.

Jessica: With a new name comes a new beginning.

Here's to our newest name partner, Louis Litt.


Jeff: Louis has something on you.

Daniel Hardman embezzled money from the firm, and I covered it up.

Why couldn't you trust me with this before?

Because I didn't know how you'd react.

Jessica, your secret is safe with me.

[jazzy music]

♪ ♪

I thought we were done with rooftop conversations.

Some things require privacy.

I haven't heard you say that since the midnight coup of Schmidt, Gordon, and Van d*ke.

You done?

It wasn't a joke.

Well, neither is this.

I told Jeff Malone I helped cover up Daniel Hardman's embezzlement.

Why the hell would you open that time capsule?

Because he knew the explanation we gave the partners about Louis was bullshit, and I had to tell him something.

You could've told him it was none of his business.

Harvey, I didn't bring you here to get relationship advice.

I brought you here to tell you what I did in case it ever came up.

No, you didn't.

You brought me here because now you have to get Louis to back you, and you knew you'd be mad at me when I told you what you didn't want to hear.

You're right. I don't want to hear it.

How do you think it's gonna go when I tell Louis he holds the fate of my relationship in his hands?

How do you think it's gonna go the first time Malone brings up Louis' blackmail?

I don't care.

Well, I'll tell you how it's gonna go.

Louis is gonna look back with his beady little eyes and say, "Embezzlement?

That's not how I got my name on the wall."

And the shit's gonna hit the fan anyway.

You know what?

You can be a real son of a bitch.

Yeah, but instead of being pissed at me, why don't you take a look in the mirror?

Because we held out an olive branch, and after Louis hears this, he's gonna take that branch and beat the shit out of us with it.

[elevator bell dings]


Professor Gerard? What are you doing here?

I've got a small legal matter to attend to.

Well, is it anything I can help you with?

Actually, I'm here to speak with Harvey.

Ah, ah, I understand.

You're looking for a name partner.

Well, you can't quite see it from here, but if you walk back about ten feet, take a gander to your left, you'll see I've gotten a little recognition--

I appreciate that, but as I said, I'm here to speak with Harvey.

Mike: So are we gonna talk about that little welcome speech that Jessica made for Louis?

Harvey: We don't have to talk about it because Louis isn't going to accept it.

Why not?

Because it'll be a cold day in hell when he can accept being Maverick to my Iceman.

Don't--don't you mean Iceman to your Maverick?

No, I don't.

You actually want to be Iceman over Maverick?

Who got the trophy?

Who's the better pilot?

The one who got the trophy.


Because in the end, Maverick saved Iceman, and if he hadn't, trophy boy would be sitting on the bottom of the Indian Ocean right now.

Where he'd still be the man.

According to you.

According to me is the only "according to" that matters.

Here we go.

Gerard: Maybe, but according to me, Viper was the real hero of that film.


You think I'm too old to know Top g*n?

What I think is, you have no business being in my office.

Are we gonna do this in front of your associate?

We don't have to do anything in front of anybody.

You just have to go.


I need a lawyer.

Louis' office is down the hall.

I don't want Louis.

I want you.

That's funny.

The last time you saw me, you told me I wasn't fit to practice law in your ivory tower.

What I told you was, is that you'll sacrifice ethics for wins, and right now I'm not in my ivory tower, and I need a win.

I knew it.

You're just like everybody else.

The ends don't justify the means until it's your ass on the line.

Do you think I like asking you for help?

I think this Liberty Rail thing must have you by the balls.

So you know.

I know after their train derailed, you were appointed to assess the victims' compensation formula, and I know after you did, some of those victims hired a lawyer and opened an investigation.

Then you also know they found nothing.

Mike: Then the question is, why are you here?

The TSA found $25,000 in my luggage the day I announced I was changing the formula.

So now you're being accused of accepting a bribe.

Which I did not do.

Harvey: Well, good luck proving that, Professor, because it won't be with my help.

I was wrong about you, Mr. Specter.

I never thought that you wouldn't represent somebody just because you didn't like them.

Well, you're wrong again.

I don't like you, but I'm not representing you because you did something shady, and I'm not screwing over crash victims for the likes of you.

You know I didn't do this.

What I know is you showed yourself in.

You can show yourself out.

man: ♪ See the money, wanna stay for your meal ♪
♪ Get another piece of pie for your wife ♪
♪ Everybody wanna know how it feel ♪
♪ Everybody wanna see what it's like ♪
♪ I'll even eat a bean pie, I don't mind ♪
♪ Me and Missy is so busy, busy making money ♪
♪ All right ♪
♪ All step back, I'm 'bout to dance ♪
♪ Suits 4x12 ♪
Original Air Date on February 4, 2015

♪ The greenback boogie ♪

Hey, I didn't want to say anything in front of Gerard, but has it occurred to you that you're an idiot if you don't take this case?

Last year, you were sh1tting yourself he'd find out about you, and now you think we should work with him?

No, I wasn't worried he'd find out.

I was worried about Louis.

Gerard didn't bat an eye at me back then, and he didn't just now.

But we get him out of this and he ever does find out about me, he's gonna owe us.

Mike, that man is never gonna compromise his ethics just because we got him out of a jam.

Never gonna compromise his ethics?

You just said he took a bribe.

So what does that have to do with anything?

It has everything to do with everything because you don't think he did it.


So what?

So what?

That means you're not turning him down because you think he's shady.


You're turning him down because you have a Henry Gerard-sized chip on your shoulder.

I do not have a chip on my shoulder.

You sure sound like you do, which makes you worse than an idiot.

It makes you a jackass.

Excuse me?

You heard me.

You know that he divided that money fairly, which means that you're just--

I don't care what it means, and I don't need a lecture from you.

Apparently you do, because you're about to screw over a bunch of innocent people just to stick it to some guy who hurt your feelings.

That's not something I ever thought I'd be saying to you.

Well, look who it is, the woman who put me in my place.

What now?

You want me to sign a piece of paper admitting that I was the man on the grassy knoll?

I meant what I said at the ceremony, Louis.

You mean the ceremony that you only had in order to trick me?

I had it because you demanded it, but I'm not here to talk about that.

I'm here to talk about Jeff Malone.

What about him?

You may be aware that he and I are-- Fifty Shades of Grey?

I'm aware.

I'm gonna let that go because you may also not be aware that I had to lie to him.

He doesn't know about Mike, does he?


But he does know you committed a crime and that you resigned and now your name is up on the wall.

What'd you tell him?

I told him you found out that I covered up Daniel Hardman's embezzlement and that you used it to strong-arm me.

And now you want me to protect another one of your secrets.

It's the same secret, Louis, and you have just as much invested in it as I do.

No, I don't, because I don't care if your relationship with Jeff survives or not.

What do you want, Louis?

I want something for continuing to cover your ass.

You got something. You got your name on the wall.

Now I want the respect that comes with it.


I want one of Harvey's clients.

Which one?

That's between me and Harvey.

[rock music]

♪ ♪


I agreed to meet.

I hope it's not just so you can tell me more about what a horrible person I am.

I came here to tell you that I changed my mind.

So you admitted to yourself that I didn't do this?

I've admitted to myself that you came to me because this case needs rule-bending, and you're gonna tell me why right now.

The money.

Yes, the money.

If you weren't bribed, where the hell did you get that $25,000 from?

You know where it came from.

It's the same thing you tried to use to blackmail me last year.

Let me get this straight.

You have an explanation for the money that would get you out of this whole thing.

But I can't use it.

Where are you going?

To get you out of this.

Welcome to the real world, Professor.

[rock music]

♪ ♪

I need you to find out everything you can on Garrett Brady.


Who's Garrett Brady?

The guy on the other side of Gerard's suit.

Wait a second.

Does this mean you took his case?

You know that means I took his case, and I don't want to hear any gloating.

Gloating? No, no, no, no, no.

I'm not-- I'm not gloating.

I'm merely recognizing the fact that you completely changed your mind based entirely on what I said.

Which is gloating.

"Po-tay-to," "po-tah-to."

But as long as you're gonna think of it that way, I might as well point out that since you listened to my lecture, maybe you should start calling me Professor.

I'm gonna start calling you unemployed if you don't figure out a way around using Gerard's alibi.

Wait, we can't say where the money came from?

No, we can't, because he was playing backroom poker, and if that comes out, Harvard fires him.

Are you kidding me?

He's an ethics professor, and he's breaking the law?

Where the hell do you think my chip comes from?


Well, if we can't use his alibi, how are we supposed to get him out of this?

I don't know, Professor, but you're the one who wanted us to take this case, so why don't you use that big brain of yours and find a solution?

Louis: You're giving me Henry Gerard.

Harvey: What?

Louis: I saw him. I want him.

You got him. He's mine.

That's not the way it works, Louis.

I'm afraid you'll have to find yourself another boyfriend.

Oh, this is exactly how it works.

You talked to Jessica, didn't you?

Sure did, and she used me to cover her ass, so I get one of your clients in return.

You want one of my clients, we can talk about that, but Gerard's staying with me.

Oh, please, don't pretend like you actually care about him.

He can't even stand you.

Louis, I just offered to consider giving you one of my clients, so I suggest you let Gerard go.

No, I'm not letting anything go, because it doesn't make any sense.

Not only can't he stand you.

He doesn't respect you because he's got things--

What did you just say to me?

I said he doesn't respect you.

Well, you know what?

He definitely doesn't respect you, because when he told me he needed a lawyer, I tried to send him your way, and his exact words were,

"I don't want Louis. I want you."


Then I'll just take another one of your clients.

You're not taking a thing.

You just said that I could--

Look, I don't give a shit what I just said, okay?

My clients are my clients.

And you don't get out of my office in the next three seconds, something's gonna happen between you and me, and I guarantee it won't end with you keeping all of your teeth.


Just turn around and walk right back out that door.


Did you hear what I said?

I did, but apparently, you didn't hear what Jessica said about wiping the slate clean.

And apparently, you didn't hear what I said, because I just told Louis he could have one of my clients.

And three seconds later, you told him he couldn't.

Yeah, because I realized that I'm paying for Jessica's mistake.

No, Harvey, you were willing to pay for her mistake right up until Louis said Gerard doesn't respect you.

Oh, that has nothing to do with it.

You can lie to yourself all you want, but I'm not gonna let you bullshit me.

What the hell are you talking about?

Henry Gerard is the one person you respect who never respected you, and Louis touched that nerve.

And I told you that has nothing to do with it.

You really think that?

I don't think it. I know it.

Then you know what, Harvey?

You're no different than Louis, because you have a chance to help us all move on, and you are blowing it off out of pettiness, which is exactly what Louis would do.

What do you want from me, Donna?

I want you to be a grown-up and do what you said you'd do in the first place.

Harvey: You got something?

Mike: Yeah, we've been overlooking the obvious.

Yeah, I'm not in the mood for 20 questions.

Give it to me.

Unless you're traveling internationally and don't report it, carrying cash on board a plane isn't a crime.

Great, except for the fact that Gerard's not being charged with smuggling.

He's being sued.

Right, but my point is, how did Garrett Brady even find that out?

Well, he found out because Gerard was detained by the TSA.

Who talked to him for five minutes and then sent him on his way.

Those searches aren't a matter of public record.


Holy shit.

Brady bribed the TSA.

Which isn't only illegal.

It makes that report totally inadmissible.

You figured this out on your own?

Well, I would've done it faster, but I had to order some sushi.

[chuckles] "Would've done it faster."

That's what you said your first week here, except it was pizza instead of sushi.

Yeah, I'm growing.

You mean Rachel taught you how to eat.

Like I said, I'm growing.

Hey, Donna, I'm a little busy at the moment.

Too busy to take on this?

What's that?

Just the first client that Jessica gave Harvey when he made name partner.

Harvey said he wouldn't let me have any of his clients.

No. He said he would.

But then instead of taking him up on it, you went ahead and shit on his feelings.

Please. Harvey doesn't have feelings.

That's not true, and you know it.

And you of all people should know that a person can overreact when they're hurt.

If you're referring to me, I do not overreact when--

Okay, whatever you say, Fatty-Baldy.

Okay, get the hell out of my office and--

Fine, you have a small, legitimate point.

I really hurt his feelings?

Yeah, you really did.

But then he realized he was overreacting and that this was a chance for us all to get back to where we were.

You swear that is the first client that Jessica gave him after me made name partner?

I swear.

Leave me the file.

You two go ahead. I haven't decided yet.

Actually, we're not here for the falafel.

We're here to introduce ourselves.

Mike Ross.

Harvey Specter.

We represent Henry Gerard.

Ah. [laughs]

Well, in that case, let me buy you two lunch, because I'm about to come into an unexpected windfall.

Well, I guess that's your thing-- paying people off.

I hope the TSA got more than some shitty falafel.

What the hell are you talking about?

I'm talking about this.

Oh. Bribery?

Harvey: Ironic, isn't it?

You suing Professor Gerard for accepting a bribe when you're the one paying off federal employees.

Allegedly paying, Counselor.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

You don't want to slander me.

So you admit it.

I don't admit a thing.

Your client sold out victims of a train derailment.

He's going to pay.

You may not be willing to admit anything here, but you'll have to in front of the judge.

Because I've drafted subpoenas for every TSA employee on duty that night.

Drop the case, Mr. Brady.

Are you threatening me?

No, we're informing you.

Well, let me inform you.

In case you forgot, the TSA falls under the Department of Homeland Security, which makes this a national security issue.

This has nothing to do with national security, and you know it.

All I know is the government found a large sum of cash on a passenger.

Now, how they came to know that, how they proceeded to investigate that, or what they did with that information is the government's business.

And that's what you're going with?

That's not what I'm going with.

That's what they're going to go with.

So you can call up as many TSA agents as you like, but they're not gonna be saying a thing.

And you can buy your own damn falafel.

[snaps fingers]

I need Cutie Pie Cosmetics.

You want to try that again?

I have a meeting with Joan Walsh tonight, and I need her files.

Joan is Harvey's client.

Not anymore.

Since when?

Since it doesn't matter, because I'm name partner, which means when I say I need something, your response should either be,

"How high?" or "Can I have another?"


There are a few things that you should know--

You see, what I know is your boss seems to think all it takes to impress Joan Walsh is getting Donna to make a fancy dinner reservation, but I'm going to impress her with so much legal domination that by the end of the night, all she's gonna be able to say is,

"Harvey Specter who?"

Okay, that's a mistake--

A mistake?

Oh, I get it.

You're trying to impress me with your legal domination to prove that you're not just a paralegal but an associate.

No, Louis. I'm--

See, I don't care what you call yourself.

So unless you did such a shitty job, the files are unreadable, hand 'em over to me right now.

That's more like it.

What's this?

I know you have to work tonight, but you also need to eat.

I wouldn't call this just eating.

Well, you deserve better than paper plates.

I don't mind paper plates.

Oh, I know you don't.

I just said you deserve better.

Is that ropa vieja?


I made it myself.

Which means you got it at the Cuban place that I love on 40th and Lex.

By myself.

What did I do to deserve this?

I don't know.

I'm just... feeling closer.

Because I confided in you.

Because the walls are coming down, and I can feel it.

What did I do to deserve you?

Mm, well, we can talk about that over this delicious meal that I made all by myself.

[gentle piano music]

♪ ♪

To us.

[glasses clink]


And then I said, "Helen,

"that's no Pomeranian.

"That's a Pomimo.

You've been had."


Oh-ho-ho, that is hilarious.

Really, dogs, they are-- they are so fascinating.

Do you have many dogs, Louis?

Hell, no.

Building regulations-- it's a clusterf-f-f...

I've been fighting them for years.

Oh, that's horrible.


As is what's going on with your stock.

Oh, Louis, we're having dinner.

Put that away.

No, no, no.

But I just thought you'd be interested to know that we could skyrocket the share price--

Right now what I'm interested in is having another Manhattan and hearing what's on the dessert list.

Oh, you don't need a list. Get the crème brûlée.

Now, this stock issue, I have--

Fax the papers to my office, and I'll review them when I get home.

When you get home?

What the f-f...

What the hell did we come to dinner for, then?

For this.

What this?



I don't know how Harvey handled these quarterly reviews, but I--

Oh, Harvey... was magnificent.


Truth be told, I was a little disappointed when I heard that you'd be handling this instead of him, but I haven't seen your cha-cha yet, so the jury's still out.

That was a lawyer joke.

Yep. Got it.



Listen, Joan, I think you're gonna be really glad that it was me here tonight, because I already sent a letter to your board.

You did what?

And I--

I notified them of this.

That's what-- what I'm trying to tell you.

Why the hell would you do something so patently stupid?


Hey, I didn't become name partner being stupid.

Didn't you?

Two members of my board are about to reach their term limits.

At least one is being circled by Glamour Cosmetics.

You have just notified that person of a product that I've had in R & D for years, and now they can trade information for a seat on the board of my biggest competitor.

Joan, I didn't know--

Tell me, Mr. Litt, did you actually graduate from law school, or did you just buy your way onto the letterhead?


Yeah, you better put that bag down, because we're staying all night.

Didn't go well with Joan, did it?

No, it didn't, because you sandbagged me.

I didn't sandbag you.

Well, then what do you call not telling me that Glamour was circling her board members?

I tried to tell you, but you couldn't hear me through all of your rage.

What I'm not hearing is the sound of you putting your bag down, because the board members are meeting tomorrow afternoon, and I only have until then to fix this.

And you want me to help you?

You're the associate on this case, aren't you?

So now I'm an associate?

Hey, you know what?

Now is not the time to get into it.

No, now is exactly the time to get into it, because you have taken every opportunity possible to make me feel like I am nothing, and now, even though you want something, you're still treating me like I'm nothing.

I'm treating you like every other associate.

That is bullshit, and you know what?

Even if it were true, you didn't used to treat me that way.

I didn't used to know you lied to me on a daily basis.

Louis, it would serve you right if I take my bag and leave you here and go home to the man that I love.

So you're not gonna help.

No, I'm gonna help you, but not because you deserve it.

I'll do it because I am an associate, and I am a professional, which means I am capable of putting the personal aside in order to do my job.

Mike: And one of those, please.

Just what I was in the mood for.

Ah, you're getting a bagel.

That means you kicked ass.

Which I did.

You called up the TSA, busted up their national security defense?

No, I used their defense.

Gerard's gonna testify under seal because it's a matter of national security.

And the judge bought that?

What's not to buy?

The TSA made the argument for us.

And what did Brady say?

That's the best part about it.

He doesn't even know it.

It's a matter of national security.

We testify under seal, the judge realizes that Gerard is a degenerate gambler...

But a fair mediator.

The case gets dismissed, and Garrett Brady and Harvard Law never know it happened.

You thought of all of that on your own?

You think you're the only one who can come up with an intelligent solution?

You are 1 for 400 in the time we've worked together.

Okay, smart guy, since I did your job for you, you're gonna do my job for me.

You want me to prep Gerard because you don't want to sit in a room and listen to him talk for two hours.

I didn't want to 15 years ago, and I don't want to now.

We only get one shot at this, and his testimony better be rock solid.


Oh, yeah, sure, help yourself!

I see you haven't slept.

I have a lot of work that needs attending to.

I bet you do, considering the phone call I got from Joan Walsh this morning.

[groans] She called you?

She wanted to know what the other name partners were going to do about the one that screwed the pooch.

Oh, come on, that is not fair.

I didn't have all the information--

You had enough information to make a deal to get her from Harvey, and part of that deal was you backing me with Jeff.

Oh, so that's why you're here.

You don't trust I'm still gonna do it?

Because you haven't done it yet, and you have a history of making poor decisions when things aren't going your way.

The only poor decision I've made is agreeing to cover for you in the first place.

You didn't think that was such a bad idea when you were using it to get what you wanted.

And now you're threatening to take that thing away.

Louis, you want to keep Joan, that's on you, but I held up my end of the bargain.

You better hold up yours.

Mike: I just want to go over it one more time, Professor.

How much money was in that pot?

I'm tried of going over it.

Why do we have to keep replaying every moment of this game?

Because your entire case depends on it.

My case depends on the fact that I won that money gambling, not whether I won it with a flush.

Your case depends on the judge believing you, and if he finds any holes in your testimony, then we--

I gave you the names of everyone I knew at that game.

But none of those men were there when you won that money.

I can't help it if I didn't get the name of the guy I beat.

Which is why your story needs to be rock solid.


Go ahead.

So I ask you again, Professor, how much money was in the final pot?

Roughly $12,000.

And you won that hand.

As I said before, I won, and then I cashed out.

And what did you have again?

A queen-high flush.

And who did you beat?

I told you, I didn't get his name.

Okay, so what did he have?

Two pair, queens over sixes.

Wait a second.

You said before that the man next to you folded with two queens up, and now this guy has two queens, and you had a queen-high flush?

I said that the man next to me folded with two kings.

No, you didn't.

You heard me wrong.

No, I didn't.

Is this part of prepping me, or are you accusing me of something?

I'm trying to get your story to line up.

My story does line up.

Not to me, it doesn't.

Look, young man, if you're gonna sit over there and call me a liar--

I'm not calling you a liar, but if you say tomorrow what you said today, we're gonna be in a lot of trouble, because where I come from, there are only four queens in a deck.

I said two kings, and I'm gonna say that again tomorrow.

So you do your job, and I'm gonna do mine.

Mike: He's lying.

What are you talking about?

Gerard's story about winning all that money playing poker is bullshit.

All right, slow down. What the hell happened?

I did the math, and the hands don't add up.

What do you mean you did the math?

I mean first he said that he drew a queen on fourth street, and then when I pressed him about it, he--

Wait a second.

This conclusion is based on him recalling hands under cross-examination?

Harvey, I got kicked out of Atlantic City for counting cards.

I know this shit.

It doesn't mean he's lying.

I got a little experience with that too, and I'm telling you, he was.

Or maybe he's tired.

Or maybe I'm right.

Or maybe you don't know what the hell you're talking about.

Why are you defending him?

Because you asked me to.

Look, Harvey, I'm not saying that he took a bribe.

I'm just saying that he didn't get that money playing poker.

Well, unless he admitted that, he's testifying tomorrow.

Since when do you stick your head in the sand?

Did he admit it?

No, he didn't.

But he screwed up the details, and he shouldn't have, because people who are telling the truth get it right.

And you know it.

What's that?

Jacks full of fours.

I can see that, but why--

Why is it staring you in the face?

It's what I threw down the last time I won a huge hand.

It was six weeks ago, and I can remember every hand that every player at that table had.

Now, if you won money the other night, you'd remember it too.

I do remember, and as I explained to your associate--

Yeah, stop bullshitting me.

Where the hell did that money really come from?

'Cause if you don't tell me the truth, I'm canceling that hearing right now.

It came... from a student of mine.

For what?

In exchange for changing his grade.

Jesus Christ. For $25,000?

He was going to fail my class, and that would've stopped him from getting an offer from--

You g*dd*mn hypocrite.

You preach about ethics, and you do this?

This is about ethics.

And you don't have any idea why I did it.

I don't care why you did it.

I care about what you're making me do, because I am not suborning perjury.

Well, you tell me that you've never done anything worse.

I knew it.

You would do it for someone else... but not for me.

You know what, Professor?

There's a small part of me that actually thought that you came to me because you thought I'm the best, but you just think I'll do whatever it takes to win.

Isn't that what makes you the best?

Get someone else to do your dirty work, because I'm not suborning perjury.

[Louis sighs]


What are you doing?


Getting my blood flowing.

I've been sitting here all night, and restless leg syndrome kills 14 people every hour.

I don't think that's accurate.

I don't care what you think. What do you have?

I found a way to fix things with Joan.


Okay, you're arguing anything in R & D is the intellectual property of the person who suggested the product?

Until such time that the results become public.

Which they did the second I sent the board that letter.

Except board members are subject to the nondisclosure agreement.

Well, the board members haven't signed a nondisclosure agreement.


What's to stop them from refusing?

Nothing, but if they do, then the noncompete kicks in.

Preventing them from revealing the contents of my letter under threat of prosecution.

Specifically corporate espionage.

Oh, my God. You got this idea from--

Our bylaws.

My bylaws.

Rachel, holy shit, this is... acceptable.

I think the word you're looking for is "awesome."

Well, the word I'm saying is, "Get out, because I have a meeting to prepare for."

You know what, Louis? I have been working all night.

And this gets your ass out of a major sling, so instead of dismissing me, you should be asking me to come with you.

Excuse me, Miss Professional.

You wanted me to treat you like every other associate.

Now I am.

By acting as if I did nothing?

No, by acknowledging you did acceptable work.

Letting you come with me is something that I would only do for you if we were friends, which we are not.


You canceled the hearing.

You were right.

He was lying.

I'm sorry.

You know, I knew he was a hypocrite after I found out about the gambling.

I never thought he'd sell out Harvard.

What are you talking about?

He did take the bribe, but it had nothing to do with the accident victims.

He did it to change someone's grade.

Why would he do that?

What difference does it make?

Either way, he was gonna let me suborn perjury.

It makes a difference because we still have to win this case.

Oh, I don't give a shit about winning this case.


I've never heard you say anything like that before.

You--you care about winning every case, every game, every argument.

Did you hear me?

He was gonna let me suborn perjury.

And so would every client you have if they thought they'd get away with it.

He's not every client.

No, he's the one you hated in the first place.

I didn't hate him.

Harvey, what is going on here?

I thought he was better than us.

I sat in that class and listened to him talk about what kind of lawyers we should be, and I always let him down because I knew that wasn't the kind of lawyer that wins.

And I wanted to win.

So I'd argue with him, and he'd look down on me.

And now instead of you letting him down, he let you down.

He turned out to be no better than any of us.

So then let's make him better than us.

[indistinct chatter]

Miss Walsh.

Walsh: You are not on my schedule today.

Ah, ah, Miss Walsh, please take a look at this.

What is it?

It's a chance to make things right.


You cannot call board members employees based on them having access to an expense account.

Not just an expense account.

They have corporate cards and standing offices, which, as defined by section 14.2 of the Internal Revenue Code, makes them employees.

Well, Mr. Litt, seems I won't be demanding a new point person after all.

I'm glad to hear that.

[scoffs] Are you?

Of course I am.

You're my first client as name partner.

You're very important to me.

Well, I suppose we'll find out the truth when someone else makes name partner.

What are you talking about?

I'm not an idiot.

I know that no one in your firm wants to deal with me.

That's not true.

In fact, I fought for you.

You may have thought you were fighting for me, but I know that Jessica dumped me on Harvey, and it seems that the second you made name partner, Harvey did the same thing to you.

Oh, you didn't know that, did you?

Then maybe we were meant for each other, since we're both left out of the club.

You betrayed me.

You make this big speech about repairing our friendship, and all it was was more words.

What are you talking about?

You convinced me to take Joan, while conveniently leaving out the fact you're doing Harvey a favor.

That's not why I did it, Louis.

Well, just tell me right now, can he stand her?

No, but he was gonna keep her because you--

Hurt his precious feelings. I know.

I felt so awful about that.

You know what, Louis? You should.

And while you're at it, you should feel pretty awful about being a d*ck to me right now.

You lied to me again.

No, Louis. I fought for you...again.


You made Joan sound important.

"The first client that Jessica gave Harvey when he made name partner."

She is important, Louis, but you can't see that because you didn't want a client.

You just wanted to take something away from Harvey.

What I want is respect.

Then get out of your own way and get on the g*dd*mn team.

You mean the team that kept Mike's secret from me?

No, Louis!

I mean the team that protected its own, because that's what teams do.

And, you know, I shouldn't even be telling you this because she wasn't going to, but if you need a little bit more evidence of what we do for each other, then take a look at Rachel, because she got Katrina a job.


That's right.

Your former associate, and you've been treating Rachel like shit.

So, if you're done yelling at me, then I suggest you go fix one of the thousand things that you have screwed up lately, because the rest of us, we are done fighting for you.

[indistinct chatter]

man: Mr. Ross.

Mike: Ah, you must be Ian.

And, please, don't call me Mr. Ross.

Mike is fine.

Ah, sure.

Hey, thanks for your call, Mike.

Pearson Specter is a great firm.

Ah, well, you're a great candidate.

I'm a little curious why you're still interviewing.

I heard you had a solid offer at Skadden.

I do, but Skadden Arps is no Pearson Specter.

[laughs] Are you sure it's not because you're worried they'll find out that you failed Professor Gerard's legal ethics class?


Oh, shit.

You don't know.

He hasn't changed your grade, but he still has your $25,000.


Who the hell are you?

I'm exactly who I said I was.

The only thing I left out is that Professor Gerard is my client.

Well, he can't be in trouble for this.

I'd know.

He's not.

He's being accused of accepting a bribe while conducting a federal mediation because of this.

That's not my problem.

It's your problem now, which is why you're gonna sign this.

What is that?

It's a sworn affidavit stating the money that you paid Gerard is a loan.

Well, what happens to my grade?

It stays the same because Henry Gerard doesn't take money to change grades.

That's bullshit. We had a deal.

Yeah, well, consider this your first lesson in the real world.

Deals change.

I don't care what world it is.

I'm not signing anything.

That's too bad, because the truth will come out.

And this way, you're failing a class instead of getting thrown out of school for bribing a professor.

It's up to you, Ian.

You want an F, or do you want to not have a legal career at all?

Gerard: So I sign this, and the bribery allegations are gone?

And no one ever knows a thing.

But I still have to pay Ian back the money.

That's the way loans work.

You say that like I am a monster.

I say it like it's true.

You know... you never let me tell you what the money was for.

You didn't listen to me when I told you I don't care.

Who's the monster now?

I don't care because you always said the circumstances don't matter.

Well, do you care that after Mike grilled me, I was so impressed with him that I wonder why I'd forgotten him.

So I looked through my old records, just to see how he did, but I couldn't find any record of him ever being in my class.

Just like they're not gonna find any record of you accepting a bribe from a student.


You saying we're even?

I'm saying you got a two-for-one, because they're also not gonna find any record of you gambling last year.

That's why you came to see me back then, isn't it?

You didn't want anyone to find out about him.

I'm not gonna tell you why I came to see you last year, Henry, because the circumstances don't matter.


You really did pay attention in my class.

A lot more than you think.

I'm sorry I let you down, Mr. Specter.


Don't worry about paying back that loan.

I got it.

[melancholy guitar music]

♪ ♪

Louis... what can I do for you?

The question isn't what you can do for me, Jeff, but it's a matter of what you're gonna do, which is cut the bullshit right now.


You heard me.

I know Jessica told you about Hardman.

Yeah, she did tell me, and I have refrained from coming to see you about blackmailing her out of courtesy.


You haven't so much as wished me a congratulations.

You want me to kiss the ring, Louis, after what you did?

You're damn right I do, because I don't care how it got up there.

My name is on that wall.

And if I had a crowbar handy...

I would pry it off.

Well, Jeff, you don't.

So the question you got to ask yourself is,

"Do you want to stick with the team?"

Because my name is up there to stay whether you like it or not.

♪ ♪

[indistinct chatter]


Thanks for meeting me.

What's going on?

I wanted to thank you for making me take Gerard.

What happened?

What makes you think something happened?

Because I know you, and I know you don't have moments of self-reflection, let alone have a drink with someone to tell them about it unless something happened.

You know what? Something did happen.

I dealt with some shit, and I'm trying to thank you for it because it turned out to be a good thing.

I think the word you're looking for is "closure."

That's your word.

The word I'm looking for is,

"You're welcome, Harvey.

That's nice of you to say."

Thanks, Harvey.


Now listen to me.

For a minute there, I thought you were gonna tell me that he knows.


Maybe I'm crazy, but when I was prepping him, for a second, he looked at me, and I thought,

"He's suspicious."

And then you called, and after everything that's happened already, I--


It's fine, Mike. He doesn't know.

♪ ♪