01x13 - The Mystery of the Deemed Dealer

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Mysteries of Laura". Aired: September 2014 to March 2016.*
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A single mom NYPD homicide detective cracks case after case while raising wild twin boys and locking horns with her less than helpful police detective ex-husband.
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01x13 - The Mystery of the Deemed Dealer

Post by bunniefuu »

(Tires screeching)

Billy: Thank you. Reynaldo!


Hit and run. Died on impact.

No wallet. No ID.

Just once, could a victim carry at least a library card?


Maybe he was robbed.

I don't think a thief would have left this behind.

Okay, so, no tire marks, so our driver either fell asleep at the wheel or we're looking at...

Intentional vehicular homicide.

Anything to work with? School books? iPod?

Only thing in his bag was a set of keys and some very kind bud.

Excuse me?


"Kind bud"?

Is that what the kids are calling it these days?

That's what the kids have always called it.

I knew that.

And $1,500, all hundreds. All hundreds.

Oh, the plot thickens.

(Oven dings)

That's a lot of walking-around money for a teenager.

Unless the teenager was a drug dealer taken out in a turf w*r.

Is that what that famous Diamond gut tells you?

I'm going to leave my gut out of this one.

Stomach's still queasy from the bacon, egg and cheese I scarfed.

Speaking of scarfing, how was your date with Food-truck Tony last night?

You take out, or did he deliver?

Wait a minute, how did you even know that I had a date last night?

Are you having me followed?

It's hardly worth the trouble considering, and just ask the grumpy, old babysitter.

(Laughs) Of course, my father.

Benedict Arnold Diamond, your source on the inside.

What'd it cost you?

Just a, uh, gift card from Bagel World.

The man sure loves his everything flagels.


My date went fine, thank you very much.

Better than fine.

I'm so sorry to interrupt this super-awkward moment.

Um, prints came back.

Hit-and-run victim is Miguel Santos, 17, of Greenpoint.

Arrested for tagging when he was 12.

Dad's on his way in.

School record?

Miguel hadn't shown up to Van Wyck High School since last May.

How does a kid not show up to school without a parent going ballistic?

Who would do that to Miguel?

How well did you know your son, Mr. Santos?

I know him like...

Like he's etched in mi corazon.

You understand, detective?

Si, si.

(Speaks Spanish)


And he hasn't been to school since May.

That's impossible. They would've notified me.

I believe they did. Isn't this your signature?


Well, he... he gives me things to sign from school, you know, permission slips, and I... working two jobs, I don't always have time to read through them.

Mr. Santos, we believe that Miguel could have been selling dr*gs, and that's why he was k*lled.



No! Miguel was a good kid!

Maybe he was a good kid that got into some bad things.

Those aren't his.


These keys are not his. Look, I know my son, okay?

I know him.

And maybe we didn't have time to talk all the time, but he was a good, decent boy.

Sir, I was raised in a single-parent home, and my mother, she was on me about eating my vegetables, getting good grades, but you know what, she was a 5th-grade teacher in Brooklyn and we lived in the Bronx.

There were a lot of things that I got into that she never knew about.

Sometimes, kids keep secrets from the people they love the most.

Is it possible that, maybe, that's what happened here?

Thank you so much.

Okay, info from narcotics places Miguel's body squarely in Trinitario g*ng territory.

Did they say if Trinitario is active in the sale of kind bud?


Extremely active.

Well, at the DEA, we call it cannabis.

Alejandro, to what do we owe the pleasure?

I was up in vice, thought I'd swing by, and say, "hey".




I'll let you two do... whatever.

Trinitarios work the area from Battery Park City to 34th Street.

Thanks for the intel.

I'm glad you stopped by.

Are you and the captain still not together?

Last time I checked.

So, does that mean it's safe to inquire if you're free for dinner some time?

Are you asking me out?

I am.

I'm kinda seeing someone.


What took you so long?

I wanted to a while back, but, um...

Jake called you off?

Something like that. Exactly like that.


Okay, so you cleared that up?

Where do we find the Trinitarios?

Most recent intel puts the g*ng's headquarters at a laundromat in Spanish Harlem.

All right. I'll go.

Oh, perfect!

You can't go empty-handed.

Here, take these for me.

You keep dirty laundry in your desk?

Sometimes, I spill on things.

Where should I keep them? Your desk?


I should get back to my file.

Of course.

Good luck with your case.


Bad luck with your sort of boyfriend.

I'm holding out hope.


Just give me one second. Dropping something off.

Okay. Excuse me.

Which one of these machines has a cold-rinse option, I would hate for my blouses to lose their shape.

Are you not speaking because you don't speak English, or because you don't speak laundry?

Wow, you would suck as a Walmart greeter.

Is there a manager here, stone-face?

You should take your business elsewhere, booha.

Aw, you did that.


I think you have me mistaken for someone who's not a cop.

Go! Go!

Towards you.

Police! don't move!


It's me again, busting your ass.


From the way you ran away from me, I am guessing you know something about the m*rder of Miguel Santos.

Miguel's dead?

Don't play me, Carlos.

I'm not playing!


Did Miguel sell for Trinitario?

Nah. He hung out with some of us in middle school, but that boy had too much brains to sling.

And he, like, cared about everyone, even the addicts.

He would've made a bad corner boy.

Heart and brains. Sounds like he had a future.

More than most of us. Any of us.

Then how do you explain this?

If he wasn't dealing for your people, who was he dealing for?

(Sniffs) That's prime.

Ain't nobody in the 212 sellin' bammy like that.

I'm telling you, detective, Miguel was not running for nobody.

And I have a hard time believing that with prime bammy and 1500 bucks staring me in the face!

Look, one of my boys says he runs into Miguel once in a while...

Now we're getting somewhere.

But he didn't say nothing about him slinging!

Where did he run into him exactly?

City Center ice rink.

So what? Miguel came in here to develop a customer base?

Everyone has a dream.

Maybe Miguel's also involved hockey.

Yeah, or hockey was a cover-up.

Victor said he didn't recognize Miguel's keys, which makes sense if this is where the kid kept the stash.

Agreed. Any one of these could be a locker full of laughing grass.

You looked up weed nicknames online, didn't you?


Yeah, you did.

I did not.

Meredith told me Alejandro was sniffing around the precinct.

Are you trying to impress him with a little hipster druggy lingo?

Okay, maybe I did a incy-wincy little Google search.

Mmm-hmm. (Chuckles)


Come to mama.

Let's see what we got.

All right.

No stash.

Calculus, physics...

All the books you'd think would be in his backpack.

Look at this. Wendsworth Academy?

Looks like our kid was going to school after all.

Well, not just any school.

The snobbiest private school in all of New York.

Oh, Miguel Santos. Yeah, I know him. Great kid.

Always with "sirs" and "pleases" and "thank yous".

How long has he been coming here?

Since the school year started.

Wendsworth Academy school year?

Yeah. It's his first year.

He's the starting goalie on the hockey team.

Great stick skills. The Ivies are all over the kid.

It must have been quite a coup for Wendsworth Academy to recruit him.

Serious coup.

He's going to lead them to the tri-state championships next week.

Have you seen his father down here?

No, I would like to though.

A kid like that, he's raised right, you know?

I do.

Thanks for your help.

(Softly) Why would the kid hide all that success from his dad?

Years back the Wendsworth Academy hockey coach approached me about recruiting Miguel.

So you knew?

But I said no.

Coach offer a scholarship?

Full ride.

I'm taking Miguel knew about that too.

He must have gone behind my back.

Respectfully, Mr. Santos, I can't say that I blame him.

I mean for a kid like Miguel, or a kid like I was, graduating from Wendsworth Academy, it's like a ticket to a golden future.

Maybe, if he stayed healthy.

Where are you going with this?

Big-money schools like this, they're ruthless when it comes to scholarship athletes.

Years back, there was a kid, Julio Martin, a soccer player, he tore his ACL halfway through his junior year, his scholarship was revoked.

That doesn't sound right.

Why are you defending that place for, detective?

I'm not defending anyone.

How could I know so little about my boy?

Max: Oh, my God, look at these.


Oh, my God.

(Laura moans)

Let me guess, Food-truck Tony.

Laura: Oh!

Well, you can't take the time to chew.

This is me chewing.

You know what these are? God in brownie form.

No. If that were the case, it'd be fat-free.

If they're that good, I'll try one.

Stop spying on me and we'll talk.

So, Victor says that Miguel was heavily recruited by Wendsworth Academy to go play hockey, but Victor wouldn't let him go.

He said that he didn't trust the school to do right by his son.

Yeah, these prep schools can be pretty hardcore.

Max: Uh, you think?

Junior year at Fieldstone, my choral nemesis Stacy "Nosejob" Phillips sabotaged my Pippin audition by substituting my Corner of the Sky sheet music with Just No Time at All.

Your point?

Oh, brownie high. Sorry.

Point is, these schools condition the kids to compete for every test score, grade, award, you name it.

They might even compete for cornering the doobage market.

Billy: I was having the exact same thought.

Miguel is now dealing to his new fancy friends, so whoever the supplier was before him, has to take out the competition.

That kid from the laundromat, Carlos, said that Miguel wasn't dealing.

Well, forgive me if I don't take a g*ng member's word for it.

Theory's plausible.

Why don't you take a trip over and start with the principal?

(Scoffs) The way these privileged places work, we're not going to get anywhere.

We take one step on that campus, and every single student, teacher and administrator will lawyer up whether we're talking about m*rder, or an overdue library book.

So we shouldn't even try?

I hate it when mommy and daddy fight.

Max, walk away.

On it.

Maybe we locate some Wendsworth Academy parents first.

Attack it from a different angle.

Or we could take the captain's orders and talk to the principal.

Or I'll just go.

Athletics are an important component of Wendsworth Academy.

But guiding students to be ethical citizens of the world is our ultimate goal.

And Miguel was a shining light in that regard.

So, then I'm certain you can understand, Ms. Collinsworth, why we need access to his school record.

I can, detective.

But unfortunately we have a strict confidentiality policy in order to protect our students.

You'll have to speak with our legal representation.

You can tie me up for a day, or two.

I'm only gonna come back with a warrant.

A boy is dead, a father lost his son.

A father who had no idea his son was even enrolled in this school.

He deserves answers.

I apologize.

But we simply don't cut corners when it comes to protecting our reputation.

Am I keeping you?

In fact, you are.

I have to address a prospective parent-tour group.

You can let yourself out.


You called it. Plan B.

Collinsworth: Our students' achievements are undeniable.

And your children's achievements will also be undeniable.

I invite you tonight to our annual gala to meet our parents and faculty.

You will walk away inspired.

I'm pleased to introduce your tour guide, Tracy Dunn.

Tracy is homecoming queen, class president and has already been accepted early admission to Princeton.

(Softly) Ick.

The student lounge/cafe is a social gathering spot and, bonus, completely delish.

The smoothie bar to your right also serves as an espresso bar daily until second period.

Please help yourself to a sample.

Hi, Spencer.

Hey, babe.


Oh, score.

This school is amazing.

I'm just... wow! (Chuckles)

U.S. News & World Report said that we'd be in the top 15 universities in the world if we were a university.

You know, I believe that.

I have just got to get my sons into this school.

Hi, Tracy.


Listen, just between you and me...

My boys had a little problem last year.

(Inhales sharply)

Are there kids here who are into that?


I just wanna be sure to tell my two tokers who to stay away from.

(Indistinct talking)


He looks like a guy who could score some Blue-ribbon Marley.

Oh, that's slang for marijuana.

Phillip Johansson.

He gets medical grade Marley.

So, I've heard.

Everybody, come with me to finish the tour.

(School bell ringing)

I heard from, uh, someone that you're the guy to see about herbal relief.

No idea what you're talking about.

Something tells me that you'd be really fun to share that relief with.

(Chuckles) You say fun...

I'm a woman with bad intentions and even worse moral compass.

Did you see The Graduate?


Well, how do I know you're not a narc?

Have you ever seen 21 Jump Street?

I promise I'm no narc.

How about an overworked, underpaid mom?

And I'll help you out, if you know what I mean.


40 bucks.

That's outrageous!

Since when has a dime bag gone up 400%?

Inflation, babe.

Busted, babe.

You said you weren't a narc.



I'm calling my lawyer.

Good, then we can sit down and we can all talk about Miguel Santos.

What about him?

Where were you two nights ago when he was k*lled?

Home, probably playing Xbox with my brother.

Doesn't prove you weren't involved.

What happened? He started selling and infringe on your territory?

Miguel Santos selling bud? No way.

That kid was as straight arrow as it comes. He didn't even smoke.

How do you know?

They drug-test all the athletes here.

If they didn't, I'd be making twice of what I'm pulling in.

Most of 'em drink.

Miguel too?

Maybe. Would explain that rookie sexting thing.

What was that?

I heard he got busted for harassing some girl with texts.

He was on school probation for a week or so.

I'll look into that.

In the meantime, I am flushing every ounce of kuhubie you have down the precinct toilet and if I hear that you're selling again you're going to need an entire team of lawyers to keep you out of jail.

Hey. I thought we had a vibe going.

Say no to dr*gs, Phillip. It's warping your senses.

Talk to me.

Laura on phone: Miguel Santos recently got into some kind of trouble that put him on probation.

Any idea why?

Possibly drinking, but my source was unreliable to say the least.

Well, we need some reliable sources.

Way ahead of you.

What's the Diamond plan?

(Sighs) Dust off your tux. We got a big night ahead.

Why do you look so awesome, daddy?

Can't help it, kiddo.

Hey, we're gonna be late. I thought you said 7:00.

Then we'll be late.

(expl*si*n on TV)

(Kid laughing)

Harrison: What does it say?

Well, look at you.

I've been looking at me for the last hour, tweezing the bejesus out of my eyebrows, and a few other places that I won't mention.

Am I ever actually gonna find out what it is that we're doing?

(Sighs) We won't get anything if we go back in there as police.

But as prospective parents at the school gala, we have complete access.

If you say so.

Oh, please.

A gaggle of prep school moms plus alcohol equals gossip.

And there is a caviar bar. (Snickers)

Okay, did you bring the prop I texted you about?

Prop, that's what it's been reduced to.

It's all it is.

Still fits like a glove.

Aw! How about that? You can reuse it at your next wedding.

(Door bell rings)



Boys! Hey, who is ready to party Hardy? Yeah!

I got the entertainment.

Not happening.

Hey, I left the Dirty Harry's at home, I think.

School night, T-minus 30 minutes till brushing and bed.

Aye-aye, captain. Speaking of, look who's here.

Didn't expect this guy to be your date.

It's a work thing, it's not a date.

Yeah, I took Laura's mother on a date that wasn't a date.

Look how that ended up.

Yeah, with two kids and a divorce, that sounds about right.

Joke away, jokester!


Take it from me, (sighs) you two still make one snazzy couple.

You know what'll be fun? Family dinner, Sunday.



Family dinner, or something came up and I cannot babysit.

Oh, I have a terrible headache.

See you later, boys.


(Door closes)
5:30 would be good for me.

Okay, poker time! Tough guys, who's dealing?

Laura: Follow my lead.

What else is new?

(Indistinct talking)


Easy, cowboy.

Just playing my part.

Speaking of which, who are we?

Hi, Vanessa and Brooks Finley.

Oh, welcome. I'm Ally Davis and I'm so sorry about Justin.


Our son. Yes, it's, um...

It's unspeakably painful.

But I know lots of people who are here tonight are early decision at Columbia and still got accepted in spring.

Please. Keep him in your prayers.

(Upbeat music playing)


It reminds me of when we crashed that Persian wedding at the Plaza.

Oh, the Hakaka Affair. k*ller Shawarma.

Well, 11 o'clock.

Military posture, clip-on ties, gotta be the hockey coach. I'm moving in.

Copy that. I'll take the Neiman Marcus huddle.

(Clicks tongue)

But in a week, the kid was back at practice.

Meaning Miguel was exonerated?

I just thank the hockey gods we still had a shot at the championship.

As for exonerated, I don't ask questions.

Woman: Between home and Nantucket, she rides twice a week, maybe, but that doesn't mean that she is entitled to choose her own horse.

Woman 2: We got Sophia the Mercedes E series 'cause it's the safest.


But, when we didn't spring for the convertible, it was like we were those evil Harry Potter parents.


The Dursleys.

Harry's aunt and uncle, actually.


Mmm, I'm so sorry to interrupt.

My husband and I are school shopping, and it is just such a relief to find like-minded moms.

I mean, you would not believe some of the parents at these other places.

I mean, woof!

I will drink to that.

So, what is the story with diversity?

I do not want my boys sheltered.

Oh, we are very diverse. In fact, I heard a rumor that the Seinfelds might be transferring in.


So, how do these children assimilate?

I read that there was a tragedy with a troubled scholarship athlete.

Miguel Santos, he was k*lled on the street.

Not surprising, given the neighborhood that he came from.

And not surprising, right on the heels of a sexual as*ault charge.

What was that about?

It's been very hush-hush.

But it did go to the disciplinary council.

Incoming. DILF alert.





May I borrow you, sweetheart?

Mmm, not a problem.


Any dirt?

Oh, mud.

According to the Real Housewives of Hell on Earth, a student filed a sexual as*ault accusation against Miguel.

And according to my new BFF, Coach Tom, who just beat me in a beer-pounding contest only because I let him, the allegation was quickly reviewed and rejected.

Probably to get their star hockey player back out on the ice as quickly as possible.

So, if you're theorizing there was a cover-up...

Crossed my mind.

The accuser might be inclined to go after justice for herself.

Also crossed my mind.

Great minds.

So, there is only one way to find out.

I know what your mind is thinking. And, no.

How hard could it be, slipping into a school office?

We'll be just in and out.

Not one single thing we found would be admissible in a court.

"Inevitable discovery, Your Honor." Harmless error.

No grounds for reversal on appeal.

Did you go to law school when I wasn't looking?

Law & Order, baby. Don't leave home without it.



Slayerson and there's Ramos...

Santos. Santos!

Ah, it's just a cover page. "Unsubstantiated."

Hold on, check it out.

"Davis. A. Vs Santos. M."


Ally Davis?


That, um, nerd girl. She ran the table.

And if her accusation was ruled, "unsubstantiated"...

Well then maybe she took matters into her own hands?

(Door opening)

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Shh! Shh!

Oh, come on, back here. Back here.


Get a room, folks!




Late night?



So, what's the report?

(Sighs) All good.

We got a promising case in the lead. Reverse that.

Case shmace!

I'm talking about the report about you and you know who.

(Yawns) There is no report.

Ah, judging by your booze breath, drinks were involved.

What was it, a romantic nightcap?


You know, it's exactly how I betted that on your mother on that date that wasn't a date.

She got loose the second that Peppermint Schnapps hit her bloodstream.

It was unbelievable.

Dad, no, enough. There was no Schnapps.

I've moved on. Jake has moved on.

It is time you moved on.

(Sniffs) I don't think so.

What's that supposed to mean?

You two, it ain't over.

Oh. (Blowing raspberries)

Yeah, yeah, if you can't see it, then you are a little touched in the head.

And I did drop you on your head.

Goodbye, dad.

Good night, raggedy!


Sunday dinner.

Oh, yay!


(Door closes)

(Glass shatters)

(Dog barking)

Don't sh**t!

What are you doing?


How did you even get in here?

You gave your key back.

I made a spare.

What happened to your giving me my privacy?

This would appear to contradict that.

Give it back to me.

No, no, no. This is not happening.

This already happened. We made out in the closet.

We were faking.

You put your tongue in my mouth.

I'm a very good faker.

Well, I'm not. Laura...

I'm just gonna put it all out on the table.

This has been the worst year of my life.

I wake up every morning, I go to bed every night, wishing it could be back the way it was.

And tonight, for the first time, I had a hope.

Am I completely off-base here?

Do you not feel anything?

You have to stop messing with my ability to get over you.

I know that you scared off Alejandro.

Why are you throwing up obstacles, when all I want is to move on with my life?

Because, I'm still in love with you.

Of course, you are!

I'm as lovable as ever.

But you, on the other hand are just sexy.

And you smell good.

But you know what, that's the difference between men and women.

I am able to resist what might tempt me, but is, in fact a very, very, very bad idea.

You're bad for me, Jake. Go home.

(Jake snoring)



Get up, get up!



Oh, yeah.

Yeah? That's the best you got?


You're so far beyond whoops.

You've gotta get out of here right... right now!

Come on.

I'm going. Take it down a notch.

I will not. If the boys see you here, their confused little brains are gonna explode.

Oh, my God!


Ssh, it's... it's after 9:00.

Whoa, Nelly.



Are you just stopping by?

You could say that, I guess, uh, since my partner was an hour late for her shift, she wasn't answering her cell phone, but I can see that there's no cause for alarm, now.

Yeah. Not at all. (Sighs)

And there is no cause for this, uh, situation to be reported back to anybody, right?

Oh, anything you say, boss.

Can you give me a lift home so that I could change?

Wee-bit curious, don't you think?


What? Delightful!


A, Laura's mysteriously late.

B, captain's mysteriously late.

C, you are avoiding my eye line.

No, I'm not.

Hey there, you!

Sorry, it was a perfect storm.

Overslept, the boys couldn't find their stuff, no gas, bridge traffic.

Ah, you're late? Didn't notice.

So, wasn't someone trying to track down nerd girl?

Oh, we sent Meredith.

Oh, good call. Meredith speaks nerd.


Meredith: Ally, we know about the disciplinary hearing.

What happened between you and Miguel?


Then what was the hearing about?

This can be just between us.

Look, I know what high school can be like if you're not a rah-rah, cookie cutter, popular girl. I was an outsider.

Being into manga and DND did not exactly make me prom queen.

So, I know what boys can be like.

And girls.


Is it something a girl did?

I got a bunch of texts, dirty ones.

There were photos of boys'...

Mmm. Roger that.

Uh, anyway the messages said that they were from Miguel which is weird because he was nice.

I showed my guidance counselor and it became this whole thing.

But Miguel ended up proving he didn't do it.

How'd he do that?


Oh, as you detectives might say he had physical evidence that was inconsistent with the photos.

His junk didn't match.


So, you didn't try to exact revenge?

Of course not. In a way we were both victims.

They ever figure out who's really behind this?

Like you said, they like to g*ng up on the outsider.

I can't prove it but I bet it was someone trying to mess with my head before mid-terms.

Why would anyone do that?

It's all about graduating summa, getting into the Ivy of your choice.

I'm a good student and everything's graded on a curve, so the worse I did, the better chance someone else had of doing well.

Let's assume that Ally's right.

Why would the mystery sexter pretend to be Miguel?

He's an outsider, too. Could be just mean girls, jerk guys going after the easy targets.


Maybe, the disciplinary hearing had nothing to do with Ally.

And everything to do with Miguel.

How so?

Well, competition at these pressure cooker schools goes way beyond academics.

It's in theater like Max said in his really boring story.

Ah, it's in sports too.

So, Ally's midterm theory could actually be about hockey.

The coach did say that they were vying for a championship and Miguel was integral to their chances.

Should we be looking at a rival team?

I think we should be looking at a rival teammate.

Miguel first got sidelined by disciplinary council ruling.

Had it stuck, suddenly some benchwarmer from his own team would be starting in the big game.

Which would be attended by college scouts, big donor alumni who write influential letters of recommendation...


We need to find out who was in line to take over Miguel's position.

(Whistle blowing)

Coach: Let's go, let's go! Full speed!

Nice, keep your head up, keep your head up.

Come on, quickly, quickly, quickly!

Keep going, good.

Three passes now, three passes! Use your teammates. Good!

Use your teammates!

NYPD, coach. We'll need a minute.

Aren't you married to that dad I met at the gala?

It's complicated.

Miguel Santos, we understand that he was your starting goalie.


Who's your starting goalie now?

Spencer Schofield!

Hi, Spencer.

It says here you're a pretty good goalie, Spencer. Is that right?

I guess.

You guess? You're the new starter.

That makes you a pretty hot prospect to some fancy, white-bred, hockey loving university.

I don't know.

You don't know?

I think you know.

I think you know.

Me? I graduated from a public school.

Park east, uptown.

But even my regular people brain is... is buzzing on overdrive thinking why a kid like you would have a motive to get a kid like Miguel Santos out of the way?

So, I did a little research.

Checked out some of your recent debit card purchases and look what I found.

Highlighted it for you.

Easy electronics.

I know that place over on 42nd Street, Times Square.

Has a permanent "going-out-of-business" sign on the window.

Anyway, you purchased a disposable phone from there.

So, me being the resourceful guy that I am, I cross-checked that number with the number that Miguel Santos was supposedly using to text all that nasty stuff to poor Ally Davis.

And guess what I found, genius?

I didn't do it.

Didn't do what, Spencer?

'Cause you sure as hell bought that burner phone, and you sure as hell sent those texts.

Or know who did.

And I would bet my hard-earned money that anyone stupid enough to do something like this and stupid enough to leave a paper trail behind, is stupid enough to k*ll a kid thinking that it's gonna somehow help them to get into college!

Now, you got some explaining to do.

Or I'm gonna get your parents, I'm gonna get your principal, I'm gonna have your whole world coming crashing down on you.


I'm already into four schools, but I'm on the waiting list at Princeton.

The phone thing was just to get Santos benched so I could get some more ice time.

But when he was let off the hook, I let it go.

The night he was k*lled, I was at home studying.

My parents, the housekeeper, they'll all tell you. I'm innocent.

So you say, Spencer. Let's back it up.

(Speaker clicks off)

We could go to his mom and dad for the alibi, but he seems pretty confident.


'Cause it's not him.


What sold you?


The one school that he didn't get into?

I know someone who did.

And that's our k*ller?

Some people do whatever it takes to stay together.

Tracy: Bye-bye. Have a good one. Bye.

Hi, Tracy.

Oh, hi.

Did you want another tour?

No, the first one was obnoxious enough.

But I could use your help.

Oh, I forgot to mention.

Besides being a prospective parent, I'm also a cop.


Okay, here's the deal.

Some people in my precinct think that Miguel Santos was k*lled by your boyfriend, Spencer.

But Spencer and his family swear up and down that Spencer was home studying his little prep-school butt off when Miguel was k*lled.

Can you confirm that?

Yeah, I guess.

Why would you think it was anyone from school?

Miguel Santos was a pothead from a completely sketched neighborhood.

Shouldn't you be looking in the barrio?

Those are astute observations, Tracy. Thank you.

But, you know what's interesting, no one else has mentioned anything about Miguel being a pothead.

Not even Phillip, the campus pothead.

Well, that's what I heard. Someone said he was selling even.

Who exactly?

I don't know, just people. Did you even search his stuff?

I'm sorry, search for what?

Hello, for pot, money, whatever drug dealers would be carrying. God!

Look at you, Nancy Drew.

We did, and we found both those things.

$1500 and an eighth of marijuana which coincidently was the exact amount that you bought from my friend Phillip last week.

Imagine that?

Phillip is a drugged-out liar.

Well, I don't about that. But I do know that Phillip is a bit OCD.

See, he evens logs all of his sales and your name is in his log.

And your cell number is in received calls.

You can't make that up. You thought you had it all figured out.

Get Spencer into the big game, chances are the Princeton scout would like what he sees, and Spencer would be in off the waiting list, happily ever after.

But when the sexting charge didn't stick, clever you, put dr*gs and money into Miguel's bag and then ran him over, thinking that the cops would just write it off as another drug related m*rder.

But instead, it was a heartless rich-bitch related m*rder.

It wasn't a m*rder, it was an accident.

I was only trying to hurt him and I was totally amped up on ADHD meds to get through finals.

See, that I believe.

I'm sorry. I...

Well, you can apologize to your friends on the school disciplinary council.

But I'm guessing that the judge and the jury won't be so sympathetic.

(Indistinct shouting)


(Whistle blows)

His coach said Miguel was the best goalie he had seen in a decade.

If I had known, I could have stopped this.

Mr. Santos, what happened to your son, no one could have seen coming.

You can't blame yourself.

What you knew about him was what mattered the most, his character.

His English teacher gave this to me.

It's an essay about you. About how much you provided for him.

And how he hoped to one day do the same for you.

Might be why he ended up at this school.

Mr. Santos, you raised a good boy.

You raised a good man.

Why else would he be in her house?

I mean, the earth has shattered. It's officially shattered.


(Indistinct conversation)

What's with all the whispering and staring?

I didn't say anything.

Anything about what?

Anything about anything.

Oh, God.

I'm telling you...

They know. They all know.

They do?

Why do they know?

I may have run into Billy outside of your house.

(Whispering) It wasn't me. No, I didn't say it.

Nothing happened!

(Indistinct conversation)

(Dishes clattering)

This is nice. Isn't this nice?

Very, very nice.

There you go.



Okay, enough with the nice. Just eat.

Not to criticize, but what's with the brown spaghetti?

It's made from whole wheat.

Ugh! Why would someone do that to spaghetti?

It's unnatural, am I right?

Both: (In unison) Yeah!

All right, who's ready for some dessert?

Both: Me!

Oh, thank God!

They opened up this new bakery around the corner from my house that makes the most amazing brownies.

Now you're talking! Here, boys.

Jake: And...

Fat-free. I special ordered.


Some people will do whatever it takes to stay together.
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