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05x18 - Oh, What Hard Luck Stories They All Hand Me

Posted: 02/04/15 09:55
by bunniefuu
Announcer: Previously on Pretty Little Liars...

You guys seriously think Mona's body's in that barrel?


That storage unit was rented in Hannah's name 4 months ago.

Three acceptance letters. Aren't you gonna open them?

When I made that comment about Ezra being cute...


I said it because I'm interested in you.

Looks like they recorded every one of her sessions.

Wait, are we stealing this stuff?

We're borrowing it.

What are you saying?

If we stay together, you might grow to resent me.

Hanna: Why would you tell Toby about the storage unit?

Spencer: I didn't.

Well, then how come he and Tanner showed up there today?

Because Holbrook broke into your computer, Hanna.

He knew that you were going to the storage unit.

You screwed yourself by going in there.

If those drops of blood match her DNA, your friends will be the first people I bring in for a questioning.

What was in the barrel?

I can't talk about it.

Can Toby tell you if it was human remains in that drum?

They don't know.

But even if he did, he probably wouldn't tell me.

Are you guys okay?

We are some distance removed from okay.

I'm sorry.

I know why he joined the police force.

I encouraged him.

He's the most honorable person that I know and it's like now this is tearing him apart.

I'm tearing him apart.

Is that your mom?

Yeah, that's her.

Lawyers working on a Saturday, that's serious.

My mom says you get more with a smile than with a subpoena.

What is she trying to get from them?

Those two are Ali's defense team.

My mom is a paid strategical consultant.

Your mom's helping Ali's defense?

No, not helping, just consulting.

She'll get more out of them than they will out of her.

Okay, but why is she even doing it at all?

Because she wants to know what they know.

Such as?

Such as who gets called to testify.


Wish me luck.



Ezra in there?

No. He's in Harrisburg for the weekend.


You didn't know?

No, I knew. I just forgot.

You forgot? Or he forgot to tell you?

I forgot.

Just give me 2 minutes, please. I have to try to fix this.

There's nothing to fix.

Don't say that.

Spence, you were right.

I was?

Yeah. I thought about it.

And I thought about it in the tub for so long, my fingers started to look like prunes.

It was a bad idea, trying to get that stuff out of the storage space.

I panicked.

Panic's a bitch.

I just hope I didn't make things incredibly worse.

You're not pruney anymore.

I moisturized.


Are we good?

We're good.

Maybe not so good.

Aria: Oh, my God, it's Holbrook.

So much for family emergencies and special assignments.

What is Holbrook doing back here after all this time?

Aria: Ali probably wants him torturing us in close range.

Forget about torturing, she wants to take us down with her.

Emily: He was doing such a good job.

Why bring him out in the open?


♪ Got a secret, can you keep it? ♪
♪ Swear this one you'll save ♪
♪ better lock it in your pocket ♪
♪ taking this one to the grave ♪
♪ if I show you, then I know ♪
♪ you won't tell what I said ♪
♪ 'cause two can keep a secret ♪
♪ if one of them is dead ♪

Why bring Holbrook out in the open like that?

So we know he's here, to scare us without doing anything.

It's pretty passive aggressive.

And "a" is aggressive aggressive.

Well, Ali probably wants people inside that building for the same reason your mom is making chummy with Ali's lawyers.

Inside information.

I'll be right back.

Guys, Ali is going to be tried and she is going to be convicted.

The closer we get to the trial, the more desperate she's going to get.

And the more dangerous.

(Cell phone rings)

It's Caleb.



You moving in?

No, I'm still at the barn.

So what's all this then?

Ezra liked what I did for the opening.

So he asked me what else I could come up with.

I told him I'd give him something no one else had.

A commission?

A $200 commission.


What's it going to be?

The only way to find out is for you to help me build it.

Really? I'm kind of busy.

I don't have any time right now.

Oh, I guess you'll never know what it does.

Spencer, we have to talk.



Good morning.

Are you feeling better?


Um, Ezra left a note saying you called in yesterday.

Oh. I wasn't sick.

I just had to take care of something.


The police called Caleb.

They want to re-interview him about the storage space, asking if he saw anyone there acting suspicious.

Aside from you? Aria, you're not helping.

Okay? They're going to call me next. I know it.

They're just trying to make you nervous.

Well, it's working.

(Cell phone rings)

You better answer it.


Hey, what can I get for you?

Actually, I'm looking for someone.

Hanna Marin?

Why are you looking for Hanna Marin?

Mrs. Vanderwaal said I might find her here.

My name is Lesli. I was a friend of Mona's.

I'm still having really hard time believing what happened.

So are we.

I was supposed to see her at Thanksgiving.

I was there, with her mom, when they called.

They didn't say she was dead.

They're not allowed to tell you that over the phone.

They just said that something had happened and she had to come back to Rosewood.

Did you know Mona a long time?

We met a couple of summers ago, at her grandparents' place.

I don't remember seeing you at the memorial service.

I had exams and a professor who won't reschedule for anyone or anything.

But you're here now.

Just for the weekend.

With that awful girl's trial coming up, Mrs. Vanderwaal needs all the support she can get.

You girls were there for Mona and her mom, and I wasn't.

I want to thank you for that.

Whoever Lesli is, we need to keep an eye on her.

You don't suppose she could be who she says she is, do you?

Sure. She could be.

But the last time somebody's old friend came up to us in the brew it was CeCe.

Just go over there and say hi to Mona's mom.

Spencer, I'm at the police station.

Can't you feel the police vibrations coming at you through the phone?

Okay, but when you leave the police station, just go talk to Lesli.

Just make sure that she does most of the talking.

Hanna, I really got to go, okay? But you're gonna be fine.



(Camera shutter clicks)

(Car door closes, alarm remote chirps)

Hi, mom.


I saw you talking to Holbrook today.

Yes, he's back.

That special assignment all done?

I wouldn't worry about Holbrook.

Why not?

You and I have something else to discuss.

Where did you get those?

These are acceptance letters from colleges I didn't even know you were considering.

How do you know that they're acceptance letters, mom?

I never even opened them.

They reject you with a one-page letter.

Saying "yes" requires more paperwork.

I don't... I just applied so that I would have more options and then I changed my mind.

About what?

Spencer, we have to stay focused.

You are going to go to college.

I'm starting to think maybe it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if I didn't.

Sweetheart, you have been thinking about college since the first grade.

And maybe I should have been thinking about something else.

You have to keep your future properly aligned.

Then I'll go to a chiropractor.

I am doing everything possible to keep you from getting dragged into Alison's trial.

You staying on course with college is part of that.

Have I made myself clear?

Yes, ma'am.

My mom's gonna be here in a couple of minutes.

How is your mom?

She's got a lot going on.

She doesn't need this.

Do you think she's going to marry Ted?

Doesn't matter what I think.

It matters what she wants.

Caleb, I had a bad thought.

You know that video of me and you that "a" used to trap Spencer and Aria, what if the cops get a hold of it?

Well, we'll burn that bridge when we come to it.

At least it won't happen again.

I've locked out remote access to all of our computers.

Nobody can tap those cameras again.

Hanna, there's nothing connecting us to that busted lock besides bad timing, and they can't arrest you for that.

Not yet.

Holbrook: This department has screwed up the investigation from the start.

And now you're trying to blame it on me?

You have no idea what's really going on here, do you?

Not a clue!

(Door slams)


Just perfect.

My mom is giving strategic advice to Ali's defense team and they're sharing all kinds of information with her about the case, which includes who's been visiting Ali in jail.

There's a copy of the visitors' log-in.

I took a picture. Is Hanna's name on the list?

Yeah, but that's not the name that's worrying me.


No, that-that's gotta be a mistake.

How many Mike Montgomerys do we know?

Even if that is true, he must have had a good reason.

I mean, Alison k*lled his girlfriend.

He was probably just, I don't know, going there to spit in her eye.


But then why didn't he mention he was doing it?

I don't know, but there's got to be a good explanation.

If there is an explanation, you're the only one in a place to get it.

They suspended Holbrook?

For inappropriate behavior.

What kind of inappropriate behavior?

Take your pick.

Noodling with a witness?

Letting Cyrus get away?

Caleb heard the cops talking about how Holbrook tampered with the lie detector test.

And that was the straw that broke the Chameleon's back.

Well, if the cops are onto him, that's one less thing we have to worry about.

You wouldn't say that if you saw the way he looked at me.

Ali may have been leading him around by the nose, but I think he blames us for what happened to him.

Yeah, I wish it didn't, but that makes an awful lot of sense.

Hey, you know what?

Call Aria and Spencer.

I have to go keep an eye on the new girl in town.


(Dialing phone)

(Line out ringing)

(Line out ringing)


Man (In movie): Little girl!


What's this?

Mona had this list of movies she wanted to show me.

I thought I'd look at a couple.

How's that going?

Okay, I guess.

It was a long time before I could even look at her list, and here I am.

Yeah, Mona liked her movies.


I think she remembered every movie she ever saw.

Not just the plot, but details... All these little details.

It was amazing.

She was very smart.

Too smart.

Man: Honey.

What's your name?

Who do you belong to?

She told me about this book.

She said her grandfather got it for her and he'd read to her from it and scare the hell out of her.

Mrs. Vanderwaal said that you were trying to find me.

Not just you, the others.


That's a funny question.

You were friends of Mona's.

Well, Lesli, if you really knew Mona well, you would know that what was between all of us was a lot more complicated than going to the mall and tweeting photos of shoes that we wanted.

I know.

But in spite of all that, she really cared about you.

You were all very precious to Mona.

You do realize there is more than one Mona inside of her, right?

That's what I liked about her.

Most girls have trouble keeping two thoughts in their mind at the same time, but Mona was thinking every second.

"And though my heart be broken here is a ring as a token that I am happy now.

Would God I could awaken.

For I dream, I know not how.

And my soul is sorely shaken.

Lest the dead who is forsaken may not be happy now."

Why do you like this stuff?

I love this stuff.

It's like maple syrup, all sticky and sweet.

And creepy.

It's the creepy part that makes it fun.

Okay, you've got three wishes.

What do you want? And you can't wish for more wishes.

I don't like wishing games. They just remind you of what you don't have.

Oh, you are such a thud.

What's the point of breaking your shell if you turn into such a dull omelet?

You make better wishes anyway.

That's true.

I would wish for a stopwatch.

A stopwatch?

So when you press down on the stem, not only does the watch stop, but all time stops.

Everything freezes and you can walk around and take anything you want from the stores and go into people's houses, even when they're there and spy on them.

You would have all the control and nobody would ever know it was you.

They wouldn't even know they were being controlled.

That'd be the best part.

Mona was always thinking.

She just wasn't thinking what we thought she was thinking.



Don't mention it.

Hey, man.


What's that going to be?

It's like a perpetual motion machine, powered by secrets.

There's plenty of those around here.

And so I've noticed.
Oh. Hey, Mike.


Lesli, this is Mike, Aria's brother.

Oh, Mike, it's so nice to meet you.

Mona talked about you all the time.

She's staying with Mrs. Vanderwaal.

I can see that.

You can?

That belongs to Mona.

I know. We were just looking at it in her room.

In her room?

I know it sounds silly, I just wanted it with me for a little while.

Does her mom know you took that?

Mike, it's not like we took it.

Is her mom giving away her stuff now? Is that what's happening?

No, that's not what's happening.

Then give me the book.


I'm taking it back to where it belongs.

It's okay.

No, Hanna, it's not okay.

You can't take everything apart like you want her to disappear.

Hand it over.

Mike, I'll make sure the book goes back to where it belongs.

Okay? I promise.

I'm sorry.

Mike and Mona were pretty serious before it all happened.

What's the matter?

I don't want to make trouble for anyone.

The night before Mona was k*lled, we were talking on the phone and in the middle of it, someone came up to her and told her to hang up and talk to him.

He sounded pretty upset.

I'm pretty sure it was Mike.

She said she would call me back, but she never did.

Didn't anybody tell you it was Saturday?

Well, I got to work on my academic cred.

Because of Hanna?

She keeps surprising you, doesn't she?

All those hidden smarts.

I don't want to get left in the dust.

Though I should probably be focusing on criminal law.

Is it going to make a difference now that Holbrook is suspended?


Someone like that can cause a lot of trouble from the sidelines, too.

How's that new situation going?

Still very new.

What's up?

Ali's going on trial for m*rder.

She's trying to bring us all down with her, and I keep trying to figure out if a girl is flirting with me or not.

Well, in the middle of the w*r, you have to remember what you're fighting for.

What answer do you want to hear?

Flirting or non-flirting?

I don't know what I want.

I mean, I know what I want.

I just don't know what I want.

Scary thing is, that makes perfect sense to me.

How does anybody get together with anybody?

Well, you take a calm, clear look at everything and you work it out logically in your head.

And then, you flip a coin.


You believe what she said?

Lesli did talk to Mona.

I asked Mrs. V.

She said Mona mentioned the call.

But it probably doesn't mean anything.

He's just sad and angry.


Mike went to visit Alison in jail.

He did what?

Spencer found out.

Mike got in a fight with Mona the night before she died and now he's going to visit the person who k*lled her?

Well, it sounds really bad when you say it like that.

Well, have you talked to him?

I tried.

But I don't know, I couldn't get the words out of my mouth.

Even if you can't talk to him, you have to figure out what's going on.


Are you gonna tell me what this thing does?

You're smart, you can figure it out.

I don't want to figure it out. I just want to know.

Analyze that sentence, Spencer, it's very revealing.

It's a gelato maker.

That's right, that's what it is.

Shut up.

Where did you get this?

In the barn.

There are still a couple of those around town.

You see them on old telephone poles with the missing dog and cat flyers.

They're a little faded, but you can tell what they are.

Your friend is just about mythic in this town.

She's not my friend anymore.

She's still legendary. Gilgamesh in high heels.

She's more like a Vishnu.

"Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds."

Some grim stuff to hang on a pretty girl with a nice smile.

How do you go from that to sitting in jail for k*lling someone?

It's complicated.

Or else it's simple and we just thought that it was complicated.

Phillips-head screwdriver, please.


Maybe you shouldn't have told Aria about Mike.

He's her brother, she deserves to know.

I just don't want to get him into any trouble.

Mike will be fine. He's a good guy.

I hope so.

I'm going to help Mrs. Vanderwaal with her tea.

Okay, I'm right behind you.

The stopwatch.

All the time it was stopped, you'd be getting older, but nobody else would.

I'd fix that.

Well, how would you fix it?

Fix it so everyone else would get old, but not me.

Well, when they notice that you weren't getting older?

That would be their problem.

Suppose Alison came back a long time from now, will we recognize her?

We'd recognize her.

What if she changed her hair and the way she looked?

What if she wanted to come back in disguise just to check up on us?

Even if she did come back, she wouldn't recognize us.

She'd come back to a town full of strangers who'd have forgotten all about her.

And then she'd go crazy and they'd throw her into Radley, and no one ever gets out of there.

God, Mona, don't say that.

It's just another scary story, Hanna.

Like in the book.

Just a story.

Go to sleep.


(Door closes)

What do you think?

Is it finished?

Of course it is.

You can't tell?

That's a very sour look.

Be careful, your face might freeze like that.

Will you finally tell me what this thing does?

Sit down.

You see these two buttons?

Put your elbows on them, lean forward.

Now cup your hands around your ears.

You're kidding.

I never kid.

I'm whimsical, but I never kid.

Stay there.

This is ridiculous.

The owl and the p*ssy-cat went to sea in a beautiful pea-green boat.

The microphone is attached to a pair of sound drivers in the table, like the inside of a speaker.

Whenever you rest your elbows on the buttons, the drivers vibrate the ulna and the radius in each arm and the bones in your hands, turning them into headphones.

You just became a human tuning fork.

Oh, my God.

What do you think?

It's not bad for $200, right?

That's incredible!

People turn on the microphone and anonymously record any secret they want to with the understanding that someone, a stranger, is going to sit at this table and listen to a random whisper.

This is brilliant.

Seriously, this is... this is genius.

Just some anatomy and applied engineering...


Yeah, come to think of it, it is genius.


Where did you come up with this idea?

I was inspired by Rosewood.

By Rosewood?

This whole town is strung together with whispers.

If you were really impressed, you'd buy me coffee.

I thought you said that Alison cleared all the Radley material from Mona's house.

That's what we thought. But she hid this one.

She didn't keep it with the others.

Well, let's find out why.

Bethany: She's a bitch.

Therapist: Let's try to find other words.

Bethany: She's an evil bitch.

Therapist: Bethany.

Bethany: I don't mean nasty or rude.

I mean evil, without a soul.

You could be the nicest person in the world...

She gets them to do whatever she wants.

Five minutes with her you'd drown a bag of kittens if she asked.

Two minutes, if you're a man.

Therapist: If you're having destructive thoughts...

Bethany: Not destructive, self-defense.

It's me or her. She's not the only one who can make plans.

What the hell was that?

That was Bethany.

And she's talking about Alison, right?

Let's listen to the whole thing.

Nice night.

Yeah, it's getting kind of chilly though.

Why'd you follow me out here?

Why did you visit Alison in jail?

You did, didn't you?

That's none of your business.

Did you want to confront her about Mona?

Were you looking for some kind of closure?

Ali's dangerous, Mike.

Even in a cage, she's really dangerous.

Don't ever go back there again.

Nobody is giving me orders anymore.

You stop following me.

I don't ever want to see you out here again.


How many times have you been out here?

How many trick-or-treat bags have you left?

Who are you leaving those for?

Be careful going home through the woods.



Why are you working in here?

You could just use the den.

Hmm, that was your father's space.

I don't feel comfortable working in there.

Where were you?

Um, I was just helping out Jonny at the brew.

I'm starting to have second thoughts about him.

Don't. I really like the way his mind works.

I hate to see young people like that squander their potential.

I don't really think Jonny sees it that way.

Talking to him, is that what has you thinking about not going to college?

Mom, I'm not not thinking about going to college, okay?

I'm just thinking.

Spencer, your future won't wait.

Do you remember what you wanted to do with your life when you were my age?

And don't say, "be a lawyer."

I did not want to be a lawyer.

Then please, just do me a favor and try for, like, 10 seconds, just try to remember what that felt like.

(Cell phone rings)

Yes, Ralph.

Spencer, wait.

Yeah. It'll have an impact.

I just don't know what.


Thank you.

There's been a leak from the prosecutor's office.

What kind of leak?

They're still analyzing the contents of the barrel from the storage space, but they have a match on the blood spots.

Mona's blood?



(Music playing on car stereo)

(Siren whoops)


♪ Walk on the sun and beat your own drum ♪
♪ if you got something to say ♪
♪ you got to shout, you got to yell ♪
♪ if you got something to say ♪
♪ take what you want and get what you need ♪
♪ and run away with it all ♪
♪ out with the old and in with the new ♪
♪ you're gonna break down every wall ♪
♪ the party's on and we've wait long enough ♪
♪ won't you come on ♪
♪ put your hands up ♪
♪ put your hands up ♪
♪ are you a rebel? Are you a rebel? ♪
♪ Show them your hip shake ♪
♪ show them the rules are meant to break ♪
♪ are you a rebel? Are you a rebel? ♪
♪ Are you a rebel? ♪

Hello, Hanna.


They suspended you.

Why do you have this car?

I haven't gotten around to turning it in.

You're gonna report me?

I might get in trouble for that.

Let go of me. Now!

I just want to ask you a question first.

How does a girl like Alison become a girl like Alison?

She's had years of practice.

I had a career.

The start of one.

I don't have that anymore.

I'm finished because of her.

You could have said no.

You didn't have to do all of her dirty work, cleaning out all that junk in the storage space, trying to k*ll Spencer, Aria and Caleb.

No, you're getting me mixed up with the wrong fall guy.

I spent the last few weeks locked up in a hotel with a couple of old-timers from internal affairs.

You don't believe me?

Ask Tanner.

Tanner knows everything.

Wait a minute.

She cut me off.


Did Alison tell you to kiss me?

Oh, she did, didn't she?


You don't get to play the victim here.

You're the grown-up police officer. She's just a girl.

If Ali really did cut you off, congratulations.

You don't know how lucky you are.

♪ Put your hands up, put your hands up ♪
♪ are you a rebel? Are you a rebel? ♪
♪ Show them your hip shake ♪
♪ show them the rules are meant to break ♪
♪ are you a rebel? Are you a rebel? ♪
♪ Are you a rebel? Are you a rebel? ♪

I thought you left.

I was just looking at this.

Do you know what it's supposed to do?

Jonny said it was about catching whispers.

I wonder how it works.

He told me.

I can show you?


Okay. Sit down.

Put your elbows here.

Lean forward and cup your ears with your hands.

Okay, stay like that.

(Clears throat)

It works like this.

I say something in here...

And it travels up the bones in your arms and into your ears.

Like I was right next to you, whispering.

I should have said something that night, but I didn't.

I guess I was surprised.

I've been thinking about it ever since, About what you said.

It's like you were asking me to decide something right then and I couldn't do that.

I mean, you don't know anything about me, really.

And I don't know anything about you.

Except, I know you're good at what you do.

Really gifted.

I know that sometimes that makes things lonely.

I know what that's like.

To be alone.

To be lonely.

Maybe I read too much into situations and what people say.

Don't think so.

I think you're a very good judge of a situation.

So the other night...

The other night, it took all the courage I had to say what I said.

I don't believe that.

A chef once told me to cook with the confidence of experience, even if you don't have much of either.

It's late.

Where's Emily?

I don't know.

Her phone's still going straight to voice-mail.

Are you sure about this?

You guys, Holbrook doesn't know half the stuff we thought he did.

We've been barking up the wrong henchman.

So somebody else has been helping Ali.

Yes, somebody we don't know.

Or somebody we'd never suspect.

Aria, we all know what Ali's capable of.

Yeah, okay, and I know my own brother.

He went to see her in jail and he won't tell you why.

And what if he goes back?

What if he's the way that she's still moving stuff around?

He's not gonna go back.

How can you be sure?

Because I told him not to.

The stuff that Bethany was saying on the tape about other people making plans, what does that mean?

It means that what happened in Ali's backyard was a trap.

Okay, but who set the trap for who?

Bethany: She's a bitch.

Therapist: Let's try to find other words.

Bethany: She's an evil bitch.

Therapist: Bethany.

Bethany: I don't mean nasty or rude.

I mean evil, without a soul.

You could be the nicest person in the world...

She gets them to do whatever she wants.

Five minutes with her, you'd drown a bag of kittens if she asked.

Two minutes, if you're a man.

Therapist: If you're having destructive thoughts...

Bethany: Not destructive, self-defense.

It's me or her. She's not the only one who can make plans.